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When to take a pregnancy test. What day to take a pregnancy test. Types of modern accurate rapid tests for determining pregnancy

Every woman is destined to experience the first suspicion of conception. Before visiting a gynecologist, the easiest way to check your suspicions is with a simple pharmacy determinant. When is the best time to take a pregnancy test? People are interested in this not only when there is a delay, but also after unprotected sexual intercourse. For some, learning about impending motherhood is touching and exciting; others do not know what to do next if the test is “streaked.” In any case, you cannot do without testing, and it is important to know all the nuances so as not to get a false positive or false negative answer.

How does a pregnancy test work?

Girls getting into sexual intercourse, must understand that on the days of ovulation, every unprotected PA should result in pregnancy. The more sensible ones try to clarify after each “suspicious” sexual intercourse when it is better to take a pregnancy test in order to avoid inaccuracies. Most manufacturers guarantee 99% accuracy, but it is important to read the instructions first.

Conception is quite physiological for two sexually mature partners. If fertilization does not occur, there must be some reason. But the majority, having felt changes in the body after the meeting of the egg with the sperm, are surprised at the possible pregnancy, and do not rush to check.

Any pharmacy has several varieties of “striped girls’ friends.” But not from pharmacists, but from female forms People often ask what to buy and when is the best time to check a pregnancy test at home.

Pharmacy tests differ in a number of parameters:

  • verification method;
  • analyzer type;
  • sensitivity level;
  • cost, which includes the popularity of the brand and the reputation of the manufacturer.
The operation of the simplest device is similar to the reaction of litmus paper from a school chemistry classroom. Only they react not to acids or alkalis, but to the presence hCG hormone in urine. Human chorionic gonadotropin appears in the blood only during pregnancy - in the first trimester.

Chorion is the developing membrane of the embryo or future placenta, developing in ovum when fixed in the uterus. But it happens that it stays in the fallopian tubes, and during menstruation you can check a pregnancy test if in doubt.

Attention: The development of an embryo in the tubes or outside the uterus is an ectopic pregnancy that is dangerous to a woman’s health. On early stages identifying it using regular tests problematic!

The molecular level of the hormone increases every day. There are special tests that determine this particular indicator - ask them at pharmacies. Numerical markings 10, 20, 25 or 30 indicate the level of concentration of the “pregnancy hormone” in the urine, expressed in international units or mIU/ml.

The sensitivity threshold of the test is their ability to react to the minimum concentration of hCG. When to take a pregnancy test depends on its “competence”. In the first days, it is better to buy highly sensitive rapid tests. The smaller the digital indicator, the more sensitive the determinant.

The accuracy of the analyzer does not depend on its shape, design and cost - only the reagent on a highly sensitive matrix or an impregnated strip of paper in a special capsule is responsible for this. A symbol, colored stripe or inscription should appear in the result evaluation sector after the reaction. Usually the Latin letters “pregnon” (pregnant) or “non pregnon” (not pregnant) are used.

How many days later and when can you take a pregnancy test?

Entering sex life, every girl or married woman must know what is happening in her womb. It is important to be aware of the peculiarities of your physiology in the first months after fertilization. Then it will be clear when it is better to use a pregnancy test.

Implantation of an actively dividing egg into the uterine mucosa occurs approximately on days 7-11, counting from the days of ovulation. This is the release of a mature egg from the follicles in the middle of the cycle. The growth of the hormone level increases to the point at which the active substance of the pregnancy test applied to a strip of paper begins to react to it.

Accordingly, before checking the pregnancy test, you need to wait some time. Immediately after fertilization, nothing will be visible, although a woman may intuitively understand that this is the “X” hour! After 15 days, most tests will streak. But you need to wait at least 10-15 minutes for the analyzer to complete its work.

Attention: How to check a pregnancy test correctly? Read the instructions for use or ask the pharmacy who offers it to you.

In the early stages, inkjet and electronic tests are suitable. The most sensitive reagent used prematurely may be mistaken. And 100% accuracy can be expected from pharmacy testing at approximately 7–12 weeks of pregnancy, when the maximum hCG level. This is the answer for ladies who are interested in when does a pregnancy test start to “strip”?

