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The development of intuition. Strengthening intuition helps you make important decisions and understand yourself. Life in the flow


Audiovisual program (session) "Development of Intuition" designed to introduce into the subconscious a series of powerful installations for the development of intuitive abilities. Installations are implemented through the latest technologies audiovisual subliminal impact on the subconscious.


Intuition saves time and life, helps to make right choice in everything - from trifles to global situations. Knowing in advance which solution will be the most successful, you can always choose the most suitable option development of events.

Intuition is a personal time machine, which each person owns from birth. Up to about three years children use intuition, however everyday life, where everyone is busy solving everyday issues from morning to night, does not always have the development of innate abilities.

Many the richest people the planets recognized that they owe their most successful, fateful decisions to intuitive insight. The most successful professionals are almost always different high level development of intuition. Intuition helps in moments of danger, when there is no time for logical reasoning. Intuition is inherent in every person, it is difficult to do without it even in the most simple situations, and often we simply do not notice that our decision is made intuitively.

The secret of the development of intuition is in the synchronization of the work of the hemispheres of the brain. The brain consists of two hemispheres that perceive information differently. Left hemisphere - details information, right hemisphere- perceives information in a generalized form. Detailed information is perceived in the form of specific concepts and judgments, while generalized information is perceived in the form of feelings and sensations. Therefore, we reason and draw logical conclusions with one hemisphere, and with the second we feel, and it is precisely responsible for intuition and all creative abilities.

Both hemispheres often do not interact effectively enough for the manifestation of intuitive abilities at a high level. The development of intuition requires deepening the interconnections in the work of the brain. Strong traumatic effects often cause energy surge, synchronizing the activity of both hemispheres, but this method development of intuition is naturally very dangerous. Modern Scientific research discover amazing things, it has been established that intuition can be developed in a special way by influencing the subconscious.

Program "Development of Intuition" powerfully synchronizes the work of both hemispheres of the brain, thereby preparing a powerful springboard necessary for further strengthening of intuitive abilities. Specially selected color schemes visual range and efficient technology subconscious programming further enhance the effect development of intuition.

American psychologist Marsha Emery spent several years observing people with heightened intuition. And found out that they are:

  • 5 times less likely to get into an accident
  • 7 times less likely to get injured
  • 2 times less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases
  • 5 times less likely to get sudden heart attacks due to nerves
  • 3 times less likely to suffer from neurosis (thanks to intuitive premonition, they simply panic less)
  • 2 times less likely to receive food poisoning and catch contagious diseases, including influenza and sexually transmitted infections
What will you get with the audio-visual program "Development of Intuition"?
  • the ability to predict the course of events
  • the ability to make the right choice in a difficult situation
  • opportunity to improve your life
  • the opportunity to develop unique abilities
  • the ability to become independent of other people's opinions
  • the opportunity to be first in everything
This list can be continued for a very long time, but why? After all, you already understood that developed intuition- the path to success and prosperity. It remains only to decide whether you want to become number one Or watch someone else become one?

Foresight of events, the ability to find the most successful solution, to avoid trouble - all this gives us intuition. In some people, it is developed quite well, while others notice that their intuition is weak. You should not despair, it can be developed, for which you need to perform some exercises and, first of all, want to do it.

Why do we need intuition and what is it?

Intuition is the ability to instantly solve problems based on a sense of foresight, as well as on own experience. Many decisions arise spontaneously and unconsciously, a person commits an impulsive action or rejection of it. This feeling is largely associated with the ability to deeply feel current events and people, to be ahead of the action by a few seconds, minutes or hours. Often, when making intuitive decisions, there is no logic, a person does not always understand why he suddenly did this and not otherwise. Sometimes decisions are made completely extraordinary and unexpected.

Why do we need this feeling? Intuition helps to avoid dangerous situations. Everyone knows cases when people suddenly changed their minds about getting on a plane, and then they found out about a plane crash. Intuition helps not only to save lives, but also normal work such as when making business decisions.

Without the presence of this feeling, a person commits much more bugs, which is why it is so important to develop intuition and help yourself to navigate and respond to events most effectively.

11 ways to develop intuition

Even if it seems to you that your intuition is bad, it is quite possible to develop it and quickly enough. Next, you will learn the simplest and most accessible exercises on how to develop intuition for any person at any age.

Tracking the mood of the interlocutor

While communicating with other people, watch their reaction and at the same time try to understand what is hidden behind their emotions and what they are. true intentions. Notice any changes in facial expressions, gestures, posture, tone of voice. Gradually, you will learn to quickly respond to a change in behavior and be able to assume what a person is going to do next. The ability to track facial expressions will allow you to identify a person who is lying to you or is going to harm you.

Follow your feelings

Set aside a day that you completely devote to studying yourself, your feelings and actions. Evaluate everything that you feel, but rather write it down. Follow your feelings. Consider, for example, what time you need to leave the house in order to be on time for a meeting. Which route would be the best. After completing the action, evaluate the result - did you guess right time, place or behavior of a particular person.

