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Women's breasts and sports: what's going on? The best exercises for the pectoral muscles

Want to perfect your chest workout? Try these 5 development programs pectoral muscles from real professionals!

Muscles can be such finicky guys sometimes. You can bench press 100kg and your chest still won't feel like a wheel because pumping up your pecs is a little more than just lifting Weight Limit. As these fellow trainers can attest, you need to train your chest from different angles to improve and get better.

Are you wondering how to do this in a hall setting? Don't worry, these elite athletes will teach you what to do. Try some of these killer combos to spice up your chest routine.

Nick Twam

Variation is the key to Nick Twam's chest growth program. “To achieve results, the chest must be trained from different angles,” says Nick, “this will provide all the conditions for muscle growth.”

Nick prefers to start with heavy compound exercises to gain mass in the upper pecs. “Most people have a clear deficiency in the upper region, the most difficult,” he explains.

“To achieve results, the chest must be trained from different angles,” says Nick, “this will provide all the conditions for muscle growth.”

Having finished with the top section, Nick moves on to the middle section. He does a superset - a special set of two exercises done one after the other - for many repetitions to achieve maximum fatigue.

"Focusing on large quantities reps, I get better muscle contraction," he says.

And although after this the pectoral muscles are simply fried, he finishes with crossovers and push-ups.


Incline chest press (2-3 warm-up sets, 4-5 sets of 6-12 reps, increasing weight after each set).

Straight chest press (3-4 sets of 6-12 repetitions)


Incline chest press on the machine (4 sets of 12-15 reps)

(4 sets to failure)


Crossover (4 sets of 12-20 repetitions)

Push ups (4 sets to failure)

Jimmy Everett

The MuscleTech-sponsored athlete insists the secret to developing strong pecs is prioritizing form. "Get a weight that's achievable, even a little more, and focus on feeling your muscles contract," he says. “Many people neglect this and just press on without thinking.”

"Make sure you're well warmed up before you start," he recommends. “Start by relaxing your shoulders to avoid injury.”

Jimmy prefers a 10x10 protocol for all his exercises, which makes his workouts very challenging. "Make sure you're well warmed up before you start," he recommends. “Start by relaxing your shoulders to avoid injury.”

Jimmy's program starts with heavy basic exercises, and then, when the muscles reach failure, he moves on to isolated exercises.

Protocol from Jimmy:

Incline chest press

Butterfly with dumbbells (10 sets of 10 reps)

Pullover with dumbbells(10 sets of 10 reps)

Crossover(10 sets of 10 reps)

Weighted dips (10 sets of 10 reps)

Push ups(3 sets to failure)

James Pulido

Magazine cover model James Pulido echoes Jimmy when it comes to shoulder health. "The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body and can be easily injured, so it's important to warm up well," he says.

James' program always begins with a serious warm-up, which includes numerous dumbbell raises in different directions for 12-15 repetitions. "When doing dumbbell lateral raises, start with your arms at your sides. Raise your arms 45 degrees, thumbs look up, then above their heads." Everyone must do this warm-up exercise, but, unfortunately, it is often neglected.

“While chest machines have serious potential, if the goal is maximum muscle hypertrophy, then there is nothing better than a simple incline bench with an incline of 15 and 30 degrees.”

Interestingly, James does not use any exercise equipment. “While chest machines have serious potential, if the goal is maximum muscle hypertrophy, then there is nothing better than a simple incline bench with an incline of 15 and 30 degrees.” He claims that these angles engage all muscle tissue, leading to greater muscle potential.

Chest training program from the man on the cover

Push ups (2-3 sets to failure)

Butterfly on an incline bench (5 sets of 8 slow reps at 15 and 30 degrees)

Bench press (5 sets of 8 slow reps at 15 and 30 degrees)

Dips with body weight or weights (5 sets of 8 slow reps)

Eirin Goli

If you want to build your pectoral muscles, you need to visualize, he says. It also includes a 1 second pause at the end of each pressing movement. A wide range of motion is critical for muscle growth. He does not extend the movement to the point of straightening his arms, so as to maintain tension in the muscles throughout the entire approach.

