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How to take care of your face after 30 years. It all starts when we wake up. Anti-wrinkle oil mask

A little over 30 is a wonderful age, which, however, will require a little more effort from you than in your youth and youth. We do not recommend being discouraged about this. After all body care m can be simple and accessible to every woman. It is enough to follow simple recommendations every day to avoid wrinkles and premature skin aging. Most main advice– don’t be lazy to take care of yourself!

Regardless of whether you are 30 or 40 years old, you need to take care of your hair with special care. Dull and lifeless hair is a common problem, especially for girls who like to wear makeup and use styling products. To avoid such results, you need to follow super simple rules:

  1. Hair care will be successful only if you follow it daily. With absence regular care even the best healing mask will have no effect on hair.
  2. Pay attention to washing your hair. It is important to choose the right shampoo. Better buy professional shampoos, preferably with minimum quantity sulfates. After shampoo you need to use a balm or conditioner. Post-shampoo products should be applied not from the roots, but from the middle of the hair.
  3. You can't wash your hair hot water. Slightly warm water will do, but rinse with cool water.
  4. Use hot rollers, curling irons, flat irons and hair dryers as little as possible. Try to dry your hair naturally. Or use a hairdryer on a gentle “cold” setting. Hot rollers can be easily replaced with curlers. Using a curling iron and tongs, spray your hair with a special heat-protective spray.
  5. The comb plays important role. It should not be metal so as not to injure the scalp. It is advisable to use wooden brush with natural pork bristles.
  6. Comb your hair starting from the ends and slowly working your way up to the roots. Unravel the knots with your hands.
  7. Don't comb wet hair, since wet hairs cling to the bristles of the comb and stretch.
  8. Do not use tight and narrow elastic bands that pull on your hair. Only wide and soft hair bands.
  9. Trim the ends of your hair regularly - approximately once every three months.
  10. In windy weather, tie your hair in a ponytail, in winter - hide it under a hat, in summer - use sunscreens for hair. Protect hair from breakage and dryness.
  11. Eat right. The diet should include meat, fish, juices, grains, legumes, fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products.
  12. Use hair masks regularly – about 2 times a week.

Universal hair mask at home:

  • Dilute 2 tbsp. spoons of mustard powder with hot water - also 2 tablespoons.
  • Wait until the mixture has cooled, add 1 yolk and 2 tablespoons of burdock oil.
  • Apply the mask evenly on your head.
  • Wrap your head in a towel and wait 5 minutes.
  • Rinse off the mask with warm water.
  • Result: fast growth and strengthening hair. It should be used no more than once a week.

Facial care after 30: your correct daily routine

After 30 years, the production of hyaluronic acid decreases. The skin becomes dry, wrinkles appear and dark spots. Therefore, you need to use moisturizers and tonics every day. At the same time, facial care at home should differ:

  1. Start your morning by cleansing your skin by washing your face with melted water or boiled water. Dry skin should be cleansed with lotion or milk.
  2. An ice cube will help tone your skin in the morning. You can freeze natural berry juice and wipe your face with the cube in the morning.
  3. Apply moisturizer before leaving home daily cream. Only then apply decorative cosmetics.
  4. During the day you need to spray your face thermal water or mineral water without gas.
  5. In the evening, cleanse your face of cosmetics using foam or gel. At the age of “30+” you need to use micellar water without alcohol, it does not dry out the skin.
  6. Cleanse your skin with a scrub. For oily skin - once every 3-4 days, for dry skin - once every 2 weeks. Steam your face first.
  7. Use a night moisturizer strictly before 10:30 p.m. to prevent swelling in the morning. If you have pimples on your face, use a product with salicylic acid.

Hand care: basic rules

  • Have less contact with cold water and chemicals. Use protective creams.
  • Use antibacterial soaps less, they dry out the skin.
  • Moisturize your hands 5 times more often than your face.
  • Dead cells from the skin of your hands should be removed once a week with peeling agents.
  • Caring for your hands in winter involves using gloves and protective equipment.
  • Massage your hands to improve tone and elasticity.
  • Use hand masks.

