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New Year is trending: what colors to decorate the Christmas tree with. New Year's decoration of furniture and interior doors. Decorating a Christmas tree in European style

Decide how to decorate christmas tree for the arrival of 2016, it is no less important than coming up with an outfit for yourself or creating a menu for the holiday table. The forest beauty must comply with a whole list of New Year's "monkey" rules, because the symbol of the coming year is a cheerful, capricious creature with its own quirks!

Year of the Red Fire Monkey obliges us to move away from the tradition of quiet celebration and celebrate it stormy, fun, bright and unforgettable. Your Christmas tree should also please the Mistress of the Year, so you should think carefully about its outfit. Our offers - top 5 current options decor suitable for.

Idea #1: Classic style

Classic never goes out of style, and it looks festive. There is nothing wrong with taking an ordinary Christmas tree and decorating it with familiar toys. We only recommend making a small and very important change. Since the coming year is passing under, choose all the toys in red tones - yellow and soft pink, orange and bright scarlet, cyclamen and purple-violet.

All fiery colors and shades will be in trend in 2016! If there are not enough red toys, buy more. They can be hung on the Christmas tree with narrow red, gold or silver ribbons tied in a bow. The combination of red and gold looks very rich. A Christmas tree decorated exclusively with balls will look especially impressive.

The main color of 2016 is red, so choose your toys wisely!

For example, the balls are red, but different sizes can be arranged on the tree from large (bottom) to small (top), i.e. The higher the spruce paws, the smaller the balls. We suggest decorating the top of the Christmas tree with a huge red (gold, silver) nylon bow or a traditional star - if you want to be original, then an eight-pointed one would be very appropriate.

You can use the figure of an angel or large artificial exotic flowers. By the way, the flowers are in red and pink tones can be attached to the branches of a Christmas tree - this decoration is quite in the spirit of the Monkey. A variety of tinsel, cords with neon lights and nylon bows will make your forest beauty the most fashionable - the Monkey loves color and shine.

Idea No. 2: Rainbow Christmas tree

By the time the Year of the Red Monkey arrives, the Christmas tree should sparkle and shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. This is not difficult to do - first, start decorating with garlands, winding them in a spiral from the top. Now your tree is sort of divided into sections. If you have tall tree, then it can be divided in height into 6-7 sections. Each section should be decorated with toys of the same color and approximately the same size.

Options for "rainbow" Christmas tree decor for the New Year 2016

Decorations should be arranged in a spiral pattern in a rainbow sequence. At the very bottom you will have, for example, red toys, the next section will be orange, then yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple. This way, from a distance your tree will look like a rainbow. And when you turn on the garland, all the toys will sparkle with different lights, shimmering and reflecting each other. Believe me - it's very elegant!

Idea #3: Monkey Christmas tree

Monkeys have a big sweet tooth, so the Mistress of the Year will be very happy if you decorate New Year's tree all sorts of goodies: candies in bright candy wrappers, nuts wrapped in multi-colored foil, small tangerines and long lollipops. This “edible” Christmas tree will appeal to guests - especially children. Treats can be taken directly from the branches.

Gingerbread cookies, lollipops and sweets - best decoration for the Christmas tree in the Year of the Monkey!

By the way, you can “update” them at any time: as soon as the rows of candies thin out, it’s worth hanging more. This way the Christmas tree can play the role of a “sweet table”. One thing to consider is that all candies must have a wrapper. If there is no wrapper (nuts, candies, marmalade, marshmallows), then buy a few pieces of a beautiful New Year's wrapping paper and wrap sweets in them.

The top of such a Christmas tree can be decorated with a chocolate hare or a snowman (in a candy wrapper), or candies in the shape of Santa Claus' staffs. You can plant a plush toy monkey under the tree - or even on top of it. Then the Red Monkey will definitely not miss your house when distributing gifts! Use your imagination or ask your children for advice - and your Christmas tree will be tasty, unusual and memorable.

