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Makeup ideas for blue eyes. With bright colored shadows. Perfect makeup for blue and blue eyes - video

evening make-up Ideal for artificial lighting. In addition to it, there is a theatrical and catwalk make up.

Note that each of the options is designed for a specific case. Blue eyes are very beautiful, they are quite rare. Owners blue eyes feels chosen, and believe that they are endowed with natural luxury. This is true! But in order to correctly emphasize the expressiveness of blue eyes, you need to know the intricacies of applying makeup.

Do you want your make up to be eye-catching? Choose the right shadows, powder and lipstick. Stick to our simple recommendations and you will create a flawless look! Shadows are selected taking into account the shade of the eyes, but they do not have to be blue. To create an evening make-up, you can use blue, purple tones. In some cases, evening make up involves a contrasting transition of colors - this option looks interesting.

When choosing shadows, you need to consider your skin color. Bright options are not very suitable for evening makeup: it is better to make an exquisite contrasting transition (for example, from milky tones to dark blue or purple).

For fantasy and holiday makeup you can apply original sparkles and bright blue color palettes.

Consider the technique of evening makeup for blue eyes. The presented version is excellent. suitable for owners gray-blue eyes.

Before you start, be sure to cleanse your skin. Use a scrub. The product is distributed over the surface of the face and neck. Next, a moisturizer is applied, and also applied to the neck. Then, you will need to prepare the tone. Apply lightly on face and neck foundation(V frequent cases foundation distributed to the level of the ears).

A compact sponge is used to distribute the product. Foundation comes in a wide variety of options: buy the one that matches your complexion as closely as possible. Blue-eyed beauties often use color foundation Ivory. You need to lightly powder your cheeks, chin, forehead and nose.

Powder is not applied to the lower eyelid area. If you do not follow this advice, the look will become unnatural, weighted.

To correct the oval of the face, use your powder: consider the range of bronze tones. Select suitable shade and apply this powder on the cheekbones. Let's move on to makeup. The upper eyelid is covered with matte light shadows: you can use those that are a couple of tones lighter than your skin. White-blue, purple, pinkish, slightly greenish tones may be present in the makeup. Sometimes makeup for blue eyes involves the use of warm tones, such as light brown. This tone and others like it are combined with dark skin.

Harmonious light shades allow you to enlarge your eyes, make them more expressive. Take the shadows from the light palette and draw them under the eyebrows. In this way, you will demonstrate the beautiful curve of your eyes. Take a medium brush and apply the “Sea Wave” shadow on the eyelids. For evening makeup, rich dark blue is also used. It will make your eyes more attractive, especially in artificial lighting.

With the help of shadows, a strip of transitional tone is drawn. In this case, the lightest shadows are used - 3 tones lighter than your skin tone.

Milk color - perfect option. If you have dark skin, you will go dark brown tone. The transition is created with a brush middle length. Move from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.

Proper shading of shadows is the key to success!

Want to emphasize outer corner century? Use a beveled brush: apply blue color. To make the mascara take well, apply shadow on the cilia.

It is better not to use lengthening mascara here: the image may turn out to be too bright.

Mascara for volume is a great option!

Lip makeup has its own subtleties. Highlight the contour using foundation. This secret allows you to make lips more voluminous. In the case of evening makeup, it is not recommended to focus on the lips. Do not use bright lipstick and pencil. A good option- Application of a translucent pink gloss. Makeup can be done according to the technique " smoky eyes". It also uses dark tones in combination with light ones.

Day natural make up

Consider daytime makeup for blue eyes: it differs significantly from evening version. Lightness is inherent in daytime makeup. With the help of cosmetics, you can competently hide the flaws of the face, emphasizing only the dignity! Want to create beautiful everyday makeup? Apply pastel shades- they are always in trend, and the naturalness of the image is welcomed in any society. If desired, you can complement the make up with bright colors, making it look like a summer one.

Lips can be emphasized with a soft gloss. As for the palette of shadows for blue-eyed beauties, it is saturated. Feel free to use blue, blue, gold, beige, purple shades. In daytime makeup, it is better not to make sharp contrasts. Otherwise, the face will look unnatural. Before applying makeup, prepare your face by thoroughly cleansing it. Apply nourishing mask. This product nourishes the skin.

After that, powder is applied. With this tool, you will fix the make up, and it will last all day! You can cover the eyelids with powder. To create a spectacular daytime makeup, choose two shades of the same color: use the lightest and most saturated. A light tone can be applied closer to the corner of the eye, and a dark one in the middle and along the edges. Also draw a line on lower eyelid. Use a dark blue eyeliner to create an arrow above the upper eyelid.

