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Definition of the concept of physical education system. The system of physical education. Health, physical education and sports

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Under the concept of a system, they mean something whole, which is a unity of regularly arranged and interconnected parts designed to perform specific functions and solve certain problems.

The system of physical education is a historically conditioned type of social practice of physical education, including worldview, theoretical and methodological, program-normative and organizational foundations that ensure the physical improvement of people and the formation healthy lifestyle life.

1. Worldview foundations. Worldview is a set of views and ideas that determine the direction of human activity.

In the domestic system of physical education, worldview attitudes are aimed at promoting the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality of those involved, the realization of the opportunities for everyone to achieve physical perfection, the strengthening and long-term preservation of health, and the preparation of members of society on this basis for professional types activities.

  1. Theoretical and methodological foundations. The system of physical education is based on the achievements of many sciences. Its theoretical and methodological basis is the scientific provisions of the natural (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, etc.), social (philosophy, sociology, etc.), pedagogical (psychology, pedagogy, etc.) sciences, on the basis of which the discipline "Theory and Methods of Physical education” develops and substantiates the most general patterns of physical education.
  2. Software- regulatory framework. Physical education is carried out on the basis of compulsory state programs for physical education and sports (programs for preschool institutions, general education schools, secondary and higher educational institutions, the army, etc.). These programs contain science-based tasks and means of physical education, complexes of motor skills to be mastered, a list specific rules and requirements.

The program-normative foundations of the system of physical education are concretized in relation to the characteristics of the contingent (age, gender, level of preparedness, health status) and the conditions of the main activity of participants in the physical culture movement (study, work in production, military service) in two main directions: general preparation and specialized.

The general preparatory direction is represented primarily by physical education in the system of general compulsory education. It provides: the basic minimum of a comprehensive physical fitness; the main fund of motor skills and abilities necessary in life; level available to everyone diversified development physical ability. Specialized area ( sports training, industrial-applied and military-applied physical training) provides for in-depth improvement in the chosen form motor activity based on a wide general training with a possibly high (depending on individual ability) level of achievement.

These two main directions provide the possibility of consistent mastery of vital movements, education of physical, moral and volitional qualities, and sports improvement of a person.

The basic principles of physical education (principles of all-round assistance to the all-round harmonious development of the personality, applied and health-improving orientation) are concretely embodied in the program-normative foundations.

4. Organizational bases. The organizational structure of the system of physical education is made up of state and public-amateur forms of organization, leadership and management.

The state line provides for systematic compulsory classes exercise in preschool institutions (nursery-kindergarten), general education schools, secondary special and higher educational institutions, army, medical and preventive organizations. Classes are held on government programs, during the hours allotted for this in accordance with the schedule and the official schedule under the guidance of full-time specialists (athletic personnel).

Control over the organization, implementation and results of physical education on the state line is provided by the Ministry Russian Federation for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Committee of the State Duma for Tourism and Sports, city committees for physical culture and sports, as well as the relevant departments of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

According to the public-amateur line, physical exercises are organized depending on individual inclinations, abilities of those involved and the need for physical education. The fundamental feature of the public-amateur form of organization is complete voluntariness physical education classes. The duration of classes depends largely on the individual attitude, personal inclinations and the actual availability of free time.

The organization of physical education on a public-amateur basis provides for mass involvement in physical education classes through a system of voluntary / sports societies: Spartak, Lokomotiv, Dynamo, Labor reserves, etc.

Theory and methodology of physical education and sports: Tutorial For university students. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. - 480 p. ISBN 5-7695-0567-2

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1. Physical education as a social system.

2. Principles of the system of physical education.

3. Fundamentals of the system of physical education.

4. The main directions of the system of physical education.

1. Physical education as a social system

Physical education is a socially conditioned, pedagogically organized process of mastering the values ​​of physical culture.

The social conditionality of physical education lies in the fact that in the course of it a socially significant goal is achieved, i.e. a goal that is essential both for the development of the individual himself and for the progress of society as a whole. In addition, this means that physical education takes place within the framework of a certain social organization, which has the necessary capabilities to ensure the interests of society in this direction.

Such social organization is called the system.

The system of physical education is a set of elements of physical culture ordered in relation to the purpose of the activity.

As in any other social system, in physical education one can single out: 1) a certain composition and structural organization of its constituent elements; 2) functions; 3) the nature of the relationship with other systems of society.

The system of physical education can include a variety of elements of physical culture, i.e. any factors of material and spiritual culture associated with the "production" of physically perfect people. However, only those that are directly related to physical education become its integral elements. Without them, the system cannot exist as a single social organism (management, personnel, scientific support, etc.).

In the process of activity, certain connections are established between the elements of the system. Forming the basis of the structure of the system.

The main factor in the existence of any system is its functioning.

Functions express the possibilities inherent in the system in the transformation of man, nature and society. The functions of the system of physical education include activities to ensure the physical improvement of people.

