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Bloating in pregnant women. What to do if flatulence during pregnancy. Seeing a doctor is the right decision

Pregnancy is a wonderful and unique time in the life of every woman. Carrying a child is hard work, and it is associated not only with anxiety for his health, but also with troubles in the well-being of the expectant mother. On later dates it is discomfort from a strongly grown belly and heartburn, on early dates women are often tormented by toxicosis, drowsiness, and bloating and increased gas formation can annoy throughout all nine months.

Bloating during pregnancy is particularly inconvenient, as it interferes with a normal life. And in interesting position a woman is disturbed by any discomfort.

Symptoms of flatulence in pregnant women

Causes of bloating during pregnancy

All of them are related to work in one way or another. gastrointestinal tract. There are the following reasons:

  • Progesterone

In the early stages, the hormone progesterone is produced in large quantities. It is needed in order to prevent the body from rejecting the fetus. It depends on the amount of progesterone whether a woman will have a pronounced uterine tone and whether there will be a threat of miscarriage. The more progesterone, the less likely it is that there will be problems with maintaining the pregnancy. But there is a second side of the coin - the hormone relaxes not only the uterus, but all smooth muscles. The peristalsis of the intestines slows down for a while, gases are retained in it, and the pregnant woman suffers from bloating.

  • Enzyme deficiency

During pregnancy, a double burden falls on the pancreas. Enzymatic deficiency may occur. Her symptoms are as follows: in addition to bloating, a woman is worried about frequent stool, belching, heartburn. Pregnant women should take care of their pancreas and follow a diet. The risk of developing enzyme deficiency is especially high in women with impaired work endocrine system.

  • Fetal growth

Bloating torments pregnant women not only in the early, but also in the later stages. This is explained rapid increase fetal weight. The growing uterus displaces all nearby organs, taking up all the space in abdominal cavity. It also compresses the intestines, already relaxed by the influence of progesterone. It is difficult for processed food and gases to move through a compressed intestine, colic and bloating occur.

  • Non-compliance with the diet

If a pregnant woman consumes a lot of gas-producing foods, she will invariably suffer from flatulence. Such products traditionally include cabbage, beans and other legumes, Rye bread. They will lead to bloating and a large amount of raw vegetables and fruits. Fatty foods will also cause discomfort. Heavy meals will also put a strain on the pancreas, provoking enzyme deficiency. TO negative factors may also include insufficient fluid intake. This is fraught with constipation, which is especially dangerous in the early stages. A pregnant woman should not suffer from thirst, but, of course, the use of carbonated drinks is prohibited.

  • Often, digestive problems and flatulence in pregnant women are provoked by iron preparations prescribed to raise hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Can twist the stomach nervous ground. During pregnancy, a woman is anxious and suspicious, because she is responsible for the life and health of the baby inside her.

Flatulence during pregnancy: treatment

Despite the fact that bloating in women in position is a completely natural phenomenon, it can be dealt with. There are several ways to fix it:

  • Taking medication

There are various drugs created to eliminate colic and bloating - they are called carminatives. Most often they are prescribed for infants suffering from infantile colic. During pregnancy, the use of such drugs is allowed, but, of course, before using them, you need to read the instructions or consult a doctor. Carminatives are based on simethicone. It is a harmless substance that is not absorbed into the blood. It helps gases to get out more easily and reduces their amount. If bloating is caused by taking iron supplements, their oral (by mouth) intake can be replaced with injections.

  • Proper Diet

Pregnancy - great occasion to start eating right. Replacing fatty and fried foods with boiled and stewed ones will benefit not only the gastrointestinal tract, but the whole body.

  • Folk remedies

You can resort to another remedy traditionally used for bloating in children - dill water. Making it is easy. It is necessary to brew dill (fennel) seeds and use in a small amount during the day.

  • Activity

The pregnant woman must move enough. Often, being in a position, a woman feels bad, but moderate physical activity This is something worth spending time and effort on. Special exercises in the morning, yoga for pregnant women will help to improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Bloating in pregnant women is a common occurrence, but by correctly establishing the causes, bloating, it is possible in short time deal with his symptoms.