Idea No. 4: Eco-Christmas tree

There is nothing wrong with meeting the turbulent Year of the Fire Monkey in a quiet home circle. The monkey is a very family creature, she adores her children and home comfort, which means she will be favorable to those who value their family more noisy companies and fireworks. You can also get the Monkey’s favor by decorating a modest Christmas tree without tinsel, gold and silver. But what to decorate it with?

The most environmentally friendly decoration for the Christmas tree - small cookies

Every housewife will bake something for the holiday. So why not bake tiny cookies with a silhouette of a monkey, bananas, pineapples, palm trees and tropical flowers? It can also be snowflakes and Christmas trees, snow women and bunnies, boots and sleighs - creativity should go off scale! Cookies can be decorated with protein glaze, sprinkled with confectionery edible stars, balls and sticks. Then it will be not only appetizing, but also colorful.

Bake the figures and then hang them on the Christmas tree. You can also use beautifully colored pine cones, dried fruits and crafts decorated with beads and glitter. Under the Christmas tree or on its branches, place hand-sewn bags, boots or knitted envelopes in which you can put small gifts or notes with wishes. Handmade decorations will bring a lot of pleasure to everyone at home!

Idea No. 5: Feng Shui Christmas tree

If we adhere to the eastern calendar, then the traditions of Feng Shui are also worth taking into account. To begin with, the New Year tree must be natural and not artificial. You should also pay attention to the place where you are going to place your forest beauty.

According to feng shui, the right decorations may affect your future
  • If what you would like most in the New Year is love, then the tree should be placed in the farthest right corner. It should be decorated with shiny crystals, silk ribbons and hearts, but all toys must be paired. It is very good if they hang on ropes intertwined with each other. Color Christmas tree decorations– red and pink, at the top of the tree – a red heart.
  • If you need money, then the tree should be in the far left corner. The main shade is silver. The Christmas tree must be decorated with coins and banknotes (you can make flowers, butterflies and birds from them).
  • If your goal is a career (this has nothing to do with money - only career and promotion), then it is better to place the Christmas tree opposite the front door, against the wall. Decorations depend on the type of work you want to get - strict or creative, elegant or shocking.
  • If you dream of having children, decorate the Christmas tree in the right corner closest to the door. Of course, the toys should be for children, very cute, but made with their own hands. Draw, sew, knit, bake - it’s all up to you! Be sure to decorate the top with an angel.
  • If you want to travel, the tree should be installed in the middle of the right wall. Decorate it as you wish, but be sure to hang symbols of the country where you want to go - a small Eiffel Tower, a Mexican sombrero or a Japanese fan, for example.
  • If you want to spend time with friends all year round, place the tree in the left corner closest to the door. It's good if all your friends give you one toy.
  • If you put a Christmas tree in the middle of the room, then you will get a little bit of everything from the Red Monkey. This is probably not the worst option!
  • If the corner you need is occupied and there is no way to put a Christmas tree there, then replace it with fir branches in a vase and decorate them accordingly - the effect will be similar. This is what the Feng Shui masters say.

We wish that the Monkey will appreciate the decoration of your Christmas tree and give you all the benefits!

It has long been the case that many people begin preparing for the New Year celebration several months before it begins, and 2016 is no exception. For every person New Year associated with different things. When someone mentions the New Year holidays, they remember the crisp snow underfoot, while for others the New Year is associated with fireworks, the aroma of tangerines and spruce. But one of the main attributes of the holiday is a clean and skillfully decorated apartment or house for the New Year holidays and a beautifully decorated festive table. It is enough to show a little imagination in decorating your home and the atmosphere of the New Year holiday will enter your home.

Many decorative elements can now be purchased at various New Year's souvenir shops. But by spending a little time using scrap materials that are available to almost every housewife, you can make individual, unique elegant little things to decorate your apartment for the holiday.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with creative ideas for New Year's decoration of the apartment with your own hands. 2016 will come very soon, according to eastern calendar This is the year of the Red Fire Monkey. Astrologers predict this year for positive-minded people big changes and the ability to grow creatively. The playful and noisy patron of the year, the Fire Monkey, will appreciate a creatively decorated home for the 2016 celebration.

