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Bran granulation. Which bran is more useful: rye or wheat. Rye bran in cooking

Healthy eating is trending right now. On the shelves of shops and pharmacies, there are often bags with bran of various cereals, including wheat. What are they? What is their value for our body? Bran is obtained in the process of processing grain crops. And whether they will bring benefits, it turns out, depends on the way they are produced.

In order for the grains of any cereals to be eaten, as well as to give a presentation, they are pre-processed, freeing them from the hard shell. Actually, this shell is called bran. In addition, this includes the husk and the smallest dust that remain after cleaning the grains.

But the grains themselves, in turn, are deprived of the most valuable nutritional qualities by almost 90%. From refined grains, flour or cereals are obtained, which becomes not at all useful to our body, although the taste of the product is noticeably improved. Baking from such flour will be beautiful and magnificent, only excessive enthusiasm for it can cause diseases of the intestines and heart, is fraught with diabetes or atherosclerosis, not to mention obesity.

Nearly 90% of useful nutrients are lost when grain is debranised.

Often on packaging with bran you can find the inscription "extruded". What does this mean?

Extrusion is the extrusion of mass through holes to give it a certain shape. This is done in two ways - cold and hot.

After extrusion, the dry mass of bran takes the form

In the hot extrusion process, the processing temperature is around 120 °C. But most vitamins will die at this temperature. The good news is that in the case of bran, extrusion does not last long, and the bulk of the nutrients will not have time to collapse. But microbes will die, which will allow the product to be stored longer without the use of chemical preservatives. This is a definite plus. Another positive property of hot extrusion is that it makes amino acids easily digestible. But there are also disadvantages: with this technology, proteins with carbohydrates will break down into simpler forms, and fiber and starch will be broken down into sugars. As a result, our body will receive more calories and less benefit from fiber.

In the cold extrusion process, the bran is subjected exclusively to mechanical changes. Therefore, the product is minimally harmed, all useful substances are preserved in it, but at the same time, fungi and bacteria that are not useful to us will survive, this is a minus.

In bran there is a huge amount of substances indispensable for the human body. In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, they are saturated with macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins. But this product is especially valued for the fiber and coarse fibers contained in it.

In the absence of contraindications, bran is useful for many reasons, in particular, they:

  • activate metabolism;
  • normalize digestion, the work of the heart muscle;
  • improve the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • have a beneficial effect on nervous system;
  • make the skin smooth and elastic, and hair and nails - strong and shiny;
  • remove toxins and slags;
  • prevent the development of oncology;
  • improve vision;
  • slow down the rise in blood sugar;
  • strengthen immune system;
  • prevent obesity.

Which bran is more useful: rye or wheat

Which bran is more useful: rye or wheat? To answer this question, it is worth paying attention to the chemical composition.

Table: comparison of the chemical composition of wheat and rye bran

As can be seen from the table, coarse dietary fiber is present in the same amount in both wheat and rye bran, so there is not much difference which of them to use in order to reduce weight.

Rye bran contains more fiber and valuable trace elements. But wheat bran has a number of its advantages, in them:

  • 5 times more niacin (or, as it is also called, nicotinic acid) - a powerful cholesterol-lowering agent;
  • 3 times more phosphorus, which maintains healthy teeth and bones, has a beneficial effect on muscle activity;
  • significantly more potassium - the most important mineral in our body, regulating the water-salt balance, the work of the heart and blood vessels; supporting digestion, nervous system and muscle function; removing excess sodium, which contributes to the normalization blood pressure and improve blood supply to the brain.

For those people who have never used bran before, it is better to start with wheat, because their effect on the intestines will be much milder.

What are the benefits of wheat bran

When women do not have concomitant diseases in which bran is prohibited, then their reasonable intake has a positive effect on health, even during pregnancy and lactation.

Wheat bran is just a storehouse of B vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, capable of normalizing the amount of the female hormone estrogen, the excess of which causes "female" diseases: mastopathy, endometriosis, fibroids, breast cancer, etc.

Men who consume wheat bran regularly are much less at risk of getting prostate diseases and impotence. They have a longer active sex life.

Bran also has a positive effect on the children's body. The main useful properties are as follows:

  • increased intestinal motility with constipation;
  • cleansing child's body from allergens and toxins;
  • the fight against overweight in adolescents, including those who do not experience serious physical exertion, because even the minimum amount of bran causes a feeling of satiety, reducing appetite;
  • choleretic effect, therefore, they are used for the prevention of cholecystitis and pancreatitis;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • restoration of intestinal microflora.

Video: how to choose, store and eat bran


Not everyone benefits from bran. Both adults and children should not take any bran if they suffer from:

  • gastritis;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • acute colitis;
  • allergy to the protein of cereal plants;
  • gastric or duodenal ulcer in the acute stage;
  • abdominal adhesions;
  • hepatitis.

In addition, during therapy medications it is worth giving up bran for a while because of the adsorbing properties of the latter, because together with toxins they will also remove drugs from the body. After taking the drugs, it is permissible to afford bran no earlier than 6 hours later.

You can resume taking bran only after the acute period of the disease has passed, after consulting with your doctor. You need to start with the minimum dosages, they should be selected by the attending doctor.

Norms for taking the product for healthy people

Wheat bran can be taken separately, in the intervals between main meals, and can be added to soups, vegetable purees, cereals and sour-milk drinks.

Bran is a valuable product for a healthy diet

The daily rate should be selected individually with the doctor. It usually starts with 2-3 teaspoons and does not exceed 2-4 tablespoons. When taking bran, it is very important to observe the correct drinking regimen. It is necessary to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day, otherwise constipation may occur.

Features of use for pregnant women

If this is not contraindicated for the expectant mother, then 2 tablespoons of wheat bran per day are recommended. But first you need to consult with your doctor, who will help you choose the right individual dosage.

It should be borne in mind: pregnant women should be very careful about this product, as it makes the intestines work actively, which can cause an increase in uterine tone. If used wisely, bran can bring significant health benefits. future mother for example they are:

  • help with constipation;
  • reduce blood sugar and cholesterol;
  • replenish the missing vitamins and minerals;
  • have a good effect on the nervous system;
  • support vision;
  • improve complexion.

Rules for taking bran during pregnancy:

  1. The recommended daily dose should be poured with boiling water so that the water completely covers them.
  2. Then wait half an hour until they swell.
  3. Distribute the resulting mass and consume within one day between the main meals.

For women who are breastfeeding

After childbirth, it is important for a woman to put her intestines in order and quickly return to her slender forms. Wheat bran will help restore the body of a nursing mother, they:

  • eliminate constipation, normalize metabolism;
  • cope with extra pounds gained during pregnancy, because the use of bran between meals helps to satisfy hunger and reduce appetite, saturating the body with energy;
  • they will help control the hormonal background due to the fatty acids and vitamin E contained in the bran, they will also support normal sexual functions;
  • help with colds, because taking medications during lactation is severely limited.

If you do not like the taste of bran, they can be added to the main meal, this will not reduce the beneficial properties

Cold decoction recipe.

  1. Pour 200 g of wheat bran with 2 liters of water brought to a boil.
  2. Boil for 15 minutes over low heat.
  3. Strain with a cheesecloth and take half a glass 30 minutes before meals.

The daily diet of a nursing mother should not exceed 30 grams (this is 3 tablespoons) in order to prevent flatulence and colic in both the woman herself and the baby.

Features of complementary foods for babies

Many babies respond to the introduction of complementary foods after breast milk with constipation. Wheat bran will help solve the problem. You can start giving them to children already at the 10th month of life, but only as a decoction.

Recipe for a decoction for complementary foods in the 1st year of life.

  1. 1 teaspoon of bran pour half a glass of boiling water.
  2. Cook for 10-12 minutes covered.

Strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth and add to porridge, vegetable puree or jelly, distributing it into several doses during the day.

Bran can be given to a child as early as the tenth month of life.

The recipe for a decoction for complementary foods in the 2nd year of life:

  • 1 cup boiling water;
  • 1.5 teaspoons dry bran.

The broth should be filtered, cooled and divided into several doses throughout the day.

Older children, after three years, it is recommended to give dry wheat bran, courses up to three weeks. But first you need to discuss this issue with the pediatrician. It is undesirable to give them to the child all the time, as this can adversely affect the work of the children's intestines. At first, the doses should be small, in the second week they can be gradually increased, and in the third week again reduced. For a day, you can give your child no more than 1.5–2 teaspoons of wheat bran. They should be divided into several doses per day. It is first necessary to carry out heat treatment by calcining the bran in the oven for 15 minutes.

For diabetes

If there are no concomitant diseases in which the use of bran is prohibited, then this product can be successfully used in the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Bran makes the process of digesting food longer and prevents glucose surges.

Recipe for bran for diabetes.

  1. Bran steamed with boiling water.
  2. After 30 minutes, the water must be drained.
  3. Add the resulting mass to food.

This helps to reduce the glycemic index of any product. You can eat bran and pure form, washed down with water or infusion of wild rose in a small amount. It is better to take them in the morning on an empty stomach. It is important to use the prepared mass on the same day. The next day, the product will be useless, because it will have time to lose all its healing qualities.

Ideal Schema taking bran for diabetes mellitus: 3 weeks of continuous use, then a break for a week. And so on. This is necessary to avoid addiction of the body to this product.

When following a diet

Bran is an affordable and inexpensive means for weight loss. If you eat a small portion of bran before the main meal, then the stomach will be filled, and the appetite will decrease. The remains of food that did not have time to digest will be quickly excreted by the body. In order for the bran to swell and fill the stomach, it is imperative to drink it with water: at least 1 glass of water should fall on 1 tablespoon of the product.

Try to replace one meal with a glass of fermented milk product with a spoonful of bran and you yourself will not notice how the arrow on the scales will show a lower value.

