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Kindred spirits can. How many kindred spirits do we have? General views on life, principles and moral values

Incredible Facts

When we talk about soul mates, we imagine the person we are all looking for. This is the person we meet and immediately understand that this is him. We fall in love, become inseparable and can understand each other without words.

Although there is a soul mate that is our true love, we encounter other types of soul mates along the way. We meet them when we least expect them, but when we need them most..

And although these relationships can end and break our hearts, each of them can change us and teach us a lot.

At some point in your life, you will meet these five soul mates.

Man is a kindred spirit

1. Stranger Soul

A soulmate stranger is a person we meet by chance. Perhaps you were on the same bus, on a plane, or you were just walking down the street and bumped into him. When you meet a stranger with kindred spirit, You you immediately feel that you recognize it, but you can’t understand where.

It may be one of your past life. Your communication with him may be very short, but he shares with you the wisdom that needs to be heard. It can be words of recognition, a push in the right direction, or a feeling of comfort.

2. Soul-healing power

This person is a friend who appears with purpose. It comes when you need it most and teaches you a valuable life lesson.

Your healing soul mate feels the pain you feel and stays by your side to help heal your emotional wounds.

This type of relationship or friendship develops very quickly. And even if the relationship is not meant to last, this person came to your rescue when you needed him so desperately, so you will always be grateful to him for that.

3. Soul-destructive force

This type of soul mate comes into your life, when you need a change. Its purpose is to shake you up. He challenges you, pushes you, and turns your perception upside down. When you meet this type of soul mate, you feel a sudden sensation of love and passion.

Such a person makes you take a fresh look at things and think about your life and plans. Ultimately, your destructive soul mate will disappear from your life. But you will learn a lot about yourself through these relationships. You will no longer be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and pursue your goals..

Friend is a kindred spirit

4. Twin soul

Your twin soul mate helps you overcome emotional and spiritual barriers. This someone you can talk to for hours, and the topics of conversation between you will not end. You think alike and complete sentences one after the other. You can easily do everything together as a couple.

When you meet your "twin" you experience a sense of wholeness. You feel like you've known him all your life. Your relationship is natural and easy, and you rarely break up. Your twin soul mate is often your best friend.

5. Soul- real love

It is this type of soul mate that each of us is looking for. Your true love or divine soul mate is a person with whom you will spend your whole life, if you are lucky enough to meet him.

This soul mate is a combination of all of the above types. You feel like you've known him all your life, strong connection deep friendship and amazing love.

You understand each other on a deep level. Your true love is passionate and amazing love that you are experiencing for the first time. If you meet your soul mate, you will always want to hold on to her.

Meeting your soul mate is always for something more! Meeting our true half changes our lives once and for all. Most importantly, do not miss your unique opportunity and soul mate.
How can you feel true intimacy at all levels - this is a series of author's publications by Yulia Raidler.

Meeting with kindred spirits is a special event in our lives. After her, our life changes completely and irrevocably. This meeting is always given for something more than just for romantic relationship and subsequent program family life which does not exclude one from the other. But all this, when meeting with a Soulmate, acquires a completely different quality - the Highest Quality.

Love, the word we use so often, is actually love for enjoyment. We are created in such a way as to fill ourselves with it. It can be art, science, culture, man, woman, children, smells, sex, starry sky... everything that gives us pleasure and brings pleasure. The desire to enjoy something is the desire for Love. The truth is that we love only that which gives us pleasure. And we choose a partner based on how much he can fill us with his love, how much we can enjoy him. But why are we irresistibly attracted to some, while we are indifferent to others?

Karmic connection and soul mates

The whole secret lies in what attracts us most of all to kindred spirits, that is, to those whom we recognize at the cellular level. Passing life after life in our karmic cycle, we meet people who in our past incarnations were our spouses, lovers, children, parents, etc. Even if it was many reincarnations ago, a bright karmic imprint of these events remains in our soul. Suddenly in our real life a man appears and stuns us with his presence. You yourself do not know why your consciousness is screaming: “I know you!” It's most likely yours soul mate. Attraction to this person is a manifestation of the energy of the past, it is expressed in an inexplicable desire and feelings.