For example, a natural mask with the addition of 1 lemon juice, 1 tablespoon honey and 1 tablespoon linseed oil will help get rid of dry hands. You need to apply a thick layer, and then put on gloves. Keep the mask on for at least 1 hour.

Legs are fine: home care

Feet care no less important, because beautiful and well-groomed legs are also the key to the health of the whole body. Follow these simple rules:

  • In the evening, wash your feet with warm water and soap.
  • After steaming, treat them with pumice.
  • Rinse your feet cool water and dry with a towel.
  • Lubricate with nourishing, rich foot cream. Apply the cream from fingers to heel with massaging movements.
  • Do contrasting foot baths to relieve fatigue.
  • Get rid of cracked feet with foot baths with potato peelings and starch.
  • Hot soap and soda foot baths will help get rid of calluses. Let it sit for 30 minutes and gently scrape off the callus with a pumice stone.
  • If your feet are swollen, warm compresses will help. Wrap your feet soaked in warm water cloth. Wrap it in a warm scarf and go to bed overnight. Repeat the procedure for a month.

Necessary body care products after 30 years

Taking care of your body after the age of 30 can be simple at home. The main thing is to use the right means For different parts bodies.

  1. For dry skin - oily and thick cream;
  2. In winter, instead of cream, use body butter;
  3. If your body skin is oily, use a cream with the addition of hazelnuts. grape seeds, aloe vera, proteins, essential oils and etc.
  4. Use body milk daily for your skin type;
  5. Body lotions - moisturize, degrease and even out skin color. In cold weather, lotion should be applied to the body at least 30-40 minutes before going outside.

15 commandments for caring for the skin of the body and face after 30 years:

  1. Cleanse and moisturize, nourish and protect with special products - every day, without “truancy” or laziness.
  2. Observe correct mode day - healthy sleep and rest after work.
  3. Play sports - fitness, yoga, running and any other physical activity.
  4. Take a comprehensive course of facial and body massage at least 2 times a year.
  5. Pay careful attention to your neck and arms - signs of skin aging appear most quickly in these areas.
  6. Use creams with liposomes and bioactive additives- but not constantly, but in courses.
  7. Use decorative cosmetics with UV protection, with antioxidants, and without aggressive surfactants (surfactants).
  8. Do not disdain homemade face masks - at least 2-3 times a week.
  9. Moisturize your skin with creams containing ceramides, fatty acids and vitamin E, hyaluronic acid.
  10. Wash your face in the morning with mineral water or tap water that has settled for a day.
  11. Once every 3 days you need to apply a mask that suits your skin type. For oily skin, choose anti-inflammatory masks; for dry skin, choose moisturizing anti-stress products.
  12. All creams, masks and scrubs must be applied according to massage lines.
  13. Tanning quickly ages the skin. During prolonged exposure to the sun, use a cream with UV protection of 50 or higher.
  14. Replace coffee with green tea.
  15. Drink fresh juices from fresh cabbage, parsley and celery.

Important advice for caring for the skin of the body, face and hair - no bad habits! The consequences of stormy gatherings with friends after 30 years will be reflected on your body and face more strongly than in your youth. Therefore, if you want to stay young as long as possible, forget about alcohol and cigarettes. Exercise, think positively and stay beautiful!

Share your skin care secrets!

Women's skin after 30 years requires special care. Time leaves its mark, the first wrinkles appear on the face. More and more free radicals appear in the body, which can wash away nutrients and vitamins from cells. At the same time, the skin on the face becomes thinner, which leads to a worsening of its condition. It becomes susceptible to dryness, the formation of wrinkles, and swelling. Due to insufficient production of the collagen protein important for the skin, former elasticity. The speed of metabolic processes decreases, which certainly affects the condition skin. Therefore, it is important to know how to maintain the freshness and beauty of your skin at this age.

