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The pregnancy test showed 2. What to do if the test is positive. Tablet pregnancy tests

A pregnancy test is a convenient invention that allows a woman to find out about her situation long before visiting a doctor. The result obtained at home will help you find out if you are pregnant, provided correct use test.

Express diagnostics has a number of features that also depend on the type of device.

The principle of operation of any test to determine whether conception has occurred is similar - it is a reaction to the content of a special hormone in a woman’s urine - human chorionic gonadotropin. It is called hCG for short, and the body begins to synthesize it after the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining for further development.

That is, a positive pregnancy test can only be seen after conception has occurred.

An important question for many women is when to take a pregnancy test. It should be taken into account here that in the first days after conception the amount of hCG in the urine is minimal, but these figures increase every day. To obtain exact result as early as possible, it is better to donate blood from a vein to the laboratory at early stages suspected pregnancy. This way, the result can be obtained approximately 5 days earlier, before the test shows two stripes. And even a barely visible second stripe in the first days after conception makes women doubt.


The instructions for the pregnancy test are something that you must read. After all, the accuracy of the result depends on the correct use of the device. Much depends on the type of rapid test, of which there are several.

Strip test (or test strip)

An inexpensive and most common device in the form of a paper strip with a reagent applied to it. There are usually no questions about how to use it. Morning urine must be collected in a clean container, lower the strip for about 10-15 seconds, and place the test on a dry surface.

The result will appear in a few minutes. Here, too, everything is simple: one stripe - there was no conception, two stripes - conception did occur.


The principle of the device is similar to the previous one, only paper strip is housed in a plastic case. When is the best time to take this type of pregnancy test? Also in the morning. Only here you need to use the attached pipette to drop morning urine onto a special window in the device. The result is also assessed by the number of stripes.


Probably the most convenient device, it does not require urine collection. To obtain the test, you need to place it under a stream of urine and not necessarily in the morning, since tests of this type are more sensitive.

The result is the same stripes again - two or one.


If you choose an electronic pregnancy test, the price will be significantly higher than a simple test strip. But the result should be expected to be as accurate as possible.

The kit includes a sample receiver, which either needs to be held under stream of urine or placed in a container with the collected liquid. The difference with other types of devices is when the results are shown. The result should be assessed after 3 minutes. The result is “+” or “-”, which respectively means the presence or absence of pregnancy.

When to do it?

It is best to take urine in the morning for testing. The reason is that it contains the highest concentration of substances, including.

But jet-type tests can be done at any time of the day due to their higher sensitivity. They indicate 10 mIU/ml.

Before the delay

The test result depends on the hCG content in the woman’s urine. The amount of the hormone increases every day. Will the test show an accurate result before the delay? Here again everything depends on the sensitivity of the device. Some of them, and, as a rule, the most expensive ones, are able to determine the presence of pregnancy 7 days after the expected conception, that is, before.

But already a week after the delay probable conception is able to show any test, since hCG level already quite high.

Could the result be wrong?

Whether a pregnancy test can be wrong depends on the device itself. Manufacturers, as a rule, indicate on the packaging an accuracy of up to 95 - 99%. This means there is 1 - 5% left for an incorrect result.

Causes false negative result may be as follows:

  • testing was carried out very early, so the content of hCG in a woman’s urine is not enough to determine;
  • incorrect testing (you should read the instructions);
  • a device with an expired expiration date was used (this must be checked upon purchase);
  • drink a large amount of liquid on the eve of testing (urine becomes less concentrated, which means the amount of hCG decreases).

If the test is false positive, the reasons may be:

  • reception by a woman medicines in the treatment of infertility (these are usually injections that contain the hCG hormone);
  • little time has passed since the miscarriage or premature birth(remnants of the embryo may remain in the uterus);
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms.

It is worth mentioning that very weak second stripe. If it is, then there is a pregnancy, but the hCG content in the urine is still too low.

If you have doubts about the test result, you should repeat it again after three days. During this time, the amount of hCG will increase, and the second band will appear brighter.

For ectopic pregnancy

The test at will have . After all, almost the same thing happens in the body as during normal pregnancy, with the exception of the place of attachment of the embryo. The egg is fertilized, the embryo develops, and therefore hCG is produced in the body.

