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Toxicosis during early pregnancy what. Additional control methods. You should immediately visit a doctor when a pregnant woman

Toxicosis during pregnancy early stages: how to deal with it

The joy of a woman who discovers that she will soon become a mother is often overshadowed by the deterioration of well-being that follows this news: nausea, vomiting, fatigue, odor intolerance, hypersalivation ( increased salivation). Not everyone experiences these symptoms, but most expectant mothers experience at least some of the “delights” of this frequent companion pregnancy.

Toxicosis during early pregnancy does not necessarily manifest itself as nausea. It has many other “guises” - we will now talk about them, as well as the causes of toxicosis and ways to get rid of it.

  1. Signs
  2. Why does toxicosis occur in the first trimester?
  3. Causes of toxicosis in the early stages
  4. When does it start and end
  5. No toxicosis during pregnancy
  6. Boy or girl: signs and medical point vision
  7. Is it possible to prevent the occurrence
  8. How to alleviate the condition and how to fight it
  9. Severe toxicosis
  10. Health care
  11. Diet and nutrition

How does toxicosis manifest itself in the early stages?

Toxicosis of pregnant women is a complex of symptoms observed in women expecting a child, associated with the adaptation of the mother’s body to the fetus that has “settled” in it.

Signs of toxicosis in early pregnancy:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • apathy;
  • intolerance to certain odors;
  • perversion taste preferences or just a change taste preferences(for example, a woman begins to eat pickles as a bite with ice cream, or a lover suddenly can no longer tolerate it and greedily pounces on previously unloved bananas).

Symptoms of toxicosis are not always standard. TO typical manifestations include morning toxicosis and evening toxicosis (if a woman goes to bed on a full stomach). After vomiting there is usually relief.

In the early stages, this is how toxicosis normally manifests itself. Toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy also has other signs.

  • dermatoses (skin rashes, itching);
  • ptyalism (increased salivation);
  • increased appetite.

In the latter case, a woman cannot endure the state of hunger either in the morning or in the evening. Many people think that their appetite simply increases due to the formation of the fetus, but in fact it looks like this special shape toxicosis. It is hunger that provokes the feeling of nausea, which disappears after eating (biscuits, crackers).

Ptyalism, which torments a woman at the beginning of pregnancy and frequent vomiting (more than 8 times a day), is dangerous due to dehydration in its extreme manifestations.

One of the severe forms is considered bronchial asthma. Fortunately, it is observed extremely rarely.

Why toxicosis occurs in the first months of coexistence between mother and fetus, doctors still cannot say for sure.

Doctors divide the causes of early toxicosis in pregnant women into:

  • hormonal;
  • immunological;
  • neuropsychological.

Another reason for early toxicosis in pregnant women is women: the fetus’s body is a foreign protein, because two people participate in its conception: a man and a woman, so the maternal immune cells “defenders” are trying to deal with the “stranger.” But nature is reasonable and in the early stages the immune system undergoes changes, the overall immune response decreases, but locally, at the site of implantation, it becomes more active. This occurs during pregnancy at the earliest early stages until the placenta is formed, and with it the fetoplacental barrier.

Toxicosis also occurs due to “unusual” concentrations of hormones: and. An increase in their level affects the subcortical substance of the brain. At the beginning of pregnancy, a restructuring of the nervous system begins: it does not have time to adapt to the powerful and dramatic hormonal changes that occur in the early stages.

The most vulnerable centers responsible for vomiting reflex and drooling. Therefore, toxicosis of pregnant women begins with these symptoms (vomiting, nausea, sometimes saliva flows into the large quantities, well-being is disturbed).

But all these manifestations are transient and, in most cases, do not require treatment; they end on their own. At this time, the formation of the placenta ends, it takes over hormonal processes and the symptoms of toxicosis cease. The expectant mother appears cheerful and in a good mood.

In addition, progesterone has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the uterus so that it does not contract and “throw out” the fetus. The smooth muscle apparatus of the intestine also relaxes, and the contents are retained in it. The gastrointestinal tract works slowly and does not remove metabolic products well. As a result, women develop toxicosis.

Psychological reasons: a woman may be nervous (and she may experience excitement on a subconscious level, this does not manifest itself outwardly) about changing her social status. She is worried about material side, fears for the health and well-being of the unborn child. All this leads to unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis. In women who are calm about themselves and about their child, toxicosis goes away faster and does not manifest itself so clearly. Practice shows that among women who are active in the workplace, managers, and entrepreneurs, who have a burden of responsibility on their shoulders, toxicosis develops earlier and lasts longer.

When does toxicosis begin during early pregnancy?