I must say that it is bloating during pregnancy that very, very often becomes one of the most unpleasant "companions" of the usual bearing of an unborn baby. And it is with this symptom that many expectant mothers meet precisely during pregnancy, which in fact can be associated with several different factors.

However, in any case, if the woman herself in position is regularly disturbed by bloating during pregnancy, which, in fact, can also not only cause a feeling of complete discomfort, but also differ in some pain, then of course you should seek qualified help from a specialist. And then the doctor will not only tell you about the most important and real causes that cause such unpleasant bloating during pregnancy, but, of course, determine what measures will need to be taken to completely eliminate it.

But such bloating occurs during pregnancy precisely for several understandable reasons. So, it, first of all, can be associated with real and capital changes in the hormonal background, which, of course, occur in the body itself. future mother. It is also known that in the early stages, the body of a pregnant woman itself synthesizes an unusually large amount of such a hormone as progesterone, which is directly responsible for relaxing the smooth muscles of many internal organs - this is extremely necessary in order to relax the uterus and, of course, avoid miscarriage.

However, along with the fact that under the direct influence of progesterone there is a real relaxation of the uterus, this hormone also simultaneously relaxes the muscles of the intestine, naturally preventing its normal emptying of all accumulated gases. And already starting from the second trimester of pregnancy and up to the final resolution of pregnancy, the baby is already growing quite quickly directly in the womb, and the uterus itself, accordingly, quite significantly increases in size and quite naturally presses on the intestines, which, of course, causes constipation and even the appearance of such bloating.

Also real reasons bloating directly during pregnancy can also become malnutrition the most pregnant, as well as exacerbation of some chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. I must say that bloating during pregnancy is also associated with constant severe stress, or simply with nervous tension, if they, of course, take place in the life of the pregnant woman herself, and sometimes with congenital enzyme deficiency. Moreover, in the latter case, the food itself, not digested in the stomach and further into small intestine due to a sharp lack of useful enzymes necessary for this, it enters the large intestine almost immediately. And then it is here that its further active decomposition takes place with the release of incredibly a large number gases, which actually provokes a sharp bloating directly during pregnancy.

The most important conditions for eliminating this unpleasant symptom become precisely a special and, of course, a well-composed daily diet, and if necessary, even the use of certain carminatives, which the doctor actually prescribes. But a diet that allows you to avoid such swelling involves really minimal food intake. certain products, which contribute to the active release and even accumulation of a large amount of gases. I must say that these are products such as legumes, as well as cabbage, asparagus, and black bread, and besides pickled vegetables, and large quantities of raw vegetables and even fruits, of course, fried and fatty foods. But you should eat often and very little, and it would be desirable to switch to fractional nutrition in general and take regular food 5 or even 6 times a day, and in very small quantities.

It is also recommended to follow water regime. So during the day it will be necessary to drink a sufficient amount of purified liquid to avoid the usual constipation. That's just the food itself better liquid not to drink at all, but to make up for its real lack only throughout the day. And at the same time, you should definitely drink from a glass, and not at all from a bottle or, say, through a straw, in order to avoid getting some excess air directly into the stomach. From ordinary drinks, it would be better to give preference to kefir, or weak tea, as well as compotes, and not carbonated water at all, which, as a rule, contains carbon dioxide. It should be noted that it would also be better to refuse coffee. It is necessary to take food while sitting, to eat, as a rule, slowly and thoroughly chewing everything.

In order to prevent such troubles, and if they have already appeared, then drastically reduce bloating during pregnancy, it would be desirable to devote some time to adequate physical activity. Even a simple but long walk somewhere on the fresh air, which allows you to really increase the tone of everything digestive tract. So, or gymnastics, and swimming - all these simple physical exercises will be the most excellent remedy for the prevention and elimination of such bloating. And the clothes themselves, both for training and for everyday wear, should be chosen exactly in a loose fit, especially so that they cannot squeeze the body in the waist and, of course, the abdomen.

