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What does tactile contact mean? Tactility - sexual sensitivity. Tactile sensations - what are they?

Scientists assure that tactile sensations, that is, touch, are a biological need of a person and play a significant role in the formation of affection and love in a person.

This is the most direct way emotional impact, which affects healthy development of every organism, only with age it manifests itself less and less.

Tactile sensations - what are they?

As you know, five human feelings allow us to perceive the world in all its diversity, and one of them is touch (tactile sense), thanks to which a person feels touch, vibration, pressure, pain, temperature.

And this happens thanks to the work of the nerve endings of the skin. Nerve endings are distributed throughout the skin, but the tips of the fingers and toes and the tip of the tongue have the greatest tactile sensitivity. The skin of the back, abdomen, outside forearms.

Tactile touch for humans is in the most important way communication and communications. A small child, having not yet mastered other types of communication, speaks with adults using language tactile touches.

With frequent tactile communication with a child, the prerequisites for his psychological health. Experts believe that by touching a child, parents convey to him their emotional state of calm, joy, and love. Unfortunately, with age, all feelings become dull.

Types of tactile sensations:

  1. In society, touch is used as a means of communication, it is regulated social norms, development of culture. There are touches that are ritual in nature; they are determined by the social development of society. Some cultures use kisses on the shoulders (in India), kisses on the forehead and cheeks (in Russia and Europe), touching with noses (in some Indian Ocean islands).
  2. Another type of tactile touch is associated with professional activity. Hairdressers, doctors, sports trainers, one way or another, touch other people while performing their functional duties.
  3. And there is another type of touching, which is personal, intimate, in relationships between people who are in close family relationships.

Interesting studies were conducted by American scientists who showed that men and women touch each other with the same frequency, but there are differences in the age factor.

  • Until the age of 30, men are more likely to resort to tactile contact than women.
  • After 50 years, women take over the initiative to touch.

Studies have shown that men like to touch their hands, while women prefer to touch their hands.

How men and women react to touch

The different reactions of men and women to touch depend on social conditions and own status.

☻ A study was conducted in one of the American libraries. Employees are instructed to either touch or not touch the hands of students picking up books.

Female students whose hands were touched by employees when handing over books reacted positively. It worked out for them pleasant impression to the library itself and the employees working in it. Students who were not touched by employees had less positive opinions about library service.

In response to the touches of employees towards young people, male students did not develop sympathy for the employees.

☻ In another study, scientists demonstrated even greater differences in reactions to tactile sensations of touch. The studies took place in a surgical clinic, where touch was part of professional responsibilities, so there was nothing suspicious in the very fact of touching. The duration and frequency of contact between medical staff and patients were studied, after which the patients were interviewed and their mental and somatic state was studied.

Patients who were touched medical workers, reported that they were not at all afraid of the upcoming operation. After the operation they had normal level blood pressure, their other health indicators were much better than those of patients with whom nurses did not have tactile touch.

In men, tactile touch showed the opposite effect. To every touch, they reacted negatively, with an increase in blood pressure. And those who were not touched by nurses had much better postoperative condition.

Based on the studies, scientists concluded that women respond to touch more positively than men.

☻ Noticed when people approx. equal status, men react negatively to tactile touches, while women, on the contrary, react positively.

☻ If a person is touched by a high-status person, the reaction of both men and women is positive.

☻ A purely psychological statement: an outside observer can determine the status of people talking by tactile touches. The one who touches the interlocutor has a higher status than the one who is touched. After all, it is impossible to imagine a situation where an employee, when talking with his boss, would put his hand on his shoulder or pat him on the shoulder...

Tactile sensations in relationships

Scientists claim that tactile sensations in relationships between spouses or people who feel sympathy or love for each other carry positive energy and have healing powers.

The touch of spouses brings the human body to a harmonious state, which improves health and prolongs life.

Gentle touches at any age calm and relax a person, pacifying his rapid heartbeat and bringing blood pressure back to normal.

