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Titanite and its properties. Miraculous or magical properties. The magical properties of the crystal

Sphene stone, better known as titanite, is an insular calcium and titanium silicate and one of the components of complex titanium ores. This mineral got its name for its triangular shape - in ancient Greek "sphenos" means a wedge. Since, when cut, sphene has properties similar to many semi-precious stones, it is highly valued by jewelers and is often used to create beautiful and unusual jewelry.

Sphene was first described by the German chemist Martin Klaproth, who named it titanite after its chemical structure. In Russia, the mineral was first described by another German - the famous naturalist Gustav Rose, who found large samples of titanite in the Ilmensky mountains. This was the beginning of limited mining of sphene crystals, which were used to make jewelry- wide mining was impossible due to the fact that this mineral does not form large deposits, but is an accompanying rock. And for cutting, only pale yellow and light green crystals are used, which, after processing, receive a diamond brilliance and a wonderful play of light.

Physicochemical characteristics

Chemical formula sphene - CaTiSiO5, but in pure form it is extremely rare, so almost all crystals contain impurities of various metals: iron, manganese, magnesium, chromium, zirconium, zinc, niobium, etc.

Properties of titanite:

  • Color - yellow, brown, green, dark;
  • glitter diamond or glass;
  • opaque to translucent, sometimes transparent specimens;
  • the color of the line is colorless or white;
  • Mohs hardness 5-5.5;
  • density 23.4-3.54 g/cm3;
  • the fracture is uneven, conchoidal, brittle;
  • monoclinic syngony;
  • occurs in single crystals, twins, irregular grains, acicular, fibrous and radial-radiant aggregates;
  • crystals have simple form, most often a flattened prism with a wedge-shaped section. Sometimes there are table-shaped or prismatic crystals;
  • cleavage clear perfect according to (110);
  • decomposes completely in H2SO4, partially decomposes in HCl;
  • associated minerals - syenite, granite, apatite, zircon, feldspar, magnetite, adularia, calcite, etc.;
  • related minerals: garnet, .
IN chemical composition includes: calcium oxide CaO up to 28.6%, titanium oxide Ti02 - up to 40.8%, silica Si02 - up to 30.6%. Often, the composition of the mineral includes numerous impurities: FeO - up to 6%, MnO - up to 3%, Y-titanite А12O3(Y,Се)2O3 - up to 12%, ZrО2 - up to 0.18%.

Under the soldering tube, sphene is partially (along the edges) melted into a glass mass purple.


In nature, sphene stone is common, but in limited quantities. It is an accessory mineral found in alkaline and acidic intrusive rocks such as granite and syenite, where it aggregates with feldspar, apatite, zircon, and so on. In syenite pematites, it can occur in the form of large crystals. It is also found in crystalline form in alpine-type veins, in aggregations with albite, calcite, chlorite, and adularia. Sphene is much less common in metamorphic rocks and contact-metosomatic formations in paragenesis with garnet, magnetite, diopside, and various chlorites.

Some of the largest deposits are located on the Kola Peninsula. Titanite is also mined in the Ilmensky mountains in the Urals - here there are crystals up to 12 cm in size, in which sphene is found in association with black mica, magnetite, ilmenite and apatite. Interesting single and twin crystals up to 3 cm in size are mined near the city of Neroika, Northern Urals.

Intense light green crystals are sourced from the St. Gotthard, Zermatt and Binnental deposits in Switzerland. In the Italian Piedmont, yellowish and red crystals are mined in the form of a wide wedge.

Sphene is also mined in Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Norway, Canada and Austria. The photo in our gallery has many images showing sphene in faceted crystals and aggregations with other minerals.


Sphene refers to gender precious stones. Not possessing the high hardness of emerald, ruby ​​and topaz, sphene surpasses them in optical qualities, in particular in dispersion - here it is second only to diamond. For processing, a mixed or brilliant cut is used - only they are suitable for sphene, which is not very hard. IN jewelry it rarely coexists with other stones - the same topaz or cubic zirconia can easily damage it, so it is recommended to store jewelry with sphene separately.

For cutting, most often stones of yellow, green or light brown colors are used, the strength of which is higher due to impurities of chromium and zinc.

