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Is it possible to register a marriage on the same day. Special occasions in marriage. Accelerated marriage procedure

Entry of citizens into legal marriage governed by the Family Code Russian Federation(Article 2). As a rule, after submitting an application to the registry office, future newlyweds need to wait month before official ceremony(Article 11 RF IC). However, sometimes newlyweds think about how to quickly register a marriage. It is possible, but only on the basis of good reasons.

You can urgently register a marriage in the presence of the following special circumstances:

  • pregnancy;
  • threat to the life of a man or woman;
  • birth of a child;
  • de facto established marriage;
  • drafting a man into the army;
  • urgent but long business trip;
  • and so on.

In some situations, it is quite possible to sign right on the day of application.

Each case is considered by authorized employees of the registry office on an individual basis, upon confirmation good reason relevant documents. It could be:

  • certificate from antenatal clinic about pregnancy;
  • certificate from work about the upcoming long business trip;
  • medical certificate about the upcoming major operation.

Complete list there are no valid reasons for early registration of marriage in the RF IC. Organs local government may recognize as special circumstances any of those that require an urgent official signature.

In case of refusal of the registry office staff to reduce the waiting period for registration of marriage, appeal this decision possible in judicial order(Article 11 RF IC, paragraph 3).

Application for registration of marriage

The main condition for marriage is joint statement from both future spouses (Article 24 of the RF IC).

Previously, it was not possible to submit an application to one of the citizens, the presence of both was required. Today the situation has changed. According to practice, more and more applications for marriage are accepted, provided that the application from the second citizen is signed by him personally and certified by a notary.

After submitting the application, a month is given for reflection and preparation for the celebration. This was done in order to prevent hasty unions, as well as to identify the presence of obstacles to marriage.

If there is a good reason to reduce the time for registration of marriage, the date may be postponed even if there is an already submitted application. That is, if citizens have already submitted an application, and the date of the ceremony has been set, if there are special circumstances in which urgency is needed, it can be postponed to more early time. To do this, you will need to submit an application to the registry office to postpone the date.

Exceptional Circumstances

The terms of marriage after application can be reduced as much as possible only under exceptional circumstances. There is no complete list of them in the legislation. But according to practice, these are 3 reasons:

  • pregnancy;
  • child (birth);
  • danger to the life of the bride or groom.

In these cases, future spouses have the right to choose the most suitable option for them: painting on the day of application or directly reducing the waiting time for the ceremony.

It is worth explaining in more detail "danger to life". It may include many different situations. For example, leaving on a dangerous expedition, in a war zone, a serious surgical intervention and so on. Naturally, these circumstances must be confirmed.

However, all of the above does not give citizens the right to demand painting on the day the application was submitted, or to reduce the waiting time for registration. Only the registry office decides whether to meet the needs of the young or refuse their request. In the event that citizens consider that their rights have been violated in the form of a refusal to pre-schedule the list, they have the right to apply to the court with a claim to recognize the actions of the registry office as illegal.

Documents for registration of marriage

How to shorten the period between filing an application at the registry office and registration, we figured out. Now let's talk about what documents, in addition to documents confirming the validity of the reason for early marriage, will be needed.

Marriage is a legal union of a man and a woman, which is concluded on the basis of freedom and voluntary expression of will, is aimed at creating a family and entails the onset of mutual rights and obligations.

It doesn't matter if quick registration is in progress or standard procedure: in order to marital relations considered legal, all established requirements must be met.

To understand all the nuances of the procedure, as well as provided by law restrictions, first read the .

Terms of accelerated registration

In some life circumstances, marriage bonds need to be formalized almost in one day. In what cases is this possible and is it possible at all? Of course, you can’t count on a festive ceremony here, but if necessary, you can start a family in a short time.

Each case is considered on an individual basis, depending on certain circumstances. The legislation provides for a number of reasons for which accelerated registration of marriage is possible:

  • pregnancy of the future wife;
  • the birth of a common child among the spouses;
  • a threat to the life of one of the spouses;
  • prolonged and severe illness of the bride or groom;
  • departure of one of the spouses on a long business trip;
  • departure of the groom military service to Army;
  • other reasons.

The presence of any circumstances will need to be documented: ( medical certificate, documents from work, birth certificate of a child, and so on). This needs to be addressed Special attention not to lose precious time. Employees of the registry office, at their own discretion, may also take into account other circumstances that contribute to the acceleration of registration of marriage ties.

Registration of marriage in case of pregnancy

The most common reason for wanting to formalize a relationship as soon as possible is pregnancy. future wife. IN this case all other documents are accompanied by a certificate from the antenatal clinic, which indicates the duration of pregnancy. It depends on him and the wishes of the young how quickly the marriage will be registered.

