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Proper care of the scalp and hair. Proper scalp care. When something went wrong

Everyone knows that dying off and hair loss occurs daily, and dead hair does not immediately leave the surface of the head, but remains in the thickness of the skin for some time. Hair falling out as a result of natural death is replaced by new ones. Up to 50 hairs fall out daily. This is considered normal process. But it is no secret that sometimes the process of hair loss can be associated with some kind of disease or improper care. How to properly care for your hair? Kefir - indispensable tool hair and scalp care.

First you need to determine the type of your hair. There is a conditional division of hair into 3 types:

  • fatty,
  • dry,
  • normal.

Greasy hair characterized by rapid "salting", that is, pollution. For dry hair characterized by brittleness and fragility, as well as excessive dryness. normal hair, as a rule, become dirty and dull in 5-7 days after shampooing. Having correctly determined your hair type, and sometimes this requires a consultation with a cosmetologist, you need to choose the appropriate hair care products for your hair type.

Hair care rules

There are several rules for hair care:

  • You need to wash your hair as it gets dirty (for oily hair after 1-2 days, and for dry and normal hair - after 5-7 days).
  • It is recommended to wash your hair cool water. It is better to use boiled water for this purpose or simply heated water mixed with baking soda(at the rate of 1 tsp per 1 liter of water).
  • Shampooing should be combined with a massage of the scalp at the roots of the hair, which stimulates the vital activity of the hair and increases the flow nutrients to every hair.
  • It's best to dry your hair outdoors, avoiding direct exposure to wet hair ultraviolet sun rays. If you are used to using a hair dryer, then dry your hair under the smallest and coolest air flow, holding the hair dryer at a distance of at least 25-30 cm from your head. Blow-drying can change the structure of your hair, making it brittle and dull, as well as increase split ends.
  • It is best to comb your hair with a stiff brush (to massage the scalp) and a plastic comb-comb. Short hair you need to comb from the roots to the tailbones of the hair, and long ones - starting from the ends.
    The comb-comb should be rare, without sharp teeth. To improve blood circulation in the scalp, it is recommended to comb the hair several times a day, alternately with a brush, then with a comb-comb from roots to ends.
  • Hair cutting is used for hygienic (to avoid splitting the ends of the hair) and aesthetic purposes, but not for hair growth. Shaving your head also does not promote hair growth or strengthen it. normal growth and healthy appearance hair is not conducive to wearing wigs, hairpieces, and high hairstyles with lots of clips, hairpins and heavy headwear.
  • Remember, the enemies of your hair are not only the sun, wind, salt sea ​​water, dust and frost, but also alcohol, tobacco smoke.

Oily hair care

Now we would like to give some advice to those who have oily hair.

  • Regrettably, but oily hair is often a typical phenomenon, especially for young people. To cure your hair from excessive sebum secretion, you need to choose a series of cosmetic hair care products marked "for oily hair". Instead of shampoos and newfangled hair care products, you can use children's or therapeutic boron-thymol soap, rinse your hair better with nettle decoction (at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) or a solution table vinegar(at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).
  • To stimulate vitality of your hair, we recommend rubbing 4-5 tbsp into the scalp once every 2 weeks. l. weak or medium kefir, which then must be washed off with a large amount warm water. You can make a drying mask for oily hair. To do this, mix the protein of 2 eggs and 4 tbsp. l. strong kefir. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp, and after 30 minutes wash off the mask with warm water.
  • Very good for hair crumb mixture rye bread and 4-5 st. l. strong kefir. It must be applied to the scalp at the roots of the hair, gently massaging, and left for 30-40 minutes, then it must be washed off, and the remaining bread crumbs should be carefully combed out with a comb.
  • Once a month, a hair mixture is recommended, prepared from 3-4 tbsp. l. weak or medium kefir and nettle decoction (decoction is prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons of crushed dry leaves per 1 cup of boiling water). She not only strengthens and nourishes hair but also gives them a healthy sheen.
  • If you want not only strengthen hair, but also to give them a pleasant copper or reddish tint, mix kefir with infusion onion peel(at the rate of 100 g of crushed husk in 2 cups of water) and apply to the hair, gently massaging the scalp, and then distribute the mixture along the entire length of the hair with a fine comb. If you have dark hair, then you can safely keep the mixture from 30 minutes to an hour, but if you are the owner blonde hair, then the longer you hold it, the brighter or darker the shade will turn out.
  • A decoction of onion peel can be replaced with 4 tbsp. l. good cognac or tincture walnuts(prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. water, 3 tbsp. olive oil, 1-2 tbsp. l. crushed walnut kernels).