Purification must be mandatory procedure daily care behind the skin of the face. At night time sebaceous glands they work, the skin breathes, releases moisture, and fabric fibers from the pillow stick to it. Accordingly, after a night's sleep, the skin requires cleansing. For morning routine lotion and cream recommended. To cleanse oily skin, it is advisable to use tonics or lotions with a high alcohol content. After using the tonic you will feel pleasantly cool. When caring for skin prone to dryness, you should not use care products with alcohol and menthol. These components have a narrowing effect on the pores. They remove excess oil and are more suitable for oily and acne-prone skin.

Proper washing is an integral part of facial care after 30

For oily skin, it is recommended to wash your face with cool water or chamomile infusion. You can wipe your skin with a piece of ice. It can be prepared in advance by pouring it into a mold mineral water or herbal decoction. To prepare an herbal infusion, you will need 1 tablespoon of chopped dry herbs. This is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for half an hour. Washing with an infusion of chamomile and lavender helps relieve inflammation on the skin. Birch, rowan and calendula leaves will help disinfect the skin and tone it. Mint and oregano will give you a feeling of freshness. Sage leaves soften the skin. Leaves prevent wrinkles linden color and raspberries.

You need to wash your face correctly. The water should be slightly cool, close to room temperature. Washing with hot water promotes expansion blood vessels. At the same time, the facial muscles relax, the skin turns red and looks flabby. Cold water constricts blood vessels, which leads to dry skin and loss of elasticity. The most comfortable way to wash your face is by alternating warm and cool water. Thus, the alternating narrowing and dilation of blood vessels is a kind of gymnastics for the face.

Getting younger

Milk can be used to rejuvenate skin after 30 years. Using a cotton swab, apply it to cleansed skin and do not wash it off for a while. Can be used to smooth out fine wrinkles herbal infusions. To do this, you need to apply a canvas cloth soaked in a warm solution to your face several times. This procedure nourishes the skin and normalizes blood circulation. To eliminate sagging and swelling of the facial skin, you can wipe it with aloe juice. Thick aloe leaves, kept in the refrigerator for at least a week, are suitable for this.

In the morning, after washing your face, apply a semi-oily or hydrating cream to your skin. IN winter time better to use fatty creams. They will help protect your skin from the adverse effects of frost. The cream is applied carefully using your fingertips along the massage lines. After 15 minutes, excess product is removed using paper napkin. After this, you can apply makeup.

In the evening, the skin also needs care. It needs to be cleaned after the sweat and oil accumulated during the day. The skin is cleansed using lotions, foams, gels, suitable for the type your skin. In order to effectively act on the skin, you need to leave the product on the skin for a couple of minutes and start lightly massage movements. Next, the product is washed off with water or removed. cotton pads, soaked in water. If cosmetics are removed using cream or lotion, then facial treatment with tonic is necessary. If before applying moisturizers and nourishing creams the skin will be properly cleansed, then the beneficial components of cosmetic products will penetrate as deeply as possible. It is advisable to use creams that contain vitamins A, E, C and collagen.

Facial cleansing after 30 years should be supplemented with gommage or scrub. For those with dry skin, one procedure per week will be enough; for women with oily, normal and combination skin It is advisable to carry out such cleansing twice a week.

Natural masks

Very useful after 30 years natural masks from berries and fruits (blueberries, peach, apricot, cherry). They will help your skin feel fresh and healthy looking. To prevent skin withering and aging, you can use a milk and honey mask. The components are mixed in equal proportions, applied to the face for 15 minutes and washed off with water. It is very useful to make such a mask in the bath. In this case, the exposure time of the mask should be halved.

Selection of anti-aging cosmetics

If you decide to use anti-aging skin care products, then it is worth remembering that the effect will only please you as long as you use them. As soon as you stop using these products, the rate of cellular metabolism will return to its original state. In this case, the skin will become the same as before using this cosmetics.

