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How I like him. The most common mistakes girls make. Help from outside

“How to hint to a guy that I like him,” you ask. And everything is quite simple. Take note of several instructions suitable for a variety of life situations.

Opinion monitoring

Before you start getting into a relationship with a guy, you need to collect as much information as possible about him. This is necessary in order to find out if this is your person. If you are seriously interested in him, then you should gently ask mutual friends about his opinion about you.

If your optimistic expectations were justified, you can seriously ask yourself the question “How can I hint to a guy that I like him?” Well, or act, as they say, ahead, without wasting time.

BUT! Don’t be too intrusive, because your mutual friends can also play against you: they will create false first impression of your person.

Showing interest in his hobby

The best way to start communicating closer is to have a lot common interests. To do this, find out what he is interested in, how he lives. If your views really coincide for the most part, then start taking action.

So, if he goes to a certain section, sign up too, if he knows how to play the guitar, gently ask him to teach you, etc.

If this is not possible, then just be interested in his hobby: ask more questions, listen, read about it, so that later you can continue the conversation (but don’t get into arguments, because he thinks he knows better about it).


Become a person he can rely on. But within reasonable limits.

So, if he asks you to introduce him to some other girl, then you don’t need to do this. You don’t want to act against yourself?!

And one more thing: offer your help and agree to provide it only in cases where you are confident in yourself. It won't be very good if you let him down every time. But you don’t need to refuse for fear that something won’t work out for you - everyone can have exceptions.

BUT! And that is not all. Help is a mutually beneficial thing. That is, do not forget to ask for something. Focus your attention on what he can definitely do and what he is considered an ace at.

Holding your gaze

This technique will definitely not mislead him. The attention provided in the form of “shooting” with the eyes will never go unnoticed. What is needed for this? Just look with interest at your chosen one.

If your eyes meet, you can either look at him for a couple more moments, then modestly look away, or do the latter right away. You can smile sweetly.

BUT! Don't glare at him. If you are not sure that you are the goddess of seduction, then do not wink, do not play with your eyebrows and do not try to make your gaze passionate. It will look intimidating. Well, or he will think that you are laughing at him.

What to talk about

Actively participate in dialogue

You must be a good communicator. To do this you need:

  1. Be able to carry on a conversation. Say what you want. Be yourself. No need to be shy. And if you still feel a certain uncertainty, modestly tell him about it with a smile on your face. Be sure that this will flatter him.
  2. Prepare routine topics for conversation so that there are no awkward pauses.
  3. Don't argue. If you are not sure about the authenticity of this or that information, make a footnote: “I heard that... is it true?”, “I was told this or that, but I doubt what you will say about this?” etc. This way you will make him feel more important once again.
  4. Monitor your interlocutor's reaction on one topic or another. Stop if you see that dialogue about certain things is uninteresting/unpleasant to him.

Don't discuss girls/boys

There should be no place for negativity in your communication in the form of discussion of personalities, because:

  • disagreements or disputes may arise;
  • he will decide that you do this to everyone, that is, you constantly talk behind their back;
  • in this way you are trying to put someone in the worst light, and these are signs of a “snake” character;
  • he will draw certain conclusions about your pessimism;
  • he, most likely, is simply not interested, because guys have slightly different preferences in conversation than girls.

BUT! Still discuss certain people Can. But only for optimists. They are the ones who can highlight good qualities people and not touch on anything bad. And he will probably like sincere joy for other people's successes.

However, this should also be done appropriately and quite infrequently, because you are having a conversation in order to get to know each other better, and not talk about third parties, right?

Learn about each other's hobbies

What is the most neutral topic for first conversations? Of course, about hobbies. Here you can find general views. Be sure to ask him further if he talks enthusiastically about his hobby. If you have seen the results of the work he is talking about, praise his skills, talent, and diligence.

You can be smart and find out about some of his preferences in advance so that you know which flow to go with in the upcoming conversation.

By the way, during communication you can mention that you are aware of some of its features (“I heard that...”, in a more humorous form - “A bird on its tail brought the news that...”, etc.). He will be flattered that you were previously interested in him.

Tell jokes

Speak in a relaxed manner. This is what will give you the opportunity to joke a lot and be relevant. Why is this necessary? Then, so that later he will remember you with a smile and long for another meeting to have fun. After all, a humorous interlocutor is always the most in demand and desired.

How to behave

Don't provoke jealousy

On the one hand, I want to attract attention to myself in this way, but I still don’t need to do this, because:

  • if the “theatrical performance” is staged ineptly, he may see through you, as a result of which he will form an opinion about your unreasonability;
  • if you get too carried away, you will seem like a flighty person, which is not at all what you want;
  • he may be afraid of competition;
  • he will “switch” to another (well, you’re “busy”!).

Be cheerful

It is less interesting to communicate with sad people than with cheerful, cheerful people. It is after the second that it always remains good mood and a smile on your face. Therefore, joke more often, be active, don’t be afraid to seem strange, and don’t pay attention to other people’s opinions.

BUT! Everything should be in moderation. Do not forget that a girl should not lose her femininity and a small amount of modesty.

