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Bright makeup for blue eyes. Modern trend in makeup. Evening makeup for blue eyes

blue eyes- Emphasize the depth of the eyes" data-essbishovercontainer="">

Makeup for blue eyes reveals ample opportunities for a blue-eyed beauty: with the right shades, you can slightly change the color of the iris, you can try on the most extravagant looks and make unexpected experiments. But about all this in order.

Makeup features: 5 main rules

For blue and gray-blue eyes, there are a number of tips, following which promises to create a successful and harmonious make-up:

  • for a clear blue and grayish iris, warm shades are allowed: golden and peach, coffee and chocolate, golden bronze and wheat and honey. Particularly bewitching, such pigments are combined with tanned skin. Fair-skinned fashionistas should look at powdery, milky, purple and reddish chocolate;
  • if you want to stay on the blue scale, first make sure that the selected numbers do not match the native shade of the eyes. It is better to focus on bright contrast, using ultramarine or cobalt colors with light blue eyes. Avoid dull and gloomy colors that make you look tired;
  • replace the jet-black pencil with gray, coffee or deep blue - and your look will become brighter;
  • for a daytime make-up, lavender and purple undertones will fit, and for an evening make-up, look at plum;
  • in everyday looks, use a soft, neutral palette: light brown, terracotta, pink. At the same time, a small shimmer is welcome, which will attract even more attention.

In general, the chosen palette entirely depends on the natural color of the iris. Here, too, I would like to highlight a few recommendations:

  • iris with violet notes suggests the use of bright decorative cosmetics;
  • a bewitching make-up for eyes of medium saturation will turn out if you apply light shadows on the entire surface of the eyelids, and shade the outer corners with dark ones;
  • light blue are distinguished by their special brightness and unimaginable brilliance. Here you need muted pastel shades, as saturated ones will give the appearance of fatigue. Neat arrows will help to add zest;
  • gray-blue, like chameleons, change their undertone depending on the chosen attire, so in this case we follow the above rules.

Easy make-up: how to avoid mistakes

Often there is a situation, especially for novice makeup artists, when you seem to be doing everything right, step by step, without skipping steps in the instructions, but it still doesn’t turn out as beautifully as on the page of a glossy magazine.

This happens if you do not delve into the essence of the selection of shades, blindly follow the instructions, missing something really important. The following make-up secrets for blue-eyed girls will open the veil:

  • dark colors are applied on top of light ones, but in no case vice versa;
  • it is quite possible to hide signs of fatigue on the face, for this it is not necessary to torment yourself with a cold wash and waste time on express masks. Enough to apply to inner corner ok silver undertones. For this, light blue and white will also fit;
  • if you want to add contrast with black eyeliner, draw a neat arrow, and after it dries, draw a thin silver line on top with a soft pencil. So the arrow will visually decrease, become more elegant and attractive;
  • blue-eyed people are contraindicated in the use of purple on the lower eyelid. This will give the impression that your eyes are lined;
  • a blue liner along the line of the inter-eyelash space in combination with a bluish mascara can add expressiveness to the look, but this option is applicable only in evening and festive looks.

Advice! It's better to be short than too much, especially in daytime looks. Do not try to use all the products available in the cosmetic bag. Moreover, naturalness is in trend this season, so we lean on nude naturalness and transparent lip balms.

Day make-up: features and selection of a color palette, create a wonderful image step by step

Give your eyes more insight Everyday life it is necessary in such a way as to emphasize the dignity, hide the existing defects in appearance, and so that others do not notice anything. Choose calm, non-contrasting colors, avoid a large number mascara, and instead of a black pencil or liner, take a grayish or muted brown. To preserve the natural look, use peach, coral, light green and desaturated bluish undertones, which are carefully blended.

daytime look. Step 5-8

In other words, the shade of cosmetic products should repeat the natural color of the skin as much as possible. Do not forget to even out the tone of the face with a tonal base and camouflage problem areas. In conclusion, we select nude lipstick and that's it - the daytime beauty bow is completed.

The procedure for applying the morning make-up will not take much time if you follow the instructions we have proposed:

  • wash your face and apply a cream base on your face;
  • mask the existing imperfections with a foundation;
  • apply light halftones to the fixed part of the eyelid;
  • shade the corner with dark ones;
  • make a thorough shading of the borders;
  • cover the brow space with delicate beige-milk shadows with a golden sheen;
  • shade the inner corner with pearl white;
  • underline the crease on the eyelid with a shining purple;
  • spread the matte gray pigment over the entire surface of the moving eyelid, draw a thin stroke along the lash line with the same color;
  • cover the cilia with dark gray or brown mascara.

Advice! Be careful when applying brown undertones. It is believed that they do not fit gray-eyed, make the look tired and dull. However, skillfully selected gamma and carefully crafted transitions can protect against this. With a cold color type, stay on the representatives of the cool range, and with dark skin on shadows with a golden tint.

Evening look

In these options, you can afford more: more saturated shadows, catchy arrows, contrasting combinations. With artificial lighting, dull tones are lost, so the eyes need additional highlighting. Also for secular exits, smokey ice variations in retro style are great.

  • Plum, bronze, purple and olive colors will give effect. Also look at the mother-of-pearl, rich blue, turquoise and the range of the sea wave;
  • In a solemn make-up, false eyelashes, sparkles, rhinestones are allowed;
  • For seductive smoky eyes, use a light tone with a pearly sheen to apply to the inner corner, slightly more intense undertones for most of the eyelid, and the darkest to highlight the outer corners and lash line. Do not forget to carefully shade the places where the colors pass into each other;
  • It will not be superfluous to paint over the eyelashes with coal mascara in two layers.

