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A schoolchild refuses to eat: reasons and help. How is the menstrual cycle established in teenage girls? What is considered normal and what is a violation? Treatment of depression in children

The teenage period in the life of any person is associated with various kinds of difficulties and problems for parents. The most important thing in the process of raising a teenager, of course, is overcoming various difficult situations and forming the teenager’s own and independent opinion. The main and indispensable conditions for overcoming difficulties are the recognition of their existence and sober assessment the current situation. Many parents are completely wrong to believe that the younger generation does not and cannot have any problems. Most young people live with their parents in comfortable apartments, study in prestigious educational institutions, eat well and do not think about the future.

The vast majority of young people have the opportunity to spend their leisure time fun and carefree at parties in nightclubs, play gambling, visit various entertainment programs. At first glance, it may seem that modern young men and women live in ideal conditions, they don’t worry about anything and don’t think about anything. Parents who hold this opinion are wrong; they simply do not fully understand the seriousness of the current situation.

Today's youth are very different from young people of previous generations. Do not listen to old and grumpy grandmothers who scold the modern generation and do not accept modern morals. Young people of the 21st century. much more capable, smarter, more mobile, they are the future of our country. It’s unlikely that anyone has thought about how difficult it is for our teenagers in modern conditions, how many problems fall upon them that they alone cannot cope with without our help. Progress has brought into our lives not only modern technology and new technologies, but also many things that are not good. Modern world literally flooded with various temptations, the entertainment industry offers more and more new ways of spending leisure time, which do not always bring joy. Smoking, alcoholism, and drugs have become a real scourge, since they claim so many lives and cripple so many destinies that it is impossible to count. The world has become so cruel and merciless that it is scary to even leave the house when it gets dark. Many sociological researchers have tried to find the real reason happening, and, as it turned out, the main reason for such difficult situation is common chronic stress. It is the absence positive emotions and the constant expectation of bad things are the main reason aggressive behavior of people. People stopped enjoying the little things in life, stopped appreciating small joys, modern society a negative attitude and reluctance to something new and bright prevail. In many modern families there is no mutual understanding, there is no sincerity, you can even observe a situation where relatives behave like enemies. There is no dialogue, everyone is pursuing exclusively own interests, does not take into account those around him and does not notice many communication problems due to a lack of interest in the fate of others. Just think about how our youth live in such a situation? After all, we ourselves set ourselves up for such a line of behavior, and then we begin to complain that our youth are so bad. Today's young people are a reflection of our times, and we cannot blame them for our mistakes. And the fact that in a number of cases they behave simply defiantly, uncivilized, take the path of vice, only we, the adults, are to blame. It is possible that among our readers there will be many people who disagree with such a statement. But how else can we explain the current situation? If we ourselves allow ourselves so many liberties, we choose easy life and idle pleasures, we do not raise children properly, how can we demand anything different from our youth? You can only teach by example, you can explain something to others if you yourself understand it thoroughly. Now think about it and remember, how often have you yourself adhered to such rules?

The well-known Soviet slogan that the family is the unit of society has not lost its relevance today, but has taken on a slightly different meaning. Unfortunately, many parents forget that the foundation for any person is the family, and not material values and other benefits. Only in a prosperous family, where each member has his own rights and responsibilities, is it possible to form a full-fledged and cultural personality. Exactly at strong families all problems and conflicts are resolved easily and quickly. Thus, from all that has been said above, one main conclusion follows - overcoming problems adolescence is possible only after overcoming family problems. After all, it is harmonious family gives birth to harmonious children. Of course, everyone has problems, but everyone overcomes them differently. Let's look at the main troubles of adolescence and try to find the best ways to solve and overcome them.

Before you take on the problems of your growing child, try to understand own problems and solve them first. After all, doing anything else is possible only if you have complete mental comfort. The first and indispensable condition for helping a teenager is your own willingness to help and interest in solving issues that concern the child. Never lie to your child or pretend to be artificially interested in your child’s problems. Falsity is always noticeable, especially in adolescence when all the senses are heightened. Try to avoid artificiality, leave the teenager alone if you notice a reluctance on his part to communicate. During the period of growing up, teenagers are very nervous, impressionable, easily irritated and angry. Take your time, don’t insist on talking, and don’t turn communication into torture. The person himself will come to you for advice when he sees fit. Yours the main task as parents is to build a dialogue with the child. Communication is an indispensable condition for success in matters of education. In order to make your child feel that you are on his side, try to always support him and avoid being too harshly critical of him. Comments should be made as soon as possible soft form so as not to humiliate the dignity of the child. Never neglect communication with your child. Even if you have urgent things to do, try to take a minute of free time to talk with your teenager. Don’t change a conversation with someone close to you to go shopping or discuss the next TV series. Such a behavioral line on your part will give the child a feeling of necessity, stability and will make him want to come to you again.

Don’t make another gross mistake - don’t tell your child that he lives on everything ready and has no problems. This popular belief is not nearly as true as it seems at first glance. For everyone age period have their own characteristics and problems.

As we grow older, previous experiences begin to seem trivial to us; we easily forget how recently we considered them unsolvable. Many adults, unfortunately, have forgotten that they, too, were once children and solved similar problems. Do not refuse your child advice, do not turn into enemies.