When welcoming the coming year, you should use elements from natural materials. And the main thing when decorating your home is not to skimp on rich and bright colors, which will please the extravagant monkey.

We begin to decorate our home for the New Year, of course, by decorating the front door. It has become traditional for many beautiful wreath from aromatic pine or spruce branches decorated with all kinds of tinsel (garlands, Christmas tree decorations and rain).

But in the year of the Red Fire Monkey, it would be appropriate to make an original wreath with your own hands with elements of the leaves of other evergreens, decorated with or without small figures of playful monkeys. Make such a wreath and the patroness of the year, baby monkey, will undoubtedly bring good luck to your home.

New Year's decoration of furniture and interior doors.

Decor options interior doors and there is a lot of furniture for the holiday. But we propose to consider the most accessible of them.

Can be cut cute figurines Snow Maiden, Santa Claus or snowman from ordinary napkins or plain writing paper. Such applications will not be difficult to attach to furniture doors or door leaf using small pieces of stationery tape.

Along the perimeter of the door, using the same tape, you can attach garlands of beads, rain, streamers and other Christmas tree tinsel.

Looks very stylish attached to doors or furniture Stuffed Toys small size. To give the toys a festive look, you can dress them up by making colorful patches or tinsel, funny hats and scarves.

You can put a bright and stylish blanket made of bamboo fabric on the sofa.

Look for more inspiring room decor ideas for the New Year in the photo:

New Year's window decoration.

Of course, you can traditionally stick self-cut paper snowflakes on the windows. But try to show a little imagination in the year of the Monkey. Make various stencils with holiday figures from paper.

Silhouettes dressed in New Year's fur coats monkeys, reindeer or just snowy hills.

Or you can make a stencil that, when applied to the window, you can use paints to water based draw beautiful holiday pictures.

Personally made from colored paper, balls and other materials available to everyone Christmas garlands can be placed on the balcony or around the perimeter of the window.

Other ideas on how to decorate a window for the New Year can be seen in the photo:

Decoration of the New Year tree.

The main attribute of the New Year is the beautiful Christmas tree in 2016, it is better to decorate it with toys and tinsel in purple-red or bright orange.

Hanging bright tangerines, oranges, bananas and all kinds of figurines made from their skins will look very advantageous on the tree. See the photos for examples of such decorations.

You can also hang funny faces on the Christmas tree. funny monkeys, simply printed on a color printer.

And in conclusion festive look Decorate the Christmas tree with branches New Year's beauty artificial snow.

New Year's table decoration.

To decorate the New Year's table in 2016, use as many bright elements as possible.

You will need colored napkins, colorful dishes, holiday candles and a tablecloth.

It is best to choose a tablecloth for the table in bright red or lemon yellow color. Napkins selected in the same color scheme as the tablecloth will look beautiful.

And multi-colored candle lights will add zest to the decoration of the festive table.

Also, it would be a good idea to place several glass or ceramic monkey figurines on the table.

And, of course, finish the design New Year's table Spectacularly decorated holiday dishes will help.

And the main decoration of the New Year's table will be the smiles of your loved ones and the festive mood.

The New Year evokes certain associations for every person. This is a time of waiting for something wonderful and unusual. Children are especially sensitive to this holiday. They carefully choose toys and try to decorate the symbol of this wonderful holiday - the Christmas tree - as best as possible. Parents also come to their aid. All these actions resemble a wonderful ritual that lifts spirits and brings people together.

How to decorate a Christmas tree beautifully? It would seem that the process of transforming an ordinary tree into a beautiful and magical symbol of the New Year is quite simple. Still, many points need to be taken into account. This includes the choice of the tree itself, the purchase of decorations with garlands, and the preference for the symbol of the coming year - the Year of the Monkey.

Choosing a Christmas tree

Since this tree has always been considered a symbol of the new, coming year, without it the holiday atmosphere will be somehow incomplete. After all, the very aroma of pine needles and tangerines already evokes the appropriate mood. The choice of Christmas tree should be taken carefully. It should be fresh, not yellowed. Decide on the size and height in advance. The number of decorations will depend on this.

