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Provocative questions for men. What “unusual” questions can you ask a guy? Neutral questions suitable for all guys

Do you want to seduce a girl with words? Then use these 20 dirty and funny questions to ask a girl and make her blush. Don't know what to ask a girl to confuse a lady?

Beautiful girls flirt cautiously and are very difficult to get into the widely spread male networks.
If the girl is worthwhile and you think that she is worth your efforts, then you should know that establishing communication and arousing a girl is easier than setting her up on a date.

After all, when it comes to a date, she instinctively feels that she is being filmed, that the hunt is already open for her.

But smart guys They carefully heat up a woman’s curiosity and desire for intimacy by not going ahead, but by communicating with her with the help of funny questions, as if showing interest in her, but in fact, gradually seducing her.

However, be careful! These questions can make a girl fall in love with you. You shouldn’t just break a woman’s tender heart.

These 20 questions can be asked to a girl either directly, one-on-one, or through flirtatious SMS messages.

Cool questions for a girl - dirty SMS flirting for seduction

It is best to ask a girl something important while sitting next to her. But if she doesn't feel very comfortable at the same time or is tense because you are too persistent or in a hurry, then you can ruin your chance to seduce her. And it is unlikely that you will be able to correct the situation later.

On the other hand, if you ask a girl questions in the form of an SMS, then although you don’t see her immediate reaction, you can always turn everything into a joke, if she doesn’t reciprocate, say that, well, are you serious - I was kidding !

So SMS questions are simple, secure and reliable way pick up a girl from a distance.

Thus, with the help of the following questions, a guy can seduce a girl - go through the first stage of a relationship to make the ice flow and catch fire.

The right questions for girls to seduce - if you don't know what to ask!

So, simply by asking these questions to a girl, listening carefully to her answers and answering her questions, you can get closer to your cherished goal. But you need to be careful and as sincere as possible.

You will achieve the greatest effect if you ask these questions from a girl who is in love with you.

What to ask a girl via SMS

No. 1. Are you alone?
This question will help you understand if the girl is bored, if she is alone at home and if she is ready for adventure. After all, you must admit, it is impossible to flirt normally with a girl when her friends or parents are nearby.

Say something encouraging like, “I wish I could be there for you...” if she confirms that she's bored at home alone.

#2: What are you doing right now?

This additional question will help you make sure that she is alone and bored enough to become interested in you and fall into your spider-man web.

#3: Do you like to cuddle when you're in bed?

Warm her up with flirty conversation on hot topics without crossing the red line. Let her talk about whether she likes to cuddle with someone other than you. All the same, this conversation will direct her thoughts and feelings into the right direction.

No. 4. What do you wear to bed?

What do you wear when you go to bed?

What are you wearing now?

This cool question a girl who is best asked if she is already in bed. It's personal, but not overly intimate. However, it will most likely catch fire.

Give a lady a compliment - pick her up women's self-esteem admiration: “I can only imagine how great you look now...”

If you are having a conversation with your friend, your beloved girl, you can ask her not only about objects underwear, but also ask what color it is. This will be a good prelude, which will definitely have a continuation.

No. 5. What do you think you look most beautiful in?

Which clothes are coming you most? Why?

No. 6. Have you ever accidentally or deliberately spied on how someone makes love?

This question will create the appropriate mood in the girl. But direct it to third parties, ask without specifications, impersonally - to avoid uncomfortable situations.

No. 7. Have you ever been touched by a guy in public place? Can you hug and kiss in public? Does this turn you on?

Girls love not only with their ears, but also with their skin. They love touch. Thanks to this question you will decide whether your girlfriend is touchy or real wild cat.

#8: Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend?

This will help you find out how impulsive she is.

No. 9. If you had all-seeing glasses, which part would you male body would you explore through clothes first?

It's time to unleash the sassy naughty girl. Let the girl answer the question - let her also joke or joke, if she can, let her also get involved in this game.

#10: Do you prefer speedos or boxers on a man?

Most likely she will say that she likes boxers. Secret this issue for a girl is to make her think about you, so that she thinks about what you wear and preferably moves the conversation to this plane.

No. 11. How can you drive a guy crazy?

Let her tell you how good she is at seducing males, let her prove to herself and to you that she is capable of seducing a man like you.