Early toxicosis of pregnant women begins when ovum is firmly fixed in the wall of the uterus and begins to release substances produced by it into the blood of the mother’s body. This is usually the fifth or .

Sometimes women experience lightheadedness from the first days of the delay. How long toxicosis lasts and when it ends is individual for each pregnant woman. But by the end of the first trimester the situation should normalize.

Ginger is also used in pure form– not necessarily as a component of a drink. To make it easier to survive difficult period first trimester, have a piece of ginger root on hand: chew it Hard time or just rub it on your tongue. A sharp attack of lightheadedness will help with a piece of ice, which you need to hold in your mouth. Make ice ahead of time.

The measures described above will help eliminate toxicosis if it is mild, and alleviate its symptoms if the doctor has established a moderate degree of toxicosis.

Signs medium degree:

  • constant or frequent nausea;
  • vomiting up to 10 times a day;
  • weight loss up to 3 kg.

Toxicosis can become especially severe if a woman is forced to go to work, where she has to be constantly on edge. Then stop the manifestations pathological condition Often it can only be done in a hospital. At home, you can only ease attacks and reduce the intensity of symptoms, but you will not be able to cope with severe toxicosis on your own. You can only escape from terrible severe toxicosis and save the fetus in a hospital.

Severe toxicosis in early pregnancy

The causes of severe toxicosis in the early stages are sharp jumps hormonal levels, the presence of chronic diseases in a pregnant woman. Although again it should be noted that no one can yet name the exact reasons.

Severe toxicosis in early pregnancy is expressed in:

  • vomiting up to 20 times a day;
  • apathetic state;
  • dehydration;
  • arrhythmias;
  • hypotension;
  • sudden weight loss.

Clinical blood parameters worsen: the level of leukocytes increases, due to dehydration, the level of creatinine and urea increases. Severe toxicosis during pregnancy requires urgent medical intervention. Terrible toxicosis threatens miscarriage, as well as a serious deterioration in the patient’s condition.

Treatment in a hospital helps eliminate even the most severe toxicosis. In the future, the pregnant woman will have to be especially attentive to her condition, as there is a risk of developing late toxicosis during the third trimester.


Medical care for toxicosis in the early stages consists of prescribing special medications that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and help remove toxins from the body.

The fight against toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy begins with placing the patient in a hospital and examination.

One of the main drugs that quickly relieves vomiting is cerucal. If a woman does not have a fever (and with an average degree there is a subfebrile condition) and more or less normal indicators blood, sometimes cerucal in tablets and an enterosorbent (for example, enterosgel) are enough.

Intravenous drip administration of saline, glucose, saline solutions: Ringer's and others (you need to put in a drip) helps to quickly relieve the symptoms of intoxication and dehydration.

If observed rare forms toxicosis (for example, without vomiting, but with bright skin manifestations), treatment must be adjusted with the participation of specialized specialists (for example, a dermatologist and an allergist).

Often used for moderate and severe toxicosis such medicines:

  • Chophytol;
  • polysorb;
  • cocculin;
  • zofran;
  • metoclopramide;
  • Essentiale forte.

Hophytol protects the liver from damage. It effectively reduces the level of urea in the blood and improves blood supply to the placenta. Acts as a mild diuretic and choleretic.

Polysorb, Enterosgel, as well as Filtrum and Smecta are adsorbents that absorb metabolic products and gently remove them. Medicines are not absorbed into the blood and are absolutely safe for the fetus. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor.

Drugs that are safe and indirectly help with toxicosis include no-spa. It relieves spasms of the gastrointestinal tract. You should drink it as recommended by your gynecologist.

It is difficult to completely cure toxicosis in the first trimester. But you can relieve many symptoms and thereby make your life easier. Over time, toxicosis should go away on its own. This happens by the second trimester.

Nutrition for pregnant women with toxicosis in the early stages has its own characteristics. Some kind of special strict diet You don’t need to comply, but you should adjust your diet as best as possible.

During the first three months, to prevent attacks of severe toxicosis, it is necessary to ease the work of the intestines as much as possible, for which you eat more fruits and vegetables, and reduce the amount of meat.

It is easier to survive toxicosis if you eat fractionally, that is, divide food into small portions and snack often and little by little, without waiting strong feeling hunger.

Food products must contain everything necessary for the fetus substances. Lean on dairy products: kefir, cottage cheese, cottage cheese casserole. You can prepare liquid semolina porridge– for some reason, it helps some people to escape from lightheadedness and not lose weight.

There is no need to force yourself to eat - if you don’t have an appetite, you need to wait, chew a piece of ginger, peel or lemon.