New Year decoration

First you need to get all the available toys from a secluded place. Check their condition and appearance. Those that look good and you like can be safely left for this year. If the necessary elements are not enough, they should be supplemented with new ones. The range of toys in stores is so wide that you are sure to find something suitable for yourself. Just remember the size of your tree.

Note! Large balls on a small Christmas tree will not look very attractive. Therefore, choose jewelry of optimal sizes.

Think in advance about what to put on top: a star, a snowflake, an angel, or something else.

Before hanging, check the garlands to see if they are in good condition. If you want variety, purchase multi-colored garlands with different modes. Calculate the length of the decoration according to the height of the tree.

Note! Should be given Special attention quality and appearance of garlands.

Complete all existing decorations with rain, tinsel, and beads. These decorative elements will complete the look New Year's tree and will make it more vibrant and interesting.


Conversion process simple tree As a wonderful symbol of the holiday, you should start by hanging garlands. This should be done with the lights on, as this will make them easier to see. empty seats. Then you can hang tinsel, rain and toys.

A color scheme

You also need to decide on the color scheme, because the combination different colors can make your tree unique. Quite often, green and red colors are combined, as well as gold and blue.

Still, more attention should be paid to those colors that the Fire Monkey prefers. This is red and all its shades, bright and catchy. Yellow, brown, and orange colors will also be relevant.

The hostess of the year will also like other bright shades. However, it is recommended to use the following color combinations:

  • red and gold;
  • red with white;
  • golden with brown.

Depending on where the tree will be placed - at home or in the office, the number of colors may be different.

Correct placement of jewelry

As already mentioned, the first thing you need to do is hang the garlands. Their arrangement should highlight the beauty of the rest of the decorations. You can hang garlands using the serpentine principle, in rings or in straight lines. Accordingly, other elements should be placed according to the same principle. IN Lately It has become fashionable to place all decorations in a ring, when the balls decrease in size from bottom to top. However, there are no particularly strict recommendations. It’s just important to keep everything in one chosen style.

The final moment will be the installation of figures of Father Frost and Snow Maiden under the tree. Nicely wrapped gifts should be placed next to them. After this, the symbol of the New Year - the Christmas tree - will be ready to delight your eyes.

What about Feng Shui?

Those who adhere to the rules of Feng Shui, or simply want to experiment in this regard, should consider some important points. Follow these rules:

  1. The Christmas tree should be installed in the southern corner of the house.
  2. The placement should be as natural as possible.
  3. The image of the tree should look complete and make a pleasant impression.
  4. Paired elements, coins, and a figurine of the Fire Monkey should be used as decorations.

Well, in conclusion, it should be noted that preparing for any holiday is a creative and developmental endeavor. You need to approach it with interest and responsibility. Only then, in the coming year, good luck, luck and achievement of your goals will await you.

How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year 2016 so that all your wishes come true?

The divine aroma of New Year's magic, wrapping in an invisible shawl woven from magical threads of goodness, returns people to a distant, but such wonderful childhood. In every person, the New Year spirit awakens a child who clean slate life bright colors love, health and happiness draws fairy tale, where there is no grief, troubles and evil. We will tell you how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year 2016 and where to put it so that all your cherished wishes come true!

New Year is a time of miracles! There is magic in the atmosphere, with the help of which you can attract all kinds of benefits. To make all your wishes come true, it is not necessary to perform ancient rituals; it is enough to properly decorate the lush beauty from the forest - the spruce. She is not only powerful amulet for home from evil forces who wake up in New Year's Eve, but also fulfills any desire!

Since New Year 2016 is the year of the Fire Monkey, decorate the Christmas tree with red, yellow, golden tinsel, the brightest and most iridescent New Year's toys, and glowing garlands with lights. The more elegant and festive your beauty looks, the better! Be sure to place a figurine of a small monkey under the Christmas tree - a symbol of the coming 2016.

The melodic harmony of love and the sweet sound of family relationships!