Let him fantasize.

No. 12. Do you have such a point, a place on your body, touching which you can get excited with half a turn?

Well, with this very cool question you'll get straight to the point. If she answers it honestly, then you have every chance of ending up in the same bed with her.

No. 13. Does massage turn you on?

And this question will help seduce a girl - after all, what woman doesn’t love massage and gentle touches to her body?

You can cheat and timidly tell your interlocutor, saying: “You know, I signed up for a massage course and attended the first few lessons. I have already given massages to both my mother and sister. I don’t know who else to train on. Maybe I'll give you a massage? Don’t worry, I will do everything to ensure that you get maximum pleasure - after all, I already know all your secret points...”

What else can you ask a girl to further inflame her imagination and fantasies about intimacy with you?

No. 14. What if I accidentally kissed you on the lips, what would you think?

Let her imagine this kiss. And he will want it. This perfect question exemplary pickup - mean, but correct.

No. 15. Do you like to kiss or to be kissed?

Ooh, it looks like it's getting hot! It doesn’t matter what she answers - because you can always adjust! If she says that she loves to kiss, answer that you love to be kissed from head to tip... toes. And, conversely, if a girl loves it when a guy kisses her, tell her that she will simply melt from your tender kisses

#16: Do you think my body is more attractive completely shaved or natural?

And, whatever one may say, this cool question to a girl will make her imagine you naked! And this is already something!

#17: What should a guy do to seduce you?

Listen to the answer. Now, don’t worry about what to ask a girl, but go back to question number 12 and repeat it again!

Linger at her favorite places... She will be pleased.

No. 18. And if I quietly whispered all these questions to you right in your ear, would you give yourself to me?

Provocation, in a word. If you've gotten to this point with her, she's definitely already wet and probably lost her head.

#19: If you didn't have a boyfriend, what could we do with each other right now?

If I suddenly found myself next to you right now, do you think we would kiss?

This question - original invitation himself in her bed.

In the relationship between a guy and a girl, sometimes misunderstandings arise, even if the young people are dating for a long time. One of the most complex facets, which has a lot of nuances, features and subtleties, is the topic of intimacy. Girls are sometimes embarrassed to ask something, young men are afraid of offending their chosen one, and in the end they both rack their brains, not knowing anything about their partner. To avoid this, it is important to talk to each other, asking questions, provocative and uncomfortable; thanks to the answers, you can get to know each other better and understand the preferences of your partner.

How to start a conversation?

Representatives of the fair sex take a long time to decide on such conversations, after carefully thinking through their questions. What questions can you ask a guy, how to delicately clarify his preferences in bed, is it worth discussing with him? sexual activity- and this is not all that worries the girl, but only a small part.

It’s best to start with the basics - clarify about previous relationships, their duration and the reason for separation. It is possible that if you have not been together for so long, the young man may refuse to answer such questions. In this case, do not press, he needs time to prepare for such reasoning, or the feelings left over from the previous experience are still disturbing.

Many girlfriends advise to “press” a guy, look for him on his VK page ex-girlfriend and contact her on your own or threaten to write to your lover in order to squeeze the truth out of him. It is absolutely impossible to do this. Such pressure will not only cause inconvenience to a loved one, but it can also destroy your relationship.

What to ask?

What do girls usually ask their boyfriends? The exact formula that will help you find out necessary information, will allow you to get the guy to answer honestly and sincerely, does not exist. You will have to compose it yourself.

There are topics that are safe and general, allowing you to get general information about a person, and there are more acute and intimate ones, giving insight into your personal life. There are usually no problems with the first type of questions, and such information is clarified during the first stage of the relationship. With the second, some difficulties arise.

If you definitely decide to ask tricky questions to a guy, then think about them in advance. They should not sound offensive or derisive. For example, if you ask why your lover hasn't had sex before, you shouldn't mock his inexperience. And, conversely, if he had many girls, you should not make him out to be a womanizer and extremely promiscuous in terms of sexual contacts.

The safest way to start a conversation is to ask about preferences. The guy will share his tastes, talk about his favorite fantasies, or share his innermost desires that could not previously be realized. This will help you get to know your man better, and also make his erotic dreams come true in the future.