There are external and internal functions.

The external functions of the system of physical education are aimed at people. Their object is man; subject is health physical forces and abilities of people. Internal functions - this is the interaction of the elements of the system that ensure external functioning (providing physical education personnel, premises, financing, etc.). Healthy man brings more benefits to society.

The system of physical education is closely connected with other systems of society: economy, culture, science, politics.

Being one of the spheres of manifestation public relations it develops under the influence of changes occurring in all spheres public life(modern period). It has a specific historical character. That is why it acts both as a type and as a type of social practice.

How does a species reflect the specifics of a given species? educational activities, as a type - carries all the basic properties social system society.

2. Principles of the system of physical education

a) The principle of a health-improving orientation obliges the teacher to organize physical education in such a way that it performs both preventive and developmental functions. This means that with the help of physical education it is necessary, firstly, to compensate for the lack motor activity, arising under conditions modern life; secondly, to improve the functional capabilities of the body, increasing its performance and resistance to adverse effects.

This principle is implemented by fulfilling the basic requirements:

Means and methods of physical education should be used only those that have scientific substantiation of their health value;

Physical activity must be planned in accordance with the capabilities of children;

Medical and pedagogical control should be mandatory elements educational process;

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, rational use sun, air and water - all this should be taken into account when organizing each exercise session.

b) Principle comprehensive development personality.

In physical education, this principle provides for the fulfillment of two basic requirements: 1) the solution of the problems of physical education must be carried out in organic connection with mental, labor, moral and aesthetic education; 2) the content of physical education should be planned in such a way as to ensure the coordinated and proportionate development of all physical abilities, sufficiently versatile formation of motor skills and arming with special knowledge.

c) The principle of connection with labor and defense practice expresses the applied orientation of the entire system of education, designed to educate comprehensively prepared people "who know how to do everything." A person receiving comprehensive training satisfies not only his personal needs, but also the demands of society.

The connection of physical education with life is reflected in the sports and recreation complex of the Republic of Belarus.

The implementation of this principle is carried out through the fulfillment of the following requirements: 1) the content of physical education should provide for the formation, first of all, of vital motor skills in walking, running, jumping, swimming, etc. This requirement is embodied in the maintenance of the sports and recreation complex of the Republic of Belarus and curricula in physical education; 2) by comprehensive physical education it is necessary to create such a wide preparedness of a person. To get it general level physical performance made it possible to master a wide variety of labor and military actions; 3) make the most of physical exercises for labor and patriotic education.

Certain conditions are necessary for the implementation of the principles, i.e. appropriate economic, logistical, social and cultural base. Practical activities for their implementation should be adequate to this basis. Otherwise, the proclaimed principles may turn into utopian appeals.

3. Fundamentals of the system of physical education

Socio-economic foundations.

The system of physical education is closely connected with other socio-economic systems of society: economy, politics, science and culture. Being one of the spheres of manifestation of social relations occurring in these systems.

The objective basis of these connections is the inclusion of the system of physical education in social production. However, it has an indirect effect on social production. The system does not participate directly in the creation of a social product. But it has an indirect impact on this sphere through the subject of production relations - a person.

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1. Physical education as a social system

2. Functions and tasks of physical education

3. Principles of the system of physical education

4. Fundamentals of the system of physical education

5. The main directions of the system of physical education


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Physical education is essential tool formation of a person as a person. Physical exercises allow you to have a multifaceted influence on the consciousness, will, moral character, character traits of boys and girls. They cause not only significant biological changes in the body, but to a large extent determine the development of moral beliefs, habits, tastes and other aspects of the personality that characterize the spiritual world of man.

Scientific and technological progress, the rapid development of the media, the improvement of the educational level of parents, the perfection of teaching methods - all this, of course, determines the earlier and higher intellectual development modern youth. Accelerated maturation of the body increases the mental and physical performance of boys and girls, which allows them to successfully cope with significantly increased requirements. school programs. physical education social general cultural

However, intense mental work at school and at home, as well as other activities, cause significant overload of the body in students. At the same time, they spend most of their free time in computer clubs, near the TV. Teenagers lead a sedentary lifestyle. And this negatively affects physical development, general condition health, physical fitness. That is why physical culture and sports are vital, which allow you to improve health, purposefully influence the entire body, improve motor activity and form physical qualities.

Physical hardening to some extent determines the further life activity of a person. Awareness of health and usefulness gives self-confidence, fills with cheerfulness, optimism and cheerfulness.

Finally, this essential condition high efficiency, which opens up wide opportunities in mastering the chosen profession. The physical weakness of a person and the resulting feeling of inferiority have a depressing effect on the human psyche and cause these feelings of inferiority, developing such qualities as pessimism, timidity, disbelief in one's own strength, isolation, and individualism.