Create a comfort zone

He should feel good with you:

  • first of all - be good friend, but don’t move away from your goal - the guy will like you;
  • become an interesting conversationalist;
  • you should always look good;
  • let a good mood prevail with him;
  • try to load it as little as possible personal problems(discussing someone, being upset about grades at school, etc.); however, you can always ask him for help - he will most likely even be flattered (but don’t get carried away);
  • make sure you leave with smiles on your faces;
  • don't be negative;
  • try to leave only a great impression about yourself.

BUT! Do not overdo it! Don't forget about dignity and pride. This means that you don't have to please him for every reason. Don't let yourself be taken advantage of.

Conclusion: not only give, but also ask.

How to hint to a guy that I like him

Help from outside

If your friend communicates well with him or your mutual friends, then you can “use” her, i.e. ask to simulate a situation in which she allegedly accidentally lets slip about your feelings.

BUT! You must completely trust your friend, who will not be able to “play” with you for the sake of interest or laughter: laugh with him at your interest, judge, say bad things, etc.

In contact with

There is probably nothing easier than hinting to a guy about your feelings through social networks. To do this you need:

  • write suggestive phrases in the status;
  • “like” his photo;
  • you can throw a couple of songs or pictures on the wall;
  • repost SOME of his posts (this way you will create the impression that you have similar opinions, sense of humor, values ​​in life, etc.);
  • invite him to games;
  • participate in correspondence with him.

BUT! Again, don't be intrusive. And don’t be angry with him if he doesn’t understand the hints: firstly, he is not clairvoyant, secondly, he may simply not pay attention (because he is not such an active user of the social network), thirdly, perhaps he he doesn’t want to notice (difficult past relationships, lack of interest in you, etc.).

And don’t drag out your series of hints too long. for a long time. This will tire him out. Don't be afraid to jump into the conversation in messages.


You need to show imagination and try only if you are sure that he also has a certain interest in you, otherwise you risk remaining offended and offended.

So, here are a few ways to help make your confession beautiful:

  • build a series of riddles that he will solve while passing the “tests” you have invented (for special dreamers);
  • start an intriguing anonymous correspondence via SMS, and then “open up” (do not ask in the correspondence about yourself, about his impression of you, etc.; communication should be easy and unobtrusive);
  • after performing at a concert, make a public confession;
  • organize a flash mob;
  • write about your feelings on the asphalt in front of his house;
  • send a letter to his address via mail (not via email!).

To a guy I don't know

Here the situation is a little more complicated, but we will find a way out in this situation. What is needed for this:

  • “shoot” with your eyes;
  • smile;
  • ask him for some help (during which a conversation will “start”);
  • put your phone number in his hand (with a smile on your face, you can wink);
  • come up and start getting acquainted with generally accepted or non-standard phrases (for the second you also need to have a good imagination).

BUT! Before making contact with an unfamiliar guy, rule out the fact that he is already busy with someone: pay attention to the company that accompanies him, to ring finger right hand(is there a wedding ring).

Video: How to tell if a guy likes you

The guy aroused your sympathy, liked you a lot, but is he completely indifferent to you? You need to give him a hint that you like him. A young man will either want a relationship with you or not. Don't be afraid that the guy will reject you. It's unlikely that this will happen. And if this happens, it’s okay, it means the guy doesn’t deserve you. How to show your sympathy? Read on and find out.

  • Do a little research. It’s best to get acquainted with his relatives and friends and slowly find out what the guy thinks about you. If he likes you, that's great. We can move on. Produce good impression to his surroundings. Then all these people will definitely tell your chosen one about such a beautiful young lady like you.
  • Try to catch the guy's eye more often. Look amazing every time so that he remembers all your meetings. The mysterious stranger will undoubtedly be etched in his memory.
  • Find out where he usually spends his time. Come visit there some other time. If a guy likes to go to the gym, sign up for it too; if he loves rock climbing, try it too. Maybe he is a hiking enthusiast? Pack your backpack and join us.
  • Flirt. When you meet, look a guy in the eyes for a long time, then quickly look away. Shoot your eyes, flirt.
  • If you spend time in a common company, you can carefully brush the fluff off your shoulder, inadvertently touch his arm, or touch him with your knee. By invading his space, you will already confuse the young man.
  • Be positive, smile at the guy, express your affection towards him with all your appearance. Vibes of love and tenderness should emanate from you, the guy will feel it.
  • Help him casually, do something nice, praise him.
  • He should feel comfortable and warm around you; create a sincere atmosphere.
  • Give a present for the holiday.
  • Don't talk about other young people in his presence.

When the opportunity arises to be alone, decide to speak out directly. Of course this option is not for timid girls, if you are a strong, self-confident person, then do this. It’s quite possible that the guy will be glad that you finally confessed, maybe he’s been pining for you for a long time. Everything will be resolved. If the guy is negative, admit it's a joke. Are you afraid to say open? Invite him to the cinema in the evening or to a square or park where loving couples usually spend time. He will immediately understand everything and either agree or not. On a date, tell him about yourself, tell him interesting story, have fun and be spontaneous. Don't burden him with problems. In the end, disappear.

You can write a note:"You're so cool. I’m already in love,” don’t sign. Ask your friends to tell him, without talking about you. When you meet, smile and make eye contact.

