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Facts about mothers and children. Two relatives. She lives in constant fear

Recently, the world celebrated a wonderful event - Mother's Day, and with it - a day of love, warmth and emotional support, which we receive from the closest person in life. Did you know that many mothers are real genetic mutants

Did you know that many mothers are real genetic mutants? In fact, in the process of motherhood, even the brain itself changes. Maybe it sounds like native mother turned into the hero of the movie "X-Men", but believe that there is a scientific justification for this.

Mother's genetic background

Pregnancy changes the body, but stretch marks on the skin bring with them a real miracle. It turns out that small parts of the child remain in the mother's body for many more years.
This phenomenon is called microchimerism. The blood flow of the mother and child is separated by the placenta, but many embryonic cells overcome this barrier and settle in the mother's body. Scientists have found that these cells can live for many years and even decades. Their role, if any, remains a mystery. But in 2012, an experiment confirmed that DNA from a child's cells can even settle in the mother's brain.

You changed her brain

Experiments on rodents have shown that offspring change the mother's brain. Pregnant female rats develop new neurons associated with smell. Perhaps this is necessary in order to better recognize your children with the help of scent. These changes remain with the mother for life.
The human brain is also subject to changes associated with pregnancy. So, recently, British scientists found that, looking at photographs that show the faces of children and adults with different emotions, pregnant women use right hemisphere brain more often than young mothers. The effect was most pronounced when pregnant women looked at happy faces. The change may be due to the fact, experts say, that after birth, a close attachment is formed between mother and child.
More early research indicate that pregnant and young mothers become better at recognizing facial expressions and corresponding emotions, and such changes in the brain may be interrelated.

She may have helped in your love life

Warm and close relationships with mother in childhood portend strong love affairs V later life. Maternal assistance in romantic relationship can be traced among certain types animals. So, in 2010, scientists found that male bonobos, standing on the lower rungs of the hierarchical ladder, are more likely to have sex when their mother is nearby. Moreover, mothers perform intermediary functions, allowing sons into their social circle and even driving away male competitors.
Feeling lonely? Do not despair, because a strong relationship with your mother helps children in finding friends.
The cause of your mom's obsessive-compulsive disorder is yourself
If it seems that the mother is worried a lot, then this is not just fantasy. It turns out that the child can cause obsessive-compulsive disorder in the mother.
Researchers at Northwestern University in the United States studied young mothers when their babies were 2 to 6 months old, and as a result, 11 percent of the participants in the experiment showed severe symptoms this mental disorder, namely the fear of bacteria or the impulsive desire to check the baby monitor over and over again. In comparison, only 2-3 percent of people suffer from this syndrome.
IN extreme cases these symptoms can be harmful, the researchers write. But some anxiety is obviously normal and acceptable, because, be that as it may, caring for a newborn is serious work. Strengthening the syndrome may be the result of stress or postpartum hormonal levels.

Her voice is powerful

You knew your mother's voice even before birth. A recent study at Queens University in Canada showed that when a mother writes down a poem, the heart of an embryo beats faster than when the same poem is read by a stranger. The experiment was carried out in the third trimester of pregnancy, when the children were almost ready to be born.
Another study conducted at the University of Montreal in Canada found that the brain of a newborn is as sensitive as the heart of an embryo. When the mother makes a short sound "A", the left hemisphere of the newborn's brain is activated, while with the sounds of a voice stranger the right hemisphere responds. Right side of the brain is associated with voice recognition, and the left brain is associated with language and motor abilities. In this way, the mother's voice can lay the foundation for the baby's first words.
The mother's vocal superpowers continue to play a role for a long time as the child grows older. So, the voice of the mother, like a real hug, relieves stress in older children by reducing the level of the hormone cortisol and increasing the level of oxytocin, which is responsible for love and affection.

Hundreds of books on pregnancy, preparation for childbirth, child care and parenting contain a lot of useful information, interesting theories, and even examples from life. But there are things that are not written in books and are not told at meetings. These are usually small things, but it is these little things that remind us that after the birth of a child, life will never be the same again.