When doing incline dumbbell presses, he focuses on the widest possible range of motion, using not only the pectoral muscles, but also the triceps.

His program also includes the classic finish - push-ups. A set of 100 reps - with breaks if needed - will get your chest to the limit. “I like to end the program this way because it fills the chest with blood and gives me maximum pump,” he says.

"Pumping" program from Eirin

Chest press (6 sets of 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6 reps, last set - triple drop set)

Butterfly with dumbbells(5 sets of 15, 12, 10, 8, 8 reps)

Incline Dumbbell Chest Press (3 sets of 12 reps, last set is a triple drop set)


Butterfly on a bench at right angles (3 sets of 25, 20, 20 reps)

Weighted dips (3 sets to failure)

Pullover with dumbbell (4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6 reps)

Push ups (100 times)

Dave Dries

Upper thoracic region- the most the main objective Dave Dries training, magazine cover model. “A lot of people don’t pay any attention to the upper section at all,” he notes, “so I want to emphasize that I pay special attention to this object.”

Dave also believes that it is important to extend the amount of time the muscles are under pressure during the press as long as possible. “I almost never fully straighten my arms so that the muscles are constantly under tension.”

“A lot of people don’t pay any attention to the upper section at all,” he notes, “so I want to emphasize that I pay special attention to this object.”

Finally, Dave makes the most of repetitions to push his own muscles through multiple intensity levels.

Dave's Upper Chest Workout

Incline Dumbbell Press (5 sets of 6-8 reps)

Wiring on a crossover on a bench (4 sets of 10-12 reps)

Chest press in the simulator(5 sets of 8 reps)

Bench press (5 sets of 8 reps)

Dumbbell push-ups(3 sets to failure)

Many women are extremely dissatisfied not only with the size of their breasts, but also with their shape. Absolutely everyone dreams of a beautiful bust, and if... teenage years many are content with their parameters, then after childbirth everything changes radically and the ladies’ thoughts are filled with questions about what to do to restore the former beauty of the mammary glands.

It's no secret that plastic surgery capable of not only restoring, but also “adding” what is missing. But such a procedure is not affordable for everyone, and the consequences that you may encounter also discourage you from carrying out the operation.

If your breasts have begun to sag and are not at all happy with their shape, then it’s time to go in for sports. It is active training that will allow you to tighten your breasts and wear them without hesitation. revealing outfits. In addition, you will have the opportunity to become the owner of an amazing toned body, which will return you to an excellent mood and self-confidence. So, dear ladies, if you want to tighten your breasts, then let's start playing sports.

There are two options through which you can restore your bust’s elasticity, attractiveness, and even tighten it significantly. These include home workouts and visits to the gym.

In our article we will consider both options for dealing with the problem, which will allow you to choose the most suitable and convenient one.

Attractive shapes at home

If you regularly perform the exercises below at home, your chest muscles will become toned, causing your bust to lift and shape to improve slightly. IN in this case One should not hope that the mammary glands will enlarge, since this is impossible without plastic surgery.

Women's breasts can be tightened using the following exercises:

How many times should you repeat the exercises?

You can tighten your breasts with these exercises if you strictly follow certain rules, namely:

  • you should do at least 3, ideally 5 approaches;
  • number of repetitions from 10 to 20 times depending on endurance and physical level. human training.

Before moving from one approach to the next, you need to take a short break (one minute). If the body does not have time to “come to its senses” in one minute, the rest between approaches can be increased to two, but during the training period you should try to come to the first option of respite.

As for the frequency of training, they should be done three times a week. This will be quite enough to tighten your breasts and make them as attractive as possible.

When working with dumbbells, use light weight (0.5 - 1 kg). If these attributes are missing, you can fill half-liter bottles with water and start practicing.