For people who dream of passionate love and fiery passion, the tree should be placed in the far right corner of the front door.

It is advisable to attach a red heart to the top of the festive tree. It can be glass, plush, paper, plastic.

Lonely people dreaming of a loved one should hang a garland of red, pink, lilac shades. It is advisable to admire the colorful lights every day, imagining your soulmate. By the way, red is the symbol of 2016, so luck will certainly smile on you!

You need to dress up the guest with toys in the shape of hearts, paired symbols - doves, swans, ducks, butterflies, symbolizing happiness in family life, silk ribbons, painted eggs, red balls, personifying the mellifluous harmony in love.

Women who want to strengthen family relationships need to hang a horseshoe on the Christmas tree; in addition, the toy protects against evil tongues. Girls who dream of marriage need to make two rings, tie them with red thread and hang them on a spruce tree, preferably as close to the top as possible. To save family well-being you need to decorate your holiday tree with a cute, cozy house.

The fluffy beauty is a tree that fulfills your cherished wishes!

Inexhaustible wealth: “The house is a full cup”!

To attract wealth, the Christmas tree needs to be decorated with coins. Prosperity will burst into life if you hang gold or silver coins on branches. If you don’t have such things, you can decorate the Christmas tree jewelry, banknotes. Toys in the form of boxes, treasure chests, and piggy banks are also suitable.

In order for abundance to reign in the house, you should make a box out of cardboard, wrap it in silver paper, and attach a golden star to the lid. Then you need to fill it with money, jewelry, and then place it under the Christmas tree. To consolidate the result, when doing pre-holiday cleaning, you should throw a handful of coins into a container of water intended for washing floors, let it sit and wash the floors thoroughly.

Wealth will be attracted by balls of white, orange, gray tones, decorated with silver ornaments, sweets, marmalade, toys in the form of gold bars, and fish.

The festive spruce will make its owners rich!

Career growth is fast and easy!

People who dream of rapidly moving forward career ladder, you need to put the tree opposite the door.

A star should be attached to the top. And on the branches it is advisable to hang toys symbolizing the field of activity. U creative personalities The Christmas tree should be shocking, its goal is to create a sensation. But serious people should limit themselves to decorating the Christmas tree in a simple style.

Scarlet, chocolate, peach, yellow, silver, and golden shades are preferred.

A new addition to the family means happiness in the heart and soul!

The green sorceress will help you find the happiness of motherhood. To do this, the tree needs to be placed in the near right corner.

A nut in gold paper should be attached to the top of the Christmas tree - a symbol of the mystery of the Divine thought. You can hang rattles, pacifiers, booties, little toddlers, toys in the form of a cradle, or a stroller on the branches. Balloons and bows in pink and blue tones are also suitable.

Children should dress up the forest beauty; you can ask the neighbor kids. It is impossible to reweigh or correct anything after the kids.

If everything is done correctly, then next New Year the laughter of the long-awaited toddler will be heard in the house!

Excellent health – boundless happiness!

To drive illnesses out of your home, you need to decorate the fluffy Christmas tree with toys. white- a symbol of purity that neutralizes illnesses.

An angel should be attached to the top; he will protect the owners of the house from illnesses and misfortunes. And the branches should be decorated with snow garlands, bows, balls and bells. You can also hang a bouquet of herbs tied with a white or red ribbon. In addition to its intended purpose, the decoration will protect against damage and the evil eye.

The fluffy beauty will drive away diseases and give good health for the whole year.

Reliable friends are your second family!

For people who dream of true friends, rich sponsors and strong patrons, the coniferous sorceress should be placed in the near left corner.

So that friends never betray, but support and help, you should ask everyone for a toy from their home. Decorations need to be hung on the Christmas tree.

For people who want to have a useful acquaintances, you should decorate the green beauty with things that represent a new relationship. For example, expensive cufflinks - for friendship with a respectable patron, a gold coin or banknote– to attract a sponsor, tie clips – to active communication with men.

Christmas tree charm - fulfillment of all desires!

People who want to improve all areas of their life should place the Christmas tree in the center of the room.