1. You will sing and dance
And all the time, even if you used to hate music. And even if you hate her after giving birth. You will sing when you bathe your baby, when you put him in winter overalls and when you put him to bed. You will dance constantly - for example, in the hope that the baby will be so carried away by this funny spectacle that he will not notice how you put another spoonful of pear puree in his mouth. You will sing and dance simply because you will try again and again to bring the most expensive smile in the world.

Photobank Lori

2. Your pet will become an outsider.

With the advent of a child in the house, any animal fades into the background. You will no longer be able to give him as much attention as before, and care as if he were your child. It is sad - both for the animal and for you - but it is a given and it must be accepted. But in a few years your four-legged pet will have an excellent companion for all kinds of games.

3. Have to forget about the order in the house

Toys will be everywhere. Plastic, rubber, wooden, large and small, squeaky and silent, they will break into your life (and apartment) and stay in it for long years. Everything in its place is not about the house where the child lives. Forget about how you used to clean every night and fall asleep in a perfectly tidy apartment. This will never happen again. And most importantly - it will not bother you.

4. You will love yourself

What used to annoy you in own appearance, will become cute and even cute when you begin to guess those very traits in your child. Hate your dimples? When they tell you that your baby has exactly the same ones, and you and him are just one face, you will begin to look at them in the mirror with pleasure.

5. Breastfeeding is hard work

Many will tell you that breastfeeding is difficult, and at first you may think so too. It's hard to believe that women really do this for millennia in a row! Feel free to ask for help from specialists, you'll see - things will go smoothly.

6. You will be ashamed of past mistakes.

Remember when you were on a plane a couple of years ago you took a look full of hate, on parents for half an hour in a row screaming child? As soon as you have a baby, you will often remember that incident, suffer from feelings of guilt and deep sympathy for those very parents.

7. You will fool around a lot.

Your child enjoys it, and you will do it - no matter how stupid you look at the moment. You will build funny faces, grimace and distort words.

8. Figure: surprises are possible

The countdown, that is, the return to previous forms, may take time. Practice yoga, Pilates, pump the press and do not rush the result.

9. Your relationship with your mother-in-law will change.

The child gives many reasons for discussion. Whatever your relationship with your mother-in-law before childbirth, they will change a lot. On the one hand, she must become kind and patient - simply because the frequency of her communication with her grandchildren depends on you. On the other hand, the well-being of grandchildren is too painful an issue to deviate from one's principles. So, in which direction your relationship will change, it is not known, but it is absolutely certain that there will be more communication.

10. You will dream big

Going to a pedicure or a hairdresser will feel like a vacation in the Bahamas.

11. You will learn a new formula

Take the number of minutes you spent looking at pictures of your first boyfriend or first school love. Multiply this number by 100 and you will find out how much time you will spend looking at your sleeping baby.

12. Your social circle will change by almost 100%

You will begin to form relationships with people that you would never have contacted before. You will share your most intimate problems with little-known women on playgrounds and listen with interest to their advice. Most friends who don't have kids will visit you much less frequently than they used to.

13. Your husband will annoy you.

Your husband will make you nervous until you see in him, in addition to your husband, also your dad. Hearing him sing The Beatles songs over the cradle, or roll the baby on his back, clattering loudly like a horse, you will forget that he does not wash the dishes or scatter his socks.

14. sex life will change

It will seem to you that your baby has decided to stay only child in the family and chose for this the most effective way fight. In a series of daily chores and sleepless nights time, desire and strength for sex will still need to be looked for.

15. You will never be bored.

Do you think that you - beautiful mother? I don't want to upset you, but it's not forever. Do you think that you worst mother on the ground? Don't be sad, this will pass. With a baby every day - as with clean slate, and all your yesterday's merits will not matter.

