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How to be when you love. What to do if you love a guy not mutually. Changing your own "I"

The feeling of falling in love is one of the most exciting, exciting and at the same time frightening feelings that each of us experiences sooner or later.

Having fallen in love once, it is already unthinkable for you to imagine your life without your soulmate. Of course, you lived somehow before you met your loved one, but in reality you only existed until the two of you met.

I remember the first time I fell in love with my girlfriend; it was a kind of frightening feeling, because before meeting her I managed to avoid falling in love. I especially remember this transition from being in love with Vanessa to being in love with her.

At the beginning of the relationship, Vanessa was the woman who made me smile, and in the end she became a kind of catalyst for my happiness and joy. I called her spectacular girl, now she is the most beautiful in the whole wide world for me. Once she was the object of my adoration, today she is the love of my life.

Each of us experiences love in different ways. different time. Love is an extremely subjective concept, but I can say with confidence that everyone who has known this feeling will agree that it is the most beautiful.

Here are 10 ways to understand that you love the right person, or you just like him:

1. Your loved one is the best part of your day

American actor and musician Childish Gambino sings in one of his songs: "When I'm alone, I'd rather be with you." That part of the day when I see my girlfriend is the most pleasant for me. If you truly love someone, you will never get tired of that person.

No matter how good your day was, your dear person you can even decorate it simply by your presence. If you just like the person, he or she will be able to make your day better, but most likely they will not be able to become the best part of it.

2. The first person you think of when you wake up in the morning is your significant other.

3. Self-interest in the background

Love is selfless. In my private world, I was the most important person until he met his girlfriend. When I fell in love with her, her interests became much more important to me than my own.

This is what love is all about. Your interests always seem insignificant in contrast to the interests of your loved one.

4. You are ready to do anything

If I had to make a list of what I would do for my girlfriend, it would certainly be empty. When you are in love with someone, you will do anything to make that person happy.

When you just simply like a person, you can also go to great lengths for him, but nevertheless, your options will be limited. And true love has no boundaries.

5. You are not afraid to express your feelings in public

I have a habit of telling the whole world that I love my girlfriend. When you truly love someone, you want everyone and everyone to know about it. You are not ashamed of your feelings. When you like someone, you will definitely refrain from showing feelings in public.

6. Your love is imperfect

My girlfriend is the most beautiful I know, but she also has flaws. But for me, these are not flaws at all, but her special qualities that I love.

When I jokingly mention her shortcomings, she thinks that I am laughing at her, but in fact I adore these imperfections of hers. Love is the ability to accept the shortcomings of your soulmate.

You may know the shortcomings of the person you like, but you will learn to accept them only by loving him.

7. You are planning for the long term.

When you are in love with someone, it is very difficult to imagine your future without this person. Based on this, you will plan your life with your loved one for the long term.

You will not succumb to short-term temptations that can harm your goals. When you just like someone, planning for the future is scary.

8. You get better

Nobody is perfect, there is always room for improvement. But the feeling of falling in love pushes you to self-improvement.

You want to be the best "version" for the person you love. Today I am much better than I was before I met my girlfriend.

9. Your feelings are not conditioned by anything.

When you love someone unconditionally, it means that your love is unconditional and absolute. Actually, I don't like the term "selfless love", it sounds a little too verbose. But I believe that true love is not limited by any conditions.

When you like a person, your feelings directly depend on the circumstances.

10. Your love is your best friend

After some time, my girlfriend became my best friend. It seems to me that this is natural for most people in love.

Your significant other becomes an accomplice in crime. You feel that together you can move mountains.

I was asked this question: “What if you love, but you don’t? Should other relationships be sought and built? Should I date someone else?"

When such thoughts come to a person’s head, then most often he is at a crossroads: whether to follow the voice of his heart or follow “common sense”. Common sense suggests that if you are not needed, then it would be time to find another love. You can get distracted by talking with another woman (man), you can try your luck with someone else. And the heart at the same time strives for the beloved (mu).

Once upon a time I was in such a situation. And I even started dating another man. By all criteria, he suited me even Furthermore who owned my heart. And for a while, I even thought I loved him. But when I looked honestly into myself, I realized that I was lying to myself. I'm lying that I can totally be with this man. I lie that I love him. I rather just want to love. And what I feel for him now is called something else, but not Love. I am with him because of pain, longing, because of loneliness, because of the desire to be loved, because of the desire for intimacy, because of the desire to get married, because of the hope that I can forget the one I love my heart after all... But not because of Love. I love another.

