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How to learn to understand your intuition. How…to find the right solution. How to distinguish intuition from anxiety

As often happens in our life, when we cannot make a choice or decide on a certain step. It is impossible to understand with the mind, logic does not help, and for some reason the heart is silent. But there is inner voice, intuition can help find a way out of a difficult situation.

How to listen to your intuition?

In order to hear your intuition and not be mistaken for profit or fear, proceed as follows: accurately formulate your question or problem. If possible, write it down on a piece of paper so that you can see it before your eyes and realize what you really want to achieve.

With the correct and competent writing of a question or problem, you already intuitively know the answer, because it lies in the question itself, in the words that you used to formulate the problem.

Listen to your emotions to hear your intuition.

With the right (best for a person) outcome, mood rises, emotions improve. In the case of an unnecessary choice, there is a decline in emotions, sadness, fear, anxiety.

To hear the inner voice, then listen to the physical sensations of your body.

Increasing pressure. Pleasant sensations in the lower abdomen, heat on the cheeks indicate the right direction. But the pains in the back, in the lower abdomen, in the heart - it is better not to move in that direction.

To sharpen your senses, play Heads-Tails

If neither emotions nor the body gives you clues, then you can sharpen them. To do this, take an ordinary coin and play heads-tails, guessing in advance what the sides of the coin mean. Flip a coin and see what comes up, and listen to yourself in that moment. If you are happy with the result, then everything is correct, but if you are unhappy with what fell on the coin, then it is worth considering.

Train your intuition

In order to be able to hear your inner voice and trust your intuition - practice.

Buy a deck of cards and start doing daily intuition training.

Shuffle the deck of cards. Turn the shirt towards you and, without turning it towards you with a picture, try to determine the color of the suit: red or black. And then turn. If you guessed right, then put them in one pile. If they made a mistake, then to another.

Then count the correct number of open cards and the incorrect number and write the result in a notebook. Repeat every day and pay attention to the trend. Gradually, the number of correctly identified cards you will increase.

According to the result, you can determine the level of development of your intuition yourself, if you open more than half of the cards incorrectly, then you do not know how to hear your intuition. Need to practice!

At the next stage, somewhere in six months, you can complicate the task and try to intuitively determine not only the color of the card suit, but also the suit itself. It's already highest degree mastery of the inner voice.

Our subconscious always knows what will happen in our life ahead, and communicates this with an inner voice, which is called intuition. Try to listen to your intuition, and your life will lead you to the desired goal, for which you live.

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Life sends us clues every day. And we just need to decipher them correctly.

But this is what turns out to be the most difficult.


Intuition as a kind of sixth sense is present in each of us. Only some pick up her signals, while others prefer not to pay attention to them. There are still others - those who want to follow the inner voice, but for some reason do not hear it.

Turn on the senses, turn off the mind

From childhood we are taught: faced with a choice, we must analyze everything possible options weigh the pros and cons. If you don't think, you won't solve the problem. What if you turn off your mind for a while and listen to your inner voice?

Before you get in contact with him, you need to completely relax. It is recommended to get all current problems out of your head, empty it. Stay in this state for at least 5 minutes. After calming down, imagine a situation that worries.

Look at it from the side, as if your friend told about it. It is in these moments of emptiness that our inner voice gives clues. You may not even understand why you are drawn towards one and not another choice. Just pulls, and that's it! And sometimes this craving is worth succumbing to.

discard logic

Our brain works very well. For the times we have lived this moment For years, he has become so accustomed to analyzing everything that sometimes we simply cannot turn off the logic. Well, how can Natalya Petrovna refuse profitable tickets to the sea just because an inner voice whispers to her the opposite? The company is proven, how many times have we traveled! And the fact that any, even the most reliable office can one day go bankrupt, the respectable lady does not even imagine. Something inside her guesses about it, beeps, but she is deaf to clues.

Logic - worst enemy intuition, its complete antipode. In some cases it is necessary, no doubt. But sometimes it must be discarded in order to give itself the opportunity to “catch” the correct answer.

