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She gives the fan a categorical option. categorical

Greetings readers of our site! In this article, we will consider a disadvantage that is very unpleasant for most people - categorical: what it is? what are internal foundations categorical? what is categoricalness replaced by and how to deal with it?

Every person in his life has come across categorical people and knows how difficult it is to get along with them, negotiate, find a compromise and just communicate. It is unpleasant and difficult to build any relationship with categorical people, both personal and business.

But, for a lot more people suffer from their own categoricalness, because it cuts off many incredible opportunities and impressions, making them blind, deaf, conserved and not receptive to the new, beautiful and yet unknown.

Let's start with definitions, and here, oddly enough, there is something to quote. Good Definitions and a description of the categoricalness found on the Internet.

What is categorical? Definitions

Opening quotes:

categorical - such a form of utterance that makes the partner understand that the speaker considers his opinion to be the ultimate truth. Categoricalness shows the disregard for the opinion of the partner and his deliberate rejection.

Categoricalness is a manifestation of excessive self-righteousness (self-confidence); implies its unequivocal superiority and the desire to subordinate the other person to himself and his opinion.

Categoricalness as a personality trait - a tendency to show inflexibility, closeness to other people's judgments and absolute self-confidence in the truth of one's own; express in a firm intonation a position declaring the impossibility of a different opinion on this issue.

  • The master listened attentively to a well-known economist presenting his theory of development. – Is growth the main indicator in economic theory? he finally asked. - Yes. Any growth is good. “Isn’t that what a cancer cell thinks too?” Master concluded.

Categorical - a demonstration of disregard for the opinion of a partner and his deliberate rejection. In relations between equals, categoricalness adds black colors to the manifestation of disrespect or superiority. It doesn’t matter who was right or wrong, it is important that after a dispute where categoricalness was manifested, there are no winners, there will definitely be an unpleasant aftertaste for the one to whom disrespect was expressed. categorical in speech communication equal is always a conflict generator.

Esoteric understanding of categoricalness and its internal foundations

categorical - V pure form manifestation and egoism of a person, which make his thinking and perception limited, narrow, inflexible, closed. Such a person loses the ability to learn new things, perceive and understand what goes beyond his internal ideas, beliefs, beliefs, dogmas, which, most often, are far from perfect and are nothing more than internal limitations.

The main beliefs of a person (internal programs), which underlie his categoricalness - “ in any case, I know better than others”, “I am more important, smarter, more important, more right, etc.”, “everything will be only in my opinion, because ...” (justifications follow), “it will only be the way I said because…”, others.

In fact, categoricalness is a block on development in something, that is, a person who is categorical in some issue stops growing in this area, learning new things, improving, which means that he has already lost.

For example, categoricalness in relationships is a block on their development, that is, a person does not want to hear anything about what goes beyond his, as a rule, limited and imperfect ideas. It is here that conflicts, empty arguments, psychological pressure and violence, swearing, destruction of feelings and, ultimately, the collapse of relationships as such begin. For happiness in relationships, a person must be able to listen, hear and respect the point of view of another, even if it is fundamentally different from his own. And this is exactly what a categorical person cannot do - he is deaf to others, for him the most important thing is his own ego and self-importance, not happiness in relationships and finding the really best solution.

Most often, people are categorical and proud, in fact, they are very notorious inside, with fears and limitations hammered deep in the subconscious, with a very vulnerable conceit. And, of course, they themselves suffer greatly from these restrictions and internal vulnerability. Such people are not truly happy and free, they are insecure people who want to appear strong, creating around themselves some kind of impregnability and illusory security with their categoricalness and arrogance.

A categorical person does not care about truth, consent, compromise, recognition of his mistakes, respect for the feelings of other people, the most important thing for him is to protect his personal point of view, his ego-power, position, even if they are obviously wrong and losing. This can be seen in the actions, decisions and speeches of many emotional and not wise politicians, whose political career, as a rule, is not long and successful))

What is categoricalness replaced by, as a quality, as a habit, as a character trait?

How to see in yourself categorical? Manifestations:

  • In communication with others, you often begin your speech with a negative - “No, but ...”
  • You communicate with people in a raised voice, bringing the conversation to an argument, conflict or pre-conflict.
  • You emotionally, sharply and even negatively react to the opposite point of view and do not like to listen to it.
  • You are annoyed by people who disagree with you and openly express their disagreement.
  • You avoid communication with those who think with their heads, and can deeply and competently substantiate their views that do not coincide with yours.
  • You are vulnerable and easily pissed off, especially if someone doesn't listen to you and doesn't do exactly what you tell them to.