By regularly performing the training complex described above and following all the rules, the first positive results It will be possible to notice after a month. Then you will need to increase the load (dumbbell weight, number of repetitions), since the muscles will already get used to the exercises that you have been doing for a month and will stop “reacting” to your actions.

How to do a workout in the gym

If you decide to go to the gym to improve your breasts, then this will the best solution, since there are special conditions to implement a complete complex, thanks to which you can get amazing results. At the same time, by visiting the gym, you will not only gain elastic, toned bust shape, but also correct your waist, buttocks and legs.

Workout in the gym

Regular exercise in the gym will allow you to correct your body, especially if it is well planned. Improve problem areas, including the bust area, can be done with maximum efficiency in exactly the place where there are all the necessary exercise equipment for this. There are also dumbbells in the gym different weights, which will allow you to gradually increase the load to obtain faster positive results.

It is worth noting that those women and girls who think that working out in the gym will help enlarge their breasts by 2-3 sizes are very much mistaken.

But thanks to training, you are guaranteed to be able to:

  • make the bust more impressive;
  • tighten the shape of the mammary glands;
  • make your posture ideal, which also helps improve appearance breasts;
  • You can get rid of sagging breasts and prevent further defects from appearing.

Well-developed pectoral muscles will be able to lift the chest so much that it will actually look a little larger.

Should I go to the gym or not?

A very large percentage of women think that they can turn into masculine individuals if they start working out in iron. But this is a big misconception, because hormonal background will not allow you to create a huge mountain of muscle throughout your body. The only thing you will get is a fit, graceful sports figure.

You should not be afraid of training in the gym for the reason that you will not visit this institution every day and work for hours to gain muscle mass, using special drugs. You will have to work with light weight, and even if you increase it over time, you will not be able to turn into a masculine creature.

That’s why we pack our bag, throwing in a convenient, comfortable uniform, and go to the gym to hone our chest, and “along the way,” our figure.

Exercises to increase bust elasticity

Bench press

A huge number of women have noticed that their forms acquire noticeable elasticity after performing this exercise. It should be performed while on a bench.

The technique is quite simple:

  • take a comfortable position, sitting on a bench lying on your back;
  • pre-adjust the height of the racks so that it is convenient to take the barbell;
  • remove the barbell (or the bar from it, depending on your preparation) and lower it very close to your chest, inhaling;
  • As you exhale, lift the weight up.

Exercises on an incline bench should be done in the same way, but in this case the bar should be lowered closer to the upper chest area (in the first case, lowering is done to the center of the bust).

Push ups

While in the gym, you can perform not only classic push-ups (from the floor), while placing your arms as wide as possible in order to work the pectoral muscles well, but also from a bench.

The exercise should be performed as follows:

  • we lower ourselves as we exhale;
  • we rise as we inhale.

Remember, the lower you go, the more the pectoral muscle works. When doing push-ups from a bench, you can pre-adjust the height, which will allow even poorly trained women to successfully perform the exercise. Over time, the level of the bench can be lowered and, as a result, you can perform the exercise on the floor.

Work with dumbbells

The exercise is performed similarly to that written earlier, but in the gym you can increase the load with each approach, starting with the minimum possible, and by the 3-4th approach change the dumbbells to heavier ones.


This exercise is very effective, but it is almost impossible to cope with it right away without preparation. This type of push-up promotes the development of the pectoral muscles (their lower part), allows you to give beautiful shape triceps and provides a complex effect. If you are on initial stages If you can’t cope with this exercise, don’t despair. Regular bench presses, as well as push-ups, will allow you to start doing parallel bars exercises after a while.

The technique for performing this method of breast lift is as follows:

  • firmly grasp the bars with your hands and jerk up;
  • as you exhale, lower your body down, while watching your elbows so that they move apart;
  • When performing the exercise, press your chin to your body.

When performing push-ups on the uneven bars, try to get as low as possible without causing any discomfort. Remember, working out in the gym should be fun and cause mild muscle pain.

