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If you always want to break up with a guy. Separation on your initiative. The hardest part is making the decision to break up.

People don't always fall in love and start building relationships with whoever suits them. Therefore, not all relationships, as they say, "have a future." However, you can’t command the heart, and sometimes the question of how to part with the man you love comes up with an edge. After all, love is far from the only condition that makes our relationship full, viable.

If your relationship is at an impasse, you different goals and plans for the future, and it is not possible to find a compromise. If a man fell out of love with you or met someone who suits him more. In general, if it is necessary to put an end to the relationship, but you are rushing about and cannot make a decision to part, because you still love him, this article is for you.

The hardest part is making the decision to break up.

When you love someone really hard, the most difficult thing is to admit that your relationship is not viable and decide to put an end to it. Breaking up with a man is always difficult, but if you have feelings, it really is. painful process. In practice, we are talking about which you must inflict on yourself.

Therefore, women find thousands of excuses for the men they love. Stopped calling and texting - well, he's just really busy. Doesn't support you difficult moment? But after all, so much has been thrown at him. He refuses meetings and generally pushes you away with all his might - it's just that he probably wants to be alone for such a period.

Be honest with yourself. Answer yourself the question - do you need a person who does not need you. Find a little warmth for the woman you love, a couple kind words How much time and effort is required for this? If you do not get the return you need in a relationship, you feel lonely and unhappy - maybe it's time to stop torturing yourself?

Breaking up with a man right

Get ready. You should calmly tell him about your decision, explaining the reason and your desire to part with him. Forget about your need to take out the resentment and pain that you feel on him. You will have to find another way to do this. Do not go on shouting and insulting, even if he tries to provoke you to it.

Do not sort things out, do not indulge in memories of your joint happy days. If you really want to part with the man you love, you must do it in such a way that he believes in the finality of your decision. And I didn’t see this as an attempt to bring him to emotions and force him to show his feelings.

Telling him that you love him is also completely unnecessary. Statements like “I love you, but I can’t do this anymore” are more suitable for love melodramas than real ones. life situations. And do not shed tears in such a conversation. Men, for the most part, do not like women's tears, because, firstly, they do not know how to behave, and secondly, they consider them (in such a situation not unreasonably) to be their favorite female manipulation.

Therefore, if you doubt that you can tell the man about your decision calmly, it is better not to start this conversation. Write a letter to e-mail. Take a break in which you can calm down and recover a little, and then talk and part completely.

Remember that it is possible that a man will not want to calmly let you go. Nobody likes to feel abandoned. Therefore, be prepared for his attempts to stop you or return you. You may want to give it a second chance. Especially if the feelings are strong and he is persistent.

It is up to you to decide how to proceed in this case. You can try to enter this river a second time or burn bridges and cut off all communication with him. Whatever you decide, the main thing you need is firmness in your intentions. It makes no sense to rush back and forth, to converge in order to then part again. This is a waste of time and effort, do not let a man drag you into such a game. Even if you love him very much.

After breaking up - how to learn to live without the man you love?

Don't play iron lady. Give your emotions an outlet, survive the loss, feel your grief to the end. Give yourself certain period and mope. Just be careful not to get depressed. You just need time to get used to the fact that the past will no longer be in your life. Do not think about him and your feelings for him - focus on what lies ahead of you. And ahead of you - new feelings and new relationships.

5 stages of bereavement

Have you heard of the five stages of experiencing grief, loss, loss? They can be applied to . In psychology, there is a theory that you need to go through five stages in sequence - denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. That you will not be able to accept the loss and come to terms with it until you throw out resentment, live out anger at your loved one and yourself, do not mope properly.

Therefore, do not be afraid to fully live each of the stages. When it becomes a little easier for you, try, for example, to objectively evaluate the man with whom you broke up, make him psychological picture. Describe on paper all his qualities, as well as how he manifested himself in relation to you.

Is he really as perfect as you think under the influence pink glasses falling in love? If so, what poisoned your relationship, made you unhappy in it? After all, this crosses out, makes meaningless any set of male virtues.

Go out into the world, don't shut yourself up

Surviving a breakup with a man you love is much easier if you do not close yourself in your world, but gradually and steadily improve your life without him. Meet new people, find new hobbies and passions. Take a break from bad thoughts, fill all your time with some activities, do not leave yourself internal forces to experiences.