"Sit" on such a diet is allowed no more than a month, because bran is a strong adsorbent. Therefore, there is a danger, along with toxins, to remove beneficial substances from the body. It is necessary to start taking bran gradually, 1 teaspoon 15-20 minutes before meals, 2-3 times a day. Then daily dose increases to 3 tablespoons and is divided into 3 doses. If you eat more, you will get the opposite effect, and the extra pounds will return again.

Cheese balls with bran
  1. Not a large number of bring low-fat sour cream to a boil, add wheat bran to it.
  2. Mix well, let cool.
  3. Add hard grated cheese vegetable oil, a quarter of an egg and flour in such an amount that you can roll balls from the resulting mass.
  4. Bake in the oven until the balls are browned.
Porridge with bran
  1. Take 150 ml of skimmed milk, 2 tablespoons of oat bran and 1 tablespoon of wheat.
  2. Bran pour milk, stir, bring to a boil and cook for several minutes over low heat, not forgetting to stir continuously.
  3. You can add a little sugar and a pinch of vanilla to taste.
  4. Then remove from heat and let it brew for a few minutes.

It will turn out low-calorie, but at the same time tasty dish. It is best to eat it for breakfast in order to start the process of weight loss in the morning.

Bran on the Dukan Diet

Pierre Ducane considers bran one of the the most useful products available to the modern consumer. They affect digestion at two levels simultaneously:

  1. Absorbing liquid, bran increases in volume many times, thereby filling the stomach and causing a feeling of satiety.
  2. Bran acts on the intestines, preventing the absorption of fast carbohydrates and binding cholesterol.

Dukan finds oat bran of high quality, medium grind, to be the most suitable for his diet. Dukan's recommended daily dose depends on the phase of the diet:

  • in the "attack" phase, it is suggested to consume 1.5 tablespoons of bran per day;
  • in the "cruise" phase - 2 tablespoons;
  • in the phase of "consolidation" - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • in the "stabilization" phase - 3 tablespoons.

Simple Recipes for the Dukan Diet

Dukan bran bread.

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of oat bran, 1 tablespoon of wheat bran, half a bag of baking powder.
  2. Grind with a blender or coffee grinder.
  3. Add 1 tablespoon fat-free cottage cheese and 1 egg.
  4. Bake the prepared dough for 4 minutes in the microwave.

Dukan's bran bread will help you lose weight

Biscuit Dukan from bran.

  1. Take 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and 1 tablespoon of wheat bran, add a pinch of salt, mix.
  2. Pour 1-2 tablespoons of fat-free kefir, if desired, the recipe can be supplemented with melted cheese.
  3. Bake until done for a few minutes.

Health recipes using wheat bran

Based on wheat bran, you can prepare wonderful remedies for maintaining health. They are also great for adding to scrubs, skin or hair masks, etc.

For constipation

Pass through a meat grinder:

  • 100 g wheat bran, pre-steamed;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 200 g prunes.

Use the resulting mass during the day in 3 doses, drinking a glass of water each time.

Prunes have a mild laxative effect, perfectly complementing the effect of taking bran.

From bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia

  1. Rinse 400 g of wheat bran, pour 1.8 liters of boiling water into them.
  2. Boil for 10 minutes over low heat.
  3. Strained broth mixed with burnt sugar.

Drink 1 glass of this hot drink instead of tea 3-4 times a day.

For gout

  1. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over 200 g of wheat bran, boil for an hour.
  2. Strain, squeezing well, then strain again, but no longer squeezing.

The resulting decoction should be consumed within a day. You can add it to first courses and sauces.

Bath for sensitive skin

Make a small bag out of gauze, place 2 cups of bran in it, dip it in a warm bath for half an hour. Then squeeze the bran well, and add to the bath hot water. Take the procedure for at least 15 minutes.

Product Reviews

Bran is the most valuable food product, that's a fact. They can bring tremendous benefits to our body, but only if used correctly. Good health to all!

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How to take oat and rye bran for weight loss

Girls, in order to lose a few kilograms, make various sacrifices and tricks. We suggest considering how to take rye, wheat and oat bran for weight loss, which are better for the body, as well as useful recipes from nutritionists.

Types and benefits of bran

Almost everyone knows that bran is very useful for the human body, they see photos of girls who have lost weight, but not many have heard why they work so well on a person. This product is extracted from cereals during their processing, more precisely, grinding. Cereal particles are extracted from all grains, but oat and wheat have received the greatest popularity. Let's see what is the difference between them.

Wheat is mainly used to cleanse the body, they are perfectly combined with pectin, which helps to relieve the stomach and intestines, and also prolong youth. They act like a sponge, i.e. You eat a few spoonfuls of bran, after which you drink a lot of water, they pass through the entire gastrointestinal tract, absorbing all the bad that comes along the way. A feeling of fullness is created in the stomach, so you eat less. Bran stops in the intestines (thick and thin), contributing to the fact that it is quickly freed from stagnant stool. Excreted from the body in the usual way.

Oats are more considered a beauty product. This fiber removes all toxins and toxins from the body, cleanses the skin, strengthens nails and hair. At the same time, the stomach is also cleansed, but to a lesser extent than with wheat. Oat bran is perfect option for those who want not only to lose weight, but also to clear the skin, although they are less effective than ground wheat.

Useful qualities of bran for weight loss:

  1. Absorb wastes, toxins;
  2. Siberian bran is used against blood clots and varicose veins;
  3. Help to get rid of constipation even during pregnancy;
  4. Help to cleanse the skin;
  5. It is easier for you to lose weight, because. it seems that the stomach is always full.

In addition, bran has a direct effect on hormonal system and brain. You can work more and get less tired better memory and mood. Video: all about bran for weight loss

Recipes on how to use bran

Before you use wheat bran for weight loss, you need to decide on the purpose of their use. If you just cleanse yourself, then it’s enough to eat foods with grain impurities, but if the goal is to lose a few kilograms (or even a dozen), then you need to eat them, and regularly. But in order.

Many fans of Dr. Dukan believe that bran is an excellent basis for diet meals. With them you can cook pies, bread, cakes and even first courses and salads. In this case, they act as dietary supplements, gently cleanse the hollow organs and saturate the tissues with minerals. Gastroenterologist advice:

  1. Eat bran bread, it's a very easy way to keep yourself from gaining weight;
  2. At least once a week, three times a day, use pure barley or wheat bran;
  3. Introduce the remedy into the daily menu, not only as flour products, sprinkle them with salads, main and first courses, snacks.

Photo - Types of bran

Despite the safety of this product, the bran diet should only be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. The basis of this type of food: drink a lot. As we said above, bran is a natural absorbent, and its weight loss is just as effective as on activated carbon, with the difference that grains only work in combination with liquid. If you drink little, then the sharp particles of millet or oats will scratch the delicate tissue of the stomach of the intestine, disrupt the location of the hairs in the rectum. On average, about 2 glasses of clean water should fall on a spoonful of bran.

The advantage of such a diet is that you can eat everything, as long as the food is not very fatty or heavy. We eat pure bran before meals, as a seasoning or dietary supplement for weight loss. You need to follow your diet. At first (2 weeks) we use 1.5 tablespoons, at the second stage - 2, and so every two weeks we increase the amount by half a spoon, reaching 3 parts, stop at them and stick to them. Such use is possible even immediately after childbirth; moreover, it is very useful for both mother and child, who will receive more trace elements.

We need to talk a little about extruded bran, it is a processed husk that is made using high temperature and pressure. They are crispy, tasty, but almost completely devoid of their useful qualities.

So that you can lose weight by the right amount of kilograms, we suggest considering recipes from nutritionist Dukan for tasty and healthy dishes:

  1. The easiest and most proven way is to drink kefir with bran for weight loss for weight loss, this remedy gives results much better and faster than many laxatives for constipation, it cleanses blood vessels, can reduce stomach pain and nausea;
  2. Before breakfast, eat a product with milk thistle, it is great invigorating, uplifting and gives excellent results for weight loss;
  3. Granulated bran can be added to Caesar salad instead of croutons, it is very tasty and healthy. In the same way, you can use powder, they are sprinkled with soups, buns, cookies.

Sweet, which has a calorie content below 100 kcal per 100 grams:

  • 4 cups bran
  • 3-4 tablespoons sweetener (to taste)
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 sachet of yeast.


Soak bran in boiling water, mash with a fork and leave for a few minutes. During this time, beat the eggs and add to the cereal. Then add sweetener, mix well again. Sprinkle all the dough with yeast, leave to swell for 10-15 minutes and put in the oven or microwave for 5 minutes like muffins. When you get it, it will be very useful to sprinkle them with cinnamon or cocoa.

Photo - Bran cupcakes

If you really want some meat, then cook yourself cutlets with soy and bran. These food products can be found and bought in any large store, pharmacies and even markets. To do everything right, prepare:

  1. Soy mince, 200-250 grams;
  2. Onions, greens to taste;
  3. bran bread;
  4. Three eggs;
  5. Seasonings (pepper, salt).

Boil minced soy in boiling water, we need 10 minutes, then remove from heat, discard on a grid or in a sieve. Mix with other ingredients, add enough bread to get the consistency of real meatballs. As you can see, their production is not much more difficult. traditional dishes. Fry cutlets in a skillet olive oil best served with sour cream.

Buying bran for weight loss is not a problem, good reviews about the products of Argo, Lito, rye Elmika, Origiteya. Despite all the benefits of this product, it also has its downsides. You can not make a decoction of cereals and their derivatives for those who suffer from celiac disease, people with stomach ulcers or individual intolerance.