And the most interesting thing is that when I realized this, there was no choice left. Everything became very clear and simple. I ended the relationship. Went for Love. And I decided that let it be the way it is. Let me never get married, but I will not exchange Love for barter. And if I'm not with the one I love, then I'd rather be alone than with someone who is very good, but not loved. I don't want compromises in relationships, I want Love.

This story ended well - my feelings were answered. My beloved became my husband. And you know what we both realized?

Nothing matters but LOVE! And if it is undivided, then it is necessary for something. And even if your story ends differently, then this is not a reason to be disappointed. This is a reason to go even deeper into yourself and LOVE!

As I feel now, there are several reasons unrequited love.

The first reason is a misunderstanding of their feelings. We often pass off lust, attachment, psychological conditioning, our own fear, the desire to be loved, etc. as love. And this is just the easiest of the cases. It is enough just to realize what is it that draws you to this person so much? Why is it important for you to be with him? Is it possible to do this with someone else? Why are you holding on to him so much? As a rule, if you honestly answer these questions, then everything becomes clear. Just be honest about your motive in your feelings. Your transfers to this person. And if, having realized everything, you still do not find the answers, and you will still be drawn to it, then perhaps one of the options below is just your case.

The second reason is illusions. You are in love with your idea of ​​a person, with your dream of a relationship, and not at all with this man or woman. You love but don't specific person, but their illusion, their ideas about it. This option is very common in youthful love. Like apogee - love for some movie star. You don’t even know what kind of person he really is, and the most interesting thing is that you don’t need it. With this feeling, you are not ready to face the reality of another person. Therefore, it is much safer to love at a distance, unrequited. Otherwise, your ideal may collapse and it will be very painful.

The third reason for unrequited love is karmic debt. You just need to live the fruits of your activities and thoughts. And this can be done quite calmly when you understand this lesson and are ready to accept it completely. Yes, it’s unpleasant and painful, yes, you don’t know when it will end… But this is the fruit of your past actions, you need to accept it and live on, developing good qualities in yourself so that there are no more such fruits.

And the fourth reason is the opportunity to reveal love more fully. Raise her for more high level. From the level of lust to the level Divine Love. When you, in the end, will not care whether a person loves you or not. What matters most is what you love.

Surprisingly, LOVE is enough for LOVE itself. It doesn't need objects. They are just an excuse to show LOVE. To love is happiness in itself!

Suffering arises only if there is expectation, there is passion, there is attachment to the object of love or to one's ideal. And if there is such a thing, then it is precisely this unrequited feeling that purifies your Love.

Unrequited love teaches the art of LOVE, Unconditional Love. Love without expectations and claims, love without reason or reason, without hope.

And when you learn this, when you open your heart enough, when your Love becomes transparent and pure as a tear, huge and simple - then you are reciprocated, or you meet a person to whom such a flow of Love opens that you never dreamed of before.

Simply, if you LOVE - your love will be mutual for sure! It is impossible not to answer! Impossible to pass! But such love still needs to be cultivated in oneself. Or rather, muster up the courage to surrender to her completely.

And now I will answer those who did not have enough information above, and who are waiting for specific recommendations.

If you have unrequited love, then:

  1. Stop feeling sorry for yourself! Start enjoying your feeling. That in itself is happiness!
  2. Do what your heart tells you to do. If you want to take care of your loved one - take care. If you want to give love, give. But don't expect anything in return.
  3. Be honest with yourself. If you want to try a relationship with another person, try it. Sometimes it can be helpful to take a good look at those around you. But when starting another relationship, be honest with yourself. And decide for yourself whether you are ready to compromise with your heart or not.
  4. Let go of the one you love. Break up with him forever so that there is no hope. And release your love. Do it internally.
  5. Purify your love. Let expectations, illusions, hopes burn in the fire of your Love.
  6. Learn to see God's providence in your Love. Trust God!!!
  7. Remember, Love is a gift. It will transform you and your life.

With Love, Tatyana Kiseleva.

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Unrequited love is a phenomenon much more frequent than reciprocal feelings. All statistics and books will tell you about it. But how is it that unrequited love breeds a relationship? If you love, but you don't - why does your partner stay with you? Why do people generally form such pairs, and then painfully look for a way out?

