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In the treatment of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous systems Physiotherapy is also used in other organs. They have many benefits and healing effects.

Stone massage is a special technology of using hot stones during a massage procedure. It combines the advantages physical impact and manual therapy.

Stone massage is very common in major cities. What exactly are the effects it has, and is the procedure worth the money spent?

History of therapy

Hot stone massage combines pleasant sensations and extremely beneficial medicinal effects. Where did this method of therapy come to us?

Without a doubt, stone massage can be considered one of the oldest therapeutic procedures. Our ancestors stoned special meaning, representatives of various religions and beliefs believed in the power of the stone. That is why natural materials began to be used in medicinal purposes.

It is believed that stone massage was the first medical procedure in the countries of the east. These or other stone impact techniques were used:

  • Monks from the islands of Japan.
  • Healers from Tibet.
  • Healers from India.
  • Doctors from Mesopotamia.

Many healers of that time for a long time we selected the ideal stones for massage that would not only have a healing effect, but also restore spiritual balance.

The most valuable thing is that many ancient treatment methods have survived to this day and are used everywhere. Massage healing stones has been studied traditional medicine, supplemented and adapted for modern man and his problems.

Features of the method

Hot stone massage combines many therapeutic effects. The mechanism of its action on the body is quite complex.

The simplest way to imagine the effect of such treatment is as follows:

  • Impact of stones on reflexogenic zones of the body. Massage with stones sometimes affects the body with heat, which provokes a reflex response of nerve endings, improving the tone and speed of neurons.
  • Stone massage causes tissue heating, which increases blood circulation in the affected areas.
  • Blood circulation is activated, the walls of blood vessels dilate, and biologically active substances are delivered to the site of exposure.
  • Stone massage stones also affect muscle fibers. Warming up muscle tissue helps eliminate spasms and restore normal tone.
  • Stone therapy with cold stones is designed to normalize the balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation of a specific area of ​​the body.
  • The combined effect of cold and hot stones is designed to restore the normal functioning of nerve receptors and improve the conductivity of peripheral nerves.

Stone therapy is a complex method of influencing the body. Many aspects of its influence on our body have not yet been fully explored. However, the therapeutic effect of this method of therapy has already been proven.


It is not necessary for the average person to know the mechanisms of action on the body listed above, but it is better to find out what therapeutic effects stone therapy causes, so as not to waste your money.

So, the whole variety of therapeutic effects of the technique comes down to the following effects:

  • Improving the condition of nervous tissue - restoring the conductivity and sensitivity of nerve receptors.
  • Acceleration of blood circulation, normalization of venous outflow and the condition of the capillary wall.
  • Impact on spasmodic muscle fibers, normalization of muscle tone.
  • Relieving mental stress, increasing resistance to stress and fatigue.
  • Improved lymphatic drainage. Relieves tissue swelling and normalizes local metabolism.
  • Increasing local tissue resistance to adverse environmental influences.
  • Restoring the balance of the autonomic nervous system.

The listed effects can be useful for treating a wide variety of pathological processes in organism.

Types of treatment

Modern SPA centers offer the most various options procedures. Stone therapy in various options may not be equally useful, so it's worth familiarizing yourself with the most effective ways treatment:

  1. Stone therapy with hot stones. This method is the most popular, and for good reason. This method of exposure most effectively restores blood circulation and eliminates pain. To enhance the effect, aromatic oils are used and stones are placed on reflexogenic zones of the body.
  2. Treatment using alternating hot and cold stones. This stone therapy primarily affects the state of the autonomic nervous system. The treatment also restores normal muscle tone and eliminates swelling by accelerating lymphatic drainage.
  3. Another valuable method of treatment is the effect of jade stones on the body. This procedure is not available everywhere, but it helps restore strength, relieve mental stress and normalize mood.

Methods of treatment with stones are also divided according to the place of impact. It is possible to perform massage on the face, back, neck, abdomen and limbs.


Stone therapy will be most effective if the procedures are applied in accordance with the indications. The procedures are also useful for healthy people as preventive measure. However, the most valuable is the use of massage in following cases:

  • Decreased arterial pressure. Stone therapy has a direct effect on vascular tone.
  • Headache. If migraine is caused by overwork or improper functioning of the nervous system, massage will help get rid of the symptoms.
  • Overwork, chronic fatigue, stress - in these conditions, normalization of the autonomic system is extremely necessary.
  • Depression and apathy, as well as insomnia, the use of jade stones is recommended to treat these conditions.
  • Reduced turgor skin, wrinkles, dry skin - stone therapy restores local blood circulation and has a rejuvenating effect.
  • Muscle spasms and pain - massage is designed to eliminate these influences.
  • Edema syndrome - in this condition, stone massage directly affects the venous and lymphatic system and eliminates swelling.
  • Frequent colds and immune disorders - with this pathology it is necessary to restore the general resistance of the body.
  • . Osteocondritis of the spine.