What you should pay attention to when choosing anti-aging cosmetics

Almost all packages indicate age and this is not accidental. If the packaging says “after 30,” this means that this cosmetic contains substances necessary to support the processes occurring in the body at this particular age.

You should always choose cosmetics according to your skin type

For night and day use it is better to take different creams. Typically, a day cream contains more protective components that prevent harmful effects environment on the skin. Night creams contain nutrients and components that restore the skin. Under the influence sun rays some of the substances may be destroyed.

It is advisable to use not individual cosmetic products, but a line of cosmetics that includes not a couple of products, but the whole complex skin care.

Video: Facial skin care (morning/afternoon)

At the age of 30, many women do not notice the deterioration of their skin condition, looking with horror at brochures from beauty salons, studying jars in stores labeled 30+ and marked Anti-age. Each of them thinks, I don’t have wrinkles yet, my skin is not flabby, why all these products? However, at this age, irreversible aging processes are already underway, some are more pronounced, and some are less pronounced, but they are already beginning. Facial skin care after 30 years determines their further development or inhibition.

Do not be afraid of anti-aging treatments and creams, their function is to prevent skin changes, keep it youthful, healthy appearance and prevent her from aging prematurely.

Salon care

Home remedies quick results it will not be possible to achieve, salon manipulations in this sense are much more effective. Within a few days (or even instantly) you can see the result. At the age of 30, significant interventions are not required; the body can cope with most problems on its own, but it also needs a little help.


Facial massage in a salon, performed by professionals, is a relatively inexpensive procedure, but requires a systematic approach: one or two times is not enough, a course of 7-10 procedures is required. By activating blood circulation, the nutrition of skin tissue is improved, regenerative processes and collagen formation are launched, swelling is reduced, facial muscles are toned and fine wrinkles are eliminated.

Alternatively, you can take a course, this is a more painful procedure, but it activates the deep layers of the epidermis. The course should be repeated twice a year.


The session should be canceled if:

  • The client has an elevated body temperature.
  • Skin damage is present.
  • An inflammatory process is observed.


Cosmetics only affect the outer layer. Salon peelings capable of eliminating dead cells in the deepest layers. With clients wide choose, you can use chemical or natural means, as well as modern laser and ultrasound equipment to improve the health and appearance of the face. Some of them require preliminary anesthesia, others practically do not deliver discomfort. You can act only on the superficial layers or on the entire depth of the skin.

Read related articles:


Peeling is prohibited under the following conditions:

  • Active phase of herpes.
  • Fever.
  • Allergic reaction to active and auxiliary components of the peeling.
  • GW period ( breastfeeding baby) and gestation.


The procedure is an injection through which a cocktail of substances that stimulate regenerative processes, trigger the synthesis of collagen and elastin, and retain moisture, is delivered under the skin. Contains nutrients, vitamins, trace elements, minerals, hyaluronic acid and other components. This method is the gold standard in skin care after 30.


  • Malignant formations.
  • During pregnancy.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Vascular pathologies.
  • Sepsis.


Not applicable laser resurfacing persons with fever, pregnancy, skin rashes, serious illnesses.

Before carrying out any procedure, it is necessary to consult with a doctor, exclude the presence of contraindications and discuss the need for the manipulation itself and choose the most gentle method on an individual basis. Further care should also be discussed with your doctor.

Features of home facial care for people aged 30+

If you don’t want to use the services of professionals, you can maintain youthful skin at home, but this requires time and a systematic approach. The rules will help you understand the issue in more detail.

Rule No. 1: age-related products

Proper skin care after 30 years should include special age cosmetic preparations. The fear of tubes with anti-aging products is associated with many reasons, including the leading ones:

  • Psychological barrier (every woman imagines herself as a weak, unattractive old woman with wrinkles and flabby face at the sight of such boxes).
  • Fear of becoming addicted (fear that the skin will get used to it and will no longer be able to produce the necessary substances to maintain youth).