But you definitely need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, especially if you are vomiting. escape from morning sickness You can freeze an ice cube with lemon juice and swallow it in the morning on an empty stomach. Only the cube should be very small.

Proper nutrition should help prevent the development of toxicosis. But there is no single recipe for everyone. Select products, arrange them the way you like, even if they are strange and outlandish combinations at first glance, find your own way to cope with negative manifestations. And remember: early toxicosis is normal. He does not talk about the danger of miscarriage and other pathologies. Just motherly and children's organisms adapt to each other. You just have to be patient and everything will work out. Only severe cases with a potential threat to life require consultation with a doctor. But, fortunately, they are rare.

“Toxicosis” is one of the most popular words among pregnant women in the early stages. Often this condition begins before the woman finds out that she is expecting a child. Toxicosis, of course, is not fatal, but, as doctors say, it is a pathology that healthy woman there shouldn't be. Yes, it happens, and not infrequently, just like this, when in 5 pregnancies a woman has never vomited. But practice, unfortunately, demonstrates that most women still have happy event is overshadowed by this very toxicosis.

What is early toxicosis?

Early toxicosis occurs in 1-3 months of pregnancy and is accompanied by decreased appetite, nausea, salivation, vomiting, decreased blood pressure, unusual reaction to odors. That is, the concept of “toxicosis” is not equal to the concept of “vomiting,” as some believe. Calling toxicosis a disease is not entirely correct. It's more likely special condition, caused by certain reasons.

Causes of early toxicosis

But doctors still cannot agree on what these reasons are. Some consider it a protective reaction of the expectant mother to foreign cells in her body (“daddy’s part,” for example), others consider it a manifestation of an unhealthy liver and gastrointestinal tract, third - by improper processing of impulses emanating from the fetal egg to the mother’s nervous system, fourth - by a “riot” of hormones. The generally accepted statement on this matter is that toxicosis in the early stages occurs when the mechanism of adaptation of the woman’s body to pregnancy is disrupted. They also claim that thyroid disease predisposes to the development of toxicosis, poor nutrition, nervous tension.

But both doctors and psychologists agree on one thing: supposedly nausea occurs as a result of a woman’s rejection of her new position, that is, toxicosis has a psychological background. Experts say that expectant mother may not be aware of this and may not feel it at all psychological discomfort. In this case, the help of a psychologist is very important.

First aid for toxicosis

In fact, you can wait it out. If this option suits you, then be patient and wait. In most cases, by 12-13 weeks of pregnancy, the symptoms of toxicosis disappear. However, this phenomenon can be combated quite effectively.

At drug therapy For nausea, the doctor will most likely prescribe , and, if necessary, hofitol, no-shpa, valerian, etc., from homeopathy - Viburkol suppositories. Herbal decoctions are also effective. For example, they reduce the feeling of nausea and refresh. If there is excessive salivation, it is useful to rinse your mouth with a decoction of oak bark.

Features of nutrition for toxicosis

In case of toxicosis, it is necessary to eat in small portions on average every 2 hours. Food should be somewhat chilled, easy to digest, and not include fried, fatty, or spicy foods. The main diet should be meat - young veal, chicken, rabbit, fish; dairy products (especially useful for breakfast) - low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt - that is, you should focus on rich in proteins and carbohydrate foods. Fresh vegetables and fruits should now occupy a special place in your diet. Porridge is useful, you can take breakfast cereals.

Before eating or immediately after waking up (you can without getting out of bed), drink a small glass warm water- better than mineral, but without gas. Drink water in small sips. Don't forget to drink enough (at least 1.5-2 liters per day). The fluid maintains a normal volume of circulating blood, and it is also necessary to maintain normal levels and prevent dehydration.

Cranberry juice, chamomile tea, green tea with lemon, mineral water(without gas!), carrot and apple juice, also: celery and beet juice. You should not drink sour juices - orange, tangerine - juices. Grapefruit and pomegranate are acceptable.

Do not overuse, or even better, exclude, salty and fatty foods. It would be nice to forget about chocolate for a while.

And one more thing: don’t force yourself to eat when you don’t feel like it. Do not force your body, as you may not like its response at all.

Exercise and behavior during toxicosis

Now is the time to try pregnancy yoga. These classes will help normalize the functioning of the stomach, liver, and kidneys. At regular training Vascular tone is strengthened, headaches and dizziness disappear. During the classes you will be taught special breathing, which will help you relax and will be extremely useful during childbirth.

Spend more time outdoors and, if possible, limit your time in stuffy rooms. Also try long time Do not sit at the computer, and choose clothes that do not restrict your movements.

Take baths with sea ​​salt. Don't forget to drink (vitamin B6 and ascorbic acid), but before taking them it is still better to consult a doctor.