Feelings can tell us a lot. If it seems to you that it is better not to do something today, listen to your intuition. The more you listen to it, the more it will develop. Any sense, even the sixth, should be trained, because without training skills fade.

Bring your inner world into harmony

If you are tense, subject to fears, nervous breakdowns, doubts, then these states do not allow the feeling of intuition to manifest. Bring your world into harmony. Take care of yourself, your peace of mind. For these purposes, calm meditation, yoga or yoga classes are well suited. energy practices. Learn to listen to yourself. Learn to calm down and tune in to the current moment.

Ask questions

This practice will allow you not only to learn a lot of new things, but also to correlate your answers or assumptions with a real-life answer. Anticipate the answer you'll get and ask the question. It’s not scary if you suddenly didn’t guess the first time, everything comes with experience. The more questions, the more correct answers you will learn to give. By asking questions, stimulate more questions. Such exercises in the form of games are good to perform in a group of people. They will also help to develop the creative process.

Do not be afraid of the lack of logic in the decisions made

The sixth sense is often incompatible with logic, decisions come suddenly and some of them are surprising. If you are wondering how to develop intuition , then do not be afraid to be illogical and make extraordinary decisions. Listen to the subconscious, it is illogical, but capable of giving the right answers, while the consciousness works to make analytical decisions.

For good intuition, develop the right hemisphere

This hemisphere of the brain is responsible for creativity, figurative and spatial thinking, perception of music and smells. Do exercises that will help get the right brain working.

Guessing events

Before you leave for work in the morning, consider who you might meet along the way. Imagine these people. Are they familiar to you or not? Think about what the weather will be like today. Don't take an umbrella if you don't think it's going to rain. Listen to your intuition, it helps it develop.

The phone rings? Before picking up the phone, try to feel who is on the other end of the line, what his mood is and what he wants from you.

Train yourself to predict events. At first it will be difficult to do this, but then you will automatically start to know what will happen in the coming hours.

Developing intuition through play

The simplest exercise is a guessing game with a deck of cards. First, try to guess just the color of the card you are holding. When the success process exceeds 50% of the correctly guessed color, you can move on to guessing the suits.

To complicate the process, take cards with drawn pictures. At first they should be the simplest, it is better to take geometric figures. Then you can add animals, plants, people, etc. You can also play with a coin, guessing which side it will fall on. Statistics say that heads fall in 50% of cases. You need to make sure that the number of guesses differs from the statistics. Even if you guessed 40%, it's already good - intuition works, just the other way around. In this case, analyze your feelings when you tried to feel which side the coin would fall on.

App for smartphone or tablet

If you do not have maps at hand or want to develop intuition anywhere, download a special program for your phone. The principle is the same - you need to correctly guess the numbers, shapes or other images.

Learning Visualization

Do you know that a lot of what we think about can come true? To develop intuition, it is useful to visualize positive dreams. At the same time, you develop your imagination and help good events come true. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax and imagine what you want to receive. You should scroll through your head only positive options for events. Scroll through the events, follow your feelings. Perhaps you will see exactly the option of action that will happen. Remember your thoughts.

Get rid of fears

Fear makes it difficult to think and act effectively. Fear blocks intuition. You feel doubts about whether you understood everything correctly and began to act. Of course, sometimes fear is part of the sixth sense, such as when you decide not to board a plane for some unknown reason or change your route abruptly. In this case, you need to listen to your fear. Thus, constant anxiety interferes with intuition, and rare bursts of fear can be a way to manifest it.

We looked at simple but affordable exercises. The most important thing is the desire to do it and constant training. Pay attention to any events that occur in your life. Compare them with your feelings, and especially those that you had shortly before something happened. Try to pay more attention to positive events, but sometimes listen to fear that has appeared for no reason.

Intuition is, first of all, knowledge and the ability to lead one's life. Use it and success will come immediately.


This program is absolutely free. The Program is distributed on an "AS IS" basis ("as is").

The principle of operation of the INTUIT program:

The program offers the user a choice of several answers (their number can be set in the menu). It is necessary to guess the correct answer, and it is constantly changing: the program uses a random integer generator. There is little sense in this situation from logic: in this case Probability theory cannot give 100% correct answers. Therefore, we get the right answer with the help of intuition.

There are a lot of ways to get an answer with the help of intuition. Here is one of those ways. Close your eyes, relax. Breathing should be deep and calm. Try to see in your mind's eye which answer is correct. Then open your eyes (remaining relaxed) and press the button with the correct answer.

If it doesn't work the first time, don't be discouraged. It doesn't always work out the first time. It `s naturally. Try again - the moment will come when you will succeed! Good luck!

Who has some statistics for 100 attempts?

I give the most the best program for intuition.
And of course it's free!

Turn on the telly.
Close your eyes.
Start flipping channels.
Before clicking channels, guess what is being shown on the next channel.
For example, about animals, news, sports, etc.
Then you can be specific.
For example, a man or a woman on the screen.... what they are doing... what they are talking about...

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