Deadlines for filing an application to the registry office when registering a marriage

Urgent registration of marriage in the registry office will depend on several factors:

  • reasons for the reduction in terms;
  • submission of all required documents;
  • number of applicants and availability.

The registry office staff should let you know how quickly the marriage can be registered and agree on the date and time with you.

You can choose the registry office yourself, so if the deadlines are running out, you should not contact the most popular wedding venues in big cities. For this purpose, small settlements are best suited.

It would be most rational to find out about the workload of several registry offices that are close to you and choose the most suitable one.

Many are interested in whether it is possible to register a marriage on the day of application. Article 11 family code The Russian Federation says that this is possible under special circumstances. However, most likely, this event will be held not in solemn atmosphere. If the situation allows for a little delay, the most common time frame is considered to be one to two weeks after the application is submitted.

What you need to do to quickly register a marriage

We figured out whether it is possible to get married in 1 day. But what is needed for this? Procedure accelerated registration is no different from the usual one, except that documents confirming the need to reduce the time will need to be submitted to the registry office.

Thus, in order to conclude a marriage under the accelerated procedure, the following package of documents should be submitted:

  • statement;
  • identity documents;
  • if the person was previously married - a document confirming the termination of such relations;
  • for minors - permission to enter into marriage;
  • documents that will serve as the basis for the accelerated procedure registration.

Applying to the registry office online

Marriage registration on the day of filing an application is allowed when submitting documents in person or in electronic form through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services. The second option was specially created in order to save time and effort. However, if you need an urgent painting, a personal visit to the registry office is likely to bring more results. If you still have some time left and do not want to stand in lines, check out.

How to apply to the registry office through the State Services website: Video

This is serious new stage in life. But despite this, when everything seems to be even allowed, some questions appear, and often they are interconnected with registration.

In this article, we will help you deal with the question of whether it is possible to register a marriage without a residence permit, what does the legislation of the Russian Federation say about this. And also we will analyze when and in what cases marriage registration is impossible.

After collecting all the necessary documents, citizens who decide to register their marriage owe to the employees of the registry office. Directly along with the application, it will also be necessary to determine the date of the wedding.

Note that applications are accepted 2 months before the wedding day. Often in summer period in the offices of the registry office, a stir begins, and it even happens that young people are busy waiting in line to submit an application in advance.

From the time of application to the wedding, at least 1 month must pass - this is established by the rules of the registry office.

A month later, at the conclusion of the marriage, the personal presence of both parties is mandatory. The legislator did not provide for absentee registration, it will also not be possible to marry or get married through their representatives, even if there is a special power of attorney.

A period of one month can sometimes be changed, for example, if there are good reasons. Changing the term is possible, but not more than one month.

You can register a marriage as soon as you submitted an application, but only due to some emergency circumstances, which include, for example, the birth of a child.

The circumstances in connection with which you want to change the term must be confirmed by documents, for example, a certificate from the hospital directly about.

What documents are needed

Regardless of whether there is a problem with registration, in any case, in order to sign at the registry office, the newlyweds must take with them:

  • Of course, you need to take a passport, both yours and your half. The only condition here is that the passport at the time of application must be valid, and not expired.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty. For details, please contact the registry office directly. Payment can be made at any branch of the bank.
  • If one of the spouses was once already married, then it is also necessary to file a certificate of divorce.

ATTENTION! In addition to the above documents, if the spouses are persons who have not reached the age of majority, permission is required directly for the marriage itself.

A permit for a minor must be issued by the local self-government body at the place of his residence.

When marriage registration is not possible

As already noted, such problems often arise due to the lack of registration. Now the registry offices refuse to register for this very reason.

Do you need a residence permit when registering a marriage and is it legally denied in the registry office? In order not to ask such a question, it is necessary to remember that the requirement to have a residence permit for registering a marriage is not prescribed by the legislator.

Therefore, it is not mandatory. Moreover, the legislator provides for the possibility for everyone to register a marriage in absolutely any branch of the registry office.

When you are, the issue of registration should also not arise. The application must indicate the place of your residence, and in no case the place of your registration. That is, registration in the passport again does not play any role.

The legislator spelled out the grounds for refusing to register a marriage. There are no grounds for residency.

Thus, the requirement of registration is not lawful, that is, registration of a marriage without a residence permit is possible, and if marriage registration is denied precisely for this reason, then you can go to the employees of this registry office and file an application with the court.

IN statement of claim in this case, it is necessary to demand compensation for non-pecuniary damage, in particular because the employees of the registry office spoiled one of your important days life.

The legislator establishes several prohibitions:

  • If one is already married.
  • If the future newlyweds are close relatives.

This prohibition is explained, in particular, by human morality and biology, since this is connected with the issue of healthy offspring. The risk of having children with pathology is high.