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Oat bran - useful properties, contraindications, application features

Despite the fact that bran is, in fact, a by-product in the production of grain (it is its shell and germ that exfoliate on early stages processing), their health benefits are undeniable. For those who follow the figure, the product is known as effective remedy to fight extra pounds, but this is not its only feature. Bran, which is obtained after processing oat grains, stands out for its useful properties among products obtained from other types of cereals. How to take them without harm to health?

Useful properties of the product for the body

Table: Chemical composition of oat and wheat bran (per 100 g)

As can be seen from the table, the chemical and vitamin composition of oat bran is much more diverse than wheat bran, although they surpass them in some positions.

Video: The benefits of an oat product

Despite the fact that oat bran is considered a harmless product, there are certain restrictions on its use.

  • During exacerbations of any gastrointestinal diseases(including with gastritis, peptic ulcer) you can not use this product.
  • Contraindications are any damage to the intestinal wall or stomach, in particular adhesions, erosion.
  • It is not recommended to take bran during the course of taking medicines. They simply do not have time to get into the bloodstream, as fiber absorbs them from the intestinal walls and removes them from the body. If you still have to combine the use of bran and medicines, there should be at least 6 hours between their doses.

Daily allowance for an adult

If you are introducing bran into your diet for the first time, then it is better to start with wheat, and only then switch to oatmeal, since the latter contain much more fiber, and it is much more difficult for an unprepared intestine to cope with them.

Features of use

During pregnancy

Oat bran is recommended for use throughout pregnancy, but only if the woman does not have acute diseases of the stomach and intestines. In addition to the fact that the fiber of this product serves as an excellent remedy for constipation and prevention of the development of hemorrhoids, oat bran also contains a lot of vitamins necessary both for the normal well-being of the expectant mother and for the development of the child.

In the early stages, vitamin B9 is of great importance, which contains this particular type of bran in large quantities. By consuming them 30-40 g per day, you can reduce the risk of developing early fetal pathologies. Another important property of this product is its high iron content, which is important in the prevention of anemia, which also often accompanies pregnancy.

At a later date, the ability of oat bran to normalize a woman's stool comes to the fore. Regular intake of 30 g of this product daily guarantees the absence of constipation, and if the problem already exists, it will help to get rid of it gently. Another important quality in the last trimester will be the ability of oat bran to reduce weight, which is also becoming a frequent problem. The only thing worth paying attention to is the drinking regimen. Bran should be washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid. It can be either plain water or kefir, yogurt or milk.

During the period of breastfeeding

This product will also be useful for those who are breastfeeding. But it is worth starting to introduce it into the diet not earlier than the baby is one month old. Oat bran will help mom normalize stool and get rid of dysbacteriosis. Another important argument in their favor will be the ability to prevent the set of extra pounds - a problem that often overtakes a woman after childbirth. In addition, the substances contained in oat bran will be useful not only for the mother, but also for the child. Through breast milk, they have a positive effect on both digestive tract baby, normalizing his stool and reducing gas formation, and on the nervous system.

But you should still be careful. It is better to start with very small doses (from 0.5 tsp). If New Product did not affect the child's condition in any way (the behavior remained the same, the stool did not change, the skin did not react with allergies), then its amount can be gradually increased. The recommended daily dose for a nursing mother is 30 g, which can be divided over the whole day. Doctors especially recommend eating oat bran before the morning feed. So all the beneficial substances accumulate in breast milk and are transmitted to the child.

When buying ready-made bran, you need to carefully monitor that they do not include additives such as sweeteners, colors or flavors. Such ingredients will not only not be beneficial, but can also greatly harm the baby, provoking an allergic reaction. Do not abuse the product. Excessive consumption of oat bran can cause flatulence in both mother and child.

Bran must be drunk

In the nutrition of children: is it possible and how much to give a child?

Everything that has been said about the benefits of oat bran for adults is also true for children. But for the use of bran in the diet of a child, there are certain restrictions.

Let's start with the fact that for the first time they can be given only after the baby reaches the age of 10 months. It is best to start with half a teaspoon a day. This dose should be maintained for 2-3 days, after which it can be slightly increased. The optimal amount of oat bran for this age is 1 tsp. per day, but if the stool appeared after eating a smaller amount, there is no need to increase the dose. At the same time, it is impossible to give bran in dry form. Of these, it is best to prepare a decoction. For this, 1 tsp. you need to pour 0.5 cups of boiling water and boil on low heat for 10-15 minutes. The liquid is drained, cooled and divided into 3 portions, which are given to the child during the day. However, the decoction can also be added to soups or cereals.

After the baby is one year old, oat bran can simply be brewed. To do this, the daily rate (about 10 g, which corresponds to 1.5 tsp) is poured into 0.5 cups of boiling water, insisted for 25–30 minutes. and drain off excess liquid. Since the resulting mass does not differ special taste, it is better to add it to soups, cereals or drinks. You can give a daily portion of bran either by dividing everything into several doses, or at the same time.

When a child reaches 3 years old, bran can be given in a dry form. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the baby drinks them with plenty of liquid. Briquettes or tablets with bran, which are increasingly found in stores, for children from 3 to 10 years old are included in the diet as follows:

  • the dose in tablets is 7-14 pieces;
  • briquettes give half or whole.

Children over 10 years old are supposed to give 3 tsp. product per day, but it is better not to do it immediately, but dividing it into 2-3 doses.

For diseases


After the pain subsides (approximately on the 7th day of remission), it is quite possible to introduce the product into the diet. However, it is oat bran that doctors recommend using with caution, since they contain more coarse fibers. In its pure form, they should not be taken either. It is best to grind the daily rate (2-3 tablespoons) in a coffee grinder, pour 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. and leave overnight. You can take this decoction in equal portions throughout the day.


After the subsidence inflammatory process bran will be very useful. It is worth starting with small doses (about a teaspoon), gradually increasing them. It is optimal to first soak the bran in plenty of water for 30–40 minutes. After the time is up, the excess liquid is drained, and the swollen bran is eaten, adding honey, milk or yogurt to them. It will be no less useful to stir them in soups or liquid mucous porridges. It is not recommended to use dry bran. In the event that you still have to eat them in this form, it is important to drink at least a glass of water afterward. Otherwise, the body will not receive any benefit from this product. And don't eat too much.

And one more thing: with caution, oat bran should be consumed with increased acidity of the stomach. In this case, after taking them, heartburn may appear.


Oat bran can be added to cereals and soups without loss of useful properties.

Oat bran is not only possible, but also necessary to use in diabetes. Despite the fact that they cannot be called a dietary product in the full sense (the glycemic index of bran is 78, this is considered an average), they bring a lot of benefits in this disease. Bran carbohydrates are broken down rather slowly, without causing sharp rises in sugar and without loading the pancreas. It is necessary to take the product for diabetes either with plenty of water, or by brewing and eating the slurry that has turned out after half an hour of exposure. It can be added to other dishes, as well as dairy products. The consumption rate of oat bran in diabetes mellitus is the same 20–30 g of dry product. Cholecystitis

This is another disease in which oat bran will be extremely beneficial. By enhancing intestinal motility, the product also affects the functioning of the liver, stimulating bile secretion. It is especially useful in congestion in the liver. By the way, their ability to lower cholesterol levels will also have to be, because it is known that it is associated not only with the occurrence of atherosclerosis, but also with the formation of stones in gallbladder.

Of course, in the acute period of this disease, it is not recommended to eat bran, but after the pain subsides, you can start taking 1 tsp each, brewing or drinking plenty of water. If after the use of bran there are no negative reactions, the portion volume can be increased, gradually bringing it up to the daily norm - 30 g.

How to take for weight loss?

But despite all the useful properties, oat bran still gained the greatest fame as effective remedy for weight loss. Many people know that their regular intake will help not only maintain the figure, but also restore its lost harmony.

  • Once in the stomach, the bran swells, increasing in size tenfold. Thus, there is a feeling of fullness, which allows you to not feel hungry for a long time and avoid snacking.
  • Bran fiber slows down the absorption of sugar and fats. In parallel, bran stimulates the metabolism, thereby also affecting the reduction of kilograms.
  • Slags and toxins that they remove from the intestines, as a result, also add up to the lost kilograms.

There are many weight loss methods with oat bran. Some of them believe that it is enough to simply add the product to the main meals three times a day. Others advise doing it in a certain pattern. Here is an example of a three-phase diet.

  • At the first stage, which lasts 10–12 days, 1 tsp is added to the diet. bran, brewed 1/3 cup boiling water. The resulting mass is allowed to cool, excess liquid is drained, divided into 3 doses.
  • The second stage lasts 2 weeks, all this time they eat a decoction of 2 tbsp divided into 3 doses. l. bran, poured ½ cup boiling water. As in the previous stage, the dry product is poured with boiling water, allowed to cool, the water is drained and the gruel is divided into 3 doses.
  • At the third stage, bran is added to each meal, 2 tsp. already dry. However, they can be filled with kefir and drunk. The duration of the final stage of the diet is 2 months.
Is this product suitable for Dukan dieters?

Did not ignore oat bran and Dr. Pierre Dukan. In his diet, he recommends using them at different stages and in a variety of ways. They can be added to cereals, yogurts or kefirs, bake bread or pancakes with them, mix in minced meat and even include them in cookies.

  • "Attack" - 1.5 tbsp. l. in a day;
  • "Cruise" - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • "Fixation" - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • "Stabilization" - 3 tbsp. l.

Dr. Dukan believes that 1 tbsp. l. will help reduce appetite, 2 tbsp. l. have a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines, and 3 tbsp. l. not only support all of the above, but also begin to bring extra calories. Thus, it is not recommended to consume bran in excess of this amount.

Nordic bran contains a full supply of vitamins and microelements The Dukan Diet allows the use of bran from a wide variety of manufacturers Extruded bran will help you choose the right dosage

Reviews of those who lost weight with oat bran

Recipes for health

How to use for constipation?