Motherhood is one of the most beautiful events that happens to almost all women. IN different countries exist different customs Mother's Day celebrations, mothers are congratulated on this day in different ways. In Japan, a carnation attached to clothes is a symbol of honoring the mother. If the mother is in good health, a red flower is pinned, and if the mother is already dead, then a white one is used. In Canada, mom is served breakfast in bed on this day, and in Germany they make postcards with their own hands. English mothers receive a cake as a gift from their children, and in Russia the action “Mom, I love you” is held, where the forget-me-not symbolizes the memory of loved ones.


In many states, including the United States, Mother's Day is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May. Mothers and those who are just waiting for the birth of a child are congratulated on this holiday. In America, this day appeared thanks to Anna Jarvis, who, although she was childless, understood how difficult motherhood was. She offered to dedicate one day to mothers, making a petition to government agencies. On May 10, 1908, the first Mother's Day was celebrated.

The image of the mother has changed. In America, in 2010, the proportion of women who gave birth before the age of 40 was 80%, while in 1976 this figure was 10% higher. According to studies conducted from 1990 to 2008, the level of education of mothers has increased. However, this period also saw an increase in the number of mothers raising a child alone. It also found that, on average, women began to have children later in life.

By 2008, the proportion of women aged 35 to 39 who gave birth to their first child had increased by 47%, and the number of primiparas aged 40 to 44 had increased by 80% compared to 1990. Moreover, the average number of newborns has not changed and amounted to 4.3 million children per year.

First word

The kids themselves decided what they would call their mothers. In all languages, the word "mother" is pronounced very similarly. For example, in English, "mother" sounds like "mom" ("mom"). What is the reason? The answer is simple. It was the children who determined how it is more convenient for them to call their mothers. The syllable "ma" is the easiest for a child to pronounce, so children begin to say it one of the first.

That is why in Russia, and in China, and in Germany, and in Spain and in other countries of the world, kids use this syllable to denote the person closest to them.

Two relatives

A part of you stays with your mom even after birth. When does a child lose physical contact with his mother? During pregnancy, the baby and mother are one. And after birth, the child becomes a separate being.

Through the placenta, the embryo female body exchange cells with each other. The cells of a child can be stored in the mother's body for several years, or even decades. The surprising discovery came geneticist Diana Bianchi (Diana Bianchi), who works at research University Tufts (Tufts University). She found in the body of a woman the cells of her son, who was then already 27 years old. It is difficult to say whether this is true or a manipulation of scientists, but the fact is interesting.

Transformation of the mother's brain. In 2011, scientists identified qualitative changes female brain after the birth of a child. As a result of research, it was found that the level of gray matter in the mother's brain becomes higher within four months after childbirth. Experiments on rats also show an improvement in their sense of smell after the offspring. The suspected cause may be hormonal changes in the body of pregnant women. You can draw an analogy with the formation of the brain of adolescents, which occurs due to hormonal changes.


Mothers Day - Interesting Facts and records. There are many controversial claims that seem to be made up, but there is no way to check them all:

  1. The most mother of many children- Russian peasant woman. She had 69 children in 27 years.
  2. The oldest mother is Raya Devi Lohan from India. She was lucky enough to become a mother at the age of 70.
  3. And the heaviest child was born by the Italian Carmelina Fidele in 1955. Her baby at birth weighed more than 10 kilograms.
  4. In America, brother and sister were born with an age difference of 84 days. In addition, they did not have the same year of birth. The girl was born on November 11, 1995, and her brother on February 2, 1996.
  5. Marathon distance. The public organization "MaMa" has calculated that mothers who are on maternity leave actually cover distances that are not vacation at all, running about 40 km a day and doing about 200 things at the same time. And so many days over the years.

Are you preparing to become a mother or have you recently had a baby?

Let me guess, you are constantly bombarded with advice on what to do, how to do it, how it will be. better baby, why is he screaming Why is he silent and so on?

All this is great, but sometimes it doesn't work. You are the most close person for your child and numerous tips do not always work. You can’t always remain calm, you can’t guess why the baby is worried the first time, you can’t know everything in advance ...

And there are things that no one will tell you about motherhood.

Tears are okay

You will cry often - and not always the reason for this is something bad.