Is it possible to take a pregnancy test in the evening?

Most tests are best done in the morning, on an empty stomach, when the level of hormones and chemical compounds in the blood is unchanged. This is important when Not long term pregnancy. Young women are wondering if it is possible to take a pregnancy test in the evening or at other times of the day? It is important to understand that morning urine is the most concentrated, and not every reagent is designed to recognize minimum quantity hormone.
Attention: Particularly sensitive tests can detect even small concentrations of a substance, so the time of day does not matter.

High-precision inkjet tests are labeled “10 mIU/ml” on the package. They are very convenient to use under any conditions, for example, in a hotel or on the road - after the next romantic meeting or honeymoon. To do this, you do not need to look for a suitable container; you can simply urinate on the indicated part of the device. That is why they are called “jet”, and within a week such a pregnancy test will show the result.

Sometimes girls (or their boyfriends) buy 2-3 tests different types, so that if one makes a mistake, check again. How many pregnancy tests should you take? How to find out which reagent did not lie? Any instructions say that the reliability of the analysis is 95–99%; therefore, an error is possible. There is also a false positive answer - the test “streaked”, but there was no pregnancy. And what to do if the test shows pregnancy, but it’s false? positive result? Don’t rush to conclusions, get checked again, and later have an ultrasound scan at the clinic.

There are several reasons for erroneous answers:

  • drank the night before a large number of fluids (blood and urine are very diluted);
  • the gestational age is insufficient for testing;
  • there are traces of fertility drugs with hormones in the body or tumors that produce complex molecules like hCG;
  • the test was used incorrectly or on the wrong side (read the instructions);
  • test with low sensitivity;
  • pregnancy test - not morning urine, hCG level is not high enough to determine the hormone;
  • pharmacy test with expired expiration date (check before purchasing) or broken seal;
  • violation of storage conditions (pharmacy kiosk on the market, sales in the cold);
  • there are remains of biomaterial in the uterus after an abortion, spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth.
Of course, a pregnancy test requires morning urine to guarantee the accuracy of the test, but in the long term this does not matter.

In girls who had problems with the frequency of menstruation, false negative result may influence individual characteristics. With pathologies, it is even more difficult to answer what time to take a pregnancy test. Hormonal background"jumps" when paired female organs do not work synchronously. It happens that mature eggs leave the follicles in different days, then it is difficult to indicate exact days ovulation.

Low tubal patency can increase the embryo's travel time by several days. The mobility of the fertilized egg in the tubes also varies. In this case, it is difficult to say how early you can take a pregnancy test, especially with an irregular cycle.

You can read interesting remarks on women's forums. For example, “I’m afraid to take a pregnancy test, it’s suddenly negative” or “I took a test this morning, but I’m afraid to look, it’s suddenly positive.” If it comes to suspecting conception, feel free to go all the way to the last point. Have an easy pregnancy, safe birth and happy motherhood!

When a woman is faced with a delay in her menstrual cycle, most often it comes to her mind to check whether she will soon become a happy mother. Or, when planning a conception, and even before the delay wants to make sure whether the long-awaited miracle has happened. For this purpose, there are various tests to detect pregnancy.

When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?

Absolutely all tests that can determine the fact of conception have taken place operate in the same way. For home use There are those that use a urine test to determine the presence of the hCG hormone in a woman’s body, and in laboratories this indicator is taken from a blood test. This hormone is present in a woman only when she is pregnant. Its quantity grows very quickly from the moment the fertilized egg attaches to the walls of the uterine cavity. The maximum amount of the hormone is observed from the seventh to the twelfth week of pregnancy.

Many tests have the same sensitivity and will perfectly determine the presence of an embryo even from the first day of the delay. There are also those who have extreme sensitivity. They are able to detect the fact of a desired pregnancy within ten days after possible fertilization. If there is a need to find out the result as early as possible, then within seven days after probable conception You can take an appropriate blood test in any laboratory, which will show the real level of the hCG hormone. For more reliable result, when determining at home, it is better to wait at least twenty days or wait for a missed period.

