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Helminths in dogs. Helminthiasis is the most common and very dangerous disease of dogs. Signs and symptoms

Part 1

Identifying symptoms

    Roundworms. Almost all dogs, including puppies, at one time or another in their lives become infected with roundworms, the most common type of worms in dogs. Puppies are especially susceptible to infection with roundworms, which are often passed on to them from their mother in the womb or through milk. Eating small animals, such as mice, also often leads to infection. Often the presence of roundworms is not accompanied by any noticeable signs, although in the case of a serious infection the puppy may experience following symptoms:

  1. Part 2

    Prevention of worm infection

      Give your puppy preventive medications. When fighting worms it is extremely important role prevention plays a role. Giving your puppy preventive medications monthly will help prevent heartworm infections and keep your pet healthy and well.

      Maintain your pet's hygiene. Proper hygiene is another key factor in preventing worm infestation. Cleaning up your puppy's chair and keeping the house clean and personal plot, you will minimize the risk of helminth infection.

      Make sure your pet doesn't have fleas. Worms are often transmitted through fleas. Use flea products to prevent heartworm infestations.

Eggs and larvae are everywhere. They are:

  • in water and soil;
  • in the grass and on the body of other animals;
  • in fleas and ticks, which are carriers (intermediate hosts) of helminths.

When a dog runs down the street, it sniffs and licks objects and can come into contact with infected relatives. Through the gastrointestinal tract, larvae and eggs enter and develop in the intestines into adults. Then they lay eggs, some of which are carried into the bloodstream, and others are released with the animal’s feces. After a dog defecates, worm eggs remain on the fur around the anus.

Types of worms in dogs

Canine Toxocara (Ascaris) can be transmitted to puppies at the intrauterine development, since eggs and larvae are able to penetrate the placenta. Infection is also possible through breast milk. Adult animals become infected by eating the meat of intermediate hosts - sheep, pigs, birds, rodents, which contain helminth larvae.

Cucumber tapeworm infects dogs when they accidentally ingest an infected flea containing worm eggs.

Dog whipworm eggs develop in moist soil, so animals run the risk of becoming infected by running on wet grass.

The broad tapeworm, like the cucumber tapeworm, is a type of tapeworm. But unlike it, it reaches enormous sizes (up to 15 m) and is the most long worm, which can live inside a dog. Infection occurs by eating infected fish.

In filariae, the intermediate hosts are insects (mosquitoes, midges, horseflies, midges), so a dog can be infected after their bites. This superfamily also includes heartworms, as well as other heartworms, which most often live under the skin. The greatest danger is observed in regions of distribution of such insects that are carriers.

A dog can become infected with Echinococcus by eating meat from an infected animal (livestock).

Found in dogs and different types trematodes, in particular, liver flukes (cat fluke, Chinese fluke) Alaria alata, Japanese schistosome, etc. A dog can become infected with them by eating raw fish, tadpoles, or drinking contaminated water.

While many worms are difficult to distinguish from each other, each of them has some distinctive characteristics, which allow you to determine the type of worm:

Experts can determine the type of worm by the structure of its egg. This can only be done under a microscope.

There are several types of worms that feel great in a dog’s body:

  • Roundworms;
  • Toxocars;
  • Hookworms;
  • Borage;
  • Heartworms (heartworms);
  • Echinococcus;
  • Wide tapeworm;
  • Siberian fluke.


An owner who is not too attentive may think that his pet simply ate the thread.

Once in the intestines, the shell of the eggs is destroyed, and the helminth larvae begin their journey throughout the dog’s body. In search of oxygen, they reach the lungs, and then return to the intestines, where they lay eggs. Undiagnosed ascariasis in time causes sad consequences - adult helminths form tangles in the intestine that completely block its lumen and can even rupture it, which will lead to the death of the animal.

In domestic dogs, the most common representative of this class is borage (cucumber tapeworm). The disease caused by it is called dipylidia. In the intestines of an animal, the worm can grow up to several tens of centimeters. Prefers to live in small intestine, where it feeds, enlarges and “buds off” capsules containing eggs from the lower part of the body. Infection occurs through fleas or through communication with other relatives.

Flukes (flatworms)

In the body of dogs, this type of helminth is represented by the Siberian fluke. This is a fluke disease-causing opisthorchiasis. Infection occurs when an animal eats insufficiently heat-treated or raw fish.

Worm infestations are dangerous for pets at any age and condition.

TO general symptoms, characteristic of any type of helminthic infestation, include:

  • Weakening of the immune system;
  • Depressed state;
  • Dull coat;
  • Pallor of mucous membranes.

If you observe such symptoms in a dog, then most likely uninvited “guests” have settled in its body. By carefully monitoring the condition of your pet, you can try to determine where the helminths are localized and what type they are.

Roundworms, hookworms and toxocaras. An adult dog, usually with a strong immune system long time does not react in any way to such neighbors. But for puppies, infection with these helminths, if left untreated, is usually fatal. Roundworms grow quickly and very quickly become crowded in the intestines of a small dog. The consequence of this is often the migration of worms to other organs or rupture of the intestinal walls. Symptoms of the early stages of such helminthiasis:

  • Loss of appetite;
  • Digestive disorders, alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • Exhaustion;
  • Restless sleep;
  • Apathy.