Remember the main thing - your behavior means a lot to a man, but if there is no harmony at the level of signs, then the relationship will be very tense. It is very desirable to know exact match exactly your zodiac sign with the sign of a man. This can be done by clicking on the button below:

Spend more time with loved ones. With someone you feel good with. Give your psyche the opportunity to take a break from worries and calm down. Do not be selfish, do not torment yourself with the questions “Why?” or "For what?" Learn to look ahead with humor and positivity.

Analysis of what happened

Yes, you will need to understand the reasons for what happened. Why did you love this person? How did it happen that you couldn't be happy together? What is your responsibility for what happened, and what is his.

But you should do this after you finally calm down and accept what happened. Someone needs more time to forget a loved one, someone needs a couple of weeks. The main thing to remember is that life will not end at this gap. And no matter how bad you feel, it will pass. And you will meet another person with whom you will definitely be happy.

If you want to be with your beloved man, you need to figure out if you are compatible according to your zodiac sign?

Find out the exact compatibility with a man by clicking on the button below.

Ilya Shevelev

Greetings, dear readers and especially readers. In this article, I decided to touch on a topic that is not very popular, but nevertheless quite interesting and important for some people. We will talk about how to break up with a guy with whom a girl wants to break off relations, but does not know how best to do it. Why is this topic important? The fact is that there are such cases, and I sometimes had to deal with them in my work, when girls come across very annoying guys with whom it is quite difficult to break off relations. Such a guy, if a girl decides to break up with him, can begin to pursue her, blackmail her in every possible way, threaten her or beg her to stay with him, putting pressure on her psyche. These situations, although rare, are very unpleasant, and sometimes quite dangerous. After all, some guys, because of their hot blood, can do a lot of stupid things and harm the girl because of her desire to part with them. Therefore, some guys need to part very carefully and very competently so as not to face negative consequences. Here's how to do it, I'll tell you in this article.

I want to say right away that if you, dear girls, see that your boyfriend, let's say, is not quite balanced and can be extremely aggressive if he is denied something - no need to try to break up with him in standard ways. All these here: “We need to break up” and “Let's stay friends” or “I have another boyfriend”, “We are not suitable for each other” and so on - they are not good. And even more so, you should not break off relations with a guy by phone or by mail, because this can cause him an extremely negative reaction, which can lead to no one knows what. And you don’t need to explain anything to your boyfriend if he doesn’t want to hear anything. There are people with whom you can communicate, to whom you can say something and be sure that they will hear you. And there are people who do not understand words and do not hear their interlocutor at all during a conversation. Now, if your boyfriend is just like that, you don’t need to talk to him. In short, if he's a fool who doesn't understand what he's being told, don't talk to him. You don't need all of these serious conversations or heart-to-heart conversations, with those who cannot, because they do not want to hear others. Do not waste your time and nerves on this, and do not disturb your boyfriend once again so that he does not start to get you. But this is true in the case when, as I said, your boyfriend does not want to hear you when he does not understand the words. So evaluate your boyfriend properly to find out if you can part with him in a normal way or not. If not, then read on, I will tell you what to do.

Different guys behave differently when a girl wants to break up with them. Some understand everything perfectly and break up with girls without any problems, because they are self-confident, know their worth and are not going to force anyone to meet with them. You won't be nice by force. And there are guys who start shedding tears, let out snot, start begging the girl not to leave them, and so on. Such guys look quite pathetic, because they have very low self-esteem and they are afraid of being left alone. And there are also guys who react extremely aggressively to a girl’s desire to part with them and can begin to deliver big problems. They can blackmail a girl, put pressure on her, threaten her. And if a girl leaves such a guy, he can then begin to take revenge on her. And sometimes such revenge is very cruel. In general, you understand, problems with such guys can be very serious. By the way, often those guys who first shed tears and snot, after the girl leaves them, they begin to take revenge on them. It is from all this disgrace that I want to save you, dear girls. Therefore, I repeat, the first thing you need to do is find out how your boyfriend is an adequate person. And if you see that he is not adequate, that you may have problems when parting with him, do not part with him in the usual ways. Break up with him as I suggest you do.