Strip tests are the most common, cheapest and simplest. The test strip should be dipped into a container with morning urine collection, since it is the most concentrated, to the indicated mark and wait about twenty seconds. If two stripes appear, then the woman is pregnant.

There are tests similar to the ones described above, the so-called tablet tests. Their difference is that the strip is placed in a plastic case, in which there is a hole in order to drip urine into it with a special pipette. Inkjet detectors are convenient because urine does not need to be collected anywhere. Often this can be inconvenient and unaesthetic, and then tests like these come to the rescue. To determine pregnancy, simply place the strip under the stream and wait. And two strips will show a positive result.

There are also electronic test devices that allow you to detect pregnancy, which are determined both under the stream and in a small container with urine.

Will the test show results during the day?

Many experts recommend carrying out the test in the morning, since the concentration of urine at this time is maximum. If there is a need to determine conception in the early stages, then you should do the test only after waking up, or even take a blood test to ensure the reliability of the result.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the level of the hormone has not yet reached particularly high levels and for the correctness of the readings it is worth testing in the morning. Daytime urine will not be as concentrated as possible, which may distort the test results. In situations where a woman is faced with a delay of seven days, you can check your urine for hCG and daytime. The main thing for this is to choose specifically sensitive test, which allows you to determine the level of the hormone at any time.

Dipstick tests will not give a reliable answer if your period has not yet arrived. They are more effective later. To identify an interesting position in the first days, it is better to use either tablet or inkjet detectors. They are more sensitive than test strips. They are also good to use at virtually any time of the day.

The KNOW NOW OPTIMA cassette test works well to determine the presence of conception at any time. It is easy to use, highly sensitive and has an affordable price. Among the strip tests, the most popular, which do not have a time limit for use, are Evitest, BB Test, Be confident, Frautest, etc. They are good because they are simple and affordable, easy to use and have high sensitivity.

A delayed menstrual cycle worries every woman. What is the reason? Pregnancy, health problems, or recent stress? It is unlikely that anyone will immediately go to the hospital to find out the cause; each of the women will find her own explanation for what is happening. Someone hoping with all their hearts that the desired and long-awaited pregnancy. Or maybe the lady, on the contrary, is not yet ready to become a mother. And each of these women of childbearing age with joy, excitement, fear in the soul or absolutely calm state, most likely, will immediately go to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test in order to resolve their doubts.

Most manufacturers recommend testing in the morning when hCG levels are at their highest. high level. But if you still have to wait so long until the morning, and you can’t bear it anymore, then the question arises as to whether a pregnancy test can be taken in the evening. To answer this, you first need to understand the principle by which they work.

How the test works

Modern tests make it possible to determine pregnancy after 1-2 weeks from the moment of conception.

The test itself looks like a thin strip that is sensitive to the pregnancy hormone - It begins to be produced after the fertilized egg is fixed in the body. From the blood, the hormone enters the urine. It is believed that its highest concentration is achieved after a night's sleep.

Will the test show pregnancy in the evening if you choose it carefully? Whether the level of sensitivity of the test depends on its manufacturer, type and price - this is discussed in the next paragraph of the article.

How to choose the right test

There are several types of pregnancy tests:

  • test strip - its popularity is explained by its low cost;
  • tablet tests are more expensive, but you only need two drops to find out the result;
  • Inkjet tests are very convenient to use: you don’t need to look for a container or worry about dropping the strip during the test and ruining the test.

If you need to determine pregnancy as early as possible, it is better to use innovative tests, although they are more expensive. If the timing is not so important, then why guess which pregnancy test to buy when you can simply ask the pharmacist at the pharmacy to recommend an option that is suitable for the price. As for reviews of this product, the opinion of the majority of representatives fair half humanity boils down to the fact that it’s not a matter of price at all, and the cheapest test has never let them down.

At what time of day is the pregnancy test result more reliable?

It is known that the sensitivity of tests to hCG is no more than 25 mIU/ml. The hormone itself, as mentioned earlier, begins to be produced in a woman’s body only after the embryo is attached to the uterus. With each subsequent day, the probability of detecting pregnancy is higher, since the production of the hormone doubles.