Puppies have a swollen tummy, they lag behind in development and stop gaining weight. It is not uncommon to see worm eggs or even live and dead adults in the stool.

  • Cough;
  • Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing;
  • Oppression;
  • Disturbances in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Feverish state;
  • Malfunction of the heart muscle;
  • Sometimes, cramps;
  • High fatigue;
  • Swelling.

The larvae of this worm travel through the bloodstream through organs, causing short-term disruptions in their functioning.

Cucumber tapeworm. This tapeworm- a frequent guest among pets, as it is carried by fleas, which are extremely difficult to kill. The disease can be completely asymptomatic and the presence of this long guest in the dog’s intestines can be indicated to the owner by characteristic inclusions in the feces.

  • Digestive disorders;
  • Atypical behavior caused by pain in the intestines;
  • Signs of intoxication;
  • Salivation;
  • Nervousness;
  • Trying to scratch my butt on the floor.
  • Fever;
  • Signs of intoxication;
  • Vomit;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Yellowness of the eye sclera and mucous membranes;
  • Behaviors that signal abdominal pain.

Symptoms of worms in adult dogs and puppies

How can you tell if your puppy has worms? There is a whole list of signs, the detection of which can almost certainly indicate that the dog is infected with worms:

  • the puppy grows slowly and is significantly behind its peers in growth;
  • the dog has normal or even increased appetite. However, she still remains quite thin. From time to time the dog experiences causeless vomiting or diarrhea;
  • in the animal's feces you can see blood, mucus, or even the worms themselves. Sometimes constipation is observed, the cause of which is a ball of worms accumulated in the intestines;
  • The puppy's belly is very swollen and often growls. During diagnosis, an enlarged liver may be noticeable, as well as lung damage;
  • If the worm infestation is strong enough, the animal’s appetite gradually decreases. The puppy becomes lethargic skin turn pale. There may be a tendency to dermatitis and other skin diseases.

Symptoms and signs

Many of the symptoms of infection are general and nonspecific. Thus, difficulties arise in diagnosing worms. First of all, you need to look for worms in the stool. Sometimes, even in the absence of symptoms, they can be detected in this way and usually by chance.

Helminthiasis can sometimes be suspected due to respiratory symptoms – cough, discharge from the eyes and nose. Certain roundworms and flukes clog blood vessels, heart or lungs (heartworms). This may cause coughing, heavy or rapid breathing, and lack of energy. Due to a bleeding disorder, some dogs begin to bleed uncontrollably even after minor injuries. Sometimes such invasions lead to death.

You can pay attention to the dog's physique. After all, worms, especially tapeworms, absorb nutrients from the animal’s body, which leads to sudden weight loss.

Any of these signs require an immediate visit to the veterinarian. Although treatment can be expensive, it increases the chances of a favorable outcome.

If adult helminths are found in the cat’s feces, everything is clear. Usually these are thin spaghetti-like specimens, single or in the form of a ball. Most often these are roundworms, and you need to contact your veterinarian for advice and treatment prescriptions.

If there are pieces that look like rice or cucumber grains near the cat's anus, these are often particles of tapeworms. Migrating eggs emerge from the cat's anus. They can remain on the animal's fur or on the bedding. If you see a similar picture, then you also need to contact a specialist for help.

If your animal starts vomiting and you find adult helminths in it, this indicates a high degree of infestation and in this situation the most the right decision You will need to see a doctor immediately, because this condition is life-threatening for your pet.

TO indirect signs This mainly refers to changes in the appearance of the animal, as well as a decrease in appetite or its exacerbation; perverted appetite or caprophagia may be observed.

On Internet forums dedicated to pets, owners often ask how to tell if a cat has worms. There are many signs of infestation. If you have suspicions, get tested at the clinic and consult a veterinarian.

Appropriate prevention will be an excellent method of maintaining the health of your beloved pet. It is advisable to give your cat anthelmintic medications at least once every six months. Your veterinarian will tell you about the dosage and frequency of treatments during your appointment.

  • type of helminths;
  • places of their localization;
  • the general health of the animal at the time of infection, its age and size;
  • duration of infection.

General signs characteristic of any type of invasion include:

  • general depressed state;
  • perversion, significant decrease or complete lack of appetite;
  • dull, falling out fur;
  • accumulation of dried crusts in the corners of the eyes without signs of inflammation;
  • indigestion with signs of diarrhea, constipation and vomiting;
  • signs of intestinal obstruction;
  • a sharp decrease in immunity;
  • bloating and barrel-shaped abdomen;
  • detection of blood in stool;
  • obvious signs of anemia (whiteness of mucous membranes and skin);
  • infected kittens from the same litter lag behind healthy ones in development and growth;
  • convulsions from intoxication of the body;
  • detection of worms or their fragments in vomit or feces.
  • bloating and rounding of the abdomen;
  • signs of dehydration;
  • changes in appetite;-
  • frequent vomiting with detection of worms;
  • diarrhea;
  • deterioration of coat condition.
  • pronounced anemia;
  • bleeding in the intestines;
  • bloody diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain, pain when palpated;
  • Kittens can die.
Trematodes (or lungworms)
  • cough (frequent and deep, not like coughing);
  • obvious chest wheezing;
  • increased body temperature;
  • decreased or lack of appetite.
  • rash and irritation around the animal's anus;
  • finding small white worms in the stool and protruding from the anus;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • complete refusal to eat.
  • cough that turns into vomiting;
  • wheezing (wheezing) and sometimes difficulty breathing;
  • sudden emaciation of the animal;
  • general depression and lethargy;
  • sudden death without other clinical signs is possible.
Stomach worms
  • lethargy and general depression;
  • weight loss due to loss of interest in food;
  • vomiting (sometimes with worms or their fragments).

