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On February 23rd with your own hands for your husband. Recipe for making sugar icing. Photo gift - for a long memory

February 23 is great occasion Give your loved one something special. Moreover, you don’t have to buy a present; you can make it yourself.

Such a gift can be romantic or practical, but men will like any option, because the item will be made by the hands of the woman they love.

1. Keychain tie

A banal keychain can be turned into stylish accessory. For this you will need a tie and a ring for the keychain.

Cutting fabric from a tie required length and make a mini tie from it. Then attach it to the ring.

You can look up tying methods on the Internet.

For a gift, it is best to purchase a tie with funny holiday-themed designs.

2. Bouquet of socks.

Socks seem to be a banal gift.

But if you creatively arrange it in the form of a festive bouquet and present it to your loved one, it will make him smile.

3. Leather wallet-clip

An excellent accessory for storing banknotes. There are many options on how to make such a wallet.

The simplest one does not require special skills or additional equipment. It requires a piece of leather and a sharp knife.

Cut the blank correct form from a piece of leather. Place a clamp on the fold. All you have to do is fold the product.

And don’t forget to put money in it, as the sign says.

4. Knitted sweater

There is not much time left until the end of winter, but any man will appreciate such a gift. The product is voluminous and requires high costs time.

Your loved one will definitely appreciate your small feat.

5. Photo book

Make an album with themed photos. These could be army photographs, photos from fishing or hunting.

Such a book can be designed in a military style, and each photo can be accompanied by an original signature.

Take a regular hard cover album as a basis and get creative.

6. Checkbook with wishes

Let your man know that this day is special. Give him a book of wishes as a gift.

You can use any notepad as a basis, but it is better with a horizontal orientation.

Choose the number of sheets and “desires” at your discretion.

7. Military style pillow

An original gift for those who like to lie on the couch in front of the TV.

You can give an old pillow a second life by making it a khaki pillowcase

The gift will be decorated with embroidery, sewn shoulder straps or a funny inscription printed with a stencil.

8. Beer set

A wonderful gift for a beer lover. Of course, you won’t brew the intoxicating drink yourself.

But it’s festive to decorate bottled or canned beer in the form men's bouquet or cake you can for sure.

The gift will be funny and pleasant.

9. Knitted slippers or socks

If you are comfortable with knitting needles and yarn, and there is not much free time to prepare for the holiday, then best gift can't imagine.

Socks self made, soft and warm, any man will like them. And you will have time to knit them in a couple of days.

Make them unusual and it will immediately become clear that the gift is intended for a true protector.

10. Alcohol bottle case

Men are often presented with a bottle of good alcohol for the holiday. Design your gift creatively.

You can make a bottle cover different ways. The easiest way is to cut off the sleeve from an old shirt and tie it with a ribbon in the form of a tie.

If you know how to crochet or know how to sew, then get creative and create something completely special.

The cover can be decorated with applique and used not only on holidays.

11. Survival bracelet

This accessory is woven from a special nylon rope. In hardware stores you can choose paracord of almost any color and carabiners for fastening.

The peculiarity of this bracelet is that it is woven from a solid, especially strong cord and extreme situation it can be untangled and used as a strong cord.

Perfect for lovers of active recreation.

12. Video greeting

Create a short congratulatory video using footage from your vacation, family celebrations and meeting friends. Additionally, you can write short congratulations from family, friends and children.

You can prepare a holiday speech in poetry or in the form of a song. It will turn out more interesting and fun. Imagine how happy your loved one will be!

After the holiday, the video can be posted on video hosting and shown to colleagues and friends.

In addition to pleasant emotions,

13. Drawing on a T-shirt

You will need plain t-shirt, white is best, and special paints for fabric. And then all that remains is to give free rein to your imagination.

A gift for your husband on February 23rd - the gift of his dreams, or how to please your beloved spouse by guessing with desires and fitting into possibilities family budget. Most likely, the wife will have to save money from her salary in advance, otherwise the husband, no matter how inattentive he may be, will notice how much money has disappeared from the nightstand to buy a gift.