How to maintain the sharpness of tactile sensations until old age?

Women by nature have thinner skin rich in receptors, so they feel touch more keenly.
Don't let your skin become rough or chapped. The rougher the skin, the lower its sensitivity.

Listen to how you feel when your clothes touch you. Try to express your feelings in words: what do you feel: tingling, softness, warmth? To feel comfortable, choose clothes based on tactile sensations.

Exercise to train skin sensitivity (tactile sensations)

To prevent tactile sensations from dulling with age, you can perform a simple exercise aimed at activating dormant brain cells.

Put double cotton gloves on your hands. Now your fingers don’t feel anything, neither cold nor hot. Do all housework with gloves, although this is completely inconvenient.

Due to the lack of tactile sensations that your fingers conveyed to you, other parts of the brain will be actively involved. After some time will pass your clumsiness, well-functioning coordination of hand movements will reappear, you will see improvements in the perception of the world around you.

The role of tactile sensations will be taken over by other parts of the brain. After this exercise, you will more acutely feel any touch of your fingers on objects.

And don’t forget, the tactile sensations of touch relax and calm, remember this and give each other the warmth of touch.

I wish you health, dear readers!

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Not much information can be found in Russian, although they have been studied in the West for a long time. This type of person is very sensitive to sensations and needs constant touch to be happy. However, we all need this condition to one degree or another. normal development children and adult happiness.

Not just sex

For some people, touch is their primary love language. That is, without constant physical contact (and we’re not just talking about sex), such a person will not subconsciously consider himself loved. Tactile contact is touching various kinds. IN good families It is customary to hug and kiss each other when meeting. Do not limit yourself solely to sex, because you can stroke your loved one on the cheek, play with his hair, give a massage in accordance with various techniques. It all brings you closer together, especially if your partner expresses their love through touch.

Location and hidden love

IN friendly relations tactile contact is another way to express sympathy. It’s not for nothing that shaking hands is considered normal in many cultures. More about strong sympathy says a touch on the shoulder. A friendly pat on the back makes the relationship informal and shows respect. Often love disguised as friendship is expressed through pampering children, such as tickling the object of affection or even lightly pinching. Moreover, such games are not alien to many adults.

Baby needs

Touch is also important in the relationship between child and mother. Children who are not touched or touched little often have mental retardation and developmental delays. Therefore, a child should not only have toys with a variety of textures (to make it interesting to touch), but also long-term tactile interaction with people who love him. Tactile means carried out through receptors on the skin.

The reason for some cheating

Harmonious sex life impossible without quality touches. And the more there are, the better. Many men go “to the left” not because they lack sex, variety, or are bored with the technique of performing the act. And because the wife does not give enough tenderness. They simply don’t believe in love, and therefore they are looking for a girl who loves touching. Moreover, if the contrast is strong, the man may abandon his family altogether.

Signals for others

Tactile contact is also an indicator of the publicity of the relationship. Holding your partner's hand in public, stroking their hair, or cuddling with them sends signals to people around you that you are in a relationship. If a man does not agree to minimal expressions of tenderness, this means that he does not perceive you as a serious partner. Of course, we are not talking about Muslim countries - cultural norms there are different.

Bottom line

Tactile contact is a way to express love, an urgent need for a child, a means to make obvious sympathy. It can also be a method of social declaration of relationships, that is, signaling to others that your partner is “busy.”

We present the seventeenth issue of our new project: a mini-interview with a psychotherapist “Ask Dr. Naritsyn.” An explanatory post about what it is, as well as for receiving questions from readers, is located.
A - plans for upcoming displays.

Subject today's episode- "Tactile contact and kinesthetics." Questions are asked by the user cinober .

N.N.:- Talking about physical contact, it is important to remember that this method of interaction is typical for many school animals. As a rule, it serves to additionally confirm that the individual “belongs to the pack.” In animals that have freed their forelimbs, physical contact can be especially important: for example, mutual grooming is often used as a sign of trust and intimacy.