Use bold as an alternative. dark blue pencil. Here it is better to use gentle blue and grayish tones. Mascara when creating daytime makeup is applied in two layers. So you emphasize the expressiveness of your eyes. Everyday makeup looks great. Your task is to emphasize naturalness as much as possible. Daily makeup is lighter than evening makeup. You can not use tonal means for it.

Our skin needs oxygen. Cosmetics at least decorates us, but our skin does not breathe with it. The foundation clogs the pores, so the skin does not produce collagen, as a result of which it loses its elasticity.

For daytime makeup, you can use a cream with a moisturizing effect - in daytime it will replace the foundation!

If you are a blonde, highlight your brows with eye shadow. Light green shades are suitable for daytime makeup. They can be applied to the upper and lower eyelids. With regards to mascara, it can be brown or dark blue. Dark blue mascara really suits blue-eyed beauties! Highlight your look with coral blush, pink or peach lipstick.

We select shadows for charming blue eyes

To get a harmonious make-up, you need to choose the right shadows. Thus, you can well emphasize your look, making it deep and mysterious. Blue eyes, one way or another, will not go unnoticed. But there are many techniques to make them even more attractive. Makeup for light blue eyes emphasizes the depth of the look - you can’t argue with that! Strict rules There are no shadows to choose from.

If you like a particular shade, why not choose it?

Blondes can use brunette colors and vice versa. Blue eyes go great with green eyeshadow and moderate red lipstick. Blue eyes often give a cold tone. To give expression, you can use warm colors. Creamy sand shadows are very popular - they are versatile and harmonious.

The classic and easiest option is to emphasize blue eyes with blue shadows.

Smoky eyes makeup is always on top - it came to us from the distant 60s.

In the case of this technique, special attention is paid to shading the color. Violet, blue, gray tones are well suited. You can opt for dark green. Extravagant fashionistas choose pink - whoever likes what! But remember: bright shadows detract from the beauty of the eyes. Do not get carried away with orange and reddish scales - this applies to powder and blush.

About the types of makeup

With the help of makeup, you can emphasize natural beauty: everyday make up demonstrates sophistication and naturalness. Views such as podium or theatrical transform the girl beyond recognition.

In fact, make up works wonders! It allows you to create a variety of looks while highlighting your unique features. Cosmetics corrects the shape of the eyebrows, beautifully emphasizes the eyes and lips. Day makeup suits every girl. In the case of him, the face is not overloaded with powder, foundation. You can use makeup base and light blush. The base is designed to remove redness in certain areas of the face.

Should not be very catchy. Mostly, it is done when you go to a party or to a restaurant.

Evening makeup looks great in bright and subdued lighting. To create an evening make-up, apply dark and bright hues. Makeup can be done with beautiful blue mascara. With it, your eyes will become charming! Lips can not be highlighted - so you make the image more harmonious.

business make up above all, discreet. In the case of him, you can not use mascara. In some cases, business make-up does not require foundation: only the base is applied, the image is complemented by blush.

Permanent makeup- a special kind. It is for girls who do not want to take time to use cosmetics. Permanent makeup is performed clearly and very accurately. The procedure is carried out in professional salon. The effect of permanent makeup is quite long: applied cosmetics, sometimes, last up to 6 years!

IN separate group worth to be attributed. From an early age, the girl dreams of being beautiful. In youth, you should not use foundation. You can lightly tint the cilia and lips with pink gloss.

romantic makeup involves applying a slightly noticeable blush. Lipstick can be pink, purple, red. You can not apply pink shadows if your eyes are tired. For a romantic make-up, red and coral lipsticks are ideal.

For New Year's makeup you can use gold and silver eyeliners. Embody bold ideas, but know the measure!

catwalk makeup, first of all, conspicuous. On stage, the artist must be conspicuous, otherwise there will be no effect on the viewer. For the catwalk image, bright makeup is used.

If you are a happy owner of blue eyes, the choice of cosmetics for you is huge. You can combine marine colors with silver or purple with white. Popular light blue shade, ideal for day and evening make-up.

More extraordinary options combine blue and brown colors - shades smoothly harmonize with each other.

Blue eyes can be emphasized with blue or black eyeliner, you can add a little bit below blue tone. It is important to choose a lipstick - it should not be too rich and bright.

perfect peach colour, blue, delicate scarlet. In some cases, blue eyes go great with burgundy lip gloss (here we mean more dark shade eye).

Consider your particular style when choosing makeup. When creating theatrical makeup, you can not overdo it with sparkles and bright colors. In the case of business, you need to use moderate blush, it is better to focus on the eyes. Evening makeup also loves moderation, despite the fact that it is one of the most intense. Remember: the natural look is in fashion. If desired, you can simply emphasize the face with blush, and lips with a slight shine.