Long-term practice has shown that physical culture also contributes to mental development, brings up valuable moral qualities - confidence, determination, will, courage and courage, the ability to overcome obstacles, a sense of collectivism, friendship.

Unfortunately, not all high school students understand the importance of physical education. Many of them are limited to attending mandatory physical education classes. This in no way can compensate for the lack of physical activity of high school students, as a result of which there is excessive fullness, a lag in physical development, and a decrease in mental performance.

Therefore, in terms of relevance, this topic should take first place in pedagogy.

Aiming yeswork is the study of the system of physical education. To achieve the goal, the following tasks:

reveal the essence, meaning and basic concepts of physical education;

determine the main tasks and functions of physical education;

highlight the principles of physical education;

To reveal the main directions of the system of physical education

1. Physical education as a social system

Physical education is a socially conditioned, pedagogically organized process of mastering the values ​​of physical culture.

The social conditionality of physical education lies in the fact that in the course of it a socially significant goal is achieved, i.e. a goal that is essential both for the development of the individual himself and for the progress of society as a whole. In addition, this means that physical education takes place within the framework of a certain social organization, which has the necessary capabilities to ensure the interests of society in this direction.

Such a social organization is called a system.

The system of physical education is a set of elements of physical culture ordered in relation to the purpose of the activity.

As in any other social system, in physical education one can single out: 1) a certain composition and structural organization of its constituent elements; 2) functions; 3) the nature of the relationship with other systems of society.

The system of physical education can include a variety of elements of physical culture, i.e. any factors of material and spiritual culture associated with the "production" of physically perfect people. However, only those that are directly related to physical education become its integral elements. Without them, the system cannot exist as a single social organism (management, personnel, scientific support, etc.).

In the process of activity, certain connections are established between the elements of the system. Forming the basis of the structure of the system.

The main factor in the existence of any system is its functioning.

Functions express the possibilities inherent in the system in the transformation of man, nature and society. The functions of the system of physical education include activities to ensure the physical improvement of people.

There are external and internal functions.

The external functions of the system of physical education are aimed at people. Their object is man; subject - health, physical strength and ability of people. Internal functions are the interaction of the elements of the system that provide external functioning (providing physical education personnel, premises, financing, etc.). A healthy person brings more benefits to society.

The system of physical education is closely connected with other systems of society: economy, culture, science, politics.

Being one of the spheres of manifestation of social relations, it develops under the influence of changes taking place in all spheres of public life (modern period). It has a specific historical character. That is why it acts both as a type and as a type of social practice.

As a species it reflects the specifics of this type of educational activity, as a type it carries all the basic properties of the social system of society.

2. Functions and tasks of physical education

Physical culture in the life of society performs a number of essential functions. The developing function consists in the improvement of all physical essential forces of people, including muscle and nervous system, mental processes; arms and legs; flexibility and harmony of the body, eye and ear, the ability to navigate in space in extreme situations to adapt to changing conditions.

The educational function of physical culture is aimed at strengthening endurance and tempering the morale of a person. Physical culture lessons should be organically connected with high moral goals and noble aspirations. In this case, the tempered will, firmness and decisiveness of character, collectivist orientation personality will serve the interests of society: the fight against promiscuity, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. The educational function is to acquaint people with the theory and history of physical culture, its significance in the life of an individual; with various types of physical education, contemplation of wrestling, manifestations of skill, fortitude, beauty human body awakens in people strong feelings delivers aesthetic pleasure.

The health-improving and hygienic function is due to the fact that in modern conditions lives of many people, due to the lack of active action, hypodynamia develops, the body's resistance decreases. This makes it necessary for every person to do daily exercises, rhythmic gymnastics, and physical culture breaks at work.

General cultural function, which lies in the fact that physical education organizes and fills free time with a useful and exciting activity.

Fulfilling the general tasks of the comprehensive development of the individual, physical education has its own special purpose. Its tasks are complex and varied.

1. Strengthening the health and hardening of the body of schoolchildren, promoting proper physical development and increasing efficiency. Preserving the health of the Belarusian nation is a state task. The successful solution of the problem is facilitated by systematic medical and pedagogical control over the state of health, over the dynamics of physical development, as well as taking into account the age, individual and gender characteristics of students. 12;140]

2. Formation and improvement of motor skills and abilities and communication of related knowledge. motor skills and skills play a significant role in human life. They underlie many types of practical activities. The formation of these skills is the main purpose of physical education at school.

3. Development of the main motor qualities. The implementation of many practical actions by a person is associated with the manifestation of physical abilities. Motor qualities include strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and agility.

4. Formation of a habit and sustainable interest in systematic physical exercises. The significance of this task is determined by the fact that positive impact physical exercise is achieved only when they are performed regularly. It is important to achieve the interest of students in regular classes, through extracurricular and extracurricular activities, however, for this interest to acquire active forms, caused the need for independent, everyday activities.