However, cosmetics manufacturers specifically develop various means based on age to meet the skin’s need for various useful substances and do not overload it with unnecessary components. Before serial launch, numerous tests are carried out to confirm their effectiveness at the age in question.

Rule #2: Read the label

Carefully study the contents of the creams that interest you. It is necessary to focus not only on the presence of specific components, but also on their position in the list of composition: the closer they are to the beginning, the more of them are contained in cosmetic product. The selected tube must contain at least a couple from the list below.

  • Panthenol - is responsible for the processes of regeneration of cellular structures, makes the face more attractive in appearance, improves color.
  • Plant extracts (green tea, seaweed, arnica.) improve appearance, deliver essential vitamins directly into the cells, stimulate their restoration, provide high-quality care problem skin due to anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.
  • Ceramides also stimulate regenerative processes.
  • AHAs (hydroxy acids, hydroxy acids, etc.) - dissolve the outer keratinized layer of cells and stimulate the renewal of their structures.
  • ALA acids are antioxidants that fight free radicals.
  • Vitamins (C, F, E, A) – have a powerful antioxidant effect, stimulate synthesis collagen fibers, improve the elasticity of tissues, protect them from external influences.
  • Coenzyme Q10 is a strong antioxidant that fights free radicals.
  • Glycerin is designed to retain moisture within the skin cells (one condition is that it acts reversely in conditions of increased dry air).
  • – retains moisture in cells.
  • Elastin and collagen – smooth out wrinkles and increase elasticity.
  • – copes well with the first wrinkles and pushes them out from the inside.

The action of the components is aimed at moisturizing, stimulating regeneration, strengthening the frame and increasing the elasticity of skin structures. A quality day cream should include UV protection.

Rule No. 4: products must match your skin type

Care products oily skin after 30 it differs from products for dry and normal skin, even if they are produced by the same manufacturer. You should not buy a cream for oily skin if you feel obvious tightness out of habit (if adolescence you have excess fat on your face). With age hormonal background changes, which is reflected in the skin, changing its type from oily to dry and sensitive. Monitor the condition of your face and, based on this, choose cosmetics.

Rule #5: Correct application

This point is especially relevant for those women who care for dry and thin skin. In progress physiological changes problems are becoming more and more noticeable, so the products should be applied strictly along the massage lines, avoiding excessive pressure (it is recommended to do this with the pads of the ring fingers).

Rule No. 6: special attention to the area around the eyes

If in more early age you could afford to use one cream for your entire face, now this unforgivable mistake: the skin around the eyes after 30 requires lighter products. They are applied strictly from external corner eye to the inner. It is necessary to make tapping movements and not create strong friction and pressure in this area. The skin of the eyelids is very delicate and can be easily damaged.

Rule #7: Don't neglect your neck

After 30 years, you cannot deprive the skin of your neck of your attention; in a later period, it will “come back” with its flabbiness and “sagging”. The care is no different from facial care: apply everything you apply to your face to the neck and décolleté area.

Rule #8: Test for an allergic reaction

Before using any new product, you must do a compatibility test - apply the cream to a small area and wait a day. If burning, peeling, swelling, rashes, redness or other conditions of discomfort do not appear, you can safely use the products daily. Care sensitive skin face and skin prone to allergies is unacceptable without observing this rule.

Required minimum funds for a woman aged 30+

There are many facial care products available at home, but not all of them need to be used constantly at this age. Minimum required:

  1. Daytime product (cream, gel).
  2. Night remedy (cream, gel).
  3. Cream for delicate skin around the eyes.
  4. Cleanser.
  5. Tonic.
  6. Serum.
  7. Mask.
  8. Peeling.

Daily procedures


Every day should begin with cleansing. During the night, fat, sweat and other physiological fluids are released onto the surface of the face, dust settles on them, and the skin becomes quite dirty. All this should be removed using cosmetic milk in case of dry skin; if there is fatty or normal skin, the use of foam for washing is allowed. Use water room temperature. Melt or boiled water is preferable; decoctions can be used medicinal herbs: chamomile, parsley, sage, calendula, rosemary, etc.