Perfect makeup for blue and blue eyes - video

Blue-eyed girls are very beautiful, attractive and seductive. Pick up beautiful make-up for blue eyes, the photo of which shows the depth and tenderness of this shade, it’s easy. Almost everything is suitable for this type of appearance: from a romantic, gentle make-up to a sexy, bold, rich evening look. It is up to you to decide who to be - a fatal temptress or a vulnerable Turgenev girl. The right makeup can create any look. However, do not forget about the color of the skin, hair, own style.

Beautiful makeup options for blue eyes

good makeup one that is almost invisible. It is worth considering the reason why you need it. On business meeting it is inappropriate to come with a rich smoky eye studded with sparkles, but nude is not suitable for club party because no one will notice you that way. The right makeup for blue eyes should match the idea, the occasion, which are different.

Light casual

Daytime makeup should be done in soft, discreet shades to match the delicate look. This rule is especially important to consider for blondes and girls with blond hair, who have very fair skin without blush. If you overdo it, you will get a completely inappropriate result. shiny textures, catchy shades, leave a lot of makeup for the evening, because in everyday wear it will look vulgar and rude.

If you have expressive, large, round eyes, apply a thin line of eyeliner and brown mascara to your eyelashes, and if you have small ones, then you will need to use shadows that can change shape, add saturation to the iris, and visually enlarge your eyes. In any case, apply darker shadows to the outer corner of the eye. They should be shaded towards the temple, and the inner corner is emphasized with light mother-of-pearl colors.

Best daytime look– in natural shades close to your skin. Try neutral tones gray, white, black, brown in the lightest variations. To put a color accent, use light, pastel shadows, carefully blending them for creating a lung hint. Owners of turquoise-colored eyes will suit peach, coral, purple, delicate blue, green shades.

Evening smoky ice

Evening, festive, graduation blue eye makeup allows you to use rich, juicy colors, mother-of-pearl, shimmery textures. If you are planning a special event, you can use rhinestones, sparkles, false eyelashes. Visually lengthen the incision of the eye bunches of cilia glued in the outer corner. This option looks more natural and natural. To this you can add dark rich shadows, eyeliner or black pencil, mascara. The dark contour is able to emphasize the tone, transparency of the iris.

Smokey ice for blue eyes gives expressiveness, depth, suits everyone without exception. If you are a white-skinned blonde, then choose brown, gray shades shadows that will harmoniously look with your skin. Black, blue - add dosed to graphically outline the contour, add brightness. At pale face focus dark tones closer to the outer corner, and highlight the inner one with iridescent, light shades.

Dark-haired girls can use bright, dark shadows to create smokey eyes. First, you need to draw a contour with a pencil, carefully shade it towards the temples. Then apply shadows, carefully distributing them over the eyelid. So light eyes look more expressive. False eyelashes will add drama, and gold or silver sparkles will add festivity.

Find out other ways to make beautiful makeup.

With bright colored shadows

There are many ways to accentuate the blue iris with bright shadows, creating a dazzling look. This appearance wins when used warm colors, peach shades that create a contrast with the iris. It is better to try a few shadows to see which ones look best on you. The effect will produce orange shadows. At first it will seem to you that this color will not work. However, orange tint- one of the best summer options for blue eyes, which creates a contrast.

It is not necessary to use neon, overly bright colors. Pay attention to copper, bronze, coral, orange-metallic. An excellent choice would be greenish-blue, turquoise shades. However, with such shades, you should be careful and not overdo it. If you have red hair, choose brown. Lavender and purple tones are recommended for fair-haired ladies. However, brunettes should also try them.


How to do makeup for blue eyes for a wedding? You should not use black eyeliner for blondes, this is the prerogative of brunettes. It is better to give preference to chocolate and coffee tones. If your skin is dark, choose purple-pink, gold, orange, ocher shades, and if white, then blue, steel, blue, gray and lilac. Choose blush from a natural palette of shades and do not apply too dense a layer. Cold gamma will best shade the beauty. Apply not too bright lipstick on your lips.

The nuances of applying makeup depending on hair color

It is easier to make the natural beauty of appearance bright, emphasize the expressiveness of features and natural shades skin, hair, using a well-chosen palette. To naturally, attractively look every day, it is recommended to choose a make-up depending on the color of the hair. The right color scheme will always be in harmony with the appearance.

Blonde hair

Blondes with blue eyes can safely do makeup both in candy tones and in more modest, strict versions of neutral shades of violet, peach, greenery, coral, turquoise, silver, gold, bronze. The intensity is selected depending on the event you are going to. Some events provide for certain makeup rules that you should familiarize yourself with in advance so that the image is not inappropriate.