How to get rid of categorical?

1. Make decisions that are important and effective for your life and your development (core beliefs):

  • For me, the truth, the truth, is more important than my own, perhaps not the most perfect opinion.
  • I accept I admit that I am not God. Like any other person, I can make mistakes, far from knowing and being able to do everything. But I do not worry about it, I forgive myself for my imperfection and am constantly learning.
  • Multivariance is always better and more effective than one-sidedness, limitedness, single-variance.
  • I want to grow and develop in everything, and for this I need different views for the same deep understanding the points of view of other people who can be more literate and enlightened than me in some matters.
  • I am interested in other people and their point of view, thanks to my receptivity and attentiveness, I constantly enrich my inner world and become wiser.
  • a wise man knows how to listen and hear any interlocutor, and he does it calmly, with inner acceptance of other people. I want to become a wise person.
  • I want to control myself, and not flare up like a match with anger and irritation. I want to control myself and not be a slave to my emotions and my pride.
  • I don't want to be vulnerable, foaming at the mouth defending my wrong. I want to feel confident and worthy in any case, and even if my point of view is not the best, I have a thousand reasons to respect myself.
  • Whether I’m right or wrong, I still win, even if I’m wrong, but the other person is right, thanks to him, I expand my views, learn new things, become wiser, and as a result, constantly grow and improve.

2. As mentioned above, find the foundations of your pride and remove them. Pride is the worst adviser, and categoricalness is the worst tool for building any relationship.

IN ideal, in order to defeat pride and categoricalness, you need to remind yourself more often that you did not create this world and its Laws, you did not create your own soul and body, and you did not sculpt other people either, therefore you know about everything that surrounds you and about that inside you is only what you have managed to know in just a few decades. And the world in which you were born and live exists for millions and billions of years.

In addition, there are many people who live longer than you, not to mention the one who Created this world and your soul, I mean the Creator. A wise person always leaves for himself a huge field for learning new things, realizing that he knows and can do billions of times less than his Creator. The wise always remember that his the main role in this world - this is the role of a student in relation to God and to this life, and he never claims that he managed to at least know something to the end, his goal is to always improve, be open to learning and learning new things.

3. And of course, it is necessary to eliminate the negative foundations of categoricalness, and form new positive qualities. Many answers, recommendations and good practices for working on yourself are already on our website:

  • Remove pride -

And if you decide for yourself that you need the help of a Mentor or a Spiritual Healer in order to defeat categoricalness or to help a loved one in this -. I can give you contacts for individual work.


“What else is there to discuss, and everything is clear!” “This cannot be, because it can never be!” "You're wrong, why is none of your business!"

As a rule, categoricalness should be avoided. Household categoricalness is absolute confidence in one's own rightness, manifested in a harsh style, categorical intonations and disrespectful manner of communication. More often than not, it repels people.

Categoricalness as a quality of personality - a tendency to show inflexibility, closeness to other people's judgments and absolute certainty in the truth of one's own; express in a firm intonation a position declaring the impossibility of a different opinion on this issue.

The master listened attentively to a well-known economist presenting his theory of development. - Is growth the main indicator in economic theory? he finally asked. - Yes. Any growth is good. Isn't that what a cancer cell thinks too? - concluded the Master.

Categoricalness is a demonstration of disregard for the opinion of a partner and his deliberate rejection. In relations between equals, categoricalness adds black colors to the manifestation of disrespect or superiority. It doesn’t matter who was right or wrong, it is important that after a dispute where categoricalness was manifested, there are no winners, there will definitely be an unpleasant aftertaste for the one to whom disrespect was expressed. Categoricalness in speech communication of equals is always a conflict generator. “There is nothing to talk about and everything is so clear!” “You are wrong because we have two billion and one meander between us.”

What is more hidden behind categoricalness: limitations? lack of culture? diffidence? People with sufficient intelligence and culture know that today (now) it seems obvious, indisputable (and, accordingly, about what it is tempting to speak harshly, bitingly, temperamentally), after some time (when a minute, when an hour, when several years) becomes already not very obvious, and even obvious exactly the opposite ... And, remembering his ardor and categorical, educated people when it's funny, when it's sad, when it's embarrassing...

Speaking more broadly, categoricalness may be appropriate where an older and more experienced educator of someone who needs it. Where another needs to set a limit, categoricalness is included in speech. If before you is not a small child and educational measures are superfluous - superfluous and categorical.

