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Why does weight gain after exercise? With regular training does not lose weight - muscle growth, hormonal disorders and lack of calories

Many girls who start exercising begin to lead the right diet, do not eat anything harmful, after 2-3 weeks they begin to be disappointed. And disappointment comes with such a question, why do I train for 2-3 weeks, eat right, and my weight is worth it? What am I doing wrong?

Almost every girl has such thoughts, because there is a setting in her head when you follow a diet - you lose weight quickly! And then I started to train, eat right, and nothing happens in 2-3 weeks! I would have sat down on a kefir (buckwheat, Kremlin) diet and during this time I would have become a reed !!!

Girls, what you dream about, about quick results, is not the path of a girl who comes to training and the right nutrition system. Quick results are the way to bad health, only muscles and water quickly leave our body, which we destroy in the process of unhealthy diets, full of their uniqueness and super results on the Internet!

When you diet, you lose weight due to muscles, due to water, the scales show your weight loss and you are happy. And then what do you get? You get less kilograms, less muscle tissue, light bones, a dehydrated body, but at the same time, your fat percentage has grown and your sides are just as fat, your legs are flabby, but you are happy with the number on the scale! You have lost 5, 10, 20 kilograms thanks to the diet! Loose skin, lack of muscle and a large layer of fat is still there! Further, you start eating as before, the weight begins to grow, because during such a diet the body was under stress, the weight grows quickly, and this weight is not at all muscle mass, those beautiful forms and curves, and fat! The same fat that adds bumps to your body, in the form of cellulite, folds on the sides, back and stomach and thick legs!

If your task is just such a result, then sit on diets, but you will never be satisfied with the result!

Now let's talk about training and a balanced diet. I want to dedicate this part to my students (some of whom do not understand that there are no quick results), as well as to those girls who are quickly disappointed in fitness and quit it, as if not seeing the results and even increasing weight!

When we start playing sports, we begin to load our muscles. For some, even work with a small weight, like 1 kg. dumbbells - this already leads to even a small rupture of muscle fibers. Muscle pains last for a long time, the body needs to be restored ... And the weight is worth it ... And for someone it even increases by 1-2 kg.

The process of recovery and strengthening of muscles takes place with a long water retention. Because our muscle fibers need fluid, with the help of which all metabolic processes at the cellular level go faster. You have probably noticed that on the mucous membranes, scars and any cuts heal faster, leaving no trace. Our body naturally creates the same conditions for muscle recovery. We retain a lot of fluid to repair the muscle fibers that we injure during training, even the entry level.

His quality food we adjust the work of our hormones in the right way, so that there are no malfunctions in the hormonal system and all metabolic processes. It is due to this state of the body, during balanced nutrition, our body performs its functions without interruption, recovery is faster and easier. And this means that the processes necessary for us occur faster, the body is rebuilt to full time job, tissue regeneration, restoration of muscle tissue, strengthening it, as well as fat burning.

Fat, unfortunately, does not burn as fast as we would like it to.

To do this, you need to create conditions for fat burning. Remember, we burn fat not only during training, but most of it during the recovery period of our muscles and body after intense training.

while maintaining correct mode nutrition and while maintaining a training regimen, you accelerate your metabolic processes to high speeds, but REMEMBER - this is not a 1-2 week process. After all, your goal is to change the body. The change in the body is gradual. Metabolic processes should get their work done and only with proper nutrition you are able to start this work. Only by exercising regularly and giving 100% to the training will you force your body to change. But this is not a fast process, and you should not be ready for a quick result, but a steady process that will bring your body into perfect condition.

Why can't you see results right away? I explain. Everyone is absolutely different problem in the work of the body, someone has a very poor metabolism, to restore it and make it faster. Someone already has pathological disorders in the work of hormones that do not allow to see quick result. Your body needs to be properly programmed. programming both physical and emotional level. It is necessary to conduct very healthy regimen nutrition to help the body perform at its full potential, both physically and emotionally.

One girl has a higher metabolic rate than another, which means that she will have faster results than the one whose metabolism is so bad from her lifestyle that it can upset and lead astray the one who is slower results are coming. One girl has excess weight, as the cause of overeating, and the other may have a reason for the failure of the hormonal system from the nutrition with which she created this state for herself. And it takes weeks, and sometimes months, to restructure the work of hormones, and you should not despair and quit, because by quitting you will harm further, without waiting for the restoration of the correct functioning of the body.

