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Read stories and novels about adultery. The most realistic novel ever. Loyalty and betrayal: arguments for writing, quotes

We have made a selection of books about the burning. And not just for girls, no.

Bernhard Schlink
"Another man"

"ABC Classics", 2011, 288 pages, hardcover
Age restrictions: 16+
Score: 5

Sad, viscous, gray stories about a merciless duet - life and time, which irretrievably devour relationships, grinding with their teeth and the people themselves. There are seven stories in the book: "Girl with a Lizard", "The Other Man", "Treason", "Sweet Pea", "Circumcision", "Son", "Gas Station Woman". Everywhere here life is pain. For example, a man's wife died from a severe illness, and then he suddenly receives a letter from her lover, which he did not suspect. What does a man do? Enters into correspondence. On behalf of the wife. Yes, it's hard, but what can you do?

Despite the hopelessness and sadness, everything at Schlink is served so measuredly, deliciously, as if you were sitting at the kitchen table in the evening with such a kind neighbor in years, absorbing a diluted concentrate of his memories and slowly catching up: a person somewhere was unlucky in life, but on the whole he does not complain. And I want one thing: so that the next story does not end "right now." Excites to shiver.

Julian Barnes
"How it was"

"AST", 2003, 252 pages, hardcover
Age restrictions: 18+
Score: 4

A sort of interview for three, yeah. Two male personas: Stuart is a bank employee, Oliver is a creative soul. Plus the lady is Jill, Stewart's wife, breathing unevenly towards Oliver. Each hero of the love triangle broadcasts from his bell tower how adultery happened. And the reader is left ... Nothing remains, in fact. The points of view of the comrades are so different, and everyone's feelings are a tight ball. Listen to everyone equally, and keep your sympathy or antipathy to yourself, none of the heroes expects anything like this from you.

It will be important to remember (suddenly it will come in handy in life) what is the difference between "having it in Dutch" from "kissing in Edinburgh style", and that it is better several times the first than once the second. Those who are not particularly happy with the ending will be pleased with the fact that the book has a sequel.

Herve Bazin
"Anatomy of a Divorce"

Ripol-classic, 2002, 349 pages, hardcover
Age restrictions: 18+
Score: 5

Guys! When a woman nags, tirelessly, mutates into the last bitch - slip this book as if by chance. Dope as a hand will remove and for a long time. For smart and practical people, the book will become an instruction, as in marital relations you don't have to behave. Or something like a strict debriefing.

The bottom line: the husband cheated, but the wife is to blame. Book-mirror: the ladies' livestock will experience terrible remorse, because in the disgusting frills of the main character now and then you will recognize your disguise. Throwing tomatoes at the author and accusing him of chauvinism is not wise. The literary heroine, presented in such a "naked" form - is not in order to declare "all women are fools." No matter how selfish bitch Alina is disgusting to you, try to do the impossible and look behind the facade of what is happening. How is it with Gorky? "To regret a person in time ... it happens well." Yes, it's the one.

John Irving
"Family Life at 158 ​​Pounds"

"Eksmo", 2015, 352 pages, softcover
Age restrictions: 16+
Score: 4

The book is contraindicated for gentlemen with complexes - they will see a group sex here and sheer masturbation. And this is just a piece of work. Well, an infantilism detector, if you like. Given two married couples, in each of which the sexual fire in a certain way was extinguished. Behind long years together where is there each other to look for point G? Swinging, indeed, brings a stream of freshness, and even some - the sexual component is pierced right through, the arteries of sleeping feelings are touched. Suddenly, that living thing that was buried under a dense heap of worn-out, habits and predictability began to breathe. What is love? Not one same wild passion in all shoulder blades. Complete acceptance of the other, silent tenderness, gratitude for all the time that we are together.

In general, the author does not spare his heroes. Throws everyone on an individual quest and then watches as the characters get nervous and look for a way out, sometimes picking up bonuses (if you can call them that). The book will delight mature minds to no end.

Nadine Bismuth
"Without betrayal, there is no intrigue"

"Fluid", 2004, 192 pages, hardcover
Age restrictions: 16+
Score: 5

A bunch of bright little short stories about treason from all angles. Not only about adultery (although about him here too), but also about how subtly we twist our souls in front of ourselves and others. Nothing lasts forever, no one is perfect. And no matter how clever you are, you will not avoid situations of choice between chocolate or vanilla ice cream. Since childhood, they turn on, and hammer on the heart until the final ... Question: why is it impossible to have both vanilla and chocolate at once? What's wrong? I would like sometimes fried potatoes with black bread. Delicious and heartwarming.

