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The guy asks for help fighting off another girl. How to take a man away from another woman. Take a husband from his legal wife

A situation often happens when a man or young man likes this or that girl. It may be fleeting sexual desire or a deep and sensual impulse (so to speak, love at first sight).

But what if she is already busy with someone, in a relationship, or even married?

In such a situation, everyone decides for themselves what to do: retreat or try to achieve it.

Is it worth destroying a relationship?

If, nevertheless, a man or young man believes that the wedge has converged on this girl, and he is not embarrassed that by his actions he can break up someone else’s couple or family, he needs to act decisively.

Attention! Before you act, you need to think everything through. After all, the fleeting desire is only to possess a girl in this moment time can lead to very disastrous consequences.

Analysis of ethical and moral standards is a purely individual matter for each person. But It is important to remember that a person must be prepared to bear responsibility for any actions.

If, nevertheless, a man is determined to act, then, of course, simple pressure and charisma will not come out a winner here. The process of beating a girl is delicate and painstaking, requiring an individual approach to each person.

The approach and method of its implementation will significantly depend on the following circumstances:

  • whether the man knew this girl before,
  • are they, for example, colleagues or friends, or even friends of friends?
  • It is important that this representative of the fair sex has marital ties.

Despite the fact that many years have passed since the birth of the human race, people strive to ensure the best possible existence for themselves. For girls, in particular, this is the need to look for a dominant male.

Reference! Domination in in this case can be completely different and consist of dominance both on the intellectual level and on the physical level.

Finding the girl the most suitable man- these are actions dictated by nature itself. That is why the main emphasis should be placed on this when beating a girl.

We need to show her that new man better, preferably in everything, than the previous one.

If we talk about private things, we can summarize the following: you need to do everything better and better than the girl’s current man. For example, even if the current boyfriend does not pay enough attention to her, disappears constantly at work, or is simply busy with his own affairs.

In such a situation, the girl will not have enough attention and will look for it on the side, which means you need to give it to her:

  • Walk;
  • Be near;
  • Be interested in how, what and why.

He doesn’t give gifts and is generally greedy with her, which means he’ll need to fork out a little. Well, of course, if there is sexual dissatisfaction, then the girl will be interested in finding a man who can please her.

By the way, this is essentially the next, one of the most important points. Girls are inquisitive creatures, and despite the fact that many men claim that they are unable to understand the desires of their beloved, everything is hidden on the surface. Often it is simply a lack of attention or understanding.

Girls need to be listened to and understood..

This is a kind of bridge that allows you to build mental relationships. This means you need to listen to them always and everywhere.

Attention! By listening to what a girl says, you can also understand her desires: they may not be explicitly voiced, but a hint or their shadow can still slip through.

A man should be spontaneous, unpredictable. All people are dependent on emotions to one degree or another. For women, emotions are a kind of drug.

  • A man in an instant must be firm, decisive and persistent, like a rock, a male who achieves everything himself, going through fire and water.
  • At other times he should be a romantic and gentle dreamer.
  • It is also important to choose correctly what to be at what moment. Again, you can understand this by listening to the girl.

Important! It is better not to overact and not present yourself in a light that is not there. Not only will this be a constant game, but sooner or later everything will be revealed, and the man will begin to listen to the phrases “you have changed.”

A man must be unpredictable: be like a hurricane, overwhelming a girl with emotions so that she is thrown from emotion to awe and back. It is important that this approach will allow you to achieve a situation in which the girl will constantly think about the man. And if she often thinks about a man, then half the work is already done.

Don't forget biological attractiveness:

  • A man must demonstrate that he is sexually healthy and competitive. A well-built body will help partly, but you should not overdo it, otherwise suspicions of narcissism will arise.
  • Also like this young man may begin to be judged by typical stereotypes about athletes.

Reference! The issue of physical athleticism and attractiveness to women is a separate science. It all depends on the girl. Moreover, everything will depend on the country and continent.

European girls prefer, for example, a more slender physique, while the same girls from Canada will prefer to an ordinary guy muscular and tall athlete.