How to behave correctly

  • Be cheerful, cheerful and active. Smile, make jokes, but not evil ones, tease and encourage.
  • Invite me for a ride hot-air balloon. Call me to the amusement park. Offer a tour of the city, if you know the area perfectly, you can tell something amazing.
  • Give special gift which he will remember. Not expensive, but original.
  • Don't flirt or smile at others. Otherwise, your chosen one will not think very well of you, that you are a frivolous person.
  • Don’t hang yourself on a guy’s neck, don’t cry, don’t pester, don’t be cheeky.

  1. Write that you intend to go to the club at themed party, you need to go with a group, but you are missing 1 person, and you wanted to invite him.
  2. Write a confession in verse. It will be beautiful and romantic. There is no need for suffering, tears and torment, show your love of life and optimism in poetry.
  3. Send him a message about his eyes, write that they drive you crazy, you drown in them, forgetting about everything.
  4. Write how courageous and strong he is, it’s clear that a real man, knight and prince.
  5. .Tell him about your admiration for him beautiful hands, they are so pumped up and powerful.

How to hint to a stranger about your sympathy in contact?

Send a present. Wish you well good day. Write a comment on his photo, admire his figure or his ability to dress. Tell me what it is suitable for a guy only the princess.

Send him a song that will hint to the boy about your feelings. They sent an interesting photo that will surprise him.

In the evening, wish Good night Sweet dreams. Write young man cool poem. Invite him to have a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe.

There are a lot of options to show your feelings, choose what you like best.

During breaks, don’t run away to your friends, but stay next to him. Help with test work. Explain a complex problem. Be nice, welcoming and friendly. Make jokes, smile and tell fascinating stories. Inadvertently touch the boy, touch him with your bag or hair. Look into his eyes, smile. Invite them after school to a wonderful place, a cozy cafe or an unusual cinema. Tell him the secret of what happened to you.

Tell me how you spent the summer, where you went and what you saw. Tell us about the unusual animals and rare birds you met on your trip. For example, if you visited Bali, tell us about the Monkey Forest. Monkeys are so cheerful and mischievous, but also cunning and agile. Tell me how one monkey stole your brother's cap and another monkey snatched your sister's banana.

Be spontaneous, kind and sweet. Agree if he expresses a desire to accompany you after school. Play pranks and have fun in his company. Be a little rowdy, sassy and cool.

How to show a guy your sympathy in an SMS message

Send your guy funny text messages. Find funny pictures or unusual and send it to him. Write an SMS: “I really like you.” And the next day, be unapproachable. The guy will be surprised and think about you seriously. Ask him in a text message why yesterday he was arrogant and swaggering, it doesn’t suit him, he’s so sweet, kind, you know for sure.

Write to the guy about his bottomless color eyes sea ​​wave, you are simply dumbfounded and surprised that such things exist. Invite him for a walk via text message.

It will help to give a hint to a guy about your sympathy:

  • Flirting. Play nicely and smile, you can giggle if he is joking. Be cheerful and spontaneous. Tease and joke yourself. You can lightly cling to him and hide from his field of vision.
  • Your presence is next to him. Visit the places where he goes, meet him by chance on the street, catch his eye while studying, get a job in his company. But don't abuse it. There is no need to follow him with your tail.
  • Praise and compliments. Say nice things to the guy, appreciate his muscles or intelligence. Comment on his photo and admire his manly appearance.
  • Close contact. Touch him at the slightest opportunity, accidentally and not on purpose. Stroke him lightly. Shake off the lint from his clothes, as if by accident.

Mistakes you shouldn't make

Don't panic if a guy doesn't react the way you want.

Make it a joke. Don't show your feelings in front of everyone. He might not like it. Don't try to make him jealous. Cheap tricks won't work. Don't tell everyone around you that you love this guy unconditionally. Do not convey confessions in words through friends. Don't tell your guy unpleasant things from his life or past. Don't insult his friends, relatives or other girls. Don't pretend to be someone you're not. Don't show off. Don't act cheeky. Don’t expect an exclusively joyful reaction to your confession; be prepared for failure.

How to please a boy?

Answers to other questions

How to let a young man know that you are interested in him from a distance?

If the guy lives in another city, you can keep in touch through social networks. Send beautiful photos, music or poetry. In the morning you can call and say good day. In the evening, ask how he spent the day.

How to hint about feelings if you work together?

Invite to a cafe or cozy restaurant. Help with work. You can treat it with pies or salad.

Call for a walk.

How to hint about your feelings to your boss?

Find out if he is married. If you are free, go on the offensive. First, do your job well, you can stay late in the evening. Bring delicious chicken or homemade sausage from home. Invite, for example, impressionists to the exhibition.

Everything will be fine

How to show a guy that you are eager to meet him?

If you want to show your guy that you hope for a relationship, then do the following.

  • Actively flirt and don’t hang out in his company. Be cheerful and inviting.
  • Get in his sight more often. Look chic, even daring.
  • Speak confidently, don’t mumble, don’t be nervous.
  • Touch him, stroke him or look into his eyes.
  • Be unpredictable and original, surprise and amaze.

Should we expect the next step from him if he understood the hint?