Remember what your husband dreamed of - maybe new things, a cute toy that can do something on its own, new carpets for the car, a subscription to sport Club or something else. The wife knows her chosen one better than anyone, even the mother-in-law will not help here. She is a mother, after all, and a wife should predict her husband’s dreams from the first hint.

The question can be classified as rhetorical, since no one will ever give a definite answer. We can only give examples from life. And what girlfriends give to their husbands does not mean that it will suit your lover.

Do not rely on the advice of adults - mothers are no longer young, they are unlikely to recommend something modern. Maybe a sweater knitted by hand.

A husband is the kind of person to whom you can give a gift from anything that comes to mind, and not necessarily on a military theme. It's men's day, and it's worth figuring out what gift to give your husband on February 23rd.

Unconventional gift ideas

Study his desires, most likely in Lately he hinted to you about something desired and long-awaited:

  • Gift for him and computer
  • Him and the car
  • For him and professional activities

It is important to know aspects of all his favorite things, hobbies and activities. There are also a number universal gifts:

Once a year, on December 31, or on another convenient day, men like to go to the steam room. So let the bath cap remind him of your love.

Give him the money you have saved up over the year, a bottle of your favorite drink and a couple (101) confessions about why he is the best.

Give him memories, or better yet, a reminder that he has done everything in his life that a real man should do.

If you have been waiting for the right moment, then it’s time to tell your husband about the upcoming addition to the family. Give him some sweets, and at the end - a kinder surprise, with a hint.

If your husband likes to tinker with a car or equipment, or maybe in his profession he always needs a light “over his head,” give him a good flashlight. Its price is high, but it's worth it.

If he loves to travel, especially hiking, give him a bag with a tent. He will not leave you without attention, and you will immediately try it out in practice.

Besides themed gifts There is culinary magic that you, as a hostess, may not possess. But for the sake of my beloved husband, it’s a sin not to stand at the stove all night. What does he like? Sweets, meat pies, unusual desserts? Is he a gourmet? Don't order food from a restaurant, cook his favorite food yourself.

Make a delicious present

All men have a sweet tooth, so the master class and video in this article will be devoted to preparing interesting cakes:

Initially, you will need a box where you will need to hide the sweets.

Printer, paints, tape and imagination are secondary important aspects.

The main thing is the box.

Buy different chocolates, sweets, baby food.

Paint the box khaki or military uniform, add a few decorative elements, inscriptions, etc.

Let it be strategic reserve when the zombie apocalypse occurs.

Take a juice or drink in a round plastic bottle.

Wrap it in a black bag and add iron to taste.

This should definitely be included in the set.

There are lollipops hidden in the compass.

Without energy, fighters cannot defeat Zombies.

Inside glass jars lollipops, sweets, chocolates and other small goodies.

Soda cans become a survival drink after being bitten by a Zombie.

Wrap the printed picture around the cans and get them in your ammo box.

Energy reserves in portable containers - simple cans with chocolates. Simple, but original.

Here there are already firecrackers inside, and they play the role of pharmaceuticals.

What if Zombies attacked the circulatory system? Need medicine!

The pharmacy can be refilled simple candies, pasting on them the formula of some substance, and jars of baby food.

Put jam or something tasty there.

This is the kind of paper you can wrap the main supplies in, a lid, and place it on the bottom.

Everything will be in the same style.

Make a walkie-talkie out of chocolate, stick printed paper with a design on top.

You can create it specifically in the program, or you can simply add the inscriptions yourself.

This is what the finished radio looks like.

Inside is cotton candy wrapped in a black bag.

The binoculars are based on two cans of chips connected by a strap.

Additional decor is made of ropes and paints.

There are also chips inside, but the purpose is different.

Use cheese popcorn for the base of the explosive, and candy for the dial.

Glue a watch on top, glue an old phone cord and that’s it.

The explosives are ready.

This is what the box looks like inside.

This is what she looks like from the outside - impressive.

Anyone can make such a gift for her husband on February 23 with her own hands, the main thing is that he doesn’t play war with imaginary Zombies until the morning.