It should be neat appearance , but again, you can’t overdo it. You might think how this will help in fighting off a girl, but if her boyfriend is sitting at home and smearing chip crumbs on his underpants with his hands, then you can guarantee one hundred percent that she does not like it.

It is desirable that a man is not deprived of female attention. This will clearly attract the attention of that same girl. Each of them has a sense of ownership and a desire to stand out. Including being with a male who is lusted after by other girls. This again will strengthen the man's position sexually.

The easiest way to win off any girl is to be more successful than others in everything. But this task is no longer an easy one.

Important! It is necessary to maintain suspense, it is impossible for the current boyfriend to find out that another man is hitting on his girlfriend. This can lead to a worsening of the situation or a complete loss of control over it.

Watch the video which gives simple tips that will help you win the girl you like from another guy:

How to steal a woman from a friend?

If we are talking about the fact that a man wants to beat off his friend’s girlfriend, it’s worth understanding this right away. If this person finds out (and he finds out sooner or later) that this man caused the breakup of the relationship and the girl’s departure, there will be no friendship.

Important! It’s worth weighing the pros and cons, because girls come and go, but friends remain. If you still choose the path to go to the end, then the first thing you need to do is not consider the man as a friend. He becomes a rival, a hindrance, an obstacle.

An unspoken war begins, in which it is better for him not to know anything until the last moment, because then he will not have time to do anything.

Here are the basic tips that will help you beat off your friend's girlfriend:

  1. Be one step ahead of him always and everywhere.
  2. Don't forget that there is no friendship, there is only rivalry.
  3. Stay in the shade as much as possible.
  4. Unearth all the secrets of his past.
  5. Explore weak and strengths.
  6. Be better than him in everything.
  7. Exploit his weaknesses, but not exploit them explicitly.
  8. Avoid his strengths.
  9. Show his girlfriend that he is indecisive, weak, incompetent.
  10. Indicate to the girl that a new man means new opportunities.
  11. Demonstrate that with you these opportunities are higher.
  12. Cause distrust between a friend and his girlfriend, drive a wedge between them.
  13. Point out to a girl the weaknesses and shortcomings of her boyfriend, but present it as a joke.
  14. Create a wall of misunderstanding between a girl and a friend; they should quarrel as often as possible.
  15. Become a vest for his beloved, so that after quarrels she runs to you to cry.
  16. Comfort her in difficult times.
  17. Being there when her boyfriend can't show her that you can easily replace him.

The video describes a working model of behavior with a girl in this situation:

Should you get your ex back?

If a situation occurs in which a girl leaves a man for another man, but he wants her back, he will also have to fight her off.

But first you should think carefully about whether it’s worth it? After all, if the relationship has outlived its usefulness and the girl has left for someone else, this is not a minor problem or quarrel. This means that she has already crossed out the relationship and she is no longer interested in or needs a man.

Important! The girl could have been driven by any motives to leave and start dating another man, ranging from real romantic feelings and to banal commercialism and thirst for a “good life.”

Of course, if a girl is only using her new boyfriend, then it is better not to even try to return her, because the man who returns her will himself turn out to be a milking purse for her.

The return of exes is a purely individual moment for each couple. Some people reshape their lives the next day and radically change everything, while others kill themselves for weeks until they realize that this is a past stage of life.

You need to understand that a person changes for a very long time, and everything that was bad in a girl will remain, and the problems that were present during the breakup will still be relevant.

They can be hushed up, but sooner or later everything will come out. Of course, if we're talking about about incredible love, comparable to the love described by eighteenth-century poets, then perhaps the idea of ​​​​bringing the girl back is not so bad. But if the relationship was full of quarrels, swearing, scandals and mistrust - this is a bad idea, which, moreover, will deprive moral and physical strength even more, and the desire to enter into a relationship will disappear for a long time.

Reference! You cannot step into the same river twice. It's the same in relationships. It’s impossible to return everything; you can try to build it anew, but only a few succeed.