Therefore, to the question of whether a pregnancy test can be done in the evening, the answer is as follows: if early diagnosis is important, then it is advisable to wait until the morning and only then perform the test. As pregnancy progresses, the hormone in the body becomes more and more. And soon a moment comes when it no longer matters what time of day it is taken, because the result will be the same - a positive pregnancy test. For early diagnosis It’s also good to donate. Blood is taken from a vein; the test should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

How to use a pregnancy test correctly. Decoding the results

Rules of use depend on:

  • if it is a test strip, then you need to collect the urine in a small container, open the package and lower the test to the line marked MAX. Hold for 5 seconds, then place the test on a dry surface (for example, a napkin). Usually the result appears immediately, but manufacturers advise waiting up to 5 minutes;
  • in the tablet test there are two windows, where you need to apply a few drops of urine using a pipette;
  • jet test Place it under the stream for a few seconds while urinating. The waiting time for results in all tests is approximately the same.

Possible test results:

  • only a stripe appeared on the right - a sign that there is most likely no pregnancy;
  • two red stripes appear - a positive pregnancy test;
  • only the left strip appears - perhaps the test is faulty, expired, or the technique for use was violated;
  • positive pregnancy test: the second line is faint - most likely very small

If in doubt, the test can be repeated after a few days. If it turns out to be positive, then you should visit a gynecologist who, after examination, will prescribe an ultrasound diagnostic.

1%: room for error

Pregnancy tests show correct result, as a rule, in 99% of cases. However, very rarely they can be wrong. This happens for the following reasons:

  • the point is in the test itself (expired, defective);
  • the technique of use is violated (for example, when a one-time test is used twice);
  • I am pregnant, but the test showed a negative result. Not all tests can show a positive result even before a missed period. Perhaps the period is very short, and the test was carried out in the evening, and the level of the hormone in the body was not enough. Returning to the question of whether a pregnancy test can be done in the evening, it is clear that it is possible, but it is better to do it in the morning;
  • There is no pregnancy, but the test showed its presence. The reasons may be health problems. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

It should be remembered that delayed menstruation occurs not only during pregnancy. The reasons may be as follows:

  • recent stress, both in an emotional sense (strong feelings such as fear, despair) and physical level(hypothermia, severe physical exercise);
  • rapid weight loss, exhaustion of the body as a whole due to prolonged fasting and an incorrectly selected diet;
  • various diseases associated with hormonal imbalance in the body (ovarian cyst, uterine fibroids, prolactinoma);
  • metabolic disease;
  • avitaminosis.

In any case, you should consult a doctor and undergo additional examination, as the causes can be very serious. At positive test If you are pregnant, you should also not delay going to the hospital. Great risk An ectopic pregnancy is detrimental to a woman’s life and health; in order to exclude it, it is necessary to undergo an examination and an ultrasound diagnosis.

When thinking about whether a pregnancy test can be taken in the evening, it is also important to listen to your body. In addition to a delay in menstruation, there may be other signs indicating the presence of pregnancy: nausea, changes in food preferences, and their soreness. Hormonal changes lead to a woman becoming more emotional, which can cause increased irritability, tearfulness, or causeless joy. There is a desire to rest more, since the body will need a lot of strength to bear a child and further give birth.

Choosing the best pregnancy test is quite problematic, since each has its own advantages and disadvantages: some are too high price, others are inconvenient to use, others do not always show accurate information. How to choose the best test? What should you pay attention to when purchasing and how to use it correctly so as not to get a false result?

Tests can be found not only in pharmacies, they are often sold in supermarkets and small shops. Analyzers for early detection of pregnancy are available in a wide range of prices depending on the manufacturer and type.

The effect of a pregnancy test is based on the mechanism of interaction of a special substance with human chorionic gonadotropin (). This hormone begins to be intensively produced in female body shortly after conception. It is produced by the embryo starting from the eighth day after the fusion of male and female gametes or the day after the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity.