To help indecisive girls start a difficult conversation, we recommend viewing

  • TOP 15 acceptable provocative questions that can be asked to your chosen one.
  • How old were you when you had your first sexual intercourse?
  • How do you like to make love?
  • You prefer traditional sex or using auxiliary items(toys, costumes)?
  • What do you think about role-playing games?
  • What part of a woman's body is the most erotic for you?
  • How do you feel about variety in bed?
  • Is there a difference for you between making love and having sex?
  • Do you consider yourself vulgar? And if so, why?
  • Which intimate topics Are you confused?
  • What do you absolutely dislike about sex?
  • What things do you consider acceptable in intimately, and which ones do you not strictly accept?
  • What things do you find sexiest?
  • What girls turn you on?
  • Can you describe your latest erotic fantasy?
  • Tell me about the first girl who made you want to have sex?

This list is far from complete; it could be continued for an extremely long time, adding more and more new questions. You can leave your own, based on the above list or following an individual scheme.

You can make 100 questions that interest you and invite your lover to choose 20-30 of his favorites and answer them. When composing, remember that the main goal is to get to know each other better, and not to quarrel during the discussion.

Truth or Dare?

A great way to talk and have fun at the same time is the game “Truth or Dare?”, most likely you have already heard about it or even played it with friends. If it is unfamiliar to you, find the rules on the Internet; fortunately, they are quite simple even for beginners. During the game, you can safely ask interesting questions on the topic of relationships, sex and personal preferences, without making the guy very nervous because of the seriousness of the conversation. In the midst of the game, completely at ease, you will learn about your innermost thoughts and get an honest answer to the most inconvenient and vulgar questions. After all, it's just a game.

Dirty questions for a pen pal

If you are at a distance from each other or are in a correspondence relationship, you can ask your questions in different in social networks: VKontakte, Twitter or via Skype when communicating. This will save you from unnecessary embarrassment and allow you to raise topics of interest without any awkwardness during the discussion. But when virtual communication there are also disadvantages - you won’t see the reaction young man, you won’t be able to read his emotions from the question asked. Here you will have to rely only on your own instincts and the vaunted female intuition.

Questions for you

  • What to do if the young man decided to start the conversation first and find out all the delicate nuances of the relationship himself?
  • First, answer honestly. This will help you get to know each other better and also eliminate misunderstandings in the future.
  • Secondly, don't be afraid. Whatever difficult questions(there may even be a trick) he asked, remember that this is not an interrogation with bias, but confidential conversation between two close people. Your answers will affect further relations, but should not become a reason for avoidance and ridicule.
  • Thirdly, tell me positive points without focusing on past failures. If in previous relationships the young man left you without even leaving a letter of apology, expressing some complaints, do not rush to accuse the entire male population of infidelity and callousness. Better clarify that past experience was not the most successful, but now you have a chance to build a full-fledged relationship.

And finally, remember that vulgar questions guy or questions addressed to you personally are aimed at studying each other. They are needed to smooth out all the rough edges in relationships, find common ground and build further actions, starting from preferences, avoiding unpleasant aspects. Good luck!

Don't know how to interest a guy by correspondence? Why not ask him a couple of original and provocative questions? In our article we will tell you what questions you can and should ask men when communicating on VKontakte. We have compiled a detailed list of questions: provocative, funny and original, about women and love, about life and hobbies. You will also learn what questions to avoid when corresponding with a man.

Ask your interlocutor about the simplest things that do not require self-disclosure or thought. The conversation will start easily. These questions will help determine trusting relationship. Talk about what he was doing today, what interesting things he saw, about his work (study), about what is happening in his city now, if you live in another city, discuss the latest news.

  1. Was it a good day?
  2. How are you?
  3. What are you doing right now?
  4. At lunch do you go to the canteen or take food from home?
  5. Has your project been accepted?
  6. Did you get home from work without incident?
  7. It's cool here, how's the weather with you?
  8. What places would you recommend a tourist see in your city?
  9. Have you already had a vacation this year?
  10. Did you go for a run today?
  11. How do you like the news that the dollar has fallen a little?
  12. Have you already heard what happened in [region name] yesterday?
  13. How did you celebrate February 23 (Airborne Forces Day, New Year)?
  14. What did you get for your birthday?

Questions about life and hobbies

These questions are perfect for online dating. Touch on topics such as hobbies, achievements, family and childhood memories, and pets. All this will help you get to know each other better.