To return a girl with whom a man was already in a relationship, he will have to try hard:

  1. First and foremost important rule- This do not ask her to come back, do not beg and do not crawl on your knees. This will show the girl that the man is weak, that he is dependent on her and he needs her like air. She will understand that she already owns everything, and even more, since the man began to beg. You need to do the opposite.
  2. Completely ignore and concentrate on yourself. Most often, a girl knows her ex like crazy, knows what he will say and when, knows his strengths and weaknesses. So we need to change. Sign up for a gym, get carried away with something. Become better every day.

If this continues, then soon the girl will begin to notice that the man does not write or call, does not try to do something for her.

This will begin to hurt her pride, because how is this possible, he loved her so much and ran after her, and then he took it and disappeared. Her wounded pride will not allow her to remain on the sidelines, and she will begin to look for herself. former information, where he is, how and what is equally important with whom.

If a man begins to develop, for example, he becomes more and more successful at work, or begins to travel more, changes physically in better side, the girl may think that she completely made a mistake by leaving him for someone else.

Important! For such a demonstration, various Internet resources are suitable, where it clearly lives, but you cannot overdo it with the amount of information posted, it will immediately become clear that this is all a diversion.

It’s also worth starting to hang out with other girls, preferably several:

  1. Firstly, this is extra practice that a man always needs.
  2. And secondly, the ex may find out that the man is hanging out with other girls and is not obsessed with her. Self-esteem will again play into your hands in this case.

Is it worth returning ex-girlfriend explained in the video:

How do you know if you have a chance?

It is quite simple to understand whether there is a chance; if a girl is interested in a person, then obviously she is thinking about him, which means something in this man she is attracted. Girls can secretly monitor pages, ask friends or girlfriends, this is also worth paying attention to.

Reference! If all attempts at conversation come to naught or the girl is not at all interested in a man anywhere, it means that he is either not interesting to her, or she is still in a relationship in which she no longer needs anyone.

Picking up a girl is a complex and painstaking process that requires a thorough study of the character and characteristics of the life of this person.

You can beat off the girl using only a cunning approach with the expectation of taking a few steps forward. However, if you can’t get the girl back, don’t despair and give up, sometimes a step back is two steps forward.

It happens that your ideal man meet at life path a little later than he did you. At the time of your meeting, he has a girlfriend, and maybe Cupid has already hit his heart with an arrow mutual love. How to enter similar situation? Once and for all, erase it from your dreams and heart and just give it to someone else? What to do if the thought “how to beat a guy off” is gnawing at you? There is no definite answer here, because moral aspects everyone has their own.

But if love is strong and public opinion is not particularly interesting, then most likely you should give preference to the latter option. In this case, you will need an action plan on how to leave the guy you like, or at least make sure that you are noticed by him.

How to win a guy away from a friend or rival

Before you knock off that guy who has captured your attention, weigh the pros and cons. Look around. Perhaps behind a certain gray and nondescript boy lies a great potential groom and a family man, but by realizing your desire to beat off someone else’s boyfriend, you will ruin the life of not only your rival, but also yourself?

But if all the arguments are weighed and the decision remains the same, then the action plan codenamed “how to beat a guy off” should include the following recommendations:

  • Take care of your appearance. A man loves a woman with his eyes! Find out, perhaps, your rival has some disadvantages: from demeanor to appearance. Find out from your target what exactly he values ​​in a woman: external beauty, sexuality, manner of speaking, etc. This way, solving the question “how to beat off the guy you like” will be much easier. Embody the traits that your chosen one likes. But remember that there must be a golden mean in everything; it is important not to lose yourself in the race for happiness;
  • The second rule is to become a friend to the target, who always rushes to help without unnecessary comments. You should become a person who is not grumbling or grumbling, who will always support, understand or share a passion. For example, find out his range of interests and try on his love for skating, football or other hobbies;

  • You probably won’t be able to fight off the guy if you constantly follow “your betrothed” wherever possible. Therefore, dose your presence in his field of vision;
  • Don't try to look like a prodigy in every sense of the word, be yourself!
  • Remember, a man must feel that you like him and have some kind of superiority over other individuals male. Basically, turning a guy off means making him think that you value him more, and that he is simply necessary for you!
  • An important point for a young girl preoccupied with the problem of “how to get a guy off”: playing with her object. Use light, fruitless flirting. Don’t show him your adoration, but being too “touchy” is not a trump card here either. The prey that goes into the hands of the hunter does not always arouse interest;
  • You should not turn to such dirty matters as love spells from “almighty healers.” This is all sheer nonsense, for which you have to pay not only with money, but also with peace of mind.