5. Education of hygienic skills, communication of knowledge in the field of physical exercises and hardening.

6. Formation of organizational skills, preparation of a public sports asset, i.е. inclusion in active physical culture and sports activities. It is necessary to involve students in social work in physical culture: in the organization of competitions, games, trips. .

3. Principles of the system of physical education

a) The principle of a health-improving orientation obliges the teacher to organize physical education in such a way that it performs both preventive and developmental functions. This means that with the help of physical education it is necessary, firstly, to compensate for the lack of physical activity that occurs in the conditions of modern life; secondly, to improve the functional capabilities of the body, increasing its performance and resistance to adverse effects.

This principle is implemented by fulfilling the basic requirements:

Means and methods of physical education should be used only those that have scientific substantiation of their health value;

Physical activity must be planned in accordance with the capabilities of children;

Medical and pedagogical control should be a mandatory element of the educational process;

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, rational use of the sun, air and water - all this should be taken into account when organizing each exercise session.

b) The principle of comprehensive development of personality.

In physical education, this principle provides for the fulfillment of two basic requirements: 1) the solution of the problems of physical education must be carried out in organic connection with mental, labor, moral and aesthetic education; 2) the content of physical education should be planned in such a way as to ensure the coordinated and proportionate development of all physical abilities, sufficiently versatile formation of motor skills and arming with special knowledge.

c) The principle of connection with labor and defense practice expresses the applied orientation of the entire system of education, designed to educate comprehensively prepared people "who know how to do everything." A person receiving comprehensive training satisfies not only his personal needs, but also the demands of society.

The connection of physical education with life is reflected in the sports and recreation complex of the Republic of Belarus.

The implementation of this principle is carried out through the fulfillment of the following requirements: 1) the content of physical education should provide for the formation, first of all, of vital motor skills in walking, running, jumping, swimming, etc. This requirement is embodied in the content of the sports and recreation complex of the Republic of Belarus and training programs in physical education; 2) by comprehensive physical education it is necessary to create such a wide preparedness of a person. So that his general level of physical performance allows him to master a wide variety of labor and military actions; 3) make the most of physical exercises for labor and patriotic education.

Certain conditions are necessary for the implementation of the principles, i.e. appropriate economic, logistical, social and cultural base. Practical activities for their implementation should be adequate to this basis. Otherwise, the proclaimed principles may turn into utopian appeals.

4. Fundamentals of the system of physical education

1. Socio-economic foundations.

The system of physical education is closely connected with other socio-economic systems of society: economy, politics, science and culture. Being one of the spheres of manifestation of social relations occurring in these systems.

The objective basis of these connections is the inclusion of the system of physical education in social production. However, it has an indirect effect on social production. The system does not participate directly in the creation of a social product. But it has an indirect impact on this sphere through the subject of production relations - a person.

With their various forms the system of physical education is included in all major types social activities person. The system of physical education satisfies not only his biological needs in movement, but also social ones - the formation of personality, the improvement of social relations (physical culture and sports activities are subject to strict rules and code of conduct).

Realizing its educational and pedagogical functions, the system of physical education is able to solve the problems of moral, aesthetic, labor and intellectual development.

The system of physical education is a developed sphere of economic relations.

Being complex in its organizational structure (a combination of the principles of state and public leadership), it combines sources of financing and material and technical support of various origins: the state budget, public funds, funds from enterprises, trade unions, cooperative societies, sponsorship, etc.

In economic terms, the system acts as industry National economy, which includes a developed network of tangible and intangible industries. In the sphere of material production, the labor of workers in the industry has a material, material form: sports facilities, equipment, shoes, clothing. But this sphere is of a service nature in relation to the main sphere of the physical education system - non-productive, aimed at the physical improvement of a person.

2. Legal basis.

The system of physical education is based on a certain set of normative acts regulating its functioning. These acts have different legal force (laws, resolutions, decrees, instructions). A special place among them is occupied by the Constitution, which enshrines the right of people to physical education. There are others regulations that determine the activities of organizations and institutions providing physical education (kindergartens, schools, vocational schools, universities, etc.).

3. Methodological foundations.

The methodological foundations are revealed in the laws of physical education and the recommendations corresponding to them for the implementation of the principles of training and education, as well as for the use of means, methods and forms of organizing classes in each social group population.

The methodological foundations express characteristic systems of physical education - its scientific nature. The initial theoretical positions and methods of their practical implementation are developed based on the fundamental sciences (philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, psychology, biology, etc.) by a whole complex of specialized theoretical and sports-pedagogical sciences.

4. Program and regulatory framework.

The program-normative foundations are revealed in a three-stage system of interrelated regulatory requirements for the level of physical fitness and physical education population.

1) The unified state programs of physical education determine the mandatory minimum of physical education, carried out in nurseries, kindergartens, general education schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions.