It is important to remember that stone therapy may not affect any pathological processes, but the listed conditions respond well to treatment with this technique.


Even the most effective and safe methods treatments have their contraindications. The same effect on the body helps with some diseases and harms with others.

Stone therapy has the following contraindications:

  • Many skin diseases. The warming effect of stones can be harmful for fungal and bacterial infections, cause exacerbation of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.
  • Open wounds, abrasions and other skin damage. These areas cannot be affected by stones.
  • Acute infectious processes. It is unknown how thermal influence will affect the flow infectious disease.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs. Before the procedure, it is necessary to stop the exacerbation phenomena.
  • Pregnancy at any stage of gestation. Such exposure may be harmful to the fetus.
  • Oncological processes. In the presence of malignant neoplasms, stone therapy can accelerate tumor growth.
  • Decompensated diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Heart failure.
  • Increased bleeding and open bleeding. Stone therapy may accelerate blood loss.
  • Diabetes mellitus - with this disease, peripheral nerves and blood vessels cannot be exposed to thermal effects.
  • Gallstone and urolithiasis. Massage can cause stones in the ducts to dislodge and become blocked.

If before treatment you exclude all possible contraindications, the therapy will be as effective and safe as possible.


To ensure that the procedure does not cause harm to the skin, and the reflexogenic effect is maximum, it is necessary to prepare for the massage:

  • Preparation activities should include a psychological attitude: important things must be completed, you should not rush anywhere, it is recommended to turn off your cell phone for the duration of the session.
  • The whole body must be clean. You must take a shower or bath before undergoing the procedure.
  • Try to relax and psychologically tune in to receive pleasant sensations.
  • Before the procedure, a light warming massage is performed. Manual exposure prepares the skin and muscles for subsequent exposure.
  • At the request of the patient, a massage can be performed using aromatic oil. This will improve your mood and increase nervous sensitivity.

Preparation should not only be a pleasant event, but also preventive. Before the procedure, be sure to inform the specialist about your health status and the reasons for seeking help. Do not forget to mention the presence of chronic diseases or allergies, this will help avoid unwanted effects from the procedure.

Massage stones

What is stone? WITH in English this word is translated as stone. It is the impact of stones that makes stone therapy special.

Not all stones are suitable for influencing the body. That is why ancient healers throughout their lives selected the most valuable and useful materials.

Each type of technology requires its own natural materials, here are just some of their features:

  1. Marble stones and rocks from the seabed have the best effect on edema syndrome. They improve lymphatic drainage and normalize the tone of venous vessels.
  2. Jadeite - this stone is designed to normalize the tone of muscle fibers. Best of all, it eliminates spasms of the large back muscles and helps in complex therapy osteochondrosis.
  3. Dolomite - material white, which contains many useful microelements. It perfectly normalizes nerve conduction and accelerates blood flow.
  4. Finally, jade stone is applied to normalize mental state. It perfectly increases resistance to stress.

During therapeutic effects Other stones are also used, but the ones listed here are most effective in each specific case.


Knowing the listed aspects of the impact of stones, you can also understand the description of the procedure. During the treatment, the master performs the following:

  1. The specialist makes sure that the treatment materials and the patient’s body are ready for the procedure.
  2. Heated or cold stones are placed on the reflexogenic zone, depending on the treatment technique.
  3. If heated materials are used, then average temperature is 40–70 degrees.
  4. It is important to select materials that are ideal for a specific anatomical area in terms of shape and strength.
  5. If the technology of alternating hot and cold stones is chosen, then they should be changed after 7–10 minutes.
  6. The entire procedure usually takes about one hour.

It is worth understanding that the therapeutic effects described above are best achieved only when undergoing professional procedure. At home, it is difficult to choose the right materials and influence reflexogenic zones.

Many people are interested in when the effect of treatment will be noticeable? It all depends on the state of the person’s health and the disease that the master is trying to eliminate. An improvement in the condition is observed after the first procedure, however, most pathological processes require a minimum of five massage sessions.

Myths and misconceptions

There are many rumors and myths surrounding stone therapy. It is necessary to get rid of misconceptions so that the treatment is correct and physiological:

  • The massage only moves the extensor surfaces and the back. This method was used in ancient eastern practices, however modern medicine has proven that it is useful to act on any surface of the body.
  • Stone therapy is used for pleasure only. Although treatments have a strong impact on mental health, the human body also receives many beneficial effects.
  • Massage helps with urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. This misconception is very dangerous, since the presence of lithiasis in the biliary and urinary systems is a contraindication for the massage procedure.
  • Hot stones help with joint inflammation. This is incorrect; if inflammation is present, cold exposure should be used. Thermal treatments at the same time, they are useful in cases of osteochondrosis.
  • Warm stones help during colds. Use for acute infectious diseases massage is not allowed. Heating can cause swelling of the mucous membranes and the development of sinusitis.

It is important to know these features in order to correctly assess the need for treatment with this technique.