Also, as I described above, the first month you can even expect an increase in body weight and volume, but this is only from fluid retention in the body, if you have your hormonal system and there are no other problems. Usually, within 3-5 weeks, the fluid that accumulated at the beginning of the training leaves the body and you see your result sharply. It would seem that 3-4 days ago it was inflated, and then bam, and already a different look. This is also normal. As soon as the body adapts, the muscle fibers are restored, the body begins to drain excess fluid.

Knowing your processes in the body, you can be sure that you are on the right way and all you need is patience. Building a body like mine in 3 months is unrealistic. I have been working with my body for several years now. No breakdowns, no gluttony, no laziness! It's an ongoing process continuous work with your body and spirit. How can you expect your body to assume the figure of a fitness model in 3-4 weeks? This is impossible! Physical processes are not so fast as to solve the problem of several or many years of a sedentary lifestyle, overeating and eaten food waste (chocolates, cakes, cookies, sugar and other harmful things) in 1 month ...

Stock up on patience. Do your job. Follow your diet, do all your workouts, and one day you will see how quickly your body has changed. Just believe in yourself, help your body change, do not eat candy at night, going 3 steps back. Give your body time to get used to the regime and it will begin to transform and adapt to yours. new image life. Most importantly, know that all the processes in our body are natural, that our body is a machine of fine organization. And it needs to be properly managed in order to achieve the results you want to achieve.

And remember, beautiful, slender, healthy body It's a road that lasts a lifetime! You will change your body not in one day, but in weeks, months and years!

Be patient, believe in yourself, control yourself and your desires and you will achieve the body you want, but do not rush those physiological processes that cannot be missed.

If you want the scales down and you don't care appearance The internet is full of dangerous and unhealthy diets!

Why is the weight worth the first 2-4 weeks? Or even why are you gaining 1-2 kg.?

Because you accumulate a lot of fluid in the body! Because your muscles become heavier, their density increases, they become denser. Our body is very smart, and it protects the body from physical stress by making it stronger, muscles denser and more resilient. And this is a long process.

The body needs time to recover.

Also a question from the same category, the legs increase in volume, in the first weeks, go months. Many people think that you can easily pump your legs, but this is not at all the case. In the first months, there will be a lot of water in the legs, since there are the largest muscles. They seem to be poured in volumes from water, but the fat has not yet had time to burn. Many panic and quit classes, thinking that the muscles have grown. Girls, dear, understand, muscles do not grow so fast. That water can linger on long time and fat burn slowly. Be patient, it will go away with time. And the water will go away and the fat will burn off and beautiful, slender, toned legs will remain. The legs you dream about and want to have! Patience is yours best friend and life partner!

Almost every newbie faces this. Standing on the scales some time after the start of fitness classes, it turns out that the weight has increased. Not much, a couple of kilos. But when main goal fitness has been a struggle with weight, this couple of kilograms can discourage exercise.

Beginners, more often girls, immediately panic: they pumped over, and you need to stop going to the gym. In fact, it is impossible to build muscle mass in a month. 500 grams of muscle mass gain per month is the ceiling for a woman who uses many hours of training and eats mostly protein foods, not disdaining special cocktails. Not your choice? Then there is no need to panic: you do not turn into Schwarzenegger.

Reasons for gaining weight

Set weight on initial stage beginners can be called different reasons. One of them is overeating. Beginners often fall for this bait, believing that if they start going to the gym, then they can afford an extra piece. Eaten bar of chocolate can be "burned" by doing intensive running for an hour. And if these are nightly tiles? While doing fitness for the purpose of losing weight, you still have to monitor your diet, limit yourself to small joys.

The second reason is the accumulation of fluid in muscle tissue. When you start to load your muscles, muscle tissue requires more blood and water to circulate. So drink advice more water during training has a completely physiological basis.

The fluid is not immediately excreted, but gradually accumulates in the muscle tissue. Muscles contain glycogen, a substance that retains water when the body needs it. Muscles thus adapt to loads. However, three to four weeks of regular training - and the muscles get used to this level of load, the metabolism accelerates, the fluid leaves, gradually taking with it the excess fat over the muscles.

Help the muscles

If the cause of weight gain and a slight increase in volume lies in fluid retention, you need to help your body get rid of it as soon as possible. Help simple procedures, for example, a bath. IN this case no matter what kind of bath it is: Russian with a broom or dry Finnish - both are good. Massage, and if not possible, then self-massage, also help to expel excess fluid, or, as athletes say, “dry out”.

