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Female attractiveness in the eyes of men: main signs and recommendations. What is the difference between beauty and attractiveness? Hip to waist ratio

Let's look at what female beauty is, to which beautiful half humanity is constantly striving, wanting to be perfect in the eyes of the male. female beauty is more than just a surface image. Female beauty is an eternal mystery, this concept is more than vague. Women's beauty cannot be measured in centimeters, kilograms, it cannot be driven into the framework of any standards.

You sometimes look at a girl: the figure is inconspicuous, her face is ordinary, but there is something that attracts the eyes of men. You can call it differently - magical energy, individual charm, skillful charm. But no matter how you call it, in fact - this is the temptation that a woman uses, instinctively attracting a man to her.

What makes a girl so seductive in the eyes of a man?

Secret one- style. Of course, it is difficult to say which style is ideal. But the fact that it should be mandatory is a fact. And the more feminine you are by nature, the more gentle and attractive it will be. And it is desirable that this style gives you confidence, so that you feel like a queen and mistress in it. male hearts. And remember about a smile, it can be given even to ordinary passers-by...

Secret two- posture. Without an elegant back silhouette, you will never be desirable. Posture is very important, because the ability to carry yourself, to teach is very important! It highlights your marvelous curves and charms. And most importantly, taking care of posture, do not forget about the figure. Pay attention to it and you will see the result yourself. You get several trump cards at once - posture, figure and excellent physical shape.

Secret three- gait. Remember the song: "With a flying gait you came out of May and disappeared from your eyes in the shroud of January"? This, in fact, is the rub. If a man walks confidently through the world, then a woman will follow him with a graceful gait. Gait easily turns a woman into beautiful fairy, or an ugly duck. Only a goose will follow a duck, and many men will follow the magic of fairies.

Secret Four- sight. Eyes are a weapon, sometimes only in the eyes, a man falls in love with a look. But not only! The look conveys sexuality and energy. Even among the princesses in France there was a game: some princess, seeing a pleasant young heir at a ball, glared at him, thereby forcing him to get to know her. ... Here true behavior queens. No wonder they say: "like a spark flew." So what's stopping you from lighting that spark yourself?

Secret Five- voice. You must have heard this joke: he was in love with her until she spoke. Listen to yourself and work on your pronunciation, intonation. Try to speak calmly and clearly. Someone will be surprised: this is typical acting skills ?! Well, yes! Isn't every woman an actress?! And do not forget about laughter, try not to scare them, but captivate with pleasant sonorous notes of your voice.

Secret six- smell. sexual desire in men, nothing awakens like the smell of perfume, mixed with the smell of a woman's, so desired, body. A tart, slightly invigorating and dizzying smell that will drive any man crazy. But just don't overdo it. It will even be right if you choose several fragrances for every occasion!

Secret Seventh- sexuality. What is sexuality? Precise definition does not exist. sexy in different period times were different images girls, like Marilyn Monroe's appetizing slightly puffy pussy, or a bitch like Sharon Stone, or the almost boyish appearance of Milla Jovovich. Sexuality is a mixture of the immiscible, a combination of the incompatible: weakness and strength, determination and softness, prudence and emotionality, openness and mystery. But just don’t overdo it, because men have never liked accessible girls.

Leonid Agutin - "Ode to Women"

For most women, every morning starts the same way: foundation, lipstick, shadows, hairspray… I am also one of them. In my diary, you can often see the entries "14.00 - solarium, 17.00 - manicure, etc."

I look at myself in the mirror - it would not hurt to grow eyelashes, and I also want long hair. In general, I an ordinary girl, in which the shelves are forced different kind cosmetics, and plans to conduct many more experiments to improve their appearance.

This is exactly what I was like a few years ago: I experimented with hair and makeup, I wanted to get piercings and tattoos, I increased my nails.

All this was until the moment when I realized from my observations and conversations with men that their idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfemale beauty is completely different from ours.

It is enough to ask most of the representatives of the weaker sex what kind of woman, in their opinion, men will like. The answer is likely to be obvious: a long-legged blonde with big breasted, plump lips and long eyelashes.

Probably, this image was inspired by us means mass media, but in any case, most of us believe this and try to imitate this image, which cosmetic companies and beauty salons are very happy about.