Advice! So that the makeup does not crumble earlier than required, apply a special base to the face. It increases the adhesion of decorative beauty products to the skin and significantly prolongs the original appearance of a skillfully created creation.

The subtleties of creating a wedding visage

On the eve of the wedding, a lot of worries fall on the shoulders of a young couple. In addition to essential little things, the bride needs to carefully consider her hair and make-up, because photos and videos from the wedding ceremony will decorate family life for many years in a row.

Cosmetics must be of high quality, dubious products can fail at the most inopportune moment.

Advice! Preparing the skin for an important event is best done in advance. A few months before the celebration, make an appointment with a beautician, carefully listen to his recommendations. If necessary, drink a course of vitamins, apply regularly nourishing masks, do not forget about day and night creams.

To ensure that the shadows lay down in an even layer and do not crumble, cover the eyelid with a matting concealer. Representatives of the orange palette will help fair-haired beauties to emphasize the radiance of their eyes: sand, brick, honey and copper undertones.

Brunettes should look towards pale pink, turquoise, pearl silver and lilac colors. Luxurious dark curls and clear blue eyes are a rare but effective combination, it is already a strong accent.

And ashy overflows of hair suggest the use of more contrasting colors. good decision will focus on wine, chocolate and bronze undertones. Contour eyeliners can also be quite bright.

Secrets of a charming make-up for graduation

An equally important day in the life of every young girl is her graduation - the moment of saying goodbye to school and entering the realities of adult everyday life. Caring mothers help to choose a dress and hairstyle, after which thoughts about makeup begin.

Graduation make-up should not be too saturated, there is no need to hide all the charm of youth with dense colors. At the same time, translucent motifs will not be able to emphasize the depth of the rich blue color of the eyes. It is important to find the golden mean: do not overdo it, but at the same time achieve the desired effect. The selection of a palette of shadows should be made in accordance with the color of the hair and skin.

Face oval correction for beauties 16-18 years old is not performed using blush and contrasting samples foundation. The best choice will become a highlighter, its color-neutral base contains light-reflecting microparticles, which give radiance to the protruding parts of the face. They should cover the glare areas:

  • the back of the nose;
  • cheekbones;
  • chin;
  • superciliary arches;
  • the central part of the forehead;
  • area above the upper lip.

Make highlighter shading in the direction from the center.

Advice! You can not cover the tip of the nose with a highlighter, visually it will become longer. And with wide-set eyes, avoid glitter in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner corners.

Light or dark makeup

In summing up, we offer a few tricks that were not mentioned earlier:

  • both in the daytime and in the evening make-up there is a rule of "three shades". According to him, light tones are applied to the inner corner, shadows of medium saturation to the central part, and the outer corner stands out as the darkest;
  • for work and a daytime walk, use pastel, barely noticeable colors, while in the evening the gamut tends to be more saturated;
  • in the arsenal of every woman there should be a palette of neutral nude tones that suit everyone without exception. The advantage of a multi-color palette is that the shadows in it will definitely be combined with each other. And by purchasing monotones, you run the risk of stumbling upon disharmony of colors;
  • dark matte tones are applicable to big eyes, and it is better to cover small eyes with light tones with a shimmer or microshine. Also, highlighting the water line of the eye with a light kayal will help to visually enlarge the eyes.

Advice! In order to learn professional makeup, it is not necessary to enroll in expensive courses. To get started, find a few video tutorials from famous makeup artists, photo instructions, look through thematic blogs. Be patient and try to put the recommendations of professionals into practice. Take pictures of the result in different lighting, compare, draw conclusions. Over time, you will find the perfect color scheme that suits your particular shade of the iris, the quality of the technique will also increase. To increase confidence, try creating a make-up for a friend or mom. From the outside, all the flaws are more noticeable, so you can improve the knowledge gained.

Any time of the day real woman should look neat. Day makeup for blue eyes does not involve too bright and catchy shades. You can also create an image that attracts men's eyes by using natural colors that are close to natural.

How is daytime makeup different from evening makeup?

It would seem that it could be easier. Evening makeup should be as effective as possible. In daylight, the most important rule is moderation. However, both cases have their own subtleties.

So, makeup for the office and makeup for the school can be different. Summer make-up is always different from winter. The make-up of an adult business woman is more moderate than the evening make-up of a young woman. And, of course, the make-up of a punk girl always looks more contrasting even in daylight.

However, both in evening and daytime makeup there is an immutable rule: it is selected in strict accordance with skin tone, hair and eye color. For example, purple shadows against blue eyes and pale skin will look bruised. But brunettes with blue eyes in daytime makeup should be less afraid of even such an unpredictable shade. At successful selection shades of purple shadows can only make their eyes more expressive.

If, when applying evening makeup, an emphasis is allowed on several areas, then during the day one should choose one thing: emphasize the lips or only the eyes. With a catchy lipstick, the shadows are chosen the most natural shades. Brightly colored eyelashes should be combined with soft beige or peach lipstick or transparent lip gloss.

Both day and evening makeup should be combined with a hairstyle and a chosen style. At the same time, he can show the dignity of a person, but not emphasize his shortcomings.