Bismuth is a coquette. Does not allow the reader to get used to one revelation - throws up the polar. You sit, nod, they say, yeah, and friendship fades over the years, you can’t resurrect a mummy, and holding on to the past is bad. Fuck! - here you have elderly spouses who selflessly nostalgic for the times of youth, when they still needed each other like air ... And if a tear breaks through in some episodes, congratulations, you are an extremely hot person! Oh, by the way, which ice cream would you choose?

Mario Vargas Llosa
"A Praise to the Stepmother"

"Azbuka", 2011, 192 pages, soft cover
Age restrictions: 18+
Score: 4

From the name it is clear in which direction the wind will blow. But this direction is not the main one. Although there is a lot of ringing eroticism wide open and in general physiological details (someone will frown at the chapter, where Don Rigoberto deigns to visit the water closet picturesquely). Plus, a near-antique syllable and curlicues, so that excessive frankness does not set the teeth on edge.

Dear Don Rigoberto, an overripe man with the habits of a poet, fanatically monitors the cleanliness of his body and drags himself from it. The don has an angelic son and another beautiful wife, Lucretia. Don is up to his ears in adoration for his passionate wife. At night all his inconceivables are fulfilled male desires. Oh, how he caresses his wife's breasts - this is a direct study. In general, happiness is joy. And the son loves his stepmother. Which is great, as long as this son does not seduce Lucrezia. Fat crack in harmony family life. But from that moment on, a ray of light breaks through - there will be a topic about the soul, spirituality and, most importantly, about the unity of all this with the bodily.

Milan Kundera
"The Unbearable Lightness of Being"

"Azbuka", 2014, 320 pages, hardcover
Age restrictions: 18+
Score: 5

After this book, you want to beat your forehead against the wall for a long time, so that the exploded brain shakes back. Or so that a frantic swarm of questions lined up in an even row, and at least one satisfying answer was found. There is no point in describing the plot itself - it will turn out to be primitive with elements of porn. However, the book is devastatingly beautiful. Unbearably sorry for the devoted, deeply vulnerable, lonely Teresa, who is cheated on by her husband Tomasz without stopping. By the way, thanks to this burdock, men are aware of why from the bed of a mistress it is necessary not only to take a shower, but also to go over the head with shampoo from the bottom of the heart. I must warn you: there will be a moment about a dog - clean water tear-squeezing manipulation of the writer. I purposefully scrolled because it's not fair, Milan. The book evokes a feeling of endless sadness and inner autumn, cooling fog and falling leaves. Will desire wrap yourself in a blanket and revel in hot coffee with something stronger. To somehow let go.

Many works of A.S. are devoted to the problem of fidelity and betrayal. Pushkin. So, it tells about the betrayal of the Hetman of Ukraine Mazepa. He rebels against the authorities of Russia and personally PeterIand goes to an alliance with the king of Sweden - CharlesXII. The reason for the betrayal of the Fatherland and Mazepa's hatred for the Russian Tsar is the insult once inflicted by Peter Mazepa. The tsar grabbed the hetman by the mustache for a boldly spoken word. After the defeat of the Swedish troops near Poltava, the traitor had to shamefully flee.

also raises the issue of fidelity and betrayal, which is closely related to main problem works - honor and dishonor. Loyalty here can be considered both in a personal aspect and in a social one. So, main character works - Pyotr Grinev - refuses to swear allegiance to the rebel Emelyan Pugachev and is ready to accept death, saying that he already swore allegiance to the mother empress. This is not his opponent and former comrade in the Belogorsk fortress - Alexei Shvabrin. This hero easily refuses the officer's sword and goes into submission to Pugachev.

Pyotr Grinev is true to his love for Masha Mironova: having promised the girl to marry her, he does not reconcile himself to the prohibition of his parents, who refused to bless the lovers. The hero is also not stopped by the capture of Masha by Shvabrin, who now commands the Belogorsk fortress and keeps his daughter former boss forcing her to marry him. Grinev does not stumble from the decision to rescue Masha from the hands of Shvabrin and goes to the fortress, despite the fact that the head of the Orenburg garrison refuses the hero military support. Peter goes for help to Pugachev, telling him about the arbitrariness of his former comrade.

Masha Mironova is also true to her love, she bluntly declares that it is better for her to die than to marry the unloved.