The main thing to remember is that in order to beat off a guy, you need to be better than your opponent in everything, but not go over your head. If you are well-mannered and elegant, look wonderful and have your own charm, cook deliciously and learn to control your emotions - success is guaranteed. If it seems to you that you have done everything you could, but the object does not give in, let it go; it’s not worth it. A man who is not able to see beauty and attention around him is not able to appreciate it in the future! Continue to be independent, pleasant to talk to, cheerful, beautiful, easy-going and inaccessible, believe me, you will not go unnoticed! And the capture plan “how to recapture...” Let some male person prepare his own plan, in which you will occupy a central place! Good luck, patience and mental strength!

Strong feelings don't always arise free people. Sometimes we fall in love with a person who cannot be loved because he is dating or living with someone else. If your rival is clearly not suitable for the guy you like or their relationship is about to end, you can break the moral law and think about how to take the man away from another.

When thinking about how to steal a guy from a friend, do not forget about your conscience. Don't make the first move for a kiss and don't let him do anything until he breaks up with her. Source: Flickr (blond_thunder)

How to beat a guy off: basic methods

The process of "beating off" a guy mainly depends on specific situation. But there is also general points based on male psychology. Thanks to our tips, you can tie the guy you love to you.

1. Increased self-esteem - The best way how to take a guy away. The method will work with anyone unfree man. Long term relationship become boring, and the partner begins to cause irritation. You need to feel what annoys your rival about the guy you like, and extol those qualities. Perhaps he has dirty or stupid jokes - laugh at them and praise him for his excellent sense of humor.

2. A man as a support and teacher. This method of how to get a guy away from a girl grows out of the previous one. Ask a guy to help you with something: change a tire, figure out the functions of a smartphone, teach you how to park, etc. Feeling useful and needed by you, as well as hearing praises addressed to him, the guy will become attached to you.

3. Ideal image. Every man has it in his head perfect image girls. Some people like exclusively brunettes, others like strong and powerful women, to some - resigned, quiet prudes. Find out which type is closer to your lover and match it.

Important! How to get a guy away from the girl he loves? Don't rush to drag him into bed in this case. If he cheats on his passion, it will be a very dirty act. Having provoked him to take this step, you are not immune from the same fate later. Respect your rival and don't let your relationship cross the moral line while they're still together.

How to steal a guy from an unknown rival

This situation is more convenient for the conscience: if you don’t know your rival, it’s easier to steal her boyfriend.

You can simply chat with a guy on free topics. Having become a true friend for him, then you can easily move on to the next stage. It is important to follow exactly friendly relations, in which you both will feel free - throwing away manners and taking off masks, laughing and doing crazy things.

  • Do not criticize the guy, but, on the contrary, extol his merits and laugh kindly at his shortcomings.
  • Remember what he is interested in and give him small but cute gifts.
  • Strive for all your meetings to be filled with vivid impressions, then you will always be associated with pleasant moments.

Important! Unobtrusively expose yourself to better light not only in words, but also in deeds. When he starts complaining to you about his girlfriend, take pity on him, and then, if necessary, tell him about a time when you behaved differently. For example, your rival demanded gifts from Him, condemn her, and after a couple of days, accidentally remember how happy you were with a cheap trinket given by your ex on your anniversary once upon a time.

How to get a guy away from a friend

Of course, this is a serious betrayal that will destroy your friendship. But if love tells you to do In a similar way, and there is no other way out - act.

1. Become a friend to him and try to make your “random” meetings more frequent.

2. Having arranged trusting relationship, prepare already scheduled meetings. Ask him to choose a gift together for a friend or brother.