Advice!To make the makeup a little brighter, you can use a slightly damp brush.

Makeup features for blue eyes

We bring to your attention ways of daytime makeup for blue eyes with a step-by-step photo. When choosing shadows, first of all, you should decide what result you want to achieve. Blue eyes react most strongly to any color highlights, so changing their shade is the easiest. The ideal option for them would be to use colors a few tones darker than their own eyes. But do not overdo it - against the background of too dark shadows, the iris of the eyes can be completely lost, and the look will become rough and unnatural.

If you want to deepen your look, choose a lighter shade. To emphasize the natural color of the eyes, the color of the sky and the sea, you can use silver, gray, warm pink, gold, pale green or pale turquoise shadows or a combination of them. Suitable for blue-eyed women and shades of pearl, lavender, lilac or aqua.

You can achieve naturalness by using eye makeup in pastel colors: peach, coral, light brown. Colors can be layered on top of neutral shades, but for daytime makeup, they should only be applied as a blurry shadow or haze. Most importantly, when playing on contrasts, one should not forget about the harmony of such colors and creating them. smooth transitions.

Advice! If you do not trust your own feelings and are afraid to make a mistake, choose a universal shade of shadows. It should be completely opposite to the natural color of the iris. For blue eyes, this is a bronze color.

shades of blue eyes

For correct selection make-up colors make-up artists have identified several basic shades of blue in the color of the eyes:

  • rich blue, close to blue: women with this eye color can safely use a fairly wide palette of colors, including rich dark; For light summer images, you can choose bronze, silver and copper shades; the only thing you should not get carried away with is too light shades - they will “extinguish” the look;

  • classic blue: this color goes well with light shadows or shades of medium saturation; a good solution could be a light, almost white or pink shade; you can add sensuality to the look with the help of blue, silver or gray tones; just as in the first case, you can use copper or bronze colors;
  • gray-blue: this shade is so peculiar that when choosing clothes in gray, the eyes become gray, against the background of blue or green, they change their color to bright blue or turquoise; it is better for owners of such an iris to choose light shades of a slightly more saturated shade than its natural color;
  • light blue, sky-colored eyes against the background of too dark shadows immediately lose their expressiveness and seem colorless; the popular smokey ice style (dark smoky) in this case should be used as carefully as possible; in general, too bright shades are not recommended for owners of a light blue iris - they can only be used as a contour.

Advice! Never use shadows of the same shade with the eyes, otherwise the eyes will “float”.

Base selection

Any makeup should only be applied over foundation. With its help, the skin tone is evened out, minor defects are hidden, and the distribution of decorative cosmetics is also simplified. As a basis, liquid formulations or tinting powders can be used.

Foundation for day makeup is applied over the day cream in a very thin layer. In order to avoid the appearance of a sharp border in the neck area, you need to apply the cream on it.

To correct the shape of the face, you can use darker shades in the cheekbones and chin. At bold type skin should choose a foundation with a matting effect, for dry skin - with moisturizing ingredients or the usual one in combination with a day cream.

There are two ways to achieve transparency effect:

  • using a damp sponge;
  • mixing 1:1 foundation with day cream; if there are irregularities or other visible defects, the number foundation can be slightly enlarged.

If necessary, a little powder can be applied over the foundation. Sponge in this case is not welcome - only a large brush. In the forehead area of ​​the foundation should be minimal amount- otherwise it will settle in the folds.

Blush is a must even for daytime makeup! Otherwise, the face covered with foundation will look like a mask. In daylight, choose light bronze and peach shades. Moreover, bronze is applied to the cheekbones, and with the help of peach, only “apples” are emphasized - the dimples that appear with a smile.

Advice! Any tonal product should exactly match the skin tone. On the area around the eyes, it is better to apply the foundation a couple of tones lighter - this is the only way to achieve naturalness.

Shadow application technique

To apply a harmonious make-up, use 2-3 of their shades. The base is applied to the moving eyelid, the lighter one is applied to the corners of the eyes and under the eyebrow. If you want to give the look more depth, a third, darker tone is used, which is distributed in the corners of the eyes. Then upper eyelid emphasized with gray, golden or gray-brown eyeliner.

Depending on the shape of the eyes, makeup may vary:

  • the upper eyelid is not visible (eastern section): the most successful technique is the “banana”; visually enlarge the eyes will help the application of dark shadows or a thin arrow on the upper eyelid (you do not need to bring it to the corner of the eye);
  • close-set eyes: in order to visually increase the distance between them, it is necessary to brighten inside eyes; all dark shades (shadows or eyeliner) are applied starting from half or 1/3 of the eye; the outer corner of the eye should be stretched as much as possible;
  • eyes located far from each other: you can visually reduce the distance between them with the help of eyeliner, starting from the very corner of the eye; it should not be extended further beyond the outer edge; most of the mascara is applied to the eyelashes located in the center of the eye;
  • deep-set eyes: in order to “push out” the lower eyelid, it should be brightened; visually stretch the eyes will help dark shadows applied to the outer corners; eyelashes are stained in the same direction; The upper eyelid should be lined as thinly as possible.

Advice!To change the shade of your own eyes, you can apply shadows or a pencil at the bottom along the lash line. desired shade, for example, green.