How to be in a relationship when you love, but you do not?

You have been together for more than a year and began to feel that your soul mate no longer loves you. Why could this happen?

Reason 1

Perhaps you were never loved, and the relationship was just a reason for something. A person could look for a certain benefit for himself, make a bet (do not think that this only happens in the movies), and finally, he could just be bored.

Sometimes relationships can start out of boredom - you want to have fun, new sensations, have fun. And even more so if a person notices that they are in love with him.

Of course, the most best solution will beware of such situations and not allow themselves to be used, but sometimes you still find yourself in such a mousetrap, skillfully deceived and not knowing what to do next. After all, this is life, things happen.

Reason 2

There was love for you, but it faded away. You all also love, but have not been loved for a long time. What do you do if you love and you don't? Of course, let go. If you still love this person. Gather all your strength, no matter how hard it is, and let him go. He will be happy, believe me, and eventually you will become happy. When all stages of denial, anger and resentment pass, you will wake up one day sunny morning and suddenly you realize that you did everything right. That they finally found the strength to be happy for the person they once loved.

What do you do when you love and you don't exist anymore?

It is better to uproot unrequited feelings and leave. After all, you may well find someone who will love you! The process of parting with the object of unrequited love will be something like disinfecting a room after an epidemic of a viral disease:

First of all, convince yourself that this person hurt you, treated you cruelly, you do not deserve this. As a conclusion - he has nothing to do in your life;

Do without the notorious "we will remain friends." Think about it and give yourself a sincere answer - do you really want to remain friends and communicate with the person who used you? That's it;

From the circle of acquaintances and friends, choose exactly those who never approved of your MCH and always disliked him. Try to spend as much time with them as possible. Friends will understand, and it will become much easier for you;

And finally Golden Rule any parting, if you love, but you are not: find something to do. Take a break. Do what you have always dreamed of. And often repeat to yourself that he is not worth a drop of beautiful, smart and priceless you;

What to do if you secretly love, but you do not?

If you are not familiar with the object of your adoration, take the initiative in your own hands. Find acquaintances in common with him, ask about him, find out about his hobbies and interests, ask to be introduced to each other. After a formal acquaintance, talk about topics of interest to him. No wonder the saying goes that water does not flow under a lying stone. But, remember, don't be pushy. A man should feel that the whole situation is under his control.

The first thing I would do Strong woman- that would make him fall in love with her and not let anyone spoil her feelings. She would make sure that this man, not even suspecting that this girl fell in love with him, would be the first to court her. In terms of the question “What if you love, but you don’t?” women just can't give up. Every girl should be unusually smart and cunning when it comes to relationships.

If you fell in love with a complete stranger to you, who doesn’t even care about your existence, talk to him first. At the same time, try to find similarities in your interests and in life. Try to hint to this person that you don’t mind if you see him again, but do not forget that he should think that it’s not you, but he invited you to sit and relax again.

The second thing to do if you love, but you don’t, is to find out as much information as possible about the hobbies, interests, entertainment of this person. Try to find common ground in your interests and hobbies.

When you meet, do not embarrass either him or yourself. Pay attention to the character of this person, make a couple of compliments. But do not overdo it, otherwise in the end, instead of paying attention to you, he will pay attention to himself. And in the end, your ideal will become a proud pride.

Often girls suffer from the fact that they fail to win the attention of a man. Remember that your man should always feel needed, as well as that he is respected, accepted as he is, and, of course, feel that he is loved and cannot be without him. Here is a combination of the above in the right doses and will bind your man to you. Never humiliate yourself in front of a man. After all, all men need a girl, not a ponytail and an indulgence.

How to believe in yourself if you love, but you do not?

Love is a feeling that cannot be explained in words, it must be felt with all your heart and soul. But, for some reason, it often happens that we, women, fall in love with a man who does not pay the slightest attention to us. Of course, no one wants to become a hostage unrequited love, and in the same turn, not many dare to fight to the end for their unrequited love.

Suppose you decide to fight, but you did not succeed. How to live on if you love, but you do not?