As a rule, faceted stones have a mass of 1 to 6 carats. For faceted sphene, the price depends not only on the weight of the stone, but also on the color and type of cut. For example, a drop-shaped grass-green sphene from Madagascar weighing 4 carats costs more than 50 thousand rubles, and for round stone yellow color mixed cut, weighing 2 carats, the price is 22 thousand rubles. There are also larger crystals, the weight of which reaches 20 carats, but they are extremely rare.

Except jewelry industry, sphene is an important part of titanium mining. Despite the fact that its share in the deposits is small, it is quite rich in metal - titanium dioxide makes up to 40.8% in the rock and can be easily enriched.

The healing properties of sphene

IN traditional medicine it is believed that the healing properties of sphene should be used in inflammatory processes in oral cavity- it helps to quickly cope with inflammation. Also, the stone has a positive effect on vision, relieves migraines and normalizes blood pressure.

Some traditional healers attribute light yellow stones to those who suffer from lack of appetite, normalize work digestive tract and also cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances.

magical properties

The magical properties of the sphene will help its owner protect himself from negative energy environment, especially in big city. To do this, you just need to wear a stone installed in an amulet or amulet. Also, some magicians are sure that sphene talismans are able to prevent a fire, flood, thunderstorm strike, or some other disaster, which can fall on your house.

This mineral is also used in the Voodoo cult, which flourishes in the southern states of the United States, in particular New Orleans. True, it is not used in the sinister rituals of voodooists, but on the contrary, it serves for good - security talismans are made from it, which protect the home from the encroachments of thieves and robbers.

What signs of the zodiac are ruled by sphene

A specific House of the Zodiac for this stone has not been identified - it suits any signs.

/ mineral Titanite

Chemical composition - content (in%); CaO -28.6; Ti0 2 - 40.8; SiO 2 -30.6; impurities of aluminum, iron (grotite), manganese (greenowite), niobium, tantalum, yttrium (kelgauite), barium, etc.
Transparency - opaque, translucent, sometimes transparent.
rhombo-prismatic type of symmetry.
Cleavage - perfect according to (100) unclear according to (100) and (112).

Color yellow, brown, pink, yellow, green, white. The line is white, slightly pinkish. Shine diamond, bold. Transparency opaque, translucent, sometimes transparent. Hardness 5-6; fragile. Density 3.4-3.6. The fracture is stepped to splintery. The syngony is monoclinic. Cleavage perfect according to (100) unclear according to (100) and (112). The shape of the crystals is characteristic "envelopes", less often other forms are very rich in facets, up to acicular. Aggregates Single crystals (up to 10 cm or more), solid masses, granular aggregates, acicular and fibrous precipitates, spherulites. P. tr. does not melt. Behavior in acids is most easily decomposed by HF, H2SO4 with (NH4)2SO4 on heating, also with 5-10% HCl solution followed by treatment with hot Na2CO3 solution, and NaOH at 650-700o. Volume 3-1, 336.

Titanite is pretty mysterious stone. Despite its powerful name, it is quite fragile and requires careful handling. It is used as an amulet to increase magical power. Healing properties are also not alien to him. The scope of this mineral is quite extensive. With all this, it is unknown in wide circles, and its name is often associated with metal.

History and location

As soon as the stone is not called titanite: greenowite, sphene, lagurite. He received his main “name” in 1795. The German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaprota decided to call him that because of the high content of titanium in this mineral.

The word "sthene" is of Greek origin. It translates as "wedge". Most likely, the decision to call this mineral this way was based on its appearance. Sphene crystals are wedge-shaped.
In Russia, they first heard about titanite in 1842. Then the German geologist Gustav Rose found him in the Ilmensky mountains, not far from the city of Miass. At that time he was just leading his research work in the Urals and Siberia.
To date, the main deposits for the extraction of these stones are located in China, Germany, Italy (Alps), Russia (Yakutia and the Urals), USA (Maine, Massachusetts), Pakistan and Brazil. In areas where there is a high concentration of lagurite, it is used for industrial purposes, mainly for the production of titanium.
Greenovite is an accessory mineral (its share in the rock is less than 1%). Most often it is found in acidic and alkaline rocks of volcanic origin. For example, syenite, granite, andesite. Accumulating mainly in pegmatites and placers.

