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Safe use of gel polish. Contraindications for shellac manicure

Nice manicure- This is an important component of the image of every woman. Sometimes it reflects inner world girls and her perception of reality.

When creating a manicure, each of us secretly hopes that it will last a long time on our nails. But as practice shows, any manicure , created at home, is doomed to a short, albeit bright, life. Constant contact with water, housework, cooking in the kitchen, playing sports, playing with children are not easy tests. As a result, the varnish cracks and chips, despite protective covering or using a nail sealing technique.

Whatever beauty industry professionals have come up with in order to create a lasting and, most importantly, long-lasting manicure. We were promoted acrylic nails- as the main panacea for beautiful nails, then gel extension .

Modern manufacturers have recently begun to promote a miracle invention - shellac. Essentially, it's gel and polish in one bottle. During the procedure, you do not get nail extensions, but simply apply color coating, which not only holds for a long time, but also strengthens your own nails.

For several years now, shellac has been at the top of the most popular nail procedures, and is slowly starting to move the extensions that all girls love from the pedestal..

What is shellac and how is it made?

Shellac looks much richer on nails than any varnish, even if you do French . The palette offered by the manufacturer includes all the colors of the rainbow; shades that are fashionable this season .

Shellac is salon procedure, you can do it at home only if you have a certain education, tools and a special lamp. After all, the coating hardens only under the influence of UV rays.

The procedure for applying shellac seems simple in appearance, but it takes time and takes place in several stages, one after another:

  • Nail preparation, which includes shape modeling and cuticle processing.
  • Grinding necessary for this type of manicure. The villi that rise on the surface of the nail plate during the sanding process allow the shellac to adhere tightly to the nail.
  • Disinfection. The antibacterial agent will not only disinfect the surface of the nails, but also degrease them so that the shellac lies evenly on the surface.
  • Application base gel in one layer special equipment.
  • Curing the layer with a UV lamp- it is necessary for the gel to adhere to the surface of the nail. This process takes 25 seconds for each finger.

Shellac for nails: pros and cons

  • Application of colored elastic varnish using a special technique, in one layer.
  • Repeated drying with a UV lamp.
  • Applying the final layer of shellac. In this case, the edge of the nail is sealed (the varnish is applied along the edge of the nail).
  • Fixing the last layer with a UV lamp.
  • Removing excess varnish around the nails, if any.
  • Applying oil to the cuticle. Under the influence of UV rays, the skin dries, the oil softens it.

As you can see, the procedure is quite complicated, so if you are not confident in your abilities, do not try to make shellac yourself.

Pros of shellac

Allows you to grow your nails

Shellac is perfect for those with short and long nails. It solves several main problems at once: if your nails are thin and brittle, it strengthens them and makes it possible to grow them. After all, the nail under the coating does not delaminate or crack.

Stays on nails for a long time

Shellac cannot be removed without special products, which means household chemicals he is not afraid. This gel polish can be worn for up to 3 weeks.

Gives a bright glossy shine

Shellac is the only product that gives incredible shine to nails that does not fade over time.

Pleases with the variety of palettes

Today, shellac manufacturers have developed many color options - from classic pink tones to bright, rich shades. The palette is constantly updated with fashionable seasonal colors.

Shellac for nails: pros and cons /

Shellac is harmless

Shellac does not contain such hazardous substances like formaldehyde. This means that pregnant girls can also get a shellac manicure. It will not cause damage to health, since gentle substances are used in its production.

The coating can be removed by yourself

If you do not want to make a correction, and you are tired of wearing shellac on your nails, you can purchase a special liquid and film at the salon, with which the coating can be easily removed. Instructions included.

Cons of shellac

Not for the sake of rhetoric and not out of fear of competition, many manicurists started talking about the harm that shellac can cause.

Strictly speaking, Shellac is the name of the very first gel polish released to the market. However, very quickly the brand name became a household name, and many girls still continue to call gel polishes from other companies shellac. Now the number of companies producing gel polish manicure products is in the dozens, and they all differ in quality and price. But one thing remains the same: debate about the dangers of gel polish. There are those who consider gel polish dangerous and those who are confident in its safety. We decided to find out whether common beliefs have at least some basis.