If a guy agrees to meetings, behaves at ease and joyfully, then he also wants to be with you. If he showers you with compliments, admires your appearance, and asks you everything, this indicates that your efforts have been crowned with success. If you also receive by correspondence beautiful photos, he found out your number and calls you - it’s clear that the guy has a crush on you. Rejoice, the guy himself was not averse to starting a relationship with you.

Video help

© Anna Solovyova How to make a guy like you - 3 points! (Guys don't look)

Girls are delicate and romantic natures. As a rule, they begin to feel attraction to representatives of the opposite sex earlier than.

Regardless of age it starts with ordinary sympathy, and over time turns into something much larger.

I want to express my feelings, hear an answer and gain certainty. If a young man does not show initiative in this regard, then he has to act on his own.

And this is where the question arises of how to confess your love to a guy, and whether it’s worth doing it at all. Naturally, decide to this is not easy, especially for a girl. But is everything so scary? Let's try to figure it out.

Is it worth it: pros and cons

But what if you want to express your feelings? Of course, arguments can be made both for and against recognition.

Let's start with arguments against:

  • the worst thing is that the other half may not reciprocate. Perhaps the guy likes another girl, or he is simply not ready for a relationship;
  • if a young man was brought up in classical traditions, he may consider the girl easily accessible or see in the first’s recognition her desire to dominate the relationship;
  • Complexes can also play a role. An insecure guy may react inadequately to such a confession - simply become confused. If he is too self-confident, then this will make him even more inflated;
  • failure can provoke complexes in a girl. If she is young, then this can have consequences in adulthood.

However, there are pros, and there are no less of them:

So why not? If you want to confess your love, then, after weighing all the pros and cons, you can make a choice in favor of taking this step.

Is it possible for a girl to be the first to confess her love for a man? Find out from the video:

Why is it so difficult to decide?

Deciding to confess your love to a girl is quite difficult. In my head a lot of fears arise. What if he doesn’t reciprocate? What if he laughs? Perhaps he has another one.

In addition, the first steps taken by a girl are not very typical, and in accordance with established stereotypes, they should not be taken.

A girl may be afraid that a guy will consider her overly easily accessible, will consider that she is already “on his hook.”

Hence a lot of fears.

In addition, the very moment of recognition causes them: girls are afraid to say something wrong, to look funny and absurd.

But once we decide to confess, then that’s it fears need to be thrown out of your head.

How can I explain to a young man that I love him? Expert advice:

How to prepare mentally?

When you decide to confess your love, stop for a moment and check Are you ready for this?

Use your mind. Think about it, is this really love? After all, we often, especially at a young age, confuse it with boredom, the desire for romance, and greedy adventure. To make it better sort out your feelings, you can talk to a friend, sister, mother.

But you definitely shouldn’t discuss this topic with the friends of the object of your desire, otherwise the guy might find out everything before your confession.

If you communicate well in a friendly way with the one to whom you want to confess your love or are already in a certain relationship, then try gently, unobtrusively find out his opinion about girls, relationships, about the first steps on the part of the ladies.

It is important to do everything carefully. In addition, if everything works out for you in the future, the information received will definitely be useful. Have you thought well and are you definitely ready to confess your love? Then you can rehearse.

This may sound funny, but it's better to actually do it several confession rehearsals in front of the mirror. This will make it possible to better choose words and choose the most winning tactics.

So, now get yourself organized, prepare your amazing smile and go make a confession that will probably be very important step in life. But before that you need to decide what it will be.

How to confess your love to a guy and behave in case of refusal:

Much depends on the situation, age, relationship you are in. The following recommendations will be useful to you:

  1. How can I hint to a guy that I love him? Although men often don't take hints, it can work in some cases. Perhaps the young man will understand them, and you will no longer have to confess your love first.

    You can use feminine tricks: glances in his direction, smiles, beautiful outfits in which he seems to accidentally see you all the time.

    If you communicate on the Internet, you can send a picture or song with hints about love. In addition, you can tell him about your sympathy without directly using the word “love”.

  2. How to tell a boy that I love him at 12-14 years old. The first feelings usually strike at this age. It will be quite difficult for a young girl to express her feelings in words. As an alternative, you can use a note that someone sends to classmates, or a message on the Internet. You can also ask a friend to help, who will tell everything to your subject. Of course, you can muster up the courage and tell the guy about your feelings in person. It is better to think through your speech in advance - this will make you more confident.
  3. Declaration of love via VK correspondence. In our age of information technology, many prefer to confess their feelings this way. Besides, it’s not so scary, because you won’t see the gaze and direct reaction of your interlocutor. Guys are usually more specific, and long, ambiguous messages are not for them. The message should be simple, understandable, and as sincere as possible.

    You can attach a corresponding picture or song, and also point out the merits of the young man with which he conquered you.