To get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, 3 conditions must be met:

  1. Eat 25-30 g of bran daily.
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of water.
  3. Move as much as possible.

Let's go through the points:

  1. It is not at all necessary to eat dry bran, because in this case they must be washed down with at least a glass of water. It is best to brew the product. For 1 st. l. take about 0.5 cups of boiling water and leave for 25-30 minutes, drain the excess water, and use the resulting slurry during the day in a spoonful before meals or adding to ready-made dishes. After two weeks of taking bran, a ten-day break is taken, after which the course is repeated.
  2. The drinking regimen in the treatment of constipation with bran is no less important: if there is not enough water, the bran simply will not “work”. To prevent this from happening, you need to drink 1.5, and preferably 2 liters of water per day. Drink about 8 glasses of water per day so that the first glass is taken on an empty stomach immediately after waking up, and the last one an hour before going to bed.
  3. The last point is movement. It is also mandatory, but this does not mean at all that you need to go to the gym or do some tedious exercises. It takes only 30 minutes for the intestines to work normally. walk a day.

Dishes with bran


Simple and healthy breakfast - pancakes with bran

Energy value:

  • calorie content - 156 kcal;
  • proteins - 16.4 g;
  • fats - 7.8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4.1 g.

To prepare them you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. oat bran;
  • 1.5 st. l. fat-free cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt to taste.

The bran is mixed with cottage cheese and the beaten egg and salt are carefully added to the mass. If desired, honey or other sweetener can be added to the dough, but the calorie content of the dish in this case will increase. Pancakes are baked in a well-heated pan with a non-stick coating for about 0.5 minutes. from each side.

Diet cutlets

Energy value:

  • calorie content - 194 kcal;
  • proteins - 35.4 g;
  • fats - 3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4.8 g.

In order to cook diet chicken cutlets, you will need the following products:

  • 500 g chicken fillet;
  • 1 st. l. water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. bran;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. fat-free cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • parsley;
  • salt, spices to taste.

cut chicken fillet small pieces. Place the meat, bran, egg yolk, chopped onion, garlic, cottage cheese, parsley and water into the blender bowl. Grind everything thoroughly, add salt and pepper to taste. From the resulting minced meat, form cutlets, grease them with whipped protein and put on a greased baking sheet. Bake cutlets in an oven preheated to 180 ° for 40 minutes.


It is allowed to mix bran with oatmeal and cook porridge

Energy value:

  • caloric content - 328 kcal;
  • proteins - 14.2 g;
  • fats - 9.7 g;
  • carbohydrates - 49.1 g.

For cooking you will need:

  • 6 art. l. oatmeal;
  • 2 tbsp. l. oat bran;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • fruits to taste;
  • 1/2 cup fat-free yogurt;
  • 1/3 cup milk.

Place in a glass jar or other container with a lid. cereals(preferably those that take more than 5 minutes to cook), bran, fruit and honey. Everything is poured with milk and yogurt, mixed, covered with a lid and left in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. However, the dish will not deteriorate if left there overnight, but in the morning a healthy and tasty breakfast will be ready.

Video: Flat cakes according to Dukan

Preparation of home cosmetics

Bran not only cleanses and heals the body from the inside. With their help, you can successfully fight for perfection on the outside. Based on this product, there are many masks for the skin. different types, with which you can cope with such imperfections as comedones, enlarged pores, blackheads. But since natural bran has a rather rough structure, you should not rub bran-based products too hard into your face.

Mask that narrows the pores

  • 3 art. l. oat bran;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato puree;
  • 1 tsp infusion of yarrow (to prepare 1 tablespoon of herbs, brew 1/2 cup of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and filter).

The ingredients are mixed and applied to areas with enlarged pores for 15–20 minutes. After that, wash off the mask with warm water and rinse your face with cool water.

For oily skin

  • 1 st. l. bran;
  • 1 egg white;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;

Beat the egg white to saturate the mask with oxygen. Bran is gently mixed with it and lemon juice. The mask is applied to pre-prepared skin for 20 minutes. When the procedure is over, wash it off with warm water.

For an inflamed face

  • 1 st. l. bran;
  • 1 st. l. kefir;
  • 1 st. l. chopped green parsley.

Mix all ingredients and apply to cleansed skin. In 20 minutes. wash off the mask with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

Oat bran is a unique product that helps not only restore and maintain intestinal health, but also improve the condition of the whole body. Having decided to start taking them, it is important to observe moderation, because if you regularly exceed the recommended dosages, instead of the expected benefits, you can get a whole set of unpleasant surprises, including flatulence and hypovitaminosis.

The benefits and harms of wheat bran, how to take it correctly?

Our ancestors knew about the benefits of whole grain crops, using only single-grinding flour, which retains all its unique properties. With the development of technology, in order to obtain "quality" flour, the grain began to be cleaned of hard shells. The resulting secondary product, known as "wheat bran", was forgotten for many years. This mistake has been corrected, today nutritionists and doctors openly declare that bran is the most valuable source of useful elements for our body. What practical interest do they represent for a person, are they so harmless?

A little about the chemical composition

Due to the fact that bran is a kind of waste from grain processing, many are rather skeptical about it. In fact, it is in the fruit peel, the aleurone layer and the germ that the main part of all the valuable biological substances of grain crops is concentrated.

The grain, cleared of shells and germ, retains its original useful characteristics only by 10%.

Practical interest for human health is represented by all varieties of bran. The names depend on the original source of origin:

  • wheat;
  • rye;
  • rice;
  • oatmeal, etc.

Rye and wheat bran are traditionally common and least high-calorie. Better to start with wheat. They are easier to digest and are a storehouse of nutrients.

Chemistry Table: Comparing Two Bran Varieties

The benefits of wheat bran

Wheat fruit shells have a rich composition. Therefore, they are widely used in cosmetology and traditional medicine. Due to the presence of a large amount of natural dietary fiber, wheat bran is a cleaning "brush" for the whole organism. Together with a high content of biologically active elements, this helps to cope with many pathological conditions.

So, main function wheat bran - improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Fiber is an excellent way to fight dysbacteriosis, as it helps the growth of healthy microflora in the intestines. Stimulation of peristalsis and active adsorption of toxins, toxins and carcinogens not only act as the best prevention of constipation, but also prevent the development of putrefactive processes. This, in turn, significantly reduces the risk of developing oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Regular consumption of wheat bran reduces the risk of bowel cancer by 40%.

Also, eating grain shells activates the activity of the pancreas and liver. And thanks to the choleretic effect, normalization of the circulation of bile in the body is achieved.

The benefits of bran are not limited to a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. In addition, they help:

  1. Strengthening of immunity and normalization of metabolic processes due to the high content of zinc and selenium.
  2. Normalization of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. A high percentage of copper improves blood quality. Magnesium and potassium stabilize the heart rate. And beta-glucan, which binds fatty acids, lowers cholesterol levels, cleansing blood vessels and increasing their elasticity. The result is a reduction in the risk of many diseases: tachycardia, arrhythmia, coronary disease, atherosclerotic plaques and heart attack.
  3. Improvement of work endocrine system. Wheat milling reduces the rate of rise in blood sugar levels by slowing down the absorption of carbohydrates. In some cases, regular consumption of bran allows patients with diabetes to significantly reduce the intake of insulin-containing drugs.
  4. Strengthening the nervous system, for the stable operation of which the sufficient presence of manganese in the body is responsible.
  5. Improvement of the general appearance. This is facilitated by the normalization of the condition of the hair and skin, the quality of which directly depends on the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the immune background.
  6. stabilization hormonal background and improve sexual function. Maintaining the correct balance of estrogens in the female body, which wheat shells successfully cope with, is the main condition for preventing the occurrence of fibroids, mastopathy, endometriosis and breast cancer. Eating bran strong sex will reduce the risk of prostate cancer and increase potency.
  7. Weight loss. This product combines low calorie content with the ability to quickly and long-term saturation. In combination with the ability to remove excess fat and water from the body, it can be considered a real calorie blocker. In this regard, it is widely used in many methods aimed at losing weight and overall health.

Dependence of content on form

Today, on pharmacy and store shelves, bran can be found in a ground or molded form. First - completely natural product without any further processing. This contributes to the preservation of all healing properties fully. However, there is a danger of the development of fungus or harmful microflora if the grain processing conditions were far from ideal.

Molded (extruded) bran is made by forcing the mass of grinding through the molding holes using thermal exposure. The result is granules, flakes, sticks and other varieties of this product. Similar processing has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  • the product is ready for use, no additional manipulations are required;
  • extruded bran is easily digestible;
  • pressed product can be taken on the road, used for a snack.

The disadvantages of extruded bran are:

  • reduction of useful components due to heat treatment;
  • the presence of flour, flavor enhancers and other additives that increase the calorie content of the product.

People who have health problems or are overweight should carefully read the contents on the package of molded bran.

According to nutritionists and doctors, if the purpose of using wheat milling is not only prevention, but the treatment of certain diseases or weight loss, then it is better to opt for natural ground bran. They are exclusively indicated for use by young children sensitive to food additives.

If the calorie content of the extruded product exceeds 220 kcal, this indicates the presence of flour in its composition.


Despite the ability to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, wheat bran is contraindicated in people with the following diseases that occur in the acute phase:

  • duodenal ulcer and stomach;
  • colitis and enteritis;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis.

Also, eating the product is contraindicated in the presence of adhesions in the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal bleeding and diarrhea. Despite the rare allergy to cereal protein, it can happen with individual intolerance.

You should know that unreasonably long-term use of wheat grain shells does more harm than good, as it leads to hypovitaminosis. After all, bran has the ability to remove not only harmful, but also beneficial substances. For the same reason, they are not recommended to be combined with a low-calorie diet, which can cause a sharp decline in strength and health problems.