Once I had a chance to walk in the park with one of my good friends. Next to us was just a beautiful, in my opinion, a woman in stylish clothes with modern hairstyle. My companion, noticing my look, said with a grin that the girl was pretty, but these trousers were of a strange style and a large number of makeup only spoiled her natural data.

After talking with my companion on the topic of female attractiveness, and also, remembering the statements of my boyfriends about my desire to constantly tint my lips, I made certain conclusions for myself.

All our aspirations to constantly increase something or paint ourselves in unusual colors are connected with the desire to please men, but most of our ideas are real myths. Here are a few such myths that I learned about from our conversation in the park.

Myth one. men like long nails.

I somehow whole year Went with extended nails. They were so long that it was absolutely impossible to do many household chores, but I felt insanely sexy.

In fact, men do not like long nails, especially extensions, and even some crazy colors. Much more they like a neat manicure of medium length.

Myth two. Men love trendy hairstyles.

Maybe men love fashionable hairstyles, but they definitely can’t stand hairspray and gel on their hair. Much nicer to touch clean soft hair.

My friend said that the phrase "Don't touch it, you'll ruin your hair" discourages any desire to show any kind of tender feelings to a woman.

But fashionable hair unusual colors- it's just taboo. Even mine chestnut color not all men perceived adequately, and what can we say about other extravagant colors.

Myth three. Makeup decorates a woman.

It turns out that males prefer light makeup. Now I don’t even remember where, I read that a woman eats about 9 kg in her life. lipsticks, and men - 5. Men who know this fact are wary of lipstick.

Concerning foundation and shadows, they believe that all these devices clog the skin, spoil natural face. “You know, I don't really feel like kissing a face with chemicals,” my friend told me.

What really attracts men?

My friend did not answer this question unequivocally, because, as you know, the taste and color ... But there are things that most men like and that we, women, in our pursuit of perfection, on the contrary, spoil.

A woman, no doubt, should be well-groomed and monitor her appearance.

Hair should be clean (this is the most important thing), neatly trimmed and fit to the face. Clothing should be stylish, but be sure to sit on the figure and go to your mistress. To the question about short skirts, my companion smiled and said: “Only when perfect legs».

Good body, according to men, is the absence of excess weight or excessive thinness. Although the concept of "thinness" and " excess weight» in men is individual.

So I decided to stop spending so much money on myths about female beauty. The most important thing for a girl is to remain herself, and there will always be a connoisseur of her beauty.

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But what if you try to look at yourself through the eyes of men? What do they like about us and what annoys us? What is in their understanding beautiful woman? Should we change or is it better not to take risks? We decided to get answers to these and many other questions from several dozen men of the most different ages and professions. We hope that the results of this survey will help you better understand their complex logic. So, this is how men see and want to see us....

First impression

If you have at least a drop of romanticism and optimism in you, you probably still dream of meeting the man of your dreams. But it turns out that you are not alone - representatives of the opposite sex are also quite sentimental and inclined to believe in ideals. What might grab their attention? unknown girl and get him to know her? Photo model figure? Stunning outfit? Awesome hairstyle? No, perhaps all this plays a role, but obviously not the main one. Everything is much easier.

Most of the men answered that they would meet a girl who would pay attention to them herself or smile. As they say, "I looked back to see if she looked back ...". Male unanimity on this issue is explained by the fact that most of them are afraid to take the first step because of the possibility of refusal. Therefore, at the first meeting, the attention of the girl herself for a man is much more important than her impeccable appearance.

However, this does not mean at all that one smile is enough to interest a man. Describing a stranger they liked, almost everyone would first of all pay attention to expressive eyes and pleasant features.

Strange as it may seem, but the assessment of the length of the legs and the figure as a whole was considered by the majority to be less important (it is hard to believe in this, however!).

Well groomed was the next most popular answer. appearance and the presence of taste, but the originality of clothes, makeup or hairstyles when meeting, as it turned out, practically do not matter to men.

Statistics, of course, is a necessary thing, but how many men - so many opinions. Therefore, it is worth listing more original answers. For someone, an intellectual appearance turned out to be obligatory, someone is not indifferent to cheerful laughter, and some first of all pay attention to the absence or presence of a wedding ring.

What is a good figure?

Almost every man will answer you that he prefers women with a good figure. However, everyone understands this concept in their own way. As a result of our survey, it turned out that about 50% of men prefer owners of lush breasts and hips in the presence of thin waist, and only 20% like long-legged, slender and tall. Miniature and fragile little inches and mouth-watering donuts got another 5%. And the remaining 10% of men answered that the figure should be primarily proportional and be in complete harmony with inner world. So, dear ladies, instead of another diet, think about how harmonious you are.