  4. How to confess your love to a guy in poetry? If a young man is a romantic person, he will appreciate recognition in poetry. Ideally, if you can write them yourself - this way they will be more lively and sincere. The poem can be sent to social network or read it in person. The second option, of course, will require courage, so be sure to rehearse.
  5. Sincerely and frank confession in love with a guy. Just saying it like it is, sincerely, how you feel is also a good option. It is especially suitable if you definitely have a relationship with a young man mutual sympathy. Then the recognition will be appropriate, alive and real. Even though honesty is the most important thing, it is still better to think about what you will say in advance and rehearse it.
  6. How to confess your love to your boss? A very sensitive question. Work and personal life, as a rule, but what if your feelings are stronger than you? At first, try to easily hint to him about your feelings. It is better to do this in an informal setting, for example, at a corporate party.

    Look at the reaction. If you notice that he is also not indifferent to you, do not be afraid to express your feelings.

  7. How to confess your love ex-boyfriend? This is the most difficult moment. The relationship is over, but the feelings remain. Recognition can become in a great way their . It’s easier in this case because you already know this person, and you probably understand how to communicate with him. Tell it like it is. Remember the general happy moments, how it all began, why you initially fell in love with him. You can invite him to a meeting in some interesting place with a conducive atmosphere.

Love confessions to a young man in.

How to tell a boy that I love him? Find out from the video:

Examples of original and unusual confessions

There are many interesting and original ways confess your love.

It is worth noting that Everyone has their own concept of originality, and it all depends on how much you know the young man, his preferences, what kind of relationship you have with him.

Here are some examples of original confessions:

How not to confess your love to men? About this in the video:

What to do if he is silent?

Confessed your feelings to him, but he remains silent? A guy can remain silent in response to a confession due to various reasons. Firstly, he may be shocked by what he hears and just don’t know what to answer.

In this case, do not force him to give an answer faster - let him think and then tell you what he considers necessary.

The young man can say the same thing in response, this is also an option that cannot be ruled out.

One can assume the worst option: he is silent because he cannot reciprocate your feelings and does not want to offend you. It’s better to ask him to give you a definite answer. This way you will know what's what. If not, well, this is simply not the hero of your novel.

The guy rejected

The worst thing happened. The guy didn't reciprocate your feelings.

There is one plus in this situation: you know for sure that nothing is shining, and you can no longer torment yourself with uncertainty.

Main - don't get hung up on the prince who rejected you. Yes, you may be in pain, but life doesn't end there.

Let yourself suffer a little: cry, vent to someone close, treat yourself with something from delicious ice cream to buying a new dress.

remember, that true love always mutual. If a young man rejects you, you should not take it to heart, reproach yourself and develop complexes. It may not be about you at all.

In the end, you can always turn it into a joke.

It is not so important how you declare your love, what is more important is with what emotions and how sincerely you do it. remember, that frankness and sincerity are most important. And don't be afraid to show your feelings. Nothing bad will happen, even if the young man does not reciprocate your feelings.

You like a guy, but he doesn't take the initiative. What to do in this case? The best option is to hint to him that you don’t mind anymore Serious relationships. This needs to be done in such a way that he understands your attitude, but at the same time, not too intrusively, so as not to scare him away. We will tell you how to do this correctly in our article.

How to correctly hint to a guy that you like him? In order not to get into trouble, it is first better to find out how he himself treats you. One of the most the right ways- is to invite him for a walk. If he feels sympathy for you, he will happily accept the offer. You can also ask your friend to find out how he treats you from his friends. Or meet his relatives - sister, brother or even mother. If he listens to their opinion, he will definitely pay attention to you.

Here are some more useful tips that will help you find out his attitude towards you:

A few important rules when communicating with men

  • No friendship! If you want a relationship with the guy you like, never become his girlfriend. Try to minimize conversations about other girls, do not give advice in love affairs.
  • Touching. When a guy is telling something or joking, you can touch his shoulder or arm. You can also touch his hand goodbye. This will clearly let him know that you are interested in him.
  • Move closer to him easily and naturally. Best during conversation. This will make it clear that you are interested in listening and want to become closer to this person.
  • Play with your hair. You can easily twirl the ends of your hair around your fingers. It's also very sexy to throw your hair over your shoulders, especially if you have long hair.

How to behave correctly so that he understands that you like him

In order to interest a man, look for common interests. If a guy is interested in something, try to share his passion. For example, if he plays the guitar, you can ask him to teach you to play too. If he is fond of reading, ask him to read a book that he supposedly had been looking for for a long time and could not find anywhere. And so on, there are very, very many options.

Always be open to communication. Talk about yourself, your interests, hobbies, and also be interested in his life. This way he will understand that you want to get to know him better.

A man will be pleased if you laugh at his jokes. But unnatural laughter is always noticeable, so don’t force your giggles out, laugh sincerely and from the heart.

Praise the guy you like. Compliments, especially sincere ones, are always pleasant and cause positive emotions. We talked about this in a separate article.

Helpful advice: Never bring up the topic of a former failed relationship.

Try to always be in a good mood. Men love cheerful and cheerful girls. A smile is pleasant for everyone; it encourages openness and communication. The guy should be as comfortable as possible in your company.

How to hint to a guy that you like him in correspondence

This option will be ideal for shy girls. But it also has disadvantages. The main ones are that we do not see the interlocutor, there is no eye contact.

So, start the conversation with some unrelated topic. You can ask about his plans for the weekend or even for the summer. The main thing is that the question requires a detailed answer. Well, then we act according to the situation. You can unobtrusively hint about your sympathy. If he doesn't have plans for the evening, invite him to join you.