Eyebrow pencil shades

For both daytime and evening make-up, the color of the eyebrow pencil is selected to match the hair color. Even if the hair color is not natural, you should choose a pencil for your new color. When dyeing hair in warm shades, its colors should be just as warm - terracotta, golden chestnut or reddish brown. For dark brown hair, a brown pencil is preferable. Light-skinned blondes with blue eyes fit eyebrow makeup in ash brown tones.

With a cold color type, an ash-colored pencil is used. Blondes should dye their eyebrows a couple of shades darker. Brunettes, on the other hand, should paint their eyebrows with a pencil a few tones lighter than their own hair color. The tone should also be in harmony with the skin tone: the lighter it is, the lighter the color of the pencil will be.

For black-haired white women, choosing an eyebrow pencil will be more difficult. They will have to do this only by experience. After all, too light eyebrows they simply won’t suit them, and too dark ones will look unnatural against the background of snow-white skin.

Advice! When buying a pencil, choose its color in natural light. After all, only in daylight can you distinguish the smallest shades and tones.


Red-haired or brown-haired women can choose muted green mascara.

When using colored mascara, you can follow the following rules:

  • mascara and shadows should not merge - their shades should be different;
  • green goes well with pearl or silver shadows and silver eyeliner;
  • bronze or copper mascara can be used in tandem with similar shades of blush and lipstick;
  • purple mascara should be used with caution, it is more suitable for owners of gray-blue eyes; it is better if it has a plum shade - this is to make the face more refined;
  • it is better not to use burgundy mascara for blue-eyed women; the face will look tired, and the eyes will look reddened;
  • blue and blue mascara will help hide lethargy and fatigue of the eyes and make the whites of the eyes visually whiter; however, owners of blue eyes should choose it as carefully as possible - some of its shades, on the contrary, can dim the look.

Advice!To emphasize the length of the eyelashes and make the look more expressive, you can use several shades of mascara.

Finishing touch: lipstick

Like all other cosmetics, lipstick for daytime makeup should look as natural as possible. But, as we have already emphasized, it can be a little more contrasting only if the emphasis is only on the lips. With more expressive cosmetics in the eye area, lipstick should be almost invisible.
Blue-eyed women can safely use beige-pink lipstick or its cherry tones. Day makeup for gray-blue eyes is best combined with beige or plum lipstick.

Blue-eyed women can safely use beige-pink lipstick or its cherry tones.

A light-skinned girl will undoubtedly be decorated with peach lipstick. The colors of chocolate and burgundy in this case will be too contrasting. Owners of dark skin can safely use any shades, except for too light ones.

Advice!To make lips look fuller, apply gloss over lipstick.

Cold red will suit fatal brunettes

And lastly, remember. You can view a bunch of makeup tutorials, study a thousand photos. But only you yourself know the “highlight” of your appearance. Therefore, the perfect makeup is the one that suits you.

The nature of the Slavic type of appearance contains very attractive features for the opposite sex - blue eyes and blond hair. Natural beauty in its original form can be a good basis for creating spectacular beauty images. It is only necessary to study the basic postulates of color appearance and tips professional makeup artists.

Blue eyes are not limited to a single shade. It can be light and dark, bright and soft, pure and diluted with other tones. In addition, the pattern of the iris is unique and affects the overall picture of the eyes. The same applies to colors. blond hair which are light, medium and dark.

Behind such a simple classification lies a rather complex combination of colors. Light brown color is formed by mixing light chestnut, ash, wheat, natural blond and milk chocolate.

Touches of decorative cosmetics will help enhance the effect of the natural color of the exterior.

Makeup artists have identified the most successful make-up for fair-haired blue-eyed girls, which will emphasize the natural grace of the Slavic beauty:

  1. tonal base. The application of foundation should be preceded by an already well-absorbed makeup base. Fair-haired young ladies do not have natural swarthyness and in most cases are pale. The desire to create the effect of visiting sunny beaches with the help of tone can play a cruel joke. In addition to the color difference of the face and other parts of the body, the makeup will resemble some kind of heavy mask. Elephant skin tone or tones in beige-yellow tones are the most natural. Often the skin of fair-haired people is thin, so the base and tone should have a light or medium density.
  2. Mascara and shadows. Oddly enough, but the standard black mascara is not the best beauty assistant for fair-haired. This is especially true for 3D and 5D deep charcoal brasmatics. Against the background of a pretty combination of eyes and hair, such eyelashes will look awkward. It is better to use dark brown or graphite mascara, which does not bring rough features. The color of the shadows is selected depending on what effect is required. If the focus is on the lips, then the eyes should be slightly depersonalized with the help of shadows from the pastel palette. Super dark shadows will weigh down not only the eyes, but the whole image. But the smokey ice make-up is quite acceptable for blue-eyed girls. True, for its implementation it is necessary to use combinations of deep indigo, rich cobalt, bronze and gray-brown. The most harmonious shades for everyday makeup are purple, gray and blue.
  3. Eyebrow pencil and shadow. Judging by the latest fashion trends, stenciled eyebrows have gone into oblivion and naturalness gets the palm. In order not to make the eyebrows the only spot on the face that attracts attention, you need to arm yourself with a special pencil or shadows from a beige and brown palette with the addition of gray.
  4. Blush. Everything is simple here. They should not be too pale or too bright. The rule of the golden mean for blush works unconditionally.
  5. Lipstick and gloss. A bright contrast in the form of a juicy lipstick is quite acceptable if the rest of the makeup is not full of colors. Light pink glosses are most acceptable for everyday life.