Original surprises

It’s not always possible to surprise your husband with simple sweets, you must admit. In his heart he dreams of going to a party with friends, but at home they give him a try new recipe pancakes

The best gift for February 23rd for your husband is something from the service sector, rather than nice little thing, which you can touch:

  • Give him a certificate to go bowling.
  • Let him go and take a steam bath with his friends once.
  • Write him a pizza subscription with your own hand.
  • If you and your husband are on a diet, allow him to eat at a restaurant that evening.
  • Give him a place on a fishing trip - let him go and bring you fish.
  • You can prepare equipment for skills or training.

What does he do for you besides work? Based on his wishes, look at photos of his favorite actresses, give him a night at a strip club. All your friends will be jealous of such a gift for your husband on February 23rd.

Don't forget to set the table or invite your close friends. It can be simple gatherings in a cafe, or you can come up with congratulations with his colleagues and co-workers.

Of course, men will be busy with their own affairs on this day, so it’s better to ask your friends. Posters, songs and chants - and then you will do your job. Let it be inexpensive, but the most cool gift to my husband on February 23 from my beloved wife.

One of them is just around the corner important holidays- Defender of the Fatherland Day. If you still can’t figure out what to give to your beloved men, then create unique gifts for them with your own hands. This article contains the easiest, but at the same time, interesting and detailed master classes DIY crafts for February 23rd that your child can easily present to dad or grandfather as a gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day. I present to you the 10 best master classes - how to make crafts for February 23rd with your own hands with step-by-step photographs.

This approach to solving the search problem unforgettable gift is traditional when children give gifts to their fathers and grandfathers on February 23. How many such gifts are created by children's hands! To do this, they use not only a variety of paper and plasticine, but also candies, ribbons, ice cream sticks and many other unusual items.

The availability and convenience of such materials make it possible to constantly use them, and to use them in a new way with each new craft. It's no secret that the same materials can be used in crafts of varying complexity. There are many similar master classes that are also aimed at children different ages and with different skills.

Most often, children choose airplanes as a gift for February 23rd. But there are a huge number of ways to create them, as well as possible materials for this: cardboard, paper, matchboxes and much more. In this master class I will show you how to make an airplane from plastic bottle using papier-mâché technique.

Let's take it plastic bottle, in my case it’s a small 0.5 liter water bottle. Cut it off with a knife just above the middle, and also cut off the spout of the bottle.

We make cuts on both sides and connect the pieces.

If you wish, you can copy our sketch and transfer it to a sheet of A4 paper, folded in half.

Using glue and tape, attach the wings and tail.

For airplane wheels you need 6 plastic bottle caps. Using tape, we connect two and four covers together.

We glue the wheels and begin to cover the plane with pieces of newspaper, having previously soaked them with PVA glue using the papier-mâché technique.

Cover the top layer with white paper or white napkins. After all the layers of the craft have dried, paint the finished plane acrylic paint.

All that remains is to add a star-shaped applique, and cut out photographs can be glued to the portholes.

Our plane is ready to fly!

02. DIY plasticine tank

A tank made with your own hands from plasticine is great craft for Defender of the Fatherland Day. You can later take it to an exhibition or give it to your grandfather, dad or brother.

For this master class we will need green, black and red plasticine, also a piece of wire, a toothpick and a pencil.

We will make the lower part of the tank hull in the form of a block rectangular shape, sharpening one side of it.

We prepare two black strips, pressing them along the entire length with a toothpick, 10 large cakes and 4 small ones made of green plasticine.

Press down the cakes with the back of a pencil and draw axes with the tip of a toothpick.

We put together 5 wheels and 2 small ones on each side, we wrap them around the track.

Place green protection tape on top.

Glue the tracks on the sides.

Take the second green block.

We glue it on, bevelling the front part with a stack.

We attach the barrel in front and add small parts, antenna and star made of red plasticine.

Our plasticine tank is ready!

In this lesson we will make such a simple plane out of cardboard.

Draw all the parts of the plane.

For the case, you can take a juice box.

We cut out the blanks as shown in the photo. Red paper stars.

Glue the tail of the plane to a matchbox.

The cardboard plane is ready!

This gift can be made for dad or brother. For this master class you will need:

  • candies;
  • cling film;
  • toothpicks;
  • scotch;
  • penoplex;
  • blue corrugated paper;
  • silver cord;
  • glue.