The peculiarity of any mixture for oily hair is that after applying it to the scalp, you do not need to cover your head. plastic bag, scarf or other warming agent. Otherwise, the hair promises to become even more oily. Therefore, when mixing the ingredients, try to make the mixture not too liquid.

Care for dry and normal hair

For dry and normal hair you can use the same mixtures that are used for oily hair, but at the same time put a plastic bag, scarf or scarf on your head to create a "greenhouse effect" for your hair, which will help cure your hair from excessive dryness and brittleness.

  • For example, we recommend that you mix 3 tbsp. l. weak or medium kefir, 1 tbsp. l. cognac and 2 whipped yolks, apply the resulting mixture to the scalp, gently rubbing, then spread with your hands along the entire length of the hair and put on a warming cap. Wash off after 30 minutes hot water.
  • For dry hair, kefir-oil composition is great. Mix 3 tbsp. l. weak or medium kefir and 1 tbsp. l. castor or burdock oil. Apply the resulting mixture on the scalp half an hour before washing, warm with a scarf, and then rinse with warm water, shampoo and rinse your hair again with warm water.
  • Useful mixture of 3 tbsp. l. weak or medium kefir and tincture of chamomile flowers (prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons of dried flowers per glass of boiling water), which must be applied to clean hair, massaging and lightly rubbing at the roots, close with a plastic bag and leave for 20 minutes. Then the mixture must be washed off with hot water and for best effect rinse your hair with a weak decoction of chamomile (at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 0.5 liters of water).

Causes of dry scalp and ways to improve the condition of the skin and hair, you will find in the article "

Horsetail is one of the most ancient plants on the planet. It has been known since ancient times healing properties helping to get rid of many diseases. But not everyone knows that this herb helps women become more beautiful and attractive. However, those women who know this plant as a scalp and hair care product use it. The content of a large amount of vitamin C, organic acids, silicon, tannins and other useful components makes horsetail a wonderful cosmetic product.

How horsetail can be used for hair and face, reviews on the use of the plant in cosmetic purposes- we will talk about all this today:

Application in cosmetology

The healing plant is rich in silicon, so including it in skin care products promotes rapid, active cell renewal. Masks, creams, scrubs have a rejuvenating, firming effect, increase the elasticity of the skin.

Since the products based on it have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, light astringents properties, plant extract is often included in problem skin care products.

Making cosmetic ice

It is very useful to wipe the washed face and neck with an ice cube from horsetail infusion with the addition of peach, mango or grape oil.

Such cold procedures perfectly tone up, refresh, tighten the oval of the face and smooth out wrinkles. Cosmetologists advise all women over 40 to use ice cubes for care after morning skin cleansing and contrast washing.

To prepare, pour a glass of boiling water over 1 tbsp of finely broken grass. Cover with a saucer, wait half an hour. Strain, add 10-12 drops of the selected oil, mix. Pour into ice cube trays, freeze.

You can just pour the infusion into the cut plastic bottle and so freeze. In the morning, take it out while you wash your face, the ice will thaw a little and you can easily get it out of the plastic. Then put it back in the freezer.

Horsetail for hair

Decoction preparation:

Boil 3 liters of water, pour half a glass of chopped herbs into it. Reduce the heat to a minimum, boil for 20 minutes under the lid. Then let it cool on its own and pour through cheesecloth into another bowl.

Use for rinsing, rub into the roots. After the procedure, do not wipe your head, just wrap it with a towel. Do this every time you wash your hair to strengthen the roots, restore the structure of the hair.

Growth mask

Pour 2 tablespoons of raw yeast with warm infusion or decoction of horsetail until a liquid slurry is obtained. Keep warm for half an hour. Apply to partings, gently rubbing, spread over the entire length. Wrap your head in plastic, then a towel. Rinse thoroughly after an hour.

From dandruff

Prepare 200 ml of infusion, the recipe of which is described above, strain. Put a few drops of oil in there. tea tree, stir. Keep cold. Rub this composition into the roots, gently massaging. Carry out the procedure several times a week, preferably on clean hair.