When taking medications at the same time, it is imperative to take at least six hours between the use of grinding and medications. Otherwise, the effect of the latter will be reduced to zero.

Ground bran must be pre-soaked in water for 30-40 minutes. It is better if the liquid is drained several times and replaced with a clean one. Calcining bran in an oven and microwave, as well as cooking soups and cereals based on it, contributes to a sharp decrease in the concentration of nutrients. The swollen product can be eaten in its pure form (20–30 minutes before meals) or added to ready-made non-hot dishes.

The introduction of bran into the diet requires an increase in the daily intake of fluid consumed to at least 2–2.5 liters.

The main condition for ensuring the desired therapeutic effect is sufficient fluid intake.

Wheat milling must be washed down with a glass of water

At the same time, acquaintance with bran should begin with a teaspoon per day. Gradually, within fourteen days, the amount eaten should be brought up to two or three tablespoons. It is recommended that the initial course does not go beyond 10-14 days, after which it is necessary to take a break for 1-2 weeks.

The duration of treatment courses with a maximum dosage should not exceed 4-6 weeks. This is followed by a mandatory break of 14–21 days. A prophylactic dose of one or two teaspoons can be taken for a long time: up to 2-3 months.

Use during pregnancy

Waiting for a baby is not only a joyful excitement, but also very real problems in the form of weight gain, edema and deterioration of intestinal motility.

About 30% of pregnant women regularly suffer from constipation

The use of bran is useful at any stage of pregnancy, if there are no pathologies of its course and increased tone of the uterus. An exception may be women who previously had serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

To prevent constipation and get rid of edema, it is enough to eat one or two tablespoons of bran per day for 7-10 days. It is better to use the product in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before meals or prepare soups based on bran decoction. After that, you need to take a break for a few weeks.

Bran and breastfeeding

After childbirth, the female body is subject to hormonal changes and a deficiency of many micro and macro elements. Therefore, wheat grain shells can bring a lot of benefits to nursing mothers. In addition, a decoction based on them will help to cope with a cold when taking medications is prohibited.

You can introduce bran into the diet from the moment the baby reaches the age of three months. You need to start with a teaspoon in the morning before feeding the crumbs. After that, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the child during the day. If no allergic reactions, flatulence or colic have been identified, bran can be safely included in your diet.

When eating bread with bran, do not forget to take them into account in the total daily dosage.

The daily rate should not exceed 25 g. It is not recommended to use molded bran with additives that can cause allergies in the baby.

Use for a child

Acquaintance of the crumbs with bran should take place no earlier than reaching ten months. At the same time, you need to start with a decoction, on the basis of which soups and cereals are then prepared.

To prepare it, you need to take a third of a teaspoon of a pre-soaked product. Pour it with boiling water and boil over low heat for a quarter of an hour, then strain.

children older than a year you can include bran in the diet

Starting from a year, you can increase the grinding dosage for preparing a decoction to 1-1.5 teaspoons. After the child reaches three years of age it is allowed to give him bran in its natural form, adding them to dishes. The maximum rate is 1.5–2 tsp. in a day.

The use of bran in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

People suffering from pancreatitis, gastritis and cholecystitis should be careful about introducing the product into the diet. In the acute stage of any of these diseases, the use of bran is contraindicated. In the phase of the chronic course of the disease and remission, eating grinding is possible, but only after consultation with the attending physician.

With pancreatitis, you can start eating bran no earlier than 8-10 days after the end of the last attack.

  1. The ground product should be boiled for a quarter of an hour and the broth should be insisted throughout the day.
  2. After that, it must be filtered and honey added to taste.

There are no more than two tablespoons per day. The course of admission is 7-10 days.

The possibility of using wheat bran should be discussed with a doctor.

The same decoction will be useful for cholecystitis, in which a diet rich in vegetable fiber is recommended. Additionally, in the remission stage, it is allowed to use pure product(up to two tablespoons). They must first be filled with water and insisted for half an hour.

Swollen bran should be distributed over 4-5 meals, adding to ready meals and drinking warm milk.

The use of wheat shells for gastritis is possible if the disease is not accompanied by low acidity. With its increased and normal rate it is allowed to eat one teaspoon of bran 2-3 times a day, adding to ready-made soups and cereals.

In this disease, the use of fiber is indicated, which slows down the absorption of glucose by the intestinal walls. Therefore, bran is an indispensable assistant for diabetics. In addition, they provide an opportunity to cope with the problems of obesity, which is frequent companion diseases.

You can only consume freshly prepared product with one or two glasses of water. You need to eat it in the morning on an empty stomach in a steamed form, draining excess liquid. The course of admission is three weeks followed by a week break. The daily norm is two tablespoons.

You can pour and drink bran not only with water, but also with fermented milk products and a decoction of viburnum and wild rose.

Diet with wheat bran and kefir

Due to their "cleansing" characteristics and ability to maintain a long feeling of satiety, wheat hulls are widely used in many methods aimed at weight loss.

To do this, it is recommended to pour two tablespoons of bran with water for half an hour and eat three times a day 20 minutes before meals. You can also replace dinner with a glass of low-fat kefir with the addition of 1-2 tablespoons of bran. Duration of the course without a break - no more than a month, better - 14 days.

It is worth remembering that the use of bran is an auxiliary method for losing weight.

Those who are familiar with the Dukan diet, based on daily consumption of oat bran, often wonder if a wheat variation of the product can be used. Pierre Ducan, the founder of this technique, is categorical, he insists on the need to eat only oatmeal. Wheat hulls can only be included in the diet as a supplement during the "Attack" and "Cruise" stages to prevent constipation. The maximum rate at both stages of the diet is one tablespoon per day.

Granulation of bran allows you to improve the conditions for their storage, transportation and input into compound feed. Bran from the grinding department is fed by an aerosol transport line to the operational silo. The silo is equipped with vibrodischargers and two openings. The outlet pipes have manually operated valves. From one branch pipe, bran is sent for granulation, from the other to the aerosol transport unit through scales, which will feed them to the feed mill.

The press granulator DG-I with cooling columns DG-II is intended for granulation of bran. In the vast majority of granulators, rotating annular dies and pressing rolls are used as working bodies. Rolls can be of the same or different diameters, the number of rolls is two or three. The matrix is ​​a thick-walled ring, in which holes are made along the radius or with a slope of up to 20°, which are channels, or spinnerets, of circular cross section, wedge gaps are formed between the inner surface of the matrix and the pressing rolls. The product enters these gaps, as a result of the rotation of the matrix and the friction of the product, the pressing rolls begin to rotate. The product is pressed through the holes of the matrix, being pre-compacted in the wedge-shaped gap, passing through the channels, the product acquires dimensions and shape.

The bran is granulated using steam. Plant productivity 8 t/h. The granulated bran enters the chain conveyor through gravity pipes by the elevator conveyor, which distributes it to four silos for storage. Granulated bran is loaded into wagons simultaneously from all silos using chain conveyors with a capacity of 60 t/h.

2.5. Characteristics of the equipment used for forming

flour varieties.

Multi-component weight batcher 6.140-AD-3000M works with eight screw feeders. The augers feed the intermediate bottoms to the load receptor. The weight dispenser consists of frame levers, a load receiving device, a dial indicator, a set of pneumatic equipment.

The dial pointer is equipped with a photoelectric converter of the angle of rotation of the index arrow axis into a code. Information from the converter enters the control system. When the load receptor is empty, the arrow of the dial indicator is in the zero position. The shutters of this device and the additional shutters are closed. The disks take a horizontal position, tightly adhering to the contour to the rubber lining of the body. They block the path connecting the mixer with the shutter funnel and the load receptor. Limit switches pressed.

Then one of the screw feeders is turned on and the flour enters the load receptor. As it fills up, the index arrow moves along the scale of the dial indicator, and the code disk of the angle of rotation converter rotates with it. At the moment determined by the program, the first screw feeder is switched on and then the next one according to the program. After all the programmed feeders have worked out, a command is given to unload the load receptor. After the bunker is released and the arrow of the dial indicator returns to the zero position, the bottom of the gates of the load receiving device are closed. As a result of the operation of both limit switches, a command is received to close additional gates. The action of the sensors serves as a command to start a new dosing cycle.

Mixer A9-BSG-3 is connected by a single automatic control system with a dispenser 6.140-AD-3000M. Its main purpose is to give homogeneity to a mixture of a certain type of flour, formed from various grindings. The mixer is a welded metal case of a rectangular shape, with a cylindrical bottom and discharge windows. In the side walls of the hull there are viewing windows closed by hatches.

A paddle shaft is installed inside the housing. On the racks of the shaft, an internal double-thread screw and external spiral blades concentrically to it are fixed. The direction of the helix of each blade pair is mutually opposite. Grinding products of different quality after dosing in two streams are fed into the mixer through the loading nozzles. The outer blades of the shaft mix the product along the body in one direction, and the inner blades in the opposite direction. In this case, intensive and uniform mixing occurs.

Equipment for bran granulation includes press-granulator DG-I, cooler DG-II.

The pellet mill consists of a feeder with a drive, a mixer, a press and communications. The feeder is designed for uniform feeding of bran into the mixer. The mixer moistens the bran evenly with steam or water. At the top of the mixer nozzles are installed. The mixer shaft is driven by an electric motor mounted on a rocking plate through a gear and chain transmission. The matrix in the form of a steel cylinder with radial holes is fixed by four sectors on the faceplate. On the outer side of the matrix, two knives are installed that cut the granules. The press is driven by an electric motor mounted on a frame common to the entire press, through a clutch, shaft, gear and gear wheel. The installation communication is designed to supply steam to the mixer. Besides pipelines,

valves and conventional pressure gauges, it has a pressure reducing valve, an electrocontact pressure gauge with an automatic valve, a steam separator and a condensate trap. Bran, mixed according to a given recipe, is sent through the feeder to the mixer, where it is moistened with steam and water. The mixture is stirred and fed through the loading pipe into the pressing chamber, where it is squeezed out through the holes in the matrix. The tape emerging from the holes is cut into small pieces with knives located on the outside of the matrix. The pellets are dropped into the discharge pipe.