Cut out a circle from penoplex.

You can first draw a sketch of the steering wheel on paper, then transfer it to penoplex.

We decorate the edges with a cord.

Wrap the candies in cling film.

We attach them to a toothpick using tape.

We decorate the steering wheel with ready-made candies.

Our sweet steering wheel is ready!

05. Tank made of two sponges

Such a craft can become a wonderful gift from a child for the holidays of May 9 or February 23. Its production will not take much time, and the materials needed will be a sponge for washing dishes. Our master class shows the step-by-step production of a tank from scrap materials.

To work you will need:

  1. two green sponges;
  2. scissors;
  3. ruler;
  4. dark felt-tip pen;
  5. glue gun;
  6. ruble coin;
  7. green straw.

We tear off a dense layer from one of the sponges.

On back side Using this dense layer of sponge, using a ruble coin and a dark felt-tip pen, draw six circles.

Let's cut them out.

Then we take a glue gun and use it to attach these circles to the sides of the other sponge (three circles on each side).

Let's start making the turret of our tank. To do this, on the remaining soft part of the sponge (from which the dense layer was torn off) we mark a square with sides of 4 cm.

Cut out the tower with scissors.

Cut 8 cm from the green straw - this will be the barrel of our tank. We insert it into the tower, having previously made a small depression in it using scissors.

Apply hot glue to the underside of the tower.

We attach the tower to the main part.

If you wish, you can decorate the tank; to do this, cut out small stars from red cardboard.

Glue them on sides towers. Our tank is ready.

Such a craft will not only a good gift on February 26, but will also serve as a toy for a boy.

This star is very easy to make - for it we need wire, red yarn and PVA glue.

Using pliers, we make a star out of wire.

Leave to dry.

To create this aircraft you will need wooden clothespins, two popsicle sticks, a piece of cardboard for the tail, two thin wooden tubes and acrylic paints.

Using hot glue and straws, attach the ice cream sticks together.

We make a tail blank from cardboard.

Glue the tail to a clothespin.

We paint the finished plane with acrylic paints.

Fostering a sense of patriotism in children is one of most important tasks teachers and parents. But for the children younger age It’s not enough to just talk about the war, about battles, victories and defeats. For them it is very important place takes visual aids, games and activities dedicated to military topics.

Therefore, a child should not only hear about the war, but also watch illustrations, filming, photographs, and also capture his emotions in drawings or crafts. Despite the fact that knitting is mainly done by girls, this applique will undoubtedly arouse interest among young defenders of the Fatherland.

To knit the “Tank” applique, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Hook No. 1;
  • Yarn of medium thickness, for example, “Jeans”;
  • Decorative star. If you don't find one, you can take it from New Year's pendants for decorating the Christmas tree;
  • Scissors
  • Glue “Moment”, preferably transparent.

We start knitting appliqués with its “caterpillars”. To do this, we cast on 10 air loops.

Then we knit 3 more air loops for lifting, and after that we knit single crochets to the end of the row. In the very last loop of the row we knit 7-8 double crochets to make a “fan” of loops. If the edge bends at this point, then increase the number of single crochets, since the applique should be flat.

Next, we knit double crochets along the opposite edge to the very last loop, where we started the row. In this loop we again make a “fan” of double crochets, but in smaller quantities than in the previous case, since there are already several loops in this place. As a result, you should end up with an elongated oval like this - the “caterpillar” of the tank.

In the second row, first we knit 5 single crochets.

After this, we make 1 air loop to highlight the beginning of knitting the upper part of the tank.

Turn the knitting and knit 8 single crochets again.

To make a tank cannon in this place, we knit 5 chain stitches.

Add another loop for lifting, and then along these air loops We knit single crochets to the end of the row, including 8 tank “cabin” loops.

Turn the applique again and knit 8 single crochets. To finish the work, use Moment glue to carefully glue the star onto the “cabin” of the tank.

The “Tank” application is ready. It can be used to make postcards for Victory Day, February 23, or any other themed crafts.

Are you preparing a gift for a man? Nothing to decorate with gift box? Or maybe you have prepared original postcard and you need bright accent for her? Made male flower will help you get out of any situation. To create such masterpieces, you can use candy wrappers, notebook leaves, craft paper, and anything else.