Gel polish contains hazardous substances

In fact, gel polish is even safer in its composition regular varnish for nails. It does not contain formaldehyde, toluene and other dangerous toxic ingredients. Gel polish has virtually no odor, does not penetrate the structure of the nail plate, and its use is allowed even during pregnancy.

Gel polish ruins your nails

If the technology of application and removal is followed, gel polish not only does not worsen, but also due to protection from external mechanical influences. Thanks to this, girls with weak nail plates have the opportunity to wear long nails. The main damage to nails occurs due to careless removal of gel polish or excessive sanding during application.

Drying gel polish requires an ultraviolet lamp, the radiation of which is harmful to the skin.

Scientists have proven that excess ultraviolet radiation actually has a detrimental effect on our body. However, nowadays there are not only ultraviolet, but also completely safe LED lamps, which, in addition to everything, are also much more compact than their ultraviolet counterpart. If you use a UV lamp and want to protect yourself from radiation, purchase special cotton gloves that leave only your fingertips exposed, or lubricate your hands with sunscreen.

When drying the gel polish, a burning sensation occurs, which indicates the danger of manicure with gel polish.

The appearance of a burning sensation when drying gel polish is a fairly common phenomenon. But it is not caused by some dangerous reaction between the gel polish and the nail plate. Gel polish begins to heat up under the influence of ultraviolet or LED radiation due to the presence of special photoinitiators in the composition. When they are active, they provoke structural changes in the coating itself, as a result of which it acquires a certain strength. The strength of the burning sensation depends on the number of photoinitiators in the composition, on the thickness of the applied layer, on the individual pain threshold and even female cycle. The only way reduce the burning sensation - remove your hand from the lamp for a few seconds and then return it back.

Removing gel polish is dangerous due to the use of liquids with acetone

Acetone can indeed cause dryness of the nail plate and cause skin irritation. However, acetone is not used to remove gel polish. pure form. Gel polish remover always contains caring components that reduce or even prevent Negative consequences contact with acetone. To reduce the soaking time of gel polish, do not forget to file away upper layer, and to protect the skin, lubricate it with caring oil before wrapping your nails in foil.

Thus, knowing the nuances and observing correct technique Application and removal, gel polish can be considered completely harmless. But it still won’t hurt to treat your nails periodically.

It’s not difficult to achieve beautiful ones in our time. To do this in nail industry there are many ways. From extended nails, women gradually switched to shellac and gel polishes. One of significant reasons This transition resulted in less damage to nails similar procedure. Indeed, when it is subjected to sawing and rough action of gel or acrylic.

Many girls ask the question: “Is shellac harmful for nails, how safe is it?” Advertising for gel polish states that it is absolutely safe, lightweight material, which not only does not provide negative influence, but also strengthens nail plate. In reality, everything is far from so rosy.

Is shellac harmful for nails?

The procedure for applying the material itself involves light sanding of the nail plate. This naturally thins it out. Consequently, the more often you use shellac, the thinner the nail becomes. Therefore, there can be no talk of any benefit.

What causes more harm: regular shellac or extension? Of course, the latter, but shellac is also not the most harmless drug. The harm lies not only in grinding, but also in the technology itself. Base layer serves to ensure that the color is distributed more evenly across the nail. Its second, no less important function is to prevent the gel polish from peeling off and chipping. To do this, it is necessary to allow the material to penetrate into the rough surface of the nail plate, thereby gluing it, as it were. This is the second indicator of the harmfulness of the procedure. Is shellac harmful for nails? Of course, yes, but its proper use can significantly reduce the negative consequences.

Safe use of gel polish

Just like regular nail polish, shellac is applied in one or two coats. But, unlike the first one, it lasts up to three weeks without wearing off or chipping. If you consider how much shellac for nails costs, then its use is quite advisable. It does not need to dry for a long time, and the whole procedure takes very little time. To protect your nails, it is important to give them a break from coating. It is advisable to do this after each time, but women do not always have this opportunity. The optimal decision would be to take a break after three to four months of continuous wear. Of course, the structure of specific nails should be decisive in this situation. Thin people need rest more often than strong and thick ones.

after shellac

After removing shellac, nails should be smeared more often with cuticle oil and restorative enamels and varnishes. In this case, the primary role is played not by the price of the products, but by the regularity of care. Hand creams must contain keratin. Classic, European, or if done regularly, also accelerates nail growth, as well as finger massage in the cuticle area. The salons offer restorative services such as sealing, pi-shine manicures and paraffin treatments. If you act together, your nails will quickly acquire pristine health. Some girls use shellac to strengthen and heal their nails, but this is unacceptable, since there is no benefit from this coating other than aesthetic. But it is definitely not dangerous and does not cause any diseases of the nail plate if the technology is followed.