In these programs, the main means of physical education and regulatory requirements for indicators of physical fitness and physical education are established, taking into account age, gender and type of educational institution.

2) The sports and recreation complex of the Republic of Belarus is a program and regulatory basis for the requirements for the physical training of people. The complex covers persons of both sexes aged 7 to 17 years. Part of the funds and some regulatory requirements of the complex are included in the unified state programs of physical education. This shows their interdependence.

The progressive development of the system of physical education is accompanied by a change in the content, structure and regulatory requirements of the sports and recreation complex of the Republic of Belarus.

In accordance with age capabilities, regulatory requirements increase in each successive step.

The normative requirements of each stage determine, firstly, the quantitative criteria for achievements in some of the most important actions for a person (running, jumping, etc.); secondly, the range of vital motor skills, necessary for a person for a full life; thirdly, the amount of theoretical information about the rules of personal and public hygiene.

3) A unified sports classification is the highest final step of the program-normative basis of the physical education system. It establishes the principles and rules for conferring sports categories and titles that are uniform for all sports organizations of the country, as well as standard requirements for the preparedness of athletes that are uniform in each sport. The main purpose of the sports classification is to promote the mass character of sports, the comprehensive education of athletes, improve the quality of their training and, on this basis, achieve the highest sports results.

Composition of sports and regulatory requirements in certain types sports are reviewed approximately every four years, usually in the first post-Olympic year. Thus, the required perspective for the development of each sport for the next Olympic Games is being created.

The sports classification provides for two types of regulatory requirements: category standards for sports, in which the results are evaluated by objective indicators (in terms of time, weight, distance, etc.), and category requirements for sports, in which the achievement is evaluated after the fact and the value of the victory won in the competition personally or as part of a team (boxing, sport games and etc.).

The Regulations on the Unified Sports Classification provide for rules obliging an athlete to improve their theoretical training and general physical training. This creates conditions for the comprehensive development of a person and establishes continuity with the sports and recreation complex of the Republic of Belarus.

5. Organizational bases.

The organizational basis of physical education systems is a combination of state and public forms of management.

The state form of government is carried out government bodies and institutions on the basis of uniform programs.

The main links of the state form of management and implementation of physical education are:

Ministry of Public Education (kindergartens and nurseries, secondary schools, vocational schools, colleges, universities);

Ministry of Defense (military units and divisions, military schools, institutes, academies);

Ministry of Health (physical education dispensaries, polyclinics [exercise therapy], health resorts);

Ministry of Culture (clubs, Houses and Palaces of Culture, parks of culture and recreation);

Committee for Physical Culture and Sports (DYUSSH, SHVSM, SDUSHOR).

The public-amateur form of organization and leadership is aimed at the mass coverage of physical education on an amateur basis for all age contingents of the population.

These include: trade unions, defense organizations - DOS AAF, sports clubs, sports societies (DSO - Dynamo, Spartak, etc.).

5. The main directions of the system of physical education

Preferential solution of certain pedagogical tasks allows us to distinguish three main areas in physical education:

1. General physical education.

General physical education is aimed at improving health and maintaining working capacity in educational or labor activity. In accordance with this, the content of physical education is focused on the mastery of vital motor actions, the coordinated and proportionate development of strength, speed, endurance, dexterity and mobility in the joints. General physical education creates the mandatory minimum of a person's physical fitness, which is necessary for normal life, for specialization in any kind of professional or sports activity. It is carried out in preschool institutions, at physical education lessons, in a general education school, in sections (groups) of general physical education and groups of the sports and recreation complex of the Republic of Belarus, in health groups, etc.

2.Physical education with professional orientation.

Physical education with a professional orientation is designed to provide the character and level of physical readiness that a person needs in a particular type of labor or military activity (in this sense, they speak of special physical education of an astronaut, a high-altitude fitter, etc.).

The content of physical training is always determined by the requirements of a particular type. professional activity. Therefore, physical exercises for classes are selected such that would most contribute to the formation of labor skills, correspond to the conditions of the present and future labor activity. Physical training is carried out in special secondary, higher educational institutions and in the army.

3. Physical education with a sports focus.

Physical education with a sports orientation provides an opportunity to specialize in the chosen type of physical exercises and achieve in them maximum results. Physical education aimed at preparing for high achievements in a chosen sport is called sports training.

Sports training along with sports orientation and selection, theoretical training for athletes, recovery activities, etc. constitute what is commonly called sports training.

In sports training, its individual aspects are conditionally distinguished, including physical training, which provides a high level of functional capabilities of the body and strengthens the athlete's health for maximum achievements in the chosen sport.

All three directions are subject to a single goal, common tasks and principles of the system of physical education.


Thus, the tasks set in the work were achieved. The work revealed the basic concepts of physical education. The principles, main directions of physical education are considered.