This is a must-have item in facial care at 30 years old. Toning completes the cleansing process, nourishes the skin with moisture and prepares it to absorb nutrients from the cream. An alternative to tonic is herbal or green tea with a few drops of lemon.

Periorbital region

The cream should be applied very gently to the area around the eyes, it is allowed to use liquid products with roller applicator. After application, it is recommended to massage the area a little with your fingers using patting movements.

Basic application

It is imperative to have two types of creams or gels corresponding to your skin type: night and day. It is desirable that they be one trademark, however, like other helpers for maintaining a youthful face - this will be achieved maximum effect. What is the difference between day and night products? The former contain components with the property of reflecting ultraviolet rays, while the latter have a richer composition and greasy texture (at night the ingredients are absorbed more intensely). When applying a night cream, there are some things to consider:

  • After 25-30 minutes, the excess should be blotted with a napkin.
  • You can sleep only an hour after application.

Periodic procedures


The stratum corneum must be removed, since dead cells impair tissue respiration and make the face less attractive and healthy. The time for scrubs has passed (their coarse small particles can seriously injure “mature” skin); after 30, you should choose more gentle products for care.

  • Gommage is suitable for almost everyone - after application it is left until it hardens and then removed circular movements finger pads. The product is chemical and does not mechanically injure the skin.
  • In second place is peeling - it should be kept on the face for a couple of minutes and only then washed off; the particles in its composition are small and practically do not injure the face.
  • Fans of exfoliants should know that the stratum corneum is dissolved using acids (natural or created in the laboratory). After such an attack, it may develop allergic reaction, this should be taken into account by women with sensitive type skin.

For those with a dry type, the procedure can be performed no more than once every 7-10 days; normal, combined and fatty type- 2 times per week.


Saturate the skin with essential nutrients, masks will help with vitamins and microelements. The procedure should be carried out twice a week, you can alternate the products, but it is better to use them in courses (7-10 sessions nourishing mask alternate with 7-10 sessions of a moisturizing mask, then a cleansing mask or any other).


Serums are recommended to be used in courses; at the age of 30+ daily use is not required. They restore firmness and elasticity to the face, even out color and this effect lasts for about six months. The course lasts 1-2 months (depending on the condition of the skin) and is repeated twice a year. The drug is applied after cleansing and toning procedures immediately before applying the main cream twice a day.

Skin care after 30 years requires some effort, but the result will pay off in full when, at the age of 50+, a woman will look 10 years younger than her peers.

Hi all! Today we'll talk about... I think that every woman, having crossed the threshold of her thirtieth birthday and entered this no less beautiful (and in some moments even more) segment of her life, begins to think about more intensive care for your skin.

And this happens for a reason. Here I am, for example, at this moment 32. I understand that I am still young, cheerful, no less beautiful woman))) And yet, to my deepest regret, I am starting to notice that something is wrong with my skin... Well, it’s not the same as it was until recently (((And although my skin has always been more oily than dry (and with oily skin, as we know, wrinkles appear later), changes are already becoming noticeable, albeit small ones - the appearance of small wrinkles near the eyes, a slight - not so much sagging - but some kind of stretching of the skin or something...

In short, I began to understand that after 30 it’s time to change my skin care a little, adapt it to age-related changes. Here.

Therefore, with this post I would like to begin a series of articles dedicated specifically to care after 30. This time I will collect all the tips and tricks on how to how to take care of skin after 30 in general, and in subsequent articles I will share with you directly skin care in certain areas))) I myself am going to follow all these recommendations throughout this year, and at the end of the year I will share the results with you.

By the way, I also invite you to take part in this skin care marathon after 30. Then, at the end of the year, let’s exchange the results with you and adapt the program - we’ll remove what didn’t help and we’ll do more intensively what did help. Write in the comments if you also decided to take part and what you would like to achieve!