The hero turned out to be a traitor of the oath

The youngest son of Taras, Andriy, betrays his comrades and the Motherland because of his love for the Polish lady:

he says to the lady when he secretly comes to her in the city besieged by the Cossacks. Taras Bulba is unable to endure such humiliation. He cannot forgive his son for treason and in one of the battles where Andriy fights on the side of the Poles, lures him into the forest and kills him. Unlike Andriy, the eldest son of Taras - Ostap, having been captured by the Poles, does not bow his head to the enemy. He is tortured, but not a single groan escapes from his chest; after terrible torture Ostap is executed.

the problem of fidelity and betrayal is also the most important. Frightened by the "opinion of the world", afraid of losing his reputation, Onegin does not go to reconciliation with Lensky, changes them friendly relations. Although avoiding the duel was so easy. The protagonist himself understood that Vladimir’s little lie that Tatiana would have only a close family circle at the name day to force him, Onegin, to accept the invitation, and further flirting “in retaliation” with Lensky’s bride, Olga, was an insignificant reason for the duel. Yes, and already the next morning after the name day, Vladimir, having stopped by to see Olga before the duel and seeing her joy and happiness from meeting him, realizes that for her yesterday's dances and conversations with Onegin are nothing more than entertainment.

An example of true fidelity in this work is the main character - Tatyana Larina. She falls in love with Onegin at first sight and retains this feeling even after she realizes that her lover is not at all the romantic hero that her imagination painted him. Even having married a distant relative of Onegin, the famous general, in her heart she continues to be faithful to her first love. Despite this, Tatiana refuses Eugene mutual feelings when he returns to Russia after several years of wandering and falls in love with the transformed Tatyana. She replies with bitterness and pride:

True to your feelings and

Alexei Berestov falls in love with a peasant girl Akulina, who pretends to be Liza Muromskaya, the daughter of the Berestovs' neighbor, nobleman Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky. Because of the stupid enmity between Berestov and Murom, their children never saw each other. All this made it possible for the story, which Pushkin tells so fascinatingly, to happen. Alexey Berestov falls in love with Lisa-Akulina so much that he intends to unite with her for life, educate her and, as they say, die on the same day. He understands that he will never receive his father's blessing for this unequal marriage and, therefore, will certainly be disinherited, but this does not stop young man, ready in his feelings to go to the end.

because of envy and jealousy, Pechorin goes to betrayal, since he turned out to be happier than him in love. Princess Mary Ligovskaya falls in love with Pechorin, who previously sympathized with Grushnitsky, who had his own plans for the girl. Deprived of generosity, Grushnitsky cannot forgive Pechorin for his defeat and decides on a vile step - a dishonorable duel. He slanders Pechorin, accusing him of having close relations with Princess Mary, and during the duel he offers his former friend a pistol loaded with blank cartridges.

An example of true loyalty is the attitude of Dmitry Razumikhin - one of the heroes

to his friend - the main character of the work, Rodion Raskolnikov. It is Razumikhin who supports Raskolnikov when he rushes about in terrible agony, trying to avoid the murder of the old pawnbroker he planned. Dmitry does not know anything about Raskolnikov's plans, but he sees that he is in distress, therefore, without hesitation, he offers him his students to give him the opportunity to earn extra money. It is Razumikhin who finds Raskolnikov after the crime, when he lies delirious in his coffin-like room. It is he who calls the doctor and then literally feeds the protagonist from a spoon. Razumikhin takes care of Raskolnikov's mother and sister when they come to St. Petersburg. Later, when Raskolnikov was sentenced to hard labor, Dmitry, who by that time had married Rodion's sister Dunya, decides to accumulate initial capital in four years and go to Siberia, closer to Raskolnikov's prison.

engaged to Andrei Bolkonsky, succumbs to the passion that flared up in her when she met Anatole Kuragin. She yearns for Bolkonsky, who left her to go abroad for treatment, but the vicious beauty of Kuragin makes the girl forget about her fiancé for a while. Natasha thinks that her feelings for Anatole are real, and most importantly - mutual, she refuses to believe persistent rumors about Kuragin's dishonesty and debauchery. The girl even decides to run away with him. Fortunately, the escape did not take place. But Natasha had to be bitterly disappointed in Anatole. She understands how much she hurt both Andrei and her family, what a shame she brought on all of them. The realization of her wrongness makes the girl turn to God, she repents and fervently prays for forgiveness. At the end of the novel, we see how the dying Bolkonsky forgives Natasha for her act, when the girl comes to him and says that she knows how "bad" she was, but now she has changed.