Never focus on your appearance. Of course, every woman should look good and elegant, but do not forget about spiritual qualities, it is better to engage in self-improvement. From birth, beauty is inherent in every woman, even if it is not physical, only spiritual, but this is also not enough important factor. After all, everyone knows the fact that Cleopatra did not have physical beauty, but fascinated men with her erudition, knowledge of many languages ​​​​and a charming voice. Find in yourself that zest that only you will have.

If your beloved man treats you only as a friend, and you have not become that one and desired for him, figure it out in yourself. Why are you suffering this? After all, you can't be happy if you love, but you don't. Do you need a man who doesn't pay enough attention to you?

If for a long time that you spent with this person, there was no rapprochement with your object of love, think: maybe you are not in love, but just sympathize with this man? Or maybe just getting to know each other better, you will realize that you do not fit one to one in terms of love relationships.

Don't waste your time on this man. Maybe you're just not his type. Each person has their own preferences, and what seems uninteresting this man, will be a gift from heaven for another. Just change the man!

Initiative in relationships has always been a male privilege. However, times are changing, and some, by virtue of their nature, are afraid to show their feelings. This leads to the girl natural question How do you know if a guy loves you? In fact, rarely anyone succeeds in hiding their attitude towards the fair sex. Knowing the basics of psychology and having a certain degree of observation, one can deduce clean water even the most reserved guy.

In contact with

Language human body works on the level of instincts. When one person sympathizes with another, his gestures and behavior change markedly. In search of an answer to the question of how to understand whether a guy loves you, you can use the “mirror effect”. Its manifestations are associated with the desire to please a lady. It has been scientifically proven that when a guy truly loves, he unconsciously copies the behavior. Sometimes a man "mirrors" only some manners, in other cases he repeats the movements completely.

In order to understand that a guy truly loves and he needs you, you should study him in a company. A sympathizing man takes an open pose, turns the toes of his shoes towards the lady of the heart. After a successful joke, the lover laughs, looking into the eyes of the object of feelings. He actively supports the conversation, tries once again to be near and as if accidentally touching the girl.

A guy in love will try to take care

Showing concern is another feature of a man in love. If he needs you, then he tends to give his jacket on a cold evening, give him a lift or see him home, bring fruit in case of illness. There are other notable signs as well.

How to understand that a guy loves you:

  1. He tries to spend with you a large number of time. A man is ready to postpone any business, just to go to the cinema with his beloved or just take a walk in the park, if he truly loves and he needs you.
  2. He calls often. Calls for no reason are common not only for girls, but also for guys.
  3. If he doesn't call, he writes. How to understand that a guy loves you will help and social media. If your phone constantly signals about incoming messages, it means that it needs you.

A guy in love constantly wants to touch, hug, or even just touch his sleeve. He craves any contact, his eyes are easy enough to catch.

If, after studying all the tips on how to understand that a guy loves you and needs you, signs of feelings are not found, then you can change the strategy. Taking advantage female tricks falling in love with yourself is quite real.

What is needed for that:

  1. To be a girl. Yes, it seems like absurd advice, but guys really love "girl-girls." gentle image, feminine dresses, thin heels and a mystery in the eyes - these are the secrets of success. Cigarettes, alcohol and strong words are taboo.
  2. Be interesting. Hobbies make a person special. "Drunken" reading of books or impeccable knowledge of the history of the ancient Maya can set you apart from the rest.
  3. Be yourself. It is not only about behavior, but also about appearance. None artificial eyelashes, plastic nails and cosmetics carts.

With a man, it is important to be careful. Let your every thoughtful move not be noticeable to the guy. Aerobatics is to make sure that he is sure that he was the first to start this relationship and he needs you.

The largest social networks allow you to access your personal page. Often a quick glance is enough to understand a lot about a guy's personality. Having found out his hobbies, musical preferences and social circle, you can proceed to action.

There are some seemingly primitive, but effective options:

  1. We find the communities to which the guy is subscribed. The wave is suitable for musical themes or groups about movies. We write him something from the category “how similar our tastes are” and strike up a conversation. Beforehand, it is better to actually familiarize yourself with the topic, otherwise it will be embarrassing.
  2. If he regularly communicates on forums or groups, then you can enter into a dialogue there, and then go to private messages.
  3. Another option is the Scheherazade method. tell him interesting stories, but always keep the conversation unfinished so that there is a reason to return to conversations constantly. The guy will get used to regular contact, and that's half the battle.