On the Internet you can find special sheets that need to be cut.

You can take any designer paper with a neutral or masculine design.

Some people might like this color option.

So, let's start creating. To work you need:

  • The paper described above is 5x5 cm in size. Having mastered the technique, you can create flowers of any size. The paper may be neatly cut or have torn edges.
  • Glue for fixing modules.

First flower option
Fold the module in half, then in half again to make a smaller square.

You need to make 8 modules in this way.

Four modules must be glued to any piece of paper with a small gap, placing the folded corner inward.

Then, in exactly the same way, only without indents, we glue four more modules on top, rotating them 45 degrees.

Decorate the middle, curl the edges a little, and stylish decoration ready.

If, when gluing the first four modules, you leave a larger gap between them, the flower will look different.
A more complex flower

Fold the paper squares as shown in the photo.

First, a diagonal line is found, then the sides of the square are tucked towards it. The resulting airplane is folded in half lengthwise. We make 8 identical modules. Last step: you need to carefully insert the modules into one another, using the resulting pockets.

At the output we get original decoration for a man's gift.

Glue in in this case will only be needed to fix the finished decor directly on gift item. If you make modules from squares with the same pattern, fold the modules exactly the same, relative to the pattern, then your flowers will look neater and acquire an additional pattern.

This cute tank can be made from matchboxes and colored paper.

We cover the boxes with green paper as shown in the photo. For the tower we take a green cap from a plastic bottle, for the barrel we wrap a toothpick in green paper.

We cut out the wheels from black paper.

All that remains is to assemble all the parts and the tank is ready!

How to make a tank out of money

If your man served in tank forces or is simply an expert in the game of “tank”, then give him this original gift -.

DIY gift for a man

How to make another very original one, see here.

Original gift set “Grow greens”

See how to make this original one here.

Crafts for February 23rd, created by a child with his own hands with great care and attention, are of great value on this holiday.

A unique gift will bring joy not only to the parents, but also to the child himself, because with its help he will express his love for them. Let him bring joyful emotions to your loved ones!

Not all men have a positive attitude towards useless gifts, therefore, help your child create a craft with his own hands that will be useful and will not gather dust somewhere in the closet. If you think a little, the created gift can turn out to be much more surprising and practical than the purchased one.

Most main holiday February - Defender of the Fatherland Day, literally in a few years will celebrate the centenary of its appearance. Over its almost century-long history of existence, this holiday has undergone enormous popularity, oblivion, and renaming. And despite all this, February 23 remains a relevant and beloved holiday by many today. Like any other holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day is accompanied by fun, congratulations and, of course, gifts. And it is the last point that causes the greatest difficulties for beautiful ladies. Women begin to struggle with the question of what to give to their beloved husband/boyfriend (dad, colleagues, boss, child) on February 23rd long before the cherished date. Of course, some of them prefer banal gifts like inexpensive perfumes and shaving accessories. But most women strive to pleasantly surprise their dear men more original gifts, including those made by yourself. In our article today, we tried to collect for you the most best ideas gifts on February 23 for beloved men, colleagues, boys, classmates and classmates, acquaintances and relatives. We hope that among the options below you will find ideal gifts for everyone on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

What to give to boys classmates at school and classmates at the university on February 23, 2017

The wonderful tradition of celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day has been instilled since childhood. Children prepare their first congratulatory poems, cards and themed crafts for fathers and grandfathers as early as kindergarten. Older girls in schools and others educational institutions They are already congratulating not only their relatives, but also their classmates. For the first time, they are thinking about what to give to boys in their classmates (classmates) on February 23 and how to congratulate them in an original way. More often female half class or group prepares a short congratulatory speech with funny poems and wishes. In addition, girls often prepare small but memorable souvenirs, preferably of a practical nature. For example, stationery, personal hygiene products, and CDs with games or music can be good gifts for boys in their classmates. If you are planning to congratulate your defenders on the holiday, but don’t know what to give to your classmates at school or classmates on February 23, then our list original gifts you will need:

  • personalized mugs
  • T-shirts with photo printing
  • cases for mobile phones, tablets
  • flash drives and memory cards
  • key chains
  • toy models of military equipment
  • pens, drawing kits and other stationery

What gift to give to your beloved boyfriend, husband, man on Defender's Day February 23, 2017

For many women, Defender of the Fatherland Day is associated primarily with the holiday of the most beloved men - boyfriends and husbands. They are the ones in the picture fair half humanity are the true defenders, regardless of military ranks and experience in army service. Therefore, the question of what gift to give to your beloved boyfriend, husband, or man on February 23rd is very relevant for ladies. Of course, it is difficult to give a definite answer to this question - the choice of a gift for February 23 depends on many factors. For example, you can give your husband a more personal and even intimate gift than young man someone you just started dating. In addition, what gift to give to your beloved boyfriend, husband or man on February 23rd is influenced by his work, hobbies, and interests. For example, a guy who is interested in sports will always be happy with a themed sports present (uniform, equipment, gym membership, etc.). Based on many important factors When choosing a gift, including those listed above, we bring to your attention several versions of current gifts for Defender of the Fatherland Day for boys and men.

Gift ideas for February 23rd for a guy

  • money clip
  • gadget for technology (case, flash drive, spare battery, laptop fan)
  • men's jewelry ( silver chain, leather bracelet)
  • good eau de parfum
  • high-quality diary
  • passport cover, license
  • dear business card holder, key holder
  • branded car keychain
  • headphones
  • an exhibit for his collection (car, stamp, coin, book)
  • board game (chess, dominoes, checkers, go)

Gift options for Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23rd for your beloved man/husband

  • an item of clothing such as a scarf, belt or tie
  • thermal mug
  • purse, men's clutch
  • set of tools
  • a useful thing for the car, for example, a mini vacuum cleaner or a road shovel
  • back massager
  • gift certificate for horse ride, skydiving, etc.
  • accessories for hobbies (fishing equipment, Sports Equipment, tourist knife)
  • poker set
  • elite alcohol

What is the best gift to give to your beloved father, grandfather, or uncle on February 23, 2017?

At the beginning of the list of the most dear and beloved men are our fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers. It is these people, long before the appearance of husbands in our lives, who act as the real defenders and guardians of our security. Often they themselves went through harsh military service and managed to play the role of true defenders of the Motherland. But even if their feet did not know soldiers’ boots, and their hands never held a machine gun, for us these men are always a reliable rear and support. And of course, they deserve attention, congratulations and gifts on their holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. What is the best gift to give to your beloved dad, uncle, or brother on February 23, 2017? When choosing a gift for the most dear men, the rule always works - the gift should be made from pure heart and be helpful. Therefore, on February 23, it is preferable to give fathers, grandfathers and other male relatives those things that they will definitely use in the future. Moreover, given the closeness of the relationship, you can give quite personal gifts. For example, personal hygiene products, small household and medical equipment, and perfumes are suitable. In addition, the list of what is best to give to your beloved father, grandfather, brother or uncle on February 23 may also include handmade gifts. Moreover, these do not have to be banal postcards or themed crafts from scrap materials. Add to list great gifts With your own hands on Defender of the Fatherland Day for dad/grandfather, you can include knitted items (socks, scarf, gloves), photo frames, tablet folders with sweets, candles or handmade soap.

Ideas for original gifts on February 23rd for dads, grandfathers, brothers

  • photo album with army photographs
  • tea cup
  • keychain or lighter with a memorable inscription
  • wine set (flask, glasses, corkscrew)
  • diary (you can make it yourself)
  • shoe care kit
  • set of care cosmetics (after-shave balm, hand cream, lotion)
  • keg of beer or elite alcohol
  • clock (wrist or table)
  • business card holder
  • car seat massager

What can you give to your work colleagues and boss on February 23, inexpensive gift ideas

Among the men who definitely need to be congratulated on February 23, one cannot fail to mention colleagues. What good and inexpensive gift can you give to your work colleagues and boss on February 23? The question is not easy, especially considering the fact that everyone has different tastes and the number of male colleagues can significantly exceed the number of women in the team. Therefore, choosing memorable gifts for colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day, you should focus on following rules. First, you need to decide price category gifts for colleagues and others cash expenses. For example, if you plan to please your men at work corporate party with a buffet, then you can choose gifts that are cheaper or even comic in format. Believe me when during have a fun feast you congratulate your male colleagues cool congratulations in poetry and funny gifts in the form of inflatable swords and pistols, they will be delighted. The main thing is to play correctly comic souvenirs and invest the bulk of the money in a buffet for colleagues.