However, if there is no longer any strength to deal with bloating during pregnancy, then you should consult your doctor for the usual advice about such carminative drugs. And in most cases, such a drug as Espumizan becomes the drug of choice. After all, it is he who is not absorbed into the blood at all and also does not have the slightest effect on the fetus, for which, in fact, he is recognized as safe. And yet, nevertheless, even sometimes taking carminatives, one should not at all neglect some fermented milk products, such as kefir, fermented baked milk, or yogurt. And besides, they are also a receptacle for all the necessary lactobacilli, which dramatically reduce gas formation in the intestines.

Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, a woman is warned by many difficulties and troubles. Someone only occasionally feels discomfort, while someone struggles with problems until the very birth. But there is not a single pregnant woman who has not at least once found herself in a delicate situation as a result of bloating during pregnancy. The appearance of gases is not a threatening condition, but a woman often experiences awkwardness and physical discomfort. About what causes such an eating disorder, and how to establish the normal functioning of the digestive organs during pregnancy, we will tell you in detail in this article.

Flatulence - pathological gas formation in the intestines under certain circumstances. In a significant number of women, signs of excessive swelling appear 1-1.5 weeks after conception and often become the first signal that fertilization has taken place.

Although flatulence often accompanies women throughout pregnancy and is considered quite normal but it can and must be fought. After all, if the condition is not controlled, then the situation can become very complicated. Then harmless gases during pregnancy can become the culprits of all kinds of complications in the process of gestation and childbirth.

The defining provocateur of flatulence in pregnant women is an unstable hormonal background, especially at the beginning of pregnancy. To preserve the embryo, eliminate the increase in uterine tone and prevent miscarriage, hormonal system women intensively produces a lot of progesterone. Its task is to relax all the smooth muscles of the uterus. But due to the inability to identify only the uterus, muscle tone decreases throughout the body and in the intestines in particular. In conditions of reduced tone, intestinal motility weakens, which causes gases during pregnancy in the early stages.

The cause of flatulence may not be pregnancy, but various diseases of the internal organs, which become aggravated after conception. Ulcer, duodenitis, cirrhosis, insufficiency of pancreatic enzymes, gallstone pathology, dysbacteriosis and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract prevent food from being fully digested. It enters the intestines in a semi-digested form, and there it begins to ferment. That is why gases during pregnancy so often disturb women. And sometimes future mothers did not even know before about the presence of such diseases.

Lactose deficiency can provoke chronic flatulence. If belching, diarrhea and bloating appear after drinking milk and products based on it, you should check the body's reaction to milk fat.

Among other factors that provoke gases, the following can be distinguished:

  • Errors in the diet, long breaks between meals, poorly chewed food.
  • Overeating, "night" snacks (especially in the last weeks of pregnancy).
  • Insufficient motor activity.
  • Wearing tight clothes oversized synthetic fabric.
  • Severe fluid deficiency in the body.
  • Worm invasion.
  • Diseases of vessels entering the intestine (atherosclerosis, plaques, blood clots, edema).
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane or muscle membrane.
  • Restriction of intestinal patency (adhesions, neoplasms).
  • Intestinal spasm due to stress.
  • Swallowing large amounts of air while eating.

A fast-growing uterus with a fetus can cause gases during pregnancy in the second trimester and beyond. It infringes the intestines and does not allow it to function normally. Such a process is accompanied not only by bloating, but also by constipation, frequent belching and discomfort in the diaphragm. The condition of a woman can be aggravated by taking iron supplements for anemia.

Flatulence can disturb a woman throughout the entire gestational period. The chances of getting acquainted with such an uncomfortable problem increase in women suffering from various intestinal disorders even before conception. After all, everyone knows the fact that pregnancy is a real catalyst for the exacerbation of chronic diseases. Therefore, long-standing diseases of the digestive tract are unlikely to make you wait long after pregnancy.