Hear body signals

The realtor - a bright lady with an eternal smile on her face - did not immediately like Marina. There was something repulsive about her appearance. Marina suddenly became scared. My palms were sweaty, my heart was pounding. I even wanted to run away. After the first meeting with her, the girl decided that another person should help her with finding an apartment. She knew the body didn't lie.

Any signals entering the brain are processed very quickly and sent to the nerve endings located on the entire surface of the body. We have not analyzed anything yet, we have not made any conclusion about the person, and the body is already literally screaming: “You should not mess with him!”.

Pay attention to any changes physical condition

Pay attention to any changes in physical condition. It can be tingling in the palms, heat or cold, increased heart rate, heaviness in the arms and legs. Any discomfort is a sign that not only in the body, but also in the brain, some changes are taking place.

Record experiences

The best way to understand if your intuition is really working is self-observation. Let's say that - tells you that the seller in the market sells you unripe cherries. Ignore your inner warnings, go home and taste the berry. Well, honey?

Or a much more serious situation. The husband is going fishing, and the day before you had a bad dream. Leave your spouse at home, don't be surprised if you hear an announcement about a storm warning in a couple of hours. Gather together all the situations in which you experienced that same sixth sense that told you what to do.

Whether you listened to him or not doesn't matter. Most importantly, try to describe for yourself exactly how the information came to you. Maybe through body signals? Or have you experienced intense anxiety? Record the emotions you experienced on paper or speak out loud. Then in the future you will know exactly how the subconscious sends you signals most often.

Realize it works!

Many people hear their inner voice, but do not fully believe that its clues really help. Most of us perceive intuition as a kind of miracle, enlightenment, not available to everyone. We hasten to disappoint you. Intuition, at its core, is just the experience we have accumulated throughout our lives. The choice once made, the decisions ever made remain in our head, and in right moment just appear before us. The main thing is not to miss this moment.

It is generally accepted that intuition signals only about unpleasant things and events, but this is not so. Sometimes an inner voice wants to tell us something good. The main thing is to be tuned in to a positive wave. Then everything positive will be attracted by itself.

Over one year old

All of us, at least once in our lives, have said “with the scent” or “liver” or “heart” or some other part of our body, which, as it seems to us, is responsible for premonitions and sudden insights.

An interesting fact: in Russian there are many phrases similar in structure, referring us to the concept of intuition.

All of us, at least once in our lives, have said “with the scent” or “liver” or “heart” or some other part of our body, which, as it seems to us, is responsible for premonitions and sudden insights. And language is a very accurate reflection of human experience, so it is unlikely that such a relationship between the body and intuition in common speech turns is a mere accident. We figured out how to learn to understand your intuition.

Not sparing your belly

As scientists have found out, our intuition does have physical support in the body. At the beginning of the 20th century, the English physician Newport Langley counted the number of nerve cells in the stomach and intestines. It turned out that they belong to the same cell type as the nerve cells of the brain, and there are many more of them. When you are in danger, stress hormones kick in to signal your body to either fight or flee. But at the same time, under the influence of these hormones, the sensitive nerves of the stomach are excited, which leads to a variety of consequences - from breathlessness to "bear disease".

“Our “second brain”, although not involved in intellectual activity, is able to accumulate the experience gained during life, and later use it in everyday life,” says Emeran MAYER, a leading physiologist from the University of California. not just intuition, they are based on quite real basis which has already been proven empirically.

In other words, scientists believe that intuition, as a concept from the field of psychology, has its own “representatives” in bodily world. Our body is the very conductor that, based on instincts and past experience, can give us a sign - a sign of intuitive premonition. The main thing for us is not only to notice it in time, but also to interpret it correctly. And this, like any other skill, can be mastered and developed.