It should be noted that it is not always possible to fall in love with a man. The best psychologists, experienced friends and even mom's advice are not able to become components for a universal love spell. If the efforts go unnoticed, then it is better not to waste time and take a closer look at the other guys around.

Distinguishing love from love is sometimes beyond the power of even the man himself. That is why the advice can be almost identical. Additionally, some points about how to understand that a guy really loves you should be noted:

  1. He introduces the girl to his friends. If, despite the three years of your relationship, you haven’t seen his childhood friend in the eye, then the guy probably doesn’t have any special feelings.
  2. The guy introduced his beloved family. This important and responsible step speaks volumes.
  3. He is always ready to help. Pipes burst at home and a real flood? Don't worry, he's already on his way to save your cat and TV. Flat tire at night in February? He couldn't sleep anyway, and the frost excellent remedy for hardening.

How to understand that a guy loves you for real?

Many men are far from fools. They also know how to read women's forums and study pickup tutorials. How to understand that a guy loves you for real, and does not deceive, looking into his eyes? If he shows his feelings for show, defiantly kisses you in public, and in private likes videos and photos for hours, things are bad.

Unfulfilled promises and denials of responsibility serve as a wake-up call. Does he regularly prefer gatherings in the garage or sports bar to the company of his beloved? Darling, it's time to pick up your feet and drop this liar.

A loving guy is attentive, tactful, caring. However, distinguish true love from a fleeting feeling or imitation is sometimes possible only after a while. It is it that allows you to check the sincerity of a man's intentions.

11 Signs He Needs You

Is there enough simple techniques receiving a response. A checklist consisting of 11 signs of a guy's love will allow you to assess your need. How to understand that he loves you:

  1. He is jealous. TO to the best friend, a classmate, a work colleague or even a subway driver. Of course, he can hide it, but sooner or later everything will become clear.
  2. He is the first to initiate a meeting if he truly loves. Invites directly or veiled. For example, asks for help choosing a gift for mom or a bowl for a cat.
  3. Appears to be nearby. By a miraculous coincidence, he visits the same hairdresser, goes to the same supermarket for milk and rides the same bus. Even if he's a bald motorist with a lactose allergy.
  4. Worries. He cares if you're hungry, cold, tired.
  5. He is attentive. One of right ways how to understand that your boyfriend loves you is to look at him during the conversation. If he catches every word, reacts vividly and comments - this is a sign of feelings.
  6. He is well-groomed. At a meeting with you, he is dressed to the nines, smart and smells delicious.
  7. Wants to know more if he truly loves. What kind of chocolate do you like, where did you go that summer and what was the last book you read. No, he is not collecting dossiers, he just wants to know better.
  8. Strive to get to know your surroundings. He does not shun girlfriends and is not afraid of parents.
  9. He does not hide his phone and does not hide his conversations.
  10. Tries to please. Gives favorite daisies, brings adorable sweets or calls to watch the sunset.
  11. Listens. Do you love red? He will certainly buy himself a scarlet shirt. Do you love the smell of jasmine? He will take this into account when choosing a perfume as a gift.

Tips on how to understand what a guy really loves should not be taken too literally. Even the absence of some signs should not sow doubts in the relationship.

Maybe he hides his feelings?

If a man is afraid that his feelings are not mutual, or for other reasons hides the true state of affairs, then the task becomes more complicated. Some guys still give some signs, while others are able to show aggression and avoid the object of adoration.

It's a paradox, but many behave this way. Do you remember when boys pulled their pigtails when they were kids? This also works with mature men. If a man from your environment is constantly trying to hurt you, take a closer look. Perhaps he is sleeping and sees you together.

In how to understand that a guy loves you, but hides his feelings, you have to rely on intuition. Often inner voice tell the truth about a man better than anyone.

Probably just using

Women's naivety at times gives men a chance to capitalize on relationships. How do you know if he loves you or is just using you? The easiest way to calculate Alphonse. Particularly arrogant specimens ask for money directly, those that are more cunning complain of financial difficulties. Compassionate girls part with their blood, and the guy successfully retreats to the next victim. You should not borrow money from a man, regularly pay for his purchases and bills in a restaurant.

Another reason for a selfish attitude towards a girl is intimacy. To get it, the guys are ready to sing serenades and hang noodles. If after sex a man lost interest, if he talks about another victory to all his friends, then, alas. His feelings are probably fiction. When a guy truly loves, he keeps his mouth shut.