In order for the hair to always look great and literally shine with health, it is necessary to deal not only with the curls themselves. But also pay attention to the condition of the skin under the hair. After all, it is in it that the follicles from which hair grows are located. And this means that problems with them will immediately affect the hair. Scalp care includes various procedures. This massage, and nutrition, and hydration, and, of course, cleansing. And also attention should be paid to the food used for styling, and to the lifestyle in general.

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This pleasant procedure has similar goals to cleansing with scrubs. Of course, massage does not contribute to the removal of impurities. But it has a wonderful function - relaxation. And this is also a necessary part. comprehensive care behind the hair. Stress has a very negative effect on the condition of the skin. Overwork, lack of sleep immediately become visible on the face. But the same thing happens with the skin under the curls. Therefore, self-massage is an excellent health-improving and preventive procedure.

You can do it both with your fingers and with special massagers. However, it is not forbidden to use Massage Oil. Most often it is proposed to take 2 tbsp. l. olive or burdock. However, for this purpose, any other is quite suitable. The oil needs to be warmed up. Body temperature - perfect option. The oil is then applied to the scalp. Thanks to this action, the massage will be easier, and the skin will receive additional nutrition.

Carrying out a caring massage is not difficult at all. It is enough to make circular movements with your fingers or a brush for a few minutes. Start from the forehead and move towards the top of the head. And then, on the contrary, from the neck, circle your hands up. Care for dry scalp

After that, you can reproduce the tapping movements. It should be soft, gentle touches with the fingertips. In conclusion - stroking movements or simply combing the hair with a comb. In this case, be sure to press the comb to the surface of the head.

If there are any wounds or inflammations, it is better to refuse massage and peeling. All damage must be healed first. In cases where problems on the scalp cause concern about the extent or duration of existence, a visit to a doctor is mandatory.


Peeling is an essential component of skin care.

And excellent remedy to cleanse the scalp, exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis, improve microcirculation. This allows the skin to breathe and absorb nutrients better, and the hair to grow faster.

This procedure is especially beneficial for oily skin scalp prone to dandruff.

For this, there are special peeling gels and shampoos for deep cleaning scalp, salon procedures co special formulations, and we will get acquainted with no less effective and safe means For home peeling scalp.

The undisputed champion among peeling products, as well as mine favorite remedy- This sea ​​salt. Use medium to fine salt. It should be rubbed into the scalp for several minutes, and then left under a plastic wrap for another half an hour.

You can apply salt to both dry and wet hair, if you wish, you can mix salt with kefir or yogurt, any base vegetable oil, and even adding your favorite essential oil. I prefer to just moisten my hair a little first, and then rub the salt into the scalp - so the salt does not have time to dissolve, does not pour from the hair (as is the case with salt peeling on dry hair) and does not drain (as in combination with kefir).

After half an hour, you can simply wash off the salt with shampoo, or you can first apply any mask - its effect will increase. You can use salt once a week, and if the scalp is oily - twice a week. Also, do not overdo it - if you rub salt too vigorously, you can scratch your scalp, cause irritation and itching. I like the feeling of freshness of the head after such a peeling, the hair stays clean longer.

From others folk remedies black bread is used for peeling the scalp. This is a fairly popular and long-established hair mask - we boil the crusts of black bread with boiling water and insist for several hours, but if you first massage the scalp properly, rubbing the bread, then it also serves as an excellent peeling.

What's more, this mask can be washed off without using shampoo, as the bread absorbs impurities and cleanses the scalp! That is, this tool is three in one - first we do peeling, then we leave it for an hour as a mask, and wash it off like a shampoo.

From essential oils peeling properties have tea tree oils, mint, lavender, jojoba. Castor oil, along with all its other benefits, also works as an exfoliator. As usual, rub the heated Castor oil into the scalp in a circular motion, then you can leave for an hour as a mask.

In the same way, some ordinary homemade masks have lung effect peeling, for example onion masks and masks with egg yolk.

Cleansing the scalp is a guarantee of hair beauty, its purity and freshness, enhancing the effectiveness of masks, plus massage and prevention of dandruff! Use it regularly, love your hair!

Oily scalp care

In the presence of inflammatory processes(seborrhea, dermatitis, pustular rashes), it is necessary to see a specialist dermatologist and use special cleansers, including drying and antibacterial additives. Shampoos designed to treat dry dandruff or oily seborrhea, should be used for at least twenty, thirty days, otherwise the effect of the treatment may not come.