The tests are based on the immunochromatography method. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the substance that needs to be identified combines with antibodies to it, resulting in positive reaction. When determining pregnancy, this substance is hCG.

An active substance with a coloring agent is applied to a strip of dough. When urine enters, hCG gradually moves, and when it reaches the “positive reaction” strip, the dye is released and shows the result. If there is no human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, then staining of the second line will not occur.

When a hormone appears in the urine, its concentration doubles every day. On days 7-10 after the fusion of the egg and sperm, the number human chorionic gonadotropin reaches 25 mIU/ml, and its peak concentration can be observed between the eighth and eleventh weeks of pregnancy.

It is difficult to answer unequivocally which pregnancy test is better, since there are a large number of different types. Tests with high sensitivity to hCG can detect pregnancy after a week.

Review of the best foreign tests

There are a large number of diagnostic strips that can be called the best early pregnancy tests. All of them are divided into several groups, depending on the degree of sensitivity and material.

Strip test

The most common and affordable pregnancy tests used in the early stages.

Frautest Express – a paper test strip, packed in an individual bag and a box with instructions. The sensitivity is 15 mIU/ml. The advantages of the test include low cost, ease of use, fast receipt result (after 3-5 minutes).

According to the manufacturer, the reliability of the results reaches 99% even when used 1-2 days before the expected start date of menstruation. However, user reviews do not always agree with this statement.

One of the negative aspects is the need to use containers for collecting urine.

How to use the test strip:

  1. Read the instructions.
  2. Fill the container with urine.
  3. Open the individual pouch and remove the test strip.
  4. Lower the test into the glass of urine to the indicated level and wait 10 seconds.
  5. Place on a horizontal surface.
  6. Evaluate the results after 5 minutes, but no later than 10.

Frautest Double Control has similar characteristics, the only difference is that the box contains two test strips to confirm the result.

Evitest One also applies to strip tests. The package contains one test strip. The sensitivity of hCG is 20 mIU/ml, which allows you to determine the exact result from the first day.


  • affordable price;
  • clear instructions for use;
  • ease of use;
  • reliability of results 98%;
  • It is sold not only in pharmacies, but also in stores, so purchasing it will not be difficult.

Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that the price of these products is slightly higher than for similar test strips from other manufacturers. Also, the results of the test are not always easy to decipher due to the fact that.

Evitest is easy to use:

  1. After removing from the package, lower the strip into the container with urine to the level marked on the test for 5 seconds.
  2. Evaluate the results in 3-5 minutes. The appearance of two red marks indicates the presence of pregnancy.
  3. If in doubt, a repeat test the next morning is recommended.

Evitest Plus contains 2 strip tests in cardboard packaging and is intended for reliable determination pregnancy.


Frautest Expert is rightfully considered one of the best pregnancy tests. The analyzer is a cassette with a sensitive strip, which comes with a pipette for applying urine. The test is ultrasensitive (15 mIU/ml), so it can be performed a couple of days before menstruation. Accuracy - up to 99%.

Instructions for use:

  1. Collect your morning urine in a container.
  2. Remove from packaging tablet test and the included dropper.
  3. Take a couple of drops and place them in a special window on the cassette.
  4. Place the test on a flat surface.
  5. Evaluate the data obtained after 5 minutes.

Among the positive characteristics, one should note the high accuracy of determining pregnancy, use even with a small amount of urine, and detection of pregnancy before the onset of delay.

The disadvantages include some difficulty in use, as well as a higher price compared to test strips.

Evitest Proof – tablet test for detecting pregnancy with a sensitivity of 20 mIU/ml and an accuracy of up to 99%. Its main advantage is the convenient design of the cassette, in which the test window is located in a recess, which eliminates the possibility of accidental contamination with fingers and changes in diagnostic results. In addition, the tablet allows urine to be distributed more evenly, which affects the reliability of the results.

From negative points: You must be in the area to take the test. comfortable conditions, preferably at home, since it is necessary to very accurately introduce a couple of drops of urine into the hole intended for this.

Instructions for use are the same for all tests of this type.


According to doctors, they give the most accurate results. To get an answer whether you are pregnant or not, it is better to do the diagnosis in the morning, when the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine is highest.