But, before moving on to the important points of care after 30, I would like to start with some unwritten but undeniable truths.

  • The skin ages, slowly but surely. And this is an irreversible process. No creams, ANY kind, will turn her into twenty-year-old skin! And no matter how intensive your skin care is after 30, it will still age. Why am I talking about this? You just need to accept it, come to terms with it or what? Then there will be no major disappointments.
  • Nevertheless, this process can be slowed down a little, at least a little, but it’s possible. It is much easier to prevent something than to remove the consequences later, especially if it concerns the skin.
  • You can even grow old with dignity. And after 40, and half 50, and after 60... Believe me, you can look well-groomed even with wrinkles!
  • Proper nutrition (this means a large number of fruits, more more vegetables, enough nuts and grains, plenty of clean water), enough sleep, regular rest and absence bad habits- This base for skin care after 30. Without this base, all subsequent steps will be simply meaningless! (That’s why I’m going to quit smoking myself soon ;)))
  • And the most important thing is your attitude towards life and age. Believe me, it is much more beautiful and more attractive eyes with wrinkles, but in which joy and kindness shine, than botoxed eyes, dissatisfied with everyone and with themselves.

Here you go. Now that we've got these things clear, let's move on to skin care after 30.

How to take care of your skin after 30. The main thing

Here you go. The basics on how to care for your facial skin after 30 are described, you can safely get down to business! In subsequent articles I will analyze these points more intensively, tell you what I do, and show you my favorites. So, subscribe to blog updates so you don't miss a single article!

Until we meet again on the pages, I wish you

Human skin has an unpleasant tendency to fade. This is facilitated by the environmental factor, insufficient care, poor nutrition and, of course, age-related changes. Girls who have passed the threshold of their thirties are seriously thinking about improving the condition of the epidermis. This is not surprising, since folds appear on the face and expression wrinkles. To prevent the formation of defects, it is necessary to follow the rules of care. Let's talk about everything in order.

Wash your face correctly

Oily skin. If your skin is prone to oily, prepare an infusion of 40 g. chamomile color and 1.5 l. boiling water Cool the broth to room temperature, rinse your face in the morning and throughout the day.

After washing, wipe your skin cosmetic ice. To do this, mix clean water with calendula infusion, keeping the proportions 10:1. Walk over your face, paying attention to the area under the eyes, cheeks, forehead, eyelids.

Dry and normal skin. Girls with normal to dry skin need to wash their face mineral water with gas. Great option It is considered a healing liquid in which the concentration of active substances does not fall below 500 mg. for 1 l.

After washing, wipe the face with ice cubes. To prepare it, brew dry sage in boiling water, strain, add 3 ml. olive oils. Pour into molds, freeze, wipe the skin three times a day.

Problem skin. If there are inflammations on the skin, they must be removed. Wash exclusively with cold, purified water. Boil or filter the liquid in advance; you can also use mineral water.

After washing there is wiping with ice. The composition should be aimed at disinfecting and narrowing pores. To make ice, brew in 1.5 liters. boiling water 100 gr. sea ​​salt. Wait for the crystals to dissolve and freeze the product. Wipe the dermis with it twice a day.

Any prepared decoction should be at room temperature. Cold water makes the skin dry, hot conditions cause fading.

Wipe your skin with a medicinal tonic

An infusion based on medicinal plants fights specific problems. Choose the recipe you like, taking into account your skin characteristics, and start cooking.

  1. Birch and rowan. The decoction is used to disinfect the skin. The product dries out the epidermis, fights greasy shine, tightens pores. To prepare the composition, take 10 grams. calendula, 15 gr. birch bark or leaves, 20 gr. rowan. Brew, let it brew, strain.
  2. Oregano and lemon balm. The product effectively cleanses and refreshes the skin, relieves it from inflammation and flaking. Take 25 gr. a bunch of mint, mix with 30 gr. oregano, pour 400 ml. boiling water Cover the broth with a lid and leave for 3 hours. Pass the tonic through cheesecloth and use as directed.
  3. Raspberry and linden. If you have small skin creases, facial wrinkles, pigmentation or freckles, make it a habit to wipe the dermis with raspberry broth. To do this, take a handful of dried leaves and add 20 grams. linden inflorescences, brew the plants. Let them brew for half an hour, filter.