The tree should be decorated with toys that represent desires. For example:

  • to buy a home – keys, house;
  • to purchase a car - a toy car;
  • for love - a heart;
  • for pregnancy - booties;
  • for marriage - rings;
  • for wealth - banknotes.

After hanging the toys, you need to close your eyes and imagine your dreams, and then lean towards the Christmas tree and sincerely ask for your wishes to come true.

You need to treat the fluffy beauty with respect, because it depends on her whether all sorts of benefits will burst in like a powerful whirlwind or not. Therefore, it must be installed evenly and firmly secured. If the Christmas tree falls in the midst of festivities or is knocked down by a pet, your wishes will not come true.

Signs associated with the New Year tree

There are signs that are passed on from one generation to another for hundreds of years.

  1. To make it come true cherished wish, on the eve of the old New Year, write it down on a piece of paper, and at midnight put it under the tree, after which at noon next day burn the magical attribute.
  2. After the holidays, removed from the spruce last toy, put it in a visible place - a talisman against sorrows, disasters and misfortunes.
  3. If a decoration falls from a forest guest and breaks, collect the fragments and make a wish.
  4. Don't throw away the needles from the Christmas tree. Collect, put in a bag, hang over front door. The pine smell repels evil forces.
  5. To make your wishes come true in short terms, cut off 7 needles on which toys were hanging, symbolizing desire. When taking a bath, throw in a needle each time.
  6. If candles were lit on the Christmas tree, collect the remaining wax. Make a candle and light it when you are sick.
  7. Place a chair in the place where the elegant beauty stood and sit on it for 10 minutes. Negative energy, which interferes with happiness, will leave the soul and body. The cleansing area is effective for 24 hours from the moment the spruce is harvested.

Don't miss your chance at the most magical time of the year! Knowing how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year 2016 and with a little effort, you will forget what bad luck is. And an elegant guest from the majestic forest, like a good fairy, will make all your dreams come true!

Can not imagine new year holidays without beautiful Christmas tree, decorated in bright colors.

How to decorate a Christmas tree in 2016, it is advisable to plan in advance: the best toys for last days they will already be sold out, and you won’t be able to immediately think through the design itself down to the smallest detail.

To have a Christmas tree decorated in accordance with the best traditions, really created a holiday atmosphere, you should not limit yourself to purchased accessories alone: ​​add designer elements to the design, use available materials - and you will get a stylish, sophisticated and bright Christmas tree that will be remembered by each of the guests.

Considering that The symbol of next year is the red monkey, it’s not hard to figure out how to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year. The monkey is an energetic, active and very capricious creature, therefore it requires careful selection of shades and accessories.

Let's figure out which Christmas tree decorations will be considered the most suitable in the New Year 2016.

Preparing for decoration

Decorating the New Year tree 2016 requires careful preparation. Firstly, think in advance about which Christmas tree is best to buy: the larger it is, the more difficult it will be to create a harmonious design, and the naturalness of the winter beauty will also play an important role in the perception of the interior.

Take a look at the boxes with old toys: perhaps some of them have already lost their appearance, are damaged, or simply do not correspond to the theme of next year.

Think about what toys you should buy - and go in search of jewelry of the right shapes and sizes (the sooner you start searching, the larger assortment you will have at your disposal).

Advice: Don't rush to throw away your old glass balls: they can be crushed and used as glitter for new homemade decorations.

The best options for decorating a Christmas tree for the new year 2016 involve the use of red, gold, yellow, brown and white shade, but these colors do not have to be present in Christmas balls. Look for bright bows, garlands with light bulbs in matching colors, or rain made in matching colors.

To find out how to decorate the Christmas tree in 2016, decide in advance the best option placement of toys and other decorations.