So, there are several ways to quickly and ethically get rid of people you are not interested in, but they all have their drawbacks. Therefore, I will not talk about them now. And there is a very reliable and repeatedly tested, including my practice, method of parting, in which in the vast majority of cases you are guaranteed to part with any person, even with a guy, even with a girl, without negative consequences for yourself. That is, no one will beg you to stay, no one will threaten you, no one will blackmail you into staying, in general, everything will go very smoothly, without a hitch, and everyone will be satisfied.

To show you the effectiveness of this method, let me start a little from afar. I want you to understand the essence of this method and be convinced of its effectiveness. Then you can use it without any problems. So, you want to break up with a guy, but the guy doesn’t really want it, or maybe he doesn’t want it at all, and at the same time he’s not quite adequate, and you know it, which means that you may have problems when breaking up with him. Therefore, you need to part with him so that this person disappears from your life forever and never again bothers you and does not interfere with your life. To understand what needs to be done for this, I suggest that you imagine yourself in the place of your boyfriend with whom you want to break up. Let's suppose that you met a very handsome, very interesting, very smart and very good guy from your point of view, with whom you are very good together, so good that you can't even imagine life without him. And suddenly, at one fine moment, he decides to part with you, no matter for what reason. Imagine how you will feel when you hear about it? Probably not very good, right? And if you also fell head over heels in love with this guy, or you just don’t want to lose him, because he is dear to you, or you are afraid to be alone, then for sure you will try in every possible way to keep him close to you, including, perhaps, through blackmail and even threats. Well, or with the help of persuasion and tears. You know better. In a word, you do not want to part with a guy. And this is your desire - this is the essence of the problem, both for him, if he wants to part with you, and for you, if you do not want it. Desire is what it's all about. We do not want to lose what is dear to us, what we consider valuable for ourselves.

Now let's imagine another scenario in which this guy that you really like, gradually begins to behave in such a way that you become not very comfortable around him, or you can even say that you are disgusted to be around him. It's possible, right, if the guy changes. That is, this guy can become such a person who is unpleasant and not interesting to you. For example, and this is very good example, he may begin to behave like complete misery. Let's say he starts smelling bad, looking terrible, dressing ugly, constantly whining, complaining about life, about various problems, including financial ones, in general, will turn into a guy that girls usually do not like. Imagine what will happen to your feelings for him? They'll start to change, won't they? And definitely not in better side. You will lose interest in this guy. And if he also tells you about some disease that they found him, suppose it will be some kind of disease that imposes restrictions on his sexual life, then it will make an even stronger negative impression on you. Thus, your attitude towards him will begin to change, of course, for the worse. And eventually the following will happen - you yourself will leave it. In most cases, this is exactly what happens. People who are not interesting to us, problematic people, people with whom we are uncomfortable - we usually quit. Now imagine that this is exactly what he needed, and that all his terrible behavior and appearance was his game, which he led with one sole purpose - to break up with you. And he will be able to do this if you yourself decide to part with him. I emphasize: decide for yourself. That's what's important. As a result, no scandals, no tears, no blackmail, no threats, no persecution and other disgrace - you yourself will run away from him and will be glad that you will never see him again. 'Cause you need normal guy and not who the hell knows. Thus, his goal - to part with you, will be achieved. And you just find yourself another guy who is normal from your point of view. And everyone will be happy. That's exactly what I offer you, talking about how to break up with a guy if he doesn't want it. You need to make sure that your boyfriend decides to break up with you. And here again we are talking about desire, but already about another desire - about the desire that suits you, which you need to arouse in your boyfriend.

Therefore, in order to break up with a guy so that he does not cling to a relationship with you and does not blackmail you in any way, you need to achieve only one thing - that he himself will leave you. Well, or in any case, so that he does not mind breaking up with you. That's the whole, if you want, trick with parting. This method is guaranteed to help you get rid of a guy without any negative consequences. After all, it will be his, and not your decision, based on his desire, even though you will be interested in him. This is the essence of an effective and relatively hassle-free breakup with a guy. Why relative? Because guys are different, for some of them you need to adapt in a certain way in order to make them disgusted with themselves, so that they decide to part with you. The main thing to remember is that you need to ensure that the person himself leaves you, or was not opposed to breaking up with you, because of your behavior, appearance, because of your problems, then everything will be clean and smooth. It’s hard for me to say anything about the ethics of this approach to parting, because then everything will depend on the methods by which you will disgust the guy with yourself. And they can be different. In some cases, it is enough to become a very unscrupulous girl, in others too bitchy, in others frivolous, in fourths very ugly, and so on. You can combine negative qualities and character traits in yourself, behaving in such a way that the guy starts to feel sick from you, for better efficiency. In this matter, it is desirable, and sometimes necessary, to build on the preferences of your boyfriend in order to become for him just such a girl that he will stop loving and appreciate, and will begin to feel disgust for her, that is, one that will not be interesting to him at all and will not needed. Then he will quickly leave you behind. With problem guys, this way of breaking up works great.