Raw materials can be purchased at a pharmacy or collected yourself. The infusion is used as a daily tonic. Wipe your skin with the mixture as needed, but at least 2 times a day.

Remove makeup with a special product

  1. Skin after 30 years needs more careful care. Special attention dedicated to makeup removal. Never leave makeup on overnight, otherwise your skin will stop breathing and become inflamed.
  2. IN summer time throughout the year, carry matting wipes and a tonic made from medicinal plants with you (recipes are described above). Wipe your skin as needed, do not allow foundation mixed with sweat and dust.
  3. Standard makeup removal is carried out using mousse, gel, lotion or targeted milk. Foam and gel are used during the washing process, milk and lotion are applied to cotton pads.
  4. After removing makeup, be sure to wash your face with cool and warm water alternately (contrast rinse). This way you will increase skin tone and saturate it with oxygen. Complete the manipulations by wiping with a medicinal tonic.
  5. Foundation, powder and blush have an unpleasant feature. They clog into pores and prevent the skin from naturally cleansing itself. Therefore, scrub your skin twice a week.

Cleanse your skin after sleep

  1. During the night's rest, the sebaceous glands work in accelerated mode, regardless of the type of epidermis. Make it a habit to cleanse your pores as soon as you wake up.
  2. For these purposes, use lotion, foam or tonic. Complete the manipulations by wiping with cosmetic ice and applying a moisturizer.
  3. To saturate your cells with moisture, drink at least 300 ml immediately after sleep. water with lemon. You should not immediately lean on coffee, it clogs the pores and makes it difficult for sebum to come out.
  4. Any basic care behind the epidermis suggests correction daily diet. In the morning, eat oatmeal or flaxseed porridge with berries. Eat cottage cheese, cheese, drink yoghurt.

Take care of the skin around your eyes

  1. It is known that the epidermis of this area is the thinnest and most delicate. The skin around the eyes often suffers from dehydration. This causes swelling and dark circles to appear.
  2. Purchase professional cosmetics, designed specifically for the skin around the eyes. Choose products marked “For the skin around the eyes 30+”.
  3. Apply the product to your fingertips, then spread over your eyelids using tapping movements. Move along the orbital bone clockwise.
  4. Get into the habit of using hydrogel, it consists of 60% water, so it solves the problem of dehydration. The serum is available in universal form for all facial skin. It can also be targeted (the area around the eyes).
  5. Try to buy cosmetics famous brands. One tube will last you 1-2 years, so you shouldn’t skimp. Buy products taking into account existing problems (wrinkles, circles, swelling under the eyes, etc.).

Face masks 30+

  1. Honey and clay. Prepare tea leaves from long tea, mix 40 ml. drink with 25 gr. blue clay. Add 30 gr. thick honey, stir. Distribute over skin, avoiding the area around the eyes. Wait until it dries and wash off.
  2. Egg and yeast. Separate the chicken white; we don't need the yolk. Beat until foamy, add 25 g. diluted live yeast. Add 5 g. gelatin, wait 10 minutes. Make a mask, remove it with water after a third of an hour.
  3. Cream and banana. Grind the pulp of one banana into puree, mix with cream or sour cream. Add 10 gr. corn starch or oatmeal. The mass should resemble a paste. Apply it to the skin and leave for 30 minutes.

After washing, wipe your skin with cosmetic ice. Do homemade tonic from medicinal herbs, treat your face with it as needed. Remove makeup before bed, cleanse the dermis after waking up in the morning. Prepare masks and take care of the skin around your eyes.

Video: facial skin care at 30-40 years old

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