Then forget about this bad habit, which, first of all, harms the unborn baby. Also avoid secondhand smoke.

And one more thing: don’t forget about rest. You need it now more than ever!

Especially for- Ksenia Dakhno

Toxicosis – painful condition a person, accompanied by intoxication of the body due to the action of toxic substances on it. Most women face this problem during pregnancy. It becomes the cause of poor health of the expectant mother and severe forms may require hospitalization. Toxicosis most often occurs during early pregnancy and lasts for several months until the end of the first trimester - 11-13 weeks.

The manifestation of toxicosis in a pregnant woman on average begins from the moment when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus and hormones are produced. This is a period of 4-5 weeks. However, sometimes the condition of the expectant mother worsens even before, toxicosis manifests itself at 2-3 weeks of pregnancy.


The question of why toxicosis appears in the first weeks of pregnancy is difficult to answer. For many scientists, this phenomenon remains a poorly understood issue.

Gynecologists identify several possible reasons:

  1. Defensive reaction. The fertilized egg, attached to the wall of the uterus, is perceived by the woman’s body as a foreign object. The immune system tries in every way to get rid of it, produces antibodies that provoke toxicosis.
  2. Hormonal surge. From the first minutes of conception, a woman’s body begins to produce - an indicator of the presence and successful development of pregnancy. By 6-11 weeks it increases thousands of times. Such a high concentration of the hormone affects the central nervous system, which does not have time to quickly get used to changes in the body and perceives them as a negative factor.
  3. The emotional state of a woman. Fears, worries, negative feelings, self-hypnosis lead to the fact that a pregnant woman, on a subconscious level, pre-sets herself and her body to feel unwell. During pregnancy, the central nervous system changes greatly. The centers of the brain that are responsible for the gag reflex, sense of smell, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract function in an enhanced mode.
  4. Hereditary factor. If other women related line suffered from toxicosis, then the expectant mother will also certainly encounter this disease.
  5. Chronic infections, diseases. Women with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, of cardio-vascular system more susceptible to toxicosis. The correct lifestyle plays a big role, the absence bad habits.

People say that the manifestation of toxicosis depends on whether the pregnant woman is expecting a boy or a girl. If it is a son, then the painful condition will pass quickly and unnoticed. If it is a girl, then the expectant mother will suffer from toxicosis throughout the first trimester. However, this belief is considered untested and scientifically unproven.

Toxicosis during early pregnancy: symptoms

The expectant mother should know how toxicosis manifests itself in the early stages of pregnancy in order to be prepared for its manifestations and take timely measures to alleviate the condition.

  • nausea, vomiting, copious discharge saliva;
  • weakness, drowsiness, dizziness;
  • skin rash, itching;
  • loss of appetite;
  • mood swings, irritability.

At normal development pregnancy symptoms of nausea, vomiting occur several times a day, often in the morning or evening time. These symptoms do not disturb the general condition and do not endanger the health of the mother and the unborn child.

If there are attacks of vomiting 10–15 times a day, sudden weight loss, dehydration, or decreased blood pressure, the pregnant woman is hospitalized in the hospital. Doctors will carry out the necessary diagnostics, prescribe treatment and physical therapy to restore and maintain the expectant mother’s body.

How long does it last and when does it stop?

Pregnancy for every woman is a highly individual process. It is impossible to determine the duration and time of cessation of toxicosis.

On average the signs this phenomenon continue until the placenta is formed. This is approximately the end of the first trimester - the beginning of the second (12-14 weeks).

What complications can there be?

Signs of toxicosis can be observed in every second pregnant woman. For some, it occurs in a mild form, limited to nausea, sometimes vomiting, slight weight loss, mild malaise, and dizziness. This condition is common and absolutely safe for the health of mother and child.

In others, toxicosis manifests itself in a complicated form. If it is not treated early stage, this can provoke dangerous complications:

  • rapid weight loss, dehydration that occurs with severe vomiting (10-15 times a day);
  • disruption of the central nervous system, liver, kidneys, which leads to panic, depressive state, yellowness of the skin;
  • decreased blood pressure, tachycardia;
  • high levels of acetone in blood and urine tests;
  • , which occurs closer to the third trimester, can lead to placental abruption and the death of the baby.

All of these phenomena require immediate hospitalization of the pregnant woman and prescription necessary treatment depending on the severity of toxicosis. With the most neglected form a decision may be made to have an abortion according to the doctor's indications.

Video about manifestations of toxicosis


Only the attending gynecologist can provide assistance with complicated forms of toxicosis in the first months of pregnancy. He will carry out everything necessary tests, will appoint medications, aimed at normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and removing toxins from the body.