By the way, a guy can also break up with a girl, which I already mentioned above, if he sees that she does not want to let him go and holds on to him in every possible way. He can change so for a while that she herself will gladly leave him. Girls don't like all guys, and some guys don't like them at all. They especially dislike - insecure, whiny, overly modest, too shy, notorious, as well as seemingly flawed, weak and depressed guys. It is these guys who, as a rule, have problems with girls - they cannot find anyone for themselves, since many girls do not want to date them. They should turn to a psychologist for help in order to solve their problems with girls and not only with girls, but also with themselves, but many of them, unfortunately, do not do this. Well, for those guys who have problems with girls of a different kind, that is, those who want to be beautiful with them and without unnecessary problems to leave, it is enough just to play the role of an unattractive guy well and the job will be done - the girl herself will leave such a guy. So in that sense this way parting is universal. Sometimes, however, such an approach to parting can take some time, which is required to make a person disgusted with himself, but this person will leave you on his own and you will most likely not have any problems with him in the future.

This is how you can break up with a guy who doesn't want to break up with you in an amicable way. Of course, in each individual case it is possible, and sometimes necessary, to choose special way influencing a guy so that he himself decides to leave you. But you can use the most common ways, which I wrote about above, to discourage a guy from interest in himself. Think about what you can do for this directly in your case. If you can’t think of anything suitable to force a guy to break up with you, well, then contact me for help - we will think about this task together. The main thing - do not climb on the rampage, do not swear with your boyfriend, do not annoy him, do not make him aggressive, insisting on breaking up the relationship if he does not want it. And then little will happen. Young blood is hot blood, how many stupid things do people do because of unrequited love. I've never experienced this before, so I know what I'm talking about. Act smarter, and then everything will be fine, you will get yours, without unnecessary problems.

Parting with a loved one is the most difficult step in life. With age, we become wiser, and it is easier for us to do certain things. But when there is still no experience in parting, it is difficult to dare eternal separation if the feeling of love still warms the soul. But you can look at it from the other side, for many girls, breaking up with a guy means becoming happier. But how can this process be made painless for two people who until recently were happy together? Everything in our life is quite simple, we ourselves complicate everything, and then we complain about our difficult life. To make every day a joy, you need to remember that everything in this world is not eternal, even loneliness.

Love or breakup - the choice is not easy

If you still love a person, but want to end the relationship, you need to prepare for the worst. If you do not know with the guy you love, then the following tips will help you decide on temporary loneliness. All psychologists advise not to delay the decision. If love bothers you, it's time for a change. No one says that the process of breaking up is an easy path to happiness. But strong girls simple ways are not sought, and this is a fact. At the end difficult road waiting for you nice gift- this is the law of life, it is undeniable.

Don't delay the moment

Neither of the couple will feel better if you delay this unpleasant process. Cutting a living man is a thousand times more prudent than torturing a man with his coldness. The sooner you tell your loved one that it's time for you to leave, the less mutual accusations and reproaches will be. Perhaps this news will surprise him, or perhaps he himself understands that parting will benefit the two of you. If you constantly think about the one you love, the advice of a psychologist will come in handy. Taking into account the recommendations of professionals, you can survive any gap painlessly. And then negative emotions will not overwhelm you from the intensity of passions that have appeared in your life.

To be more tolerant is the lot of strong girls

Main and most important rule is to let the person talk. Perhaps he has something to say to you, or he just wants to say goodbye to you in a way that will remain friends. When parting, a person always wants to talk. The ability to say what you think in time helps to maintain respect for each other.