In the process of physical education, one cannot lose the progressive, humanistic, personal orientation of physical education. The problems of physical education should take their rightful place in the State program for the education of youth. There should be an adjustment of the problems of physical education and ways of its implementation. This process should be permanent, leading to effective practical steps contributing to the improvement of the quality of life and health improvement of children, pupils and students.

used lliterature

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2. Molchanov S.V. The trinity of physical culture: (Ist.theoretical.analysis of the social-pedagogical system). - Minsk: Polymya, 1991.

3. Rodionov A., Rodionov V. Physical development And mental health. Program for the development of the child's personality by means physical activity. - M.: TEIS, 1997.

4. Theory and methods of physical education / B.A. Ashmarin, Yu.A. Vinogradov, Z.N. Vyatkina and others; Ed. B.A. Ashmarin. - M.: Enlightenment, 1990.

5. Furmanov A.G. Health-improving physical culture. - Minsk: Theseus, 2003.

6. Likhachev B.T. Pedagogy. - M., 2001. -607s.

7. Nastaўnitskaya gazeta hell 28 Verasnya 2000 The concept of physical education in the Republic of Belarus in the context of education reform.

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By the concept of "system" they mean something whole, which is a unity of regularly arranged and interconnected parts designed to perform specific functions and solve certain problems.

Physical education system- this is a historically determined type of social practice of physical education, including philosophical, theoretical and methodological, program-normative and organizational foundations that ensure the physical improvement of people and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

1. Worldview foundations - represent a set of views and ideas that determine the direction of human activity. In the domestic system of physical education, the ideological foundations are aimed at promoting the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality of those involved, the realization of the possibilities for each individual to achieve physical perfection, the strengthening and long-term preservation of health, and the preparation of members of society for professional activities on this basis.

2. Theoretical and methodological foundations. The system of physical education is based on the achievements of many sciences. Its theoretical and methodological basis is the scientific provisions of the natural sciences (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, etc.), social sciences (philosophy, sociology, etc.), pedagogical (psychology, pedagogy) and other sciences, on the basis of which "Theory and methods of physical education" develops and substantiates the most general patterns of physical education.

3. Program and regulatory framework. Physical education is carried out on the basis of compulsory state programs for physical culture and sports (programs for preschool institutions, secondary schools, secondary and higher educational institutions, the army, etc.). These programs contain science-based tasks and means of physical education, complexes of motor skills to be mastered, a list of specific norms and requirements.

The program-normative foundations of the system of physical education are specified in relation to the characteristics of the contingent (age, gender, level of preparedness, health status) and the conditions of the main activity (study, work in production, military service) in two main directions: general preparation and specialized.

The general preparatory direction is represented, first of all, by physical education in the system of general compulsory education. It provides: a basic minimum of comprehensive physical fitness; the main fund of motor skills and abilities necessary in life; accessible to everyone level of development of physical abilities.

A specialized direction (sports training, industrial-applied and military-applied training) provides for in-depth improvement in the chosen type of motor activity on the basis of broad general training with the highest possible (depending on individual abilities) level of achievement.

These two main directions provide an opportunity for consistent mastery of vital movements, education of physical, moral and volitional qualities, as well as sports improvement of a person.

4. Organizational bases.

The organizational structure of the system of physical education is made up of state and public-amateur forms of organization, leadership and management.

The state line provides for systematic compulsory physical exercises in preschool institutions (nursery-kindergarten), general education schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, the army, and medical and preventive organizations. Classes are held according to state programs, in the hours allotted for this in accordance with the schedule and official schedule under the guidance of full-time specialists (athletic personnel).

Control over the organization, implementation and results of physical education on the state line is provided by the State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports, the State Duma Committee for Sports and Tourism, regional and city committees for Physical Culture and Sports, as well as the relevant departments of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

According to the public-amateur line, physical exercises are organized depending on the individual abilities of those involved and the need for physical education. The fundamental feature of the public-amateur form of organization is the complete voluntariness of classes. The organization of physical education on a public-amateur basis provides for mass involvement in physical culture and sports through a system of voluntary sports societies: Spartak, Lokomotiv, Dynamo, Labor reserves, etc.

Chapter 1. Formation of the Soviet system of physical education……………..….5
1.1. The first steps of the Soviet system of physical culture………………...7
1.2. The role and significance of P.F. Lesgaft in the formation of the system of physical education…………………………………………………………………8
Chapter 2. The system of physical education in the Russian Federation……………..9
2.1. The concept of the system of physical education and its structure in the country ... ..9
2.2. The purpose and objectives of physical education…………………………………11
2.3.Main features of the system of physical education………………….…13
2.4. General principles of the system of physical education………………………………………………………………14