Body versus mind

“Intuition is a phenomenon of a completely different kind than reason,” said the neo-Hindu guru Osho. - Reason argues; the mind uses a process to come to a conclusion. Intuition jumps - it's a quantum leap. It reaches its conclusion without any process." Is the famous mystic right? After all, in fact, there is a process, even if it is lightning short. The fact is that intuition is, first of all, a reaction to our past experience. As you know, we do not remember even half of the information and details of what has ever happened to us, but all this information is carefully stored by our brain in the subconscious in order to protect us from mistakes at the right time. Often, intuitive decisions can seem completely illogical to others, and to ourselves, as completely illogical. Why don't you want to follow this road, despite the fact that it is the shortest way to the goal? Why did you suddenly change your mind about buying a flight ticket if you have a hotel booked? The conflict of our consciousness with the subconscious is to blame for the "illogicality". important. All the arguments of your mind, correct and logical, are broken by the signals of your instincts. Try to write down the problem that torments you on paper before going to bed. At night, the subconscious is free, and by morning it will tell you the right decision.

Professor Gerard HODGKINSON of the Center for Organizational Strategy, Learning and Change gives the example of a Formula 1 driver who braked hard on a corner that had collided with several cars. He didn't see it, but he stopped. Subsequently, the rider admitted that this need was many times stronger than his desire to win. Scientists showed the driver a record of the race, and he soon realized what was the matter. The spectators, who until then had joyfully greeted him, at the ill-fated turn looked somewhere to the side, as if frozen in horror. “The process of understanding was not meaningful, and took a fraction of a second,” says Hodgkinson. “However, the driver sensed something was wrong and braked.”

ABC of intuition

“Intuition takes care of our well-being, health and happiness,” says Judith ORLOFF, MD, psychiatrist, best-selling author. She is sure that this way of managing your life is available to everyone, you just need to learn how to read its signals.

Before turning to intuition, take a deep breath and try to "turn off" logical analysis. You must tune in to the vibrations coming from people and objects, as well as from situations. The main task is to catch how your body reacts to them. Over time, you will add individual signals to this list.

household magic

Many people willingly elevate intuition to the level of clairvoyance. On the Internet, you can find dozens of exercises aimed at ensuring that you, having conscientiously passed through numerous stages of initiation and training, can eyes closed find lost items, predict key events in the lives of others a month in advance, and accurately predict the weather in the most remote regions of the country. If you don't plan on taking part in psychic competitions, it's hardly worth wasting your time chasing mystical insight. Moreover, even in ancient times, intuition did not have a magical background. It only represented a way of "sensual" knowledge of the surrounding world - as opposed to the logical study of reality. IMPORTANT. Intuition is a method of comprehending the essence of things that does not require reasoning, which confirms the origin of the word - from the Latin “to peer”, “to contemplate”. The first step to making the right decision is to learn to relax, meditate, and listen to yourself.

When intuition says yes!

The feeling of "recognition". For example, you may feel as if you have known your interlocutor for a long time, experiencing a kind of deja vu. You breathe easily. The chest and shoulders are relaxed, there is no tangible tension in the abdomen. Your posture is comfortable and open, do not cross your arms in a protective lock. Your heart is light, you feel friendliness, peace, a desire to act. When communicating with a person, you feel comfortable with his handshake.

When intuition says "no!"

The abdominal muscles are tense, the sensations are unpleasant and painful, up to heartburn. You get goosebumps every now and then, it's hard for you to sit still. muscles shoulder girdle are in constant tension, the throat constricts involuntarily, there is constriction in the chest. The hairs on the arms stand on end. You experience an unpleasant feeling of lightheadedness, pressure, nervous tension or exhaustion.

4 ways to awaken your intuition

To develop the ability to understand intuition, learn to listen to the signals of your body.