Remember that the taboo when breaking up a relationship is parting in public. A total humiliation for a guy - to be abandoned in front of strangers, you will also be uncomfortable with this situation. Therefore, if your breakup was provoked by a quarrel, make sure that you are left alone, others do not need to listen to your scandals.

It is very important to put yourself in the place of a partner, to feel his emotions, so to speak, to be in his shoes. And here a dilemma arises: how to part with the guy you love painlessly, how to feel what he feels if there is no bright love for him left in your heart? Would you like a guy to say goodbye to you the way you do? If not, make the breakup less painful for both of you.

When love is still in your heart

If love still lives in your heart, but you understand that this feeling does not make you happy man What then is the meaning of such a relationship? Naturally, this feeling has grown into attachment, and the latter into a habit, and it is too difficult to eradicate all this. But life is given for this, to live as we see fit. If you feel that love is choking you from the inside, eradicate it before it's too late. It's hard to believe that with dear person you can be unhappy. You catch yourself thinking more and more often: I love a guy, but I want to leave, what to do. And you can not find the answer to your question. How to break up with him, so as not to feel guilty? This is another question that torments many girls.

What to do?

Breakups are an integral part of our lives. And often we offend those who are dear to us. If you have made the decision to leave, no persuasion should stop you. After a while you will realize what it was hard choice who gave you freedom. Love makes us put on the dress of the person we may not have wanted to be. It makes us submit to another, illuminates us and makes life brighter. There are always pluses and minuses, and if you understand that loving and being unhappy is not for you, start acting. Your girlfriends often complain about their young people, and you constantly think: how I want to break up with a guy, but I love him. And you don’t see a way out of the situation. It happens often, as if you are walking in a circle and you understand that you want to get out of it, but something always stops you. You realize that tomorrow everything will be different, no one will write or call, and you do not understand how to live on.

Pity in love will lead to nothing

You feel sorry for yourself, you regret those days that you will no longer spend together with him. But who knows, maybe, breaking off relations with him, you will meet more worthy person and find the long-awaited happiness. Very often, in order to break up with a guy, we need other people's advice, the opinion of adults who already have the wisdom that does not allow us to make mistakes. And here the advice of professionals who know a lot about love comes to the rescue. If you don't know how to break up with the guy you love, advice from experienced people will help you. It could be elder sister who has already known the process of breaking up, mother, and maybe even grandmother. Each of them will judge by their relationship, advise them to do as they would have done in their time. But do not forget that you are not them, your relationship is not their relationship. All you have to do is listen, memorize and draw conclusions. Perhaps you will listen to their advice, or maybe you will do everything your own way, which is more likely. But the truth is that older generation knows what he is saying, their advantage is that they have already gone through all this: pain, resentment, parting. Therefore, their advice should be taken into account, and you should listen to what they say, it definitely won’t get any worse.

Breakup or suffering? The choice is yours

And if thoughts are still spinning in your head: I want to break up with a guy, but I love him, you should do one thing - break off relations with him. Psychologists recommend initially putting on paper everything that you want to say when parting. Write everything exactly as you would like to tell him, pour out all your emotions and thoughts, and then the process of parting will be painless for both of you. Well, if the words have become lumpy in your throat, write him a letter and give it to him personally. This method of parting is a little naive, but then you will definitely say what you planned. Paper can endure everything, even the most degrading words that you would like to communicate to it. Do not be ashamed of your weakness, this is the normal state of any person. You don't have to tell the guy everything to his face.

If he doesn't love

It also happens that it's time to break up with a guy, as you understand that he does not love you. But you feel for him strong feelings. It's harder here, here you can blame yourself before last days life that took the wrong step. But this is not so, if you love a guy, but he does not love you - these are not real feelings. In any interpretation, the feeling must be mutual. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to break up with the guy you love, but he doesn’t have you, think over a thorough breakup plan so that you don’t regret what you did later. For him, this parting will be painless, but you can eat pies for weeks at night, eating your pain from surging loneliness. No one has ever died from being alone. Everything has its charms. Temporary loneliness is not the end of the world.