These procedures have a lymphatic drainage effect, and with regular use, they help to quickly get rid of excess fluid, and at the same time, excess fat will set you up as soon as possible.

Useful bath with sea ​​salt- It also has a lymphatic drainage effect. If possible, look like a special lymphatic drainage massage to a professional massage therapist - the effect will surprise you.

Control your nutrition

The most common mistake novice athletes make is overestimating the importance of training in burning calories. Also, beginners often do not pay attention to how much they eat, when and how. Meanwhile, when doing fitness, nutrition should be given great importance.

Nutrition before training

Not everything that gets into your mouth is useful. And with regard to fitness, this rule is even more relevant. Right before classes, it is better not to eat anything at all, otherwise it will be very difficult to study, your health will worsen, the effect of classes will decrease.

Before training, a snack is allowed for one and a half to two hours.

What to do if you are hungry? First, avoid feeling severe hunger and, accordingly, a brutal appetite. And secondly, plan your daily routine so that you eat two and a half hours before class.

You can eat low-fat protein foods and some complex carbohydrates. In practice, this set means chicken and veal. Ideally, not fried, but boiled or baked without adding fat. You will not need fat before classes.

And in principle, if you came to the gym for weight loss, the consumption of fat in food should be minimal. You can’t refuse it completely: even in a steamed chicken breast, there is a certain amount of fat. Yes, and the body fat in certain volumes is necessary for healthy functioning. An omelette made from a couple of eggs with a small amount milk, cottage cheese with a minimum fat content.

If, in addition to getting rid of fat, you set a goal to build muscle, then before training you can drink a protein shake, which will become a supplier of proteins for building muscles.

From carbohydrates, wholemeal bread, unrefined cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, millet), vegetables and fruits are preferred. If you really suffer from hunger immediately before training, then you can eat fruit 15 minutes before class. The stomach will not be full, and the body, having received complex carbohydrates, will not experience an acute need for nourishment for some time.

Nutrition after training

If you visit the gym in order to get rid of excess weight, then you can’t eat anything at all for two hours after class. For several hours after exercise, the body continues metabolic processes breaking down fats. If for some time you do not feed your body with anything (except water, of course), then you will lose weight. True, you are also unlikely to succeed in building muscle mass.

If, in addition to getting rid of excess fat, you plan to build up some muscle mass, then after training, you can safely open the refrigerator. But do not eat everything, but give preference to low-fat proteins. Omelet from proteins (the use of yolks should be reduced to two per week, otherwise you can increase the level of cholesterol in the blood), steamed chicken or veal, cottage cheese. Food after training should not be plentiful, no more than a cup. Anything beyond that will go to your detriment and you will end up gaining weight.

Berestova Svetlana

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Getting rid of extra pounds quickly with regular exercise is not as easy as it might seem at first.

Sometimes the end result is somewhat discouraging - it happens that instead of the expected weight loss, you may find that you, on the contrary, have gained a couple of extra pounds.

As a result, you are disappointed and cannot understand why it happens that you gain weight. But it really does happen...

In such scenarios, many begin to unsuccessfully torment their minds in search of a possible cause, the same questions are spinning in their heads, you are uncontrollably trying to find correct solution. Either you need to train more intensively, or replace the exercises with more effective ones, or you need to eat less ...

I would like to advise you to just stop panicking. Below I will try to outline everything possible reasons which can contribute to weight gain with regular exercise.

Increase in muscle mass

Gaining weight during workouts when followed by beginners is fairly common.

This is because there is an active construction of muscle mass under the influence of physical activity. While you are losing adipose tissue, its place is occupied by muscle fibers. And since muscle is heavier than fat, you'll end up with new "unpleasant" numbers on your home scale as a result.

But the extra body mass is due to gains in usable muscle mass, not unwanted fat. Thus, your body becomes healthier and stronger than it was before training.

You are not eating enough calories

When you use a low-calorie diet for fat loss, it often happens that you end up consuming significantly fewer calories than your body needs to function normally. This is a serious mistake and should be avoided.

Due to a deficit of sufficient calories, your body will slow down the basal metabolic rate in order to conserve energy. As a result, your body's fat stores increase and you gain weight.

Therefore, a properly organized diet is very important, which should include all the nutrients that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, including fats and carbohydrates. They provide us with useful energy and therefore cannot be excluded from our food.

You can reduce the portion size but increase the number of meals accordingly so that you don't feel hungry too often.