But also completely healthy women you have to be on the lookout. Obstetricians assure that even the absence of bloating during early pregnancy does not guarantee that problems will not appear as the uterus grows. That is, bloating can lie in wait for a woman for all 9 months.

The formation of gases is physiological process in the body, but it is important to remember that, in addition to inconvenience, it should no longer cause any negative phenomena in the form of pain, weakness and sharp deterioration well-being. If these symptoms occur, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

Symptoms and signs of bloating during pregnancy

The appearance of gases in the abdomen, regardless of the reasons that caused it, is accompanied by certain symptoms. A woman feels physical and emotional discomfort, but her condition remains satisfactory.

For flatulence, the following symptoms are inherent:

  • Pressure, fullness, heaviness is felt in the stomach and intestines.
  • Even at rest, you can hear a noise similar to gurgling, a transfusion of fluid in the abdomen.
  • Very often gases leave.
  • Nausea and vomiting, not associated with early toxicosis.
  • Appetite disorders.
  • Violation of the stool (constipation / diarrhea).
  • Belching, heartburn, bad smell.
  • Climb blood pressure, attacks of tachycardia.
  • Loss of energy, irritability.
  • Colic during passage of flatus.
  • Bitter or metallic aftertaste in the mouth.
  • Short-term pain in the intestines of a cramping nature.

In later pregnancy, abdominal pain and gas begin to affect a woman's well-being more strongly. In addition to the difficult situation with social adaptation due to the constant discharge of gases, a woman has serious problems with health. If the causes of swelling cannot be eliminated, frequent headaches occur, great weakness, dizziness. The woman becomes sleepy and weak, she does not want to drink and eat. Soon shortness of breath appears and the pulse quickens, it is difficult for a pregnant woman to move around, and as a result of refusal to eat, hemoglobin drops and oxygen circulation is disturbed.

Bloating and Gas During Pregnancy: Potential Risks and Complications

With irregular and moderate gas formation, nothing threatens a woman except for severe discomfort. But if the condition becomes chronic and cannot be corrected, serious complications can occur.

In the first trimester, such a disorder in the digestive tract can provoke hypertonicity and create a risk of miscarriage. In addition, this condition can aggravate toxicosis, dehydration. This, in turn, will cause a deficiency of substances useful for the fetus and oxygen.

At a later gestational age, a swollen intestine will displace even more internal organs and put pressure on the uterus with the baby. This can result in premature contractions and childbirth.

Important! Refusal to eat and strong psychological discomfort provoke the birth of a weakened baby with insufficient weight.

How to get rid of gases during pregnancy

Any sensations in the stomach that are unfamiliar to you should be the reason for a visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist. During your visit to the doctor, you will be given necessary tests and ultrasound examinations to rule out possible pathologies internal organs.

Based on the results of the examination, a suitable diet will be selected for you, and, if necessary, approved drugs that will eliminate gas in the abdomen during pregnancy.

Treatment methods depend on the causes of gas accumulation, therefore it is unacceptable to solve the problem of flatulence without a doctor's examination.

The right diet for bloating during pregnancy

In 80% of cases, the poor diet of a pregnant woman is to blame for the appearance of flatulence. The menu should be dominated by easily digestible natural products after a gentle heat treatment(steamed or boiled). The diet should be divided into 5-6 meals. Eat slowly, chewing each bite well.

To prevent food fermentation, you should not drink food even with water. The break between the meal and the use of any liquid should be at least 40 minutes.

The group of prohibited foods that increase gas formation includes beans, rutabaga, peas, onions, all varieties and types of cabbage, turnips. The use of bananas, soda, flour products, mushrooms, raisins, garlic, semi-finished products and liver is limited.

The daily menu of a woman who is tormented by gases during pregnancy and her stomach hurts should consist of the following products:

  • Any dairy products reduced fat content.
  • Nuts and dried fruits in small quantities.
  • Boiled fish and meat.
  • herbal or green tea, a decoction of dried fruits.
  • Biscuits biscuit, protracted ("Maria", "Zoological").
  • Laminaria and other seafood.
  • Eggs in the form of a steam omelette and boiled hard boiled.
  • Vegetable salads, casseroles, stews.
  • Soups on the second broth.
  • Cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal).
  • Fruits and berries and dishes based on them (fruit drinks, juices, jelly, smoothies).