Temporary loneliness on the path to happiness

The advantage of loneliness is that it is a temporary event. Sooner or later you will meet the guy of your dreams and forget about those who were not worthy of you. All that remains for you is to take the will into a fist and start acting. Cut on the living, but without a knife, speak sharply and clearly, so that he believes you. And go away, be proud and confident, guys admire these qualities. Remember one simple rule: never send SMS to the guy you broke up with, but you love him madly. If you have made a decision, do not give up, be self-confident, do not give in to momentary weaknesses. After a while, you will realize that this SMS was superfluous, and he would not appreciate such an act. If they parted, then finally, why the whole farce? A week or two will not change anything, sooner or later such a person will disappear from your life and will never remember you. It is difficult to take and change fate, to throw a person out of your life, it is difficult, but everything is possible.

Seriousness or frivolity?

The guy's unwillingness to have a serious relationship suggests that he lives for himself. Such a man meets, walks, has fun and leaves his passions. Sooner or later you'll want more Serious relationships with this person, but he will have only short-term hobbies on his mind. What could be worse than neglect? If you constantly suspect him of lying, he does not inform you when his plans change, this guy is not worthy of your attention. Worse than neglect can only be the extinction of passions. If this feeling has not been between you for a long time in question What is the point of such a relationship?

Neglect has no place in a relationship

Another question is how to part with the guy you love and who uses you. This is the most painstaking process, because it is difficult to get rid of love for a person to whom you are attached with all your soul and heart, especially if he does not let you go because of his own benefit. . Then various manipulations can take place. As soon as you notice similar manifestations, immediately begin to act, do not wait for a special occasion.

It's hard to leave a guy you're dependent on for one reason or another. A person who hurts you, and knowingly, for their own benefit, does not deserve your love. There are always reasons to think about your relationship. Indifference kills even the most strong love. If you stop counting on his help and support, you notice that he is comfortable, but you are not, it's time to ring the bells. If a guy doesn't care about you, then he doesn't care, what could be worse?

You ceased to interest him, he began to pay attention to other girls, it's time to talk heart to heart. Look at beautiful women every man desires, but there must be a limit to everything. Constant control also does not mean boundless love, this is most likely an indicator of distrust. And if there is no this feeling, what kind of relationship can we talk about? He began to consider you his property, so it's time to get rid of such a candidate.

Guys worry about breakups too.

We are all sure that the guys do not worry about the breakup, that they do not care what happens next. But, as it turned out, this is not so, men are also weak, especially if they are in love. Being depressed is normal, we are all human, each of us has emotions. Sometimes even guys are more upset than girls. If a man breaks up with a woman because of her infidelity, these can be the worst months after a breakup in his life. Therefore, you should not think that guys do not regret, do not get upset, do not cry. They also have feelings, they also love and want to be loved. Therefore, if you decide to leave, do it not by phone, not by SMS, but in person.

Look into each other's eyes and say what you think. Perhaps fate will bring you together again in many years, perhaps you will never see this person again. In any situation, it is important to remain worthy, not to cause people the pain that you would not want to experience yourself. And only then kindness, harmony and immense happiness will prevail in your life. And what can be better than that to love and be loved?

Part 1

Soil preparation

    Figure out what you're going to say. Are you going to break up with him because he doesn't feel the same way about you, because you've lost interest, or because you're both too busy to make it work? No matter what your reason is, you must figure out what you are going to say and how. If you no longer love this person or have fallen in love with someone else, then you need to find a way not to hurt him too much.

    • While honesty is important, you don't have to tell him "everything" if it will only hurt him. Although you have fallen out of love with him, you may not want to be too rough with him.
  1. Hint. You don't want to be too obvious, you don't want to take him by surprise with a breakup. This means that he should not think that everything was “in chocolate” with you the day before the breakup, or even a week. Once you've made up your mind, you should break up with him as soon as possible, but if you have to wait a few days to do so, try to be cool and keep your distance.

    • Don't tell him how much you love him, don't kiss or be affectionate with him.
  2. If possible, do it face to face. Don't be a coward and don't send him notes, emails or phone calls. Unless you're in a long-distance relationship or he gets too aggressive when he gets bad news, you should meet him this week. last time. If you don't do it face to face, he'll still find you and you'll have to rephrase that painful conversation, but this time he won't be on your terms.

    • If you don't do it in private, then he will blame you after the end of your relationship.
  3. Select right place and time. Once you've made your decision, it's important to break up with your boyfriend as soon as possible. You should not go and put an end to your relationship right now, otherwise you risk explaining yourself in wrong moment in public. Just choose a time when you will be alone and in a suitable setting, but not romantic, otherwise he may misinterpret.