  1. Listen to yourself. Choose a situation or relationship in which you would like clarity. Perhaps it will be a job offered to you, and you do not know whether to agree to it or not, or maybe a romance that has come to a standstill. Start with simple questions. After clearing your mind of extraneous thoughts, focus on the situation without thinking about it, but only listening to your feelings and comparing them with a list of signals. By writing down your experiences and the results of your choices, you can regularly add to the list with individual “body” signals from your intuition. And over time, you will be able to ask your intuition more difficult questions and improve the accuracy of your decisions.
  2. Turn on the "intuitive traffic light". This popular exercise can help you "connect" with your body and make it easier to understand its signals. Mentally imagine an ordinary traffic light, assigning certain values ​​to each color: “green - go ahead, there are no obstacles”; "yellow - be extremely careful"; "red - stop, danger ahead." Going forward, by asking yourself specific questions as you make decisions, keep track of which color comes to your mind's eye first. Try not to think about this process, trusting the first impulses own body more specifically the subconscious.
  3. Develop memory, mindfulness, concentration. By improving your cognitive skills, you are doing your body an invaluable service, not only by maintaining and prolonging its youth. But in this way you train your intuition. Most simple exercises on the development of memory and ingenuity can play into your hands, even if you yourself will not be aware of this. Therefore, do not be lazy from time to time to solve logic puzzles and puzzles.
  4. Cultivate will. We sometimes can't bring ourselves to do what our intuition tells us to do. Learn to trust your instincts and nurture the willpower that will help you take a step forward, even if it is difficult and scary. Are you unsure about what your inner voice is telling you? Wait, perhaps the situation will clear up soon. And if your intuition clearly advises you to back off, have the courage to do so, no matter how tempting or profitable the opposite choice may seem.

When we have to make a serious decision, we either seek advice from loved ones, Or listen to your intuition.

And most of us still choose the latter option.

Intuition is a feeling that often helps us out of trouble and helps in solving serious problems.

However, sometimes we do not see or ignore the signs that intuition sends us.

What is intuition

Clinical psychologist Sarah Schewitz states:

"Intuition is a secret suspicion when you feel: something is going wrong, but you can't tell why."

Intuition can be a powerful guiding force. Some people have it more developed, some don't. Some people experience desire or feeling when something is going wrong, while others, with less developed intuition, may experience strange sensations, but they are not quite sure how to interpret them.

Some people are born with strong intuition and know how to listen to it with early age others develop their intuition over the years and learn to tune into it.

This helps to increase the feeling of self-confidence. The more you love and trust yourself, the more you turn to your own intuition for help."

The following 11 signs indicate that your intuition is working correctly and is trying to tell you something:

Signs of intuition

1. You experience peaceful sensations in your chest or abdomen

Sometimes your intuition is so strong that you can physically feel the effect of its action.

While some people may experience a sense of peace in the chest and heart area, others may experience some tone in the abdomen.

“Many people describe their intuition as certain sensations in their chest or stomach. Often they talk about tension in these areas and a feeling that something is not working,” says psychologist Schwetitz.

2. You feel confident and happy even when the decision doesn't seem rational.

Do you have moments when you dream of quitting your job, but not for financial reasons? This moment of clarity means that your intuition is trying to talk to you and suggest a better option.

Although it doesn't seem logical, the thought you have may be the answer you've been looking for.

“When your intuition speaks to you, and when you learn to tune into it, you feel confident and clear. When you are afraid of what your ego is saying, you begin to feel fear and insecurity,” says Schwetitz.

Hearing intuition in time and recognizing its signals is very difficult, but it needs to be done.

3. You can have lucid dreams

If a house collapses in your dreams or a giant spider is chasing you, it is quite possible that, in this way, your intuition is trying to talk to you.

“Intuition can manifest itself in many forms: dreams are the main way to communicate with spirits. It is also important to document your experience. Because intuition often has no specific time stamp, sometimes we can intuit things about our past, present, and future.

Such records help to understand oneself and contribute to the understanding of everything that is happening.

Signs of intuition

4. You notice the same opportunities keep knocking on your door.

When your intuition tries to contact you, it may try to get your attention by making you notice small repetitive patterns and elements throughout your life.

Wanted to find new job but were afraid to look for it? Your intuition may be subtly hinting that it's time to change jobs and radically change your life.

And then you regularly and casually come across certain career articles or study job postings that catch your attention.

Or maybe someone you know sent you a link to an interesting job posting. This may also be a sign.

“I felt that my intuition was trying to talk to me, for many years she sent me clues. Opportunities kept knocking on my door, and finally I noticed it. Unfortunately, it took years to figure this out,” says career counselor Jill McFayden.

5. An unexpected moment of insight

Have you ever had a moment of insight while in the shower, driving a car, or in any other situation?

This is an example of your intuition trying to talk to you.

When you allow the mind to rest (i.e. meditate), it opens up, allowing your thoughts and emotions to flow more freely.