Pi-shine manicure

There are many ways to regenerate the nail plate. One of the most effective and useful procedures is a pi-shine manicure, or the so-called Japanese. Its essence is to seal vitamins and keratin into the nail plate. The Japanese manicure set includes two pastes. The first consists directly of nutrients, and the second consists mainly of wax, which polishes the nail and protects it from damage. external factors. After the first session, your nails will look healthier and stronger. Japanese manicure gives the nail plate a mirror-like smoothness and shine. A high-quality pi-shine kit costs more than three thousand rubles, so it is more profitable to do this procedure in a salon.

Paraffin therapy as a method of nail restoration

Paraffin has been used in cosmetology for many years. It is famous for its ability to moisturize and nourish human skin. It will not be possible to completely cure damaged nails with its help, but its use will speed up this process. Thanks to regular use paraffin, nails grow faster and become less brittle. It should be applied warmed up at least once a week, and for at least half an hour. Paraffin with various nourishing oils is available for sale. You can go to a beauty salon for the procedure or do it yourself at home. The process itself is very pleasant and promotes relaxation.

Recovery process

Is shellac harmful for nails? This question disappears by itself if you remove the coating and look at the nail plate. It became rougher and thinner. If you don't treat it different ways, it will update itself, but it will take a lot of time. Depending on the length of the plate, the restoration process can take from one and a half to six months. During this period, the damaged part of the nail should grow back completely. And before applying shellac, you need to make sure that the nail plate can withstand such a load. As soon as gel polish is applied to the nails, they become thicker due to several layers of coating, but this is only a temporary effect. After removal, everything returns to its original state or becomes even worse.

Is it worth covering your nails with shellac?

The advantages of shellac over regular varnish are undeniable. At a time when even the most expensive nail polish will last best case scenario a week, and at worst - 1-2 days, gel polish can last almost a month. In addition, it is porous, which allows oxygen to reach the nail, and is non-toxic. It cannot be scratched or smudged because after a few minutes of drying it is virtually invulnerable. How much does shellac nails cost? IN different cities the price for such a service is completely different. In a small provincial town it will cost 200-400 rubles, while in a metropolis the price rises to two thousand. Prices for the gel polish itself also vary, but in general they make it possible to choose inexpensive material good quality. Due to the rhythm of life modern woman Gel polish coating saves a lot of time and nerves, but at the same time takes a toll on your wallet.

How to avoid problems

Unfortunately, most manicurists are disingenuous when answering the question: “Is shellac harmful for nails?” It is not in their interests to scare off clients with stories of dire consequences and long recovery period. First of all, when thinking about how to restore nails after shellac, you need to make sure that the damage done is minimal. The application technology must be strictly followed. Illiterate use can be much more dangerous. When using this service in a salon or at home, you need to take care of the quality of the material and the sterility of the instruments.

Removing shellac plays a significant role. It is unacceptable to file or scrape off the gel polish. For this purpose, many special liquids are sold that will painlessly remove the coating from your nails. On thin and damaged nails shellac will only last a few days, but they have to be treated More than a month. Whether it is worth it is always up to the client to decide, the main thing is not to regret the choice later.

Modern women who fully devote themselves important matters, it is very difficult to find even a couple of minutes a day for self-care. Nevertheless, every girl is simply obliged to look her best. Hands are always visible, which means that they should be given a lot of attention and time. Shellac is great way keep your nails in excellent condition, spending just a few minutes a month on it. Read about what it is and how to do it correctly in our article.

What is shellac

Outwardly, shellac is very similar to ordinary varnish that all women use, but in fact, it is something else. A special coating that is much stronger than usual varnish looks much more attractive and stays on the nails without chipping many times longer. And the technique of applying it to the surface of the nail is slightly different.