On the other hand, if we talk about physical contact from the position not of society (a pack), but of an individual, then such contact is almost always, oddly enough, a kind of antonym for freedom and maintaining personal boundaries. Moreover, for many animals, physical contact sometimes means that they are about to be eaten. This is why it is so important that tactile communication was equally pleasant for both parties, and was not perceived by either party as violence, restriction of freedom or unauthorized encroachment on personal boundaries. Because physical contact can be a confirmation of the psychological closeness of people, but - pay attention! - not its replacement and not its beginning. Therefore, it is important that during physical contact there is, as they say, “something to confirm.” By the way, you can easily notice that the attitude towards tactile contacts is not only different for different people, and even differently in relation to different people around. For example, you will let one person into your house, but not another; In the same way, sometimes you really want to let someone into your personal boundaries, but you absolutely don’t want to let someone in. And also, speaking about physical contact, one should clarify this subtlety: such contacts can be very different. For example, holding a hand - physical contact? Undoubtedly. Hug? Kiss? Tickle? Punch me in the ear? Does it hurt to pull your hair? Unscrew a button from a jacket? And so on and so forth.

One of the pretty complex cases disharmony in relationships is a situation when in a couple the partners different needs in tactile contacts. Therefore, it is advisable before starting life together discuss, among other things, the need of each partner for nonverbal communication. But we will touch on this issue in more detail below.

- Are there people who do not experience the need for tactile contact or experience a negligible need? And if they do, how often and are there any types to whom this is most typical? Are there signs by which one can determine that a person does not like physical contact, and is not shy?

N.N.:- Of course, there are such people: at least due to the high variability of human characters and personality structures. But in this case, we should probably talk not so much about the types of “who like or don’t like physical contact”, but about situations and specific relationships. Because, as mentioned above, often the attitude towards physical contact depends on the degree of closeness of the relationship of specific people.

Yes, it also happens that some people have a higher need for tactile communication, while others have a lower need: this may depend on many factors. For example, depending on whether a person is a city dweller or a rural resident, on the specifics of upbringing and traditions in parental family, from character traits, from possible psychological trauma in relation to tactile communication, etc. and so on. And the most difficult thing is that not a single person, roughly speaking, has it written on his forehead right away whether he likes tactile contacts or not. Therefore, within the framework of ordinary formal politeness, it is accepted a priori to consider physical contact as a way of communication for people who are already quite close, and not for those who have just met. That is, the default is not to impose any tactile touches on the interlocutor outside the framework of formally accepted communication (for example, the same handshake). And the less formal your relationship with a person, the closer your physical contact can be.

And regarding the question “How to figure out that a person does not like physical contact” - if you put it in words, then it’s very simple to calculate: if you use tactile communication in relation to this person, it means that de facto you are already close enough to ask him such a question verbally. And if your closeness is not enough for this, then for now it is better not to impose physical contact on him beyond generally accepted norms politeness.

- Is it true that there are often people who want physical contact, but are afraid, and in addition to this they also have intimate phobia (i.e., fear of any close relationship, not sex or marriage). How do you understand that this is exactly the character in front of you?

N.N.:- If you are afraid of the presence of intimophobia in a person’s character in the understanding you have outlined, if this becomes relevant to you, it means that you intend to build some kind of close relationship with him. Because if such a relationship with someone is irrelevant to you, then theoretically it will not matter to you whether he has intimate phobia or not. So, at the stage of building close relationships, you can also either “ask in words” or observe reactions. And if you take all sorts of steps to establish psychological intimacy, but this is precisely what provokes your partner (partner) not to get closer to you, but, on the contrary, to move away from you, then there is a high probability that the person has intimate phobia. Although there is a certain percentage of probability that for some reason he (she) does not intend to build a close relationship with you specifically. But be that as it may, I think the reason is not so important here. You go to meet a person halfway - he moves away from you. This is his decision, and sometimes it is not so important what caused it.