Being a mother is very difficult, sometimes you will cry from impotence, sometimes from pain, sometimes you will cry because your baby is crying. But sometimes mothers cry with happiness. The first teeth, the first steps, the cherished first "mom!" — you will cry, believe me.

Only you know what's best for your baby.

At first, you will be confused and will not know what to do. How to swaddle a baby? How to feed him properly? How to bathe? What if you are doing something wrong, what if he is uncomfortable when you hold him in your arms?

You will listen to the advice of grandmothers, aunts, sisters. Already they experienced moms! But what is it? With your baby it doesn't work!

You will find your way. And over time, you will learn to understand your child. You and only you will know what is best for him. Learn to distinguish between the intonations of his crying in which lies "Mom, I'm hungry" or "Mom, I'm uncomfortable."

You will stop listening to the gossips and will confidently and quickly respond to the requests of your little sun.

You will have mistakes

Yes, you cannot be everywhere at the same time, and one day your tomboy will fall, hit or pinch his finger. It's gonna happen anyway. And you will cry and reproach yourself, ask for forgiveness from the child.

Falls and children's tears are inevitable, but you fell too! Each of these falls will be a lesson for you and your baby, that's all.

Say goodbye to privacy and privacy!

Your baby will follow you always and everywhere, get used to it. When you take a 25 second shower, he will be with you when you prepare dinner, he will sit on the table and help you when you are on the phone - give him the phone eventually!

You will wake up when he wakes up and when you sleep is your problem. Do you want to watch your favorite movie? No, you will watch the same cartoon together. Hundredth time.

The clean inside of you will have to shut up

If before the appearance of a little demon in your apartment or house everything was shining clean, and you could participate in the "Ideal Hostess" contest, then now it won't be the same. At first you will still try - changing the covers that someone just peed on, cleaning the room daily or hourly in the evening ...

Then you will realize that everything is not so bad. And if a toy is lying in your way, just kick it to the side!

You will discover extraordinary talents in yourself.

It turns out that you are good at singing lullabies and reading books aloud. You will learn when it comes to getting your baby to fall asleep faster.

It turns out that you dance and rap. If the baby likes it, you will dance the tarantella like a purebred Italian and learn a couple of ultra-modern songs.

It turns out that you can do several things at the same time. Yes it is possible! Cutting vegetables for dinner, baking a pie for dinner, and playing catch-up at the same time? There is nothing easier for you.

The car is no longer a luxury, but just a means of transportation

So, now your car is no longer a luxury item, but a means of delivering a child to a kindergarten, clinic, store, park, etc. And the priority property of the car is no longer its beauty, but its safety. Besides, safe car must be roomy. It should fit a car seat, a bag of toys, a pack of diapers, a bag of clothes and much more. Stop your choice on a minivan.

Breastfeeding is not so great

Forget about the fact that breastfeeding is completely healthy and always pleasant. No one will tell you that this is not only a cute baby clinging to your chest, but also constantly “leaking” milk, a wet bra or blouse, and the extremely difficult subsequent weaning. Once accustomed to the warm mother's breasts with delicious and healthy milk, your the baby will not want to part with her so easily. Be prepared to open your bathrobe on demand.

In addition, your clothes will become tight for you ... in some places.

On the positive side, catch the admiring glances of men.

The baby will bring you closer to your husband's parents

It is no secret that relationships with newly-minted mom and dad are not built immediately and not always the way we would like. The mother-in-law always strives to give advice, the father-in-law does not talk about anything other than fishing? Familiar?

However, with the advent of the baby, your relationship will improve. You will see that there is someone who loves him as much as you do. Who wants only the best for him. Who is experiencing every unpleasant moment, just like you.

Grandma and grandpa will always insure you, if you need to go away, they will pamper the child with gifts, they will give advice. And they will do it not because of you, but because of him. Because of one of his smiles.

You will see in your father-in-law not just two middle-aged people attached to your husband, but caring, experienced assistants, with their own life positions and interests that do not always run counter to yours.