The system of physical education represents the unity of ideological, scientific and methodological foundations, as well as organizations and institutions that carry out and control the physical education of citizens.
A unified state system was created in our country after the Great October Socialist Revolution. IN tsarist Russia only the wealthy strata of society had the opportunity to exercise.
The domestic system of physical education, developed by P.F. Lesgaft, did not enjoy support. But despite the policy of the tsarist government, which prevents the participation of the working masses in sports. Distinctive national sports developed and wonderful, world-famous Russian athletes emerged from the people - singles: wrestler Poddubny, speed skaters Strunnikov, Sedov, Ippolitov, rower Sveshnikov, etc.
With the establishment Soviet power conditions were created for the development of a unified system of physical education that would meet the interests of the people. Its development proceeded in an original way. At the same time, everything progressive created in our country and abroad was taken into account.
In the development of the Soviet system of physical education of preschool children, a group of scientists and methodologists showed great enthusiasm: E. G. Levi-Gorinevskaya, M. M. Kontorovich, A. I. Bykova, N. A. Metlov, L. I. Mikhailova and etc. They created programs for kindergarten, teaching aids for educators and students of pedagogical schools.
At the Research Institute of Physical Education and School Hygiene, much attention was paid to the refinement of the system of physical education of preschool children.
Teachers of preschool faculties of pedagogical institutes have created programs and manuals for pupils of preschool pedagogical schools and students of institutes. This allows more qualified training of kindergarten teachers, as well as organizers preschool education.
Thus, big job to improve the Soviet system of physical education of children is carried out by the Scientific Research Institute of Preschool Education of the Academy of Pedagogical Education, institutes of pediatrics, hygiene, pedagogical, medical institutes, educational and research institutes of physical culture, etc. Research is carried out in close collaboration with practitioners of preschool institutions.
The purpose of the abstract is to study this topic: The system of physical education.
For the disclosure of this topic, the following tasks were set:

    Consider the formation of the Soviet and Russian system physical education.
    Determine the purpose and objectives of the system of physical education.
    To reveal the concept of the system of physical education in the country and its structure.

Chapter 1. Formation of the system of physical education.
The formation of Soviet physical education took place on the basis of what had already been achieved in this area of ​​human activity. However, within the framework of the new state structure, the principles of Soviet physical culture were to be different from those in Western European countries. Therefore, various ways and directions for the content of the Soviet system of physical education began to be proposed. The "socialist direction" was reduced to the use of only "favorable and useful gaming activity". Adherents of the "medical direction" rejected boxing, football, weightlifting, gymnastics, etc., as they considered them harmful to the weakened health of workers. Their credo was hygienic exercises and therapeutic physical culture, hiking. The supporters of Proletkult proposed a specific form of the Soviet system of physical education - their physical culture was represented by imitative actions of labor movements (raking in coal, burning, sawing, etc.) and was called "labor gymnastics".
It should also be noted that despite all the difficulties of the post-revolutionary period, the government of the young Soviet state began to carry out effective organizational activities in the field of development and improvement of physical culture. Management structures were created, without which it would have been impossible to manage the Soviet system of physical education. Starting from 1936, the supreme management structure was named the All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports (VKFKS).
Between 1917 and 1940. the scientific and methodological foundations of the Soviet system of physical education were successfully developed. Already in the first years of Soviet power, the problem of training scientific and pedagogical personnel began to be solved. In 1919-1920. the first two higher educational institutions started their work; Institute of Physical Education. P.F. Lesgaft in Petrograd and the Central Institute of Physical Culture in Moscow. Serious scientific research in the field of physical education began in these universities in the 1920s. Of great importance, in terms of the development of the scientific and methodological foundations of the Soviet system of physical education, was the opening of the publishing house "Physical Culture and Sport".

1.1. The first steps of Soviet physical culture.
A fundamentally new stage in the development of physical culture began in 1917, after the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution, the result of which was the birth of a new state system - the class of the poor for the first time proclaimed power. All spheres of activity of the epic are aimed at improving the life of the masses: peasants, workers, poor intellectuals. Thus, over the course of seven decades, one of the most effective systems of physical education was created in the USSR. Physical culture and sports have become available to everyone.
The Soviet system of physical education was based on the experience and theoretical works of the founders of socialism and scientific communism.
A huge contribution to this doctrine belongs to Saint - Simon, Charles Fourier, Robert Owen and the ideologists of the working class Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Charles Fourier believed that the main defect of the bourgeois system of education is its inaccessibility to the children of working people. S. Fourier developed a system that, in his opinion, involves comprehensive education: from 3 to 9 years of labor games, physical hardening, the basics of mechanics, outdoor games; from 9 to 16 years old - education combined with physical and labor activity. Robert Owen opened a school where they received a general education, engaged in physical education and received the basics of industrial work. Robert Owen built special playgrounds for games, military exercises, and gymnastics.