Soul mate - important meeting in your life

Meeting a soul mate is always for something more! It doesn't just happen for the sake of a romantic relationship. It is given as true, real and unconditional love. But in order to feel it and come to its highest manifestation, you need to go a long, sometimes painful way. Any meeting with a kindred spirit, and most often it is karmic partner, exacerbates internal problems, exposes psychological blocks brings old traumas to the surface. The problems coming from past lives are brightly highlighted. The battle between good and evil begins. This process is sometimes very painful. And there is only one salvation here - to stay in the flow of Love and go through your lessons with this partner. Only meeting with a kindred spirit can give those feelings that you have never experienced before. It is for purification and growth of consciousness, for deep knowledge original source Love. This spiritual relationship can be experienced in different ways, but always, no doubt, vividly and fully.

Sometimes it seems that before meeting this person everything was clear and calm. However, deep down, you admit to yourself that something important in your life is just beginning. When you meet a soul mate, you meet yourself, that forgotten part of yourself, ancient and so close to you. Phenomenal powers and abilities wake up in you, you remember your past incarnations and acquire your primordial talents. Meeting with a Soulmate is Love, Strength, Energy, Your Wisdom, Life! Meetings with a Soulmate are different, and you may not be ready for it at all. But in whatever form it happened, you will never be the same, and you will never be able to forget it.

Kindred Souls are the best Teachers

Our life is in many ways a school where we learn lessons. But our life is also given to us for enjoyment. Meeting a soul mate is always a pleasure and a great lesson. Kindred spirits can be the most for us the best teachers, psychotherapists. They may seem unusually intelligent to us, because through them our soul speaks to us. own soul. And until we learn the lesson given to us, our mission of meeting with a Soulmate will not be completed, which means that our life lesson will not be completed. These are the Laws of Space, in which a man and a woman live and improve together. And only together they will be able to go through all the lessons, difficulties and enjoy the highest bliss. With a Soulmate, one can reach the highest states of consciousness and feel the source of Love, and only then, without a doubt, one will be able to realize oneself infinitely happy. May the meeting with your Soulmate bring you true pleasure and make you infinitely happy.

Kindred soul- This a person who teaches you, enriches you, pushes you forward and helps you reach the higher spheres of being and consciousness.

A partner is a life companion who you trust and rely on all your life.

Men rarely combine both. So it would be better for you to decide in advance, even before marriage, what type of life partner you need.

Here are 5 main differences between a soul mate and a partner:

1. Your soul mate teaches you life lessons.

A soul mate may come into your life disguised as a friend, relative, or lover. This person satisfies your passion for knowledge. Once this desire is satisfied, and the lesson is learned, the soul mate usually leaves you, breaking your heart.

The partner shares your interests. This person is your support, support and safety net.

Unlike a soul mate, a partner always stays close, no matter what difficulties and troubles you meet on your way. The partner has with you spiritual and emotional connection untainted by selfish considerations.

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2. The feeling of spiritual kinship is completely different.

Soul mates feel a deep connection to your heart and mind. They hurt your very ego. Relations with them are stormy and changeable. These beautiful experiences often end in heartbreak.

Kindred souls teach you karmic lessons that you are supposed to learn in this incarnation.

Partners appear in life at the moment when you love and accept yourself. You no longer need to fill an inexplicable emotional vacuum. Partners usually have a similar life experience. They come to stay with you for a long time.

“A soul mate is there to shake you up, tear your ego to shreds, show you your limitations and attachments, break your heart so it can be filled with new light, drive you to the point of despair and helplessness that you have to change your life. ". (Elizabeth Gilbert)

3. You experience a timeless attraction to this person.

When you meet your soul mate, it feels like you've known each other for ages. You understand each other perfectly, your thoughts converge.

You have similar childhood memories. It is from here that the attraction between kindred souls is born. You are attracted to each other "knowledge".

Such relationships can be chaotic and destructive because you mirror each other in everything, including flaws and habits.

The partner, meanwhile, usually has a completely different life experience. Your differences strengthen the emotional bond between you.

You want to learn more and learn new things from each other. It is easy for you to be together, and a true and long friendship quickly arises between you. Every day you love each other more and more.