The other heroine of the novel, Helen Kuragina, is not like that. Like her brother Anatole, she is vicious and selfish. Not really hiding from her husband - Pierre Bezukhov, she surrounds herself with favorites. Pierre finds out about this and leaves Helen, but the woman cares little. The main thing is that the husband does not stop paying her bills. Subsequently, she decides to divorce Pierre by any means. It was at this time that Helen meets two men and painfully tries to choose between them, dreaming that she could marry two at once.

we see how faithful to the first and the only love heroine Hope. Quite young, she, who served under the masters in the house, fell in love with a young master - Nikolai Alekseevich. According to Nadezhda, she gave him all "her youth, her fever", and was left with nothing. The young master left her, married a girl from his circle. Meeting by chance thirty years later at the inn that Nadezhda kept, Colonel Nikolai Alekseevich recalls how charming the girl was in her youth. He apologizes to Nadezhda for his act of thirty years ago, kisses her hands and admits that he has never been happy in his life. Leaving, he thinks that it was really Nadezhda who gave him not only the best, but truly magical moments of life, but immediately betrays his memories. "Nonsense!" the hero thinks. “What would we have done if I hadn’t left her then?” Driven by social prejudices and his own selfishness, Nikolai Alekseevich cannot imagine himself as Nadezhda the mother of his children and the mistress of his house.

Remains faithful to the first love and another heroine of Bunin

After taking her fiancé to the war, she soon learns of his death. And there was a lot more in her life after them. last date: the hardships of revolutionary times, the death of parents, marriage, departure from revolutionary Russia, wandering around Europe, earning a living by hard work. But even after so many years, where everything seemed to be so much and different, the already aged heroine asks herself: “What happened in my life? And he answers himself: “Only that cold autumn evening.” All my life fit into one day - the day when I was young and in love.

Sergei Ivanovich Talberg betrays his wife Elena and leaves her in the city, which is about to be captured by Petliura's troops, and he himself flees to Germany, where he soon marries another woman.

Margarita remains faithful to the Master even when he disappears without a trace. She does everything to find her beloved and save him and his offspring - a novel about Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Nozri. Margarita goes even that she agrees to sell her soul to the devil. After all, for her, eternal bliss in heaven is nothing without the one whom she has been waiting for all her life, whom she was looking for once with yellow flowers in hand. And the woman's loyalty is rewarded: the Master is found, and his novel is reborn from the ashes. And even Margarita's act is a sale own soul- forgives. After all, this was not done for the sake of ephemeral things like money, fame or eternal youth. She sacrificed her soul to save another person, and this is an important circumstance for forgiveness.

We see the traitor to the Motherland

Having been captured by the Nazis along with his partner Sotnikov, the partisan Rybak becomes a traitor. Seeing the bloodied hands of a comrade who was dragged to the basement after being tortured, Rybak thinks that he will not give up so easily ... During interrogation, he answers sensibly, cunningly and tries to please the policeman. The next day, Sotnikov, Rybak, and several other peasants who sheltered them are led to their execution. Sotnikov tries to save his comrade and shouts that it was he who killed the policeman, and Rybak had nothing to do with it, being nearby by accident. But this does not touch the servants of the Nazis - the local policemen. Seeing that his life is doomed, Rybak falls at the feet of the Germans and agrees to cooperate. Churbak from under Sotnikov had to be knocked out: the Germans needed to check Rybak "in action", "tie his hand" with the blood of a Russian partisan. After that, the hero still hopes to escape, but, peering into full of hate the eyes of a peasant peasant who saw the execution understands that after what he has done, he has nowhere to run...

the main character - Sanya Grigoriev is the personification of fidelity - fidelity to the word, idea, love. So, he does not give up the idea to prove his case about the fact that the polar expedition of Captain Tatarinov was ruined by him brother- Nikolai Antonovich Tatarinov, and Captain Tatarinov himself made a great geographical discovery. Being still quite a boy, he is not afraid of the wrath of Nikolai Antonovich. Sanka is also faithful to his love for Katya Tatarinova, carrying this feeling in his heart all his life. In turn, Katya is devoted to Sanya. So, she refuses to believe that her husband died during the bombing of a sanitary trip and rejects the help of Grigoriev's eternal enemy - Mikhail Romashov, who brought Katya terrible news. ⁠ « Loyalty and betrayal»

What did you feel when you read the title? Curiosity? Disdain for cheating wives? Or indignation: why unfaithful wives and not husbands?

Text: Elena Dolgikh /
Photo: Kai Carpenter

The love triangle is one of the most frequent topics world literature. And the situation in which the two "tops" of this triangle are already tied by marriage is one of the most exciting "configurations" for him. What is unambiguously evidenced by the competition of short stories we held in the summer romantic story"Lady with a dog". But short term holiday romance The theme of change is by no means exhausted. As well as their reflections in literature.
Here are some samples.

most famous novel

"Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy

Who does not know the story of a woman who threw herself under a train out of despair and a desire to take revenge out of jealousy on her beloved Vronsky: “ I will punish him."