Using stream tests is simple - during urination, you need to place the analyzer under a stream of urine, wait a little, and after 3-5 minutes you will receive an answer to the main question.

Frautest Comfort – an ultrasensitive test that shows results when hCG concentrations in urine from 15mIU/ml. The special design allows the diagnostic device to be used without any difficulties and in any place where there is a toilet.


  • no need to collect urine;
  • convenient dough structure;
  • The tightly fixed cap eliminates the possibility of violating the test results.


  • high price;
  • There is a small risk of getting your hands dirty when urinating.

Frautest Exclusive has similar characteristics to the previous product. The only exception is the more modern appearance of the case, made in pink.

Evitest Perfect It is a plastic case with a protective cover, inside of which there is a diagnostic strip. The manufacturer indicates a sensitivity of 20 mIU/ml.

Premium Diagnostics - a highly sensitive jet-type pregnancy test, which gives results at a hCG concentration of 10 mIU/ml in the urine. According to the manufacturer, this jet test allows you to establish the fact of pregnancy on the seventh day after conception.


  • ease of diagnostics;
  • high accuracy of results (99%);
  • the test can be performed at any time of the day;
  • can be used in the doctor's office to confirm the results of the examination.

There were no clearly identified negative characteristics of the test.


Today, analyzers are the best tests for determining pregnancy.

The Digital device is one of the modern and most accurate methods for express diagnosis of pregnancy at home. It has supersensitivity - 10mIU/ml.


  • accuracy of results exceeds 99%;
  • in addition to the presence of a pregnancy mark, the device displays the expected period on the screen (1-2 weeks, from 2 to 3 weeks and over 3 weeks);
  • When the fact of fertilization is established, the accuracy of detecting the period is 92%.

The disadvantage is the high price, exceeding the cost of all previously indicated samples.

Instructions for using the electronic test:

  1. Place the diagnostic section of the test under a stream of urine, being careful not to get urine on the rest of the product.
  2. Attach the cap and wait for the test results to appear on the screen.
  3. The test can also be used by immersion in a container of collected urine.
  4. To get accurate results a few days before the expected day of menstruation, it is better to do the test in the morning.

Many women speak about Clearblue Digital as the best pregnancy test.


The rarest type of pregnancy test, which is a measuring cup with a built-in test strip on its surface to determine the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin.

Such tests are difficult to find in pharmacies; they are very expensive, so their demand is very low.

Review of the best Russian-made tests

Domestic pharmaceutical industry also produces products for rapid determination of fertilization. However, today there are only a few analyzers, mainly represented by test strips. We will try to identify the best Russian-made pregnancy test.

Strip test

Russian test strips for determining pregnancy:

  • Insure – pregnancy test with a sensitivity of 12.5 mIU/ml. Its advantages include high accuracy of results, starting from the expected start date of “critical” days, simple and understandable instructions for use, affordable price. There are no obvious shortcomings, this is one of the best pregnancy tests.
  • "Rest assured" - popular among Russian women test that shows accurate results. Strip strips are sensitive to hCG in urine, starting from a concentration of 25 mIU/ml. The advantage is the low cost. Negatives not found.
  • "HCG-IHA-VERA" . Susceptibility of these strips begins at concentrations of 20 mIU/ml. The product has a very low price, which is why it is in demand, but customer reviews often indicate that the diagnosis was not accurate, and even testing of morning urine often showed.


"BIOCARD hCG" - a test in the form of a cassette with two windows: in one you need to place 3-4 drops of urine using a pipette, and in the other, the result will appear after 5 minutes. The sensitivity is 20 mIU/ml. According to the recommendations specified in the instructions, it is good to do the diagnosis in the morning, immediately after waking up. In this case, the day before you should not abuse liquids and take medications, so as not to get a false result.


  • high degree of accuracy – up to 99%;
  • reasonable cost in comparison with imported analogues;
  • The test is effective from the first day of missed menstruation.


  • long waiting time for a reaction – more than 5 minutes;
  • the second stripe is not always clearly colored;
  • For reliable indicators, it is recommended to test with morning urine.