The most striking symptoms of worms are observed in kittens due to weak immune system and general body resistance. Death from worm infection is also most often observed in small animals.

Therefore, it is very important to regularly preventive actions, it is planned to “drive” worms, fight blood-sucking insects, make sure that the pet eats only high-quality food and does not pick up food on the street.

The appearance of helminthiasis in dogs can occur at any age. The disease is most difficult for small puppies to tolerate. If treatment is not started on time, death is possible.

Most pet breeds need daily walk on the street, so it will not be possible to get rid of worms forever. All medicinal and preventive measures are aimed at reducing the degree of infection and improving the health of the pet.

Dogs can get worms into their bodies in several ways:

  • during a walk, she can drink water from a puddle, lick objects, and eat the remains of found food;
  • may appear from insects living in wool (ticks, fleas);
  • contact with other infected dogs;
  • from an adult female to her puppies.

Signs of illness

What worms inhabit pets, how many species can there be? There are a wide variety of types of worms in dogs. All of them can be divided into three main groups.

How can you tell if your puppy has worms? Some signs of worms indicate their 100% presence. Symptoms of worms in a pet are as follows:

What should alert the cat owner first:

  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • if constipation gives way to diarrhea;
  • vomiting or retching;
  • appearance in the area anus itching;
  • particles of worms appear in the stool;
  • there is blood or mucus in the stool;
  • the cat's tummy is swollen or unnaturally round;
  • weight loss;
  • change in mood when eating (absence or increase);
  • cough;
  • breathing may be difficult;
  • the cat's fur is shedding attractive appearance(fades, falls out);
  • the kitten does not experience growth and development;
  • gets tired quickly;
  • the mucous surface of the eyes fades;
  • The cat had an abortion or premature birth.

All this should alert the breadwinner and prompt him to further, more detailed examinations, both independently and with the help of a veterinarian.

Of course, the most effective way to determine whether there are worms is to conduct laboratory tests at the first symptoms. What types of tests for worms are there?

  • stool analysis.
  • washing worm eggs from fur.
  • blood test for antibodies.

But remember that infection is not always detected in stool the first time. The kitten should continue to be subjected to careful behavioral examination. If the signs are obvious and the result of the initial stool test is negative, then take it several more times. It was noticed that the fifth attempt is the most guaranteed in terms of accuracy in readings (up to 99%).

The same can be said about washing off wool. But a blood test for antibodies is very effective way. But it's quite expensive. It is harder to take it from a kitten, cat or cat. And you will have to look in some areas for clinics that collect blood from animals. But from the first time all types of invasions that attack the pet’s body will become known, and this will also help to quickly and effectively prescribe treatment.

Contact a specialist who, using laboratory research will determine which category of worms are in the cat’s body and prescribe targeted treatment. After all, when treating a certain type, drugs that are completely useless for destroying other types of worms can help.

In addition, according to the location of worms in dogs, they are divided into several types:

  • intestinal
  • hepatic
  • cardiac
  • pulmonary

All of them are accompanied by different symptoms.

Signs of intestinal worms

In this case, other signs of worms in a dog may appear:

  • bloating;
  • blanching of the mucous membranes;
  • stool disorder;
  • intestinal colic;
  • discharge from the eyes.

Manifestations of liver invasion

Signs of the presence of worms in a dog’s liver are the following symptoms:

  • general exhaustion;
  • dullness, disheveled fur;
  • accumulation of fluid in the abdomen;
  • soreness, lumpiness, enlargement of the liver.

These symptoms of worms in a dog can be easily determined by visual inspection and palpating the abdominal area of ​​the animal.

Symptoms of heartworms

The larvae of helminths that live in the heart of a dog are carried by blood-sucking insects and are transmitted by a bite. They call serious disease– dirofilariasis, in which there is a risk of blockage of blood vessels or the atrium by an accumulation of adult individuals, which ends in death.

Symptoms of such an invasion may include:

  • respiratory disorder;
  • lingering dry cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • swelling;
  • convulsions;
  • heart rhythm disturbances.

Against the background of these signs, the dog loses its appetite, develops exhaustion, and appears weak.

Clinical picture of pulmonary helminthiasis

But in case of infection, the disease manifests itself with signs of damage to the bronchopulmonary system:

  • sneezing;
  • runny nose;
  • a persistent cough that gets worse at night.

Blockage of small bronchi by worms can lead to the development of focal pneumonia. A sick dog becomes exhausted, rapidly loses weight, and the quality of its coat deteriorates.