"Important meetings are planned by the souls long before the bodies meet in reality." (Paolo Coelho)

4. A kindred spirit intuitively knows you.

You feel a higher connection between thoughts and feelings. You read each other's thoughts and desires.

It is never difficult for soul mates to exchange ideas and emotions. A soul mate always understands you, because she knows your experiences.

Partners, on the other hand, attract each other physically and strive to learn each other's values.

Such relationships are based on logical and intellectual stimulation, and not on emotional love with its ups and downs.

5. A kindred soul appears to you at the moment of the most important experiences.

A kindred spirit always appears at a time when you need to comprehend something. Such relationships teach valuable lessons.

The love between you is ecstasy, although it is full at times sharp corners. Two soul mates are trying to find ground in a relationship that brings out their best and worst at the same time. Relations with a partner are always simple. They start without special efforts. They persist against the backdrop of everyday events.

Such a union does not depend on the experiences of the past or the future. It exists only in the present.

These relationships lead to healthy marriages because both parties are willing to strive for unity without sacrificing their individuality and sincerity.

We often call a kindred spirit a person who is close in spirit, with whom we feel very good and with whom we feel trust and openness. A loved one can be a man, your childhood friend or someone from your family. Perhaps this person will be like-minded in some common cause and at some point you realize that you are very similar and you have a lot in common. You will strive to share both joy and sadness with him, and you will feel good, from the fact that you will be listened to and understood.

You have the same lifestyle, interests and goals, a point of view on certain things, all this says only one thing - you are perfect for each other. But if you go deeper and think, do these same kindred spirits really exist or is it just a myth, a special name for people with whom we just feel good and comfortable? "Let's figure this out together! ", - says the psychologist Vlada Berezyanskaya.

Vlad Berezyanskaya

Who are kindred spirits?

In fact, there are several interpretations of the concept of "soul mates". The first relates to a couple in love and recognizes that there is only one soul mate in the world - this is your soul mate. When you meet her, you become one and exist harmoniously together. The second - says that there can be many soul mates. These are the people who help a person through life, contribute to his worldview and perception of the world, help on certain life stages. Some of them stay with a person forever, someone, having done their job, leaves.

If we analyze both interpretations, then we can agree with both of them. On the one hand, there can be several soul mates, but in any case, a person evaluates relationships with all people in different ways. For example, it doesn’t happen that you love two close friends equally - you still love one of them more, trust more, support, etc. The same is true with men - you marry the same person, despite the fact that before him you had relationships with others. Therefore, on the other hand, a kindred spirit is one.

How to find a kindred spirit?

In movies, kindred spirits meet very beautifully. Music sounds, the characters move slowly and as if in a haze, meet their eyes. Such meetings are possible in life, but as practice shows, a meeting with a soul mate occurs in the same way as a meeting with an ordinary new acquaintance - calmly and without special effects.

If we talk about what needs to be done in order to find a soul mate, then I will list all the same things that I recommend doing to those who want to find new relationships and love in life. It is necessary to get rid of all the burden of the past, cleanse your mind of anger and resentment, achieve harmony with your soul and body. And this will help you with therapy, relaxing practices and meditation.

Myth or reality?

The kinship of souls can be a reality. However, I would not recommend that those who have found such a person, who have found a kindred spirit, relax. After all, relationships are always work. So many people forget about this, referring to the fact that it is so good and comfortable with a soul mate, a soul mate will understand and forgive everything, which means you can relax and rely on the role " higher powers". This is wrong! Having met a kindred spirit and having secured in any way your union - marriage, friendship, cooperation, always remember that relationships, whether friendly or loving, always require work. You can become real soulmates when you understand and fully realize what you expect in a relationship and start building these relationships.

How do you know if you've found your soul mate?

Sit down and think about certain person- how long and well do you know each other, do you feel comfortable and relaxed with this person? It happens that people live together for several years and do not feel that state of complete trust and warmth. And vice versa - sometimes you get to know someone, you know a person for 5 minutes, and it seems to you that you have known him all your life.