Her name is used as a common noun in two cases: if someone decides to joke that he threw himself under a train: “ There is also a book about Anna, don't read it at night. From a life so unlucky, she fell under a tram. And of course, in the second, if it comes to infidelity and unfaithful wives. And even somehow it is customary not to love the heroine, to condemn for what she chose young lover and left her son.

He conceived the type of a married woman from high society who cheated on her husband and lost herself. He said that his task was to make this woman only miserable, but not guilty. There were about 10 versions of the novel, and in the very first one, where the characters had different names, the ending was completely different. The heroine's husband gives her a divorce, the heroes get married, they have two children. It is not "Anna" who commits suicide, but "Karenin" - he shoots himself, his body is found in the Neva.

most realistic novel

Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert

The story of Emma Bovary, a romantic person languishing from a philistine life with an unloved husband in a remote province, dreaming of luxury, cheating on her husband with pleasure, “like in novels”, has a real prototype and an almost identical story. Young Delphine Delamare, like Emma, ​​married a young widower fascinated by her. The romantic nature of Delphine could not bear the boredom of the provincial philistine life. She began to spend her husband's money on expensive outfits, and then cheat on him with numerous lovers. After, entangled in debt and losing attention from men, she committed suicide. The husband, unable to bear her death and the revealed betrayals, like Charles, died a year later. The writer takes this story, realizing that the provincial adultery - lovely theme for a novel, with which he can express the passions that stirred his soul.

most romantic novel

"Patterned Veil" by Somerset Maugham

A book in which, like the lightest threads of a veil, words intertwined. Each dialogue is filled with charm, pain, love and beauty, and later rebirth. Kitty is a frivolous spoiled coquette. Fans circle around her, but her choice falls on the taciturn bacteriologist Walter. They are completely different people However, this did not stop Kitty from answering "yes" to him and insisting on a speedy wedding. Because she is almost 25 years old spinster cannot marry later than the 17-year-old engaged sister. And it's better to live with a stranger than even a minute with a despotic mother. After the wedding, the young leave for China. Kitty misses her husband's company. And Walter simply does not know how to interest, captivate a woman, how to tell her about his feelings. One day, Kitty meets Townsend, the exact opposite of Walter. Gallant, noticeable, the soul of the company, it is not boring with him, he is drawn to him, you can know passion with him. Fall in love with these. And she fell in love. Cheating on her husband makes Kitty proud. But her husband finds out and puts her before a choice: stay with her lover or go with him to a province where a cholera epidemic reigns. What do you think the unfaithful wife chose?

Most Sensual Romance

"Bridges of Madison County" door Robert James Waller

Professor Robert Waller wrote his only novel, The Bridges of Madison County, in 11 days. The writer did not plan to publish it, he just read the manuscript to his friends. In 1992, the novel was published, the book became a literary sensation: 90 weeks on the list, the first circulation - seven million copies. Italian Francesca is married to a farmer (a good but down to earth person) from the American wilderness, mother of two children. She lives monotonous and boring life afraid to admit it even to himself. This was not what she dreamed about in her youth, when she lived in Naples, dreamed of adventure and sincere passionate love. One evening, when her husband and children have gone to the fair for a few days, a truck pulls up to her house. This is a lone wolf - photographer Robert, he stopped to find out the way. It so happened that they passionately and without looking back fell in love with each other. For this love, which they both longed for, they were given only 4 days - the happiest in their lives.

The most scandalous novel

"Lady Chatterley's Lover" door David Lawrence

A scandalous book written in the Puritan post-Victorian era. The circulation of the novel was confiscated, burned and banned in different countries until 1960 "due to the abundance of scenes of a sexual nature". Sir Clifford Chatterley was wounded in the battle. He is paralyzed Bottom part bodies: sexual relations with a young beautiful wife are impossible. Connie loves her husband and is faithful to him, although married life for her was reduced to nothing more than eating together, talking endlessly, reading aloud, and being alone in bed. Sir Clifford invites his wife to find a lover. And he even agrees to give the child his name and title if Constance becomes pregnant. She refuses until she meets a huntsman looking after the estate while walking in the forest.

Connie practically with the permission of her husband becomes Oliver's mistress, indulging in exquisite sexual experiments with him. And how would you, if you were Lady Chatterley, dispose of such a proposal from her husband?

most poetic novel

The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje

One of the critics wrote that this Booker-winning novel is hundreds of pages of pure magic. And it is. I want to read this book in silence, aloud, fading, forgetting about everything. Toward the end of the war in a mined Italian villa in Tuscany, the lives and destinies of the heroes are intertwined. A Sikh sapper, a converted thief with mutilated hands, a young nurse and her patient, dying and disfigured. After suffering horrific burns in a plane crash in the Sahara desert, the unnamed "English patient" tells a beautiful and very complex love story with married woman- the wife of a friend against the backdrop of war and geopolitical intrigues.