By performing a full set of exercises (this is not all that can be done in the gym), after just a month of regular training (about 3 times a week) you will notice that your shape has changed significantly. Result achieved will force you to move forward, thanks to which you will be able to realize your dream - to tighten your mammary glands as much as possible and be proud of their attractive shape.


The female breast consists of mammary glands and fatty tissue. Underneath all this there is a muscle that, when pumped up, can actually lift the breasts and make them visually larger and higher. But when playing sports, especially during active jumping and running, our breasts may suffer. Therefore, today we decided to take a closer look at how female breasts “behave” during training.

  1. Breasts definitely need support
    A woman's breasts are “held” to the body with the help of several ligaments, tendons, and skin. And that is all. There is no more support, so it is not surprising that when these ligaments are sprained (while running or jumping), women very often feel discomfort. For comparison - internal organs in the abdominal area are reliably protected by muscles and muscular tissues. And no matter how intensely you exercise, they will be firmly fixed in place. But breasts are not, and that is why she really needs additional support in the form of bras and compression garments.
  2. Breasts move a lot
    Whether you're running or jumping, your chest just feels like it's bouncing up and down. But actually soft fabrics, which do not have fixation, are able to “write out” figure eights, move not only up and down, but also forward and backward, left and right. This was proven at the University of Portsmouth, where they tested support underwear. Scientists have come to the conclusion that a completely naked breast, without any underwear, can move even 12-15 centimeters (all depends, of course, on the initial cup size)! This is what once again proves to us the need to wear compression support sports tops and bras.
  3. Chest movement is independent of running speed and exercise intensity
    Movement amplitude female breast will always be approximately the same - you run at a speed of 5 kilometers or 10 kilometers per hour. Moreover, the same University of Portsmouth proved that after a speed of approximately 8 kilometers per hour, the amplitude of movements and their direction will be maximum, and at a running speed of more than 8 km, nothing will change. So, again, you shouldn't ignore tops for breast support, no matter how intensely you exercise.
  4. The top needs to be chosen correctly
    Not everyone, even the most advertised top famous brand will perform its function on top level. Which model to choose depends only on your preferences. But what the top needs to be measured is required condition. It is advisable not to take tops like classic bras - with hard foam cups and underwires. It is better to choose special compression fabrics and a sports cut - such a top will properly compress the chest, reducing it and preventing it from moving freely in a large amplitude.

  5. Breasts shrink from exercise
    We mean aerobic and cardio training aimed at burning fat. Most of a woman's breasts are made up of fatty mass - this is what makes a beautiful cup circumference. The more fat mass a woman has in her body, the larger her breasts will be. U full breasts always more than that of thin women. But vice versa: the less fat in the body, the smaller the breasts will be, because fat leaves them. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that your breasts will be the first to “go away” as soon as you start losing weight, no matter by what means.
  6. Breast enlargement through training is unrealistic
    As we said above, under the mammary gland and fat layer there is a pectoral muscle. It is very clearly visible in men who exercise - after all, they have no fat on their chests. This muscle can lift the mammary gland, but only slightly. It is quite possible to tighten your breasts and make them taller. But talking about changing your cup size to a larger one with the help of training is wrong. Visible effect pumping up the pectoral muscle can hardly be achieved.
  7. The pain can't be ignored
    There are many receptors and nerve endings in the chest. That's why we often feel when jogging or jumping. painful sensations. They can also occur for many other reasons - ranging from incorrectly selected underwear, breast enlargement and breast sensitivity

“If only all the calories went into the chest,” admit it, you yourself have repeatedly used this phrase, however, calories stubbornly end up everywhere, just not where they are really lacking. And then, in the fight against them, you rush to the gym and most often forget that special attention The “least high-calorie” part of the body - the chest - also deserves. After all, because of fast weight loss the breasts sag, stretch marks appear, and soon we are interested in how to tighten the skin of the chest, how to tighten the pectoral muscles and how to maintain the beauty of our figure in general.