Determine for yourself whether you are playing your usual role or acting naturally. What could these roles be? For example, many girls, when meeting a man, begin to flirt unnaturally. Even more likely not to flirt, but to play a certain role, to choose a different behavior for themselves, which is not characteristic of them in real life- if a girl is super-caring, she starts to pretend to be indifferent, etc. Men may not call for several days, let the girl know that they are not interested in a relationship, when in fact the opposite is true. Well, kindred spirits don't play games like that. They expose themselves to each other - they are not afraid to show themselves, their pluses and minuses, because there is trust and sincerity in relationships.

Feel the emotional connection. Here you have to be very careful with your feelings. What could these feelings be? Feelings that you have known each other all your life, feeling that this person is, in some way, a part of you, feeling that you are the same emotionally and spiritually etc.

Find out what his life values ​​are. You begin to communicate with a person and already in the first hour you find out that he holds the same views, you have similar plans for life, common interests etc.

The most important rule that will allow you to develop a kindred spirit is open conversations about what is important for you to get in a relationship. Speak everything that excites and do not think that someone will read your thoughts. We do not have a fortune-telling ball and we do not know how to guess the thoughts of another person.

Vlada Berezyanskaya, psychologist Photo: stills from the movie "More than Love"

Girls, do you really love it when your boyfriend leaves the toilet seat up? Men, there is nothing cuter than when your loved one is definitely upset about something, but at the same time refuses to admit it? Sarcasm aside, these are just a couple of examples of the bad things you can experience when you're in a relationship. But it is worth recognizing that no relationship will be perfect, because no person in the world is perfect. Naturally, this does not mean that every person does not want to find ideal partner, which would be great for him, with whom one could one hundred percent share his feelings and life values. Have you already found it? Here are eight signs that such a person is next to you.

A soul mate accepts you for who you are.

The main problem that ruins many relationships is the prevalence of the opinion that every person should change his partner. This includes everything from having your partner change their taste in fashion to character changes. No matter, in question about clothes or about character traits, a true soul mate will never require you to change. On the contrary, such a person will accept you for who you are.

Your soul mate will never mislead you

Do you feel irritated because you never understand how your partner feels? Can't understand why your partner is upset, but when you ask directly, you get the answer that everything is fine? A soul mate will always speak directly to you, because such a person understands that the key to a successful relationship is the ability to be open and honest about what is bothering you. this moment. Once you know what happened, you can solve the problem together, no matter how big.

Your soul mate will accept your opinion

There is no such relationship in which both people always agree on everything one hundred percent. You may take a very strong stance on a particular issue, while your significant other will take the opposite stance. But rather than allowing disagreement to hurt and create tension in your relationship, a true soul mate understands that sometimes it's best to admit that you won't be able to reach agreement on certain issues.

Your soul mate may not always like you, but she always loves you.

Contrary to popular belief, best relationship These are not the ones in which there are never quarrels. Sometimes one of the partners will annoy and infuriate the other. This may be the result of stress at work, disagreement on some issues, or a combination of several factors that lead to a well-known state called "boiled" and then to an outburst of aggression. But a soul mate stands out from the background of all other people in that she may not like you at this moment, but she will always love you anyway.

Your soul mate believes in mutual satisfaction

healthy and active sex life is very important for relationships. Sex is a reminder of love and passion, reduces stress levels and at the same time maintains an emotional and physical connection, without which no relationship can exist. A soul mate understands that the key to good sex is mutual satisfaction. Simply put, in good relations sex is not limited to satisfying the needs of only one of the partners.

Your soul mate accepts your physical imperfections

You may be concerned about cellulite on your legs, a large scar on your arm, or a mole on your forehead, but don't worry about your soul mate, as this person will never attach importance to your physical shortcomings. He understands and appreciates the beauty of imperfection, so you should follow his example.

Your soul mate shares your interests

Do you like to draw, sculpt or run? If your partner understands how much fun your hobby brings you, you have found your soul mate! Such a person will never tell you that you are wasting your time if you enjoy your activities. He will enthusiastically support you as you pursue this or that goal. He will always appreciate your talents, and in some cases he may even join you.

Your soul mate won't be jealous of you

Trust is very important if you want your relationship to be successful. A soul mate understands that total trust between partners means that she cannot be swayed by jealousy. If your partner is always open with you, discusses with you his experiences related to the relationship, and also understands that the couple should not spend every minute of their free time together, then you most likely have found your ideal person.

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