External Description

This mineral is a combination of several components. The main share falls on titanium oxide and calcium. It belongs to the class of silicates. Almost never found in its pure form. Iron, zinc, manganese, zirconium, magnesium, niobium, chromium can be used as impurities.

Sphene stone happens different colors and shades, it all depends on what impurities a given sample has. The variety of options is simply amazing: black, colorless, blue, pink, red, green. The breadth of the range will please any jeweler. Green stone is especially appreciated. The following combinations of the influence of impurities on the color and saturation of the hue are possible:

  • Iron will provide yellow, green and brown;
  • Manganese will turn the crystal pink;
  • Sodium and cerium give a blue and purple tint;
  • An admixture of chromium, and the mineral becomes emerald;
  • With a high titanium content, the stone has a dark brown color.

In the natural environment, titanite forms into long, wedge-shaped crystals. The dispersion of this stone exceeds that of diamonds. This means that after appropriate processing, the play of light will attract the eyes of others.

"Stone titanium" is very fragile in nature. Its hardness on the Mohs scale is estimated only at 5-5.5-6. Therefore, if you have jewelry made from this stone, you need to wear them with extreme care.

Healing stone?

There is an opinion that the stone has a number of medicinal properties that are different in their direction. In order for the healing stone to work, you need to regularly carry it with you. It not only helps the body bounce back after an illness, but is also able to protect it.

Titanite helps in the treatment of:

  • osteoporosis;
  • toothache and headache;
  • Diseases that affect bone tissue;
  • Skin diseases.

It is also used as a supporting force for immune processes, which is very important in the fight against germs and viruses.

Thanks to sphene, a number of symptoms can be eliminated:

  • Reduce temperature;
  • Stabilize the ratio of white and red cells in the blood;
  • Reduce puffiness;
  • Get rid of migraine;
  • Calm and normalize nerves;
  • Increase muscle tone.

Lithotherapists advise to take into account when choosing a stone, its color scheme. To solve a particular problem, it is better to choose the appropriate color. So, green titanite will help to cope with a headache caused by spasms of cerebral vessels. A mineral of this color is used for hypertension, stress, nervous strain and even mental disorders.

To solve problems with the gastrointestinal tract, a yellow mineral is used. It helps to cleanse the body of toxins, improves appetite; stimulates brain activity.

Myths about stone

The ancient Egyptians believed that sphene was endowed with magic power. The priests of the temple of the god Ra used this stone as an amulet. Lagurite, due to its dispersion, sparkled in the sun, as if showing everyone that he was a sign of the god Ra.

Sacred animals were also decorated with titanite crystal collars. This was done not only because aesthetic beauty. The Egyptians believed that the stone would protect them from misfortune.
Modern magicians and mediums also appreciate and actively use magical properties lagurite. To master new teachings and abilities, one cannot do without it. Thanks to him, you can open an additional chakra - the third eye. This useful property helps not only "wizards", but also ordinary people.
So if you regularly wear sphene jewelry, you can: develop organizational skills, activate mental activity, increase concentration, develop intuition. In the most incomprehensible way, the stone helps to establish contacts with useful people.

The effect of titanite, as a talisman, depends on which magic item mineral decorates. For example, Golden ring with titanite is a source of wealth, success and good luck on the love front. Earrings with a green crystal - will have a beneficial effect on the inner flair. Well, if you decide to wear lagurite as a pendant or pendant, you can protect your aura from energy vampires.

Astrologers consider this stone to be universal. It suits absolutely any sign of the zodiac. Regardless of the elemental affiliation of the sign, it will help in good undertakings and protect from envious people.
Titanite is rare and useful stone. Despite the many deposits of its production, it is still considered scarce. Jewelry made with his participation looks very attractive. At the same time, they have powerful magical energy. Therefore, this stone is often used as a talisman or amulet. This is such a titan stone - he can do anything, he will help everyone.