Sports can really make breasts more beautiful, but only under certain conditions. physical activity and carefully selected underwear for classes. Otherwise, training can even harm your breasts: both their aesthetics and health. Scientists disagree on whether women should wear bras at all and how to choose a bra without harming themselves. We, based on known facts, let's try to answer in simple words.

Firstly, there is such a thing in the chest as the ligamentous apparatus of the mammary gland - this is a real support for the chest. He is, one might say, holding his chest. This device tends to stretch, for example, if the breasts are heavy (size three or more). How this happens: the device cannot cope with the weight - the ligaments are stretched - the breasts sag. This may partly affect blood circulation and other important processes in the chest. As for sagging, it’s simply ugly, and it’s what causes most plastic surgery on the chest (except for aesthetic ones). You understand, refuse a bra in Everyday life and in particular, it’s not worth it in the gym. Unless you have size 1 or 2 - you see, in small size breasts are a big plus.

But the wrong bra is worse than no bra at all. Therefore, it is very important to know how to choose a bra in your size. For professional athletes, the perfect underwear is as important as special shoes. For example, the absence of seams on underwear protects against unnecessary irritation, special fabrics will not allow microorganisms to multiply, and therefore unpleasant odors, and some - hypoallergenic - will protect against allergic reactions.

How to choose a bra for sports

Sportswear can be divided according to several criteria. For example, according to the strength of the load: strong (fitness, running), medium (skiing), weak (biking, strength training) - information about them is on the labels. There are also other marks that you need to know:

moisture wicking- the mark indicates moisture-absorbing properties, especially suitable for intense physical activity;

antimicrobial- underwear made from fabrics impregnated with an antibacterial substance, that is, during intense sweating, an unpleasant odor will not appear;

compression- underwear with a tightening effect. This type of underwear is useful for women with breasts larger than size 3;

off-set seams- linen that does not chafe or leave marks because it has no internal seams

molded cups- bras that hold the breasts well, so these should be worn for activities, for example, running or jumping.

How to choose a bra without trying on? Should not be doing that. Don't be lazy and be sure to try on a bra before purchasing. If it's a sports bra, then it's worth jumping around in it: the breasts, despite everything, should remain at rest. Select the correct cup size: A - 12.5 cm; B - 15 cm; C - 17.5 cm; D - 20 cm; E - 22.5 cm. Do not be afraid to consult with sellers.

If you seriously decide to play sports, take your choice of bra seriously, which, by the way, is advisable to change at least once every six months.

How to tighten your pectoral muscles

We already know that the chest has a ligamentous apparatus. And they also have a muscle at their core. There is an opinion that breasts can be pumped up. In theory this sounds very good for advertising campaigns sports training, gyms or exercise equipment. Practically - in fact, it is possible, but the pectoral muscle occupies a very small percentage of the entire chest area, so even if it increases significantly, the effect will be difficult to notice.

In general, the breast does not consist of muscles, but of glandular and fatty tissue. Therefore, rest assured that playing sports will not help to enlarge your breasts, but may speed up their sagging, so be sure to buy sports underwear.

How to tighten breast skin

If you have already suffered from sagging or stretch marks on your chest, you can fight them. Stretch marks can be treated with store-bought or homemade creams.

How to tighten your breasts at home? For this there are healthy recipes from ingredients we know.

Recipe No. 1

5-10 drops almond or olive cosmetic oil+ 1 drop each of geranium and ylang-ylang oils. Stir the mixture, place in a small jar and store in the refrigerator. This mixture should be used daily for 1 month. Apply to clean, steamed skin in a circular motion, go around the nipples. Rinse off after 15 minutes. The mixture will help tighten the skin of the breast, making the skin firm and elastic.

Recipe No. 2

5 tbsp. spoons of natural (unheated) honey + 3 tbsp. spoons of ground aloe. Stir the mixture until smooth, then apply to the chest every day for 2 months on clean, steamed skin in a circular motion, going around the nipples. Rinse off after 15 minutes.