Using the analyzer is simple: place the test under stream of urine, then close the cap and wait about 5 minutes.

What to look for when choosing a test

According to the manufacturers, the lower the figure indicated in the instructions, reflecting the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in urine, the higher the accuracy and sensitivity of the analyzer. However, this is not an entirely true statement, since hCG is detected only 7-8 days after fertilization with a concentration of 25 mIU/ml, and this value doubles every day.

On minimum period It is better to take a pregnancy test in the morning; the hormone content in the urine is maximum at this time. Doing this simple rule allows you to detect a completed conception already from the first days of delay.

The pharmaceutical industry, both foreign and domestic, produces a large number of devices for express diagnostics of fertilization, so it is difficult to definitively answer which pregnancy test is better. According to statistics, jet and electronic tests show the most accurate results.

Useful video about the best pregnancy tests


Throughout the ages, girls have always wanted and want to know as early as possible about their pregnancy in order to convey this wonderful news to their loved one or their family. Naturally, the most popular, accessible and well-known method is the test strip for determining pregnancy. You can buy it at any pharmacy, and you can see it on the shelves of many stores.

True, it is not clear when it is better to do them so that they show 100% results, and when they may not yet determine conception. This is why we decided to write this article, so that such questions will no longer arise.

The female body has something unusual, even more magical property– this is the ability to bear and give birth to a new person. But in order to do so, you need to determine exactly when this is possible.

Each cycle allows only 7 days for fertilization. Of these, five days and two days after. All other days are safe.

Ovulation normally occurs on days 14-16 of the cycle. This means that an egg can be fertilized from day 10 to day 16 of the cycle. And if women are confident in their exact menstrual cycle and has systematic and accurate periods without deviation, it will be easy. This is taking into account that she and her partner are completely healthy and suitable for each other.

And then comes the moment when this action happened. For a married couple I want to know quickly about my interesting position, but this does not mean that you can immediately run to the pharmacy for a test after sex.

At such early stages, the test will not show anything yet. And, in fact, there is nothing there yet. It's all about the woman's body and the process of conception itself.

The fertilization mechanism is quite long and difficult. When sperm enter the vagina, their number is 60-150 million. And their difficult journey begins towards the waiting egg. Total time The movement of the tails ranges from 2 to 6 hours. Much fewer sperm arrive at the target, but only one can fertilize it. It is he who penetrates inside and there.

Then, within a week, the fertilized egg moves along the fallopian tubes towards the uterus to attach to its walls. This process is called implantation.

On such days, some women may notice lingering pain in the lower abdomen, or see spotting vaginal discharge. All this is the norm. Implantation lasts about 40 hours. After this period, all unpleasant symptoms disappear.

The second important component to determine is hCG (choriotic gonadotropin), also called the pregnancy hormone. HCG begins to grow in the blood and urine of a pregnant woman 7-10 days after fertilization. Peak growth occurs at 11-12 weeks. Its level is used to judge how the embryo develops.

On what day can you take a pregnancy test?

Let's first look at how it works. In my own way appearance this is an ordinary cardboard strip (in more expensive form it is still in a plastic case), its coating consists of a reagent.

Now there are plastic tests, and the test strip is inside. As a rule, they cost more.

Reacts to the level of hCG in urine and changes color. And since hCG begins to rise from the first day, as we said above, then, in fact, the test can be done the next day. But the test strips are not particularly sensitive, so at such early stages it will not show pregnancy.

But after 10 days, it is quite possible to use it. Usually this comes at the beginning monthly cycle in a woman. It turns out that it is advisable to do the test on the first day of the delay.

And at first it may show a weak second stripe, but every day the hCG level will increase and the stripe will be more and more visible. Because of this, gynecologists recommend making delays on later days to make sure.