We are going to work

Work plays in the lives of most women very important role. And how successful it will be is not in last turn depends on the desire and ability to look good. And if at work you are surrounded by at least a few men, it would be very nice to know how they would like to see you.

So, it turns out that only 10% of men evaluate only your business qualities and it practically doesn’t matter to them how a woman looks. The rest at work continue to be men who are not indifferent to female beauty.

Strange as it may seem, but the largest number men first of all pay attention to outgoing from a colleague light fragrance spirits. According to almost 50% of respondents, no self-respecting woman can do without this at work.

In second place was a neatly done hairstyle, and in third - make-up and manicure. But thoughtful and fashionable outfit, as well as beautiful shoes and a bag, seem to men not so important. Truly, men's logic inexplicable!

However, this should not lead to the conclusion that you can dress in anything. In the end, at work you are probably surrounded by many women who will certainly pay attention to all the little things in your wardrobe that have remained invisible to men! But this is a completely different story, which has nothing to do with the topic of this article.

domestic vanity

If colleagues at work are accustomed to seeing us made up, combed and tastefully dressed, then we, as a rule, appear in front of our family in much less attractive. Which one of our bad habits annoying men the most? The answers to this question were perhaps the most surprising.

The vast majority of men do not tolerate if a woman does not wash off makeup at night. Who would have thought that they even pay attention to this! In this, men, by the way, are unanimous with cosmetologists, who unanimously advise to give the face a rest at night.

The second most popular "home" flaw was an uncombed and sloppy look. Here, as they say, comments are unnecessary. A slightly smaller number of men are annoyed if a woman walks around the apartment with a cream or a mask on her face. However, we do not advise you to abandon the use of these cosmetics. It's just better, after applying them on your face, lie down calmly and ask your family not to pull you for at least 15-20 minutes. By the way, the opinion of cosmetologists about the maximum effectiveness of masks and here strikingly coincides with the male point of view.

Well, what a portrait of a woman at home without traditional curlers! But, to my great surprise, judging by the answers, they do not annoy very many people. There can be only two explanations for this - either all the men surveyed are very lucky, and their women solve the problem of hair styling in some other way, or modern men trying to treat this problem with understanding.

And, finally, the rarest answer turned out to be ... irritation due to the woman's habit of walking in dressing gown. Moreover, most of the male comments on this topic clearly had an erotic tinge. True, in order to evoke such thoughts in a man, the dressing gown must be appropriate!

About hair

Of course, we could not help but check the validity of the well-known statement that "gentlemen prefer blondes." And here are the results we got: a little more than half of men prefer women with light brown hair, slightly less popular are dark blond or Brown hair, but the platinum blondes and burning brunettes received the minimum number of votes. For most men, this hair color seems too bright and unnatural. Speaking of hair coloring in more natural colors almost 80% are quite calm.

The most opposing opinions were raised by the question of the reaction of men to the rather bold experiments of a woman on her hair, for example, hair coloring or at least a few strands in some unusual color(green, orange, etc.). It turns out that only a very small part of men (about 20%) like it if others pay attention to their companion. In addition, it seems to them that everything that the woman they love does is wonderful.

But the overwhelming majority adheres, as it turned out, to a completely opposite point of view. They prefer their woman to look natural and modest and not draw too much attention to herself. This position is easily explained - not every man can withstand such a comparison and not get lost against the background of such an extravagant person. So, if you are not sure about the reaction of your loved one, it is better not to take too risky actions. For those whose men prefer to see gray mice next to them, it is better to accustom a man to change gradually.

There was also a third answer to this question. Approximately 10% of men answered that such experiments are a woman's personal business and they may not even pay attention to it. At the same time, a well-known anecdote about male observation is immediately recalled, when, looking at his wife in a gas mask, the husband indifferently asked why she plucked her eyebrows.

Time for a change

But no matter what men say, a woman cannot live without change. How do the representatives of the stronger sex relate to the constant changes in hairstyles, hair color, makeup and outfits? There is clearly no particular unanimity on this issue among men. About 50% of the respondents agreed that a woman must definitely change, because this is the only way she can remain interesting not only for men, but also for herself. The idea that a woman can change some small parts, without violating the once chosen style, turned out to be somewhat less popular (35%).