It is possible to obtain granules up to 19.0 in size (from 4.7 ... 19.0 mm).

The cooler DG-II cools the pellets coming from the press to a temperature of 5...8° above the environment. It consists of a column, an unloading device with a drive and a ventilation unit. The column has cooling cavities formed by two end walls, between which three louver sections are fixed. Outside there are air channels with windows for air intake. On top of the column there is a receiving hopper, closed with a lid; a loading pipe and a suction pipe are installed on the hopper. A window with a cover is used to clean the hopper.

The product enters the receiving hopper, is distributed over the cooling cavities and, descending under the action of gravity, is penetrated by the air flow. When cooled, the moisture content of the granules decreases. In the unloading device, the bran is captured by the blades and thrown out of the cooler.

Weighing machine for flour and semolina ADK-50-ZVM consists of two batchers, a feeding device, a packaging machine, a device for collecting spilled flour, a bag sewing machine.

Dosers automatically weigh the flour. Feeding device designed to supply the product to the dispensers consists of

baking powder, coarse and fine augers. The packaging machine fills the bags with weighed portions of flour. The device for collecting and removing spilled flour includes a body, a drive with a scraper, and five removable guard rails. Flour from torn bags and settling flour dust of the weighing machine is removed automatically. After starting the weighing machine, the electric motor is turned on, which rotates the scraper through the clutch and the worm gear. Spills of flour are displaced to the hole in the bottom of the housing, and from it through the sieving machines are transported further according to the technical scheme. The ZZEM-6 bag sewing machine is equipped with the weighing machine. It is a modernized version of the ZZEM bag sewing machine. The sieving machine A1-BPK is designed for control sifting of flour and the separation of accidentally caught and coarse foreign impurities from it. The machine is installed before sacking flour into bags or its bulk release.

А1-BPK is a block structure consisting of a frame, two sifters, two drives, a hopper and a support. Each sifter consists of a welded body, inside of which a sieve cylinder is installed. Flour evenly enters the sieve cylinder through the intake pipe. Longitudinal whips and cleaners of the rotating rotor capture it and throw it to the surface of the sieve cylinder. Through the windows in the bed, the flour enters the collection hopper and is removed from it by a sluice feeder by aerosol transport. Foreign impurities that accidentally get into the flour, coming off the sieve cylinder, are removed through the snail, the sifter and accumulate in a special container.

The foreign matter separation efficiency is 100%.

The A1-BPK-2K sieving machine is used to refine flour basting. By design, the sifter is similar to the sifter of the A1-BPK machine.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Bran is a by-product flour milling. And they are often classified as waste. They are the hard shell of the grain that remains after it has been ground. Until recently, bran was mainly fed to farm animals, but now the scope of their application has become much wider.

The benefits of bran and their scope

Non-specialists often confuse bran with chaff - the waste obtained from the threshing of commercial plants. Chaff consists of small parts of spike and leguminous plants(films of spikelets, scraps, stems, pods, etc.). Just chaff is still used exclusively as a feed product, since in its composition it is closer to straw, but differs from it in a high nitrogen content and better digestibility.

Depending on the type of grain that goes into processing, there are several types of bran: rye, wheat, rice, barley, buckwheat, etc. They may also differ in the degree of grinding. In the latter case, bran can be coarse (large) and thin (small). The nutritional value of this product is determined by the content of farinaceous particles in it - the less they are in the composition of bran and the more shells, the less nutritious they are. The chemical composition of wheat bran in percentage the following: water - 14.8%, proteins - 15.5%, fats - 3.2%, fiber - 8.4%, nitrogen-free extractives - 53.2%, ash - 4.9%. 100 kg of bran contains about 75 feed units and about 13 kg of digestible protein.

Due to its characteristics, bran is used for fattening cattle, horses, pigs, sheep and rearing young animals. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the "feed" direction remains the main one for bran producers.

This situation continued until the last century. At the beginning of the 20th century, bran was completely excluded from the diet of Europeans, as it was considered waste products, although scientists already knew that they contained more protein, fatty acids and trace elements than the grain itself. A few decades later, the situation changed significantly: bran began to be regarded as a valuable source of dietary fiber. The most popular was oat bran, which was added to ready-made breakfasts intended for people who take care of their health and figure. Bran became especially popular in nutrition with the spread of vegetarianism. This raw material is an important source of essential fatty acids and trace elements.

However, some nutritionists object to bran manufacturers who position their product as a real panacea. The latter are sure that extruded bran, which is obtained with the help of high-speed extruders-granulators, has few useful substances and microelements. In addition, there are restrictions on their use: bran is contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during an exacerbation. When consumed in excess, they can lead to some digestive problems.

However, in general, it is difficult to challenge the usefulness of bran. All biologically active useful substances are stored in the hard shell of the grain. In wheat flour of the highest grade, no more than 10% of valuable substances are retained, therefore, synthetic additives are often added to it, but as a food product it does not carry great benefit, although it has a high palatability. The bran contains a large amount of fatty acids, so whole grain flour quickly rancid, so when making flour, it is necessary to carefully separate the bran from the grain.

Bran is used not only for the manufacture of dietary ready-made breakfasts, but also in the production of bread. In this case, it is important to correctly calculate the content of all components: a large amount of bran in the product reduces its digestibility, and a small amount of bran has a positive effect on the taste of bread and improves digestion. Most often, bran is used, of course, in cooking. Like a few years ago, wheat bran is the most popular in our country, rye bran is in second place, and rice bran is in third place.

Bran production

The production of bran is directly related to the processing of grain and the manufacture of flour, which is quite understandable, because bran is a by-product of such production. Let's consider it in more detail. This process begins with the reception and storage of raw materials - grains of wheat and rye. Grain is brought in by road or by rail to the enterprise and transferred to the elevator. It is preliminarily weighed on truck scales with a carrying capacity of up to 60 tons or on railway scales with a carrying capacity of 150 tons.

The next stage of production is the preparation and processing of grain. First, the grain is fed into the grain cleaning department, where it is thoroughly cleaned from various debris and foreign matter. For this, special equipment is used with a set of sieves with cells of different diameters. The grain is blown under strong pressure, which allows you to remove dust and small debris. Particles of metal or metal ore are separated by means of magnetic separators, and particles of mineral origin (pebbles, earth, asphalt) are separated by destoners.

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After that, the cleaned grain is poured into wet peeling machines. There it fills warm water, heated to a temperature of 30-40 °, and intensively mixed, resulting in a partial separation of the fruit shell. Warm water helps strengthen the grain's gluten. The raw material is left in the bunker for 2-3 hours for resting, and then it is sent to the second stage of cleaning, at which shells and foreign particles that have not been removed earlier are separated from the grains. Then the raw material is moistened again and poured into bunkers for the next resting for a couple of hours.

Finally, it is sent to the air separating machines and fed into the grinding department. Technological optimal moisture content of grain at this stage should be 15%.

Grinding of grain is carried out on roller machines. Getting between two rotating rolls, tightly pressed to each other, the grain is destroyed into grains. Then the crushed mixture with the help of an air flow rises to the top - to sieving, where the raw material is divided into 3-5 fractions according to the particle size. After sieving, the grains are also fed along the streams to the winnowing machines. Passing through the sieves, they are cleared of shell particles. As a result, white groats are obtained, which are subsequently fed to grinding roller machines, where they are crushed to the state of fine groats and the finest fraction - dunsta. Small particles are once again passed through the winch systems and enter the grinding machines, the number of which can reach eleven. Only after their passage, the powdery part completely gets rid of the product shell.

In addition to flour, cereals and bran, mills with modern equipment have machines that can also separate grain germs - dense yellow particles 2-2.5 mm in size. The germs of wheat grain consist of three parts - the outer shells (the same bran), the germ and the mealy core (endosperm). Bran is the very hard shell of the grain, its fibrous outer layer. The endosperm, which is used to make white flour, contains the most starch and is rich in carbohydrates, but the aleurone layer is removed from it, which has a brownish color and can spoil the appearance of the finished flour. The grain germ is located in the very center, it contains the largest amount of nutrients, is a source of essential fats and vitamins. These wastes contain a large amount of fiber.

For example, 100 g of wheat germ contains at least half of the daily dietary fiber. For comparison, bran contains up to 80% fiber and slightly less useful and nutritious substances. Thus, wheat germ is also a very valuable product in terms of its biochemical composition. However, it also contains a high percentage of fat (up to 14%), which, when crushed into flour, gives it bitterness. For this reason, grain germ is not used in the production of flour.

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Flour after all the above procedures is sent to the control sieving by a varietal flow. At this stage, the grain shell that accidentally fell into the total mass of particles is removed from it. Purified flour is distilled with compressed air into storage bins, and from there it enters the warehouse through weighing machines or is sent for loading.

Let's get back to bran. As a result of flour milling, bran is obtained, but at this stage it looks unusual for consumers. It's just a pile of husks. However, the use of bran in uncompacted form has certain disadvantages. First of all, these include high costs for their storage and transportation. Bran in bulk take up a lot of space and require special conditions for storage and transportation, but most importantly, they are very dusty, and this not only causes inconvenience when using the product, but also increases the risk of ignition during storage. During granulation, the bran mass is compacted almost ten times. In this form, they are stored longer, since with a smaller specific surface area of ​​the product, the action of mold and yeast fungi decreases, and less contamination with viable forms of microorganisms is observed. In addition, the bulk area increases and dust formation decreases.