Recipe No. 3

5 tbsp. spoons pharmaceutical chamomile pour 1 liter of water. When it boils, reduce heat and simmer for another 15 minutes. Then wrap the vessel terry towel and keep it for several hours. Then strain the broth. Pour into molds and keep in the freezer. If you wipe the skin of your chest with such a cube every morning, you will maintain healthy and firm breasts for a long time.

Recipe No. 4

150 g baby cream+ 25-50 g lavender oil or rose oil. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for several months. Apply to clean, steamed skin on your chest daily in a circular motion until you see results.

If you notice that your breasts are starting to sag, take action immediately.

  • Give up too hot water and using soap - it dries the skin.
  • Regular massage (professional only) with rubbing healthy oils will benefit not only saggy breasts, but also healthy.
  • Sudden weight loss can be bad for your breasts. Therefore, it is better to lose weight gradually.
  • Avoid solariums and topless tanning.
  • Maintain your posture - this will keep your breasts firm.
  • Contact your doctors for recommendations.

Here's another one effective recipe for those who are interested in how to tighten breast skin.

Recipe for a breast tightening mask: 1 teaspoon of low-fat cottage cheese + 2 tablespoons of milk. Stir until smooth. Then apply the mask to your chest for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask under a cold shower.

We already know that your breasts will not get bigger thanks to exercise, but they may get smaller. You need to understand this before choosing which sport to play. The chest does not shrink from Pilates, yoga - in a word, from cardio loads, and not from strength training, such as fitness or bodybuilding. The point is that intense power training level up male hormones, which can affect “very feminine” mammary glands, which need female hormones for volume.

In general, it is worth taking care of your breasts not only in the gym, but also in everyday life. Doctors advise checking at least twice a year for various formations in the chest, without waiting for pain or other signals. After all healthy breasts- this is an athletic chest.

If you ask such a question to an experienced trainer, he will answer without hesitation that the breasts from playing sports can either increase or decrease. It's all about how you train and what your goals are.

Breast size depends not only on heredity and genetic predisposition, but also on the amount of adipose tissue of which the mammary gland partially consists. Therefore, if you do cardio and are trying to lose weight, your breast size will inevitably decrease slightly.

But those women who train to gain muscle mass or correct your figure, they may well enlarge your breasts. This does not mean that you will start to look like female bodybuilders, whose muscular photos often scare the fair sex away from getting into fitness. But regular training and professional sports have practically nothing in common, and besides, it is somewhat more difficult for women to gain muscle mass than for men due to biological characteristics. You are not in danger of becoming a pumped-up bodybuilder unless you want it yourself.

Exercises to enlarge and shape your breasts

Aerobic exercise, which promotes weight loss, uniformly reduces the amount of fat layer throughout the body, therefore, if the legs and hips are reduced, then the breasts are also reduced. Thus, it is necessary to include exercises specifically for the chest in your workouts. This will not only allow you to add at least one size, but will also prevent sagging, which occurs precisely from a lack of muscle tissue supporting the breasts.

Push-ups are the most effective and simplest exercise. Start with push-ups, doing 15 reps per set. As soon as this becomes easy, move on to push-ups.

Bend your arms, clasp your palms together, and spread your elbows so that your forearms form a straight line. Now press your hands against each other with all your might for at least 10 seconds. Perform 15 approaches. Then do the same exercise, but your arms should be raised above your head.

For this exercise you will need dumbbells or two water bottles. Lie on the floor, spread your arms with dumbbells to the sides. Now raise your arms up and then lower them, holding them above the floor for about 10 seconds.

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Now perform several rotations forward and backward with each hand.

Don't forget about stretching your pectoral muscles. To do this, move your hand back as far as you can. To enhance the effect, you can move your hand away by placing it on the wall and turning your body in the opposite direction. Repeat the same with the other hand.

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