Dark hair

The makeup of brunettes and brown-haired women with blue eyes may not be as bright as that of blondes, because dark hair create the necessary color accent Street. Don't overload the image with deep shades, it is better to opt for sand, brown, khaki and taupe colors. For parties, you can use glitter, false eyelashes, bright, rich shadows and other details that will give expressiveness to the look.

Red hair

An exclusive appearance with blue eyes and red hair creates some difficulties in applying makeup. However, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the secrets, and success is guaranteed. If you have white, transparent skin, the main tone of the make-up should be light. red-haired girls apricot, olive, peach shades of different saturation and brightness are suitable. Eyelashes are best emphasized with brown mascara. The appearance will be more natural and attractive if black colors are not used.

Dark eyeliner can give aggressiveness and even deprive expressiveness. Blue, brown contour pencils are more appropriate, which will create more contrast between red hair and the color of the iris. Among the shadows, give preference to blue, brown, golden hues. White looks organic gray colors with reflective particles.

Blue eye makeup step by step

How to make a make-up for blue eyes? This master class gradually demonstrates a spectacular and at the same time simple way that will suit the bride. The above technique makes the eyes visually more open, expressive, increases their size. With colors you can experiment on your own. This tutorial uses natural shades that perfectly emphasize blue eyes and do not look too extravagant:

  • We apply the base for the shadows.

  • Draw a “banana” with a soft brown pencil, shade it.

  • Apply a light pearly golden tint to the entire moving eyelid.

  • We apply brown pearlescent shadows on top of the pencil substrate, blend to the eyebrows using light milky shadows.

  • green tint we apply mother-of-pearl shadows to the outer corner, shading to the temples.

  • With a black soft pencil, draw a small arrow, shade it.

  • We apply mascara, and the image is ready.


Properly done makeup should be appropriate for a particular occasion. For the daytime version, it is better to use a neutral range of shadows, for example, tan, champagne, warm brown. For any type of appearance universal technique smokey ice is considered, which can be not only evening, but also daytime. This is clearly demonstrated in the video below, where a blue-eyed girl is given a chic make-up using brown, peach shadows, golden eyeliner and a brown pencil.

Makeup Photo Ideas

Correctly executed makeup for blue eyes gives the look depth, expressiveness, emphasizes the unique color of the iris. Owners of this type of appearance can use a variety of shades: gold, pink, purple, silver, natural shades of foliage, greenery, sea. So that you can drown in your eyes, use burgundy, rich pink, blue shadows for evening makeup. The photos below clearly demonstrate proper makeup for blue-eyed girls.

The nature of the Slavic type of appearance contains very attractive features for the opposite sex - blue eyes and blond hair. Natural beauty in its original form can be a good basis for creating spectacular beauty images. It is only necessary to study the basic postulates of appearance coloring and the advice of professional makeup artists.

Blue eyes are not limited to a single shade. It can be light and dark, bright and soft, pure and diluted with other tones. In addition, the pattern of the iris is unique and affects the overall picture of the eyes. The same applies to colors. blond hair which are light, medium and dark.

Behind such a simple classification lies a rather complex combination of colors. Light brown color is formed by mixing light chestnut, ash, wheat, natural blond and milk chocolate.

Strokes will help enhance the effect of the natural color of the exterior. decorative cosmetics.

Makeup artists have identified the most successful make-up for fair-haired blue-eyed girls, which will emphasize the natural grace of the Slavic beauty:

  1. tonal base. The application of foundation should be preceded by an already well-absorbed makeup base. Fair-haired young ladies do not have natural swarthyness and in most cases are pale. The desire to create the effect of visiting sunny beaches with the help of tone can play a cruel joke. In addition to the color difference of the face and other parts of the body, the makeup will resemble some kind of heavy mask. Elephant skin tone or tones in beige-yellow tones are the most natural. Often the skin of fair-haired people is thin, so the base and tone should have a light or medium density.
  2. Mascara and shadows. Oddly enough, but the standard black mascara is not the best beauty assistant for fair-haired. This is especially true for 3D and 5D deep charcoal brasmatics. Against the background of a pretty combination of eyes and hair, such eyelashes will look awkward. It is better to use dark brown or graphite mascara, which does not bring rough features. The color of the shadows is selected depending on what effect is required. If the focus is on the lips, then the eyes should be slightly depersonalized with the help of shadows from the pastel palette. Super dark shadows will weigh down not only the eyes, but the whole image. But the smokey ice make-up is quite acceptable for blue-eyed girls. True, for its implementation it is necessary to use combinations of deep indigo, rich cobalt, bronze and gray-brown. The most harmonious shades for everyday makeup are purple, gray and blue.
  3. Eyebrow pencil and shadow. Judging from the latest fashion trends, eyebrows drawn under the stencil have gone into oblivion and naturalness gets the palm. In order not to make eyebrows the only spot on the face that attracts attention, you need to arm yourself with a special pencil or shadows from a beige and brown palette with the addition of gray.
  4. Blush. Everything is simple here. They should not be too pale or too bright. The rule of the golden mean for blush works unconditionally.
  5. Lipstick and gloss. A bright contrast in the form of a juicy lipstick is quite acceptable if the rest of the makeup is not full of colors. Light pink glosses are most acceptable for everyday life.