It also needs to be dried differently. If ordinary varnish dries in ordinary air without additional impact, then shellac requires drying in a special UV lamp.

What does perfect shellac mean?

Perfect shellac - perfectly applied shellac. But in order to do everything correctly, you need to know the sequence of its application and the ingredients that are required for the manicure. Of course, ideally, before starting a shellac manicure, you attend the appropriate mini-courses. If you don’t want to attach such importance to the situation and don’t want to spend money on courses, then just read our step by step instructions and watch the video at the end of the article, and then you can proceed to the basic manipulations.

The basis quality manicure shellac:

  • compliance with all hygiene recommendations;
  • high-quality polishing of the nail plate and giving perfect shape all nails;
  • minimal amount of base coat applied, with light touching of the end of the nail;
  • drying only in a UV lamp, whose power must be at least 36 W;
  • shellac must be applied strictly from top to bottom, no movements from bottom to top or to the side;
  • For a high-quality manicure, you need to apply the base twice, and dry each one thoroughly under a lamp.

How is shellac made?

Let's carry out small excursion according to the shellac procedure, which will help you create a high-quality manicure.

  1. First of all, you need to remove the cuticle from the nail plate. Ideally, for this you need to use a special softening agent, which can be purchased at professional salon. But, if it is more convenient for you, you can carry out the procedure trim manicure. If the cuticle is very small, use a stick orange tree and move it away, after softening it with butter.
  2. Next you need to prepare the nail plate itself. To do this, it is sanded with a special file, which usually comes with shellac. However, you can save on this point by purchasing a regular soft sanding file. With high-quality processing, you will not notice any difference.
  3. In order for the coating to adhere properly to the nail, it should be treated with a special disinfectant (degreaser). Special attention Pay attention to the inside, the end of the nail and its sides. For these purposes, you can use a product that is sold in specialized stores. True, the cost of the drugs is not cheap, from 500 to 1,500 rubles. To save money, you can replace it with regular nail polish remover. It will also degrease the surface of the nail and dry it, and the price will be much lower.
  4. Next, you need to cover the nail with a base product. And here you won’t be able to save money; nothing can replace it. A low-quality drug, and even more so a fake, can damage the nail, spoiling its health. But a quality product, on the contrary, has medicinal properties, strengthens the nail and prevents negative effects environment. The only way to save money is to apply the base in small quantities. thin layer.
    It is advisable to apply the base in two thin layers. Each of them must be thoroughly dried for 10 seconds in an LED lamp. As already mentioned a little above, the lamp power should not be lower than 36 W. Otherwise, you'll be waiting hours for the coating to set. But that is not all. Low-power lamps upset their owners by the appearance of matte spots on the surface of the nail. Don’t forget to change the lamps - change frequency: at least once every six months. Otherwise, the quality of shellac on nails will decrease.
  5. Roll the jar of shellac between your palms for about 30 seconds. Do not shake the tube, as this may damage the structure of the contents. You shouldn't skimp on the main coating either. High-quality shellac has a pliable structure that self-levels when applied to the surface of the nail. That is, you will avoid streaks and streaks that characterize cheap and underground products.
    Cover the nail plate with a colored compound, but do not seal it side and ends. If by chance the shellac gets into the wrong place, simply remove it with a regular napkin. After the first layer, the shellac on the nails needs to be polymerized for one to two minutes. Remember that the first layer should be very thin, almost transparent. This will prevent the varnish from swelling while drying.
    After this, you can apply a second layer, which may be a little thicker, but you shouldn’t be zealous either. And dry your nails for the same time as the first one.
    In principle, you can refuse the second layer. However, it will make the coating even stronger and the color richer. However, if you are happy with one layer, then you can stop there.
  6. Finally, apply the top coat and cure it in a lamp for about two minutes. Don't try to replace it with your usual fixer - it won't lead to anything good. At a minimum, the shellac will peel off much earlier than the indicated period.
    You do not necessarily have to purchase all the products (base, shellac, top coat) from one company, but it is still advisable. At best, you will not notice the difference if each of the drugs is of high quality. However, if manufacturers used different technology to create your own products, the effect may not be so impressive.
  7. Wipe the nail with a special cloth (without lint) soaked in liquid to remove the sticky layer. In order not to spend money on a specialized drug, you can replace it with regular alcohol. However, you must be prepared for the fact that such savings can deprive the surface of the nail of its shine. Therefore, it is better to test the replacement in advance and see how the coating reacts.