Girls feel the slightest changes on the part of a man on an intuitive level. Therefore, it is rarely difficult to distinguish the period when a guy really loves from the stage when he has cooled down. Regular delays at work stupid reasons to reschedule a meeting, constant gatherings with friends or a hidden mobile phone - warning signs. There is a possibility that this is a crisis in relations, but if the situation drags on, then all that remains is to accept it.

Useful video

All of these signs must be interpreted freely. Trust your heart - and you will definitely be able to understand whether the guy fell in love with you or not:


  1. When, he is ready to put the whole world at her feet. He changes not only behavior, but also the perception of reality.
  2. Sincere feelings are felt at a distance. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to understand that a guy loves you, by correspondence or in real life, is quite simple. Just listen to your inner feelings, to observe the behavior and sensibly assess the situation.

Mutual love is what, perhaps, most people dream of at one time or another in their lives. Unfortunately, such a desire does not always become a reality, but this does not mean at all that you need to fall into despair - you may well fight for your feelings or try to eradicate them.

What to do if you love a guy not mutually

Why doesn't he love me There can be many reasons. In general, you yourself must understand that love does not arise “by order”. Surely, in your life there were young people who also loved you unrequitedly, and could not understand why you did not reciprocate. In this situation, it is appropriate to recall one of the most famous sayings that "you cannot command the heart." If the guy does not fool you, but initially sincerely admits that you could not captivate his heart, then do not get angry and do not be offended by him - he tries to behave decently towards you, although he could use your feelings in any of his purposes. It is possible that over time his attitude towards you will change, but on this stage Appreciate his honesty, thank him for it. How to behave so as not to harm If a guy does not love you, and you are in love with him, then this does not mean at all that you have no chance of being together. It is possible that you will be able to call in it strong feelings. However, keep in mind that it may opposite result- you simply push away from yourself young man. So, if you still want to get close, try to start by just making friends with him. No need to be intrusive, talk about your love, if you do not immediately find a response. Say that you like him as a person, and you would not like to lose contact with him. Suggest friendly relations and make it clear what your love feelings already cold. If you keep at least a small thread of communication with this guy, you will have the opportunity to show yourself from the most favorable side, give him the opportunity to look at you, evaluate you again. At the same time, if you remain silent about your true feelings, then the young man will be able to relax and not be afraid that you want to seduce him in this way, even if this is actually the case. Psychologist's advice When suffering from unrequited feelings, the first thing to think about is whether your love for this guy is real and so strong. Maybe it's something completely different - a vulnerable ego, an acute sense of loneliness, long-standing sympathy, or something else? It is possible that you will be able to get rid of this lust by simply switching your attention to someone else with whom you have much more chances for reciprocity? If this seems impossible to you, then we recommend that you completely immerse yourself in your experiences and carefully, without closing your eyes to anything, analyze the behavior of the chosen one. Most likely, you will realize that you have mentally endowed him with qualities that he does not necessarily correspond to. Write on a piece of paper a list of its advantages and disadvantages. Do not try to lie to yourself and ignore some of the negative features of the object of sympathy - write the truth and, as necessary, add to the list of "cons". Your next task is to reread the column with negative traits beloved, thereby learning to really appreciate him. In addition, it will not be superfluous to study your immediate environment. It is possible that a guy whom you, for some reason, decided not to consider as a potential life partner, has been paying attention to you for a long time. Maybe it's time to change your attitude towards the fan and look at him with a new look. Of course, there is no question of throwing yourself into the arms of a person to whom there are no romantic feelings. However, this guy may deserve a chance on your part - just try to get to know him better, and you may realize that you have much more in common with him than you might think. Often, in chasing after something unattainable, we miss and do not notice something truly worthwhile - think about it.