The main postulates of a make-up for owners of blond hair and blue eyes can be adjusted with radical fashion accents. For example, an overly bright shade of Apple Red lipstick or a contrasting eyeliner of the lower eyelid are not intended for any particular color of appearance. Such beauty chips become a kind of fetish and are intended for everyone.

Tones that are not suitable for light brown hair and blue eyes

The pallor of the face, characteristic of fair-haired blue-eyes, makes its own adjustments to the make-up. Some young ladies who want to add brightness to their appearance fanatically apply blush bright colors and make the biggest mistake.

A contrasting “frost blush” will further emphasize this feature of the skin, as, however, too light tones will bring a painful pallor to the face. Blush of cold peach and pink shades will become real beauty helpers.

Foundation with a bronze and pink tint is also not desirable. The first will age, and the second will emphasize the redness that is usually inherent in the skin of owners of blond hair.

By eliminating the "unfavorable" tones, you can enhance the natural beauty.

Any shades of pink and red shadows will instantly reward the representative fair half make-up of mankind in the style of a respiratory disease. Painful or at least a tired look is provided even when applying a small amount of shadows.

Fair-haired lips can be accentuated with lipstick or gloss from pale and juicy palettes.

The only rules to follow are:

  1. A simultaneous bright accent on the eyes and lips is strictly prohibited.
  2. Blush and lipstick should be the same color palette.

Makeup for blue eyes with peach shadows photo

The orange eyeshadow palette is considered one of the most in harmony with blue eyes. Delicate and feminine in this wide range is the color of peach, in the vicinity of which the blueness of the eyes will become even richer and brighter.

Shadows can be used as an independent unit, emphasizing the expressiveness of the eyes only with mascara, or you can create a full-fledged make-up, where peach shadows will be real favorites.

Peach shadows enhance the sky color of the eyes.

Alternate steps to create a peach makeup:

  1. Applying a base for make-up and tone, a suitable shade.
  2. Concealing dark circles and redness with a corrective pencil.
  3. With coffee shadows, we draw the line of growth of the eyelashes of the lower eyelid and blend well.
  4. We paint over the surface of the moving eyelid with the same color.
  5. We apply light golden shadows in the corners of the eyes and under the arches of the eyebrows, thereby separating the transition to the eyelid.
  6. We apply peach shadows from the inner base of the eye to the edge no further than 2/3 of the surface of the eyelid.
  7. We emphasize the look with a pencil along the hairline of the lower eyelid and mascara.
  8. Discreet blush from a peach palette + light coffee lip gloss.

And voila! A fashionable and refreshing make-up for blue eyes is ready.

Black makeup for light brown hair and blue eyes photo

The use of a black palette on blue-eyed, fair-haired young ladies will seem to some to be too contrasting and gloomy. Nevertheless, such makeup takes place in life if you want to look outrageous and extraordinary. Moreover, rock and grunge clothes simply oblige the presence of bright black strokes on cute faces.

Super contrasting black makeup for fair-haired blue-eyed girls is a win-win trump card on theme parties and rock concerts.

To create a frightening black make will help:

  • black-charcoal ink;
  • black eyeliner;
  • black eyebrow pencil;
  • black and dark graphite shadows;
  • black lipstick or colorless lip gloss.

It is worth noting that if you decide to produce a beauty shock in black, then a high-density porcelain tonal base will help enhance the effect of this gloomy shade.

Evening makeup for light brown hair and blue eyes photo

As you know, the evening make-up differs from the daytime one by the intensity of the colors. Here you can be more daring and use bright colors. Although do not forget that the chosen color scheme should suit you and clearly follow the rules of color according to your color type. In addition, the chosen evening dress and hairstyle must be in harmony with the make-up.

Bright colors of evening make-up accentuate the face.

For the reason that the color saturation in evening makeup increases significantly, you should choose the accented part of the face. If these are eyes, then a smokey ice make-up will be most effective. Lipstick and blush should be present on the face, but from a less bright palette.