Often people mistakenly believe that hot water is better for cleaning. sebum and your hair will be less greasy. The scalp, like the whole skin covering body must be protected from moisture loss, and provide such protection sebaceous glands forming a thin layer of fat on the surface of the skin. Under influence hot water glands begin to produce even more sebum. Therefore, you should wash your hair in warm water.

They help well to reduce the greasiness of rinsing with nettle tincture (a tablespoon of stinging nettle in a glass of boiling water, insist and strain) and lemon water (squeeze half a lemon and dilute with water). They are used after shampooing.

Dry scalp care

Dry scalp gives its owner or owner a lot of discomfort, hair looks lifeless, devoid of shine. In this case, you need to add nutrition: for this purpose, warm burdock oil can be applied to the scalp twice a week, which strengthens the hair follicles. Simultaneously with the application of oil, you can do a massage that stimulates the work of all glands. Rosehip, wheat, almond and jojoba oils also have a good effect.

Dry skin is often sensitive, in which case you should use as little as possible cosmetical tools for styling, paints and compositions for perming. Exposure to a hair dryer, curling irons, irons and other heating objects can also have a detrimental effect on the beauty of the hair. Therefore, it is best to think over a gentle styling option together with the hairdresser and use strengthening products regularly.

To be shiny and voluminous hair, easy to style, you need very little: choose the right care products, protect your hair from negative effects environment(sun, sea, chlorinated and hard water, temperature fluctuations), minimize the use of paints without nutrients, chemicals for curling and bleaching. By taking care of your hair, nourishing your scalp and following simple care recommendations, you can achieve good results- Give your hair a natural shine and keep it healthy.

What should not be done so as not to harm the scalp

Thick, beautiful and shiny hair always in fashion. And what about the scalp? Does this affect the condition of the hair? Yes, scalp care is no less important than the curls themselves. Therefore, several simple recipes no one will be disturbed.

Scalp care: why is it important?

In fact, it is in the skin that hair follicles and bulbs are laid. Here is the hair growth zone, the center of their nutrition and blood supply. Scientists from all over the world agree that it is impossible to become the owner of healthy, strong hair, having problematic skin heads.

In modern beauty salons There is a range of procedures that can be used to improve her condition. But some ways of care are available to everyone. The main thing here is regular attention. Care products will depend on

Dry scalp care

Be sure to pay attention to the water with which you wash your hair - it must be purified, it must not contain calcium and magnesium salts. Chlorinated water is bad for the skin and hair. Carefully choose a brush: it is desirable that it be made of natural material(wood) and had soft, non-sharp tips.

Scalp care: several useful advice

Of course, shampoos, masks and lotions are an important part of care. But the health of the skin and hair directly depends on the state of the whole organism.

  • Rational healthy eating, active organization working mode, lack of stress - all this will have a wonderful effect on the condition of your hair.
  • Do not forget to take vitamins and mineral complexes at least twice a year.
  • Taking flaxseed oil and fish body essential fatty acids thus making hair strong and healthy.
  • Try to use styling products as little as possible, as well as a hairdryer, curling irons and other devices that heat your hair.
  • Do not forget about hats - the scalp needs protection from both the sun and cold and wind.

Adhering to these simple rules, you can not only make your hair radiant, but also improve the entire body.

Healthy hair is not only thick, shiny hair, it is also healthy skin heads. Hair follicles are located in the scalp, so from a healthy and well-groomed skin depends on their full growth. Trichologists agree that without proper scalp care it is impossible to have healthy hair.
Taking care of your scalp is a daily chore. Not that you have to do just that all day long, but remembering the scalp once a year will not achieve any sustainable result.

Enough a large number of women and men have a high secretion sebum, as a result of which the hair quickly gets dirty and loses its appearance.

Increased secretion of sebum (seborrhea) is also a predisposing background for the occurrence of an imbalance in the microflora of the skin of the scalp, which leads to complications - seborrheic dermatitis, a condition characterized by the appearance of dandruff, itching and inflammation of the scalp.

On this moment seborrheic dermatitis is considered as a disease that can cause hair loss or aggravate an existing hair problem. Care of the scalp, prone to excessive secretion of fat, must necessarily include washing the head as it gets dirty, and even daily washing is not prohibited.