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Mineral Properties

Color yellow, brown or pink (greenowite).
Dash color white, slightly pinkish
Chemical formula CaTi (O,OH,F)

The color of titanite is varied and depends on impurities. The iron content gives yellow, green or Brown color. The most valuable color is a bright green, which is due to the content of chromium. Occasionally, colorless specimens are obtained. For brightly colored stones, the property of strong dichroism is characteristic. Titanites require careful wearing in jewelry and gentle care, because they are not very hard. In view of the rarity of large specimens of gem quality, titanites are attractive objects for collecting. Read the collectible sphene article on our blog.


Among the valuable properties of the mineral, gem fans are most attracted by the high dispersion value (0.051), which creates iridescent flashes on the edges when a beam of light hits it. Note the birefringence, which is actually the difference between the maximum and the minimum refraction of the sample, a consequence of the anisotropy, which, among other things, manifests itself as the bifurcation of the ribs observed in some cases when viewed through the stone. Diamond shine, one more valuable property, contributes to the excellent play of faceted titanite.

Mineral view: sphene (titanite)

Chemical formula: CaTiSiO5

Syngony: monoclinic

Hardness: 5-5.5

Optical character: anisotropic

Cleavage: medium in two directions

Density: 3.50-3.54 g/cm3

Luster: diamond

Refractive index: 1.900-2.034 (±0.020)

Birefringence: 0.100-0.135

Dispersion: 0.051

Color: yellow, green, orange, brown, red

  • The dispersion of sphene is superior to that of diamond.
  • Most faceted specimens do not exceed 4 carats by weight.
  • Jewelry-quality stones began to enter the world market only after the discovery of new deposits in 2004.


In ancient Egypt, the mineral was endowed with magical properties. The Egyptians decorated their sacred animals - cats with collars, into which sphenes were inserted, so that they would protect them from any misfortunes.
As an amulet, this stone was also used by the priests in the sacred temple of the god Ra, the god of the sun. He sparkled brightly in the rays of sunlight, which, as it were, showed that he kept a piece of the sun god Ra.


Sphene is very rarely refined. However, it is known that with the help of heat treatment it is possible to lighten its dark color.

Place of Birth

Gem-quality sphene is quite rare. Now the main sources are: Madagascar, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Burma), Brazil and the USA. Most gem-quality stones on the world market are from Madagascar.

Titanite has the mysterious beauty of crystals triangular shape, from which it once received its first name "sphene", translated from ancient Greek as "triangular", or "wedge". Most often in nature there are small diamond-shaped or wedge-shaped crystals sphene. The mineral rarely creates large crystals; as a rule, they are found in syenite pegmatites and in alpine-type veins, and are accompanied by such minerals as albite, adularia, calcite, and chlorite.

Titanite has the mysterious beauty of triangular-shaped crystals.

The stone was named titanite by its chemical structure by the German scientist Martin Heinrich Klaproth, who was involved in its description. The mineral is also called greenowite, for green color its crystals, and ligurite. It is an important source of titanium - titanium dioxide is up to 40.8% in the ore, it is used for the production of titanium white. For cutting, as a rule, they take crystals of a yellowish and green hue, since their strength is higher due to the presence of zinc and chromium. After cutting, such stones acquire a diamond brilliance and a beautiful light play.

The mineral titanite is a silicate of titanium and calcium, the formula of which is written as CaTiSiO5. Its hardness on the Mohs scale is 5.0 -6.0 units, and the density is 3.3 - 3.6 g / cm³, the crystal system is monoclinic, and the brilliance is diamond, resinous. In its pure form, the mineral is very rare, therefore, in almost every sample, impurities of such metals as manganese, chromium, iron, zirconium, magnesium and others can be found, which causes not only the variability of the color of the stone, but also multi-colored inclusions that give it a special attractive appearance after cutting, creating the effect of depth and shimmer. Yellow and green titanite in its composition has more iron, pink crystals owe their color to manganese, chromium adds emerald hues to the stone, and sodium and cesium bring bluish colors to the color.

Titanium stone decomposes completely in sulfuric acid, and partially in hydrochloric acid. When strongly heated with a soldering pipe, it melts slightly at the edges, turning into a purple glass mass. The mineral is very fragile.

Faceted crystals weigh from 1 to 6 carats, they look very beautiful in designer jewelry, where they are combined with other precious stones, for example, with emeralds or diamond chips.