But, if you still decide to do it as early as possible, then you need to adhere to some rules. This:

  • It is better to take a pregnancy test in the morning, when the level of hCG in the urine is maximally saturated. At later dates, this point is not relevant.
  • Carefully follow the instructions on the test package. If this is a stream test, then remove the cap from the tip and place the indicated part (with the arrow) under the stream of urine. Hold there for about 5 seconds. For other types, you need to dip the stick with urine to the mark and hold for 5 seconds.
  • Then the test should be placed on a horizontal surface and wait for the result. Within a few moments (5 minutes) the test will manifest itself and determine whether you are pregnant.
  • After 10 minutes you should get rid of the dough. It will no longer be considered true, as it loses its peculiarity.
  • If the result and the delay persists, it is worth repeating it in a few days.
  • And, as we have already said, a weak second line indicates the presence of pregnancy.

The effectiveness of the test is 98-99% accurate. But there are always exceptions.

His false indicator may indicate the following reasons:

  • The test was done too early;
  • Its service life has passed;
  • All points of the instructions were not followed;
  • The urine was not morning.

When the test may show two lines, but the woman is not pregnant:

  • In the case when a woman was treated for infertility with the help of hormones, and they remained in the blood in large quantities;
  • Test defects;
  • If before this a woman was pregnant and it was interrupted, then her hCG level remains quite high;
  • A positive result may also indicate the presence of some disease in the body. For example, a cyst, molar blister, tumor, etc.;

To avoid as much as possible similar cases, it is recommended to purchase a pregnancy test in specialized places, pharmacies. Pay attention to its expiration dates.

Therefore, if two stripes are detected, you should contact your gynecologist to avoid various kinds problems.

Methods for determining pregnancy

The test is one of the most available ways find out about your interesting situation. Its accuracy begins to work from the 7th day of estimated conception.

But, as we noted, there are cases that provide false evidence of fertilization or deny this fact. Therefore, to verify the readings, you can use others no less, and in some cases more precise methods definitions.

Let's highlight a few of the most famous:

  • Basal temperature. BT is the body temperature at rest for more than 5 hours. They do it using an ordinary thermometer, which is inserted into the vagina, rectum or mouth. Often, gynecologists may prescribe measuring it due to a woman’s infertility. Temperature readings vary throughout the monthly cycle. In the first phase it is within 36-36.5 degrees. Two days before ovulation there is a jump of 37-37.2 degrees. The reason lies in the release of the hormone progesterone. This temperature lasts for the rest of the phase. With this measurement, you can clearly see what date ovulation will occur and prepare as much as possible for conception. From the day they should begin critical days returns to normal 36-36.5 degrees. If a woman has a delay and the temperature stays within 37-37.5, then after 10 days we can safely judge that pregnancy has occurred. By further measuring it, the condition of the embryo can be determined. BT should not rise and should not fall, as this may portend a threat to the fetus. It is important to take temperature measurements correctly and not change location. The rules for measuring are simple: take measurements in the morning without getting out of bed, do not change the measurement time, hold the thermometer for 5 minutes and mark it in your chart.
  • Early diagnosis of pregnancy – hCG test . We have already written about this hormone above. To determine it, a blood test is taken. This analysis can be found in any laboratory related to gynecology and more. Starting from day 6, you can already go and donate blood. And the result will be positive. This analysis should also be done according to the rules: take it strictly on an empty stomach, in the morning. If you can’t do it in the morning, it is recommended to refrain from eating 6 hours before donating blood. Warn if you have recently taken or are taking. Avoid physical activity the day before the test.
  • Ultrasound . Ultrasound examination done three times. It can also be done to exclude ectopic pregnancy. You can also do an ultrasound to confirm pregnancy. Starting from the 1st day of delay, an ultrasound scan will be able to detect the fetus. True, there are supporters of doing an ultrasound at such an early stage to prevent the pregnant woman from being exposed to radiation. But modern equipment is made in such a way as to maximally protect the baby and the expectant mother from harmful effects. In general, it is better to contact antenatal clinic to discuss this issue.

Instead of concluding, I would like to say: it doesn’t matter how you determine your pregnancy, the main thing is to have patience. It doesn’t matter how long the confirmation is, the meeting with the baby will happen exactly in 9 months.

All attention should be directed to self-awareness expectant mother, but it’s not the best thing to worry about correct behavior. So let's enjoy it, and everything will come on time.

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