Secondly, when choosing gifts for colleagues, it is advisable not to make large differences in price and type. In other words, it is better to give everyone gifts of the same type and price. An exception may be gifts for the manager and superiors - they should be of higher status. Next, you will find options for gifts that you can give to your work colleagues and boss on February 23, including ideas inexpensive gifts.

What to give your colleagues inexpensively on February 23

  • mugs with exclusive photo printing
  • stationery sets
  • comic souvenirs (toy guns, plastic helmets, inflatable swords, etc.)
  • confectionery products, such as personalized gingerbread cookies or themed cupcakes
  • photo collage with funny work moments
  • set of candles, handmade soap, dishes
  • sets of care cosmetics (shaving foam, razor)
  • tickets to cinema, theater, concert
  • branded calendars, badges, magnets

Gift options for February 23rd for a boss, manager

  • expensive tie, scarf, gloves
  • cigarette case, flask with a commemorative inscription
  • decorative flower
  • souvenirs and interior items (paintings, watches, figurines)
  • organizer for stationery, disks, papers
  • elite alcohol
  • computer glasses
  • gadget for mobile, tablet, laptop

What kind of gift can you make on February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day?

The popularity of handmade gifts is easy to explain. Firstly, this great option when you want to give something original, but the budget is limited. Secondly, a homemade gift always carries a piece of its creator and positive energy. Based on this, it arises logical question about what gift you can make on February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day. In fact, there are no options homemade gifts There are many and the choice of the appropriate one should be based on personal preferences. Let's assume that the man you are planning to congratulate on February 23rd served in the navy. You can give him a set of homemade candles decorated with anchors, or knit a scarf with sea ornaments. There are also a number of universal gifts that you can make with your own hands on February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day. Below we present to your attention a few step by step instructions original gifts on February 23, which you can easily repeat at home.

DIY gift option for your beloved man or boyfriend

The first option is quite personal in nature, so it is ideal for a beloved man, boyfriend or dad, grandfather, brother. It's about about a commemorative box with photographs. To make it you will need a small wooden or plastic box/box. It will serve as a base, the entire surface of which needs to be decorated with photographs. It is advisable to select thematic photos, for example, from an army album. You can also make an original panel from photographs, picture frames, wire and clothespins, as in the photo below.

DIY gift options for the home on Defender of the Fatherland Day

You can also make a present for February 23rd to decorate your home with your own hands. For example, old shirt(military is also suitable) can become the basis for an original pillowcase. You just need to cut off the sleeves and sew the side parts. And from wooden board, clockwork and dominoes will turn out to be very original Wall Clock. Even the old one road map or atlas pages can be transformed into unusual glass holders. To do this, cut out mugs from the card that fit the diameter of the glasses and stick them on cardboard blanks.

DIY sweet gift idea for colleagues

The following sweet gift option is ideal for congratulating colleagues. In order to make original sweet gifts for colleagues, you will need transparent packaging for vitamins, small candies or dragees, and a color printer. Using templates from the Internet, we print out a blank shirt with a tie or a military uniform. Glue it to the packaging and fill the jar with sweets. All that remains is to add beautiful poem for Defender of the Fatherland Day for colleagues and the present is ready!

We hope that our article will help you choose perfect present on Defender of the Fatherland Day for your beloved man (husband, boyfriend), dad, grandfather, child, brother, work colleague or boss. And ideas for inexpensive DIY gifts will inspire you to get creative, which even picky boys in your class or classmates will appreciate. Well, if you haven’t decided what to give as a gift on February 23rd, then be sure to take a look next video With original ideas presents.