Special dry ferments of beneficial bacteria will help speed up the process of digestion of food and eliminate gases during pregnancy. They can be used to prepare homemade yogurt and yogurt or just stir in a glass of milk and drink in the morning.

If flatulence is accompanied by constipation, you need to drink 20 g on an empty stomach olive oil, and throughout the day to adhere to the correct drinking regime(1.5-2 liters of water per day).

Medical methods for the treatment of strong gases during pregnancy

Flatulence during pregnancy is a very uncomfortable disease and should not be tolerated. In order not to provoke stress, poor health and stress on all internal organs, it is necessary to eliminate the excessive formation of gases with all available and safe methods. Diet, plenty of fluids, rest, and exercise help get rid of bloating during pregnancy, but what if these actions remain ineffective.

If making adjustments to the daily lifestyle of a pregnant woman does not positive result, an OB/GYN may recommend medication.

A woman in position is allowed to take such drugs for bloating:

  • Espumizan (analogous to Bobotik) - in the minimum dose, it quickly stops gas formation, does not enter the bloodstream, is safe for mom and baby.
  • Enterosgel (analogues Smet, white coal, Diosmectite) - absorbs and removes toxins, decay products, harmful microorganisms from the intestines. Effective for constipation or diarrhea, dysbacteriosis.
  • Creon (Pancreatin, Mezim) is an enzyme preparation that accelerates the digestion of food.
  • Bebinos, children's tea "Fennel", dill tea, Iberogast - herbal preparations that relieve the discomfort of colic.
  • Hilak forte, Biosporin, Enterogermina, Acidophilus - prebiotics that help normalize the digestive tract and increase immunity.

Has excellent carminative action chamomile tea, infusion of peppermint and dandelion seeds. You need to brew such a remedy in this way: 2 tsp. herbs in a cup of boiling water. You can safely drink 1-2 servings a day.

Physical activity for flatulence

During pregnancy, many women often have limited exercise. The reason for this is the risk of abortion in the 1st trimester, gestosis or excess weight at a later date and other complications. This complicates the treatment of gases during pregnancy, so what to do in such a situation is decided by the doctor based on the condition of the woman.

If there are no special contraindications and restrictions, it is much easier for a woman to get rid of flatulence with the help of gymnastics for pregnant women, visiting the pool, yoga and active walking. These activities start the metabolism, tone the intestinal muscles and create conditions for the rapid and complete digestion of food.

Gases in the intestines during pregnancy: prevention of problems

If you have a predisposition to gas formation, it is better to play it safe and follow certain rules of behavior immediately after conception:

  • Always wear clothes in your size that are appropriate for your pregnancy. If the outfit will compress the stomach or chest, this will affect the work of the stomach.
  • Try to move more daily. If physical activity is prohibited, just take a walk in the fresh air more often.
  • Divide portions of food into several meals and chew food for a long time.
  • Stick to proper nutrition, exclude carminative foods.
  • Try not to succumb to bouts of depression, do not be nervous, enjoy the little things.
  • Get enough rest (if desired, you can add daytime sleep).
  • When the first symptoms of flatulence appear, contact your doctor.
  • Forget about carbonated water, coffee, kvass for a while.
  • Avoid places where people smoke.

Gas formation is not a reason to be shy and keep silent about your problem. Do not be afraid to seek help from your gynecologist. He will help fix the problem, and you can safely enjoy your "special" position.

How to get rid of bloating. Video

Increased gas formation and all the consequences of this condition are of concern to almost all expectant mothers. Bloating during pregnancy gives women a lot of inconvenience. On the one hand, this is a completely natural state caused by hormonal changes And physiological changes. But on the other hand, it is fraught with various problems and complications.

Why there is increased gas formation and how to competently deal with it, you will learn by reading this article.