Stone therapy - massage using smooth basalt stones. Knowledge of the benefits of this method of healing human body originated 2000 years ago in India. Today, this pleasant procedure attracts more and more people with the opportunity to relax, relax and improve their health.

Healing stones: from the origins of antiquity to the present day

In ancient times, the inhabitants of India, Central America and Tibet were confident that the energy of the birth of the Earth was concentrated inside the stones. Origins were used for treatment because they contain the power of the elements of nature: water, earth, air and fire. Methods of using stones to treat people from many diseases were known to shamans who possessed secret knowledge.

In the practice of Eastern medicine, it is believed that by massaging with stones, one can achieve the opening of the chakras to fill the body with energy. Stone-polar therapy is also based on a similar principle.

In the modern world, stone therapy became widespread in 1993 thanks to Mary Nelson, a massage therapist, who began using heated stones to relieve muscle pain. Today, stone therapy is available in many SPA and massage parlors; it is performed with stones of different temperatures.

What is special about stone therapy?

Smooth, flattened stones are used for massage. Their quantity: for hot therapy- 40-50 black stones (their temperature is about 50 degrees), and for cold - 18-20 white stones (cooled from 0 to +10 degrees and one at room temperature). Stones for stone therapy must have a porous structure, be flat, smooth to glide comfortably over the body and retain heat for a long time. The slightly porous surface promotes deep cleansing of the skin and the removal of toxins. For general massage, a perfectly smooth surface is used.

The following types of stones can be used:

  • rhinestone;
  • basalt;
  • jade;
  • marble;
  • rose quartz

You can purchase stones in the form of a set for offers to buy them in specialized stores “Green Elf”, Axiom Cosmetologi, “Mega Spa”.

What are the benefits of massage?

Stone therapy is a general strengthening procedure; when using it, the following results are felt:

  • metabolism becomes stable;
  • lymph flow and blood circulation are stimulated;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system and nervous tension;
  • thanks to the use of oils, the skin becomes elastic and soft;
  • Relieves muscle pain, fatigue in the spine, heaviness in the legs.

To use a massage method such as stone therapy, basalt stones different temperatures alternate with each other. Hot ones warm up the body, relaxing muscles and relieving spasms. The use of cold stones during the procedure does not cause negative emotions, because the body, with the help of the massage therapist’s actions, is prepared for the impact low temperature. Stone therapy invigorates and tones muscles.

Indications for stone therapy

  • Insomnia, depression.
  • Muscle pain.
  • Excess weight, metabolic disorders.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Pancreas diseases, cholelithiasis, problems with the digestive system.
  • Bladder diseases.

Massage with stones can also be successfully used for stress and for prevention. colds(regular stone therapy helps improve immunity).


Despite the many positive aspects inherent in the use of massage, there are a number of contraindications to its use:

  • skin diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • presence of bruises, fractures, wounds;
  • hypertension.

The principle of influence on the body

Stone therapy is based on thermotherapy and reflexology in combination with the principles of physiotherapeutic action. When using stones, blood flow increases, cell function is activated, and waste and toxins are removed through the pores of the skin. During a massage session lasting from 45 minutes to an hour and a half, all tissues are enriched with oxygen. Lasting effect from the procedures performed is achieved after several sessions, their number depends on individual characteristics body.

Stages of therapy

  • Preliminary body preparation. Relaxing oil rubs. Environment should promote maximum peace.
  • Placement of stones of different sizes (hot or cold, depending on the type of therapy) on different parts of the body in accordance with certain points.
  • Massage with stones. It starts with the feet and ends with a facial massage.

After stone therapy, you need peace and rest for some time to feel the overall harmony. It is ideal to drink a cup of aromatic herbal tea.

using stones

  • Classic stone massage. Stones of different temperatures are alternated or only warm ones are used. Effect: muscle relaxation, improvement of local blood circulation, acceleration of metabolism, emotional relaxation.
  • Full body modeling massage consists of several restorative procedures, including stone therapy. At the same time it is used acupressure. It has an anti-stress effect.

  • Corrective chocolate cream massage. To saturate the skin with minerals, at the beginning of the procedure you need to take a mineral bath with a hydromassage effect. This is followed by a stone massage using hot and cold stones. This effect promotes weight loss and formation slender silhouette. The skin is then treated with a scrub containing Dead Sea salts and minerals, which improves blood microcirculation and has an anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect. This is followed by a full body wrap using basalt crystals and medicinal plant extracts. This procedure smoothes the skin and helps eliminate toxins.
  • Body massage with crystals is rejuvenating. The original technique is used using semi-precious stones aventurine, special form. Effect: relaxation, reduction of body volume.
  • Rejuvenating facial massage with crystals. Facial skin lifting is achieved by sliding specially selected smooth stones along special lines and points.