It is important to recognize ectopic fetal development in time to avoid dangerous consequences. Her random interruption usually occurs at 7-8 weeks, which is accompanied severe pain and bleeding.

You can suspect an ectopic pregnancy if you have symptoms such as nagging pain in the abdomen and bloody issues with a positive test. If there are such signs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

To confirm ectopic pregnancy An ultrasound will be performed and a blood test for hCG will be taken. Here the dynamics of the hormone content is taken into account, since when ectopic development fetal hCG content in the blood is below normal.

What will the test show? If during the first test there were two clear bands, and after some time the device shows negative result, there will be a suspicion of fetal fading.

This diagnosis can only be confirmed by a doctor after an examination. What to do if a woman sees a positive pregnancy test depends only on her. Some will be upset, but for others this will be the most desirable result. Expectant mothers can only wish them peace of mind, less nerves, and adhere to healthy image

life and eating right. And, of course, it is necessary to make a visit to the doctor as early as possible for examination and to receive important recommendations.

Video about proper use

Pregnancy - you have been dreaming about it for a long time and are waiting for this moment with bated breath. Or does this event cause you fear? In any case, you purchased a modern pregnancy test, carried out necessary procedure

and saw a faint second stripe.

What does this mean, whether it could be an error, and what other methods are used to check the result, we’ll look into it further.

How does a pregnancy test work?

The main characteristic is that it is an indicator, an indicator of the presence of pregnancy. It detects human chorionic gonadotropin, which is produced in a woman’s body. HCG is a special hormone protein produced by the membrane developing fetus

already in the first days of conception. It develops throughout 9 months. This reagent gradually accumulates in a woman’s body and reaches the level to which the test already reacts. Various types of tests have the ability to determine whether a woman is preparing to become a mother from the first day of absence menstrual cycle

, i.e. they will give a yes or no answer to the question.

1) Types of tests: Paper or cloth – these are tests impregnated with a special reagent (labeled antibodies to hCG). They include a test and control section. To find out the result, you need to collect urine in a dry container. Then lower the strip strip there to the limit line marked by arrows. After waiting less than a minute, the test must be removed and allowed to dry. During the procedure, urine enters the test area through special channels. In the test zone you can see one strip, which is the control. If a second stripe appears, this will mean positive result, i.e. pregnancy. Keep in mind that both strips should be parallel, be the same thickness and have a distinct, clear color. However, it is possible that the result will be when the second stripe is barely visible. Reuse the specified test is not allowed. It will be possible to carry out additional procedures, which we will discuss below.

2) Tablet tests- V in this case the test strip is located in the so-called plastic tablet. To use it, you need to use a pipette to apply a drop of urine to the first window. If the colorless reagent turns coloured, this will mean you are pregnant.

3) Inkjet and electronic tests These are new generation tests. They show more accurate results and are easy to use. You just need to substitute it for a while while urinating and see the result after some time. A plus means the presence of pregnancy, and a minus means the absence.

Failure to follow the instructions for the test could cause a weak second line?

In our article we will talk about the first type of test and its features. Before using any type of test, be sure to read the instructions. It will detail the application procedure. However, there are a number of common simple rules, the implementation of which will minimize the appearance of a pale second line on the test.

1. It is recommended to carry out this procedure no earlier than a few days after a missed period. Young mothers rush to use the test on the first day after the menstrual cycle is delayed. However, this will be a premature action and the result will not be 100% guaranteed. You'll also be wondering what it means when you see a faint second line on your pregnancy test.

2. When carrying out the procedure, it is advisable to use morning urine, since it is at this time that it contains a high concentration of the hormone. This advice is advisory in nature, since this action can be carried out at any time of the day, but the reliability of the result will be in question.

3. Do not consume immediately before the test. a large number of liquids and various diuretics.

4. The impact of urine on the test should be approximately 10-15 seconds. Inaccurate timing may result in incorrect results or the second line being barely visible.

5. Be sure to spend hygiene procedures. Failure to do so may also result in inaccurate results.

6. Keep in mind that you will not see results instantly. After substances react with each other, necessary information you can get it in about 10-15 minutes.