To quickly relieve symptoms and make a pregnant woman feel better, doctors prescribe:

  • medications in the form of tablets, suspensions;
  • intravenous drip administration of glucose, physiological or saline solution.

Most effective drugs for toxicosis:

  • Chofitol, Essentiale forte – herbal remedies, which have a choleretic and antioxidant effect.
  • Cerucal, Zofran, Metoclopramide are medications that stop attacks of vomiting and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Enterosgel, Filtrum, Polysorb and other sorbents. The products remove toxins, pathogenic microbes, harmful chemicals from the intestines and body, and normalize the functioning of the stomach, liver, and kidneys.
  • Valerian or motherwort - used as depressant, for insomnia for proper sleep, reducing the tone of the uterus.
  • Cocculin, Riboxin are medications that stimulate metabolism, which has a positive effect on the health of the baby and mother.

It is difficult, almost impossible, to completely get rid of toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy. However, when in the right way life, giving up bad habits, many symptoms can be weakened, thereby making pregnancy easier. This is especially true for women who are not susceptible acute form diseases. By using balanced diet nutrition, folk remedies You can normalize the general condition of the expectant mother.

Compliance proper diet nutrition will help a woman get rid of or at least prevent attacks of nausea and vomiting during initial terms pregnancy.

  1. Avoid fatty, fried, salty, smoked, spicy foods, carbonated drinks, coffee, reduce the amount of meat in your diet, increase your intake of fruits and vegetables.
  2. Increase the consumption of fermented milk products and fish.
  3. Drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water
  4. Use small meals, snack often so that you don’t feel hungry.
  5. Do not eat a lot of sweets and flour products.
  6. Chew your food slowly, take your time.

In the early stages of pregnancy, you can eat a little of everything without denying yourself anything.

The main thing is that the food is digestible and useful for the expectant mother and baby.

Folk remedies

In mild cases of toxicosis, herbal remedies from traditional medicine can be used to relieve the feeling of nausea and vomiting.

Because of natural origin they will not harm the health of the unborn child:

  • ginger tea or a mixture of ginger, lemon juice, honey;
  • mint tea;
  • raspberry leaf tea;
  • fennel seed decoction;
  • decoction with the addition of cumin;
  • spicy clove sticks;
  • a small amount of citrus fruits (lemon, orange, tangerine);
  • rosehip decoction.

These remedies can only make you feel better during toxicosis. It is worth finding an effective substance that will help.

Is it possible to prevent development?

Prevention of toxicosis – necessary measures which will prevent the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms. To do this you should:

  • remove all spicy foods from your diet, unpleasant smell, including spices, herbs;
  • stick to active image life, fulfill physical exercise, walk a lot in the fresh air;
  • eat right, eat small portions, give up bad habits;
  • have a slice of lemon or purified water with lemon juice on hand;
  • in the morning, without getting out of bed, chew a handful of nuts and cookies;
  • drink clean water after waking up and throughout the day.

Toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy is a common occurrence and occurs in most expectant mothers. It is important for every woman to know how to deal with its manifestations and preventive measures.

It seems that there is not a single expectant mother who would not encounter toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy. And the stories of friends who gave birth can even fill the entire period of pregnancy with gloomy expectations.

Toxicosis during pregnancy can be expressed in different ways: from mild morning sickness to vomiting 3-10 times a day, which requires medical supervision and treatment. There are several signs of toxicosis, but the most noticeable and painful is nausea, which sometimes causes real suffering.

Why does toxicosis occur?

Beginning of pregnancy - time big changes and a very exciting moment.

Causes of toxicosis in early pregnancy:

  1. hormonal changes in the body;
  2. a woman's fears and anxiety increased emotionality, even in the case of an expected pregnancy, therefore, the “expulsion” of toxicosis is largely in the hands of the expectant mother herself;
  3. response of the maternal immune system.
  • Hormone levels rise quickly in the blood, but nervous system does not have time to change lanes after them;
  • As a result, the functions of special areas of the brain - the so-called subcortical nuclei - are impaired;
  • They become active special zones, which affect the vomiting centers and a painful symptom of nausea occurs;
  • An embryo or fertilized egg is a foreign body for the mother’s body, which a woman carries for several months, and pregnancy itself is stressful;
  • During the life of the fetus, certain organic substances are released into the blood;
  • Toxicosis is the body's response to their appearance. The manifestation of this response is akin to poisoning: it causes attacks of nausea, vomiting and general deterioration well-being.

It is no coincidence that this condition is called toxicosis: from the word “toxin” - a poison of biological origin. But, of course, toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy is not poisoning. More like special individual condition, a kind of protective reaction of the female body.