Your intuition usually speaks to you at times when you are less busy. For example, she can give you clues when you are sleeping, when you are not trying to pull her to you, when you are finally distracted and not focusing on what you are looking for," Macfayden says.

6. You notice that your thoughts in a certain direction are rather confused.

Our intuition usually always finds ways to lead us in the right direction. But sometimes we miss signs or choose to purposefully ignore them.

However, if we notice that our brain often jumps back to a certain thought , then perhaps it is worth reflecting and paying attention to this thought and to what we are feeling at the moment.

“Often I teach people that if you get signals from your intuition and you don't hear, see or ignore them, they will manifest differently over and over again.

Repetitive thoughts (though often confused) incomprehensible dreams and cravings for something that seems unusual or unexpected. But these are also signs that our intuition is trying to signal and tell you something.

Pay attention to those thoughts that seem to come out of nowhere. Remember that intuition has nothing to do with logic and does not come from the brain,” says John.

7. You may notice that your instincts and intuition are out of sync.

Sometimes your rational instinct or your ego will try to protect you from failure or making a mistake.

And although your instincts help you survive, your intuition, on the contrary, sometimes tries to fight fears, indecision and fear of failure so that you can make the right decision and fulfill your dream.

Instinct is an automatic response that is associated with survival. Intuition is more developed and focused on your highest good.

For example, the instinct may be to stay in one's job because it is safe and stable and because it is a reliable source of income, albeit a small one. Instinct is a thing, rather cautious.

And here is your intuition, on the contrary, it can tease and push to leave your job and start a new business, more profitable and interesting. For example, intuition can move someone to discover their own business", says John.

intuition speaks

8. In a certain situation, you feel awkward and indecisive.

When you hang on to your intuition, you usually feel happy. But if you choose to ignore it, a wave of anxiety can set in, as well as feelings of anxiety.

For example, you can listen to your ego to make a safe but wrong decision, instead of listening to what you trying to tell your heart.

“Your intuition tries to tell you something when you feel uncomfortable. This anxiety can manifest itself in a lack of focus, tone in the abdomen, pressure in the chest and heart, ”says the psychologist.

9. You can get sick

When you don't listen to your intuition, you can stress yourself and harm your body.

Physical signs, such as anxiety or even illness, can slowly creep into your life because your intuition is trying to tell you that you need a change.

"Physical signs on early stages can make you feel like something isn't quite right or something isn't right.

But since many of us tend to ignore our intuition, these feelings can naturally escalate into something more serious, such as anxiety or even depression.

Basically, depression is physical sign that you are not living your life the way you would like.

Remember: diseases come to a person from unfulfilled desires.

When these obvious feelings that our intuition gives us are ignored, our bodies can end up getting sick. It uses sickness last way let us know that we need to make some changes in our lives,” says Holmes.

10. You have a feeling that this feeling will not go away.

If a particular thought keeps popping up and spinning around in your head over and over again, that is special reason. If it seems to you that the sensations that you experience with this thought will not leave you, then this is also a signal of something important.

This means that most likely your intuition is trying to talk to you. Be more receptive to such subtle hints and the signals it gives you. By recognizing its signals, you will greatly facilitate your life.

“The best way to determine if this thought is the voice of your intuition telling you something is that you should have the feeling that it will not disappear.

11. You feel inspired.

Do you know that it is your intuition that speaks to you when you feel inspired and uplifted?

This can happen after watching an inspirational YouTube video or watching a TV show.

Hearing someone wise words you may suddenly be inspired, want to make changes in your life. Your thoughts are directed in the right direction, intuition tells the right way on which you need to step in order to realize your plans.

»Your intuition may begin with feelings of happiness or excitement (if we are talking about something good). Although a stronger intuition may be a desire or drive to do something creative or beneficial to oneself or others," says Holmes.

In general, learning to understand and listen to your intuition takes a lot of time. Sometimes it takes years and even a lifetime.

Your ego may try to intervene, but if you try, you will eventually learn the difference between the two and prefer what your intuition dictates.

Always try to be guided by your heart. The more you listen to it, the happier and safer the choice you make will become.

And when you do right choice, you feel extremely happy and calm.