- Do people with a frustrated need for physical contact really love petting cats, dogs and anyone else who doesn’t run away or bite? And is great love to petting cats as a sign that the character likes to pet people too?

N.N.:- I have come across the point of view of ethologists that people descended from monkeys, monkeys have fur and that is why people are so pleased to touch everything that is woolly and fluffy. Anyway, I don't think it's that simple; and the love of stroking cats and dogs, I suppose, does not always indicate a frustrated need for physical contact. At least because stroking animals and people are not the same thing. In addition, it often happens that a person likes to pet some dogs or cats, but not others. Here, too, everything is very selective.

- How many kinesthetics are there in the world, how common is this defect in men and women? How do you understand whether your “appetites” fit within the normal range, or whether you are just a kinesthetic person? :)

N.N.:- Here, to begin with, as they say, let's drink to the accuracy of the wording. The division of all people according to their preferred channel of perception - into auditory, visual and kinesthetic - refers to only one psychological theory: frankly speaking, it is doubtful regarding the absolute division of all people into these three groups. But even if you consider yourself a kinesthetic person, first of all, who told you that this is a defect? Touch is the same sense as vision, hearing, and all the others; and kinesthetic, if we speak in this language, is the same variant of the norm as auditory and visual. Secondly, don't confuse tactile method obtaining information about the outside world with the need for physical contact. And thirdly, regarding physical contact - a variant of the norm would be everything that both adults and capable people like.

I would venture to guess: you think that you have an “abnormally increased need for physical contact with your interlocutor,” and you have decided that you are a kinesthetic person and this is such a defect. If only because for this need you have already received more than once negative reviews. However, the attraction to tactile contact may not be caused by a “preferred way of perceiving the world”, but, for example, by some kind of internal anxiety, or a lack of tactile impressions in childhood, or some other unconscious problem that can be completely corrected (if this bothers you exist adequately, communicate, etc.). And there is no need at all to label yourself “I am a kinesthetic person and therefore I am defective.”

- Can an insidious kinesthetic person make his partner also love hugs/stroking/other touches in order to use him for his own dirty purposes? :) Or should we immediately look for people like ourselves? Is it possible to reduce own need in tactile contact and how?

N.N.:- Here, most likely, at the beginning of the question we have the opportunity to communicate with your inner Parent (according to Eric Berne). This Parent has already made an assessment of the kinesthetics - that he is insidious, and defined the goals as dirty (the smiley face is a smiley face, but there is some truth in every joke). This is a very common Parental reaction: “You get in trouble from someone - you behave badly - you are bad.” And then it comes to a dead end, because it does not imply any further development, except perhaps a feeling of guilt. Therefore one of critical actions when self-analyzing any problem, it means getting out from under the pressure of the Parent, starting to think from the position of the Adult - analytically, predictively, balancedly - and not offending your inner child: feelings, emotions, unconscious needs (including your personal need for tactile contact). Alas, it is not always easy to do such an analysis on your own: but this is where a consulting psychotherapist can be useful.

As for the question “How to make your partner also love hugs, stroking and other touches” - this is not easy, but theoretically possible. First of all, it is important to be patient, not to rush, and not to push your partner. Move towards each other gradually, focusing not on tactile contact as such, but on creating actual psychological intimacy in itself and at the same time showing respect for the personal boundaries of the partner. In general, there is such a correlation: the more a person’s personal boundaries were violated in childhood, the less he was able to protect them - the more zealously he guards them in mature age, and the less willingly he lets other people in there. And exceptions are usually made for the person who will become close and trusted to him. And the more you, as such a person, respect his personal boundaries, the more trust in you will gradually manifest.

I like to “tactile”: to feel the contact of my skin with the surface of soft and pleasant to the touch materials, to touch and rub against velvety skin your girlfriend, sort through small objects and twirl them in your hands, stroke animals and hug them, listen to the sensations of every point of your body.