The newest novel

"The Forgotten Waltz" by Ann Enright

Anne Enright writes about the drama of everyday life, about the variability of relationships between people, about adultery and brings it to the height of a Greek tragedy. Where does an empty affair end and real attraction begin? When does empathy turn into compassion?

Gina is madly in love with her husband. He is cheerful, gentle, and it seems to her the perfect man. But at the party she notices one day married man, which remains somewhere on the edge of her consciousness. Three years later, Gina meets him again, she almost forgot about the first meeting, but passion flares up between them. And we see all this through the eyes of Evie, the sick daughter of the very man Gina fell in love with.

One of the directions of the final essay is "Loyalty and treason." It may include topics related to such concepts: loyalty and betrayal to a loved one, to oneself, a friend, one's family.

In contact with

"Loyalty and treason" works

In almost every work studied at school, there is story line, to some extent associated with fidelity and treason. Consider the possible products for the first item:

  1. « » , Natasha Rostova, who cheated on Andrei Bolkonsky with one, and marries a third.
  2. Quiet Don, Grigory Melekhov, who cannot decide with whom he should be: with Natasha, the wife and mother of his children, or with the married Aksinya.
  3. « » , Margarita, who, being married, loves her master and is trying to find him.

For the second point, you can take:

  1. « » Bazarov, who at first is ironically confident in his views, and then meets a woman who changes his world, he begins to doubt himself.
  2. « » , Sonya Marmeladova, highly moral man who is forced to retreat from his principles and for the sake of his family go on a "yellow ticket".
  3. "Taras Bulba", the main character, Taras, is true to himself, to his homeland, therefore, without deviating from his views, he kills his son for betraying his homeland.
  4. Poems by Mayakovsky "About the Soviet passport". The lyrical hero is proud that in his hands is the “Hammered, sickle Soviet passport”.
  5. “And the dawns here are quiet…”. A detachment of women and their commander sacrifice themselves to save the Motherland from the Nazis.
  6. "Taras Bulba", Andriy falls in love with a Polish princess and betrays his motherland.

Loyalty and betrayal in the work "Taras Bulba".

As an example of friendship, you can take the following works:

  1. "Scarecrow". Here is an example (Lenka, who takes the blame for her friend's misconduct), and anti example - Dima Somov(afraid to tell the truth, looking at how classmates bully her friend).
  2. "Oblomov", Andrey Stolz, who does not leave his lazy, inert friend and helps him to improve things in the village.

The issue of loyalty and betrayal family circle featured in works:

  1. Quiet Don, Grigory Melekhov abandons his family: wife, parents - for the sake of a mistress.
  2. "Taras Bulba”, Andriy goes against not only the laws of his society, but also against the will, the teachings of his father.

Attention! You can use any suitable examples from classical Russian, as well as from foreign and modern literature.

Loyalty and betrayal - introductory part

The introduction should reveal the meaning of terms"fidelity" and "treason". After you have given a definition, comment on the problem, give your assessment, express your thoughts on this occasion, tell about its meaning and relevance.

Make a thesis - highlight main idea literally in one sentence. And then move on to the argument.

The problem of loyalty and betrayal

Here you can talk about what cheating leads to, tell about the consequences. Think about how the traitor will feel, and what will happen to the person who trusted him.

You can also think about whether faithful man ever happy and so much more. The description of the problem will depend from a specific topic.

The problem of fidelity and betrayal arguments for writing

Arguments to the essay should be taken from the works corresponding to the topic. You can format them like this:

And after that, you can move on to writing the conclusion and summarizing.

Loyalty and betrayal: arguments for writing, quotes

  1. "Constancy is the basis of virtue" - Balzac.
  2. "Be faithful to the one who is faithful to you" - Plat.
  3. “And what about my father, comrades and fatherland? So if so, here's the thing: I don't have anyone! Nobody, nobody!” - Andriy, "Taras Bulba".
  4. "Take care of honor from a young age" - " Captain's daughter» epigraph.

Attention! You don't have to use quotes in your essay.

Loyalty and treason: conclusion

Summarize based on the above arguments. Do you agree with the topic? Think about what you want to convey in your essay. Perhaps you can suggest something to solve this problem. Point readers to something call them to action.