Make-up, where the paramount role is played bright lips, it is desirable to completely eliminate the use of shadows or reduce their influence on the appearance to a minimum. The eyes are emphasized only with mascara and eyeliner.

An example of a daytime make-up for blue eyes - video

Daytime make-up involves only emphasizing natural beauty and does not allow clear lines. Natural light will expose bags under the eyes and all the redness in a not the best way. Therefore, the main emphasis when creating a daily make-up must be done on perfect skin.

Light shades of lilac, silver and brown palettes will be the best beauty companions. Light touches of blush and lip gloss in light pink shades will refresh even the most tired face.

On healthy skin at least bright accents- the basic rule of daily make-up.

Monochrome day makeup for light brown hair and blue eyes photo

Having just a couple of shades of the same color, you can enhance the depth of the blue eyes of fair-haired young ladies. Perhaps this technique was invented by lazy stylists, but it has already become wildly popular. Despite its simplicity, the use of monochrome makeup should be preceded by serious skin care.

Discreet monochrome makeup has restraint and consistency.

The brown range for fair-haired blue-eyes is considered the most universal. First, the shape of the eye is outlined with bronze shadows, and the inner corner is accentuated with a light shade. The shading brush blends shades in the middle of the eyelid.

The expressiveness of the eyes is highlighted with brown mascara, and the lips with gloss caramel shade. The final touch can be a couple of discreet strokes of blush - and that's it, monochrome makeup is ready.

Makeup for rich, almost blue eyes photo

Eyes of rich blue color in themselves are a bright phenomenon and such rare diamond requires a beautiful cut. Shadows most favorably emphasize the beauty of such eyes.

Among the most harmonious colors are cobalt, enhanced gray, deep purple. Smokey ice makeup in bronze or platinum will look spectacular.

Saturated blue accepts no less intense shades near it.

Makeup for classic blue eyes photo

Any shades of lilac, silver, pink, blue or copper should be light without fail. Dark tones mute the blue color of the eyes, which will lose its brightness.

You can play with contrasts. Apply light shadows and line the lower eyelid with bright blue eyeliner. White shadows and black mascara will make the eyes even brighter without overshadowing their color and beauty.

We combine classic blue with discreet, almost pastel colors.

Makeup for gray-blue eyes photo

The uniqueness of the gray-blue iris gives you the opportunity to fantasize with make-ups. In addition to colors that are acceptable only for blue-eyed girls, owners of mixed eyes are suitable for shades of the entire gray scale from light to dark tones with varying intensity.

One of the biggest benefits of dual eye color is the ability to apply multiple eyeshadows. bright colors in one make-up.

Gray-blue eyes - a double blow to the color palette.

Evening makeup for blue eyes will give them more expressiveness, which will make female image even more luxurious. However, this can be achieved only by knowing the rules for creating a make-up for blue-eyed beauties.

Colors for evening makeup

First of all, to make a beautiful evening makeup for blue eyes, you need to choose the right color scheme. When choosing shadows, experts recommend considering eye color and skin tone. In addition, makeup for blue-eyed blondes and brunettes is also significantly different.

Blue eyes go well with shades of soft pink, gold, silver and purple. This palette, as well as emerald and azure color, in principle, are suitable for girls of any type of appearance - brunettes, blondes, and red-haired beauties.

The intensity of the color of the shadows can also be different, in the photo the evening makeup for blue eyes is made in saturated colors, this gives the look depth, brightness and expressiveness:

How to make bright evening makeup for blue eyes

Bright evening makeup for blue eyes would be appropriate when a girl goes to a party. At the same time, the make-up should be carefully selected for the women's outfit, in harmony with it and complement it favorably.

When going to a party or a disco, you can apply orange, purple, azure, pink shades cosmetics. They can be used individually or several colors can be combined with each other, apply one color to the corners of the eyes, and another to the eyelids. True, only specialists or girls who have already done such a make-up more than once can realize such an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bevening makeup for blue eyes.

You can check out unusual ideas bright evening makeup for blue eyes in the video below:

Creating a bright evening make-up, blue-eyes can use sparkles, pigments, glitters, false eyelashes. However, it should be remembered that rich makeup suitable only for brunettes, blondes, even in the evening, should prefer neutral shades.

If you need to apply makeup to the bride, you should choose the most winning colors and shades. With blue eyes in such a situation, gray-brown, pale pink, silver and gold shadows will look best. Even though wedding celebration will take place in the evening, makeup should be restrained and calm, because its main purpose is to emphasize the tenderness of the image of the bride.