Sphene deposits exist both in Russia and in other countries. For example, in the Ilmensky mountains in the Urals, there are crystals up to 12 cm in which titanite is accompanied by apatite and black mica. Interesting specimens up to 3 cm in size are found in the north of the Urals, not far from the village of Neroika. On the Kola Peninsula, titanium ore is mined on a large scale. In Italy, yellow and red wedge-shaped crystals are mined, in Switzerland they find greenish and yellowish stones. There is sphene in Sri Lanka, Madagascar, titanium minerals are found in Norway, Austria and Canada.

Gallery: titanite stone (25 photos)

Sphene titanite (video)

magical meaning

The magic of titanite stones manifests itself in a strong effect on the human intellect, therefore a talisman with such a crystal is recommended to be carried by people engaged in intensive mental work, especially if they have to master and process large amounts of information. The sphene stone promotes concentration, enhances memory, enhances intuition and develops organizational skills. He does all this not only for ordinary people, but also for extrasensory gifted individuals who can, with the help of a titanite crystal, master new areas of esoteric knowledge, for example, numerology, or palmistry, or in some other way develop and enrich their abilities.

Given the mental orientation of the stone, it is better to wear it in the form of earrings, pendants or pendants, that is, closer to the head. Jewelry set in gold will additionally attract wealth and material wealth to their owner, and talismans in platinum or silver will strengthen the aura and take you aside evil forces. Titanite is considered an assistant in all good undertakings, it will help artists, announcers, astrologers, politicians and other people in public professions. He does not have a specific astrological preference, just as there are no astrological contraindications, therefore, when choosing a stone, you can only be guided by your own desire, and not by reason.

Rare gemstones (video)

Medicinal properties

Pro healing properties sphene is still little known, although some lithotherapists describe positive influence crystals for treatment inflammatory processes mouth and gums, as well as increased vitality body and strengthen the immune system.

All therapeutic effects are carried out only by contact, applying a stone to a sore spot, or looking at it intently.

A yellow crystal can be useful for problems with the digestive system, as the vibrational sound of the manipura chakra coincides with yellow a green crystal, like all green stones, will positively affect vision, help with spasm of cerebral vessels and relieve nervous tension. It is curious that in the Voodoo cult, which flourishes in the southern states of the United States, this stone is used as a “guardian of health” not only for a person, but also at home as a talisman with titanite to protect the house from thieves, lightning, floods and hurricane winds.

In nature, there is a mineral of extraordinary beauty, which is highly valued as jewelry business as well as in industry. Green titanite, or sphene (as it is called), has a number of universal properties. Its varieties and special composition allow the use of the mineral as the main ore for the extraction of titanium, and some types of crystals are widely used in jewelry.

Green titanite has a number of versatile properties

For humanity given stone is of great value. They learned how to extract it in antiquity, its natural deposits exist in almost all corners of the world. Of course, that all gems have certain differences and can be divided into subspecies depending on the location of the mines. This is mainly due to the fact that each continent has its own natural conditions and the unique composition of the earth's interior. The variety of sphene is diverse due to various impurities in its composition. For example, it may contain components such as manganese, iron, chromium, zirconium, zinc and magnesium. All these components can affect the density and structure of the mineral, as well as its color.

Titanium stone has been called sphene since ancient times, this is due to the fact that after processing it often took a conical shape, similar to diamond or other precious stones, and in ancient Greek the word “wedge” sounds like “sphenos”. It received its modern name already thanks to German scientists, who were the first to reveal its chemical properties, which made it possible to extract titanium metal.

For humanity, titnanite is of considerable value.

Physical Properties

This mineral, unfortunately, is not considered an independent rock, it does not form large deposits in the bowels of the earth, but is an accompanying mineral for stones such as syenite and granite. It belongs to the group of igneous rocks, occurs in quartz veins, crystalline schists, but is most often formed in alkaline conglomerates. As a result of metamorphic transformation, it can be found in silicate-carbonate rocks.. Quite often, this mineral can grow on other stones or be in continuous layers in the form of inclusions. Depending on the method of formation, its shape changes.