You can use templates like this to designate output:

  1. In closing, I would like to say that….
  2. I agree (agree) with the author that ... .
  3. Pay attention to the fact that treason is fraught with far from joyful consequences.

Loyalty and treason

This topic raises such a concept as "patriotism" - love for the Motherland.

This problem is advantageous in that it can pick up a lot of examples from literary works dedicated to historical, military topics (“The Dawns Here Are Quiet”, “Vasily Terkin”, “Little Soldier”, etc.).

Each of us understands that this topic is very important nowadays. Therefore, there will be no problem in identifying its relevance and significance.

The Captain's Daughter: Loyalty and Treason

This work can be used for argumentation in the directions:

  • loyalty and treason to the motherland;
  • loved one;
  • to myself.

Let's consider in more detail. Maria Mironova can be used as an example of pure, true love.

And Pyotr Grinev can be cited as an example of how true patriot, confident in his life views, an anti-example to him is Shvabrin. And we also saw traitors to the Motherland here when they were offered to die or go over to the side of the invader.

Eugene Onegin: loyalty and betrayal

The protagonist of this work can be used as examples in several ways. He is courting a married woman, especially since she is the wife of his best friend. It destroys friendship and starts enmity. You can also consider and use confused love line Eugene Onegin - Tatyana.

Another example is the biography of Tatyana's mother, a domineering, callous woman who became so because of her husband. In her youth, she dreamed of moving to the capital and marrying a military man, leading social life. But since she became the wife of a landowner, she had to forget about all your dreams.

Loyalty and treason, essay examples

Loyalty is constancy in one's views, feelings, beliefs. Certainly this positive quality. But for each concept there is a term opposite in meaning. The antonym for the word "fidelity" is - "treason" - this is uncertainty, retreat in one's convictions.

The theme of fidelity and betrayal was of interest to many writers. I think they got their attention emotions and feelings of people who were betrayed and betrayed, the thoughts that were driving force traitor at the moment of committing vile deeds. In order to confirm my words, let's turn to examples from the literature.

A vivid illustration of this topic will be "Oblomov" by Goncharov. Here we see the standard true friend- Andrey Stolz. This character is quite pragmatic: this person’s views on life are absolutely stable and permanent. It seems to me that it is precisely for this reason that Stolz always helped out his not very independent friend Oblomov and did not leave him in trouble throughout the entire work. I think such loyalty and devotion deserve respect.

A more interesting plot, full of intrigue, is tied up in Zheleznikov's work Scarecrow. Here we will face both fidelity and betrayal. Before readers - ordinary students of an ordinary school. main character Lenka is new in the class, she is quiet, modest, sincere. The girl got a friend, because of which she is harassed by her classmates. When Dima reports to the teacher that the class skipped a lesson, Lenka shows nobility and takes the blame before the class on herself.

I think that this is a very brave act, because she knew how it could end. But how will her only friend behave, looking at how the whole class mocks an innocent girl? And we see that he is suffering, the thought of this haunts him, but at the same time, he is afraid to be in her place. Therefore, he preferred to preserve his reputation, and not to help out Lenka, who helped him in Hard time. I believe that this is treason and betrayal. But I think that after reading this book, few people will want to get into such a situation, because the author so skillfully describes the mental anguish of a traitor.

Loyalty and betrayal. direction of the final essay

"Loyalty and treason" Essay example


In conclusion, I want to say that by reading various works on the topic of fidelity and betrayal, we can learn from actions and mistakes heroes in order to escape unpleasant situations in life and be good true friends.

In the final essay, it is very important fully cover the topic, so for best result try to find examples where the first one shows positive side, and second - negative side the phenomenon indicated in the topic of the essay.

The novel is set in London during World War II. A love triangle - civil servant Henry Miles, his wife Sarah and her lover, writer Maurice Bendrix. During the bombing, Bendrix almost died, and Sarah promises to devote herself to God if her lover survives. Leaving the hospital, Maurice, obsessed with love and jealousy, tries to find out who he was preferred to.

The novel is autobiographical. Moreover, real history there was a sequel: the book itself caused Graham Greene to break up with the beautiful Katherine Walston. While the man suffered from jealousy for many years, the woman managed to comprehend the essence of a real feeling: “love does not end, even if we do not see each other.” (Foreigner, B.S.G.-Press, 2002).

Quote:“My dear, dear,” she said. “People love God, but they don’t see it, right? We don't have that kind of love. “Sometimes I think there is no other way.”