Bloating and gas during pregnancy - symptoms and signs

Increased gas formation, bloating and flatulence are symptoms that accompany almost every pregnancy. Sometimes this happens in the very early stages - literally from the first weeks after conception or even before the delay, in other cases it develops at the end of the first trimester.

The main cause of increased gas formation, flatulence during pregnancy, as well as belching, heartburn, nausea, diarrhea and other unpleasant phenomena - effect of hormones on the digestive tract. Progesterone relaxes smooth muscle tissue (reduces the tone of the uterus, and at the same time the stomach and intestines), because of which the digestion process inevitably changes.

Food begins to be digested and move through the gastrointestinal tract much more slowly, which is why a wide variety of negative phenomena occur, including gas formation. Often, bloating during pregnancy occurs immediately after eating: this is due to a lack of enzymatic activity in the stomach.

Increased gas formation, indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, diarrhea and bloating in the second trimester and later are due to another reason, namely - an increase in the size of the uterus and fetus. The uterus puts pressure on the digestive tract, moves the intestines and stomach from their usual places, changes their configuration, which inevitably affects the work of internal organs.

Additional symptoms with bloating and gas formation:

  • bitterness or metallic taste in the mouth;
  • heartburn;
  • esophagitis reflux - throwing the contents of the stomach into the esophagus, which causes unpleasant feeling burning in the chest;
  • a feeling of fullness in the abdominal cavity;
  • heart rate increases (pulse speeds up);
  • loss of appetite;
  • digestive disorders - diarrhea or constipation;
  • frequent gases;
  • nausea;
  • colic, pain, rumbling in the abdomen;
  • increase in blood pressure.

Often the symptoms mentioned above are due to pathological causes– for example, gastritis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcer or pancreatitis.

The answer to the question of how to get rid of bloating depends on the diagnosis made by the doctor. Experts categorically do not recommend treating flatulence and other phenomena on their own. First you need to find out if there are any pathological causes that affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The doctor decides for himself how to deal with increased gas formation. Sometimes diet and lifestyle changes are enough. In other situations, you need safe drugs type Espumizana And Smekty. In addition to pills and drugs, they help well folk remedies vegetable origin.

You need to see a doctor urgently if bloating is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • persistent nausea and vomiting;
  • persistent diarrhea;
  • prolonged constipation;
  • blood in the stool;
  • spasms and contractions in the abdomen.

Excessive gas in the abdomen is in any case an undesirable phenomenon, even if it was caused natural causes. Bloating is dangerous by squeezing blood vessels uterus and causes painful swelling in a woman.

How to remove heaviness, bloating and colic, we will talk in the following sections. But first, let's find out what causes flatulence.

Causes of flatulence during pregnancy

The main reasons we have already voiced - hormonal changes in the body and the growth of the uterus.

Let's talk about these and other culprits of flatulence and bloating in more detail.

In the early stages

Bloating often appears even before a woman finds out about pregnancy. She may think that unpleasant phenomena in the abdominal cavity are associated with PMS and are a harbinger of menstruation. But women who have given birth already know that intense gas formation and bloating occur not only before menstruation, but also indicate hormonal changes.

It happens that several reasons in a complex lead to an increased formation of gases at once. Or one cause leads to another.

At a later date

How longer term, the larger the fetus and the more intense the pressure on the surrounding organs. Pregnant women and women who have given birth know firsthand what pressure on bladder, diaphragm and stomach.

It is the growth of the fetus that causes digestive disorders of a different nature in the later stages. Other reasons are the same as in the 1-2 trimesters.

In this video, the specialist talks about changes in the digestive tract in pregnant women:

What to do for pregnant women with bloating - useful tips

How to relieve symptoms and normalize the digestive tract? As usual, the most effective method- This complex treatment. But first you need to exclude the pathological nature of bloating - that is, make sure that gas formation and other "joys" are not accompanied by gastritis or an ulcer.