There are several such options:

  • Toys are placed in a spiral, just like garlands with rain. You need to start decorating such a Christmas tree with garlands so that the Christmas tree balls follow their direction. Spirals can have one color or shimmer smoothly (for example, the rainbow design of a Christmas tree for the New Year is quite popular).
  • If you prefer to create a more formal design, you can arrange decorations and garlands in a vertical direction. To give such a Christmas tree a more harmonious look, you can tie bows or use tinsel in some places.
  • The most common option for decorating a Christmas tree involves arrangement of garlands in a circle, and toys - in any direction. When implementing this decorative option, try not to overdo it with the number of decorations, and also select balloons suitable sizes: It is desirable that they increase from top to bottom.

  • Find out how to decorate your home for the New Year 2016: decor ideas, useful tips and recommendations for decorating rooms on the eve of the Year of the Red Monkey.

    About how to do New Year's candles with your own hands, read this article: options for beautiful holiday decor candles for the New Year, made in different techniques.

    Since the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree dates back to ancient times, many people prefer to decorate it in the old style. In fact, there are many interesting stylistic solutions such decoration. For example, a country style Christmas tree can be decorated paper decorations, felt toys, small figures made of straw or wood, antique accessories.

    Decorations for a traditional style Christmas tree are the usual spherical decorations, flashing garlands and large rain. The range of modern Christmas tree accessories also includes bows, bells, flowers and regular ribbons.

    Sprayable also available artificial snow, which can be used to decorate individual branches or toys.

    If you want to decorate your Christmas tree in a vintage or retro style, stock up on old toys, vinyl records(even with their help you can create spectacular decorations!), accessories made of glass and shiny elements. A Christmas tree in a modern style, in addition to standard accessories, can be decorated fur elements, plastic and metal parts and even CDs.

    The most best Christmas tree It will work out for the new year if you pay attention to every detail. The decoration of the Christmas tree begins with garlands, then you can proceed to toys and decorations. last stage– to rain and tinsel, as well as to installing the top. Let's take a closer look at how to decorate the 2016 New Year tree.

    Decoration with garlands

    Garlands for the New Year tree can be different: electric and standard, large and small, single-color and rainbow. Therefore, careful planning should precede the selection of such accessories. appearance your Christmas tree.

    If you decide to purchase an electric garland, be sure to consider its safety and place of production. It is advisable to look at the quality certificate for such jewelry: specialized points of sale should not refuse you this. Straightaway check it for suitability: all the lights of the garland should be lit.

    By the way, garlands can be not only the main, but also the only decoration of the Christmas tree: when lit, they will look very bright and festive, even if they have only one shade. Do not forget that even such decorations should not be too much: observe the measure and stick to one direction when decorating a Christmas tree of any size.

    Advice: using multi-colored garlands make sure that the Christmas tree decorations are in harmony with them in shade.

    When we decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year, we don’t always think about what even the most unusual materials can be used to create accessories. You can even make garlands yourself.

    The easiest way is to create a paper garland: it can take the form of a chain of rings, be a rope or ribbon with paper pictures and cutouts, and even have volume (for example, bright candy figures can be made from paper).

    As materials at hand to create your own garland, you can use gingerbread and candies, beads, toys made of felt or other fabric, coins, jewelry, nuts, plastic stoppers bright colors and many other elements. The main thing is that they fit into the design of the Christmas tree in shape and size.

    When the garland is ready, you can start choosing Christmas decorations. Let's look at how to decorate the Christmas tree in 2016 with purchased and homemade decorations.

    Christmas tree toys

    We have already noted that before purchasing Christmas tree decorations, you need to decide on their shapes and sizes.

    Standard option – bright balls medium size, but since the monkey is considered the symbol of 2016, you can look for toys in the shape of these animals or tropical fruits. Also suitable for decorating a Christmas tree are toys in the shape of snowmen, Santa Clauses, snowflakes and other New Year-themed scenes.

    Remember! It is better to decorate a large Christmas tree big toys or combine them harmoniously with smaller elements. Large accessories are hung on branches first.

    It is better to hang Christmas tree decorations 2016 in such a way that the fasteners are not noticeable. Stores sell special green mounts that blend in with coniferous branches. Also You can use paper clips, strings or bright ribbons as holders for toys that will fit into the holiday decor.