SPA salons in Moscow

Consider the list of beauty salons where professional stone therapy is provided (Moscow):

  • “La Grand Spa” is located at: Bolshoi Tishinsky Lane, 10, building 1.
  • Spa salon "Macau" on the street. Marshala Rybalko, 3, near the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station. Opening hours: from 10 to 22.
  • Beauty salon Evita studio of beauty is located on the street. Petrozavodskoy, 22, apt. 1. Open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
  • Beauty salon "Gallery No. 1" on 5/13. (Smolenskaya metro station).
  • Beauty salon “La Titus” at the address: Sevastopolsky Prospekt, 2. Metro station “Nagatinskaya”, “Tulskaya”. Open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
  • The RAI beauty studio can be found at the address: Sokolnichesky Val, 15. Metro stations: “Krasnoselskaya”, “Sokolniki”. Opening hours: from 10 to 21.

Average prices in salons (stone therapy lasting 60 minutes): from 2700 to 3500 rubles. It is possible to massage individual areas, for example the face (price is about 800 rubles), feet (about 500 rubles). The average cost of an anti-cellulite stone massage is 5,000 rubles.

Combination of stone therapy with other procedures

Stow therapy methods can be used for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. The combination with such types of reflexology as hirudotherapy, massage, acupuncture, vacuum massage. The aesthetic effect can be enhanced with various wraps: chocolate, blue clay, seaweed or honey.

The undeniable advantage of stone therapy is that only natural materials are used in its application: stones, essential oils, aromas. This procedure is as comfortable and painless as possible, brings a feeling of relaxation to the body and provides a surge of strength.

If we compare the number of indications for stone therapy and contraindications, the number of the latter will be quite insignificant. These restrictions are no different from those that apply to all other types of manual manipulation. And such a practice as facial stone therapy, on the contrary, is more preferable than others cosmetic procedures, since the stones do not irritate the skin and do not leave inflamed red marks.

Benefits of stone massage

The first and most important advantage of stone massage (stone therapy) is the use of only natural ingredients for the procedure - natural stones, aromas and even sounds. Stone massage excludes any untested means; its benefits lie in the natural strength and skill of the specialist.

Stone massage is recognized as a unique procedure that has no analogues - this is the conclusion reached by patients of clinics and spa salons specializing in massage, and specialists who study the method. long years and comparing it with other massage and wellness treatments.

What is the unique effect of stone therapy, and are there any contraindications to massage with hot and cold stones that make it worth abandoning this procedure? Perhaps the fact is that stone therapy ideally combines several traditional and modern therapeutic techniques- reflexology (exposure to high and low temperatures) and massage itself. Each of the components of stone therapy is good in itself, but together they turn the procedure into a small but real miracle.

The main advantage of stone therapy is that the heart does not have to experience overload, as, for example, it happens in a sauna or bathhouse, despite the fact that both the bathhouse and the sauna are also very beneficial for health. In this sense, stone therapy is the most comfortable procedure.

A huge advantage is the special psychological atmosphere, which relieves anxiety and restlessness and strengthens the body’s defenses. Stone massage masters try to achieve the maximum possible relaxation - only in this way will the therapy be effective. It is not surprising that stone therapy is preferred by people suffering from neuroses, tired of the endless whirlpool of life, and plunging into depression.

The psychologically pleasant environment is complemented by the physical pleasure that the patient experiences from the hot and cold stone massage. With skillful movements, the massage therapist relieves pain and spasms, kneads and relaxes those areas of the body that especially suffer from a sedentary lifestyle - the neck, shoulders, etc. Massage not only makes the patient’s body more beautiful and healthier, but also refreshes all his senses.

The aesthetic effect of a massage can be enhanced with the help of a spa procedure such as a wrap with honey, kelp, coffee, blue clay, or chocolate. It is generally accepted that, but to a much greater extent this procedure is necessary for the health and beauty of the skin. Honey, mustard, pepper-cinnamon wraps have a great effect on the condition of the skin, especially if there is a problem with. The wrap can be done at home, but salon procedure more effective.

Stone therapy is not only useful, it is also absolutely safe for the patient. The procedure does not involve the use of complex medical equipment, which may be unreliable, medicines, provoking allergic reactions.

During the session, the patient is under the supervision of a specialist and is not left alone, but it is known that any therapeutic effect, even the simplest and most useful, can give an unexpected result.

Hot and cold stones do not reach the patient’s skin immediately, but only through the hands of the massage therapist - thus, even a slight burn of the skin and the unpleasant sensation of touching a stone that is too cold are eliminated.

If we talk about facial procedures, stone massage does not leave marks on the skin, which is the “sin” of many cosmetic procedures. After the session, the patient simply looks better and does not have to hide redness, swelling or other signs of visiting the salon.

Another plus is that lithotherapy does not cause weakness, although it relaxes the muscles of the body.

Experts in the field of stone therapy recommend rest after the procedure, but only so that the processes started by the massage take place in the programmed order - swelling resolves and breaks down body fat, the work of internal organs was improved. But even if the patient is forced to perform physical work, it's not scary - he can handle any task!