The most common hair type is a combination of oily scalp and dry hair shafts. In such situations, it is extremely difficult to choose a care product: using shampoo for dry hair will not lead to even more dryness of the shaft, but it will not clean the scalp sufficiently, which can contribute to dandruff. And the use of shampoos for oily hair will provide good cleansing scalp, however, will aggravate the condition of the hair shafts - contribute to even greater dryness and brittleness. In such cases, it is optimal to select shampoos according to the type of scalp, however, after washing, it is imperative to use various restorative masks, conditioners and balms that care for the hair shaft.

With severe dryness of the hair shafts (for example, hair damaged perm, curly hair), but active work sebaceous glands it is possible to wash your hair with a shampoo selected according to the type of hair shaft, that is mild shampoos, but their cleansing action must be supplemented with the use of cleansing masks and lotions, tonics for the scalp. In general, the use of lotions and tonics for the scalp should be included in the complex. daily care behind the skin. Their action can be compared with the use of lotions and tonics for facial skin. Being on the surface of the scalp for a sufficiently long time after application, the active ingredients help maintain the balance of the microflora of the scalp, have an anti-inflammatory effect, regulate the secretion of fat, and also usually contain a number of nutritional components.

An obligatory component of scalp care is the use of various conditioners and balms after washing, which will neutralize the alkaline effect of shampoos due to the slightly acidic environment and cationic components in their composition. With severe dryness of the hair shaft, it is necessary to use masks that have a restorative effect on the hair shaft. They contain amino acids, proteins and protein hydrolysates that reduce structural defects in the hair shaft, as well as components that improve lipid barrier or covering the hair cuticle thin film (vegetable oils, silicones and dimethicones).

Proper scalp care involves following these rules:

  1. Balance your diet. For normal health and functioning, your body needs to receive all the vitamins and minerals. The scalp is no exception. Especially useful for her are fish fat, linseed oil or gamma-linolenic acid, avocado. Zinc is very good for the condition of the scalp.
  2. Moisture is also essential for the good condition of the scalp. Please note that water reaches the scalp almost in last turn. Therefore, you need to drink a lot - at least 2 liters per day. Plain clean water is better.
  3. The work of the sebaceous glands largely depends on the state of the nervous and endocrine systems as well as acute and chronic diseases internal organs(especially gastrointestinal tract). Any of the diseases will affect the condition of the scalp. Follow this.
  4. Try to avoid stress. All voltages nervous system badly affect the state of health, including the scalp.
  5. Choose the right shampoo. Perhaps the scalp is flaky for this reason. And if it doesn’t work on your own, consult a trichologist or cosmetologist.
  6. Wash your hair properly. There are certain rules for washing your hair - follow them always!
  7. Wash your hair daily. Don't worry about your hair getting greasy. And what's the difference if you wash them every day. This gives a feeling of comfort, the scalp is moisturized, nourished and constantly remains clean. All this contributes to better condition. Especially this recommendation applies to vacation time: sun, pools, sea… and for daily washing, use a mild daily shampoo.
  8. Try not to wash your hair in too hard or chlorinated water.
    Rinse your head thoroughly running water- at least 5 minutes. The shampoo left on the scalp is not the most in the best way affects her health. Including this leads to drying of the skin and the appearance of white flakes.
  9. Protect your head from the effects of weather factors: in the summer, wear a Panama hat, and in cold weather, a warm hat.
  10. Dry your hair carefully after washing. Wet hair especially vulnerable. Do not rub your scalp - just gently pat dry with a towel.
  11. Try to use the services of thermal devices as little as possible: a hair dryer, tongs, curling irons, irons, a diffuser and others. This is especially true for the weak and damaged hair and for dry scalp.
  12. Don't hurt your scalp styling products. This is especially important when the cause of the unsatisfactory condition of the scalp lies in negative impact on her cosmetic procedures.
  13. Use quality cosmetics for the head. Do not skimp on your beauty and health.
  14. Try to avoid prolonged tugging of the scalp: tight hairstyles (for example, tightly gathered in ponytail hair), smoothing the hair to the surface of the head with the help of invisibility, and so on. At least at home and be sure to take everything off your head at night.

Following this simple rules will help keep your scalp healthy good condition. So, the hair will also grow strong and healthy. And to enhance the effect - pamper your scalp sometimes extra care: masks, massage.

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