Granulation of bran is carried out on special equipment using flat die granulator presses or similar machines. In addition to presses, such a line is equipped with cooling columns and a granule vibrating separator. Loose bran is sent to special containers using a pneumatic conveyor through special channels, and then to a storage tank with the release of metal-magnetic impurities in the stream. At the next stage, the bran enters the steaming mixers. There they undergo steam treatment at a temperature of 120-150 ° and are sent to granulator presses. Under pressure, the bran is pressed into the holes of the die with the help of pressing knurled rollers. From the underside of the matrix, they are cut off with sharp knives and then cooled on cooling columns to a temperature of 20° or 5° above ambient temperature.

Finally, the finished granulated bran is sifted on a vibrating separator, which removes substandard granules. The latter are sent for re-granulation, and the granules that have passed the separator are sent to operational storage tanks.

Equipment for the production of granulated bran

There are two most obvious directions for organizing your own bran production. In the first case, this may be an additional direction of flour-grinding production (very profitable and promising). In this case, the productivity will be the largest, and the cost of production - the lowest. Bran produced in large volumes sold mainly for livestock feed. Some are purchased by intermediaries, and they, in turn, have small enterprises that pack and sell bran. Larger companies do the same, only on a larger scale. The latter, as a rule, granulate the bran on their own. Opening your own flour mill is too costly and risky. Especially for the production of such a by-product as bran.

Companies buy them in large and medium wholesale from manufacturers, granulate and pack them. In the same way, they produce a number of dietary products - cereals, fiber, and various mixtures such as breakfast cereals.

On Russian market There is a large selection of equipment required for the production of granulated bran, mainly European (Baltic) and Chinese production. Pellet production lines are versatile. They make it possible to produce pellets from sawdust, grass meal, peat, seed husks, mixed feed, straw, husks and cake, grain bran, etc. The average productivity of the line is from 1500 to 2500 kg/h. The feed and bran productivity of such equipment is higher than, for example, sunflower husk.

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Such a line weighs about 5 thousand kg, and its overall dimensions are 4100 mm long, 3850 mm wide and 5670 mm high. Please note: to install such a line, a room with a ceiling height of at least 6-7 m is required. Manufacturers give the following energy indicators of the equipment: total installed power - 98 kW, type of current is variable, current frequency is 50 Hz, mains voltage is V 220/380. The line includes the following components: a press, a mixer, a batcher, a bunker, a screw conveyor, a cooler-sorter, a fan for removing crumbs, and an electrical cabinet. In this configuration, the cost of the line is from $45,000. It is also possible to install additional equipment. These include pneumatic transport with a capacity of 5 tons per hour for loading and unloading bulk cargo from vehicles to warehouses and vice versa, a hammer mill with a capacity of 5 tons per hour (engine and bunker), augers for loading and unloading, a roller mill for grinding granules, a feed mixer-steamer with a capacity of 1.5 tons per hour, matrices with holes of various diameters for making granules of different sizes, a faceplate for a granulator. The line for the production of pellets with additional equipment will cost $ 70,000.

Consider also the cost of equipment for packaging granulated bran. If you are going to produce not fodder bran, but dietary products, then you will need to add additional components, starting with cereals and ending with nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits, seeds, etc. But, as in the case of cereals, the addition of fruit crumbles to the mixture greatly complicates the production process. Firstly, all fruit additives must first be washed in running water and cut into small pieces at high temperatures. It is more profitable to procure additives on your own, but this requires additional (sometimes very tangible) investments. In addition, specialists should be involved in formulating dietary mixtures. Please note that some types of fruit are not suitable for automatic packaging, as particles of other ingredients of the mixture stick to them, which disables the equipment.

Such raw materials must either be additionally dried or packed manually, which significantly increases the cost of the finished product. It is better not to use such fillers.

To place the line in a complete set, a room with an area of ​​​​at least 100 square meters is required. meters with communications and electricity. Such industries are usually located on the outskirts of the city (in industrial areas) or outside it. Otherwise, the cost of rent will be too high, which will affect the profitability of the entire enterprise. A controversial issue that worries many entrepreneurs is whether it is worth moving with production to the region. Most experts are of the opinion that it is better to rent a room closer to the city. Lower average wages in the region and lower rental costs may not offset logistics costs going forward. If funds allow, it is better, of course, to consider the possibility of acquiring an existing enterprise. Such a production complex with two workshops with a total area of ​​1200 sq. meters can be purchased at a price of 3.5-4 million rubles.

Of course, it is unprofitable to take such large areas for bran production and purchase expensive equipment. Small and medium-sized companies simply buy granulated bran, and then add dried fruits, candied fruits, etc. to them. The resulting mixtures are packaged in bags and delivered to grocery stores, super- and hypermarkets, specialized online stores, etc. Although this market is very attractive and promising, it will still be quite difficult to enter it and, moreover, to stay, since the level of competition is also high.

In any case, no matter what option (scale) of production you choose, whether you organize it from scratch or decide to purchase a ready-made one and invest in its modernization, consult with specialists first. They will help you choose suitable options depending on your requirements and planned production volumes.

Positioning of bran as a dietary food product

The most common mistake that newcomers make in business is neglecting marketing, as well as saving on specialists. On the one hand, these savings are understandable: a young company is desperately trying to reduce costs and reduce the payback period of a business project. On the other hand, such savings, as a rule, are fraught with even greater losses in the near future. Before launching any new product on the market, it is necessary to carefully study the situation on it: analyze competitors, assess consumer demand. Based on the data received, you will be able to form an assortment line and correctly position your product.

Indeed, bran has a high fiber content (up to 80%) and a large amount of nutrients. This is an almost ideal product for many who want to lose weight or keep their figure. Almost - since bran also has some side effects when overuse. At the same time, bran is very high in calories. They contain from 165 kcal per 100 g, so they are great for satisfying hunger. Everything would be fine, if not for one significant minus - bran has a specific taste, so manufacturers often produce them not in their pure form, but in the form of mixtures with the addition of cereal flakes, dried fruits and even vegetables.

At the same time, non-granulated bran that has undergone special processing should also be in your assortment. The fact is that bran is included in the programs of many well-known diets, including the famous Dukan diet. As a result of numerous studies, it turned out that medium-sized and double-ground bran is best suited for dietary purposes. At the same time, the sifting procedure is of great importance for the quality of the finished product. It has been established that when passing through a sieve of different sizes six times, it is possible to obtain bran with a minimum content of fast carbohydrates. Western producers produce bran mainly for culinary purposes and prefer a fine grind, eliminating the sifting process.

Such products are sold through individual grocery stores, regional retail chains, super- and hypermarkets. But it will be very difficult and costly for newcomers to get on the shelves of large chains. Moreover, these costs are not always worth it, because your product will not be familiar to consumers. If your production volumes are quite small, then it is better to focus on one region and start working with individual stores.

Do not forget about advertising. With small production volumes and a limited budget, it is best to work directly with the target audience - through groups on social networks, advertising on specialized sites and forums (including hidden ones).

When drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to take into account the seasonality of such a business. Sales of such products directly depend on the season. The demand is highest in spring and summer when people try to diet before their summer holidays.

Bulk wheat bran can be purchased at a price of 2600 rubles per ton or 5.80-8.50 rubles per kilogram. Granulated bran is sold at a price of 4,000 rubles per ton. At the same time, in retail, the same bran is sold at a price of 25-30 rubles per 200 grams.

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The invention relates to the flour-grinding industry, in particular to methods for the production of bran. Essence: grain is cleaned in the elevator, grain is crushed, bran is isolated. Before grinding from the grain, substandard grains of the main grain for grinding into flour are removed in the amount of 0.1 - 0.25% of the total mass of the grain. They are mixed with fodder grain products and crushed into bran. 6 tab.