How can you tell if your cat has worms? The situation is usually complicated by the fact that the symptoms of helminthiasis are similar to the symptoms of many diseases, and sometimes a cat at home is treated for something completely different (as well as vice versa - an animal that needs a different treatment is dewormed). health care). Therefore the most the right remedy– stool analysis in the laboratory veterinary clinic. It is done quickly, and at the same time a number of other problems are identified that are usually not paid attention to.

What to do if the clinic is unavailable for a number of reasons? Observe your cat carefully and methodically compare symptoms.

  • The animal loses a lot of weight with normal diet and appetite;
  • appetite increases, but the pet’s body weight remains the same;
  • appetite decreases, constant strong thirst occurs;
  • the cat becomes lethargic and inactive;
  • the animal periodically and systematically experiences problems with the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, blood and mucus in the stool);
  • small kittens have a very swollen belly for a long time;
  • the cat has an enlarged liver;
  • the animal constantly licks or chews the anus;
  • the cat coughs without visible signs colds or illness respiratory tract(mucus in the nose, significantly increased temperature, pain when swallowing);
  • the whites of the eyes and mucous membranes acquired yellow tints.

Signs of illness

How to determine availability

To collect the sample, stool is collected disposable spoon and place in a clean screw-on container with a tight-fitting lid. It may be stored in the refrigerator before it gets to the clinic for testing, but the sooner it gets to the laboratory, the better. The veterinarian may ask you to take samples of your dog's stool once a day for 3 days in a row, placing them in one collection. This may be necessary to avoid a “false negative” result. In a pooled sample, the risk of obtaining unreliable data is reduced.

Sometimes the best way diagnosis is to document the risk factors for the dog. The owner should write down the environment in which the animal lived and its habits. You also need to determine the severity and duration of symptoms of the disease, and then provide this information to your veterinarian.

The symptoms of such a problem as infection of the body with worms have a fairly general picture. Surely, the appearance of worms can only be detected through laboratory tests of the pet’s feces, as well as during general examination at the veterinarian.

However, we will still provide a list of the most characteristic manifestations helminthic infection in dogs, among which there are those that make it possible to preliminarily determine the presence of a problem before a full examination of the animal.

As we see, in dogs, symptoms of the presence of worms appear mainly with a visible disruption of the intestines, as well as with concomitant manifestations of general intoxication of the body.

But the last thesis in the list relates precisely to that very thing obvious manifestation helminth infection of the animal, on the basis of which we can confidently conclude that the dog has worms.

How can you tell if your dog has worms in its feces? Pretty simple, you can't go wrong. If you look closely at the feces, you can see spiral-shaped thin threads with the naked eye. These are helminths that are released into the world along with feces. When they emerge, the worms may be dead, but sometimes they can be observed moving.

Lungworms in dogs usually appear frequent cough. The dog also feels noticeably unwell, has experienced weight loss, and may subsequently develop pneumonia.

When the heart is damaged by worms, the pet most often experiences shortness of breath and general weakness. Dogs have a cough and may develop nervous diseases causing inappropriate behavior.

Exist characteristic features helminthiasis in dogs:

  • putrid odor from the mouth;
  • frequent licking or scratching on the floor of the perianal area;
  • bloated belly against the background of general thinness;
  • lack of appetite and pallor of mucous membranes;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • hair loss;
  • segments, eggs and adult intestinal worms in feces

At first the symptoms are subtle, but the picture changes very quickly.

Most pet owners, especially those who have small children at home, are concerned about one question: how to find out if a cat has worms? Unfortunately, infection can occur not only on the street. It is enough to give your pet raw, contaminated meat, or the pet will catch and eat the insect that is the carrier. If your pet goes outside, infection can occur through contact with other animals, or through water, grass, or soil.

A dog can become infected in three ways:

  • from mother to baby;
  • through fleas;
  • through the mud.

Worm eggs are everywhere. The environment does not exclude the presence of dirty and contaminated places. This is why you need to give medications to pets who live in an apartment with their owner. It is enough just for pets to rub against a person’s shoe, and after a while signs of helminthic infestation in puppies appear.

Dogs of any age can easily become infected with worms. Almost all worms enter their body through the intestines, except for some types of helminths transmitted through the bite of blood-sucking insects.

Important! Worms are transmitted to humans through dog saliva. For this it is not necessary that she lick her hands. Since all dogs lick their fur, it only takes petting it and not washing your hands afterwards for infection to occur.

Adult worms, their eggs and larvae are constantly in environment: in the grass, in the ground, everywhere on the roads, on the streets, in parks, etc. Even if the cat is kept exclusively at home, this does not guarantee that it will not become infected with helminths. IN in this case they will be carried into the house on human clothing and the soles of shoes.

To eliminate the usual doubts of animal owners about reinsurance veterinarians (“And how do worms get into a cat?”), we tell you:

The most common types of helminths “live” in gastrointestinal tract animal. But there are also types of worms that can settle in:

  • liver;
  • pancreas;
  • lungs;
  • muscle tissue and other organs of the animal.

Do not forget that not all worms immediately settle in the intestines from the moment they enter the body. For example, nematode worms that hatch from eggs penetrate the intestinal walls into the puppy’s blood vessels and then enter his lungs. There it grows and develops throughout long period time.

What to do if your dog shows signs of worms? You should immediately contact your veterinarian and undergo full examination, and only after confirmation of the diagnosis proceed to treatment.