In relations between equals, categoricalness is a conflict generator, as a sign of disrespect or superiority. It is not even important whether you are right or not on a particular issue. It is important that the interlocutor at the same time feels disrespect for his opinion, and this sets him against you. Avoid being categorical, especially when objecting. Yes, something may seem completely clear to you, but it is unlikely that your rigidity will be more convincing for the interlocutor than the arguments.

In relationships between close people, people often forgive categoricalness so as not to strain relations. On the one hand, such calm tolerance for categoricalness is an indicator mental health and life wisdom: it seems stupid to react to all the little things where a person shows his bad manners. Life is not about educating each other. On the other hand, if categoricalness is condoned, over the years it only strengthens and from a trifle begins to turn into a nuisance.

More often people who are used to starting their remarks with the word “No!” are more likely to be categorical. However, such "Netki" are not necessarily associated with categoricalness, it may be the usual inability to monitor the purity of one's speech. The higher the culture of a person, the more often he avoids categoricalness, however, even people with a high culture do not always notice their subtle, largely hidden categoricalness.

Indeed, the phrases “It is clear to everyone that ..”, “Definitely ...”, “Of course ...”, “Without a doubt ...”, “There can be no two opinions ...”, “It’s not at all like that!” - obvious categorical. Similarly, if in response to the partner’s words it sounds: “It’s pointless!”, “Well, what are you!”, “What?!”, “It can’t be!”, “All this is nonsense!”, “Nonsense” or “ What nonsense! — this is a categorical already rude. And how to relate to the fact that in the communication of close people, one simply in a conversation threw the remark “This is not the case” (“I do not agree”) and that’s all, then a closed face and silence? This is also categorical, and people who love (at least sincerely respect) each other try to prevent such things.

Really, what about talking? How about asking his opinion? What about discussing it together?

It sometimes (probably) seems to you that any of your statements is already in itself a proposal to another interlocutor to discuss it, but this is not entirely true. If your face is suddenly closed, your eyes do not look at your partner and there is no obvious question for him, then your partner does not feel any interest in your opinion, nor your interest in his opinion. Contact (interaction) between you can be interrupted. Therefore, it is better to accustom yourself to a different style, namely, when you are discussing something in common, express your position slowly and softly, as one of the possible ones. With a thoughtful face, in which the partner will be able to notice more reflection, and not already "everything is clear." And second: after speaking out, ask your partner more often what he thinks, how much he agrees with you or not. It is not obvious that you will agree with your partner after this, but it is certain that your partner will feel that his opinion is important to you.

Confidence and categoricalness, as well as categoricalness and certainty of a statement, are all different things. "Nonsense!" - it is said categorically, but it may not sound confident. "Some kind of nonsense!" — the statement is categorical, but little definite. Here "nonsense" - and then some, while the whole statement is nonsense or only part of it, especially why the author of the statement is so sure of this - it is not said here.

Speaking confidently is usually good. To speak out categorically - as a rule, is superfluous. Categorical - bad habit. Perhaps you should work with this and accustom yourself to a non-categorical style of communication.

By the way, if you ask someone close to you to follow your categoricalness, then with high probability you will not only clean up your communication, but also interest this very topic loved one. In fact, sometimes it can be main goal your appeal to him ...

Categoricalness and Psychosomatics


  • NECK RADICULITISmay be the result of excessive stubbornness and categoricalness that a person shows in defending his point of view.
  • HEARING DISORDERS - Unwillingness to accept other people's advice, categorical
  • TO EXCESSIVE INCREASE OF SALT in the joints lead: assertiveness and categorical
  • SKIN ON THE FACE-The condition of the skin on the face is idealization, correctness and categoricalness. Avoiding other options and being rigid the legislative framework. Scars on the face or rashes are a categorical unambiguity of what we think and see.
  • ASTHMAit's already running case, people of unidirectional categorical thinking

Source: internet



      Its 2 main problems: 1) chronic dissatisfaction of needs, 2) the inability to direct his anger outward, restraining him, and with it restraining all warm feelings, every year makes him more and more desperate: no matter what he does, it doesn’t get better, on the contrary, only worse. The reason is that he does a lot, but not that. If nothing is done, then, over time, either the person will “burn out at work”, loading himself more and more - until he is completely exhausted; or his own Self will be emptied and impoverished, unbearable self-hatred will appear, a refusal to take care of oneself, in the long term - even self-hygiene. A person becomes like a house from which bailiffs took out furniture. Against the background of hopelessness, despair and exhaustion , energy even for thinking. Complete loss of the ability to love. He wants to live, but begins to die: sleep is disturbed, metabolism is disturbed ... It is difficult to understand what he lacks precisely because we are not talking about the deprivation of possession of someone or something.