There are people with increased sensitivity, the tactility of their skin is maximum, they live in a world of sensations, heightened touch, colorful touches and, as a result, vibrant sex.

Tactile sensations(Latin tactilis tangible)- This is one of the types of touch that responds to touch and pressure.

Little is said about them, forgetting that tactility dominates over other types of pleasant sensations, especially in stimulation sexual arousal person.

Tactile sensitivity is not very well developed from birth, but closer to 8–10 years of age it begins to increase sharply. Often, in order to better feel an object, a child pulls it into his mouth, where there are a large number of tactile receptors on the tongue. Then sensitivity increases slowly, reaching its apogee by the age of 16–20, coinciding with the growth of the body’s sexual appetite, stimulating and exacerbating it.

Pros and cons of tactile sensitivity

Almost everyone has tactile sensitivity, and the degree of reaction to touch and pressure is different for everyone. Some have increased sensitivity, which has many pros and cons.

Extra tactile people often feel discomfort in living conditions, characterizing the sensations as unpleasant. The rigidity of clothes and shoes forces you to carefully choose your wardrobe accordingly and take care of it to maintain softness. Women who have great tactile sensitivity often wear light gloves warm time of the year. Guided only by considerations discomfort in contact with handrails in transport, door handles, money and other objects. There are practically no men who protect their hands in this way.

Extra tactile people extract from hypersensitivity a lot of benefits. They are better able to distinguish things by touch and appreciate their texture. Although the main advantage of increased sensitivity is getting pleasure from it. From touching and stroking, touching and rubbing various items and objects and ending with sexual caresses and sex itself.

Biology of tactile receptors and the G-spot

On average per 1 sq. There are about 25 tactile receptors per cm of skin, while there are about 100-200 pain receptors, 12-15 cold receptors and 1-2 thermal ones.

95% of human skin is covered with sensitive hairs, and at their base there are some tactile receptors that respond to changes in the position of the hair by only 5%. So don't forget to pat your children and sexual partners on the head.

There are several types of tactile receptors:

Pacinian corpuscles - briefly transmit information about touch to the brain, after which they turn off.

Free nerve endings with weaker sensitivity, but constant exposure. Those. we do not forget that we are sitting on a bench, feeling a gust of wind.

Meissner's corpuscles are branches of nerve fibers, most of which are located in the skin of the fingers and toes. They also form the notorious and mysterious zone G, in search of which people have spent time and lost their heads, no less than in exploring unknown and distant lands. The G-spot is also called the Graffenburg zone (“twelve o’clock area” or “internal trigger”), an area of ​​the lower third of the anterior vaginal wall that is extremely sensitive to erotic caresses. It is a pea-shaped area, and depending on individual characteristics be from 3 to 5 cm from the entrance to the vagina or slightly higher.

Receptor cells in the deep layers of the epidermis of the skin, located in the extreme sensitive areas skin, such as the lip.

Sexual tactility

Extra tactile people often begin their sexual journey with petting, and get unforgettable sensations from it. Often in sexual games clothing material that causes very pleasant tactile sensations is used, such as silk, satin, chiffon, etc. In some people, increased sensitivity does not affect the entire body, but only certain areas. Many people themselves enjoy oral sex on their partner, it’s not for nothing that it’s located in the mouth and tongue a large number of tactile receptors.

Extra tactile people often enjoy more intense sexual sensations than ordinary people. For men, having a partner with increased tactility is simply happiness. Even without outstanding sexual abilities and a huge penis size, a man is able to almost always deliver to a lady unforgettable pleasure. And at the same time be a hero - a lover. For men, increased sensitivity carries many dangers. It is worth remembering the American comedy "American Pie", where main character reached the finish line faster than his partner started.