The rest of the men are not lovers of change, but they give very different reasons for this. The majority (about 10%) explain their conservatism by the fact that they prefer to see a woman the way they once liked her. They categorically do not want to put up with the situation when, having fallen in love with a plump and nondescript brunette with long braids, they discover a year later that she has turned into a slender blonde a la Marilyn Monroe. They cannot bear such shock.

The second explanation for male conservatism is much more prosaic: they fear that too frequent changes can greatly affect family budget. So, before getting married, we strongly advise you to find out the views of your beloved man on this problem. Otherwise, you have every chance to regularly hear accusations of extravagance. Think about whether you want to constantly convince your husband of the need for your trip to the hairdresser, as well as buying not only new shoes, but also extra pair pantyhose.

Looking for your style

Creating your unique style, a woman is guided not only by her own idea of ​​herself, but also by the opinions of others. And men play a significant role in this. What do they want us to be? Of course, it was about choosing a life partner, or at least a woman for a long relationship, and not a “girl for the evening”.

The most popular among them was the style, which can be conditionally called "refined nature." About 30% of men would opt for women who prefer this particular style. Here short description the main features that distinguish a refined nature from all other women: expressive eyes, long hair, flawless manicure, high heels, Casual clothes flowing cut, preferably from silk and other delicate fabrics, in winter - clothes made of fur, favorite colors - black, as well as all neutrals. Usually women of this type are distinguished by feline habits, and depending on the character or situation, they can turn either into a cat walking by itself (which men really dislike) or into a cute domestic creature.

20% of men prefer shy women. Main distinguishing feature this style is natural. And this means that makeup should be minimal, there should be no necklines and cuts, and only pastel and inconspicuous colors are preferred. And all this should be combined with gentle facial features and a calm character. Somehow, the thought immediately arises that such a woman should not work, and at the same time, raising children and standing at the stove should become her sacred duty. The presence of any time-consuming and energy-consuming hobbies in such a scenario is also clearly not provided.

Exactly the same number of men (20%) prefer sports style women. By this they mean the presence of a sports figure, a short haircut and an appropriate style of clothing. Besides, mandatory conditions are a light tan, a minimum of cosmetics, a maximum of optimism and a passion for some fashionable look sports such as tennis, skiing or in last resort, aerobics. Such women are usually liked by men who themselves prefer sport style life.

The fourth most popular among men was, oddly enough, the style of "business woman". It was preferred by almost 15% of the respondents. Perhaps this is due to the fact that most of the men who answered our questions, encountering such women on a daily basis at work, have already managed to get used to them and see all their virtues. So, what are the main features of this style? Firstly, it is an impeccable, but not bright make-up and manicure, and secondly, neatly laid short haircut and, thirdly, a strict business suit, but not devoid of femininity. Such a stove, of course, will not spend her whole life, but there is always something to talk about with her. That is why this type of women, as a rule, is preferred by quite smart and intelligent men.

Another 10% of men opted for the doll style. What it is, you probably don’t need to explain: an angelic look, lips with a bow, curly hair, cheerful colors, fitted dresses and frills. True, it is worth noting that the nature of such dolls very rarely corresponds to their angelic appearance.

And here is the most, at first glance, attractive style for men called " femme fatale” was chosen by only 5% of respondents. It would seem that who can calmly walk past a lady with a seductive figure in tight clothes with deep neckline and on high heels. You can add loose hair and bright red lipstick and varnish to this look. As the saying goes, "a sultry woman is a poet's dream." It just turns out that men mostly prefer to dream about such women, in real life meeting with them only occasionally and for a short time. They are much calmer when next to them is, if not so seductive, but more reliable "modest".

But, as it turned out, most of all men do not like women whose style can be called "avant-garde". This answer turned out to be the most unpopular. Why are men so afraid? It turned out that they are frightened by extravagant makeup and hair color, an abundance of jewelry, love for bright colors and black skin. Considering that such an appearance, in their opinion, is almost always combined with a rather stormy and uncontrollable temperament and unconventional views on life, their fears become more understandable. Such a woman, of course, can arouse interest in a man, but most likely, he will get tired of her very quickly, again preferring a calmer option.