So, the first thing to do is to visit a gastroenterologist (in the direction of a gynecologist) and undergo a diagnosis. The usual tests (blood, urine, feces), ultrasound and gastroscopy are enough to find out if there is serious illnesses in the digestive tract.

If there are no diseases, the following useful recommendations will help you.

Tip 1. Increase physical activity

Exercises for pregnant women have never harmed anyone - if they are performed competently, without fanaticism and under the guidance (at least remotely) of a specialist. Classes at home or in the gym as part of a group improve the activity of the digestive tract and reduce gas formation. Exercises with a fitball (gymnastics ball) are especially effective.

It is also useful for pregnant women to swim, do yoga (a complex for pregnant women), and walk more often. In the first trimester, it is necessary to exercise with extreme caution, since there is a risk of abortion, but in the middle and late periods, the volume and intensity of exercises can be increased.

Tip 2. Adjust your diet and daily routine

A diet, especially designed individually by a professional nutritionist, relieves many problems, including those of a digestive nature.

First you need to exclude from the diet products that cause intense gas formation - raw vegetables and fruits, legumes, flour and switch to more "loyal" products in this regard.

There are several varieties herbal preparations and mono-broths designed specifically to improve digestion. It is only important to exclude allergic reactions on certain plants.

Dandelion, St. John's wort, yarrow, carrot seeds and many other plants are excellent for bloating, and at the same time for other problems. A well-proven remedy for colic in newborns - Dill water(fennel). Helps not only babies, but also mothers.

What can a doctor prescribe - medication methods of treatment

Most doctors are for the complex treatment of flatulence. In addition to correcting the daily routine, physical activity And diet food, they prescribe therapy with safe drugs.

You can do without them, but it is better not to endure bloating and other uncomfortable symptoms, especially intense ones. Therefore, along with gymnastics and proper nutrition drugs are allowed.

The list of approved drugs includes:

  1. Espumizan- it does not enter the bloodstream and quickly reduces gas formation.
  2. Smecta and its analogues - absorbs toxins and removes them from the body.
  3. Iberogast- a preparation of plant origin.
  4. Mezim and similar tablets - accelerate the digestion of food.
  5. Hilak Forte and other prebiotics- normalize digestion and increase immunity.

In addition to medication, exercise, and diet, early stages a heating pad helps a lot with bloating, but you should not abuse this method.

Bloating and gases in the abdomen: risks and consequences

Any digestive disorders are unpleasant in themselves and at the same time negatively affect all other systems - cardiovascular, urinary, endocrine. You can't call bloating a "harmless misunderstanding" in any way.

Concomitant symptoms: headache and heart pain, migraine, insomnia, palpitations, increased blood pressure. All these manifestations are not only unpleasant, but also dangerous to the health of the fetus and the expectant mother.

In medicine, cases have been recorded when, in the early stages, the stomach, swollen from gases, blocked the lumens of the blood vessels responsible for nourishing the uterus, which led to oxygen starvation embryo. This is one of the most undesirable conditions for the unborn baby.

There is also a risk of premature labor activity in the middle and late periods: gas pressure increases the tone of the uterus and leads to spontaneous miscarriage.

Gases in the intestines during pregnancy: prevention of problems

Correcting nutrition will prevent the problem and prevent it from developing to dangerous proportions.

Exclude from the menu at least for a while: fatty, fried, salted, smoked, flour, legumes, corn, sausages, canned food, pasta, sour foods, fast food.

Make the basis of the diet: fermented milk products (cheese, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese), nuts, boiled fish, seafood, dried fruits, black bread, casseroles, eggs, green tea, herbs, cereals, lean soups.

stick universal rules for pregnant:

  • fractional nutrition;
  • the optimal amount of food and calories (calculated by the doctor);
  • diet;
  • enough water;
  • daily walks.

And you can’t worry, lift heavy things, eat before bed. And see your gynecologist and gastroenterologist more often.


Now you know that bloating and gas during pregnancy are not at all harmless. side effects overeating. These symptoms are of a deeper and more complex nature and require professional and competent elimination under the guidance of a doctor.

Be healthy and see you soon!

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