If increased tactful sensitivity in a man causes problems, then this can be dealt with. If the head is sensitive, it is recommended to use artificial lubricants and special condoms, which increase the duration of sexual intercourse. In cases premature ejaculation(sexual dysfunction) often should be referred to specialists. Sometimes produced surgical intervention, but most of the problems are psychological in nature and can be treated with psychotherapy (sex therapy).

Two treatment methods are offered:

1. Reception of W. Masters and V. Johnson “compression”.

Woman puts thumb on the frenulum of the penis, and the index and middle fingers to the opposite side. Compression is performed from front to back for 4 s. and so on 5-6 times before the start of the act. During sex, compression is made at the base.

2. James Semans stop-start technique.

Assessing the state of arousal and stopping stimulation until the sensations preceding premature ejaculation fade away.

People often caress themselves: they rub their body parts, tickle their cheek or ear with a lock of hair, rub their toes, and the like. At times, such caresses precede subsequent self-satisfaction. For sexual disorders, doctors recommend caressing yourself to increase sensitivity in order to better understand your body. As they say, do some training before meeting a sexual partner, try to feel the capabilities of your body in a calm atmosphere, fully allowing for masturbation at the same time.

Promotion tactile sensitivity observed among pickpockets, safecrackers (professional burglars of safes and apartments). Also for people working with small objects requiring increased sensitivity.

Most sensitive body parts: fingertips, tongue, lips, ears, backside palms, and smallest- feet, back, stomach.

Hugs and touches - good way transmitting information about a person at the level of tactile receptors. But in modern world This type of information sharing is often impossible without a charge of harassment.

Even ordinary hugs from friends and loved ones allow you to receive a large share of positivity. “Tactile” more with your loved ones - it allows you to better understand each other, and it’s damn nice!

Tactile contact is the secret weapon we have to create successful and strong relationships. This is our language, given to us from birth. But over time we forget about its importance. How can we return to natural communication?

Psychologists recommend that in order to remember, tactile contact involves using your imagination and imagining yourself on a bus crowded with people. Passengers, being half asleep, by inertia continue to reproduce their thoughts and emotions with the help of tactile sensations. Couple in love holding hands Small child looks for support from his mother - reaches out to her and calms down.

Types of communication

Everyone knows that we can communicate verbally and non-verbally. But not many people know that with the help of movements and expressions one can convey quite complex emotions and desires. We are careful with our touch, but we can receive and transmit signals with it. That is, we have the ability to interpret tactile contact. When we touch another person, our brain displays an objective assessment.

The most accurate and not at all simple way to communicate

The researchers concluded that with the help of the voice, we can identify one or two positive signals - good mood and joy. However, research shows that sensations are more accurate and subtle way communication than the sound of the voice and facial expression.

In addition, using touch you can increase the speed of communication, that is, touch is the easiest way to signal something. Tactile contact with a man helps girls create more deep feeling communications. Touch is also important in the mother-child relationship, as we begin to receive it even before birth. When a mother touches her baby, she gives him a feeling of security.

The importance of touch

Warm touch promotes release which increases feelings of affection and trust between people. This can explain our habit of touching ourselves: rubbing our hands, stroking our forehead, hair. Tactile contact helps us experience all the same positive sensations that the person we touch experiences. Research has shown that when we hug, we get as much benefit as the person we hug. In addition, by touching a person, we will receive information about his emotional state. Let's find out how he is configured: friendly or hostile. Is he relaxed or tense? Such information will help us choose the right tactics in communication. Therefore, we can say that tactile sensations are the easiest way to strengthen intimacy in a romantic relationship.

Tactile memory is the memory of the sensations we experience while touching an object. Let's say you once petted a snake at the zoo, and now every time you see a snake (on TV, for example), you remember how cold its skin is.

Tactile memory is not associated with the organs of vision, it involves. Otherwise, we can talk about the joint work of visual and tactile memory. If vision is involved in memorization, then, as a rule, we do not remember tactile sensations.

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