To give an attractive look, you can apply blue shadows with a smoky sheen on your eyelids. On upper part eyelids apply darker shadows, making smooth transition to a light shade. Light shadows are applied to the lower eyelid, the same color of decorative cosmetics is evenly distributed to the eyebrow line. To make the eyes more expressive, dark shadows can be applied to their corners. On top of the shadows along the lash line on the eyelids, draw a thin line of arrows using black eyeliner.

Light evening makeup for blue and gray-blue eyes and photo in stages

How to do evening makeup for blue eyes, if you have never encountered this before daunting task? Every time before applying cosmetics, the skin must be cleaned of all impurities, residues of cosmetics and sebum.

To do this, use a cleansing tonic. When the skin is cleansed, a foundation is applied to it with gentle movements, hiding everything cosmetic imperfections on the face. So that the shadows on the eyelids retain their saturated color, pre-needed under make-up.

Now you can already see the photo of step-by-step evening makeup for blue eyes, they will especially useful for beginners in creating a make-up:

The step-by-step creation of a blue-eyed make-up looks like this:

Step one. Decorative cosmetics of neutral shades are applied to the upper eyelid, they will make the look brighter and more expressive. Using pearlescent shadows, you can slightly lighten the area under the eyebrows and the inner corners of the eyes. Shades of white, silver or pale blue will also look beautiful.

Step two. On the crease upper eyelid Apply a medium shade of eyeshadow and gently blend it towards the eyebrows. To emphasize the natural beauty of blue eyes, light pink, lavender, golden and silver shades will help.

Step three. The darkest shadows used in the creation of make-up are applied to the corners of the eyes. The boundaries between the different colors of these cosmetics should be shaded so that there are no sharp transitions between them, and the eyes look as natural as possible. Get a beautiful evening make-up for gray-blue eyes, if you use plum, lilac and gray-brown shadows.

Step four. Using a black pencil or eyeliner, draw a thin line of arrows from the middle of the eye to the outer corner. It is better to bring the lower eyelid with shading shadows, you should not use eyeliner here. To create light evening makeup for blue eyes, avoid dark contours and sharp transitions. In this case, instead of black, it is better to use gray, brown or gold eyeliner. If there is a need to make the eyes visually a little larger and more expressive, first apply gray eyeliner along the lash line, and silver eyeliner on top of it.

Step five. The final step in creating evening makeup for blue eyes will be step by step application. It can be black, brown or dark grey. Experts say that when choosing this cosmetic product skin tone must be taken into account. If it is light, it is better to use dark gray or dark brown mascara, and swarthy beauties Eyelashes should only be dyed black.

The evening makeup for blue eyes presented in the photo in stages will help many girls avoid common mistakes in the process of creating a make-up:

By adhering to this sequence and taking into account all the recommendations of makeup artists, you will be able to create beautiful image blue-eyed beauty.

Favorably complement the evening look will help lipstick matched to match the lips, it can also be a neutral gloss. The emphasis on the lips should not be done, since in this image the main importance is given to expressive blue eyes.

Evening makeup for blondes with blue eyes: a master class and a photo step by step

Many girls are interested in the question of how to do evening makeup for blue-eyed blondes, because experts say that it is important to consider and. Blue eyes and blond hair are the perfect combination, giving the appearance of tenderness and attractiveness.

Mostly girls of Slavic appearance have such data. Indeed, in order not to make the image vulgar and defiant, it is important to know what cosmetics to choose and how to apply it to the face of blue-eyed blondes.

When choosing a foundation, preference should be given to ivory cosmetics, brighter or lighter shades will not work, as they will make the face unnatural. When the base for makeup is applied to the face, you need to pick up eye shadow.

Below in the photo, beautiful evening makeup for blue eyes and blond hair is presented in all sorts of options:

Blondes, as a rule, are also light, so girls try to give them brightness and expressiveness. To do this, you can use an eyebrow pencil, but not black, but brown or taupe.

If you like to line your eyes with eyeliner, do not use too much dark makeup, black arrows in such a makeup will be out of place. It is worth paying attention to light brown and gray tones, blue eyeliner will also be appropriate. If you draw dark arrows, the image will lose its tenderness, on the contrary, it will look vulgar.

Instead of eyeliner, however, it is better to use an eyeliner, because naturalness is now in fashion. To create natural makeup for blue eyes, take a golden pencil and draw a thin line on the upper eyelid along the growth of the eyelashes.

Do not use brown mascara, such a choice would be wrong even for girls with light brown hair. Emphasize natural beauty blue eyes, while black or blue mascara will help to make them expressive.

In the photo of evening makeup for gray-blue eyes, the makeup artist used black mascara, thanks to which the image looks unusually bright and beautiful, while there is not a hint of vulgarity in it:

Girls with blue eyes and blonde hair pink and pastel shades are most suitable. The lips, on which a transparent gloss is applied, will also look good.