A visit to the hairdresser turns into a mini-vacation

The only time when you can completely belong to yourself and do something only for yourself is a trip to the hairdresser or for a manicure. These two hours will seem like a personal paradise to you. Two hours during which you do not have to worry, run somewhere, answer endless questions or change diapers every twenty minutes. two hours when you can be just a woman and talk about something feminine with others.

Someone loses, someone finds

You will lose many friends. It's about about those of your friends who do not have children, with whom you are brought together only by joint visits to parties and picnics. Now that your interests have diverged, your communication will sooner or later come to naught.

You will find many girlfriends. Now you are a mom and your social circle will change and will consist of the same worried cooing moms. Joint walks, and maybe the neighborhood will bring you even closer. You will communicate on topics related to children and ask each other for advice, share experiences, and grow together.

Nowadays, girlfriends can be found not only on the playground in front of the house, but also in world wide web- there are many specialized sites and forums.

There was a question - googled

When your baby grows up, you always have something happening for the first time, heaps and heaps of questions come up every day and each of them is important, because this is your first time.

Many women who are just about to become mothers are sure that a child and work are as easy and simple as morning coffee in their favorite cafe. They dream how to put on nice blouse, put the baby in a backpack, and waving a package of documents, they will run to the office. And then, with an undisguised sense of pride, they will tell different parties that they did not spend a single day at home on maternity leave.

Some are sure that the child, barely born, will lie quietly in a beautiful sling until kindergarten, and mom will relax on weekends for massages and manicures. At three months, of course, a nanny will come, so that at six, mom can definitely go to work. And the modern mom doesn't talk about the contents of her baby's diaper and looks like this: a luxurious maxi dress, fish and broccoli for lunch, the perfect look.

But if you are planning to become a mother in the near future, then get ready for the fact that all the articles in magazines, advertisements, parting words and advice are lies. Forget about perfectionism and about working for your own good. With what myths modern society who still live, it is necessary to say goodbye forever?

Myths about motherhood

Myth 1

Only with the advent of a child does life finally make sense.

A young mother, spinning circles with a screaming stroller, will probably remember the thought read in some magazine that life is meaningless without a child, she is stupid and ugly, and after giving birth you think how good you lived. In fact, of course, it does not get worse, on the contrary.

Everything will just be completely different now. Yesterday you were a wife, girlfriend, daughter, neighbor, and today you are already a mother. Yesterday you were stuck in the supermarket to choose between strawberry and blueberry yogurt, and today you take the first ones that come across and hurry home, because there is a small one waiting for you native person. But here rather speech not about the meaning of life, but about unconditional love, about endless unconditional love, like the universe.

Myth 2

Baby sleeps most of the time

On any forum of mothers there will definitely be one who will say that her baby ate well and slept well for up to six months, and she calmly lay with a book and ate fruit. But she will be the only one among the huge number of less fortunate mothers whose children only ate and screamed for the first months of their lives.

It happens that children sleep only at night, and during the day they do not calm down even in a stroller driving along the paving stones, although it is believed that in such conditions the kids fall asleep perfectly. Moms sleep and see that their child at least occasionally behaves like a baby in an advertisement in order to get some rest and have time to take a decent photo.

It often happens that parents take turns endlessly carrying the baby in their arms, performing the entire existing musical repertoire, including a vacuum cleaner and a hairdryer, downloading trills of birds and sounds of the forest from the Internet. From time to time, mom can even break loose and go to the kitchen to cry. However, through trial and error, parents still find a way to calm down their offspring. Someone falls asleep to the sound of water from a tap, someone will like a song coming from their favorite toy, and someone will be completely satisfied with the trills of birds.

Myth 3

Upon arrival from the hospital, you need to forget about household chores, and sleep with the baby and feed him

Today there are a lot of consultants on breastfeeding. But often they give advice that is incompatible with reality. modern women. This one is exactly that. However, for a newly-made mother, such advisers are very dangerous, because, having just returned from the hospital, she is extremely unsure of her abilities, suspicious and anxious.