Tools and materials for shellac

After you have become familiar with shellac in theory, you need to move on to practice. To do this, first of all, you should stock up on everything necessary equipment. So, what is needed for this:

  • basic tools for manicure: nippers, spatula, orange wood stick, abrasive file (220-240 grit) and buff;
  • cuticle remover: this can be a softener or a remover oil;
  • a special brush for cleaning nails from dirt;
  • degreaser: you can purchase a special product in a professional salon, or replace it with regular liquid for removing varnish;
  • UV lamp with a power of at least 36 W;
  • base for shellac, which is applied first;
  • color coating, that is, shellac itself;
  • top coating;
  • special, or simple napkins, but without lint;
  • a special preparation for removing the sticky layer from the nail: you can replace it with alcohol or acetone, but before that it is better to check the shellac’s reaction to it - otherwise the shine on the nails may disappear.

The quality of shellac is directly affected by the quality of materials purchased for these purposes. Therefore, in order not to be disappointed at the very first experience, buy only brands that have been tested by time and by professionals. At the same time, price is far from an indicator of quality. Read the reviews and choose what suits you, including the price.

It is desirable if the base, shellac and top coat belong to the same manufacturer and are released from the same series. In this case, you can be sure that all components are 100% compatible. Subsequently, you can try to mix and match your product line.

By the way, it has now become very common to purchase all the above-described elements not individually, but in sets. They include everything you need to create a unique manicure, and the price of these products is quite reasonable, from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles. These kits also include a UV lamp of suitable power.

Shellac for short nails

The shellac procedure is suitable for all lengths of nails: both short and long. At the same time, according to color scheme there are no restrictions, even the opposite - if on long nails black, for example, can look vulgar and defiant, then on short nails there will be no such effect. Earlier, we already talked about manicure on short nails. There you will find tips on color selection and design that you can safely apply during the shellac process.

The extensive experience of professionals helps ordinary users select only high-quality products for themselves. Let's see which brands according to the pros are the best.

Shellac from CND

Many manicurists prefer this particular brand, calling it the best. Due to its thickness, this shellac fits perfectly on the nail even in one layer, and the color is very rich, there are no streaks or streaks. Stays on nails for a very long time, without chipping or scratching. The 7.3 ml capacity is designed for approximately 15-20 manicure sessions. There are two disadvantages - the paucity of the palette, in comparison with other brands, and the price (from 1,000 to 1,500 rubles per tube).

In'Garden So naturally

Excellent shellac, similar in thickness to the previous version, but unlike the first, it does not thicken and deteriorate so quickly. In'Garden So naturally contains: natural ingredients, which contribute to minimal negative impact on the nail. However, you should not wear it on your nails for a long time; a strong fixation on the nail plate will make its appearance not very attractive. For some clients, after these varnishes, their nails became yellowish tint. The cost of shellac is approximately 500 rubles.

Color Couture by Entity One

This type of varnish has been developed for many years, which has led to a large number benefits. The product is very easy to apply and has self-leveling properties that perfectly smooth out any unevenness in the nail, if any. The thickness is average, it applies without streaks or streaks. It is also worth highlighting good form brushes, with which manicure becomes a complete pleasure. The durability of the varnish is also excellent - careful wear provides 3 weeks of bright rich color. The wide range of colors includes 140 shades from cold to warm and pearlescent. The only negative is the price: about 1,000 rubles per tube.

How long does shellac last?

Everyone by default believes that shellac lasts on nails for about a month. And this is to some extent true. But the timing directly depends on many factors. Firstly, the quality of the materials used. The higher it is, the longer term shellac socks. Secondly, compliance with all coating application rules. For example, if a degreaser was not used, the gel polish will come off in the coming days.

Constant contact of nails with water or temperature changes can form wet cracks on the surface of the nail, which later appear in the form of chips. The latter also often form on thin and weakened nails. Professionals have long noticed that the stronger and healthier nails, the longer shellac lasts.