So, we hope that you have learned a lot of new things for yourself. However, what to do if the male point of view is very different from your own view of such concepts as beauty, style, etc.? There is only one way out: forget everything that you have just read and remain yourself. Because, the main thing is to like yourself, and then men simply have no other choice but to fall in love with you and completely change all their views!

For thousands of years, all women have been tormented by almost the same questions. "How to become desirable for a man?" or "What is female attractiveness, how does it manifest itself and how to learn to be feminine?" - these are eternal topics that you can talk about and argue endlessly. Every woman has about what it means true beauty and attractiveness, so the universal answer to the question of real femininity no and cannot be. However, there are those who give a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat female attractiveness is in the eyes of men. Let's find out more about them.

What is the difference between beauty and attractiveness?

Perhaps you have noticed more than once how simple and not particularly successful with men than a lady with perfect external data, but with an arrogant and cold look. And for sure you had a question: "Why do men pay attention to such a plain-looking person at first glance?" The answer is simple: if a girl who is far from perfect appearance by nature, is able to competently emphasize all her virtues and knows exactly what a man wants to see in her, then she will always be surrounded by a crowd of admirers. As you can see, natural beauty and female attractiveness in the eyes of men are not exactly the same concepts.

Definition of female beauty

They change very quickly: if a hundred years ago plump women considered the standard of beauty and health, today they have already lost their former glory. Slenderness, lightness and grace - these are the qualities in the forms of lovely ladies that are now the main ones. Due to variability fashion trends and trends, it is very difficult to determine which facial features of a girl are ideal in the eyes of men. And if we take into account the fact that each man is individual and has his own preferences regarding the appearance of a woman, then it becomes simply impossible to draw the ideal of true female beauty!

A little about female attractiveness

If we are talking about about female attractiveness, it is safe to say that its basis is, first of all, harmony in the soul and endless love for life and people. Believe me, if a girl is in love with life, then her eyes will sparkle like small diamonds, they will glow with that spark of positive and cheerfulness that will not leave any man indifferent!

The ideal woman through the eyes of a man: what is she like?

We, representatives of the weaker sex, can list for a very long time the qualities that, in our opinion, an ideal woman should have. However, let's try to look at this question with male point vision. What is female beauty through the eyes of men? A girl can be perfection for one man and the most ordinary, unremarkable - for another. It all depends on perception specific person and his personal preference. So, for example, for oriental men brought up in patriarchal families, the main thing in a woman is such qualities as respect for male gender, obedience to husband, devotion to family, feeling of deep maternal debt as well as piety. But men with a Western mentality appreciate in a woman her determination, self-confidence, broad outlook and intellectual ability. Be that as it may, nevertheless, in every representative of the stronger sex, certain instincts are inherent in nature. They work the same for all of them, regardless of upbringing, mentality or age. Let's find out what a woman should be like so that a man on an instinctive level pays attention to her.

Instincts of men, or What qualities are valued by "males"

Even in our modern world when culture and moral values so well developed primal instincts still continue to guide us in a variety of life circumstances. Men are also no exception, so when they meet a new beauty, they almost always evaluate her by comparing her with their inner image. perfect woman. Meanwhile, this image is due just the same instincts, embedded in us since the creation of man. So, we offer you a kind of overview of the signs of female attractiveness, which contribute to the fact that men "turn on" the instinctive desire to get this particular woman.

  • external data. Men always first evaluate the appearance of a woman, and only then - spiritual qualities and character. As many studies have shown, the representatives of the stronger sex prefer women who have healthy look, well-groomed hair and If we talk about forms and proportions, then it is worth noting that the female body must be able to endure, give birth and feed a child. After all, every man, without exception, sees in his chosen one first of all future mother their children.
  • Personal traits. It is also important how exactly a woman behaves surrounded by men. For real "males" it is important to see in her respect for a man, modesty, fidelity, shyness, but at the same time, a woman must have hidden sexuality, accessible only to one chosen one. It is also necessary to be fragile and a little timid, it is these qualities that awaken in men the desire to protect and protect the girl.

Of course, these components alone are not enough to become an ideal woman. There are many more qualities that a girl must develop in herself in order to be the one and only for her chosen one. Next, we will discuss what guys put at the forefront when they are looking for a lover not for a couple of months, but for life; let's name the main signs of female attractiveness; through the eyes of men, let's try to look at ourselves, loved ones ... Perhaps we will have to change something in ourselves. So...