In addition, this is due to the level of development of today's society. The law prohibits marriages between half-sisters and brothers, adoptees and adoptive parents.

  • Marriage is prohibited if one person is incapacitated. In this case, incapacity must be recognized by the court.

Incapacity may be recognized due to mental illness or dementia. Thus, incapacity on the basis of the use of alcohol or drugs is not a basis for refusing to register a marriage.

  • If one of the spouses is under the influence of drugs or drunkenness. Thus, the legislator clearly defines the grounds for refusing registration.
  • If the presence of any one of these grounds is established, then the branch refuses to register.

If, nevertheless, a person has already entered into marriage directly, without previously having divorced from the previous half, then later, for example, after his death, his spouse may demand that the concluded marriage be recognized as invalid. Often this is due to inheritance or other monetary issues.


Before the wedding, it is necessary to clarify in advance in the registry office the issue of registering the place of residence of the spouses.

If you are answered this question that it is impossible to register a marriage outside the place of registration, then you will have time before the wedding to remind the branch employees that they are wrong, as well as your possible appeal to the court for this occasion. Then the likelihood that workers will ruin your wedding will be minimized.

Currently practice cohabitation without official registration of marriage is widespread everywhere. However, the spouses are vested with legal duties and rights only after the painting in the registry office.

Who can and who is forbidden by law to marry?

Persons can officially register their union:

  • adults;
  • with a voluntary desire to formalize the relationship;
  • not married.

It is forbidden to marry between:

  • close relatives;
  • persons who together or at least one of whom is already in an official union or has mental disorders and has been recognized as incapacitated;
  • adoptees and adoptive parents.

Registration of marriage: step by step instructions

From a practical point of view, registering a marriage is not difficult at all. The main thing is to follow the sequence of such actions:

  1. Payment of state duty. When making the appropriate decision, you can go straight to the bank branch and pay the fee for the wedding. At the moment it is 350 rubles.
  2. Submission of an application. A responsible step that both future spouses must take. If it is impossible for the bride or groom to be present at the submission of the application, a separate application is drawn up. The signature of the absent person must be notarized. There are three applicants to choose from. possible options filing an application:
  • IN writing by personal submission to any of the offices of the registry office throughout Russia.
  • IN in electronic format through a single portal for state and municipal functions.
  • Written through the Multifunctional Center.

The following must be attached to the application:

  • Passports.
  • Documents that confirm the termination of the previous union (a copy of the divorce certificate, a document on the death of the former spouse or on the recognition of the marriage as invalid by the court, etc.).
  • A copy of the receipt for payment of state duty.
  • A written opinion on the existence of special circumstances under which a minor (over 16 but under 18 years of age) may enter into marriage. It is issued by local authorities.

3. Official registration. Marriage must be concluded no later than two and no earlier than one month from the date of application. At special conditions these periods can be increased or decreased, for example, due to pregnancy, illness of one of the spouses, the birth of a child, moving to another place of residence, etc.

4. Obtaining a marriage registration certificate. On the appointed day, a certificate is issued to the newlyweds, which indicates:

  • past and present surnames of husband and wife, as well as places and dates of their birth, citizenship and nationality;
  • place (name of the registry office) and date of conclusion of the union;
  • date of compilation and number of entry in the registration act.

The issued certificate has legal force in all countries of the world. If you find an error made by a registry office employee, you can apply and get a corrected version for free.

The first step towards legal married life is the choice of the district registry office in which you are going to legalize your relationship. You can register at any branch or the Wedding Palace.

After choosing an institution, preparation begins necessary documentation. The list of required documents includes:

    • Valid passports of the bride and groom.
    • Payment receipt state duty, the amount of which is 350 rubles.
    • Additional documents that are provided if the potential spouses were previously married, or one of them has not yet reached the age of majority. In the first situation, you will need documents on the death of a spouse or a certificate of divorce. In the second case - permission from the district administration.

How to register in another area or country

If you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, but this moment do not live in the country, you can get married in any area of ​​your city. If the marriage union was concluded abroad, then in Russia it is recognized as legal in the event that no contradictions to state legislation have been identified.

What to do with registration

Russian law also prohibits refusal of registration due to any inconsistencies in residence or propiska. Registration of relations in Moscow is available not only for residents of the capital, but also for those living throughout Russia. At the same time, no one will require you to have a residence permit, permanent or temporary.

When to apply for registration

By law, the deadline for filing an application is only one month. But it can be increased or decreased due to the following circumstances:

      • Bride's pregnancy and imminent birth child.
      • A potential spouse is in the service or is just about to go to the army.
      • The bride or groom needs to leave the country immediately.
      • An unexpected long business trip of one of the newlyweds.