3. Unobtrusively reveal your feelings to him. Tell him how much you like him, mention how lucky your friend is to be with him. If he doesn't interrupt your meetings, then he's already in the game.

4. When thinking about how to steal a guy from a friend, do not forget about your conscience. Don't make the first move for a kiss and don't let him do anything until he breaks up with her. Let the young man understand that your feelings are not a simple hobby, but love, which requires purity and honesty.

Important! When deciding to take such a serious step as winning a guy from another girl, think about whether you really need this young man? After all, you risk seriously damaging your reputation in society, and your friends may turn away from you. If the hobby turns out to be fleeting and passes after a couple of months, you will not be able to return good attitude to yourself. Such betrayal cannot be forgiven.

5. Knowing your friend, you can play on their relationship. Pay her attention to his bad qualities, and his - to episodes of bad behavior of your rival.

6. Think about what could attract a young man to your friend. Take these qualities of hers into service and become better than her in everything.

Exhausted by domestic routine, a man will be glad to have some entertainment. Try to make your meetings bright and unforgettable. Source: Flickr (arianne_leishman)

How to beat a guy back if he already lives with someone else?

Of course, when a couple moves in together, it speaks of strong feelings. But even such relationships sometimes end, because it is one thing to date, and quite another to live together. Life and financial questions quite often lead couples to quarrels and inevitable separation.

1. If a couple has some cracks in their relationship, you can think about how to take the guy away from the girl. First of all, you must become for him good friend. Feeling support in you, he will open up and tell you about all the problems of their “family” life. Feel sorry for him and always take his side, condemning the behavior of your rival.

Important! Be careful, not all guys are exactly what they pretend to be. If he complains about a girl grumbling about lack of money, perhaps the victim here is not your lover, but your rival? Maybe he doesn’t want to make money and is sitting on her neck? Then why do you need such an infantile guy?

2. A young man, living with his girlfriend, probably saw her in an unattractive state - without makeup in the morning, sleepy, exhausted from cleaning and wearing stretched clothes at home. The perfect tactic is to be better at everything. You should always look beautiful, even without makeup and in home environment. Invite him on a day off to help you with something and appear in front of him with neatly tied hair, without makeup and in clothes that highlight your assets.

3. Exhausted by the domestic routine, a man will be glad to have some entertainment. Try to make your meetings bright and unforgettable. This is a very important point when you are thinking about how to make a guy fall in love with you if he loves someone else.

4. Share his hobbies. If a guy loves football, organize get-togethers at a sports bar, if he spends all his time on computer games- achieve success in this too (necessarily without his help!), and you will have a common theme.

5. When common hobbies will bring you closer together, move on to a neat information war. Support his criticism of your girlfriend, while at the same time “shake your head” and behave better than your rival.

How to take away a guy by correspondence

  • Don't be afraid to write first, but don't force yourself - it's a turn off.
  • Answer his messages in detail and leave an interesting “thread” in yours to continue the dialogue. He asked how you were doing - describe it interesting case that happened to you today, and ask if something similar has happened to him.
  • Be on the same page with him. If he shares a problem with you, you should feel what he wants from you - pity or wise advice.
  • Listen to him carefully and remember incidents from his life, his plans and events from the lives of his friends. Let him understand that everything that surrounds him is important and interesting to you.
  • Sooner or later, elements of flirting will come into your correspondence. Gently support them, but don't cross the moral line. Remember that he is not free, and wait for him to invite you to a meeting himself.

Before you think about how to win a guy away from your rival, think about whether you really need him. Try to ensure that your actions reach the participants of your love triangle less pain, and don't agree to bed until he breaks up with his girlfriend. Meanness and betrayal are not the best foundation for new relationships.

Video on the topic

Of course, the question of how to win a guy away from a friend is quite immoral. Such an act, especially among the “affected parties,” will cause negativity and indignation. On the other hand, every person has heard at least once in his life that the struggle for one’s happiness is never easy.

How to win a guy away from someone else?