It will not only give the image of tenderness, but also add volume to the lips. Lipsticks of too bright shades - raspberry, orange, red, purple, will not add attractiveness to the blonde.

Simple evening makeup for brunettes with blue eyes

Makeup artists give helpful tips how to make evening makeup for brunettes with blue eyes, taking into account all the rules for creating a make-up.

Such makeup should be based on gentle tones, too dark shadows will not add harmony to the image.

Mascara should be exclusively black, because the hair is also dark. Owners of blue eyes can apply not only blue shadows to their eyelids, but also cosmetics of light green, purple, blue flowers, most importantly, do not overdo it.

Below is a step-by-step photo of evening makeup for blue eyes and dark hair:

As for the choice of lipstick, it is much wider than for blondes. A simple evening makeup for blue eyes involves applying light pastel shades of lipstick. If a girl is going to a party, she can afford to paint her lips with bright lipstick - red, raspberry, orange.

It will help you learn how to create beautiful evening makeup for blue eyes. step by step video shown below:

It will become a faithful assistant for beginners in self-applying cosmetics on the face.

Video tutorials for evening makeup for blue eyes from professional makeup artists should be used until you gain certain knowledge and skills in creating a make-up:

Evening makeup lessons for blue eyes will teach you how to choose the right makeup products depending on your hair color and skin tone. A master class of evening makeup for blue eyes will allow you to avoid common mistakes in choosing cosmetics and applying them.

Girls with blue eyes look gentle and touching. The beauty of the natural shade of the iris can be further emphasized by a properly executed make-up. The day is performed according to some rules that need to be considered.

Suitable shades

The color scheme of decorative cosmetics is selected depending on the shade of the skin and hair of the blue-eyed girl. In addition, the iris of the eye has its own shade. Pure blue eyes are extremely rare in nature. Most often, people have pale blue or blue eyes.

Blue is in harmony with various shades pink and peach. Girls with fiery red hair are more suitable for brown, gold and bronze shades. Blondes are perfect for silver, purple, pink.

Brunettes with blue eyes make their choice in favor of shades of sky blue, green, lilac, pink. If a girl wants blue shadows, then their tone should not match the tone of the iris.

Day makeup for blue eyes requires right choice shades of mascara, pencil and eyeliner. WITH blue color black, brown and dark blue eyeliner will look great. Brunette girls choose black mascara and eyeliner for everyday make-up. Blondes are preferred brown tint decorative cosmetics for eyelashes.

Examples of a daily make-up for blue-eyed girls of different colors are shown in the photo.

What should not be done?

When performing daytime makeup for blue eyes, it is important to avoid common mistakes:

  1. Pick up shadows, the color of which completely matches the color of the eyes.
  2. Use a brick or bright orange tone in the make-up, which are ugly combined with blue.
  3. Use golden shadows with pale skin.
  4. Emphasize light blue eyes with jet black eyeliner.

Performing makeup

To make everyday makeup neat and beautiful, you need to perform it step by step according to all the rules. First of all, with the help of a suitable tonal foundation, the complexion is evened out. The tone of the foundation should in no case be darker. natural color skin. To eliminate visible flaws, a dry concealer is used, which is applied over the tonal base.

After leveling the skin color, you need to do it. If necessary, extra hairs are plucked, and the eyebrows themselves are tinted with a pencil, the color of which is in harmony with the shade of the hair. Unnatural black eyebrows will look comical and vulgar, so it's best to focus on the most natural shades.

Everyday makeup for blue eyes requires the choice of shades of soft colors. The palette is selected depending on the color type. Shadows are applied to the eyelids step by step:

  • a light tone is applied to the movable fold of the upper eyelid;
  • mother of pearl is applied to the inner corner;
  • dark color shade the outer corner of the upper eyelid.

A universal make-up for blue eyes, which is performed with at least two shades of decorative cosmetics, will look great. Intense gray color in harmony with purple tint, pink - with silver.

To, the lower lash line on the inside is easily summed up with a white pencil.

In the photo you can see the technique of applying shadows.

Eyeliner and mascara with volume effect will help to give the eyes the desired expressiveness.

To make your face look fresh and radiant, you can apply a little blush in a soft pink shade to your cheekbones. Everyday makeup for blue eyes implies an emphasis on the eyes, so you should not get carried away with bright decorative cosmetics for the lips. Preference is given to lip glosses of natural shades. If desired, you can make up your lips with lipstick light texture. You should avoid rich pink blush and decorative cosmetics for lips of bright saturated colors.

Daily make-up is easy to perform, so every owner of sky-colored eyes can do it. You can learn how to step by step perform a daily make-up on the video.

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