In order to choose questions that will be of interest to him, carefully study his page in contact. He has already written everything you need in the “About Me” section.

  1. Do you like traveling to distant lands?
  2. What kind of music do you listen to?
  3. What are you reading?
  4. How do you feel about computer games?
  5. What movie would you watch now?
  6. What do you prefer: football or hockey?
  7. Can you swim?
  8. Why do you value your friends?
  9. Do you have brothers or sisters?
  10. What was your favorite game to play?
  11. Did you want to become like your father as a child?
  12. Do you like it when your family gathers for a feast?
  13. Who would you keep at home: a cat or a dog?
  14. Can you hang a shelf or a picture on the wall?
  15. Do you like to make things?

Would you like to receive detailed step by step instructions How to properly meet men on the Internet? We recommend reading free checklist Alexey Chernozem "How to build relationships on the Internet and transform them into happy real ones." You will learn how to create an attractive image on the Internet, where to start dating and how to transfer them from the Internet to the real world.

The book is free. To download, click on this link, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the pdf file.

Funny, original questions

Ask these questions, and the atmosphere will become relaxed. Being able to joke back will help a guy feel relaxed and charming. This will help diversify the correspondence and win his sympathy.

  1. What do you do with your alarm clock when it wakes you up too early?
  2. What color would you paint your refrigerator?
  3. What weather do you associate yourself with?
  4. How do you fold your socks?
  5. Have you ever gone outside in slippers?
  6. Do you like to crunch? thin ice in the puddles?
  7. Ever thought it would be cool to be able to fly?
  8. What do you say when you see yourself in the mirror in the morning, shaggy and unshaven?
  9. Could you eat soup for breakfast?
  10. What kind of tree would you be?
  11. Do you like film with popping bubbles?
  12. Have you ever sung while stuck in an elevator?

Questions about women and love

To satisfy your curiosity about how a guy behaved with girls before and how he will behave with you, questions about his previous experience and his beliefs will help. Here are some hot ones tricky questions about relationships:
  1. What do you value most in a girl?
  2. What character traits of a girl can turn you off?
  3. Is the profession of your future wife important to you?
  4. What do you think about cheating?
  5. Should a woman wait for a man at home or accompany him on his business?
  6. Can you remember the first time you fell in love with someone?
  7. What do you think about girls who are the first to talk about their feelings?
  8. Was it ever that you were not reciprocated?
  9. Would you call yourself amorous?
  10. Is love at first sight a fairy tale?
  11. What does romance mean to you?
  12. Is polygamy acceptable?
  13. Could you fall in love with a pen pal on VK?

Provocative questions

These are difficult questions, with a catch. They require time to think and choose the most accurate answer.

  1. Do you use swear words in your speech and why?
  2. Do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman?
  3. What might scare you?
  4. Do you consider yourself a gambler?
  5. Tell us about your deepest dream.
  6. When you last time cried?
  7. What do you value most in life? Would you like to live forever?
  8. Did you have problems with alcohol or drugs?
  9. What do you think about people with criminal records?
  10. What will you never do even for money?
  11. When you can save your wife or child, who will you save?

Vulgar questions

Ask about intimate sphere need to be careful. Between looseness and vulgarity there is a very a fine line. And, of course, there is no need to start such a conversation if you have only recently met. Here are some dirty questions to ask a man:

  1. Have you ever watched others have sex?
  2. What types of sex have you tried?
  3. Which actress would you like to share bed with?
  4. When was the last time you watched porn?
  5. Do you shave your armpits and groin hair?
  6. Would you agree to a threesome?
  7. What do you think about when you look at a girl's breasts?
  8. Would you like sex with a stranger?
  9. Name the most unusual place where you had sex.
  10. Is it true that the shape of the tip of a man’s nose indicates the shape of the head of his manhood?
  11. What about sex makes you disgusted?
  12. What do you like most about foreplay?

The hardest thing about dating online is writing the first message to him. In our article we have collected the most complete.

From this article you will learn about how, which will be of interest to both.

What questions should you avoid in correspondence with a man?