      On the contrary, he has the possession of deprivation, and he is not able to understand what he is deprived of. Lost is his own I. It is unbearably painful and empty for him: and he cannot even put it into words. This is neurotic depression.. Everything can be prevented, not brought to such a result.If you recognize yourself in the description and want to change something, you urgently need to learn two things: 1. Learn the following text by heart and repeat it all the time until you can use the results of these new beliefs:

      • I am entitled to needs. I am, and I am me.
      • I have the right to need and satisfy needs.
      • I have the right to ask for satisfaction, the right to get what I need.
      • I have the right to crave love and love others.
      • I have the right to a decent organization of life.
      • I have the right to express dissatisfaction.
      • I have a right to regret and sympathy.
      • ... by birthright.
      • I may get rejected. I can be alone.
      • I'll take care of myself anyway.

      I want to draw the attention of my readers to the fact that the task of "learning the text" is not an end in itself. Auto-training by itself will not give any sustainable results. It is important to live each phrase, to feel it, to find its confirmation in life. It is important that a person wants to believe that the world can be arranged somehow differently, and not just the way he used to imagine it to himself. That it depends on him, on his ideas about the world and about himself in this world, how he will live this life. And these phrases are just an occasion for reflection, reflection and search for one's own, new "truths".

      2. Learn to direct aggression to the one to whom it is actually addressed.

      …then it will be possible to experience and express to people and warm feelings. Realize that anger is not destructive and can be presented.






      Psychosomatic diseases (it will be more correct) are those disorders in our body, which are based on psychological causes. psychological causes are our reactions to traumatic (difficult) life events, our thoughts, feelings, emotions that do not find the timely, right for specific person expressions.

      Mental defenses work, we forget about this event after a while, and sometimes instantly, but the body and the unconscious part of the psyche remember everything and send us signals in the form of disorders and diseases

      Sometimes the call may be to respond to some events from the past, to bring “buried” feelings out, or the symptom simply symbolizes what we forbid ourselves.


      The negative impact of stress on the human body, and especially distress, is enormous. Stress and the likelihood of developing diseases are closely related. Suffice it to say that stress can reduce immunity by about 70%. Obviously, such a decrease in immunity can result in anything. And it's good if it's just colds, and if oncological diseases or asthma, the treatment of which is already extremely difficult?