The main postulates of a make-up for owners of blond hair and blue eyes can be adjusted with radical fashion accents. For example, an overly bright shade of Apple Red lipstick or a contrasting eyeliner of the lower eyelid are not intended for any particular color of appearance. Such beauty chips become a kind of fetish and are intended for everyone.

Tones that are not suitable for light brown hair and blue eyes

The pallor of the face, characteristic of fair-haired blue-eyes, makes its own adjustments to the make-up. Some young ladies who want to bring brightness to their appearance, fanatically apply blush of bright shades and make the most important mistake.

A contrasting “frost blush” will further emphasize this feature of the skin, as, however, too light tones will bring a painful pallor to the face. Blush of cold peach and pink shades will become real beauty helpers.

Foundation with bronze and pink tint also not desirable. The first will age, and the second will emphasize the redness that is usually inherent in the skin of owners of blond hair.

By eliminating the "unfavorable" tones, you can enhance the natural beauty.

Any shades of pink and red shadows will instantly reward the representative fair half make-up of mankind in the style of a respiratory disease. Painful or at least a tired look is provided even when applying a small amount of shadows.

Fair-haired lips can be accentuated with lipstick or gloss from pale and juicy palettes.

The only rules to follow are:

  1. A simultaneous bright accent on the eyes and lips is strictly prohibited.
  2. Blush and lipstick should be the same color palette.

Makeup for blue eyes with peach shadows photo

The orange eyeshadow palette is considered one of the most in harmony with blue eyes. Delicate and feminine in this wide range is the color of peach, in the vicinity of which the blueness of the eyes will become even richer and brighter.

Shadows can be used as an independent unit, emphasizing the expressiveness of the eyes only with mascara, or you can create a full-fledged make-up, where peach shadows will be real favorites.

Peach shadows enhance the sky color of the eyes.

Alternate steps to create a peach makeup:

  1. Applying a base for make-up and tone, a suitable shade.
  2. Disguise dark circles and redness with a corrective pencil.
  3. With coffee shadows, we draw the line of growth of the eyelashes of the lower eyelid and blend well.
  4. We paint over the surface of the moving eyelid with the same color.
  5. We apply light golden shadows in the corners of the eyes and under the arches of the eyebrows, thereby separating the transition to the eyelid.
  6. We apply peach shadows from the inner base of the eye to the edge no further than 2/3 of the surface of the eyelid.
  7. We emphasize the look with a pencil along the hairline of the lower eyelid and mascara.
  8. Discreet blush from a peach palette + light coffee lip gloss.

And voila! A fashionable and refreshing make-up for blue eyes is ready.

Black makeup for light brown hair and blue eyes photo

The use of a black palette on blue-eyed, fair-haired young ladies will seem to some to be too contrasting and gloomy. Nevertheless, such makeup takes place in life if you want to look outrageous and extraordinary. Moreover, rock and grunge clothes simply oblige the presence of bright black strokes on cute faces.

Super-contrasting black makeup for fair-haired blue-eyed girls is a win-win trump card at theme parties and rock concerts.

To create a frightening black make will help:

  • black-charcoal ink;
  • black eyeliner;
  • black eyebrow pencil;
  • black and dark graphite shadows;
  • black lipstick or colorless lip gloss.

It is worth noting that if you decide to produce a beauty shock in black, then a high-density porcelain tonal base will help enhance the effect of this gloomy shade.

Evening makeup for light brown hair and blue eyes photo

As you know, the evening make-up differs from the daytime one by the intensity of the colors. Here you can be more daring and use bright colors. Although do not forget that the chosen color scheme should suit you and clearly follow the rules of color according to your color type. In addition, the chosen evening dress and hairstyle must be in harmony with the make-up.

Bright colors of evening make-up accentuate the face.

For the reason that the color saturation in evening makeup increases significantly, you should choose the accented part of the face. If these are eyes, then a smokey ice make-up will be most effective. Lipstick and blush should be present on the face, but from a less bright palette.

Make-up, where the paramount role is played bright lips, it is desirable to completely eliminate the use of shadows or reduce their influence on the appearance to a minimum. The eyes are emphasized only with mascara and eyeliner.

An example of a daytime make-up for blue eyes - video

Daily make-up involves only underlining natural beauty and does not allow clear lines. Natural light will expose the bags under the eyes and all the redness in the at its best. Therefore, the main emphasis when creating a daily make-up must be done on perfect skin.

Light shades of lilac, silver and brown palettes will be the best beauty companions. Light touches of blush and lip gloss in light pink shades will refresh even the most tired face.

On healthy skin, a minimum of bright accents is the main rule of daily make-up.

Monochrome day makeup for light brown hair and blue eyes photo

Having just a couple of shades of the same color, you can enhance the depth of the blue eyes of fair-haired young ladies. Perhaps this technique was invented by lazy stylists, but it has already become wildly popular. Despite its simplicity, the use of monochrome makeup should be preceded by serious skin care.

Discreet monochrome makeup has restraint and consistency.

The brown range for fair-haired blue-eyes is considered the most universal. First, the shape of the eye is outlined with bronze shadows, and the inner corner is accentuated with a light shade. The shading brush blends shades in the middle of the eyelid.

The expressiveness of the eyes is highlighted with brown mascara, and the lips with gloss caramel shade. final touch a couple of discreet strokes of blush can become - and that's it, monochrome makeup is ready.