2. The Way It Was by Julian Barnes

The artist Gillian married a modest bank clerk, Stuart, and along with her husband received in the appendage a "talented loser", Oliver. Oliver, best friend Stuart, fell in love with Gillian. ordinary story. But the author gives the floor to the heroes themselves, and they each tell this story from their own perspective, turning an ordinary plot into a witty and straight Talk about love. Each of them has his own explanation of what is happening and his own point of view on adultery and marriage. The reader can only listen to a fascinating conversation.

One of the best love triangles English literature. The novel was awarded the French Femina Prize. In 2000, Barnes released a sequel to the story of the trio, "Love and so on." (AST, 2003)

Quote:“Did you know that since 1973 divorce petitions filed in English courts male side, as the reason is often called cheating wife? The question is, how do you think this characterizes women? Meanwhile, in opposite cases, the situation is different. Cheating husband - not the main reason why women in England require a divorce. Even vice versa. Drinking and avoiding sex are the reasons why women usually get rid of sexual partners.

3. “Tow truck. Novel and poems around the novel»

Igor and Katya fell in love with each other at the most inopportune time: there are terrorist attacks in Moscow, everything is collapsing before our eyes, and they enjoy happiness for two and only sometimes remember what to say to “our husband”.

From the love chatter about “how to drop everything and go far away,” a fantastic image of a “tow truck” arises. Igor turns out to be an alien and is about to take his mistress, and at the same time the husband of his mistress and other relatives, to another planet. So it looks more promising legal spouse- at least for a date. The only "but": the more the characters break the rules, the worse it gets in their native Moscow. (Vagrius, 2005)

Quote:“Katka sang under the shower. She deliberately washed herself for a long time and noisily - it was necessary to delay happiness again and again, but meanwhile it was really late, the seventh hour, and for the first time the thought flashed through her - to spit on everything, to stay with him - but that was completely irresponsible; and in general it is necessary to look ... How strange, now we will cheat on her husband. But what kind of betrayal is this? Happiness came and did not let go: happiness is when everything is possible.

4. "Aunt Motya"

complex, with two parallel lines, a novel about how to try to save a family after infidelity. The wife is an intelligent proofreader, the husband is a system administrator. He is into kitesurfing, she is into well-written lyrics. The heroine falls in love with one of the authors of such texts until she completely transforms from Marina into “Aunt Motya”. Doesn't even save you from love fever little son. But Kucherskaya is a very patient author, so the rebirth of the heroine will be described in detail and in stages, and with physiological details.

Of course, after Anna Karenina, all literary traitors are tested for stress resistance. In "Tete Mote" the heroine is also compared with the great and unfortunate predecessor. It turns out that sometimes they still return ... to the Karenins. (Astrel, 2012)

Quote:“Running around in search of“ proximity ”for a period of three, mind you, years, is called treason. This is treason. But everything is so arranged with us, as if we are all terribly interested just in blurring, weakening the essence of many words, those in particular that are connected with morality. Well, people are reluctant to think about it - why? Therefore, even the word of this, by the way, "treason" I have not heard for a long time. “He has an affair”, “he fell in love with another” - that's all! And all world literature, in fact, simply misunderstood, and in many ways forgotten, and all films, understood just right, in an inflamed mind modern man take the side of this next novel, fill it with meaning, charm. Because this is not a sin, not a banal adultery, this is Roman! Worthy of Turgenev’s pen or there ... Bunin, whom, by the way, I can’t stand.”

5. "Light Worlds"

An affair with a foreigner, and even in a distant American province, where you definitely won’t return - such a plot unfolds in Tatyana Tolstaya’s story “Smoke and Shadow”. The heroes, both teachers of the local university, both humanities, do not understand each other so well, they have few topics for conversation, but what will you do with this sudden love. Especially - if the yard is a long provincial winter. What you can’t invent under the howling of a snowstorm. (AST, edited by Elena Shubina, 2014)

Quote: « strange thing love has a thousand faces. You can love anything and anyone; I once loved a bracelet in a store window, too expensive to afford: after all, I had a family, children, I worked hard, burning my brain to earn money for an apartment, for a university education for children, I had to save for illness, for old age, for a hospital for my mother, for a sudden accident. I couldn't buy a bracelet, I didn't buy it, but I loved it, I thought about it as I fell asleep; I mourned and wept for him. Then it passed. He unclenched his pincers, squeezing my heart, he had mercy and let go. What difference does it make who he was? He could be a man, an animal, a thing, a cloud in the sky, a book, a line of other people's poems, a southerly wind tearing the grass of the steppe, an episode from my dream, a street of a strange city turning a corner in the honey light of the setting sun, a smile of a passerby, a sail on a blue wave, a spring evening, a pear tree, a piece of melody from a strange, random window.

About the expert

Liza Novikova - literary critic, juror national award"Big Book".

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