Here's another useful video on how to interest a pen pal:

If a guy doesn't take hints

If the guy doesn’t understand the hints, and all the above methods didn’t help, you can connect feminine cunning. In a group, let one of your friends “accidentally” let it slip that you like this guy. Even if something goes wrong and your relationship doesn’t work out, you can always say that these are just your friend’s fantasies and nothing more.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We recommend watching free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You'll get step by step plan 12 steps on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for many years.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

If you see a guy's sympathy for you, but he is very shy, you can take the initiative into your own hands. Tell him directly that you like him and you are looking for something more than friendship. This method significantly speeds up the development of relationships, but at the same time kills romance. Sometimes it’s better to wait until the relationship develops as usual.

In the event that the hints do not work on your chosen one, you can take the initiative into your own hands and.

In this article we have collected the most useful tips.

And most importantly, don’t get hysterical or panic if the guy doesn’t react the way you expected. Nothing wrong with that. By at least you have done everything that depends on you, and you will not languish in anticipation and uncertainty. Moreover, you can always turn a confession into a joke.

The guy you like doesn't show much initiative? Perhaps he simply does not realize that you are interested in him, and therefore does not dare to take the first step. There are many ways in which you can show your boyfriend how you feel without talking about them directly.

Should you tell your guy how you feel?

Most main question for a girl - should she even confess to a young man about her love or is it better to wait for the first step from him, as required by numerous traditions. There can be many reasons to tell a man about this yourself. A guy can be very timid, he can be too sensitive to a girl and is simply afraid of offending or rushing her with his confession. Also, some bets are morally afraid to reveal their soul and therefore hide their feelings. Or the young man may have doubts whether he really likes you or is it just passing fancy. So there is no need to be afraid - a girl’s confession of tender feelings today is considered quite normal. First of all, it is worth assessing the general situation and situation. A declaration of love, logically, should entail serious consequences, the main thing of which is the creation and development of a couple and your love relationship. Therefore, first of all, you yourself must be sure of what you want. possible development relationship with this man, you want to see and communicate with him more often. You also need to assess whether he is ready for a potential relationship, whether he currently has strong love with another girl or whether he recently had a difficult breakup, after which he will definitely want long time be alone. Take the initiative if he is shy You understand that this young man likes you, as indicated by some direct or indirect facts, but there is no declaration of sympathy on his part. If you see that a guy is shy or for some reason not confident in himself, then you can take the initiative into your own hands. His shyness can manifest itself in different ways: for example, you notice that he tries to stay longer in your company, but gets embarrassed if he accidentally touches you or when the conversation turns to personal topics. He may also become dim if he catches your eye or is alone with you. Of course, the lack of initiative can be explained by indifference, but most girls will probably be able to distinguish indifferent behavior from hesitant attempts to get closer. Don't embarrass a guy if he has a girlfriend If you know that the person you like is already in a relationship with another girl, and this romance at least outwardly seems prosperous, then you don’t need to put him in an awkward position with your confessions. It is unlikely that he will reciprocate under such circumstances. But even if this happens, it is unlikely that you will want to be in the status of a homewrecker. You can gently hint to a guy that you like him, but don't talk about your feelings directly. Don't push yourself if he's not interested in you When communicating with him, you see that he has no interest, and this is clearly not embarrassment or self-doubt - he is really burdened by this communication. The reasons may not be in you at all - he in general may not want a relationship now, or he may be looking for a girl exclusively according to a certain type, which you do not fall into. In addition, he may have liked someone else for a long time. There may be a lot of circumstances due to which he does not see you as a potential lover, and in this case, your confession may make him completely avoid meeting with you.

How to show a person that you like him

Just telling a man about your love in plain text - you can always do this, but it is not very romantic and morally very difficult. It’s much more beautiful to express your warm sympathy for the person you like using tender words, spoken in a suitable setting and with the right emphasis on your hints for a man. At the same time, it is worth choosing the right words depending on how close you are with the young man you like, he may simply be attractive to you, you may be in love with him, and your feelings may well be mutual. The tips below will certainly help you find a way to express your feelings to a man without getting confused and without missing out on your opportunity to become happy next to you with him.

When you just really like him

When you simply like a young man, you can express your feelings well. tender feelings with the help of hints. For example, appear in front of him at beautiful outfits and in response to his compliments, say that you wanted to look good especially for him. Men generally love with their eyes, so your beautiful appearance it will be very important for the young man to have an impression of you pleasant impression and this disposed him to communicate and more close acquaintance with you. You can also use not too obvious compliments to the young man, tell him live or in SMS, as if by chance, how strong he is, how similar he is to handsome actor what kind of interesting hobbies etc. You can make friends with his friends or acquaintances, and through them learn about the guy’s tastes and interests, so that later in conversations with him you can use these topics as “clues”. And in one of these conversations, you can notice that you have a lot of similar interests and therefore you clearly sympathize with this guy.