Makeup for rich, almost blue eyes photo

Eyes of rich blue color in themselves are a bright phenomenon and such rare diamond requires a beautiful cut. Shadows most favorably emphasize the beauty of such eyes.

Among the most harmonious colors are cobalt, enhanced gray, deep purple. Smokey ice makeup in bronze or platinum will look spectacular.

Saturated blue accepts no less intense shades near it.

Makeup for classic blue eyes photo

Any shades of lilac, silver, pink, blue or copper should be light without fail. Dark tones mute the blue color of the eyes, which will lose its brightness.

You can play with contrasts. Apply light shadows and line the lower eyelid with bright blue eyeliner. White shadows and black mascara will make the eyes even brighter without overshadowing their color and beauty.

We combine classic blue with discreet, almost pastel colors.

Makeup for gray-blue eyes photo

The uniqueness of the gray-blue iris gives you the opportunity to fantasize with make-ups. In addition to colors that are acceptable only for blue-eyed girls, owners of mixed eyes are suitable for shades of the entire gray scale from light to dark tones with varying intensity.

One of the biggest benefits of dual eye color is the ability to apply multiple eyeshadows. bright colors in one make-up.

Gray-blue eyes - a double blow to the color palette.

The blue shade of the eyes is one of the rarest, along with gray. Happy owners of blue eyes have repeatedly become the standards of beauty and charm. However, not every girl knows how to correctly emphasize the brightness of the eyes and highlight them, making them more visible and attractive. To do this, you need to master a number of makeup rules especially for blue-eyed beauties.

Basic makeup rules for blue eyes

Blue eyes are a huge range of makeup possibilities. Many techniques and shades are suitable for their owners, but a lot also depends on hair color, skin tone, and the shape of the eyes themselves. However, there are a number of rules that must be observed when choosing a make-up:

  • You can emphasize the color of the eyes in daytime makeup using one color shade;
  • Shades of shadows that completely match the color of the eyes should be avoided;
  • Before applying the eye make-up, you need to carefully prepare the base for the face;
  • To create a light look, it is enough to apply a soft kayal contour pencil in blue or blue tones;
  • Nude makeup can only be used with bright accents, such as arrows or a shimmer;
  • Neutral brown shadows are suitable as the basis for the make-up of blue eyes, the rest of the colors should be saturated and colorful.

Blue-eyed girls need to highlight the look - this is the main and key recommendation professional makeup artists. This is especially true for fair skin, as blue eyes can be lost in the background.

Girls with blue eyes are ideal for warm shades of shadows:

  • Golden;
  • Peach;
  • Powdery;
  • Milk chocolate;
  • Pale pink;
  • Champagne;
  • Lavender.

These tones are best used as the main shadows, on top of which already bright shades are applied, arrows are drawn or used. various techniques. When choosing shadows, you need to remember that shades with an orange undertone are suitable for blue eyes, while too bright a red undertone can make the look sore and tired.

As an additional bright shade shadows for blue eyes

  • Copper;
  • bronze;
  • purple;
  • Coffee;
  • Turquoise;
  • Emerald;
  • light green;
  • yellow;
  • Ultramarine;
  • cobalt;
  • Plum.

Black eyeliner for blue eyes is best replaced with brown, gray or even blue and green. Do not forget also about glitter: glitter, mother-of-pearl, shimmer, but you need to be careful with them and know when to stop. Lipstick is selected in accordance with the rest of the make-up and for its purpose.

Suitable Techniques

You can create beautiful makeup for blue eyes with special technician. A definite plus for girls with blue eyes is that almost all known makeup techniques are suitable for them:

  • Smokey ice;
  • with arrows;
  • A loop;
  • bird wing;
  • Butterfly;
  • Banana;
  • Relief.

Depending on the purpose of makeup, choose the appropriate technique. Makeup artists recommend combining colors and playing with contrasts to achieve a more expressive look.

Bright shades should be combined with a nude base, and dark ones with a shimmer or glitter. It is better not to combine saturated tones from different color spectra in one make-up, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect.

The most relevant makeup options for blue eyes are smokey ice, with arrows, relief and a loop. Moreover, the first three are the most common and simple to perform.

Evening makeup for blue eyes

Beautiful makeup for blue-gray eyes, suitable for evening events, can be done in two types: bright and expressive. In the first case, rich and colorful shades of shadows are used:

  • Turquoise;
  • Emerald;
  • Purple;
  • Violet;
  • Purple.

Nude shades of lipsticks are suitable for this makeup: peach, beige, dusty rose. At the same time, the tone of the lips and shadows should not create obvious contrasts. Of the techniques, it is better to choose embossed or smokey ice. Bright evening make-up is suitable for parties, New Year celebrations and other magnificent celebrations.

Expressive evening makeup for brown eyes is done mainly for wedding celebrations, dates, business dinners and family gatherings. It uses less muted mother-of-pearl shades:

  • Golden;
  • Coral;
  • Chocolate;
  • cinnamon;
  • Bronze;
  • Amber.

lips in this case should also be highlighted using red, purple, lilac, wine lipstick. You can add arrows to the makeup or highlight the look with the help of a contour. The ideal application option would be techniques: smokey ice, with arrows, embossed or bird's wing.

Creating a spectacular evening make-up for blue eyes using the “wing” technique is quite easy at home, without having any special skills.

Stage 1: preparation of the base. On the eyelid we apply mother-of-pearl shadows of peach or champagne color. From the moving eyelid, gently shade them, adding a little shine to the fixed eyelid.