For some mothers, anxiety generally goes off scale, and they perceive any grimace of the child as a symptom of some kind of illness, wake up many times at night to check if the baby is breathing. And if the child burps somehow wrong, then such a mother can call an ambulance.

At such moments, a lactation consultant is usually announced, who begins to overwhelm with advice. He can tell you about women from African tribes, whose children do not part with their mother's breasts until they are five years old, and about the need to feed the baby at the first peep, and about much more.

And since the baby squeaks quite often and not always due to hunger, the young mother begins to feed the child uncontrollably, turning into a dairy and overfeeding the child. Feed at least once every two hours, ventilate the room often, and don't wrap the baby in multiple blankets, because many reputable doctors are right that overheating and overfeeding are the cause of infant colic.

Myth 4

Swaddling is yesterday and a relic that kills personality in a baby

The anti-diaper movement originated in Europe, where pediatricians oppose the swaddling of babies. They believe that this process has an extremely negative effect on the development of children. Actually this is a lie. Development, especially parental development, will be hampered by the lack of normal sleep and the constant cries of newborns, who are put to sleep in beautiful slips. If your baby is unable to fall asleep due to the fact that he regularly wakes himself up with his hands, then be sure to swaddle. If he constantly wakes up for the same reason, then also swaddle. It actually works.

Myth 5

Co-sleeping and a sling are two guarantees of happy motherhood

This is also very often said by lactation consultants. In fact, this is not for everyone. Many children simply do not recognize the sling. Concerning co-sleeping, then some mothers simply cannot sleep near their baby, because the child either temporarily moves into his crib, or remains there permanently.

It also happens that after some time the child begins to sleep with his parents, then even the opponents of co-sleeping give in, the main thing is that everyone gets enough sleep. In general, the point is that universal advice does not exist because no two children are alike. No need to desperately adhere to any theory, choose from each one that applies to your realities.

Myth 6

After childbirth, the figure cannot be restored

All plump and swollen women who complain that they have become like caterpillars after giving birth, in fact, simply shift the blame for their laziness and for eating fast food onto the shoulders of the baby. Most likely, such women were such before pregnancy.

If you ate right and played sports, or at least were not inclined to be overweight, then about a year after the baby was born, you will return your former forms, of course, if you don’t overeat pies at night. Of course, it will be a little more difficult to take care of yourself, and on the Internet you will not look for a pedicure master, but find out the reasons incomprehensible color baby's chair. But this is temporary.

Myth 7

Newborn baby wrinkled, red and ugly

Perhaps there is nothing more beautiful than your newly born child. When you look into his eyes, you will see universal wisdom and infinity there, and when they put him on your stomach, it will seem to you that this is the happiest moment in life.

Myth 8

A newborn and work are quite compatible things

Compatible only if there is a nanny and a job for which this sacrifice will be more or less justified. But what guides a woman who seeks to return to work immediately after giving birth? They say it's fashionable. But can escaping from the hospital to work be considered fashionable? It is fashionable to be close to your child, to see how he grows. This time will pass very quickly, enjoy it.

More often, women take their cue from celebrities or business women. However, just part with the illusions, because you are not an artist or a busy business woman. The marketing department will somehow live without you, the child will not.

Myth 9

You can forget about traveling after the baby is born.

Only those who, before the birth of the child, sat on the couch, argue this way. active mom Always find a way see new places or bask on some beach. Moreover, now you see the world through the eyes of your new person, sitting next to you in a car seat or in a sling. Now you will no longer want to travel without your baby, because his presence is natural in your life.

Myth 10

A young mother is an angel glowing with happiness

Mother never ceases to be human. She may have Bad mood, lack of sleep, headache and even depression. No need to strive for the ideal, or want to be like a cute friend walking with a stroller. You didn’t see how happy she was yesterday when her husband went for a walk with a stroller and left her alone with sushi and a glass of wine.

You can often see young mothers walking with children in trendy strollers, and heart-rendingly shaking them with tears. Do you think such mothers are bad? No, they're just tired. Difficult moments will always be. But did anyone ever say that raising a child is easy? But it will definitely be your best project yet.

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