The “risk group” for toxicosis includes women over the age of 35, with gynecological diseases, surgeries and abortions in the past, kidney and (or) liver diseases, endocrine disorders, smokers.

When toxicosis appears

Many women are concerned about the question of when does toxicosis begin during early pregnancy?

  1. A normal pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of the first signs of toxicosis from the 4th to the 8th week;
  2. Some mothers notice its signs literally from the first days of the delay and even a little earlier.

Know! Mild nausea in early pregnancy - normal phenomenon. It begins at the 5th or 6th week, reaching a peak at the 12th, but does not require additional medical attention, but requires a calm attitude from the pregnant woman herself. Most difficult period toxicosis can last no more than 2 weeks.

The described phenomena do not accompany every pregnancy, and many women are practically unfamiliar with toxicosis.

When toxicosis goes away

The question of how long toxicosis lasts during pregnancy and what its severity depends on is very individual. By week 16, as a rule, early toxicosis stops and a noticeable improvement occurs.

At this time, the formation of the placenta ends. It softens the “hormonal attack” and the most unpleasant symptoms toxicosis, since it is a kind of blood filter.

The duration and manifestations of toxicosis depend on:

  • the woman's health status before pregnancy;
  • her lifestyle, diet, bad habits;
  • environmental situation in the area of ​​residence;
  • heredity.

Confident, balanced women who have the opportunity not to go to work suffer less from toxicosis.

Women forced to work, especially those in leadership positions, suffer from toxicosis longer and it is more pronounced in them. It is also believed that women with an asthenic build are more susceptible to toxicosis: tall, thin, with long fingers, arms and legs.

What complicates toxicosis

It is ideal if you were preparing for pregnancy and know in advance about existing chronic diseases. In every tenth woman, symptoms of nausea are associated with diseases of the digestive tract.

Know! If you have had problems with your stomach, liver or pancreas, the situation with toxicosis may worsen.

  1. The uterus begins to grow and organs abdominal cavity forced to adapt to a new situation;
  2. The growth of the uterus can cause changes in the position and shape of the stomach, which, in turn, can lead to fluctuations in the acidity of gastric juice. They are the ones who often cause metallic taste in the mouth and attacks of lightheadedness in the morning;
  3. Compression of the gallbladder and ducts can impede the flow of bile into the digestive tract, causing a bitter taste in the mouth and the urge to vomit (read the article on the topic: Bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy >>>);
  4. Hormonal changes can provoke a lack of a special pancreatic enzyme that breaks down fats. As a result, fatty foods will be less digestible and cause poor health;
  5. The most dangerous cause of lightheadedness and sudden frightening dizziness for a pregnant woman can be vascular spasms and vibrations blood pressure, which she may mistakenly take for manifestations of toxicosis.

Therefore, the doctor monitors blood pressure at every visit to him (read on the topic: What tests are taken during pregnancy?>>>).

When to worry

Toxicosis, which gives doctors real concern, can occur from the 18th week of pregnancy. Its signs are:

  • continuous lightheadedness and painful vomiting up to 5-6 times a day;
  • proteinuria - the presence of protein in the urine;
  • complete inability to eat;
  • lack of required weight gain;
  • a sharp deterioration in health;
  • swelling spreading from the feet (more about swelling of the feet during pregnancy >>>);
  • increased blood pressure.

Attention! Cases of severe uncontrollable vomiting require medical supervision in a hospital and individually selected treatment.

How to treat toxicosis

How to deal with toxicosis during pregnancy? There is no special treatment for toxicosis in pregnant women, but under no circumstances should you endure its debilitating symptoms. Help for toxicosis depends on specific symptoms, health status and is always individual.

The doctor’s efforts in severe cases of toxicosis are aimed at:

  1. blocking brain centers that are responsible for nausea;
  2. maintaining the body's water metabolism;
  3. maintaining organs of concern: most often the stomach, liver and kidneys.

When dealing with an expectant mother, the doctor cannot use the full arsenal of medications, so general case make do with purpose sedatives on plant based, a number of physio- and acupuncture procedures.

What will help with toxicosis?

A universal remedy for toxicosis during pregnancy has not yet been found. Helps overcome painful attacks of lightheadedness A complex approach to the problem: physical activity, fresh air and enjoyable food.

Important! Any product that does not cause rejection and nausea, affecting specific sensitive points tongue - sour, tart, astringent, intense breathing through the mouth, switching attention help reduce the severity of the attack.