Stage 2: bottom arrow. Using a narrow brush, we pick up shadows of light brown or with an orange undertone and draw an arrow from the outer corner of the lower eyelid upwards, thus forming a line resembling a wing span.

Stage 3: shading and dark shades. Feather the resulting arrow up a little, trying to keep the outline. We choose a darker shade from the palette, for example, milk chocolate or cinnamon, and apply it to the outer corner of the eye along the contour of the arrow, also blend it.

Stage 4: top arrow. With a beveled brush we carry out the most dark shade arrow along the upper eyelid along the lash line. The arrow should turn out to be thin, come from the middle of the eye and go beyond the eyelid, repeating the shape of the lower one.

Stage 5: adding dark shadows. The same shade with which the upper arrow was drawn is added to the outer corner of the eye along the contour of the line. Carefully blend for a smooth and blurry transition between the shadows.

Stage 6: eyelashes. For evening makeup, it is recommended to choose black mascara. Gently paint over the cilia with it, trying not to touch the makeup. We do not touch the lower eyelashes to create the effect of an “open” look.

For such an evening make-up, you can choose almost any shade of lipstick, including matte and satin finishes. Champagne lipsticks with shimmery, scarlet or wine shades and mother-of-pearl lilac tones will be ideally combined.

Create everyday makeup for gray-blue eyes is quite simple. The basis of the make-up will be a combination of nude shades of shadows and one bright accent. In this case, the emphasis can be made not only on the lips, but also added to the eye makeup.

The main thing for daytime makeup is a good preparation of the skin for further makeup application. It includes the use of a moisturizer, corrector, BB cream, concealer, foundation, powder and blush or bronzer.

You can create an interesting daytime look for blue eyes with neutral shades of shadows and rich eyeliner.

Stage 1: base. After applying concealer or foundation to the eyelid, add to it thin layer pearl or satin shades of a delicate shade: beige, champagne, light brown. Shade so that the shadows cover the entire eyelid.

Stage 2: toning. On this stage use shadows a tone or two darker than the previous one. You can choose shades of milk chocolate color or light beige. We add them from the crease to the fixed eyelid and blend them over the outer edges of the eye, forming a sharp corner.

Stage 3: Eyeliner. Choosing a soft pencil bright color: sky blue, blue, emerald, indigo, sea ​​wave. We draw a neat arrow under the lower eyelid along the lash line. The arrow should be the same width, not too narrow and not too thick. It is recommended to only slightly shade the pencil.

Stage 4: eyelashes. Carefully paint over the eyelashes with black or dark brown mascara. You can use overheads, if they are not too lush. Overhead should also be painted over at the roots to create a uniform tone with natural cilia.

To give the look depth, you can add a little highlighter to the inner corner of the eye. Delicate lipsticks are suitable for daytime makeup. The most successful will be the shades of taupe, dusty rose, light beige, champagne, light brown, flesh and lilac. It is better to avoid bright tones of lipstick.

For brunettes

It is quite easy for brunettes with blue eyes to create a bright and memorable image, and without the use of rich shades in makeup, with the exception of large-scale evening celebrations.

Blue-eyed girls with dark hair should prefer cold tones:

  • Gray;
  • blue;
  • Lilac;
  • silvery;
  • Lavender.

Smokey ice is considered the ideal technique for blue eyes and dark hair. smoky makeup Perfect for both evening and daytime looks.

However, for brunettes with blue eyes, there are contraindications. You should not use shadows in palettes of pink, green, in some cases brown. You should also carefully select shades of blue.

Lipstick should be replaced with lip gloss or cream textures in nude tones: beige, peach, coral, flesh.

For blondes

The palette of shadows for girls with blond hair and blue eyes is more extensive than for brunettes and brown-haired women. For daytime makeup, makeup artists advise using a small amount of makeup in delicate nuances:

  • purple;
  • Lilac;
  • Peach;
  • Pink;
  • Grey.

In the evening make-up of blondes with blue eyes, shades will be ideally combined:

  • Burgundy;
  • brown;
  • cinnamon;
  • golden;
  • Purple.

It is necessary to take into account the color of the skin, for example, girls with a pale shade of the epidermis are better off refraining from golden shadows. The technique of applying shadows is best used in accordance with the shape of the eye. Universal option a relief is considered that uses tones from one palette, but no more than three at a time.

Blue eyes personify tenderness and lightness, reveal the immaculate and bright character of its owner. This color of the eyes is most often found in residents of the northern regions, since strong light filters are not needed in such an area. The southern regions are filled with sun and light, so the local population is characterized by more dark color peephole. To create the right image, delicate eyes need the right approach.

How to make beautiful makeup at home for blue eyes

Any image is created taking into account certain factors, such as the shade of the eyes, the color of the hair and skin. Together with the right cosmetics, eyes can become the main active component of beautiful makeup.

Depending on the intensity of the color of the iris, blue eyes are divided into several types:

  • Medium blue. The eyes of the color of the sky, painted by the last rays of the setting sun, are able to strike on the spot with their depth and expressiveness. For such eyes, light shadows are selected, which can be supplemented with dark chords on the outer areas and along the lash line.

  • Grey-blue. Amazing eyes are able to adapt to the girl's outfit and the situation. In selection cosmetics It is worth choosing colors that are in harmony with the chosen clothes.