Signs of femininity: the most charming and attractive

According to polls, most men's comments on female attractiveness can be divided into several groups, each of which also has its own nuances. So, here are the main signs of female attractiveness:

  1. Female beauty (through the eyes of a man, of course) is grooming. Agree, healthy radiance of the skin, beautiful nails And clean hair have always been and remain the main components of the image of a beautiful woman.
  2. In second place is such a quality as intelligence. Every man would like to see a wise companion next to him who can support any conversation, advise something sensible, or simply surprise his chosen one with new inquisitive discoveries.
  3. Another sign of an ideal woman is the manner of dressing. Her style should be unforgettable, emphasize all her virtues, and most importantly, clothes should not be defiant or too revealing. No wonder they say that they are met by clothes. A few recommendations will be given below on the topic of choosing clothes to create the look of an ideal girl.
  4. The ideal woman also has a sense of humor, self-irony is not alien to her. Men can forget insanely beautiful girl With perfect proportions body and facial features, however, believe me, they will forever remember a woman who can make them laugh and cheer them up. The sense of humor in women and men has its own characteristics and differences, so a girl who understands men's jokes and can also joke herself is of great value in the eyes of men.
  5. And another sign is energy. Real woman should radiate strong love to the world around, that the man next to him will feel it and transform himself. Female beauty and the power of femininity (through the eyes of men, as you understand) lies precisely in the kind of atmosphere this woman creates around herself. When a man experiences the action of such energy, so to speak, in his own skin, he instinctively wants to always be with a lady who radiates this craving for life and energy.

Secrets of female attractiveness: through the eyes of men we evaluate our appearance

There is no single standard for defining female beauty, so there is no point in killing yourself about your external flaws. After all, there are so many people in the world, and everyone has their own ideal of beauty. Some like plump brunettes, others like slender blondes. If we put together all the opinions of men from the most different countries, then we get the following wording: "Women's attractiveness in the eyes of men largely depends on the character and behavior of a woman, rather than her external data." Optional to have ideal features faces, because men first of all evaluate the whole image as a whole: the main thing is pleasant proportions and body structure.

Secrets of famous women

Take a look at the famous ladies who have become symbols of true femininity. Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Jennifer Aniston - these and many other women have won the sympathy of men due to their tenderness and mystery. The basis of femininity is a light gait, correct posture, gentle sonorous voice, long silky hair and, of course, harmony in the soul.

The talented Coco Chanel has repeatedly given lessons and advice on choosing clothes, so you should definitely listen to her recommendations. One of her mottos is: "Accessories make a woman a woman." Use various beads, bracelets, rings and earrings to make your look delicate and stylish. It's so beautiful and natural - to be feminine!

Being a woman is a huge job that requires time, patience and considerable expense. In addition to the gifted nature of appearance, it is worth paying attention to the upbringing of femininity in oneself. Try to become calmer, more affectionate, kinder and more obedient. Female attractiveness in the eyes of men is respect and submission to all his requests. Remember that in no case should you try to dominate your husband. Thus, you will forever kill in him any desire to be a protector, a getter and a hunter. A woman can get more out of a man with gentle, kind and tender words, so try to get rid of harshness and irritability.

But how to keep your only one?

We have analyzed what female attractiveness is from the point of view of men. Attractive girl can charm any of them, but this is not enough. As a rule, then the question necessarily arises: "But how to keep the chosen one next to you?" There are several recommendations, following which you can gain eternal power over his heart. So:

  1. Learn to be a true keeper of the hearth. Surprise your chosen one with a variety of dishes, learn new recipes and don't be afraid to experiment! Let him get used to your food so much that he won’t try anywhere else.
  2. If you want him to always listen to you, speak less empty and unnecessary words. It is known that women, unlike men, talk a lot, and you try to get rid of this habit (well, at least next to him).
  3. Take care of your body. Exercise, eat healthy and don't forget to cosmetic procedures. If a girl does not love her body and does not take care of it, then what kind of man will do this?

May you not have perfect beauty, but, knowing the principles of femininity and correctly applying them, you will be able to charm any "hunter". Good luck to you and ... femininity!

All women want to be beautiful, to be loved by men. It is clear. It is not clear why many women, dreaming about honest love, start with cheating.