In difficult times, the way out may be:

  • sour candy;
  • a handful of dried fruits;
  • a slice of aromatic orange, ginger, a slice of persimmon;
  • a glass of weak tea, preferably green, and it should be drunk in several doses, in small sips;
  • Freshly squeezed juices of fruits and berries, which help relieve nausea associated with toxicosis during pregnancy, are also loaded with vitamins.

The only thing you don’t need to do if you have toxicosis during pregnancy is fast. Eating small portions helps with toxicosis. You shouldn't feel hungry. Let there always be a muesli bar, dry food or apple in your purse.

Honey is a real natural medicine that contains many microelements that are vital for the expectant mother. A spoonful of natural honey taken on an empty stomach will be perfectly absorbed and will calm the stomach (read the article

According to statistics, manifestations of toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy (first trimester) are recorded in 50% of expectant mothers. There is still debate among doctors about how to classify toxicosis: as a natural reaction of the body to the birth of a new life or as a pathology. The need to suppress toxicosis and the level of danger of this condition for the fetus and mother is determined individually depending on the symptoms that appear, their frequency and general condition body. Some women tolerate early gestosis (another medical name for toxicosis) easily, while for others this condition makes life much more difficult.

It is impossible to know in advance what this period will be like in an individual case: the relationship between the frequency and depth of manifestations of toxicosis and heredity, physical activity and lifestyle has not yet been proven. Likewise, before conception, it is impossible to determine exactly when the expectant mother will experience the first symptoms of early gestosis. In most cases (7 out of 10 women) they occur at 4-5 weeks. One expectant mother out of 10 is visited earlier - at 3 weeks. At normal course During pregnancy, this uncomfortable period ends with the end of the first trimester - at 12-14 weeks.

The specific timing of the end of toxicosis, as well as its beginning, is strictly individual, but if relief does not occur by the end of the first trimester, this is a reason to urgently notify your gynecologist.

The classic manifestation of the disease is a state of nausea, which occurs most often in the morning and is not always accompanied by vomiting. It was on this basis that our grandmothers identified an “interesting situation” in the presence of delayed menstruation.

Other symptoms of early toxicosis, which in most cases come in addition to nausea, are:

  • pathological drowsiness during the day while maintaining normal night sleep;
  • ptyalism (intense salivation, leading to dehydration of the body. During the day, a persistent feeling of being full of saliva remains in the mouth, prompting you to constantly spit it out);
  • heightened reaction to odors. Aromas that were previously commonplace become intolerable during toxicosis;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • general weakness of the body.

Vomiting should be highlighted separately - this symptom qualifies the severity of early toxicosis:

  • light;
  • average (moderate);
  • heavy.

In pregnant women, vomiting can occur spontaneously, without connection with food intake or external irritants. Some expectant mothers vomit even from a sip of water.

Characteristics mild degree early toxicosis:

  • vomiting no more than 5 times a day;
  • the general condition improves immediately after getting rid of the vomit;
  • vomiting does not occur immediately after eating;
  • weight remains normal (weight loss of up to 5% of total weight is considered normal).

Signs of toxicosisMild degreeModerateHeavy
Weight loss (kg/week)2-3 3-5 5-8
Body temperatureNormlow-grade feverHigh
Decreased arterial
Minor90/50 80/40 and below
TachycardiaUp to 90100-110 120 and above
Acetone content in urineNo++ ++++

The average degree of toxicosis is characterized by more frequent vomiting(from 5 to 15 times a day), in which case the process becomes painful and is accompanied by prolonged muscle spasms. In moderate cases, dehydration occurs due to profuse salivation. Also, the average degree is fraught with noticeable weight loss (from 5 to 15%) of body weight - this is due to the fact that the foods consumed do not have time to be absorbed. Flaw nutrients can have a very negative impact on the development of the fetus, because it is in the first trimester that the active formation of vital organs begins. Therefore, for moderate toxicosis, infusion therapy is recommended to restore the balance of nutrients.

Hospitalization is not always necessary - if the condition is not complicated by other symptoms, a daily drip is sufficient.

In severe cases of early toxicosis, a woman is encouraged to vomit literally every half hour. Eating becomes impossible because the body does not even absorb liquid. In this case it is required immediate hospitalization the expectant mother to maintain pregnancy. Along with infusion therapy, medications that inhibit the excitability of the digestive tract are used to relieve the symptoms of severe toxicosis.

At risk of severe toxicosis are women who suffered from acute or chronic illnesses before pregnancy digestive system, undertreated before conception.

The Ins and Outs of Toxicosis: Theories and Facts

Despite the huge amount of research, scientists have not yet decided to identify the exact cause of early toxicosis. There are several hypotheses that one way or another explain the ins and outs of this condition:

  • hormonal;
  • psychological;
  • immune.