The appearance of a weak second line on the test - could it be an error?

When taking a pregnancy test, you should always consider the possibility that it may not give an accurate answer to your question. It's about about the case when the second line on the test is barely visible. There are possible errors here, which are divided into two types:

1) false negative– there is a pregnancy, but the test shows a negative result or the second line is barely visible;

2) false positive- there is no pregnancy, but the test shows a positive result or the second line is pale. This is a fairly rare case, since the likelihood of such an outcome is very low.

Let's look at the reasons.

1. Presence of pregnancy. In practice, very often an erroneous result indicates the presence of pregnancy.

2. The second stripe may be barely visible when no pregnancy.

3. You spend very early test. The minimum content of the hCG reagent leads to the fact that it shows up very weakly on a pregnancy test. You may get this result if you test on the first day after possible conception(sexual intercourse), a week before menstruation or in some cases on the first day of a missed period.

4. Poor quality test. This option also cannot be excluded, since very often there are cases when a weak second line means that the pregnancy test is spoiled, expired or defective. You should be alarmed if both stripes have a blurred and unexpressed color, the control zone is covered with spots, or a red stripe appears below. Be sure to check the expiration date on the packaging.

5. Low test sensitivity. Modern tests characterized by sensitivity from 10 to 25 mME/ml. If the test’s sensitivity is not high, then in the early stages the indicator of pregnancy may be distorted.

6. Large amount of liquid splashed onto the test. Incorrect use of the test by a new mother can also lead to an erroneous result.

7. Menstrual irregularities associated with any nervous shocks or hormonal disorders can lead to a false result.

8. Using the test after an abortion. At this time, the woman’s level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood is still at high level and did not decline. In addition, she is prescribed antibiotics and contraceptives, which are necessary to restore hormonal levels. The substances they contain can lead to wrong result.

9. A pale second line may also appear when a woman for a long time took fertility drugs if she has impaired kidney function, various tumors or other pathologies.

10. In case artificial insemination , the hormones used may also show the appearance of a second pale stripes. Here the test must be carried out at least two weeks after fertilization;

11. Frozen pregnancy, i.e. in fact, it exists, but for some reason it has stopped developing. In the early stages, a woman may not identify signs of a frozen pregnancy. However, we should be wary abrupt cessation signs have appeared (chest pain has stopped, toxicosis is absent), pain in the lower abdomen, increased bleeding or fever.

12. Ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the second strip remains pale even after two weeks of delay. Additional signs Such a pregnancy may include: nagging pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back or in one of the ovaries, as well as spotting.

Important: pregnancy occurring with pathologies poses a danger to the life and health of a woman.

How to check the result and find out the reasons for the appearance of a barely noticeable second line on the test?

When using a pregnancy test, you should always remember that guaranteed result Only an experienced doctor at a medical institution can give you this. However, if you are not ready and want to find out what a weak second line on a pregnancy test means, then we suggest you the following options.

1. Repeated diagnostics. The simplest method, which involves repeated testing taking into account all the necessary factors. Don't take it straight away on the same day. Waiting a few days after receiving the initial result will increase the chance of a more specific and correct result. If repeated analysis leaves you in doubt, it is recommended to following procedures.

2. Blood for hCG. HCG is a hormone that is produced in a woman’s body exclusively during pregnancy. It allows you to block the onset of menstruation and increase the production of hormones necessary to maintain pregnancy. At the very beginning, it rises in the blood and then in the urine. Because of this, a blood test will give more correct results and several weeks earlier. Also, the content of this hormone in the blood is much higher than in the urine. This blood test can be performed immediately on the first day of a missed menstrual cycle or 20-30 days after the first day last menstrual period. The level of hCG in her blood depends on how far along a pregnant woman is. Until week 12, it approximately doubles every 48 hours, and then begins to decrease.

3. Ultrasound. The ultrasound examination procedure will help confirm the presence or absence of pregnancy and detect in time possible complications or fetal disease. However, you should not abuse it. The first planned ultrasound is prescribed after the 10th week. But, if necessary, ultrasonography It is possible to carry out it at an earlier date.