Does a person need categorical? People who are categorical are uncompromising, not sociable and they only have “their own truth”. They are either “everything to you” or you are their enemy for life. For the most part, they are selfish. Dictators are categorical in their judgments and they have only one opinion - their opinion, any other opinion is wrong. The radicals are categorical, the person whose rights are infringed, who has been hurt is categorical. Religion based on absolute faith in the Almighty is categorical, atheists who claim that there is no God are categorical. IN stressful situation the person becomes categorical. Each person is categorical in assessing reality to one degree or another. We all, in most cases, think in extremes - "either - or", which is categorical, unambiguous. Is it good or bad? Let's try to figure it out... Categoricalness speaks of the imbalance of the psyche, the lack of reason. It happens that circumstances develop in such a way that the mind does not have time to comprehend the critical situation, then, as a defensive reaction, categoricalness works. It, like faith, mobilizes forces for struggle, for resistance, although categoricalness can also call for humility, not resistance. In any case, categoricalness is an extreme, and if you fixate on it and accept it as the norm, then it becomes destructive. If categoricalness suppresses the will of a person, his natural correctness, then at some point a critical mass of fear will accumulate, a powerful protest will arise and a person, with the help of the opposite categoricalness, will sweep away the one that was imposed on him in order to restore the disturbed balance, reveling in some the time of regained freedom. Or maybe it goes from one extreme to another. I remember an example from personal experience…. In Soviet times, I worked at a KPD (large-panel housing construction) plant that produces panels for high-rise buildings. I was appreciated at work. I was engaged in rationalization, I did the work quickly and efficiently, they paid well. Everything changed when the quality commission rejected a large number of products and all management, down to the lowest levels, was fined a decent amount, at that time. I immediately rushed with the initiative, began to propose specific measures to improve the quality of products (before that, thanks to my ratsuhi, their quality had improved significantly), but the plant management, not wanting to bother (it came to work and served time), put at the head of the management the workshop of an unscrupulous employee, not burdened with morality and from whom at any moment it was possible to make a "switchman", and with his help they began to fuse the entire marriage to the construction site, creating the appearance of its compliance with the standards. And all this before my eyes. And the area where I lived is seismic - I experienced an earthquake of seven points, and I rebelled. Not only the already existing marriage began to be pushed to the construction site, but also subsequent manufactured products, without doing absolutely nothing to eliminate the release of the marriage. The plan was above everything. As punishment for the protest, they began to create unbearable working conditions for me. They loaded me with work that one person could not handle, so that I refused to do it and there was a reason to fire me for refusing to work (they tried to bring me under such an article). They separated from me two employees of my brigade, which I created, removed from the leadership, set on me those who were indebted to me. They wanted to fire one of my colleagues for drunkenness and demanded that I sign a paper, but I refused, although he hated me because I forced him to work and did not allow him to drink, and the second turned out to be a scoundrel and a traitor, and slandered me, for the sake of the opportunity to be a foreman even though I taught him everything. In short, the persecution began. But this did not break me and I continued to fight. The technologist, whose task was to catch me on something so that there was a reason to cut my salary or even fire me, followed my every step, from which I gave him the nickname “Sniff - sniff”. The workers with whom I was friendly, seeing how I was being persecuted, began to avoid me so that they would not get it. Everyone was sinful in some way and was afraid that they would not unearth him. When I went to the prosecutor for support (his deputy was there), he said to me: “And who are you - a technologist, to judge the margin of safety of products?” But it was these products that were recognized as defective by the quality commission. Deputy The prosecutor called my leadership that a complainant had come to him, and the pressure intensified even more. When I began to unravel such loyalty to the dep. prosecutor to my leadership, it turned out that he, the prosecutor himself and other city leaders, bought at my factory for a pittance, like marriage, for the construction of their dachas, high-quality products, while the marriage went to the construction site, like products without flaws. That is, the authorities lived according to completely different laws, contrary to correctness. I was stuck on categoricalness and I was ready to stand to the end, but I was broken by the betrayal of my wife, who first took my side, and then, seeing that I was losing in this fight, she began to blame me for everything. This was the beginning of the collapse of our relationship. If I had caved in, followed the lead of the authorities, would have played along, suppressed my conscience, everything could have turned out differently, but I did not want to break myself, realizing that I was right. There just wasn't enough knowledge about real world which I have overly idealized…. Much later, realizing the harm from categoricalness and comprehending the situation, I removed the tension that was sitting in me. Being categorical in that situation helped me save myself, although the consequences were catastrophic. On the other hand, if he caved in, broke down, followed the lead of the criminals, who did not care that in the event of an earthquake there could be large human casualties, life could have turned out even worse, since he would have lived it in a lie .... During the war, categoricalness helps to defeat the enemy and survive, but all the same, it will not replace the mind, and the sooner the mind returns, the faster life will return to normal. No matter how people fight each other, no matter how categorical assessments are and hatred for the enemy is incinerated, anyway, sooner or later peace will come, understanding of what happened, forgiveness and reconciliation. Categoricalness leads to conflicts, confrontation, so you should always try to find a compromise. Could I find a compromise in my situation, was categoricalness necessary? When defending human values, categoricalness is sometimes necessary. You can't let unscrupulous people rule the world. But they must be defeated by reason, and not by categoricalness, which greatly weakens the position in the struggle for the truth. Screamers are not loved, they are shunned. And in order for such “bad” people to become fewer, there should be more intelligent people. At that time, I could not get the truth, because the higher officials were stricken with the same disease. Should I resist the system? There must always be people who oppose wrongness, otherwise the world will collapse. In order for there to be fewer categorical decisions, one must become smarter. Life, through trials, teaches us. She also teaches that one should not close oneself in one's own comfortable little world - a shell, because a misunderstanding of reality, sooner or later, can lead to disaster. You can’t stop in your development, you need to actively comprehend reality, from which it will become more predictable and comfortable, and you will be more protected from injury. 01/29/2017

Seven vicious circles- these are not at all the seven circles of hell with which Dante frightened his pious contemporaries. The conversation will be about the usual shortcomings inherent in each of us. They often interfere with life, but they get used to a person so much that he does not have any strength to part with them.