If all the above factors are absent and all the rules for preparing and applying gel polish are followed, then such a manicure will last on your nails for up to three weeks. At the same time, it will retain all its aesthetic qualities until the very moment of its removal.

The deadlines are deadlines, but you need to take into account that when the nail grows, shellac no longer looks so attractive when the plate of a clean nail peeks out from under the coating. So if your nails grow quickly, then you will have to change the polish much faster than expected.

Is it possible to make shellac at home?

Modern nail art has stepped far forward and now, salon manicure has become even more accessible. We can say with all confidence - yes, the shellac procedure can be done at home, with your own efforts.

Of course, you will have to get used to the new manicure and perhaps not everything will turn out right the first time, but you shouldn’t stop. All comes with experience. Purchase quality materials, tools and a lamp, be optimistic and patient, follow the manicure technique and you will definitely succeed!

How does shellac differ from ordinary varnishes and gels?

At first glance, shellac and gel are no different, but there is still a difference and it is very significant for the health of the nails.

Before applying regular gel varnish, the nail plate is strongly ground off. Thus, the surface of the nail is very damaged and becomes thinner. The same applies to the withdrawal procedure. There is an aggressive effect on the surface.

But before applying shellac, it is enough to polish and degrease the nail plate. These are much more gentle than the previous option. To remove the composition from your nails, just use special liquid for removing shellac.

Taking into account this seemingly insignificant nuance, shellac coating is much better than gels. In addition, its wear time is in no way inferior to the last ones.

Pros and cons of shellac

Everywhere has its pros and cons, including shellac. We recommend that before applying the coating, you familiarize yourself with each of the points and only after that make a decision about the procedure.

Advantages of shellac

  • A huge advantage of shellac is its “shelf life”. Having applied it to your nails once, you will forget what a manicure is for two or even three weeks. At the same time, all the original aesthetic qualities will remain unchanged: there will be no chips or loss of shine. But it is still possible to damage it during “wearing,” for example, if you purposefully influence the nail with cutting and prickly objects.
  • Due to the absence of formaldehyde, toluene and other harmful drugs, shellac is absolutely harmless to nails. Something you can go with wonderful manicure for such a long time is undoubtedly a huge plus in his piggy bank.
  • For owners brittle nails shellac will be a real salvation. The coating with this varnish is so dense that it keeps the nail in its original state, preventing it from breaking and peeling. It was thanks to shellac that many girls managed to grow long beautiful nails.
  • A wide range of shellac colors will allow you to create a real masterpiece. At the same time, due to drying in a UV lamp, the color remains sparkling and rich.
  • You can do a manicure with shellac yourself, just like removing it from the nail plate. To do this, you do not need to have any unique skills or take courses; it is enough to know the sequence of application of the products and purchase the necessary equipment.

Disadvantages of shellac

And now about the disadvantages that also exist.

  • Yes, thanks to shellac you can grow long nails, but it will be temporary. It is not a medicinal drug, but serves purely aesthetic qualities. Therefore, you should not expect any special miracles.
  • Incorrectly applying shellac or ignoring the rules for working with it will not full effect procedures. Chips may appear on the second day, or the coating will completely come off on its own.
  • It is possible that it will be inconvenient for someone to work with shellac, since some of them are very fluid, which will create serious problems when applied.
  • When nails with “old” shellac grow out, it looks completely unsightly, even if the shine of the coating itself looks fresh. This is especially inconvenient for those whose nails grow very quickly.
  • Shellac is not suitable for those who have fungal diseases nails
  • Several factors can affect the longevity of shellac. For example, than thinner nail, the less the coating will last. Also, with constant and prolonged contact of hands with water, shellac may begin to fall off.
  • The coating does not like temperature changes. Even hardened shellac begins to delaminate, creating microcracks, which, of course, will not be visible to the naked eye. However, it is through them that microorganisms (dust, dirt, etc.) will have access to the nail, which in turn can cause fungal diseases.
  • Another one, although not very much significant disadvantage You can name the cost of shellac, which is significantly higher than the prices of simple varnishes.
  • Some shellacs can give the nails a yellowish appearance, which, in principle, goes away after several healing and restoration sessions.

When should you not use shellac?