How to develop intuition: 8 ways to hear and understand your true desires

There have been many situations in my life when my intuition really saved me.Therefore, an article on how to develop intuition, I think it should definitely become part of this blog.

My intuition once pointed me to the business that will become mine in life; helped to abandon the “not my” profession, expressing this with sabotage and complete internal denial.

She helped to get away from a person with whom everything was outwardly good, but internally felt like “something was not right”.

Intuition allowed me to move to another city, although I had no idea how I could live and develop there. In general, everything happened.

Have you ever used your inner voice?

I always say to people whom I help in the fulfillment of desires: if you really want something and cannot logically explain why this is so, then most likely you have listened to the sage inside you.

Important! Your intuition knows exactly how to make your life happy. It remains only to recognize her voice and begin to understand what exactly he is saying. Well

Therefore, in my opinion, developing intuition, understanding it is a key part of the process of fulfilling a desire.

Follow your intuition. This is where true wisdom comes into play.

Oprah Winfrey

What is intuition

Before proceeding to the topic of how to develop intuition, let's figure out what intuition is.

Do you ever feel like something is going wrong, or do you feel like you need to stop and go the other way in a certain situation? Maybe you felt insecure at a certain moment or felt anxious in certain situations?

This is your intuition.

The ability to trust your own intuition is great, but first you need to learn how to develop your intuition. When you can begin to use and trust your own intuition, you will realize that you can listen to it and how it can help you in certain situations. Let's see what intuition is and how we should use it.

Intuition is a whisper, or sometimes a cry, that tells you to jump or stay still. It's yours internal system GPS.

Your intuition is a combination of spirit, emotion, and logic that guides you through life.

More often than not, we don't listen to our intuition. There is too much chatter in our head, very loud chatter that does not allow us to hear our intuition. These are doubts, worries, judgments and fears.

Let's say your intuition tells you that you love to dance and that makes you dance or even sing. She tells you that you will be successful in dancing or singing. Or intuition says: "I want love." She says, "Let's take a chance and write this book," or "Let's take a chance on starting this business." You are so excited by what your intuition is telling you!

But then a dialogue pops up in my head. And it says, “What if I fail?”

You must understand that the brain keeps us safe.

Your brain is wired to protect you! That's all, he is called upon to warn you against the unknown, because he has not yet experienced this and is trying to stay safe, this is logical.

And your intuition is a spark of passion, a spark of desire and love. It is this spark that pulls to move forward.

It's important to turn off your mind sometimes and believe what your body and spirit are trying to tell you!

Let's finally learn how to develop intuition and hidden abilities to help us fulfill our desires.

8 Ways to Develop Your Intuition

I have put together some exercises for you. how to develop intuition and latent abilities. These are 8 excellent advice. If you start applying them in your life, you will learn to hear and listen to your intuition.

1. Look for signs

First of all, in order to be able to use your intuition, you must be able to recognize it when it speaks to you. Intuition is usually not loud or demanding - it is subtle and communicates differently for different people.

For example, you may receive visual messages, such as images that appear in quick flashes or visions, or that unfold slowly like a movie.

Your intuition may speak to you as a hunch or a passing thought.

Also, your intuition can speak to you in physical sensations, such as goosebumps, butterflies in the stomach, or a feeling of relief.

Sometimes intuition is just deep feeling knowledge and confidence. If you have ever felt that you know something true in the depths of your heart or soul, chances are it was a message from your intuition.

Remember that the subconscious parts of your mind know things that are not necessarily available to your conscious mind, and trust that the repeated signs may be trying to tell you something that will make you happy.

2. Meditate

Stop Meditation internal dialogue for 5-10 minutes a day will really help you clear your mind, which in turn will help you connect even more with your intuition. Meditation also helps you enter clear and positive thinking.

When you meditate, you have thoughts and feelings that you might not normally pay attention to, because there are many other events going on in your life that take your attention away from own thoughts. Pay attention to these thoughts and feelings through meditation or afterwards, and clear your mind of any worries. This will make it easier to hear and listen to your intuition.