As for the disadvantages of this method, they have not yet been documented by medicine. There are only individual contraindications, which will be discussed in more detail below. That is why before a stone therapy session you should consult with your doctor and assess all possible risks.

If you need to regain strength, but there is no opportunity to properly rest and sleep, you can prepare an energy drink at home. Having brewed strong black coffee, you need to strain it, add 20 drops each of eleutherococcus and amber tinctures, a spoonful of honey, a crushed glucose tablet and an ascorbic acid tablet, stir, cool and drink slowly. The composition of the drink is simple - all ingredients are absolutely available - and does not contain harmful substances like store bought drinks.

In some cases, reflexologists recommend combining several different methods of influencing energy zones. Why is this happening? The fact is that each person is unique in every sense, so the body’s reaction to therapy is individual in each case - stone massage is suitable for some, and acupuncture or acupressure for others. At the same time, most patients, especially those suffering from diseases in neglected form, you just need to combine several types of reflexology. This is the only way to cope with the disease and its consequences.

But in comparison with other methods of reflexology, stone therapy is in a special place, since in combination with any of them it acts as a catalyst for healing processes.

Indications for stone massage

Stone therapy in her modern form- one of the youngest reflexology techniques. It appeared in the mid-1990s in the USA. This is probably why stone treatment is designed for the problems of modern man, whose life takes place in a rapidly changing world, characterized by an annoying background noise, overload with information flows, a disturbed ecology, and complex relationships in society.

Regular stone therapy sessions are a powerful prevention of diseases caused by. It is difficult to even imagine how many health problems can be avoided only through stone therapy.

Stone massage is recognized as an indispensable effective procedure for people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as athletes and those who lead an active lifestyle due to work or hobbies.

Indications for stone therapy are neuralgia (if there are no objections from the attending physician), acute bursitis and various types.

Another indication for stone massage is vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is diagnosed in most modern people. Its manifestations are varied - dizziness, weakness, chilliness or a feeling of heat, sweating, anxiety or irritability, tinnitus, headaches, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), etc. In the list of classical treatment methods for vegetative-vascular dystonia, reflexology is considered a mandatory item, and best choice in this case there will be stone therapy. Since this procedure has not only physical, but also psychological impact, it is thanks to it that you can get rid of several symptoms of dystonia. With the help of stone massage you can recover from a nervous disorder, it calms you down and helps you hear inner voice common sense, relieves pain, reduces increased tone vessels or, conversely, increases decreased tone.

Women suffering from PMS or going through menopause unpleasant symptoms, note that thanks to stone therapy, their condition is alleviated. However, it should be borne in mind that in case of serious illness, you should consult a doctor.

Stone therapy is also useful for those who want to lose weight, as well as for those who care about the beauty of their body. “Stone” massage perfectly cleanses and, as a result, rejuvenates the skin of the body, and also promotes the formation of beautiful elongated muscles - of course, in combination with strength exercises.

However, stone therapy can also be considered simply as a pleasant procedure, a gift to yourself, a reward for a job well done, success, victory, or for a holiday.

Contraindications to massage with hot and cold stones

Since there are no absolutely healthy people and even the most pleasant effect on the body can bring it more than just benefits, you should consult a doctor before any new procedure. Along the way, it is worth noting that stone therapy is a type of deep massage, and if for some reason the doctor prohibits massage in principle, then this also applies to stone therapy.

Nevertheless, there are not many contraindications to stone therapy.

First of all, the patient must be sure that there are no open wounds, scratches, or areas of inflammation on his skin that could cause pain during massage. Naturally, contraindications to stone therapy are psoriasis and other skin diseases, since it is better not to disturb the affected areas of the skin.

Stone therapy is not possible for injuries - fractures, dislocations, bruises and hematomas, damage to internal organs.

Also, a contraindication to stone massage is pregnancy, which is quite natural, since during a stone massage the body and all its systems experience serious stress.

It is recommended to avoid stone massage if you have pathology. thyroid gland, cysts, malignant and sometimes benign neoplasms, with bronchial asthma, (during the session the blood sugar level decreases), mental illness. Stone therapy sessions are contraindicated for those who have serious problems with cardiovascular system. Despite the fact that the load on the heart during stone massage is minimal, the overall effect of the procedure may be too stimulating. Also contraindications to stone massage are infectious diseases with fever and cough.

In some diseases, stone therapy is not completely excluded, but the choice of techniques is limited. For example, for varicose veins, massage with cold stones only may be indicated - and then the result of the procedure will be optimal.

Even more on the topic

It is one of the most ancient methods of treatment, which is based on hot stone massage. The main effect in the stone therapy process, in addition to healing properties hot stones, achieved through the use various techniques massage. Stone therapy techniques have a wonderful effect on the human body both physically and emotionally. In particular, due to stone therapy, metabolic processes are significantly improved, the immune and nervous systems are stimulated, headaches are cured, chronic fatigue is overcome, sudden fluctuations in mood are eliminated, depression disappears and a general relaxing effect is achieved, the condition of the cardiovascular system improves .