In principle, shellac has no contraindications as such, except for one - nail fungus. In this case, it is better to undergo a course of treatment, and then, when the nails are already healthy, enjoy all the delights of shellac.

It is better to postpone the shellac procedure if you are taking any medical supplies, especially antibiotics. The connection is unclear, but this is the opinion of experts. It is also not recommended to work with the coating on weakened nails. It is advisable to carry out a course of restoration and strengthening, and only then apply shellac.

If your nails are strong and healthy, this is the key to a high-quality and beautiful manicure!

Nails after shellac

Proper use of shellac does not harm the nails as much as many people think, but the reaction of each body is individual. If some do not notice anything, then for others the health of the marigolds may deteriorate. The coating will make them even more brittle and flaky. This can be quickly eliminated by organizing your nails proper care, which will quickly return them to health. Below are 9 useful tips which will help strengthen the nail plate after shellac.

  • Olive oil. This oil has proven itself excellent as a strengthening agent. Before use, it should be slightly warmed in a water bath. Then the tips of the fingers are lowered into the bowl of oil and fixed in this position for 10 minutes. The procedure should be done every day for at least one week.
  • Vitamins A, C, D and E are your allies in the fight for beautiful and strong nails. Satiate your daily diet products rich in these vitamins and the result will appear very soon.
  • For two minutes, daily, rub fresh lemon juice, and then wash it off with water.
  • A mask of sour berries will perfectly restore the surface of the nail, strengthen it and add shine. Cranberries, red currants or lingonberries are good for healing. Take a handful of fruits and chop it. Apply the paste to your nails for 15 minutes and then remove with water.
  • Regular iodine perfectly restores nails, which cotton swab rubbed into the nail plate. There is no need to wash it off; it will disappear on its own over time.
  • The salons provide nail sealing services. The latter are rubbed special composition, which includes beeswax and honey All this is covered with a film that reliably protects the nail from damage.
  • 10 minute bath with sea ​​salt can breathe life into tired nails. Just dilute in small quantity warm liquid with a tablespoon of salt and soak your feet for the specified amount of time. Regularity of the procedure: 2-3 times every seven days.
  • Use 25-minute paraffin baths, which, by the way, will be useful not only for nails, but also for the skin of your hands in general.
  • Use special care medicinal preparations for nails, which are sold in pharmacies. They are applied like regular varnish, which makes them as convenient to use as possible.

Is it possible to do shellac while pregnant?

As already mentioned a little above, shellac does not contain harmful chemical ingredients, which makes it an absolutely safe coating even for expectant mothers. On the contrary, it will significantly save time on manicure and pedicure, and you can more attention devote beneficial care behind yourself and preparing for the appearance long-awaited baby to the light.

Shellac photo

As already mentioned a little above, shellac is very difficult to distinguish in appearance from ordinary nail polish that everyone is familiar with. But there is one peculiarity - shellac is almost always sold in closed tubes. That is, you will not see the true color of the varnish through glass, like with usual means. This is what shellac looks like. Depending on the brand and series, the drugs may differ.

Those who are wary of nail extensions do not like lengthy procedures in manicure salon and gets tired of having to renew a layer of nail polish every few days, the “Beautiful and Successful” website invites you to get acquainted with the new product. The speech will go today about a hybrid of nail polish and gel, creating a perfectly smooth and stable coating. This is the quality that shellac nails have - the most suitable option for women who prefer natural style. Unlike regular varnish, shellac is very durable. But this is far from its only advantage.

Shellac: a fundamentally new word in cosmetology

Shellac for coating nails was created relatively recently, and it has been known on the market for manicure products for literally several years. Initially, the gel polish was presented in only 12 tones. Today there are twice as many shades, which allows you to create beautiful coating for every taste.

Using Shellac varnish you can create beautiful manicure for two weeks. A pedicure will look like it came from a salon, even longer - up to a month. Thus, for those who want to go on vacation, shellac will save them from the hassle of correcting manicures and pedicures for the entire trip.

But first, before your vacation, it’s better to try and see how the gel polish will wear on your nails (so that there is no unpleasant situations with a peeling coating, because each nail reacts individually).