    • Don't go to one of your favorite places, he will be even more upset bad news'cause he'll be thinking about all those good times that are connected to you and to this place.
    • Don't do it right after work or before important test. Choose a time when he will be relatively relaxed and will not think about anything and worry.

    Part 2

    1. Tell him it's over. Tell him the truth (if possible). Don't be embarrassed or lie - just tell him that your relationship has no future. Try to avoid expressions such as "let's be friends" or "it's not about you, it's about me." It will give the impression that you did not really think about his feelings. Let him know that it's time to move on, that your relationship isn't working out, and that you're hoping you can leave as mature people.

      • Look into his eyes when you speak. Let him see that it is not easy for you either.
    2. After the breakup, let him ask questions. It is likely that he wants more detailed explanation even if he doesn't say right away. Be open to talking to him. This will signal to him that you are open to conversation and thus try to be a good friend to him when he needs it. It can also give him the understanding to move on.

      • He may not want to ask questions or even want to talk at all, but he may come to you with questions later. This is fine. If he really doesn't want to talk, don't pressure him.
    3. Explain more if necessary. He can react in many ways. If he is dumbfounded and silent, or just wants to leave right away, that's fine. But he might really, really want to know why. And you must tell him, but in a way that does not hurt his feelings. If you think he doesn't care about you, bring him a couple. concrete examples but in a way that doesn't sound accusatory.

      • You usually don't have to go that far, because if you think your relationship isn't working, then he probably thinks so too.
    4. Avoid rudeness. Perhaps you are angry, hurt or crushed, there is no need to call him names, be rude or make him feel even worse. You should do this with your head held high so that he remembers you as positively as possible. It doesn’t matter how bad everything is, because, for sure, it was once good and you shouldn’t ruin everything just because you are angry or offended.

      • If, of course, he offended you, this does not mean that you have to be super polite with him. Just try not to curse, slap, or be too aggressive.
    5. Be brief. Once you've said your part and answered a few of his questions, it's time to say goodbye. There is no point in delaying, holding each other, you will only be even more upset. The longer you sit there, the more these feelings will cover you and it will be more painful, sadder.

      • As soon as you have nothing to say, say goodbye.
    6. Stand your ground. This is not a negotiation, but a notification. Don't let your friend convince you that you are meant to be together, that you got it all wrong, and that he will completely change and be perfect for you. You have made a decision and there is no way back. You had good reasons for making such a decision, and you should stick to them, no matter how difficult the breakup will be.

      • It's important to be precise and make it clear that "it's over" and you don't need time to be apart. Let him know that it's all over with a capital letter.
    7. If you want to remain friends, tell him so. Be sure he knows that you want to give him time to get over the breakup. Explain to him that you will not take the first step towards friendship, but as soon as he feels that he is ready to be your friend, he can call you. This will give both of you time to get over your breakup. Keep your promise, be polite when he calls.

      End on a good note. While you both obviously won't smile from ear to ear and hug passionately when you say goodbye, you should try to do it in the most friendly and polite way possible, even if it's very difficult for you. Be kind, do not give the impression that you want to get out of there as soon as possible, and tell him that you are sorry about his feelings. Make it clear that you want to end your relationship as positively as possible.

      • Calling names, insulting or yelling at each other will bring nothing but pain.

    Part 3

    1. Don't try to become friends right away. This “not” will work no matter how good friends you were before the relationship and how friendly it all ended. There is simply no chance of turning from a guy / girl into best friend so spare yourself the pain of trying. Try to spend some time apart and not interact at all if possible. Try to avoid meeting places to avoid awkward and painful conversations. Let time heal before you decide if friendship is on the horizon.

      • If you meet him, there is no need to be rude or run in the opposite direction. Be polite but brief.
    2. Take some time to emotionally recover. Although it was you who broke up with the guy, you will still feel a little lost, sad and hurt. This is fine. With a break, it is difficult for both parties, no matter who initiated the break. You may not be ready to miss your boyfriend and your relationship, but in part you will. So take a break for a few weeks. Spend more time with your girlfriends, cut out alcohol, and enjoy being alone.