Indications and contraindications.

Today, the main indications for stone therapy are:

- intense headaches;
- stress and nervous tension;
- depression;
- osteochondrosis;
- anorexia and bulimia;
- obesity;
- vegetative-vascular dystonia;
- stretching of muscles and ligaments;
- menopause;
- pain in the back of the head;
- colitis and constipation;
- subcutaneous hemorrhages;
- insomnia;
- painful menstruation;
- sunburn;
- acute bursitis and joint pain.

There is nothing new in stone therapy that a person would not have known about before: healing has been practicing alternating heat and cold for many years, massage has been known to man since ancient times, and stones appeared simultaneously with planet Earth. And yet, the combination of all these components of stone therapy provides enormous benefits to the human body and soul.

Many experts consider stone therapy to be nothing more than a way of perceiving the world for people living in absolute harmony with nature. At its core, stone therapy involves the use of icy and very hot stones to achieve cleansing, relaxing and therapeutic effects. What is considered unique in stone therapy is the combination of such areas as working with chakras and aura, massage of internal organs, thermotherapy and geothermotherapy.

However, stone therapy also has contraindications, in which case it should not be used. this method It is better to refrain from massage. These contraindications include: pregnancy, bruises and fractures, damage to internal organs, skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis), diabetes, absolute insensitivity to temperature. If the listed contraindications are not recorded for you, then you can (and even need) to feel the effect of stone therapy on yourself.

Origin story.

Althoughstone therapy method dates back thousands of years, it was officially introduced only in 1993 by massage therapist Mary Nelson. According to Mary herself, her inner voice told her about the method. One day, coming home from work, she felt incredibly tired and depressed, accompanied by muscle pain. And then her inner voice told her: “use the stones.” By that time, Mary's pain in her right shoulder, caused by an old sprain, began to worsen. But even then, Mary, who guides her life by the principles of spirituality, decided to create a method that would help, first of all, other people with similar problems, and only then her.

Here is what Mary Nelson herself writes about the creation of the method: “Stone therapy first appeared to me in August 1993, when I, together with my niece Tonya, were in the sauna, and without taking our eyes off, we carefully looked at the hot, red-hot stones, from the warmth of which a warmth reigned throughout the world. throughout the sauna. Every day I did not give up hope of overcoming the pain in my shoulder that was terribly bothering me. But first of all, I had to find a special remedy that could help work with the pain points in my patients. I asked the Spirit (spiritual guide) why I felt such acute pain, and how I could now work with my sore shoulder.

The original message was: “Use the power of the stones.” My first thought was: why should I use stones? Then I directed all the power of my consciousness to the area of ​​​​the injured shoulder. I once again asked the Spirit the question: “How can I massage Tonya now? I was very worried that this would cause me even more intense pain. To this the voice said again: “Take the stones.” I heard a voice, but took no action. And when we left the sauna in order to go for a massage, a voice said very strongly: “Take the stones and use them.”

These words were spoken so loudly and clearly that I could no longer remain inactive. I picked up two palm-sized stones and dropped them into the decanter of ginger poultice I had prepared especially for Tony. I noticed that a little pressure was enough to release the tension in her muscles. This was done by the weight and warmth of the small stones, which relieved me of very painful efforts and provided my shoulder with preventative care and rest.

I really wanted to experience the miraculous healing and preventive benefits of stones. Every day I began to choose a time to place stones on my body. By working with my energy in this way, I began to receive more intense messages, much faster than when I manipulate the stones while massaging patients.”

Massage procedure.

I am sure that many of those reading these lines who have not previously used the stone therapy method are extremely intrigued and would like to try this method to increase the overall tone of the body. And you probably want to know what happens directly during a stone therapy session. Well, in this case, I suggest you consider the stone therapy procedure not in the generally accepted theory, but directly in the form of a description of practical experience in using the method.

Stone therapy session lasts for 80 - 90 minutes. The session begins with the patient naked and lying on the massage table. A professional massage therapist covers the patient with a towel to keep the patient’s body warm. The massage therapist picks up cooled and warm stones and places them near the patient’s head. Next, the patient sits down, and the massage therapist places stones on both sides along the spine so that the patient’s back muscles are affected. The massage therapist covers the stones and places the patient on them so that the patient does not experience discomfort. In order to maintain neck muscles in correct condition Another stone is placed under the patient’s head, which acts as a kind of pillow.

The real stone therapy session begins when the massage therapist wraps warm stones in napkins and places them in both hands of the patient. Next, stones preheated in a vat and cooled in a refrigerator are placed near the patient’s feet. For the purpose of opening energy channels patient and achieving a state of general relaxation, the massage therapist performs movements called “opening spiral”. These manipulations significantly increase the effectiveness of the massage as a whole.