Therefore, now, when the holiday season is just around the corner, it’s worth taking a closer look at this technology to understand: it’s worth choosing shellac for beautiful and natural nails or, for example, prefer it for a spectacular manicure.

Beauty and health of nails - in one bottle

Many people know what you can do with gel stronger and more beautiful even peeling, brittle and dull nails. A transparent shiny layer of gel applied on top of the nail plate looks very impressive and natural.

However, in order to make your nails more vibrant, they need to be coated with a layer of varnish. That, in turn, needs to be applied very carefully, then wait until the surface hardens thoroughly. And in the end, dents, irregularities, and scratches still appear on the varnish coating. After a couple of days, the tedious and tedious procedure of applying varnish to your fingernails or toenails must be repeated, otherwise they will begin to look sloppy. And so on endlessly.

With shellac to cover nails, everything becomes much easier. One visit to the salon immediately replaces a layer of gel protecting the nail plate, And varnish coating giving nails desired color. In one procedure, which lasts about 40 minutes, the master will make your nails beautiful and well-groomed. The secret of such a wonderful effect lies in the special composition of Shellac varnish and the technique of its application.

How to apply Shellac

The site site found out that the creation process manicure with shellac varnish healthy or fragile nails looks almost the same and consists of the following steps:

  1. Produced using an antibacterial agent cleaning the nail surface to prevent any infection from occurring and to prepare the nail for a layer of Shellac. And in general, nails are treated with an antiseptic before each procedure with them. As clients of beauty salons, you should know this by heart!
  2. Master gives nails the desired shape using a nail file. If the nails split, their edges are cleaned with a special brush, as is done when coating with regular varnish.
  3. The nail is covered a thin layer of special base shellac. The hand is placed under a UV lamp, where the base polymerizes under the influence of ultraviolet light. For the base to completely harden, 10 seconds under the lamp is enough.
  4. With a comfortable brush and confident movements base coat of varnish is applied Shellac to add color to the nail. As a rule, application to the nail takes place in two stages to create a more saturated shade. The coating is carefully leveled, all defects are eliminated using a special pencil-shaped product. After the master is convinced that the coating is flawless, the hand is again placed under the lamp. Polymerization of the coating will occur within two minutes.
  5. The final stage – applying fixing, which is also treated with ultraviolet light for two minutes.
  6. A product is applied to a special sponge to remove the sticky layer from the nail, which is used to final surface treatment.

Shellac nails: disadvantages

U this tool There are practically no downsides.

If we talk about the disadvantages of such coverage, we can mention the following:

  • Shellac is easier to apply in salons: Without an ultraviolet lamp, it simply will not harden. Of course you can buy ultraviolet lamp and all the materials necessary for a Shellac manicure, but it won’t be cheap: for everything together you’ll have to pay at least 7 thousand rubles. But this investment does not guarantee good result without knowledge of the subtleties and nuances of working with shilak coating, because the master learns all this during training and as a result of a long practical work. For comparison: a salon procedure costs about 1.5 thousand.
  • Color palette not very rich, although it is constantly expanding.
  • To remove It is advisable to use shellac special means and special devices, so it should be removed again in the cabin. And for those who love variety, changing the color of their nails will cost a pretty penny. However, those who like to repaint their nails every day may not need shellac at all.
  • And keep in mind: shellac is not for everyone! As practice shows, it is not suitable for all nails. On thin, weakened nails and on hands that are in water every day or work on a computer, it may not last even a week!

Perhaps, apart from these minor shortcomings, the gel polish cannot be reproached with anything else. Well, except to find fault with the fact that he won’t make his nails longer. However, here you can also notice that there are extensions for long nails.

Shellac is a combination of useful and pleasant

The procedure for applying shellac for the beauty of nails and their strengthening has one more positive point - pleasant sensations accompanying the entire process. After the coating has already hardened, apply it to the base of the nail. nourishing oil and then the master does hand massage, having previously applied to them cream. Oil and cream nourish the skin and cuticles, making hands young, well-groomed and beautiful. Massage relaxes, relieves tension, affects active points , positively affecting the entire body. After the procedure with shellac, there is no fatigue and no fear of ruining the manicure with careless movements.

Shellac nail polish solves the problems of many women. Try it and join the ranks of those who have already understood all the benefits of using gel polish.

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