It is very important to determine the specific type of helminths that have settled inside the dog. Since there are few universal remedies effective treatment helminthiasis, and each specific type of worm should be destroyed with certain drugs.

These include:

Treatment of worms in dogs is carried out with special anthelmintic drugs. Among the drugs with a general spectrum of action, the following can be distinguished:

  • Helmintal;
  • Drontal Plus;
  • Droncite;
  • Milbemax;
  • Vermox.

In fact, there are many of them; there is no point in listing every single one. Let's go through those on the list.

Helminthal is perfect for small puppies and small breeds dogs. This syrup contains substances such as praziquantel and moxidectin, which have a detrimental effect on larvae, as well as adult tapeworms and roundworms.

Milbemax, like Helmintal syrup, works well in the treatment of small dogs.

Vermox is also a medicinal product wide range actions. This is a very potent anthelmintic containing mebendazole, which destroys helminths. When using this drug, it is recommended to provide the dog with something to drink and give a laxative to speed up the withdrawal of the drug.

Therapy consists of deworming and improving the health of the dog. Anthelmintics are prescribed after the necessary laboratory tests, although helminths can be detected visually when they come out. Knowing what worms look like in dogs, you can determine what type of worms caused the disease and what medications will help eliminate the problem.

Selection of anthelmintic drugs

Antihelmintics are divided according to the principle of action into 2 types:

  • preventing worms from feeding;
  • paralyzing their neuromuscular system.

If worms are discovered in a dog, treatment should be started immediately. If it is not possible to immediately contact a veterinarian, you can independently give the animal the medications recommended for prevention. helminthic infestations. It is better to use without professional diagnostics universal remedies wide spectrum of action, among which the most effective are:

  • "Milbemax" - affects larvae and mature helminths of all types;
  • "Drontal Plus" - destroys only intestinal worms, but is not effective against larvae.

Deworming procedure

Anthelmintics are given to the dog repeatedly at short intervals. During this period it is necessary

monitor the animal’s condition in order to speed up cleansing with an enema or laxative if necessary.

The drug is usually given with breakfast, mixed with your pet's favorite treat. If the dog does not want to take the medicine, the tablet is placed deeper on the tongue, the jaws are clenched and the muzzle is raised. For puppies, a tablet pre-crushed and dissolved in water is injected into the mouth with a syringe without a needle.

If the dog’s condition sharply worsens after deworming, you need to give it an enterosorbent ( Activated carbon) and contact your veterinarian. Further treatment measures should be carried out under medical supervision.

Antihelminthic therapy consists of:

Anthelmintics are available in several forms:

Many worms in cats are transmitted to humans, therefore, if worms are detected in a cat, it is recommended to carry out preventive deworming for all family members who have had contact with the pet.

  1. Both the treatment of worms and the prevention of their occurrence are carried out with the same drugs.
  2. Prevention of worms should be carried out from the moment the puppy is born until the very end of its life.
  3. If your puppy has a large number of worms in his body, he may become unwell during deworming. The fact is that during their death, worms release toxins, which, if they enter the animal’s body, cause intoxication. In this case, the puppy becomes very weak and begins to vomit and have diarrhea.
  4. If there is a suspicion that there are a large number of helminths in the puppy’s body, it is also recommended to give him drugs that remove toxins.

Every dog ​​should be vaccinated once a year (puppies more often). Therefore, the deworming process should be adjusted so that it occurs 10 days before vaccination.

If helminthiasis is diagnosed on early stage, then dogs tolerate treatment easily and without consequences. The same cannot be said about heavily infested puppies and advanced cases in adult animals. In addition, there is a category of helminth infections that have not yet been properly treated. These include, for example, cases of infestation of the uterus of bitches by roundworm larvae.

  1. Ascariasis, toxocariasis, dipylidiasis. When the disease is detected in adult dog As a result of a routine laboratory analysis of stool and other symptoms have not yet made themselves felt, treatment can be carried out with both broad-spectrum and narrowly targeted anthelmintics. Traditionally, to destroy these types of helminths in puppies, the following drugs are used: Prazitel, Prazicide, Pratel. Adult dogs are given Azinox, Drontal. After 10 days, the medication is repeated to destroy those helminths that were still eggs at the time of the first medication.
  2. Dirofilariasis. If a dog's heart and lungs are affected by heartworms, it is recommended to limit its activity so as not to burden the infected organs. The drug Immiticide is indicated as a treatment. The medicine is administered intramuscularly at the rate of 2.5 mg per kilogram of dog weight. A month later, the injection is repeated. The third injection is carried out after 24 hours, the fourth - after another 24 hours. In particular difficult cases surgical intervention is indicated.
  3. Opisthorchiasis. Treatment is medicinal. You can use hexachloroparaxylene (Chloxyl), Ixichol and Polytrem in accordance with the attached instructions for use. Dosages are determined accordingly: 0.4 g, 0.2 g and 0.15 g per kilogram of weight of the infected animal. Medicines are given to the dog after 12-14 hours of fasting.

You can give the medicine in different ways, it all depends on the age and temperament of the dog. It is permissible to give a tablet to an adult animal by placing it in a piece of meat. For puppies, it is better to crush the tablet into powder, pour it directly onto the tongue and give it to drink. It is important to ensure that the baby swallows and does not spit out the medicine. The suspensions are poured into the dog’s mouth from a syringe without a needle.