The invention relates to the flour-grinding industry, in particular to methods for the production of bran when grinding wheat and rye into flour. There is a known method for the production of bran during the processing of wheat and rye and flour, including the separation of bran after the shells are milled in the torn, grinding and milling processes, in which the product intended for the formation of bran passes through the grinding stages together with endosporm particles and unseparated endosporm from the shells and bran is obtained at the end of the shelling process at the final stages of grinding. The disadvantage of this method is a decrease in the potential for improving the quality of bran, as well as the efficiency of processing raw materials due to grinding into flour from 2 to 6% of grain impurities (feeble, green, crushed, sprouted, damaged by self-heating or drying, broken, corroded, grains of rye and barley in wheat) and substandard grains of the main grain for processing into flour (hereinafter substandard grains), as well as insufficiently complete separation weed impurities. As a result, the products of grinding grain and weed impurities and substandard grains, passing through all stages technological process grinding, clog sound intermediate products of grinding. Feeble grains in wheat reduce the yield of flour, worsen its color and baking quality. The color of the flour becomes gray. A similar effect is exerted by components related to grain impurities. The current method for determining grain impurities does not allow for an objective analysis, therefore, it is not possible to select from the bulk of the analysis all grains related to grain impurities, especially those grains that, according to organoleptic characteristics, belong to the main one, but in terms of flour-grinding and baking properties have indicators characteristic of grain impurities (non-standard grains). The consequence of the previous disadvantage is that in the process of screening, enrichment, etc. grinding products, along with high-quality products, particles from grinding grain impurities and substandard grains are sieved through sieve cells, and high-quality products are consequently forced out to second-quality systems in an amount equal to the amount of the sifted product from the components of the grain mass, which reduce the quality of intermediate grinding products. A similar phenomenon occurs on the systems of the second quality, which leads to the transfer of a part of the crushed good quality endosperm to bran and, conversely, to the ingress of endosperm with reduced quality indicators into flour. The result of the foregoing is a deterioration in the quality of flour, which is leveled off by reducing its output. These shortcomings can be stated as follows: grain and weed impurities and a part of substandard grains of the main grain are supplied for grinding in the composition of the grain mass, which it is advisable to direct to the formation of bran, bypassing the grinding process. The disadvantage is that according to the known method, a significant source of grain and grain impurities contained in the fodder grain product is removed from the bran production process, the presence of which, depending on the category, ranges from 10 to 50%. The rest of the fodder grain product consists of grain shells. Purely weed impurities (weed seeds and organic impurities) in a fodder grain product 2-5% This fodder grain product is sold to consumers who do not have the opportunity to use the grain and grain impurities contained in it as part of a balanced feed, which leads to overconsumption of feed. The efficiency of feeding grain alone is 40% lower than in mixed feed. The next drawback: the grinding of the components of the grain mass, causing a decrease in the yield of flour, is an additional unjustified consumption of electricity. The aim of the invention is to involve additional raw materials in the centralized feed resources, use the grain contained in the fodder grain product from cleaning in mills to enter into balanced compound feed and improve the quality of bran, and thus its rational feeding to animals, increase the efficiency of grain processing by preliminary improving the flour-grinding and baking properties before entering the first grinding system (1 dr.s.) due to its more improved purification from impurities, reducing power consumption during its grinding. To achieve the goal in known way bran production, a stage is created, combined with the preparation of grain for grinding, in which 0.1-0.25% of substandard grains of the main grain are extracted and removed from the grinding process into flour, as a result of which additional weed and grain impurities are selected as related components, which in combination will improve the flour-grinding and baking properties of grain sent to the first grinding system (1 dr.s). The resulting product is combined with a fodder grain product containing grain in an amount necessary to obtain a mixture that exceeds the bran in terms of exchange energy and feed units and is introduced into the bran in crushed form. PRI mme R 1. Laboratory grinding of substandard grains and accompanying weed and grain impurities. Grinding was carried out on a laboratory mill "Buhler". The purpose of the work: to identify the effect of the specified product on the quality and yield of flour. A sample was taken from a milling batch of wheat of the IVth type of the Stavropol Territory 95% + 5% of the IIIth type of the Novosibirsk Region of the mill N 1 of the Moscow Combine of Bakery Products. The quality of the sample, the content of weed impurities 8.4, substandard grains 25, grain impurities 66.6, moisture content 9.6 nature 693 g/l. First moisturizing 15% softening 16 hours. Moisturizing before 1 dr.s. 0.5% softening 30 min. Humidification and softening are taken the same as for the main grain, since the studied product in the composition of the main grain would go through the same conditioning process. The gap between the rollers for the same reasons is left as for the main grain. The results are shown in tables 1-6. With a yield of 72.53, ash content of 0.91% With the length of the process adopted for modeling the production process, flour was obtained at 69.43% The quality of the flour throughout the process is significantly lower than for the main grain (Example 2), the same applies to the flour yield. PRI mme R 2. Laboratory grinding of wheat without the selection of substandard grains and related impurities. Sample quality: nature 826 g/l, vitreousness 52% humidity 16% weed admixture 0.17% grain admixture 3.4% The sample was taken before 1 dr.s. PRI mme R 3. Laboratory grinding of wheat with the selection of 0.1% substandard grains and related impurities. Sample quality: nature 826 g/l, vitreousness 52% moisture content 16% weed impurity 0.17% grain impurity 3.2% Compared to the original grain, the selection of 0.1% substandard grains reduces the content of grain impurities in the grain and allows increasing the yield of flour by 0.1% EXAMPLE 4. Laboratory milling of wheat with the selection of 0.15% substandard grains ovok and related impurities. Sample quality: nature 826 g/l, vitreousness 52% moisture content 16% weed admixture 0.15% grain admixture 2.9% Compared with the original grain, the selection of 0.15% substandard grains allows to increase the flour yield by 0.5% grain impurities. For grinding, a grain sample was taken, supplied to 1 dr.s. mill N 1 of the Moscow bakery plant. The grain was subjected to in-depth cleaning on pneumatic separators, concentrators and pneumatic channels of separators with the release of substandard grains (0.25%), associated weed (0.08%) and grain (0.67%). The content of grain impurities is reduced to 2.7% Other quality indicators: nature 826 g/l, vitreousness 52% moisture content 16% weed impurity 0.09% by 1% An increase in the selection of substandard grain over 0.25% leads to an increase in the content of standard grain in the fodder grain product above the permissible norms. Example 6. Nutritional values ​​of the product from example 1 with the addition of a feed grain product (a mixture that exceeds the nutritional content of bran) and comparative data for other feed products. The nutritional value of the mixture was taken by calculation, based on the nutritional value of frail wheat. It is assumed that the nutritional value of the grain in the resulting mixture is equal to the nutritional value of frail wheat. The data show that a mixture with a grain content of 60-75% has a nutritional value equivalent to bran. Given that the individual components of the weed admixture have nutritional value, then the mixture with a grain content of 60-75% in all cases will be higher in nutritional value than bran, so it can be combined with bran after grinding. Thus, as a result of the implementation of the proposed method, it seems possible to improve the cleaning of grain sent to the first grinding system (1 dr.s.) from weed and grain impurities, which helps to improve its flour-grinding and baking properties and allows increasing the flour yield within 1%. The production of bran increases by 1.5-2%, while grain and grain admixture and grain shells contained in the fodder grain product will be introduced into the bran. The use of grain and grain shells contained in a fodder grain product to increase the output of bran will make it possible to send these products to the production of compound feed, and this, in turn, will replenish the centralized feed resources with additional raw materials and will increase the efficiency of feeding it to animals as part of compound feed by 40% (4). This is feed savings. Substandard grains with accompanying impurities extracted and removed from the grinding process into flour will reduce the energy consumption for grinding the rest of the grain mass. Since the implementation of the method will minimize the selection of the feed product, this will reduce the operating costs for operations with the fodder grain product and thereby achieve both cost savings and improved working conditions at the enterprise.



* Possibility to install electric, gas or diesel steam generator

* The price of the steam generator is not included in the final price

* The final length of the conveyors is determined by drawing in the customer's building * Air outlet from the fans to the enterprise's aspiration network or to the street

* Gravity and air ducts are not included in the price

* Control panels are not indicated on the diagram

Optional equipment

steam generator

For the best quality of granules, achievement of the specified performance parameters and reduction of wear of the working bodies of the GranAgro granulator, it is necessary to moisten the raw material before feeding it for pressing with dry saturated water vapor t=140-160 °C.

Device and principle of operation:

The line is designed for the production of pellets from oat husks. Raw materials are fed through the screw conveyor into the damper hopper above the granulator. The bunker is equipped with a turner, which does not allow the raw material to cake. From there, the raw material enters the granulator dispenser. With the help of a dispenser, the amount of compound feed supplied for granulation is regulated depending on the installed matrix and the characteristics of the raw material. From the dispenser, the raw material is transported to the mixer. Moisturizing and preheating of raw materials takes place in the mixers hot water or steam generated by a steam generator.

It is recommended to supply the mixer with dry saturated hot steam at a temperature of 14-160 °C. Steam treatment makes it possible to disinfect compound feed and make it more plastic and pliable for granulation. This makes it possible to achieve high performance indicators and reduce the wear of the working bodies of the granulator (matrix and shells).

The formation of granules takes place in the pressing unit of the granulator. Moistened compound feed is drawn into the gap between the inner plane of the matrix and the roller and is forced into the die of the matrix, where, under the influence of high temperature and pressure, the compound feed is formed into granules. The granules come out outside matrices are cut with a shear knife and fed to a scraper belt conveyor.

Since after pressing the granules contain excessive temperature and moisture, it is necessary to cool and dry them. On the conveyor, the granules enter the automatic counterflow cooler of the granules. Entering the cooling chamber, the granules are blown by an oncoming air flow, which cools them and carries along dust and crumbs of granules.

Due to the direction of air movement opposite to the pellets, the coldest air encounters the coolest pellets. Then, as it moves upwards, the air gradually heats up, and the granules give off excess heat and moisture. This helps to avoid the effect of thermal shock and ensures uniform cooling of the granules throughout the thickness.

Fill sensors are built into the column, which automate the loading and unloading of granules from the cooling chamber. The cooled granules enter the vibrating screening table, which separates the non-granulated part from the finished granules, fragments of granules damaged during transportation.

After unloading from the cooling column, the granules enter the finished product bin, where they are stored until they are shipped in bags or packages.

Premises for installation of the complex

The complex line is mounted in a room of category "B" SNiP 31-03-2001 (VP according to PUE). The floor surface must be at least 150 mm thick. Material - concrete, asphalt concrete.

Norms of natural and artificial lighting production premises must comply with building codes and regulations and sanitary and hygienic standards. Illumination of the workplace is not less than 150 lux.

The microclimate of the production premises must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.1.005. Fire safety must be ensured in the room in accordance with federal law RF No. 123-FZ dated 22.07.08. "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements". Access roads must be provided to the premises for the supply of raw materials and the export of finished products.

Technical assistance for project management, installation supervision, commissioning, staff training

Technical assistance for the management of the entire complex, provided by our Company, is appropriately agreed with the Customer and consists of the following stages and types of work:

  • supervised installation and technical control over the compliance of the installation;
  • connecting equipment and all production line;
  • a full range of commissioning and preparation of the line for launch;
  • putting the production line into operation and reaching the design capacity;
  • training of technical personnel for the maintenance of the supplied equipment and training of personnel at the plant installation site, as well as, if necessary, a visit to the existing production and a comparative analysis of the current situation;
  • provision of a complete set of technical and technological documentation;
  • setting up warranty and post-warranty service;
  • technical advice.

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