I love him, but he doesn’t love me - how to fall in love with any person

If you are in a relationship with him, but you feel that you are not needed Of course, the first thing to consider is whether you even need a guy who allows himself such behavior while in a relationship with you. Perhaps not only his feelings, but also yours, have cooled down for a long time, but you preferred not to notice this? If this is not so, and you understand that you do not want to lose your beloved, then, undoubtedly, it makes sense to fight for your love, return former interest from the partner. Think about why he moved away? Maybe you devoted a lot of time to your affairs, were inattentive to him, or boredom settled in your relationship for a long time? Try to fix all the “jambs” on your part and refresh your feelings romantic surprises, joint trips, care. Try to behave the way you did during the peak of his sympathy for you. If you initially felt that you were not particularly interesting to your chosen one, and he is with you not “for love”, but for some reason of your own, then you also have a chance to “hook” him “from scratch” - be bright, make the guy be jealous and realize that he is very lucky that you chose him. If you are just friends or colleagues Try to get closer gradually. Give a man some more attention than usual - take an interest in his affairs, show small signs of care. He should suspect that you like him, but he should not have clear evidence. Give him time to realize this, look at you from a different angle, and perhaps he will understand that you really have a lot in common and he himself will begin to take the initiative towards you. If he doesn't notice you If the guy does not notice you, then the advice is simple and banal - make sure that he notices after all! So what about in question? Since he does not show interest in you now, it only means that in your “current form” you do not seduce him, no matter how beautiful you are. Take a look at what kind of girls he likes? Perhaps you are a noisy and bright laughter, and he is used to building relationships with modest and thoughtful young ladies. It may be that you are a quiet homebody, and he likes active travelers and creative people. Try on yourself new image and give the guy the opportunity to evaluate him - it is possible that he will finally notice you. If you fall in love with a married man Having fallen in love married man Realistically evaluate your prospects. Is this person worth it to bring into his life such problems that are inevitable. Even if he pays or has already paid attention to you, this does not mean at all that he will leave the family. At first, you may not demand this, and you will be happy to be content with little, but believe me, over time this will change. The position of a mistress will seem humiliating to you, and partly it is. You will understand that a man is just using you, and if his feelings were really real, you would be the only woman in his life, no matter what excuses and convincing arguments he finds. Of course, maybe he will leave the family, but in the eyes of many people around you (some of his / your relatives, friends), you will remain the woman who broke up the family, even if everything was going to break there anyway. However, it may be that your love turns out to be non-reciprocal, and subsequently you will be ashamed to remember in front of you how you unsuccessfully tried to seduce married man. In general, before rushing into this pool, get ready for the worst developments in the scenario, and, perhaps, your love will be removed as if by magic. If the husband fell out of love Have you begun to understand that your spouse has not experienced the attention and care that you had before? Your family relationships develop, as if by inertia, and, at times, it seems to you that your marriage is completely on the verge of dissolution? Analyze from what period you began to move away from each other. In many families, this happens after the birth of a baby - the wife is so immersed in caring for the child that the husband simply fades into the background. Often this leads to infidelity and alienation on the part of a man. It is also possible that you relaxed, “launched” yourself, ceased to be the woman with whom he fell in love, and with whom he made a marriage proposal. If your husband is dear to you, try to return his feelings - show him your care, love, try to surprise him with romantic surprises, diversify your intimate life. It is possible that your marriage can still be given a “second wind”, and soon you will forget that until recently everything was going to part.

I don’t love a guy, but I’m dating, what to do next

When dating a guy for whom you have no romantic feelings, the first thing you need to realize is that in this situation you are only making things worse for yourself. Realistically looking at the disadvantages of such a relationship, perhaps you still decide to break this relationship. vicious circle, and understand that your desperate fear of loneliness has driven you into a dead end. So, negative sides such a union: You deprive yourself of happiness Perhaps you would have long been happy in a relationship with another man, with whom you would have mutual feelings, but you yourself are depriving yourself of this. You may think that once you meet the guy of your dreams, you will walk away from current partner but these are just your illusions. This is the law of nature: nothing new will come into your life until there is something new for him. free space. Now this place is occupied by relationships that you do not need. You drive yourself into depression Dating a guy, and at the same time not feeling love for him, you can hardly count on peace of mind And inner harmony. This is not surprising, because you are constantly forcing yourself to do something that you don’t really want to. Perhaps you yourself do not notice what a trap you have driven yourself into, and even find arguments that one day feelings will come, but somewhere in your subconscious you understand that you are engaged in self-deception. You take the other person's time Well, it should be noted that you are behaving rather selfishly towards the guy. Perhaps you think that because he loves you, you are giving him a gift by being with him. In fact, this is not so - a real gift of fate for him would be a girl with whom he will have mutual feelings until you take her place.

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