I see women, young and old, each beautiful in her own way, with a twist (the answer to the riddle). I see how they do not accept their natural attractiveness and want to become even better, understanding beauty somehow in their own way. They twist their hair, paint over their faces, bare their legs, thereby stealing beauty, given by nature, and becoming faded under bright makeup, standard, like faceless barbies at Miss Universe, attracting the same faceless kens for a standard short mating game to, as usual, be deceived at the end. Where does the deception start? With lipstick.

Don't expect a prince from the universe if you can't be a princess without cheating

If you go out of your way to show yourself a model - you will catch the same narcissist, pull up your skirt - you will catch a greasy voluptuary with pantyhose, you will go to night club to the "meat market" - you bargain cheaply with a one-time hunter, you will be young - you will adopt an infantile boy, if you want to manipulate - you will fall into the same cunning or idiot, and again you will sob into the pillow that the men have died. Do not be cunning, and the world will not be ironic in response.

Deception is too harsh a word, it simply hides the fear of appearing ugly. Here's the truth for you: ugly women No. I have not met. There are only those who are trying to convince us of this. I'm ugly, so look how I painted my lips, eyelashes, how I deepened the neckline and exposed my thigh. There is nothing else in me, so all attention is on the screen: there are advertisements on the screen, and behind the screen there are only wires and dust.

My teacher used to say: "The beauty of a woman is the cervix!" I cannot vouch scientifically, but I will confirm that my interest in a woman is never drunk from the face. My arousal does not grow from her figure, especially naked. It's not interesting, it's not the right time, it's not the right place. The attraction happens much deeper, attracts the inner light, the source of which is really felt somewhere in the female abdomen.

A man falls in love with the nature, the nature of a woman, and the face and figure are admired after.

Poets who sing of the thin camp, plump lips And long eyelashes, simply describe the reflection of this light on the woman's body. A man in love will sing equally about thinness and fullness, and he himself will be surprised how his pre-built inanimate images of beauty collapse: wow, I was sure that she was not to my taste.

The most beautiful woman for me is pregnant. She does not care about the outside, her thoughts are inside, in the child, her whole life is directed inward, she listens to herself, strokes her stomach, steps slowly and so touchingly awkwardly. She is aware of the gift and glows with femininity. Men change their faces at the sight of pregnant women, they become stronger, more noble. It is noticeable and very beautiful.

my favorite part female body- belly. A soft, slightly rounded, mysterious mound hiding countless treasures. From here begins a woman, her strength, her attraction. Not in vain women's practices associated with releasing tension in the abdomen, with belly dancing, etc. Here is a lot more interesting about the female belly.

Examples of women with inner light: Natalya Avseenko and the film where she dived with belugas in the Arctic. One quick glance, one word of hers, and I catch on myself the hot pulling force of her charm. “I look after her, there is nothing in her, but I keep looking, I don’t take my eyes off” ©. Or Maryse, ironic about her alleged ugliness, but as soon as she sang one note, and I was forever captivated by her femininity. Pure magic and no lipstick.

We are attracted to what is not in us. mature woman creates polarity and attracts mature male energy.

We, men, do not perceive beauty only with our eyes. It would be too boring. We scan every movement: head turn, hip gait, sitting knees, voice. We feel grace. It cannot be copied, bought, learned from models, which, by the way, have succeeded in mannerism, but not in grace. Grace is unique, every woman is gifted with it, but it can be locked up under a hard belly, under bitter convictions.

I sit in a cafe and watch the women around me. About a hundred pretty, ugly girls, well and tastelessly dressed, with or without make-up, with squeaky or chest voice. It's just a cafe, everyone sits with girlfriends and cappuccino, Friday night after Christmas. They are natural, in Berlin, in general, there is little affectation among women. I fix my eyes on anyone, blur the focus, look somewhere through publicity, mannerisms, character. And here she is: a beautiful woman. I begin to feel its attractiveness, its unique value, softness and depth. I understand that if you see her like that, then you can love any of them. The less they hide, the easier it is to fall in love. I already fell in love with one - the one I'm waiting for home for dinner.

It is easier for a woman than for a man - she does not need to become someone, she just needs to be, and it is already whole, sufficient, beautiful. Men are single-celled, but only at first glance, we peck at what we see, but appreciate something completely different. A man will still find, distinguish, decipher your beauty, if he is not confused or interfered with. For every beauty there is a loving admirer, a poet or a prince, as you wish. Do not show it, stick out, distort. Just being is enough.

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