4. The doctor's consultation. Be sure to carry out this procedure, regardless of what results the previous tests showed. At your initial appointment, you will be asked to tell us the date of your last menstrual period, what birth control you used, and whether you have any chronic illnesses or allergies to any medications. An examination by a doctor will confirm or deny the fact of pregnancy, and will also determine the subsequent tactics for managing pregnancy. Unlike strip tests and other tests, based on the results of hCG and ultrasound, doctors will be able to determine the duration of your pregnancy.

Thus, in any case, a woman should seek advice from doctors, since her health and, if pregnant, her unborn child depend on this. If you intend to maintain a possible pregnancy, you can not do this immediately, but after a couple of weeks from the onset of pregnancy. weak second strips, provided that there is no pain, discharge or other unpleasant symptoms.

When a girl hopes to become pregnant (or, conversely, carefully avoids this situation), she buys a test even at the slightest sign of conception. From what period a pregnancy test shows a positive result directly depends on individual characteristics female body and research method.

This self-diagnosis method is common among modern women. The main advantages of testing are:

  • low price;
  • availability;
  • ease of use;
  • anonymity;
  • reliable result.

To have an idea of ​​when to take a pregnancy test, you need to understand how it works. Any such device is programmed to search for a specific structure - human chorionic gonadotropin. This substance begins to be produced female body immediately after attachment ovum in the cavity reproductive organ. First, the concentration of the unique hormone increases in the blood. Some time after implantation, it begins to increase in the urine. It is during this period that it is better to take a test in order to quickly find out about the new situation.

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When human chorionic gonadotropin is detected, the strip strips show the reagent. As a result of this, women see a positive result - two lines. When the pregnancy hormone is absent in the urine or its concentration is not yet high enough, the device shows one line - the control line. It indicates that the research was carried out correctly.

HCG level in urine

In a non-pregnant state, the level of hCG in the blood does not exceed 2-3 IU. In urine this amount is even less. Immediately after implantation, which occurs 3-7 days after the release of the egg, the amount of the pregnancy indicator begins to increase. Every day it increases by 1.5-2 times. How many days after conception the test will show pregnancy, the norm table will help you roughly determine.

In this table you can see what the content of hCG is in the urine by day from conception.

You should take into account the fact that the moment of sexual intercourse does not always coincide with ovulation. Sperm can exist in a woman’s body for up to 7 days. For this reason, it is necessary to count from the day the egg leaves the ovary. You can reliably determine the moment of ovulation using appropriate tests, measuring basal temperature or by ultrasound.

The most sensitive tests

How many days later the test will show pregnancy after conception depends entirely on its sensitivity. Modern manufacturers of research instruments promise diagnostic accuracy of 99% even before the delay. However, one should not believe loud slogans and promising statements. It is necessary to understand test systems in order to know when to use one or another.

The sole purpose of non-pregnancy tests is to detect human chorionic gonadotropin in research material. On what day after conception it will be installed depends on the sensitivity of the system. All characteristics of the device are indicated on the packaging. Tests with a sensitivity of 20 and 25 mUl/ml are popular, but you can also purchase strips with a value of 10, 15 and 30. This figure shows the minimum level of human chorionic gonadotropin, which is necessary to establish a new position.

  • EVA is a test that is classified as an insensitive but accurate device. It determines pregnancy when at least 30 mU of hCG is present in the urine, which means that the probability false positive result quite small for them.
  • Itest, Vera, Mon Ami, Frautest have a sensitivity of 25 mE. Such tests are the most popular.
  • Lady, Evitest, Mama Check with a sensitivity of 20 mU allow you to determine pregnancy 1.5-2 weeks after conception. However, before the delay, they still sometimes give a false result.
  • Insure, Clever Girl, which detect 12.5 mU of hCG in urine, give early result. According to the manufacturers' promises, they show two stripes within a week after ovulation.
  • BB test and First Sign position themselves as highly sensitive tests. They react when the level of pregnancy hormone in the urine reaches 10 mU. According to reviews, such devices often show a false positive result.

Should you trust the manufacturers?