It cannot be argued that people do not understand the whole "tragedy" of the situation. Many are critical of themselves, and some even try to courageously resist vicious inclinations. But it doesn't always work out for everyone. After all, vices eventually develop into a habit and become second nature, which is very, very difficult to get rid of.

So, what are these circles that a person encloses himself on all sides, but at the same time tries to break out into the operational space and live a full-blooded interesting life.

The first major drawback laziness. Some smart people claim that she is born before man. Perhaps this is so, because even small children are susceptible to it. But be that as it may, but, since it interferes with life. Because of it, a career collapses, time is wasted, and dreams remain dreams.

The best panacea is to do what you love. Everyone has some kind of hobby. One person can talk for hours about fishing, and another person is not nice without a reeking engine oil repair shop. Therefore, it is desirable to look for a job to your liking, and not at all because it is prestigious or strongly recommended by parents. Laziness is generated by mental discomfort. If a person does not want to do something, then he lies down on the sofa. But how he jumps up sharply when the prospect of doing something interesting appears.

The disadvantages also include categorical or unshakable conviction in his own right. The point is that categoricalness is the first sign of limitation. If a person is absolutely confident in his opinion and does not want to listen to anyone's objections, then what kind of flexibility of mind and intelligence can we talk about. In such "difficult" cases, one should rethink one's life position, change relationships with others. But, as a rule, an arrogant person ignores such simple truths. Only a serious psychological shock can change the usual worldview. But such situations rarely occur in real life.

One of the vicious circles is cunning. A person is constantly inventing something, trying to be smarter than others. And why is this happening? Everything is explained very simply: cunning is one of the main signs of weakness of character. The inability to firmly defend one's point of view, courageously face difficulties and leads to a certain behavioral specificity. Only by tempering yourself internally, you can get rid of this vice.

Insatiable thirst for information also considered a serious vice. IN this case it does not mean the acquisition of the necessary knowledge, but various gossip, conversations, conversations that are completely useless for the mind, but take up a lot of time. Many individuals are able to sit in front of the TV screen for many hours in a row and watch absolutely empty and worthless TV shows.

Here you need to understand that in our time TV channels have divorced like uncut dogs. All of them strive to get viewers in order to make money on advertising as successfully as possible. Therefore, various debates, conversations, discussions are organized different parties life. At the same time, people with a high public rating are invited, and, consequently, the audience's interest in such spectacles increases.

But we should not forget that the participants in such television programs earn money or further increase their rating, which subsequently also contributes to the appearance of crispy banknotes. But what do viewers get from this? Nothing, except that time is running out like sand. Now, if you paid for watching programs, then it would make sense to watch them. But since this is not practiced, it is much more reasonable not to fill your head with nonsense, but to spend time on something useful and necessary.

Now let's pick up the Bible, open it and read: Do not make yourself an idol". However, this biblical covenant is fulfilled only by a few. The main mass of people cannot live without idolatry. The craving for self-abasement is amazingly tenacious. Once our distant ancestors worshiped pagan gods. Times have changed, but traditions remain.

You can be sympathetic to some artist, singer, politician, but making an idol out of him is categorically contraindicated. A person needs to be respected, but not idealized. Inadequate perception leads to inadequate actions, belittling one's own merits and bias. All this can harm your life. On the world should always be viewed critically. In this case, everything will stand in its place, and not lie around anywhere, creating chaos and confusion in thoughts.

Pretty ruin life. This alcohol, smoking, gambling, drugs, computer addiction and so on. No one needs to explain what such addictions lead to. And it gives rise to their dissatisfaction with the existing reality and the lack of clear life guidelines. When a person does not have a goal, he simply goes with the flow, and then he will endure. Sometimes it doesn't go where you want it to go.

To fight with bad habits difficult, and in some cases impossible. It is better not to acquire them, and if you have already acquired them, then try to get rid of them with all your might. But here you need will, character and a great desire to change life for the better. And for this, first of all, it is necessary to change the circle of communication and designate some kind of goal in front of you, to which you should go, no matter what.

Selfishness and indifference- this is perhaps the most unpleasant vicious circle of the human psyche. Selfishness and indifference, disregard for the interests and concerns of other people, what could be worse than this. It is hardly possible to re-educate an egoist. In such cases, they say: "The grave will fix the humpbacked one." But let's not go to extremes. The grave can be replaced with a good life shake. This is when others express universal condemnation and contempt to the self-lover. Similar situations activate self-criticism, without which it is impossible to change your inner world.

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