Incorrect choice of exercises

Not every exercise will help you quickly burn excess weight. Let's say a short walk in the garden for 45 minutes doesn't help you expend a noticeable amount of calories. Rather, you will have to walk at a more intense pace for the full 45 minutes at least, 4-5 times a week. That's when you can see some results in about 3 weeks.

As your fitness improves, you should also increase the intensity of your workouts to burn as many calories as possible in one session. , are one of the best forms exercises that can help in weight loss.

But! Don't focus your exercises on any particular muscle group. Since the more muscle groups are included in the work, the more energy will be burned.

The appearance of additional calories

When we start exercising regularly, many of us take it easy on ourselves or stop counting the number of calories we eat every day. The result is that we easily consume more "new" calories than we burn through exercise.

Healthy balanced diet and regular exercise must go hand in hand for success in a weight loss program. If you decide to increase your daily calorie intake, then you must make sure that you properly plan the activity of your workouts or increase their number so that you have the opportunity to fully use these additional calories.

Health problems

Some people perform planned physical activities regularly and with full dedication, eat healthy and wholesome food, but the weight does not go away and best case.

The cause of weight gain may be some health problem, such as illness thyroid gland or menopause in older women.

Even some hormonal problems can make weight loss extremely difficult. Under these conditions, you should consult your doctor to identify and treat your health problems. Also, some medications, birth control pills can lead to weight gain.

Emotional depression

Could be one more an important factor that prevents you from losing overweight as a result of exercise.

If your mind and body are not free from internal stress then it's likely that you're not getting enough of a good night's sleep. Research has shown that good dream helps in weight loss. Try to get rid of anxiety states and adding one extra hour of sleep while you are exercising will help you lose weight.

I sincerely hope that you will be able to identify the reason why physical exercise does not bring you such desired result. Try to train regularly, and I am sure that your efforts will pay off very soon. Good luck to you!

People with overweight stubbornly and regularly go in for sports, exposing your body to heavy loads. This often raises the question: why does the weight not go away with regular training, even if you do heavy exercise- in this case, this or that muscle begins to grow, but the number of calories burned does not increase. Final result in the end it can be somewhat discouraging, because instead of losing a few kilograms, you, on the contrary, gained them due to the fact that this or that muscle increased its volume under the influence of intensive training.

What is the plateau effect

To answer the question why weight does not decrease when playing sports, it is necessary to consider the so-called. plateau effect in training. It refers to the period when body weight during weight loss ceases to decrease. Justified this effect the fact that the human body, which at first actively burned fat, stops doing this, adapting to the changed diet and load. In other words, you went on a diet and started exercising in a fitness room, the weight gradually began to decrease as a result, but in the end you reached a point where the arrows on the floor scales just froze.

Reasons to stop weight loss

Weight loss and reduced energy expenditure are two interrelated parameters. If the weight is not coming off, then one of the problems is that when you go to the gym you use the same exercises without increasing the intensity or load of the training. If you want to achieve perfect body, then start training in a variety of ways, increasing the load from time to time, otherwise your body will simply adapt, as a result of which the volume of muscle mass will stop growing and body weight will stop at one mark plus or minus a couple of kilograms.

Another common reason for the problem described is that you violated your diet, for example, could not resist and ate a chocolate bar. Another reason is fast weight loss in the first weeks of diet and exercise. The fact is that, in addition to fat, you also lost muscle tissue. If the muscles decrease, then the energy expenditure will decrease. This is very bad for those who are trying hard to achieve the perfect body, because. in order to return the muscles to their previous volumes again, you will have to play sports for a very long time.

Why Doesn't Weight Loss When Exercising?

Beginners who do regular exercise in combination with certain diet people often wonder why they don't lose weight when exercising. The reason for this common phenomenon is that under the influence of regular physical activity in the body, muscle mass is built, which can spread throughout the body. It replaces the gradually burning fatty tissue and because. muscles are heavier than fat, then at first you are unlikely to lose weight.

Muscle growth

The appearance of additional body weight with regular sports is more often associated with an increase in muscle mass, rather than fat, the abundance of which affects human health in different ways. negative impacts. This will help you make your body stronger and healthier than before. Therefore, you should not worry too much if you notice that the weight does not want to go away in any way, because. you have muscle instead of fat. But at the same time, it is necessary to adjust your diet, diversifying it with healthy and rich in various substances food.