The situation is different with the treatment of puppies and adults in difficult conditions. A weakened body is not able to cope with even a small overdose of the drug, which can lead to failure of the liver and other organs. Also, such animals cannot be treated with broad-spectrum drugs. Another difficult moment is the occurrence of vomiting after taking an anthelmintic. Then it is difficult to determine which part of the drug is still retained in the body and what to do next.

Signs of illness

Folk remedies for treating worms in cats

There are a lot folk recipes against worms in cats, but, in addition therapeutic effect(not proven), the animal may develop a mass side effects. This is explained by the fact that folk remedies may not kill helminths, but increase their activity due to the discomfort it creates. In moments increased activity helminths begin to migrate sharply, which creates increased injuries during internal organs and tissues, provokes internal bleeding and intestinal blockage due to their massive accumulation in one place.

  • Insist cut into four parts onion in warm boiled water overnight and give the cat this infusion on an empty stomach in the morning for 7-10 days.
  • Drink fennel or chamomile decoction instead of water during the day.
  • Give a water infusion of tansy twice or thrice a day 30-60 minutes before meals.
  • Apply twice a day alcohol tincture wormwood 30-60 minutes before meals.
  • Enemas using carrot juice once a day for a week.

Damage caused by helminths

As a rule, these are quite visible creatures with an elongated spindle-shaped shape, sometimes reaching a length of 30-60 cm. However, usually the length of helminths does not exceed several centimeters.

Mechanical injuries
Intoxication of the whole body
Complications of bacterial and viral infections

Helminthic infestations hit the animal’s immune system very hard, thereby complicating the course of viral or bacterial infections. Very often helminths are the impetus for exacerbation various diseases, which were in a “dormant” state. Also, microtraumas to the mucous membranes caused by helminths during the process of attachment and movement become an open gate for pathogens of various infections.


Preventive measures include:

  1. Timely detection and treatment of helminthiases.
  2. Prevention with anthelmintic drugs, especially if living in a region with high level morbidity.
  3. Cleaning dogs from fleas.
  4. Limiting the animal's access to an unfavorable environment.
  5. Keeping the animal from interacting with other dogs that have not been dewormed.
  6. Limiting contact with wild and predatory animals.
  7. Exclusion from the diet of raw fish and questionable meat.

You should visit the veterinarian regularly. If the dog is under his control, he will be able to maintain the dog's health. Your veterinarian will be able to identify problems before they become serious problems.

Before you realize that your dog has worms, you need to do everything possible to prevent this.

It is almost impossible to protect your pet from invasion, but you can stop the development of helminths in time and prevent serious consequences their effects on the body. To do this, you need to carry out deworming once every 3 months. IN for preventive purposes Broad-spectrum anthelmintics are used on the same principle as treatment - alternately, using drugs different principles actions.

Extraordinary deworming is carried out for females:

  • before mating (10 days before);
  • before whelping (7 days before);
  • after whelping (after 7 days).

Puppies up to six months old are given anthelmintics once a month. In addition, dogs, regardless of age, are dewormed 14 days before each vaccination.

In addition to taking medications, preventive measures should include keeping animals in a clean room, periodically wet cleaning with disinfectants, regularly washing all dog accessories and washing or cleaning the dog bed.

You can also ask a question to our site's staff veterinarian, who as soon as possible will answer them in the comment box below.

  • keep cats in acceptable sanitary conditions with regular washing of food and drink utensils and cleaning of the litter box;
  • minimize or eliminate interaction between pets and street pets;
  • Avoid feeding your cat raw meat and fish products; use settled or clean table water for drinking;
  • regularly clean the scratching post and the animal’s main places of residence using special disinfectants;
  • Regularly carry out general cleaning of the room/apartment/house where the cat lives.

For animals that are often in contact with other animals, walking in the yard where hedgehogs, cats, and wild animals can get into, it is advisable to have their feces analyzed once a quarter. In addition, preventive measures should include:

  • Feeding the animal with professional food or high-quality, heat-treated “natural” food;
  • Destruction of fleas not only with the help of a collar on the dog, but also by resorting to regular disinfection of the home;
  • Training. Teach your pet not to pick up food on the street, not to drink from puddles, not to eat feces of other animals and dead fauna;
  • Prevention of dirovillariasis consists of cyclic administration of macrolides. In our region, such a procedure is not traditionally used. But if you are planning to visit a place with a lot of mosquitoes with your animal, then consult a veterinarian about methods of preventing this disease;
  • Carrying out preventive deworming of the bitch before breeding.

Prevention of canine helminth infections is important not only for the health of the animal, but also to prevent the transmission of certain types of worms from pet to owner.

Many dog ​​breeders often encounter such an unpleasant disease in their pets as helminthiasis. This disease is provoked by all types of helminthic infestations that enter the animal’s body.

Both adults and small puppies are equally susceptible to infection with worms. And if, for a mature dog, as a rule, everything is limited to deworming, then for a puppy the consequences of the disease can be tragic. That is why It is very important to detect worms in time and carry out their destruction.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely rid your four-legged friend of them.. All sanitary and preventive measures are aimed only at maximizing the number of worms in the dog’s body. But such measures are simply necessary to maintain the dog’s normal health and development.