    Don’t forget about the possibility of creating New Year’s decorations 2016 with your own hands. They will look unusual and interesting. figurines made from puff pastry, wax toys, jewelry made using techniques decoupage and papier-mâché. We will describe a few more ideas on how to decorate a Christmas tree with your own hands below.

    How to decorate the top?

    Your Christmas tree design may not seem complete if you don't take care to create a beautiful tree topper. For these purposes, you can purchase ready-made Christmas trees new Year decoration or build an accessory yourself.

    Traditional options for decorating the top of the Christmas tree are large stars, figures of Jesus or Santa Claus(depending on the holiday you are going to celebrate) or a pointed decoration. You can pick up an angel figurine or tie beautiful and lush bow bright shade (preferably choose red color).

    Advice: If the shape of your Christmas tree does not require the use of a toy for the top, you can decorate the end of the tree with a lush rain shower or a garland.

    To attract good luck to next year, you can use a monkey toy as the top decoration of the 2016 Christmas tree. Such a toy will not look contradictory in the decoration of the New Year tree.

    Do not forget that the top of the Christmas tree should be chosen taking into account color range its design. It is desirable that its shape be in harmony with other toys and decorations on the coniferous tree. That's why many people prefer to buy jewelry in ready-made sets: this will make it easier to maintain a consistent style during the decorating process.

    Interesting DIY accessories

    New Year is a time of fairy tales and magic, and this atmosphere will be emphasized by homemade Christmas tree decorations in the form of snowflakes. You can buy ready-made plastic snowflakes with openwork inserts and sparkles shimmering under the light.

    To save money, make snowflakes yourself: the main material for such decorations is paper, durable cardboard, plastic, foam rubber, hard fabric or felt. Decorate snowflakes with beads, shiny varnish, beads, bright embroidery or paints.

    Another option for DIY Christmas tree decorations 2016, which is quite often used in New Year's decor, - This pine cone toys. Collect a sufficient number of cones in advance and prepare paints and glitter for decoration.

    The cones can be hung on the Christmas tree in their original form or turned into themed toys(for example, in the form of Santa Claus). You can emphasize the winter freshness of your Christmas tree by decorating the cones with artificial snow.

    You can make Christmas tree decorations with your own hands shaped like snowmen. For such decorations, use cardboard (then the snowman will not be voluminous), plaster or foam rubber, felt, fabric or cotton wool.

    Advice: The felting technique is very popular: make cute snowmen from felted wool– and use it not only as decorations for the Christmas tree, but also as gifts for guests.

    From plastic bottles you can cut out transparent figures of deer, Santa Clauses, stars, which will shimmer from the glare of garlands or candles. More can be applied complex techniques: For example, you can use bottles to create penguin or Santa toys.

    Read about what the decoration of the New Year's table 2016 should be like: what colors predominate, what the setting should be, including dishes, glasses, napkins and tablecloth.

    A detailed article about the Kanzashi Christmas tree is here: step by step photos, video instructions with execution techniques.

    Find out what New Year's decorations for your home you can make at:

    Can be done new Christmas balls from old ones. For example, wrap plastic balls shiny or bright thread or stick interesting pictures using the decoupage technique. Using glue and broken glass, you can create Christmas balls with glossy and mirror surface. And the creation of plastic balls decorated with beads, sparkles and paint can be entrusted to the younger generation.

    How to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree with your children? After all, it’s better not to let children work with scissors, sharp objects or wax. Offer them hang edible decorations on the Christmas tree: gingerbread cookies, cookies, fruits, nuts, candies. All these decorations can be wrapped in gift paper if desired.

    You can decorate a New Year tree, even focusing on your hobby. Use as toys dried flowers, shells, coins, cards or even family photos . This design will definitely surprise your guests and create the atmosphere of a warm family holiday.

    To make your Christmas tree look as impressive and harmonious as possible in the New Year, do not put off preparing for the decoration. Go shopping: you may get some ideas yourself or find unusual toys, which are just beginning to gain popularity.

    It is advisable to decorate the Christmas tree together with your family: then New Year's interior everyone will like it.

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