After this, the stones are placed on each of the energy points, which allows the massage therapist to achieve contact with all points of the patient’s body. When all the stones are placed on the required areas of the body, the massage therapist proceeds to direct massage of the legs, arms, shoulders, torso, and facial area using cooled and hot stones. Warm stones must be placed on the face area, which allows for a direct impact on each facial muscle. Also, special stones are placed between the toes. As a result of these actions, tension in the arms, neck and shoulders disappears.

After finishing working with the front part of the patient’s body, the massage therapist, paying attention to the patient’s breathing rhythm and adjusting to it, carefully removes stones from energy points. The client sums up the work with the front part of the patient’s body using “closing spiral” movements. This movement strengthens the patient's body and gives him confidence.

The massage therapist asks the patient to take a sitting position, removing the stones from under him, and the patient lies on his stomach, feeling the stone wrapped in a cloth under him. The massage therapist covers the patient with a towel and places special pillows under the armpits. Along the spine, on the backs of the arms and legs, the massage therapist finds points for energy contact. The massage therapist wraps the stones in cloth and wraps them around the patient's neck, and places one stone in the sacral area.

The masseur begins the massage movements again, using every muscle of the patient in this process. The patient’s muscles relax as much as possible precisely when at this stage stone therapy. With his hands, the massage therapist penetrates deeply under the patient’s shoulder blade, causing some discomfort, but subsequently the patient finds himself at the pinnacle of bliss and relaxation. At the end of the massage, using a fluorite crystal, the massage therapist performs spinal spiral movements, the purpose of which is to increase concentration and achieve a relaxed state.

Next comes the process of washing the feet and hands, after which the massage therapist lubricates these parts of the body with a large amount of oil. Massage with Tibetan bowls is the next pleasant step in stone therapy. Their ringing has a healing effect on a person, improving the overall tone of the body. Even more therapeutic effect Massage with Tibetan bowls promotes absolute relaxation of a person when he feels the resonating sound with every particle of his body. Some stone therapists use wild sage as a next step to cleanse the patient's energy field. The massage therapist sets fire to the sage and begins to walk around the patient with it, thus performing an act of neutralization, which sums up the entire stone therapy session. At the end, the patient wraps himself in a sheet and the massage therapist brings him chamomile tea to bring him back from the world of bliss to reality.

Why do many people who have undergone stone therapy want to go there again so badly? Each person has his own opinion on this matter, but most of them agree on one thing - a stone therapy session is wonderfully inspiring, restores vitality, while providing a relaxing effect. With each new session, a person discovers something new, previously unfamiliar, and therefore each subsequent session is awaited by the person with great impatience.

Selection of stones for stone therapy.

It is no secret that stones are the basis of stone therapy, and the effect obtained from the procedure largely depends on the correct choice of them. Stones are a source of energy, thanks to which fatigue is eliminated, muscle tension is relieved, and negative states of mind are overcome. In addition, stones have a unique ability to redistribute vital energy inside the human body, providing it with those parts of the body in which there is a deficiency of this energy. When choosing stones for stone therapy, you should opt for stones with a rough surface (if necessary, deep cleaning skin), or flat and smooth stones (if necessary to obtain a relaxing effect). When we're talking about about the size of the stone, a person must take into account important nuance- the larger the stone, the more evenly and longer it gives off its heat. This is especially important when choosing hot stones.

Each type of stone used in stone therapy is designed to perform its specific functions. Thus, hot stones are used to speed up metabolism, maximize muscle relaxation, and achieve spiritual harmony and balance. Cold stones, in turn, enrich the blood with oxygen and increase blood flow to the internal organs, increasing muscle tone. Whatever stones a person chooses, it is highly recommended to choose stones that weigh at least 100 grams and not more than 200 grams.

In the end, it should be noted that in order to get the maximum benefit from stone therapy, it is recommended to first create favorable conditions for the session - use scented candles, turn on pleasant relaxing music and reduce the brightness of the lighting. And let during the sessionstone therapy you will be covered by a wave of tenderness, relaxation and bliss, which I sincerely wish for you.

Stones are the most ancient inhabitants of our planet, and, as many believe, are endowed with a unique ability to accumulate energy from the environment. This property has been known to man for a long time, and for countless centuries it has been used by skilled craftsmen for the treatment of physical ailments and relaxation. Effective stone massage - a technique that uses cold/hot stones small sizes. It is here that even the smallest piece of rock can fully reveal its potential, transferring the energy accumulated from the earth, air and sun to the human body, healing and renewing it.

Stone massage: description

Stone therapy is a massage in which cold stones and stones heated to a certain temperature are applied to the surface of the skin in a certain order. Wherein an important condition To achieve maximum benefits from a massage, not only the level of professionalism of the master is considered, but also where they were brought from.

The use of “cold” (brought from northern latitudes) and “hot” (delivered from the tropics) stones is considered optimal for stone technology. It is their combination that allows the full potential of therapy to be revealed, creating the necessary conditions for massage.