So, the formula of this fossil is as follows - CaTiSiO5. The color is most often green, yellow, brown and brown. Shades may vary depending on the amount of impurities and their chemical properties. The luster of the stone is glassy, ​​close to diamond. Its overflow can actually be second only to a real diamond. It is not hard enough, it is estimated at 5-5.5 units. on the Mohs scale. The density is in the range of 3.40-3.54 g/cm³.

Stones talismans according to the signs of the zodiac (video)

Regarding the ability to transmit light, we can say that the stone is translucent, but it is quite rare to find a transparent specimen.

The shape of the minerals can be varied, sometimes they form a flattened prism or cone. Less common are clusters of crystals. Their soldering is perfect. The accompanying minerals for this rock are: granite, cyanite, zircon, magnetite, calcite, adularia, feldspar.

Although this crystal is present in many places on earth, its quantity is still limited.

The most beautiful and suitable gems for the jewelry industry are mined in Madagascar, Brazil, Mexico, Italy and Germany. The stones differ in color and composition depending on the location. Thus, it has been determined that green crystals are found most often in Norway, while yellow, red and dark brown crystals are mined in Switzerland and Italy.

The largest gems are found on the Kola Peninsula. The mineral in these places may have a pale pink or light yellow color with a golden tint. In addition, in Russia, in the same Urals, the largest deposits of titanium ore were discovered, which have great importance for the metallurgical industry.

Gallery: titanite stone (50 photos)

Application of the breed

As already noted, this fossil is used in two industries.

Firstly, the components of this ore make it possible to extract such a strong metal as titanium, which is used in the defense and aviation industries.

Secondly, this mineral is widely demanded in jewelry. Sphene refers to semi-precious stones. Because of its fragility, it is used for cutting diamond technology. In jewelry, he does not tolerate proximity to other stones that can damage him. For the manufacture of jewelry, crystals of golden, yellow and green shades are most often chosen. It is believed that specimens of such colors have higher strength and excellent optical qualities.

Titanite looks great in rings and necklaces, bracelets with this stone are light and elegant. The catalog of products that contain this crystal is very large. Since ancient times, people have appreciated its beauty and extraordinary radiance. It is compared with diamond precisely because of its optical properties.

Medicinal properties

Sphene stone, according to traditional healers, has certain medicinal properties. It is recommended to wear with migraine and high blood pressure. They also note that it has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision. In such cases, it is better for women to use earrings or pendants, and for men, amulets with a stone of dark brown, almost brown color are suitable. Since ancient times, this mineral has been used as an anti-inflammatory agent, a powder was made from it and rinsed with it in the oral cavity.

It is noted that the stones are yellow and golden hues have a positive impact on work gastrointestinal tract. In the absence of appetite and pain in the stomach, it is recommended to wear this mineral on the wrist. It is also believed that it is able to remove toxins and cleanse the body of harmful toxins.

It also helps with nervous exhaustion and apathy, it is believed that it is better to use bright hues stones that will help to establish positive energy and regain strength.

The magical properties of the mineral

Certain magical properties are attributed to this stone. The ancient Greeks compared this mineral with the sun and created jewelry in the form of a heavenly body made of titanium. It is believed that it protects from negativity and evil energy. Amulets and talismans are created from sphene, which are designed to protect their owner from thieves and attacks by enemies. But greater strength it has protection from natural elements, it is believed that the crystal is able to protect the house from fire, lightning strikes, hurricane or flood. Often, amulets in the form of figurines are created from this fossil to protect the home.

In addition, this mineral has energy that allows you to replenish your strength during prolonged mental activity. Amulets with titanium help people working in the scientific field to achieve great success, allow long term concentrate and process large amounts of information.

Ratios and connections of titanite with certain signs of the zodiac have not been identified. But it is believed that it will not harm anyone if used with positive attitude. This stone symbolizes the natural power and energy of the sun, which in itself carries a flow of positive and positive energy.

What stones attract money (video)

stone care

Like any crystal, sphene needs regular cleaning. All natural resources have the ability to accumulate negativity in themselves, which they remove from their owner. Therefore, stones must be washed regularly under running water. Then wipe them dry with a soft cloth.

It is strictly forbidden to use chemicals for cleaning jewelry: they can spoil not only the brilliance, but also the color and structure of the mineral. It is necessary to store sphene in a box, separately from other products, as it is fragile and can be easily damaged.

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