1.2. The role and importance of P. F. Lesgaft's activity in the development of the system of physical education.
The basis of Soviet physical education was based on scientific - methodological and Practical activities the great Russian scientist P.F. Lesgaft, who owns the doctrine of the social significance of physical culture. The educational institution was public and democratic; people of various religions, property qualifications, and social status studied in it. The whole life of the teacher himself - a scientist, his views and actions, were formulated in Lesgaft's life credo - "never and in no way allow violence." Later, the Soviet physiologist L. A. Orbeli will call the system of physical education of P. F. Lesgaft “humanized gymnastics”, and for the outstanding achievements of the scientist, the first Soviet special university will bear his name. P.F. Lesgaft outlined his theory of physical education in the work "Guide to the physical education and education of preschool children." In this book, he revealed the principle of scientific validity of physical education on the basis of mandatory pedagogical, psychological, medical and biological research methods; developed the principles and approaches of professional training of specialists; substantiated age approaches; presented the qualification of physical exercises. And he also established and substantiated the connection between physical and mental development; showed the important role of motor actions in all spheres of human life (labor, household, cultural).

Chapter 2. The system of physical education in the Russian Federation.
2.1 The concept of the system of physical education in the country and its structure.
Under the concept of a system, they mean something whole, which is a unity of regularly arranged and interconnected parts designed to perform specific functions and solve certain problems.
The system of physical education is a historically conditioned type of social practice of physical education, including philosophical, theoretical and methodological, program-normative and organizational foundations that ensure the physical improvement of people and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.
1. Worldview foundations. Worldview is a set of views and ideas that determine the direction of human activity.
In the domestic system of physical education, worldview attitudes are aimed at promoting the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality of those involved.
2. Theoretical and methodological foundations. The system of physical education is based on the achievements of many sciences. Its theoretical and methodological basis is the scientific provisions of the natural (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, etc.), social (philosophy, sociology, etc.), pedagogical (psychology, pedagogy, etc.) sciences, on the basis of which the discipline "Theory and Methods of Physical education” develops and substantiates the most general patterns of physical education.
3. Program and regulatory framework. Physical education is carried out on the basis of compulsory state programs on physical culture and sports (programs for preschool institutions, general education schools, secondary and higher educational institutions, the army, etc.)
The program-normative foundations of physical education are concretized in relation to the characteristics of the contingent (age, gender, level of preparedness, health status) and the conditions of the main activity of participants in the physical culture movement (study, work in production, military service) in two main directions: general preparation and specialized.
The basic principles of physical education (principles of all-round assistance to the all-round harmonious development of the personality, applied and health-improving orientation) are concretely embodied in the program-normative bases.
4. Organizational bases. The organizational structure of the system of physical education is made up of state and public - amateur forms of organization, leadership and management.

2.2. Purpose and tasks of physical education.
The purpose of physical education is to optimize the physical development of a person, to comprehensively improve the physical qualities inherent in each and related abilities in unity with the upbringing of spiritual and moral qualities that characterize a socially active person. To ensure, on this basis, that every member of society is prepared for fruitful labor and other types of activity.
In order to make the goal realistically achievable in physical education, a complex of specific specific and general pedagogical tasks is solved.
The specific tasks of physical education include two groups of tasks: tasks for optimizing the physical development of a person and educational tasks.
Solving the problems of optimizing the physical development of a person should provide:
- optimal development of physical qualities inherent in a person;
- strengthening and maintaining health, as well as hardening of the body;
- improvement of physique and harmonious development of physiological functions;
- long-term preservation of a high level of overall performance.
The comprehensive development of physical qualities is of great importance for a person. The wide possibility of their transfer to any motor activity allows them to be used in many areas of human activity - in a variety of labor processes, in various and sometimes unusual environmental conditions.
The health of the population in the country is considered as the greatest value, as a starting condition for full-fledged activity and happy life of people. On the base good health and good development physiological systems of the organism, a high level of development of physical qualities can be achieved: strength, speed, endurance, dexterity, flexibility.
Improving the physique and the harmonious development of the physiological functions of a person are solved on the basis of a comprehensive education of physical qualities and motor abilities, which ultimately leads to a naturally - normal, undistorted formation of bodily forms.
Physical education provides long-term preservation of a high level of physical abilities, thereby prolonging the working capacity of people.
Special educational tasks include:
- formation of various vital motor skills and abilities;
- acquisition of basic knowledge of a scientific and practical nature.
The physical qualities of a person can be most fully and rationally used if he is trained in motor actions. As a result of learning movements, motor skills and abilities are formed. The vital skills and abilities include the ability to perform motor actions necessary in labor, defense, household or sports activities.
Thus, the skills and abilities of swimming, skiing, running, walking, jumping, etc., are of direct practical importance for life.
To the general pedagogical Goloshchapov, B.R. History of physical culture and sports. - M .: Academy, 2001. - ​​include tasks for the formation of a person's personality. These tasks are put forward by society in front of the entire system of education as especially significant. Physical education should promote the development of moral qualities, behavior in the spirit of the requirements of society, the development of intelligence and psychomotor function.

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