Stone massage, which is based on stone treatment, is based on a fairly simple principle of thermal effects on active points body. Like many centuries ago, this method of stress relief is still extremely popular in Eastern countries. And of course, in Thailand - a place recognized as the world leader in spa treatments.

For what purposes is stone massage used?

Stone massage sessions can be called in a universal way, which will help you quickly get rid of nervous tension, relieve stress, eliminate the effects of chronic fatigue and restore your energy shell. It has long been known that the energy and vibration of stones have the ability to remove energy blocks, maintain a balance of information flows, restore vitality to a person.

For medical purposes, stone massage is used to stimulate the work of all major human vital systems. No less effective are the techniques when necessary to get rid of muscle fatigue and tension. Stone therapy is also widely used to dilate blood vessels and remove swelling.

Also, the healing properties are clearly expressed in procedures aimed at quickly removing toxins and neutralizing negative energy. It is important to note that if the result of a single visit to a massage therapist is the elimination of the effects of stress and chronic fatigue, then stone massage not only helps to improve well-being, but also completely changes the energy field.


At the moment, stone massage is conventionally divided into work with hot stones, stones, or their combination with cold stones in various versions. In this case, for the first option, volcanic basalt, heated to a temperature of 55 degrees C., is most often used.

"Hot technique"

Stone massage this option due to the composition of volcanic rocks, which contain all five elements of the elements: metal, air, fire, water and earth. The porous structure of the material, at the same time, ensures rapid heating and slow cooling, which is successfully used in therapy to charge the human body with positive energy.

Interesting! “Hot” stones are most often imported into our country from Peru, Hawaii, Argentina, Indonesia and other countries where there is volcanic activity. At the same time, only stones collected on the coast, characterized by the absence of sharp corners(oval, round). This condition is invariably observed by stone therapy masters, since it is believed that it is the influence of wind and water that allows the rock to accumulate elemental energy, which is subsequently transmitted to humans.

Combined technique

Stone massage, which uses a combination (as in operations) of hot and cold stones, is no less popular. The optimal choice of rock is considered to be marble cooled to -15 degrees. Alternate application of stones in stone massage, a procedure that has been known for a long time, allows one to achieve narrowing of the capillaries and blood vessels of the skin at biologically active points.

The result of this effect is the elimination of stagnation of venous blood with a small muscle tone. The combined massage procedure makes it possible to activate the autonomic nervous, as well as the immune and endocrine systems of the body.

In general, stone therapy is effective means, capable of having a beneficial effect on well-being, and also, without drug intervention, provide:

  • muscle relaxation;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • feeling of peace of mind;
  • stabilization of the nervous system;
  • reduction of muscle pain;
  • strengthening the respiratory system.

In addition, undergoing a course of therapy relieves seasonal depression, chronic fatigue, increases overall tone and thereby improves mood.


In addition to black basalt and marble, stone therapy also uses other types of stones, which are preheated in a special device to the desired temperature. In this case, the procedure begins with the transfer of energy from the stone into the hands of the master, and then, through massage, to the patient’s body. The stones are placed on the skin at the final stage of the session, at the moment when contact with hot stones no longer causes discomfort.

It is worth noting that the stones selected for therapy sessions differ not only in shape and composition. They are also divided by zones of the human body. For example, the most common and used in the work of a master is a set of stones:

  • pillows;
  • interdigital;
  • sacral;
  • massages, etc.

At the same time, each massage master can use both common methods of influence and his own developments aimed at activating individual systems of the human body.

Indications and contraindications

Stone massage implies a double spectrum of action. For starters, this powerful tool which can help you relax, and can be used without additional reception medicines. Proper execution sessions, highly qualified specialists and an atmosphere conducive to relaxation: all this becomes indispensable for people who love physical exercise and having a widow's hump.

It is important to note that stone massage is no less effective when it is necessary to “close a gap” in the energy field. By interacting with subtle matters, the energy of stones provides lasting resistance to moral and mental stress, helps to open the chakras, and enhances the body’s potential. In combination with the “right” stones and aromatic oils, stone therapy quickly leads a person to a feeling of fullness of energy and a state of vigor.

Additional funds

Along with the relaxing atmosphere and heated stones skillfully used by the massage therapist, another component that contributes to achieving excellent results is the effect of aromatic oils. The most effective among them are: olive, sesame, orange oil, as well as grape seed extract.

The most effective, in this case, can be called a combination base oil and ethereal. For example, it could be ether tea tree for inflammatory processes, grapefruit for cellulite, mint and lemon, if necessary, to eliminate swelling, etc.

The most gentle method of giving expressiveness to the look.

But despite the impressive number of positive aspects, like other types of massage, stone massage also has contraindications. Regardless of the expected result, sessions are prohibited in case of any inflammatory processes, asthma, pregnancy and infectious diseases. Otherwise, stone therapy becomes highly effective and in an accessible way in the fight for your own health at any age.

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