Even such an unseemly act requires thorough preparation. Remember that men, first of all, look at a lady’s appearance. Hairstyle, well-groomed hands and legs, beautiful toned body- all this together creates beautiful image. Any man will appreciate his impeccable appearance.

Of course, we must not forget about spirituality and self-development. The bright wrapper attracts only the first time, but you need to be able to communicate, especially with representatives of the opposite sex.

How to get a guy away from your best friend?

To begin with, you should carefully consider whether you are ready to exchange strong friendship with a friend for a relationship that may not end in success. If a girl decides that the game is worth the candle and that the guy she likes is worth fighting for, we recommend the following.

  1. Sudden appearance in places where the selected object occurs. Don't overdo it and bother him. The appearance should be beautiful and desirable. If the guy is in a relationship with your girlfriend, you can make up an excuse and meet them during their date.
  2. Their relationship needs to be monitored. And draw conclusions. Take a closer look at how they communicate with each other, how they behave after quarrels.
  3. Finally, one of the main stages of how to win a guy away from a rival. To do this, try to become his friend. How to do it? There are plenty of options. First, you need to find out about the interests and hobbies of the young man, prepare for conversations on this topic, and most importantly, show sincere interest in these activities. Any man likes it when he is unobtrusively asked about his affairs and mood.

Before you decide to take such steps, think carefully about whether it is worth the risk. After all, such behavior is disrespect, first of all, for oneself.

Life is such that we cannot agree with the most reasonable arguments. Here you are, young attractive girl, which good guys, free from any obligations, could love, chose the object of her crazy love a man who already has a girlfriend.

What if you can't do anything about your feeling? There is nothing left to do but, despite all the unwritten laws of decency, look for ways to take the guy away from the girl. Let’s say right away that not every even the most daring young lady will decide on such a program of action. But, as people say, love is evil, and it’s not for us to judge a person, who, perhaps, himself is not happy about such love... Moreover, these insidious methods have been used by homewreckers at all times.

So you move on to decisive action and choose from a whole list of possibilities the most suitable one for you.

  • Collection of information

This is mandatory First stage. You must know vulnerabilities rivals in order to influence them at the appropriate moment. Of course, the current passion of your chosen one is not ideal, and something about it probably doesn’t suit him. This is the moment that you will take advantage of in the future.

  • You're the best

This is exactly what you should gradually inspire beloved. You are the woman who has almost no flaws, and you have a lot in common with him in your outlook on life. And it doesn’t matter that all this is absolutely untrue, but in the fight for your loved one you will have to appear as just such an infallible person.
However – attention! – don’t overact, all your efforts should be natural and truthful.

For example, you “accidentally” found yourself in the same company as a guy and his girlfriend. You don’t show any interest in him, but you notice every mistake of your rival and unobtrusively comment on it so that the guy likes your words.

  • A cruel way to fight for a loved one - compromising evidence

Yes, it's risky and not really beautiful way, but, as life practice shows, quite effective. It’s not difficult to compromise a girl, not even by word, but by deed. You, of course, will be able to find a young man you know, preferably from out of town, so that in the future his meeting with your chosen one will be excluded. The task of this young man is to find an opportunity to meet his beloved’s current girlfriend. He must interest her, establish communication and move on to flirting. All you have to do is inform your chosen one about this.
This could be an email with a photo or an anonymous call.

How to “get a guy away from a girl” by correspondence

These are the most sophisticated ways, but what can you do to win the heart of your loved one. So, invite another guy you know to your game who has the gift of easily seducing girls. It's best if he doesn't live in your city. But the main thing is that he willingly joins in this intrigue.
Required condition: your loved one shouldn't know that you know this guy.

So, the fake “seducer” must establish correspondence with your rival in social network, chats, on some forum, on e-mail or even bombard her with text messages. An experienced Casanova will find the reasons himself, and, perhaps, very soon the correspondence acquaintance will turn into fairly innocent meetings. You know very well how much any girl likes compliments and attention, it’s so hard to refuse them. This will be bait for an unsuspecting girl. And then the new boyfriend “finds out” that the “lady of his heart” is not free, makes a scandal, finds a way to meet his “rival” and tells him everything about correspondence and meetings. Of course, this thickens the picture. Even with the guy’s boundless trust in his current girlfriend, he begins to doubt jealousy is born, the relationship will definitely crack.