The hormonal theory is based on the effect on the body of the expectant mother of hormones that were not previously produced in it. In particular, this human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG), the amount of which increases exponentially in the first weeks of pregnancy, when the fetal membrane is formed. When the placenta is fully formed, hCG hormone ceases to be a foreign element in the body - this usually happens at 12-14 weeks (for most women, by this time the symptoms of toxicosis fade away or disappear completely). Until this time, the body perceives this hormone as poison and fights it with all possible ways. Another hormone actively produced in the first trimester is progesterone. It is present in the body even before pregnancy, but in much smaller quantities.

Psychological theory explains the occurrence of toxicosis by the body’s reaction to negative emotions that the expectant mother subconsciously experiences. Indeed, in addition to the joy of realizing that motherhood is approaching, a woman is visited by a whole “bouquet” of phobias: fear of giving birth, fear of a frozen pregnancy, fear of being helpless, losing her job, etc. According to psychological theory, the body fights stress by trying to influence its source, namely the fetus. Toxicosis in this case is a protective reaction of the mother’s body.

The essence of the immune theory is similar to the hormonal theory, only in this case the body considers not individual hormones foreign, but the entire fetus. The mother's immune system triggers the processes responsible for the occurrence of symptoms of early toxicosis.

Toxicosis is a temporary phenomenon, but this does not mean that you need to stoically endure all the inconveniences and wait for the coveted 12 weeks. You can alleviate its course, and in individual cases, completely remove all symptoms, if you follow a series of simple recommendations. First of all, they are related to the nature of the expectant mother’s diet.

  1. Eat only what your body accepts. There is no list of products recommended in the early stages of pregnancy for everyone without exception! Some pregnant women eat kilos of apples, while others cannot look at them without nausea. The criterion for assessing the usefulness of a product should be the body’s reaction to its sight and smell. There is no need to forcefully swallow food - this will only provoke another attack of vomiting. But at the same time, exclude from the menu foods that traditionally provoke nausea - these are fatty, spicy, smoked, over-sweetened dishes.
  2. Small portions are your salvation. The peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract changes during pregnancy; it is difficult for them to cope with the usual portions of food. Therefore, even after a small snack, you feel completely full. Daily diet It is better to divide it into at least 6 doses. You can forget about your diet at this time - eat as soon as you get hungry, even if previously eating after 6 was taboo.
  3. Save water balance. IN mild condition nausea, you usually don’t want to drink, but the body needs 1.5 liters daily. It is advisable to consume liquids. To make it easier to maintain balance, diversify your drinks - drink water, juices, teas, fruit drinks throughout the day so that you don’t develop an aversion to something specific.
  4. Often, morning nausea combined with dizziness causes particular discomfort - after all, the body has used up its energy reserves during the night and is weakened. To reduce these unpleasant feelings, do not get out of bed without morning exercise in the form of biscuits or crackers with warm tea. You need to eat it reclining, without getting out of bed, and then lie down for another 15-20 minutes. During this time, the gastrointestinal tract will begin to work and the feeling of nausea will disappear.
  5. During the day, mint candies or Tic-Tac-type dragees will help fight nausea. They can be replaced with citrus slices or crackers.
  6. “Recharge” with vitamins. Prescribing vitamin complexes during pregnancy is not at all a tribute to fashion. Not all women, even before toxicosis, consume the required amount of vitamins and microelements necessary to ensure a full metabolism. What can we say about the period of toxicosis, when only a certain part of the food taken during the day is absorbed? Deficiency especially affects the early stages of fetal development. folic acid(vitamin B9).

In addition to following dietary recommendations, when early toxicosis it is important to preserve motor activity(if there are no contraindications). Intense exercise, if any was practiced before pregnancy, is best replaced with long walks in the fresh air.

If toxicosis ends suddenly...

An abrupt cessation of symptoms of early gestosis before the end of the first trimester often causes anxiety, or even panic. Maternity forums are adding fuel to the fire, where homegrown experts “authoritatively” classify the abrupt end of toxicosis as a missed pregnancy. In fact, in such cases, it is characteristic that the symptoms gradually fade away - the membrane of the already dead fetus continues to produce hormones for some time that act as irritants on the body. And the rapid relief that comes quickly is often just a break between the production of the next portion of hormones, and after some time the signs of toxicosis will again make themselves felt.

If anxiety persists, it is wise to visit the doctor managing your pregnancy, even if unscheduled. Usually he prescribes a blood test for the hCG hormone in dynamics - comparing its indicators with the norm certain week it is possible to determine the vital activity of the fetus. Those who are especially suspicious can do an unscheduled ultrasound and check the heartbeat of the bundle of life.

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