  1. Avoid questions you are not prepared to answer yourself. This way you will get rid of the awkwardness when he gives you a complete answer and asks what you think about this topic.
  2. Refrain from direct testing questions that force you to demonstrate knowledge in any discipline (Are you interested in chemistry? Then tell me which element is in 75th place in the periodic table. Do you know German? Translate in a nutshell what Rammstein sings about).
  3. You should be extremely careful when discussing separation from his previous partner (wife) or the desired number of children. Wait for him to speak.
  4. Avoid questions about the amounts in his account and about the property he owns. Don’t ask about this at least in the first conversations. If you can’t help yourself, ask indirect questions (Could you live for a year without working? Would you give your mother a car/new kitchen set/trip abroad for her anniversary?). Curiosity and direct questions about his financial status will show the guy that he is facing a selfish and tactless person.
  5. There are many pitfalls in conversations about politics, religion, and social activism. Incorrect asked question can offend and destroy the intimacy that is being established. Passion and fanaticism will certainly emerge in his statements. And you will have to decide whether these views are acceptable.
  1. Try to start a conversation: push for conversation, rather than demand an answer at all costs.
  2. Know when to stop your questions. After fifty questions in a row, you get the feeling that you have come for an interview or testing.
  3. After sending a question, allow the interlocutor to answer in detail. Take your time with next question, do not interrupt by starting to share your own experience.
  4. If you do ask questions, remember the answers or create a separate file where you save the guy’s remarks. It will be very awkward if you ask the same question again. The situation will also be unpleasant when you start dreaming out loud about a joint weekend at a barbecue, forgetting that your interlocutor is a strict vegetarian. Also, so as not to seem intrusive, mark for yourself topics that he wants to avoid discussing.
  5. Make it easier for him to understand your goal. Please provide an explanation as to why you asked this particular question. It’s a good idea to lead to the question by writing a few introductory phrases. For example, you want to find out if there are any cases of alcoholism in his family. Complain that the neighbors are noisy again, the drunken father of the family is chasing his household members away. Then ask if he is familiar with this situation. Let him answer a little differently from what you wanted to know, but maybe it will become clear how he treats drunkards or how he can successfully reason with a brawler.
  6. Be careful with diminutive suffixes. Many men cannot stand lisp speech, and its speakers seem narrow-minded and infantile to them. The meaning of your statement may be distorted, acquired undesirable shade depending on whether there is a diminutive suffix. The question “How are you doing?” shows interest, and “How are you doing?” may sound either childish or slightly dismissive.
  7. Show genuine interest. If you are bored with him, even a hundred questions will not hide it. On the contrary, a man will appreciate attention to himself, so the chances of an attentive and active listener will be higher.

Not all girls are quiet and shy by nature. There are young ladies who love an explosion of emotions and passions. They are not shy in expressing their feelings and can easily ask any kind of questions, including vulgar ones. However, no matter how relaxed and bold you are, there are questions that you can ask a guy, and there are those that you should never ask. What kind of questions are these - let's figure it out.

If you are left alone, it’s evening outside, and the whole atmosphere is conducive to a sensitive conversation, then it’s time to move on to vulgar questions to the guy. Source: Flickr (guy_dellbby)

In what cases is it appropriate to ask vulgar questions to a guy?

You need to move on to vulgar questions gradually, only at that stage of the relationship when you and the guy know each other well enough and do not hesitate to talk about any topic. In other words, at the flirting stage. Flirting is a stage of a relationship when you try to hint to a guy about your secret desires. Flirting can start on the first date if you want a one-time relationship.

As soon as you understand that you want to share the most intimate moments with a guy, you need to move on to flirting, and it just involves free communication and vulgar questions.

The main thing is to understand that by asking the most vulgar questions to a guy, in his eyes you will look not like a girl who is interested in knowing something, but like a girl who wants to find out the intimate details of his life for some purpose. Usually, based on such conversations, men begin to think that the young lady is clearly interested in him and wants to continue the conversation in a more intimate setting. Therefore, when deciding to ask a guy vulgar questions, you need to be extremely careful and clearly know what the purpose of this conversation is.

In what place and at what time should you ask dirty questions?

Of course, it is appropriate to ask vulgar questions in the appropriate place and at the appropriate time. Agree, it will be awkward to talk about intimate topics in the theater while watching Gogol’s plays or at the university during morning lectures on history.