Every year, as Defender of the Fatherland Day approaches, all the girls are puzzled by one common problem: choosing a gift for your man. However, decide this problem It’s quite easy if you approach it with enthusiasm and use your imagination a little. If you don’t want to hear a hint of disappointment in your man’s voice when he says “Thank you” after opening the surprise, take the choice of the right item seriously. Better to exclude various souvenirs and trinkets with traditional military symbols. No matter how original the figurine is, it is unlikely that a man will be delighted when you give him this trinket! In addition, try that the gift is not repeated last year, otherwise, it's certainly not a surprise. This article is dedicated to what you can give on February 23rd with your own hands to surprise a man!

Craft “Coffee Cup”

An ordinary cup can be turned into a real work of art, beautiful and fragrant! To do this you will need very little time and finances.

We will need:

  • coffee beans,
  • thread,
  • cotton pads,
  • brown acrylic paint,
  • Super glue.


  1. Cover the entire cup cotton pads. Try to ensure that the entire surface of the mug is covered and there are absolutely no gaps.
  2. Wrap the cup with thread.
  3. Cover the surface of the cup with brown acrylic paint (again, avoiding any gaps).
  4. Start gluing the coffee beans to the cup. To make the mug look more voluminous, you can glue the grains in two rows.
  5. Leave the craft in a warm place until it dries completely; you can also decorate the cup with ribbon or lace.

Video instruction

Craft “Pillow for memory”

Why not make something original out of such an ordinary object as an ordinary pillow? creative product, which will always remind its owner of you? You can make a pillow with some unique inscription or photo.

We will need:

  • pillow with white pillowcase,
  • photograph or collage of photographs,
  • jet printer,
  • thermal paper.


  1. Print your chosen picture or photo collage onto thermal paper.
  2. Carefully place the photo in the pillow and iron it thoroughly with a hot iron.
  3. When the fabric has cooled completely, remove the paper from it. The pillow is ready!

Craft “Tool Stand”

For a man who has a lot of tools, you can make a stand for him. This unique stand is convenient because it can not only be hung on the wall or placed on a shelf, but also stored in a folded state.

We will need:

  • several packs of juice or milk,
  • newspaper,
  • glue,
  • scissors,
  • acrylic paints with brush,
  • cord.


  1. First of all, let's deal with the boxes, take three milk or juice cartons and cut off the top of them.
  2. Unroll them until they are completely flat, wash them thoroughly and leave in a warm place until completely dry.
  3. Carefully remove the top layer of paint so as not to damage the seams.
  4. Trim all the bags and cover them with newspapers.
  5. Cover the product with white acrylic paint.
  6. Wet your brush with black paint and go around the edges of each pocket.
  7. Secure the three pockets with fishing line and secure the cord.
  8. Decorate your stand with various inscriptions and pictures.

Craft “Bottle in reserve”

Why not give a bottle of some alcoholic drink on Defender of the Fatherland Day? After all, this is a men's day, and, as you know, almost every man is a connoisseur of alcohol. When choosing this or that alcohol, do not forget about its packaging!

Option #1

We will need:

  • shirt for a 2 year old boy (preferably checkered),
  • bottle of alcohol,
  • tie,
  • needle,
  • a thread,
  • scissors.


  1. We put a shirt on the bottle and fasten the buttons.
  2. We carefully tie the sleeves at the back.
  3. We tie a tie on the neck of the bottle.
  4. If there is a lot of material left at the bottom, we cut off all unnecessary material and carefully sew the product together.
  5. You can add this original packaging souvenir medals and orders.

Option No. 2

We will need:

  • bottle of alcohol,
  • two knee-high socks in camouflage colors.


    1. Take one golf course and stretch it over a bottle of alcohol.
    2. Tie the second golf on top of the first on the neck of the bottle.
    3. Tie a nice bow.

If you couldn’t find knee socks with camouflage colors, don’t despair, you can use any other as an alternative.

Origami tank

Photo collage

Glass of candy



Any homemade gifts have significantly more privileges when compared with ordinary souvenirs that will be purchased at the nearest store. First of all, the main advantage of the gift Hand Made is exclusivity, because an item made by you is unlikely to be given as a gift by anyone again. Thus, the person you are gifting will be completely sure that he is the only owner of this unique gift. In addition, you will be able to reflect in your creation the individuality of the person to whom it is addressed!

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