When you love him, how to confess your feelings

If your feelings are already something more than just sympathy, you should act more confidently so as not to miss out on your happiness. First of all, avoid flirting with other young people in his presence, so as not to arouse the opinion of yourself as a promiscuous and fickle girl. Try to be positive and cheerful in order to attract attention - it will also be useful to appreciate the jokes of a guy you like, because he will certainly appreciate those who appreciate his sense of humor. You can also write to him about your feelings, without saying the word “love” itself, but quite clearly speaking about your feelings. In this case, if the guy is interested in you, he will answer you, and if not, you can pretend that this message did not exist and thereby get rid of unnecessary worries.

Declaration of love when the feelings are mutual

In the case when your feelings are mutual and this young man also likes you, it will be easier. It will be enough for you to take the first step to start a relationship. You can write a message in a message or on a social network saying that you like him and if his feelings are mutual, then let him write you a response message. You can also tell the guy that you have long wanted to go to some movie or play, but you have no one to go with. He will probably offer to keep you company - and this great occasion talk and get to know each other better. A good option is to give the guy a small present that would hint to him that your feelings are reciprocated. For example, paired mugs or keychains, some of your joint photos framed, etc. Don’t be afraid to make contact, as young people are also often shy before the first conversation and may be embarrassed to admit their warm feelings.

I want him, how to hint in bed

If you are not yet in a relationship, then such hints may not work in your favor. The guy, of course, can respond to your “signals,” but there is a high probability that everything will be limited to bed - the chosen one will simply consider you a flighty person. However, if you have already started dating, but things don’t go beyond kissing, then, of course, you can take the initiative. Try to be alone with your lover more often, hug him and just touch him. Also, to take the relationship to a new level, you can invite him home for romantic dinner– wine, candles and pleasant music will undoubtedly encourage you to get closer.

Interesting places In personal communication or during correspondence, you can mention some new establishments or simply interesting places places you would like to visit. Note that you usually go for a walk with a friend, but in the coming days she has other things to do, so you don’t even know whether to wait for her or find another company. For a young man it will be an obvious hint that you are inclined to walk together. His tastes Find out where your chosen one likes to spend time and show interest in his choice. For example, he likes skiing. Say that you have never done this or can’t learn, but you would really like to. Or he may state that he likes a certain genre of films that he periodically goes to see. You, in turn, can answer that you are also interested in such films, but your friends do not share these tastes, and you yourself do not want to go to the cinema. Direct hints Write or tell the young man that you are very interested in communicating with him, and it would be nice to take a walk together sometime. You can find a specific reason. For example, you told your interlocutor about some place he has never been to. Mention in passing that you will definitely show him this establishment “someday.” If he wants to meet, then your statement will be a good chance for him to take advantage of the situation and invite you for a walk or a date.

Hinting a guy about a relationship correctly

Positive mood In his presence, try to maintain positive mood, showing the guy that you are pleased to be in such company. It makes sense not only to show it, but also to voice it. Talk about how interesting and fun you are with him. You can also mention that he, like no one else, is able to cheer you up. Skin contact Touch the guy you like. Although, of course, you should also know when to stop here - there is no point in “hanging” on him, your touches should be as if by chance. You can take his hand while crossing the road or going up the steps. A light hug and a kiss on the cheek are also quite appropriate when meeting or saying goodbye. When telling someone something important or needing their support, you can briefly hold their hand. Personal questions Here, too, it is important not to “cross the line.” Ask the guy how long ago he was in his last relationship, what kind of girl he sees next to him. However, if the young man answers reluctantly, then it is better not to delve into such questions. True, detailed answers do not mean at all that you need to show excessive attention to this topic - all the details of parting with ex-girlfriends It will be more appropriate to find out if you are in a closer relationship. For now, it’s enough to let him know that you care about his personal life.

Say “I love you” in other words or actions

It can be quite difficult to tell a man about your love in plain text. It’s much easier to veil your confession so that the man himself can guess about your tender feelings. This option eliminates many awkward feelings. Therefore, you can try other good options for declaring your love, given below. One of them will surely give positive result and you and the young man you like will definitely become closer.

Beautiful words for a declaration of love

In order to confess your love to a young man, it is not necessary to use banal phrases. Where better to speak from pure heart and sincerely. If it’s difficult to collect your thoughts live, write long confession in the message - this will help you choose beautiful phrases, think through your train of thought. Be sure to use more features, which emphasize the qualities of a young man that you like (strong, caring, reliable, etc.). This will help him understand why you value him. You should not use too many diminutive forms like “bunny” or “cat”. A declaration of love is a rather serious thing, and such words will reduce the seriousness to a minimum. Words must be honest - say only what you are really sure of. You should not make abstract reviews of your common future and prophesy excellent development relationships. It's better to talk more about the present time, about your feelings and positive qualities this young man. Then the conversation will be more effective.

Confessions through communication on the Internet or via SMS

Modern communication allows you to make a confession on a social network or using SMS messages. This relieves your stress and worries, you can prepare properly. Pick up suitable words, think about what idea you want to convey to the guy with your messages - and send it. In correspondence you don’t see the young man’s reaction and you don’t worry so much. In addition, if a guy refuses or ignores you, it will be much easier to bear it than if he refused you during a personal conversation. In addition, for that declaration of love in this way, it does not require too close communication and acquaintance between you - after all, it is enough to find the guy’s number or his page on a social network, bypassing the need to meet friends, etc.