3. Ask questions

Receiving wisdom from your intuition should not be a passive experience. Ask specific questions of your intuition so that it gives you the exact answers to what you are looking for. The clearer you ask your questions to your innate wisdom, the clearer the answers will be.

I will tell you how to ask a question in the technique at the end of the article. Three pretty simple advice behind, let's move on to the fourth tip on how to develop intuition.

4. Write down answers

Intuitive messages are subtle and can disappear from your conscious mind very quickly if you don't take steps to write them down. In fact, neuroscience research shows that intuitive ideas not captured within 37 seconds are likely to never come up again.

5. Keep a diary

This is very effective method start a conversation with your intuition and receive its wisdom. I suggest you keep a regular diary for just five or ten minutes a day - you will be amazed at the results. You will see the changes and progress that are happening to you.

6. Act fast

The Universe rewards those who act immediately - and your intuition does the same.

When you take an action in response to the information you receive from your internal source wisdom, you open the channel between your subconscious mind and conscious mind even wider and receive more intuitive messages that are easier and easier for you to hear and start acting right.

7. Trust yourself

The more faith you have in your intuition, the greater the results will be.

If you wish to accept best solutions, solve problems faster or create winning plans for your life, you will achieve your goals faster and more efficiently when you tune in to your intuition and listen to what your inner wisdom has to say.

Important! Trusting your intuition is trusting yourself - and the more trust you put in yourself, the more

8. Live in the moment

Focusing on the present will be the best thing you can do for yourself and your intuition. If you focus on things that have happened in the past, you may be able to bring back old pain and guilt. Worry can clog your mind and create negative thinking, as can worry about your future and things you can't define.

Try to be fully present in the moment now, this will help you to be happy, positive mood and help you develop your intuition. You can focus on your thoughts and feelings right now and not worry about what you can't change.

If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are worried, you are living in the future. If you are in the world, you are living in the present.

How to develop intuition according to the method of John Kehoe

The top five on my list is The Subconscious Can Do Anything! John Kehoe. In it, the author gives practical exercise, after reading which and starting to apply it in life, you will understand how to develop intuition and latent abilities.

How to Awaken Your Intuition: 3 Steps

Below are three steps to help you naturally and without special efforts awaken your intuition and get answers to your questions:

Step 1

Take a few minutes to think about what you really have. powerful subconscious that there are absolutely right answers and solutions and that your subconscious mind will find them for you.

Try to move from the logical awareness of these facts to their emotional perception. When this happens, you will feel a joyful excitement. Consciousness should be constantly reminded of the existence of such a powerful helper as the subconscious.

You should feel confident, realizing the power hidden in you.

Step 2

Be clear about what you want from your subconscious: what answers, solutions and views on the problem you want to get from it. Repeat to yourself several times that at this very moment your subconscious mind is working for you.

Don't stress yourself out trying to imagine possible answers. Speak confidently to your subconscious mind, constantly repeating what you want it to do, but verbalize it as if it is already doing it for you.

“Now my subconscious is telling me…”

Repeat this to yourself at least ten times to feel that the process has begun.

Step 3

Relax and fill your brain with the confidence that the correct answer will be revealed to you. Remember that faith and confidence are not just sensations, but vibrations of energy.

These vibrations will attract right decisions and answers how a magnet attracts metal.

A brain that fluctuates in the energy of certainty about the right answer will naturally find that answer.

Imagine how you will feel when you find the correct answer: excitement, joy, relief. Feel it right now, but don't push yourself too hard.

You should not think day and night that the subconscious mind will soon tell you the right answer. All three steps take no more than five to ten minutes to complete. They are best done every night before bed. The transition from wakefulness to sleep is the most opportune moment to reach the subconscious.


It may take you a long time to implement all the tips on how to how to develop intuition and latent abilities in your life.

But it's worth it.

Your personal intuition will become magic wand; you'll wonder how you moved through life without her. Intuition does not exist for the spiritually gifted, not for those who meditate all day, not for those who have a relaxed life. Intuition is a tool for each of use it!

Tell us in the comments how your intuition helped you in life? Were there such cases? By the way, from time to time I hold a master class where I share my personal experience and techniques to materialize the desired. You can register

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