  • Violets. Saturated color eyes are well complemented by bright shadows and eyeliner. Lengthening mascara gently outlines the eyes, giving them a natural charm.

  • Light blue. Such eyes are able to pierce others with their purity and clarity. When choosing shadows, you should pay attention to soft tones, without unnecessary flashy details. Neat arrows along the contour of the eyes look beautiful.

Do not forget about the shape and size of the eyes

  • For girls with blue eyes and an impending eyelid, discreet dark chords should be chosen.

  • Round eyes can be emphasized with a neat arrow in the upper section. The retro version of the arrow looks stylish and bright, with a gradually expanding line. Eyebrow shape plays an important role in creating beautiful makeup. Graceful lines above the eyes, when properly created, can change the shape of the eyes in the right direction.

  • You can show your creative nature for blue-eyed beauties with small eyes using multi-colored shadows. With similar chords, you can create a bright beautiful make-up, give your eyes an almond shape. The following combinations look beautiful: red and gold, lilac and light brown, blue and pink.

  • You can visually enlarge blue eyes and give expressiveness to your eyes with the help of thin arrows applied over the shadows.

  • You can “raise” narrow eyes with lung care stroke on upper eyelid. The line originates from the middle of the surface and ends at the outer corner.

  • On small eyes, a line is often drawn that can enlarge them. neat arrow slightly deviates from the natural contour of the eyelashes, ends slightly above the border.

  • You can visually enlarge blue eyes with light strokes along the inner border of the lower eyelid.

  • Small eyes do not accept the use of thick black lines. Such touches can noticeably weight the look and give a rough touch to beautiful makeup.

  • When choosing shades for small blue eyes, you should look at the shadows with brown pigment. Bright colors do not always look appropriate; they can give the impression of sunken eyes.

How to choose shadows depending on hair color

For daytime makeup, discreet tones are used that help create a natural look. Saturated options can turn Beautiful face into a rough picture. For a stylish and beautiful make-up, you can use the following colors: beige, porcelain, vanilla, honey and gold. Neat tones give the image wealth and luxury, they can favorably emphasize the blue color of the eyes.

For blondes, the ideal colors are: silver, dark gray, pink, black, chocolate, purple and beige.

For brunettes, the following chords are suitable: brown, gold, black, yellow, green.

Makeup tips for blue eyes at home

The first step in creating an attractive image is applying basic chords. light shades able to fix subsequent colors, keep beautiful makeup intact. Perfect option for blue eyes - bronze shadows. Such a solution is suitable for both daytime events and evening outings. Dark chords are always applied over light shadows.

When choosing shadows, you need to consider how they will look in combination with eye color. It is better to refrain from too saturated chords, use easy options.
For a beautiful evening make-up, you can use more persistent shadows. The method of application with a wet brush is ideal for special occasions.

You can hide a tired and haggard look with the help of silver or white shades applied to the inner corner.
Owners of fair skin should not get carried away with golden chords. You can draw a light stroke near the eyebrows, it will soften the picture and give a beautiful make-up charming notes.

You can emphasize the depth and brightness of blue eyes with a blue pencil and mascara. A unique image is able to distinguish a girl from the crowd and be remembered by others.

Makeup for blue eyes (step by step photo and video)

Everyday option

Beautiful daytime makeup for blue eyes involves the use of soft, discreet chords. Bright hues decorative cosmetics give the appearance of lightness and airiness, paint the face with healthy and cheerful notes. Pleasant nude shades can be used for going to work, daytime meetings with friends and walks in the park. Suitable shades: peach, coral, light blue, soft purple. Each chord needs careful shading, which creates an additional weightlessness of the image. Cold green tones, clear purple chords and light caramel notes look bewitching. From the brown palette, you need to carefully choose options. Some chords applied solo can spoil an attractive picture, but in a duet, the colors take on a completely different look and are able to sparkle with bright colors.

Makeup in the style of "smoky ice"

Smokey ice makeup technology appropriately looks like in daytime as well as evening events. For blue eyes, you can choose the following shades of shadows: pink, brown, golden, olive. Classic variant smokey ice in gray and black gives light eyes an extra heaviness, creates the image of a disgruntled lady. For blondes with light blue eyes, make-up using light gray and blue chords is suitable. You should avoid exactly hitting the color palette of blue eyes, since such a solution can overshadow the natural female beauty.

For brunettes with gray-blue eyes, we use shades of juicy blue. This approach will carefully emphasize the brightness of the look, make it unusually deep and piercing. The beauty of violet eyes is highlighted by light brown chords. Purple mascara will help complete the look.

Oriental makeup

Blue-eyed girls are a rarity in the countries of the East, but the Arabic make-up acquires magical notes in a harmonious duet with bright eyes. Such makeup involves the use of rich colors, bright arrows and charming combinations, suitable for evening events. The Arabic version for blue eyes will look beautiful with lilac, gold and purple accords.

For girls with swarthy suitable for skin indian make-up. Unlike the Arabic style, in the Indian style, the accent is created not only on blue eyes, but also on eyebrows and lips. The palette of shades includes: green, brown, silver and lilac components. Mainly used for lips bright glitter, eyebrows emphasize with a pencil.

Beautiful makeup for blue eyes is a skillful combination of suitable shades and lines that merge together into a harmonious composition. For daytime make-up, it is appropriate to use discreet and light chords; for evening events, you can not hold back your imagination and create unique, vibrant images.

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