Each of the above cases must be documented. This may be a certificate from a doctor, confirmation from the military registration and enlistment office, official papers from the place of work. It should be noted that the summer autumn periods are the height of the wedding season. It is at this time that a huge number of couples want to get married. Therefore, it is recommended to submit all documents in advance and apply for registration.

Quick registration on the same day

Sometimes newlyweds have reasons due to which the registration of relations can occur on the very day when the future spouses filed an application. Such cases include the following:

        • Late pregnancy of the bride.
        • The presence of joint children.
        • The stay of the groom in military service.
        • Urgent departure.
        • Of course you can make urgent registration only when you provide the department with all supporting documents.

How is the state fee paid

The fee is an important item when applying, so it must be paid without fail. Without it, your application will be considered invalid. The amount of the state duty is the same in all cases. You can pay this fee at any branch of the Sberbank branch. And if the payment occurs during the electronic filing of the application, then the amount is deducted from the payment card of the bride or groom.

Days off in the registry offices of Moscow

All city registry offices and wedding palaces carry out their activities with two days off. They do not work on Sunday and Monday. In addition to weekends, the schedule of departments also includes sanitary days. As a rule, at this time, the registry offices are open, but no applications are accepted or registered. Sanitary days are usually on Thursdays or Tuesdays.

Before going to the registry office or the Wedding Palace, check in advance whether the institution is open and whether it accepts applications. Don't forget about lunch time. Usually the break is held from 13.00-14.00, and the working day lasts from 9.00 to 17.00.

What to do if the bride or groom is not in town

If, under any circumstances, one of the future spouses is not in the city, then the other half can submit two separate applications for registration of the relationship. But first you need to go and take the forms for registration in advance. They must be completed by hand. The application of the absent party must be officially certified by a notary. The same requirement applies to grooms and brides from near and far abroad.

One last name for two

At the request of the newlyweds, their premarital surnames can be combined into one. But it is worth noting that if one of the spouses has a double surname, then such a procedure will not work. It should be taken into account that all personal identification documents, in case of a change, will need to be redone. Of course, you can also just keep your last name.

Is it necessary to arrange a solemn registration

Often newlyweds cannot play magnificent wedding for many reasons. Some people think that this is a waste of time, others cannot afford to organize a holiday due to lack of funds. Regardless of whether the celebration will be held, registration is considered legal in any case.

Non-ceremonial registration of marriage

This form of registration is suitable for newlyweds who do not have the desire or time to arrange a whole festival from the painting procedure. Moreover, she takes minimal amount time. Non-ceremonial registration is carried out not in the main hall, but in the office of the branch employee. You only need to put the murals in necessary documents, after which you get your passports back with stamps. These stamps indicate that you can now be called legal spouses.

Of course, the guests non-ceremonial registration they will not be able to attend in large numbers, because there is not enough space in the office. Usually, those invited wait in the lobby, and only after registration are they allowed to congratulate the newlyweds.

What to choose: the registry office or the Wedding Palace

The registry office is an organization where a wide variety of life events are registered. Here you can not only legalize relationships, but also get a divorce, get a birth and death certificate. Only marriages are registered in the Wedding Palaces. By and large, the difference between them lies mainly in the design. Marriage palaces are decorated more beautifully and presentably, and they also tend to have a larger capacity.

What does exit registration of marriage mean. Is it legal.

Registration of relations in Moscow can become exclusive if you order this procedure not in the registry office, but, for example, in a museum, art gallery or in a nature reserve. But first, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for organizing such an event. Exit registrations can be made only by the capital's registry offices: Ryazansky, Khamovnichesky, Perovsky, Kutuzovsky, Tsaritsynsky, Tversky. The employees of the Wedding Palace can also carry out field registrations. But this applies to Palaces No. 1 and No. 3. Such ceremonies are performed only on a certain day set aside for the wedding, so the date must be agreed in advance.

Official and unofficial registration of marriages

Exit registration of relations can be not only legal, but also informal. Legal registrations are carried out only by employees of the registry office or wedding palaces. Unofficial ceremonies include registrations that are made simply in honor of the newlyweds who have concluded marital relations in another country, or it may be the celebration of another date life together. No legal documents are issued.

Are witnesses required?

If you do not have such people who could become your witnesses, then you should not be upset. The well-known tradition of the obligatory presence of witnesses at wedding ceremony already long past. Witnesses today just represent observance national customs. They don't put their signatures on documents.

Shooting Information and Memory Photo

Photographing the solemn registration in the Wedding Palaces or in the registry offices of Moscow is not prohibited by law. In all Wedding Palaces, no one will forbid you to completely shoot wedding celebration. But please note that only one photographer and videographer is allowed to work in the hall. A large number of masters by the rules is considered unacceptable.

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