Calorie deficiency

When using a low-calorie diet to get rid of excess fat, often people begin to consume much fewer calories than is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. This is a very serious mistake, as shortages required amount calories will slow down the metabolic rate. It turns out that a low calorie diet will affect the increase in fat stores in your body, because. the body will try hard to conserve energy. At the same time, you will feel tired and lethargic.

Violation of the basic metabolism

The human body needs a constant supply of energy. Its sources are the food consumed and fat stores with very few carbohydrates. When a person reduces the amount of food eaten by volitional efforts, the body begins to draw energy from internal reserves. But when he cannot or does not want to extract the right amount of energy from them, the body begins to reduce its costs. An obligatory harbinger of this is the appearance of hunger, so the appetite after training may increase. As a result, the basic metabolism is disturbed.

Monotonous workouts

Why doesn't weight go off with regular hourly workouts? If you are faced with this problem, even if you go to classes 4-5 times a week, then this is due to the fact that you are doing monotonous exercises. To solve it, use the following recommendations:

  • If you like to walk in the garden or somewhere in the park, you can walk brisk pace for about 1 hour, 4-5 times a week. Results may appear in about 3 weeks.
  • Definitely need a cardio load after strength training, which will help you consolidate the result by burning some excess fat.
  • As you improve your fitness, be sure to increase the intensity of your workouts. To do this, use forms of exercise such as dancing and aerobics.

Hormonal disorders

Some people who regularly perform all the necessary physical activities, overcome pain with fatigue, and eat only wholesome food, are faced with a lack of any significant results. Causes may be related to health:

Why the weight does not go away, but the volumes decrease

Some of those who are losing weight are faced with the question of why the weight is worth it, and the volumes are decreasing. In general, in this case, you can not worry much, because. a similar reaction of the body is observed in the first 2-3 months of intensive sports. This is due to the fact that at this time excess water leaves the intercellular space, which allows you to lose a lot of centimeters in the buttocks, waist, etc.

Why Weight Doesn't Lose With Intense Workouts

Getting rid of excess fat involves a combination proper nutrition with workouts. But why doesn't the weight come off with intensive training? The answer to this question lies in the following reasons:

  • increase in muscle mass;
  • using a low-calorie diet;
  • improperly selected exercises;
  • the appearance of additional calories;
  • emotional depression, i.e. stress.

Video: why weight is not lost when playing sports

Have you decided to go in for sports, and have been regularly attending a fitness club in order to reduce weight for some time? Two or three weeks of training pass, and suddenly you discover with horror that your once-normally-fitting jeans begin to “pop at the seams”, and the scales show an increase of 1.5-2 kg? How so?! After all, excess fats should "disappear" from the body filled with energy! Is playing sports really useless and can even cause a set of kilograms?

Problem: Weight and volume gain at the beginning of fitness classes

To anyone who has experienced similar problems, I advise you not to be scared and not to abandon training. A slight increase in weight at the beginning of a workout can occur for several reasons, and each of them has its own solution.

The first thing to do if you notice weight gain is to calm down and wait a bit - about 1-2 weeks. Do not rush in fear to write off the "plus" on the muscles! Many take these unfortunate 1.5 kg for muscles and begin to think that they are so “pumped up”. Calm down, muscles don’t grow so fast, for example, a woman who is intensely engaged in gym and following a high-protein diet, can gain as little as 500 g of muscle mass in a month. Therefore, discard these prejudices and do not be afraid that dumbbells weighing 3-4 kg can turn you into a bodybuilder in a month.

What is the reason for weight gain?

The most common cause of weight gain and volume is the accumulation of fluid in the muscles.

When you give the muscles an unusual load for them, they begin to demand more. nutrients, because of this, the amount of circulating blood and fluid increases (after all, it is not in vain that it is advised to drink more during training). This fluid accumulates in the muscles (they have a special substance - glycogen, which is able to retain water if necessary). Thus, the muscles adapt to the load. Increased muscle tone is also the cause of a slight increase in volume. But! Within 2-4 weeks after the start of training, the body somewhat adapts to physical activity, the metabolism will accelerate, and the excess fluid will “leave”, and with it the fat deposits will begin to “melt”.

You can also help your body in this case - a massage, a warm bath or a bath will help your muscles recover and have a lymphatic drainage effect. After each workout, be sure to stretch all the muscle groups that worked, this is essential condition good results. It is useful to take a bath with sea salt - minerals have a relaxing effect, and the salt itself removes excess fluid from the body. Go to a session of lymphatic drainage massage or a steam room - these procedures are very good at helping the body cope with stress.

Another reason is nutrition, or rather, overeating.

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