At this moment you appear, so pure and sinless. You shouldn't talk badly about his girlfriend, but you shouldn't take her side either. Your role is be an independent expert. Tactfully discuss the situation with the guy, sympathize with him, mention that you cannot even imagine such a betrayal. In other words, in these difficult moments for a guy, you will personify complete understanding and support. Consider that you have half won, and you can “get the guy away from the girl.” But for this you will need the entire arsenal of female capabilities in order to demonstrate your charm to your beloved and continue the soft attack.

The girl is “the charm of the eyes”

This is exactly how you should appear before your chosen one. Charming and sexy girl can’t help but win over a guy who’s just been “betrayed” by his girlfriend. You come to meetings in stunning outfits, always well-groomed and beautifully combed. And at the same time, it’s a complete mystery, which makes him even more interested in your person. No matter how your soul sings at such moments, don’t even think about throwing yourself on your sweetheart’s neck.

Now you are the very inaccessibility, and at the same time, the guy must see that he arouses your interest, but, nevertheless, you do not intend to step over your principles. He will gladly accept these conditions of the game.
Your main task is become for your loved one ideal woman and a pleasant conversationalist.

Don't let your guard down

Your loved one's ex-girlfriend will also make attempts to restore the relationship. Do everything to get the guy to change his phone number, persuade him that this is the only way he will protect himself from painful memories. Convince that reconciliation in this situation is simply impossible, betrayal cannot be forgiven. Instill the same in his friends, they must believe that in you is his salvation from suffering and deception.

Keep in mind that among his friends there will definitely be a shrewd person who will not completely believe you. This means that both you and your loved one need to distance themselves from this friend and stop meeting with him. In the eyes of those around you, the culprit of all the experiences of your chosen one should be ex-girlfriend, but not you. Perhaps your rival will want to meet with you and the guy in order to bring you to clean water. Do not shy away from such a conversation, but be extremely polite and calm in your communication.
An offended girl will not be able to convince her ex-lover of your unsightly role; on the contrary, this will turn him against her, and the relationship will completely fall apart.

You are the dream of his life

You will definitely hear these words if your character is enough to win the fight for your loved one. Here, show restraint: do not rush to immediately move on to close relationships. But delay is also dangerous. Take a moment to ask: does the memory of the past live in him? Formulate the question in such a way that there is no answer: yes, he cannot yet forget his first love.

The relationship has begun, but this does not mean that you have managed to win the guy away from the girl once and for all. You should continue to be the best in his mind: beautiful, interesting both in conversations and in sex. He should continue to admire your perfection. And this means that you constantly play along with your chosen one, thereby sometimes infringing on your pride. The effect must be consolidated so that he gets used to you and finally gives up thoughts about his ex-lover.

You have achieved your goal, now you are always next to your loved one. However time will pass, and you will begin to be tormented by doubts: whether a person will appear nearby who will charm your lover with “fairy tales and caresses” and beat him off, as you did.

Therefore, before you decide that you need to win a guy away from a girl, try imagine yourself in her place. Playing with love, dignity, and other people's feelings is dangerous. You managed to find ways and tricks to deprive your rival of happiness. But this can become a boomerang, and one day you will suffer the same defeat. So don't rush into making a decision.

How to hit ex-boyfriend the girl's

This situation should probably be called hopeless. Judge for yourself: you dated a young man, and he, in the midst of complete prosperity, abandoned you and preferred someone else, maybe even yours best friend. After this, a time of worry and jealousy came for you, the desire to take revenge on your rival and return your loved one grew.

One tip: Let some time pass for you to calm down and soberly assess the situation. Do you need to return the past if in the future you will meet with reliable and faithful people? In addition, it also happens that the guy himself understands how wrong he was in going over to a girl who simply cunningly seduced him. In such a situation, he will truly appreciate your merits and return to you himself with words of repentance. And whether to forgive him is up to you.

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