      • Don't jump into a new relationship or start dating another person right away. You will need some time to get over it.
    3. Don't talk about him behind his back. Just because you broke up doesn't mean you can tell his deepest secrets. You would like him to respect your privacy too, right? Even if you're hurt and angry, you shouldn't look like a gossip just because your relationship is over. If you act like this, then other guys will not want to date you.

    4. See if you can still be friends. If enough time has passed—perhaps months or even a year or two—and you can hang out with your ex without a hint of romantic relationship or resentment, then maybe you should try being friends. Try hanging out with the company, but make sure you both don't have romantic feelings, and then try to hang out together if you like it.

      • Remember that, unfortunately, this is not the most likely scenario.
    • Don't be too hard on yourself after a breakup. Of course, parting is difficult for both parties. You are allowed to mope for a couple of days. Just don't call or text him when you feel bad. The worst thing you can do is send mixed messages.
    • Make sure you really want to break up with them, and make sure you're really cool about it, even if the reason is unfortunate! Just be polite!
    • Take a deep breath before doing this. It's very hard to break someone's heart!
    • Don't overthink it, just be yourself and say it politely.
    • Feel comfortable in the situation.


    • Do not use hackneyed phrases such as "it's not about you, but about me ...". He will just think that you do not care about his feelings.
    • Make sure he gets it right and don't let him manipulate you into continuing an unhealthy relationship.
    • Be rational, even if you don't like it. This doesn't mean you have to be a snob. Remember that he has friends and if you ever like one of them, he can tell them about you. Thus, if you remained friends with him, and did not become a drama queen, then he may speak well of you. This may help you.
    • Try not to part by phone (via call or sms). So it will be worse. Try to tell him about it face to face. Most importantly, do not entrust this task to a friend. You've met him and he deserves you to tell him in person.
    • Don't be arrogant! Under no circumstances should you tell him, "We need to be apart for a while." It turns out it is not clear whether you throw it or not.

Choose the best time. If you realize that you should not continue the relationship, consider how best to present the fact of your breakup to your partner. No need to avoid a guy or date him out of pity and unwillingness to take a step towards a break. This behavior will only ruin your relationship. Believe me, your young man will feel that your feelings have changed.

Find suitable reason the gap that you are going to voice the guy. For example, you can refer to your faded feelings, to the fact that you do not feel the kinship of souls. If it's impossible to beautifully play the moment and remain honest, come up with a legend why you can't be together. Say that you are leaving for another city or country.

You do not need to completely shift the blame for a failed romance on your partner. From you, too, the development of events, be objective. To save face, be generous and don't act like a nag capricious girl. Try to do without pointing out your partner's shortcomings. To break up beautifully, talk about the situation as a whole, and not about the role of each of you in it.

Talk to your boyfriend. Choose the right moment when both of you are in the mood for a constructive, calm conversation. Noisy parties and holidays are not suitable for breaking up with a guy. There should be no witnesses to your separation. Also, you should not leave a young man via the Internet, phone or via message, it's gone. Find the strength to meet face to face. Better if parting with the guy will pass on neutral territory, in a relaxing, romantic setting.

Remember the melodramas that you watched with your boyfriend. If they had moments of breaking up with a guy, you can beat them. So your young man will understand everything without words. Transparent hints and associations with sad moments from some cult movie will make your parting unusual and beautiful.

Announce your decision to leave young man and explain the reason. Don't be ashamed of your emotions. Do not hold back tears, so your parting will become even more melodramatic. Remember all the touching moments of your relationship, the most good luck. Bring with you joint photos to follow the development of your novel for the last time.

Take with you all the gifts that the young man gave you. Solemnly return them, explaining that they evoke in you memories of a relationship that was not destined to grow into something big and bright, no matter how hard you both tried. If possible, order a slow composition for the guy that takes the soul, and invite him to the last dance.

Don't offer to be friends. This template phrase ruin the moment. It’s better to say that time will put everything in its place, and after months both you and the guy will understand whether friendship is possible between you. Let the young man know that you appreciate his company very much, but you cannot imagine him as just a friend. Admit that it would hurt you to see how he builds a new relationship.

Remember that you should not feel guilty about own decision. You are free to build your own personal life and choose which guy to be with. Do not exaggerate the pain that you could cause the young man. Over time it mental wound will drag on, and both of you will be able to build a new, happy, long-term relationship.

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