Confessions in poetry, through gifts or selfless help

A beautiful and original way to hint to a guy about your feelings is to write him poetry. Just write, even if they are not very colorful, since almost every guy has already seen poems from the Internet and you are unlikely to please him with such bad taste. Find an opportunity to write poetry yourself, or ask your friends about it, and send it to a young man via SMS or on a social network - he will certainly appreciate your creativity. Another option is nice present or offering selfless help to a young person. These gifts or help do not have to be large-scale; rather, it is just a small sign of attention that will let the man know that you care about him. The present could be something like a keychain, a photo frame, a book that the young man told you about - something pleasant that this man will then associate with you. You can also make a memorable engraving, which is not trivial, then in the future it can become a kind of motto of your relationship with this young man.

Confess your love in person

The most honest and open option Declarations of love are a personal meeting and a face-to-face conversation. In this way, you can immediately see a man’s real emotions in response to your words, clarify some individual phrases and supplement your confession with some comments and clarifications. Before a personal meeting, you will have to gather courage, but this method is truly the most reliable and time-tested. This option is also very good because if the conversation is successful, you will immediately feel new intimacy to each other, you will be able to hug or kiss each other for the first time. And this is a great start for the strong development of your relationship.

I’m afraid to confess my feelings to him, what to do - advice from psychologists

There are often situations when a girl is very afraid to tell a young man about her love (for example, she is one of the shy ones). This normal phenomenon, because subconsciously the girl is afraid possible refusal, rejection of her feelings. IN similar cases you need to be able to overcome your fears and understand what goal you would like to achieve: just hint to the guy about your feelings, openly declare your love, achieve the beginning of your relationship, etc. And then it is important to actively act until the first impression you created is dispelled. It will be useful if you feel fear and anxiety to learn about what psychologists recommend doing and what common female mistakes it is best not to allow it, having decided to confess your feelings to a young man. To relieve feelings of fear and anxiety before confession, many practicing psychologists recommend thinking through your words in as much detail as possible and saying them out loud in front of the mirror, as if to evaluate yourself from the outside. Firstly, this will help relieve the worry that you may begin to get confused in your words and say too much or not exactly what you wanted. Secondly, it will be easier to relieve stress, since the body will feel that this is not the first time you have said such words, which means you should not worry too much. Experts also often suggest assessing the situation in advance - not the best option will confess her love to a guy when he is heavily burdened with problems at work or school, or in the family. Both of you should be conducive to conversation, be in a good mood and have the opportunity after communication to think about everything that was said.

Is it true that guys don't take hints?

Many men really do not react as subtly to the intonation of their interlocutor as women do, and do not always understand hints. For example, you can tell him that you would like to go to the cinema soon or you are interested in some event. Some guys react instantly, offering to go together to a place that intrigues you, but there are also those who sincerely think that you are just sharing information to keep the conversation going. In the second case, the interlocutor sincerely does not realize that he was hinted at something - he can understand what you need only if direct proposals are made. When a couple already enters into a relationship, this problem does not disappear. For example, before your birthday, you can praise some new popular book, saying that your friends really liked it, and you would also really like to read it. Or you can say that your earrings are missing a ring in the set similar style. It is likely that you are hoping to receive a bestseller or jewelry as a gift, but the chances are very high that the chosen one will not understand this and will give you, for example, perfume that you do not need. Coquetry will not work with such men: “I don’t even know what I want, choose according to your taste.” He needs to speak directly, and simply accept the fact that the hints are not clear to him - this way you will prevent resentment and misunderstandings in the future.

How to understand that a man understood your hint

There are few options here. If you bring up a topic with enviable regularity, and a young man diligently avoids it, despite all the transparency of the hints, or constantly takes the conversation in a different direction, then most likely he understands what you are leading to. However, his reaction, unfortunately, indicates that he is not enthusiastic about your message. There is also the opposite option, in which everything is more obvious. A man supports the topic you set with interest, asking clarifying questions, instead of simply ignoring your words. So he noticed that we're talking about about something important, and does not lose sight of it. In this case, your hints will probably soon bring the desired result.

The most common mistakes girls make

Negative reaction Have you hinted to a guy in every possible way that you are interested in him, but still haven’t received an invitation to a date? There is no need to quickly remove him from your friends on VK or turn away when you meet him. Assume that he really didn’t understand the hints, and now your behavior looks completely stupid. Unnatural behavior Having decided to hint at your sympathy to the young man, you suddenly began to behave unnaturally - flirt excessively, joke around, actively show him signs of attention. Many guys like this approach, but there are also those who are embarrassed by this behavior. Involvement of third parties You have already discussed with some mutual friends that the young man is interesting to you. However, when you meet him, you show detachment, expecting him to pursue you. This is not the most best tactic, which in his eyes most likely looks strange. The aimlessness of hints It also happens that a girl actively flirts with a guy, hints at sympathy, but there is no purpose behind all this - she just likes to communicate like that or she wants to surround herself with fans without planning any relationship with them. Realizing that your hints mean nothing, the young man may completely cut off contacts with you. If you understand that you do not consider a guy as a potential lover, it is better to maintain a friendly relationship with him.

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