Many manufacturers of home diagnostic devices use a marketing ploy and indicate on the packaging of their product the exact number on what day of conception a pregnancy test will show a positive result. You can buy systems at the pharmacy or supermarket that promise an accurate answer 1, 2, 4 or even 8 days before the delay. In fact, such statements cannot be trusted. The lower the sensitivity number of the device, the less hCG it needs to establish pregnancy, the sooner - according to the manufacturer - the test will show. Most gynecologists recommend conducting the study no earlier than on the first day of the delay. In this case, the result will be most accurate.

Before menstruation is delayed, many representatives of the fairer sex test positive. This is evidenced by their reviews. But often the device gives a negative answer, when after some time the pregnancy is confirmed. The cause of a false negative result is insufficient increase in hCG or incorrect application of the test. False positives are less common. Its reasons may be internal diseases, for example, tumors. If the test shows 2 lines, but the woman is definitely not pregnant, then she needs to be examined.

Commented by an obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of the highest category, candidate medical sciences, director of the family clinic "Repromed":

— Implantation of the embryo usually occurs on days 21-24 of the cycle, the secretion of hormones reflecting the onset of pregnancy (hCG) begins during the first days after fertilization, but the concentration is before implantation and the first stages of trophoblast development ( future placenta) is too small to be detected when taking tests (both blood and urine). Blood and urine tests on the 3-4th day of missed period become informative. Blood values ​​(hCG) have quantitative characteristics and therefore more accurately reflect the situation.

They are also important for differential diagnosis uterine and ectopic pregnancy. Determining serum hCG over time (at intervals of 2 weeks) is also important if there is a risk of pregnancy regression.

Pregnancy tests (urine) are also based on the detection of hCG, usually qualitative research. For more accurate results, it is necessary to donate blood. In any case, it is advisable to consult a doctor if the pregnancy test is positive (or doubtful).

How to get an accurate result

When to take a pregnancy test, each woman decides for herself. If there is already a delay in menstruation, then the time of diagnosis does not matter. When you want to do a test the very next day after conception, and you barely have the patience to wait 7-10 days after ovulation to examine the biomaterial for signs of pregnancy, then you need to adhere to certain rules:

  • choose the morning time for testing (the first portion of urine after waking up contains a larger amount of human chorionic gonadotropin, since its growth occurs mainly at night);
  • find a clean container to collect the material (if a tablet test or strip strip is used, the container must be clean, otherwise various liquid impurities may affect the test result);
  • observe the time (the instructions for use indicate not only when you can take a pregnancy test, but also the time that you need to keep the strip strip in the biomaterial);
  • correctly interpret the result (it is necessary to evaluate the test response within 3-5 minutes; most devices become uninformative after 10 minutes, and the reagent begins to appear on their surface).

Various disorders can affect the diagnostic result. For example, if you use the test in the evening and drink a lot of water beforehand, the answer will be skewed towards negative. For this reason, manufacturers of all devices unanimously recommend refraining from urinating 2-4 hours before diagnosis, and also not drinking liquid during this period of time. Under such conditions, urine will be more concentrated, which will eliminate errors and false results.

What time to take the test

When to take a pregnancy test is not that important. If you follow all the rules, then after a delay you can conduct the study even in the evening or at night. It is not at all necessary to wait for the morning portion of urine. But it should be noted: the later the diagnosis is made, the greater the chances of receiving an accurate answer.

Taking certain medicines may also affect the test result. Women planning pregnancy may be prescribed stimulation, which includes injections of human chorionic gonadotropin. This substance is removed from the body in about 2 weeks. Therefore, early testing may show a positive result in the absence of real pregnancy. Taking diuretics and certain medications to reduce blood pressure accelerates the excretion of urine from the body, as a result of which the concentration of the pregnant hormone in the biomaterial decreases.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that the best time to take a pregnancy test is a few days after the delay. In this case, the result will be as accurate as possible, and the study can be carried out in the morning, afternoon or evening - whichever is more convenient for the woman.

If patience is not enough, and you want to find out about the pregnancy as soon as possible, then it is better to donate blood to determine hCG. This study will give a more accurate and earlier result. The analysis can be carried out as early as 5-7 days after ovulation (not to be confused with sexual intercourse). It is important to understand how a pregnancy test works: from what period it shows depends on its sensitivity. How less value IE indicated on the package, the greater the chances of early diagnosis.

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