Are worms in dogs transmitted to humans?
Some types of worms can easily be transmitted from a sick animal to humans, especially children. Therefore, after each interaction with your pet, you should take hygiene measures. And deworm the animal itself at least twice a year.

There are several ways of infection with helminthiasis:

  1. The first and most common is through external sources containing helminth eggs: feces, products, various items, water from puddles and ponds, raw fish And so on. Mostly, infection occurs during the traditional daily walk of the dog. Therefore, it is very important at such moments to try to limit her contact with potentially dangerous things as much as possible.
  2. The second method of infection is direct contact between a dog and a sick animal or through intermediate hosts, fleas and ticks.

Symptoms and signs of worms

Unfortunately, often helminths may not manifest themselves in any way for a long period or, on the contrary, masquerade as some diseases that have similar manifestations to helminthiasis. All this greatly aggravates the situation with the identification and treatment of the disease.

Due to this periodic counseling should be carried out and have your pet examined by a veterinarian.

However, in some cases it is possible to determine helminths yourself. To do this, you just need to carefully observe your own animal.

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Be sure to enteritis- a disease that, if not treated promptly, leads to the death of the pet.

What can an owner who is worried about the condition of his pet do? suffering? Learn more about the treatment and prevention of diarrhea.

What are the types of helminths?

Each of these types of helminths causes a certain type of disease that can become chronic, completely depleting the body. In addition, nematodes and whipworms are easily transmitted to humans.


Intestinal worms are the most common. As a rule, they are represented by tapeworms, roundworms, whipworms and hookworms, which enter the dog’s body through external sources. Ascariasis (toxocariasis), uncinariasis, hookworm disease, toxascariasis, hookworm disease, echinococcosis - this is a small list of the ailments they cause.

It’s hard to even imagine the insidiousness of helminths. For example, there are types of worms that are capable of calmly migrating throughout the host’s body and settling in the most favorable places for their “reign.” Prominent representatives of this type of helminths are roundworms and esophageal worms. They are the ones who most readily settle in the dog’s food system and lungs.

In this case, the animal suddenly begins lose weight, develop a cough, difficulty breathing and develop pneumonia, causing internal bleeding.

Unfortunately, without laboratory tests and the help of a veterinarian, it is almost impossible to detect lungworms on your own.


To others, no less serious illness, is dirofilariasis (cardionematodes) or heartworms, which settle in the arteries, atrium, right ventricle of the heart and cardiac vessels of the animal. The main carriers of heartworm larvae are mosquitoes, fleas and other types of blood-sucking insects. Incubation period The disease can last up to six months after the bite.

Main Clinical signs syndrome of intoxication of the dog's body are expressed in shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, pulmonary wheezing and noise, general exhaustion and apathy, disturbance nervous system, drowsiness and fatigue.

Treatment should be carried out on time, taking into account the individual clinical condition of the dog, since cardionematodes often lead to sudden death animal due to heart failure.

Before you make your choice anthelmintic drugs, the range of which is simply colossal today, it is worth first consulting with a veterinarian and conducting an appropriate examination of the dog to identify them. After all, the choice of funds largely depends on age, physiological characteristics and the habitat of the animal.

Deworming tablets

Unfortunately, there are no universal drugs that can completely remove all types of helminths with a single dose. That's why the best option It will be a broad-spectrum medicine. These are, as a rule, produced in the form of tablets Drontal Plus, Azinox Plus, Vermox and Drontsit.

Deworming of the dog is carried out repeatedly at short intervals.

Modern drugs are capable of partially or completely breaking down helminths in the animal’s body itself, so it is not possible to see the result of anthelmintics. The main thing is to carefully monitor your pet at the time of deworming and, if necessary, help him cleanse himself (enema, laxative, etc.).

It is preferable to give anthelmintic medicine to an animal in the morning during meals. For adult dogs, the tablet is wrapped in some kind of treat - meat, sausage - and fed, and if they refuse to take the medicine, they place it deep on the root of the animal's tongue, while squeezing the jaw with the palms and lifting it up. For puppies, the tablet is crushed to a powder, diluted with water and poured into the mouth with a syringe (without a needle).

If suddenly, immediately after taking the anthelmintic drug, the dog becomes ill, the first thing you should do is give the four-legged dog some kind of absorbent (enterosgel) and urgently consult a doctor. Further deworming is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist.


It is known that best treatment any disease is its prevention! Therefore, to prevent infestation It is optimal to worm an adult dog once every three months. However, we should not forget that all anthelmintic drugs are, in fact, toxic poisons. Therefore, when deworming, you should always be extremely careful and careful.

Small puppies can be wormed as early as 12-14 days of life.. There are special “children’s” preparations for them, mainly in the form of suspensions, for example “Prasicide” or “Drontal plus for puppies”. Also mandatory after any deworming is vaccination of the animal, which consolidates the results of treatment.

As you can see, helminthiasis is a serious and dangerous disease. And in order for your four-legged friend to bring joy for as long as possible, it is necessary to show special care and attention to his health.

Exists a large number of types of worms that can be found in dogs. Conventionally, these helminths can be divided into the following categories:

  • Trematode flukes.
  • Roundworms (nematodes).
  • Flat-ribbon (cestodes).