For free intimate conversations, it is better to choose a quiet, secluded place with an appropriate atmosphere. A bar, restaurant, cafe or lounge in a house by the fireplace would be perfect for this purpose. Of course, the time of day should also be evening or night.

So, if you are alone, it’s evening outside, and the whole atmosphere is conducive to a sensitive conversation, then it’s time to move on to vulgar questions to the guy. They can be divided into two groups:

  1. Very personal questions.
  2. Bold questions.

Very personal questions for a guy

Very personal - these are questions the answers to which a person trusts only to close people. If a guy considers you a close person, he will easily answer them, especially if your relationship is proven and he trusts you. Bold questions are those that contain some kind of compromising and sometimes defamatory message. You should approach such questions very carefully, knowing that your interlocutor is ready for such questions. So, what kind of vulgar questions can you ask a guy - a list of topics.

Some of the most personal questions guys have ever heard include:

  1. At what age did you start having sex?
  2. Do you like extreme sex?
  3. What's the most unusual place you've ever indulged in?
  4. Has it ever happened that you made love with more than one partner?
  5. Have you ever failed in bed?
  6. What's your favorite pose?
  7. What is more important to you – your partner’s pleasure or your own?
  8. Where do you prefer to do this?
  9. What will you choose: blonde or brunette?
  10. Do you love role-playing games?
  11. Which actress excites you the most?
  12. Would you make love in a car?
  13. What about sex on the beach?
  14. Do you like oral sex?
  15. How do you feel about threesome sex?
  16. What's your wildest sex fantasy?
  17. How often do you masturbate?
  18. What attracts you to female body most?
  19. Do you like it when a girl sends you candid photos?
  20. Do you like relaxed lionesses or shy prudes?

It is important to remember that asking vulgar questions is possible, and in some cases even necessary. But, as they say, be careful.

In this article you will learn about what topics of conversation exist with men.

A correctly posed question can become a successful start to a dialogue and influence your relationship with a man. In order not to get confused in important point and always interest your interlocutor, it is important to know in advance what you can and should ask him about.

Questions for correspondence:

  • Hello! How are you spending your evening?
  • How are you feeling today?
  • What are your plans? What are you doing?
  • How to cheer you up?
  • I want to surprise you with something, do you think I can do it?
  • Hello! Let's play something?
  • I want adventure, and you?
  • There are evenings when it’s especially boring, don’t you think?
  • Mortal melancholy! Can you recommend any good movie?
  • How did you spend this day? Was he successful today?
  • Would you like to chat with a dreary but terribly interesting person?
  • I'm boiling inside, don't you want to listen?
  • Let's spend the evening together?
  • Have you watched this series (title)?
  • I love music, can you give me a couple of great tracks?
  • Long time no chat, how are you? What changed?
  • Do you still play sports (fishing, basketball, dancing)?
  • Heard last news about (person's name)?
  • When was the last time you went to the cinema? Maybe we can go see something together?
  • I’m listening to a great track, you’ll definitely like it, can I send it to you?
  • Do you remember how we danced to this song? (drop track)
  • Hello! I already forgot what you look like, maybe we can meet?

What questions can you ask a guy when talking on the phone: list

Questions for a telephone conversation:

  • I haven't heard from you for ages, how are you?
  • How nice it is to hear your voice! Are you all right?
  • Thanks for calling! I hope nothing happened to you?
  • It's good that you called! Let's agree that you will call me more often?
  • Hello, are you bored tonight?
  • Hello, have you forgotten my voice yet?
  • Hello! Guess who's calling?
  • I'll give you 3 chances to guess my name. Will you try?
  • Hello! Do you want some fun tonight?
  • How would you like me to invite you to have a couple of cocktails together?

What questions can you ask a guy when meeting him: list

  • Dear, does your mother need a daughter-in-law by any chance?
  • I’m sure I saw you somewhere, maybe in my dreams?
  • Are you by any chance the man of my dreams?
  • I really want to meet you, won’t you leave your phone number?
  • My mom will definitely like you, let's check it out?
  • I've never seen anything like this in my life handsome man! Have you already been told something like this?
  • Will you leave me your phone number so we can talk later and have a good time?
  • Do you happen to want a new romantic and completely crazy relationship?
  • I liked you at first sight, and you liked me?