Advice: some of the types dog worms can also live in humans. Therefore, it is very important to regularly prevent helminthic infestations for your four-legged pet, especially if there are small children in the house.

The most common helminthic infestations in dogs in our country are the following:

Signs of worm infection in an adult dog

Of course, it is possible to identify which type of worms a puppy or adult dog is infected with using tests. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to pass them. Therefore, the following symptoms in an adult dog should alert the owner:

  • Difficulty swallowing.
  • Lethargy and anemia.
  • Skin rashes.
  • "Riding" on the butt.
  • Hiccups after feeding.
  • Sporadic vomiting.
  • Dull fur.

If your dog is heavily infected with worms a clear sign what is needed urgent treatment, there will be the presence of helminth eggs, their larvae, dead or living adult worms in the feces or in the anus.

Symptoms of helminthic infestation in puppies

Signs of worm infection in puppies include the following symptoms:

  • Visibly protruding ribs.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Eating various inedible objects.
  • Bloating.

If puppies are severely infected with helminths, the following signs are observed:

  • Loss of appetite.
  • Low physical activity.
  • Lethargy.
  • Vomiting with worms.
  • Developmental delay.
  • Intestinal obstruction.

Consequences of helminthic infestations in dogs

Treatment of helminthic infestations in dogs

There is an opinion among people that once a quarter it is necessary to carry out a preventive treatment helminthiases. However, one should also take into account the fact that all are toxic. Yes, it will be possible to remove the worms, but what damage will be done to the health of the animal?

If the dog shows no signs of worms and appears healthy, then give anthelmintics she should do it once every six months. At the same time, together with anthelmintic drugs it is necessary to give "Karsil" and sorbents in order to minimize harm to the liver and kidneys.

Preventive measures

  • Deworming the bitch before mating will help minimize the risk of worm infection in puppies.
  • Preventive treatment of helminthic infestations in puppies two weeks after birth.
  • Eliminate the possibility of eating the feces of other animals while walking.
  • Preventing free roaming of pets.
  • Prohibition on picking up food from the ground and drinking on the street dirty water from the puddles
  • Providing the dog with clean food and water.
  • Regular baiting of fleas, which are carriers of worm larvae.
  • You should not give your dog raw freshwater fish.


To protect your dog from complications that arise when worms appear, it is important to promptly notice the infection.

General symptoms

How can you tell if your dog has worms? Unfortunately, symptoms of worms in dogs are often almost completely absent, which significantly aggravates the timely detection of infection and proper treatment. But if a dog has worms, the infestation can lead to the appearance of many negative consequences for the health of the pet, among which the most severe is the death of the animal. It should also be noted that puppies are much more susceptible to helminthiasis than adults.

You can try to identify worms in a dog yourself; symptoms indicating an infestation may be, for example, the following:

  • Disorders of the digestive tract, including: lack of appetite or, on the contrary, the animal’s absorption of excessive amounts of food, problems with stool, vomiting, consumption of unsuitable objects for food, such as sand.

When infected, your pet loses its appetite

The development of worms causes pet inactivity

Important! When even the slightest changes in behavior and appearance Animals are advised to immediately consult a veterinarian for advice. It is much easier to remove worms from a dog by early stages infection.

One of frequent illnesses the dog has piroplasmosis

Dogs can become infected with opisthorchiasis

Treatment methods

Currently, there are a lot of medications for deworming, including suspensions, solutions, food additives and many others. In addition, you can use folk remedies for worms, but only as a auxiliary element. Also, do not forget that the treatment of puppies and adult animals can differ significantly.

A veterinarian will help determine a treatment regimen for a particular case.

In severe cases of infection, the animal often needs to be given medications to help cleanse the body of waste products and toxins secreted by helminths. To improve the condition of the animal, it is permissible to take drugs that strengthen the body and increase its resistance.


In order to remove worms from a dog, you need to take medicines according to age and physiological characteristics animal. For example, in order to destroy worms in puppies, veterinarians The following medications are often used, which are highly effective and non-toxic:

How to treat helminthiasis in adult dogs? Treatment of adult animals includes taking other medications, especially if the dog is large.

Among the most frequently used medicines are called:

Important! In the process of treating an animal, you should absolutely not increase or decrease the dosage of the drug suggested by the doctor on your own. A small amount of medication can lead to relapse of infection, and an increase in dosage can lead to intoxication of the animal’s body.

Folk remedies

Most home-prepared anthelmintic drugs are intended for oral use; therefore, it is almost impossible to force a dog to drink a certain amount, for example, of a herbal decoction. However, it is possible to remove worms from a puppy and an adult animal. folk remedies. Among the most effective and safest is the following simple and effective method like an enema.

You can use an enema to remove worms from your pet.

An enema can only be done as a aid. The use of only this procedure for treatment can lead to systematic re-infection of the animal. In addition, if the disease is in neglected form, an enema will not help eliminate worms completely.


It is almost impossible to completely prevent worm infection in an adult dog or puppies. When playing or walking, the animal is almost constantly at risk of infection.

For preventive purposes, the fur should be periodically treated and anthelmintic drugs given.

How to recognize worms in a dog and what treatment is necessary - this will be discussed in the video:

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