IMPORTANT: Do not hesitate to ask a man even the most “piquant” questions, getting to know him better.

What questions can you ask a guy to get him interested?

Question options:

  • Do you like my eyes?
  • People often tell me that I look good, what do you think?
  • I have a feeling that we knew each other, don't you think so?
  • I have many interests, would you like to share some?
  • I'm sorry, but can I fall in love with you?
  • You have a beautiful look, have you heard that before?
  • How often do you go on dates? I want to invite you to another one!
  • How long have you watched a movie with kissing spots?
  • I was once told that I am a good kisser, would you like to check it out?
  • Have you ever drank champagne under the moon? Me not. Let's try it together?

What questions can you ask a guy on a first date?

Every woman's dream - perfect date. It can only go well when you know exactly what you can talk about on a date. Preliminary preparation of topics and questions can help you with this.

Good question options:

№ 1

№ 2

№ 3

№ 4

What questions can you ask a guy when communicating?

If communication with a man is established, you can fully count on signs of attention from him. Try to ask him as many questions as possible about his hobbies and passions.

Things to talk about:

Conversation Ideas

What questions will tell you more about a man? What can you ask a guy?

When you get to know your beloved man better, you will be able to understand what your life with him will be like in the future. Use a selection of “interesting” questions designed to obtain as much detailed information as possible.

Things to ask:

Themes and ideas

What questions and what can you ask a guy you like?

It’s very easy to “scare off” the guy you like with a funny or inappropriate question, so choose your phrases carefully and take into account all the features of your relationship.


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№ 2

What questions can you ask your boyfriend, your beloved?

If your relationship has already “started”, you should not let your guard down and relax. Try to remain interested in your man's life. This way you can earn his trust and attention!

Conversation starter ideas:


What question can I ask a guy to find out if he likes me?

Very often a woman is tormented by questions about mutual sympathy On the man’s part, try to ask him about it directly and independently by asking a delicate question.

Conversation ideas:


Questions for meeting a guy on the Internet, VKontakte?

Suitable topics:

For "Contact"

Interesting questions for a guy, on any topic: list

A love relationship is not only about sex and attention, it is also about conversations and mutual interests. Don't lose the thread of understanding by asking your partner questions about his personal life, adventures, successes and women.

Suitable topics:

What can you ask?

What intimate questions can you ask a guy?

Questions like these will help you improve your sex life, make adjustments to it and set rules. Feel free to talk to your partner about sex.

Conversation ideas:

"Intimate" selection

What erotic questions can you ask a guy?

There is one secret: every man not only loves sex, but also any conversations about sex. Feel free to be interested in any topics about sex: experience, technique, number of women.

Conversation ideas:

Erotic compilation

What kind of dirty questions can you ask a guy?

Every man has his hidden sexual fantasies and dreams, by talking to him about this, you not only give him your attention, but also show him love.

Conversation ideas:

"Vulgar" selection

What tricky, tricky questions can you ask a guy?

Do you want to surprise your man? Intrigue? Show that you are not such a simple person? Feel free to ask him unusual questions and let him try to answer them!

Conversation ideas:

"Tricky" selection

What “unusual” questions can you ask a guy?

Surprising the man you love is not easy, but try asking him a non-standard question and see how he answers it!

Ways to start a conversation:

What to ask your “other half”?

What “frank” questions can you ask a guy?

The line between an interesting and an unnecessary question is very thin. With the help of “frank” questions, you can not only become closer, but also ruin your entire relationship. Try to choose the right topics for conversation.

What to talk about:

Original selection

What romantic questions can you ask a guy?

Having learned some nuances about the romantic nature of your beloved man, you will be able to understand what your relationship will be like in the future.

What to ask:

What questions about love and relationships can you ask a guy?

Relationships are difficult work and if you do not discuss some of the nuances between each other, you can lose understanding and trust.

Suitable questions:

Selection “love”

What questions can you ask a guy to confuse him?

Conversation ideas:

  • Are you just looking at me or do you have special plans for me?
  • Tell me honestly: do you want me?
  • Am I attracted to you as a woman?
  • Would you like me to show you something interesting?
  • Do you think I can surprise you in bed?
  • Is this your friend or lover?
  • Have you ever slept with your friends' girlfriends?

Video: “Men’s questions?”

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