I would like to explain why we pay so much attention to the problem of communication. This approach to the educational process is dictated primarily by personality characteristics modern teenager. If in previous stagnant times the country and people lived according to a single government plan, where everyone was brought up according to generally accepted rules and norms, now much has changed. Currently, there is no single management and education scheme; individuality and uniqueness are valued. By the way, the desire to express oneself and prove oneself as an extraordinary person has another problem - hobby in non-standard ways carrying out free time. The tendency of young people to be shocking and defiant behavior sometimes leads to disastrous consequences. In most cases, it is the desire to stand out from the crowd, to experience something unknown, that pushes young people onto the path of drug addiction, drunkenness and an idle lifestyle.

Sometimes, when a person cannot become a worthwhile specialist in his industry and is not able to achieve what he wants, he begins to look for ways to stand out in another field. In some cases, the desire to shine leads a young person into the company of less intellectually developed peers from bad companies, among which he looks more advantageous and receives long-awaited self-expression.

This is why it is so important to communicate with your own child. Trusting relationship will open the doors to a teenager’s heart, you will be able to identify vicious tendencies in time and influence the child. As long-term practice of communicating with teenagers shows, young people who are accustomed to sharing problems and doubts with their parents are less susceptible to the influence of other people and the trends of the times, they are more psychologically stable and easily differentiate the bad from the good.

Therefore, communicate more with your growing children, because only from their parents can a child receive the most truthful information about life. The fate of your children lies only in your hands. Don't miss a minute. Carefully monitor all the child’s hobbies, try to notice the most insignificant changes in the child’s habits and actions, this will help you identify the problem earlier and solve it in a timely manner. We just want to warn you right away - do not take our advice literally. In order to notice the changes taking place in a teenager, it is not at all necessary to eavesdrop. telephone conversations, stand at the door of the room when friends come. You just need to be more attentive to the child, respond correctly to age-related changes, and then the child himself will not want anything bad.

It's no secret that the best method avoiding something is prevention. For our situation, there is also nothing better than prevention; it is the best method to avoid troubles.

In order for a teenager not to engage in painful introspection, not to look for unimaginable ways of self-expression, it is necessary to correctly build educational process back in childhood. From his very birth, a child must be made to understand that he is a person, and an extraordinary and talented person, capable of the most daring and incredible actions.

Please do not confuse the correct naming of things with depriving a child of his childhood. This is far from true. The point is not about discussing adult problems with the child, which are incomprehensible and unnecessary, but about making it easier to overcome the period of growing up.

Equally important in a child’s development the right line behavior is the education of feelings self-esteem. It is very important. It is correct self-esteem, adequate judgment about oneself and understanding of one’s place in life that make it possible to correctly evaluate environment and people. It depends only on the parents how correctly the teenager evaluates himself. It’s not very good when self-esteem is sharply low. In such a situation, the teenager is most susceptible to influence various kinds suggestions. People with low self-esteem are often unsure of themselves, their own strengths and capabilities, and tend to consider themselves useless and incapable of anything. They constantly experience discomfort, cannot fully express their capabilities and more often than others end up in various situations. problematic situations and dubious companies. It is this contingent of teenagers that is more susceptible than others to harmful hobbies, such as drugs, alcohol, smoking intoxicating herbs and substance abuse. After all, it is all of the above that causes intoxication and allows you to create the illusion of an ideal world in which a timid person can become bright, bold and show all his hidden dreams and desires. Such a development of the plot brings nothing but suffering, both to the teenager himself, caught in the web of temptation, and to his parents. Therefore, never suppress a child in his endeavors, do not tell him that he is wrong, do not subordinate him to your own opinion, do not make him dependent on you, trust him and, most importantly, believe in him. It is your confidence in his abilities that is the most powerful incentive and argument for believing in own strength. This is especially true for families raising boys. The question of leadership is especially acute here. From birth, boys are significantly different from girls, and they need to be raised taking into account certain characteristics. From early childhood they need more freedom and independence, so there is no need to oppress them. In case of disputes and family conflicts It is necessary to talk to the culprit as strictly and impressively as possible, but in no case cross the line and suppress him. Too much pressure and suppression of personality traits threaten to develop into a severe inferiority complex, which long years will separate you from a growing man because of a strong resentment towards you. Another option is also possible, when one’s own opinion ceases to exist and, growing up, a person cannot make even a simple decision.

But you should also avoid the other extreme - too much conceit. Sometimes too much loving parents forget about healthy criticism of the teenager and begin to overlook many important little things, which become more and more pronounced over time. Some parents raise their children in an atmosphere of increased comfort and permissiveness, do not criticize them for any offenses, do not make suggestions, and ultimately they grow up to be selfish, self-confident people, alien to other people’s experiences and sometimes merciless towards own parents. To avoid such contradictory outcomes, avoid extremes, try to maintain objectivity in any, even the most difficult situation. It is your restraint, tact and objective analysis of the situation that will help you accept correct solution in relation to the culprit: punish or simply limit yourself to an explanation. Remember that only you can channel the uncontrollable teenage impulse in the right direction.

Another problematic and controversial issue are freedom and choice of leisure. It is during the period of growing up that young people so want something unknown, new, which did not exist before. And the main thing that all teenagers want is freedom, and in the broadest sense of the word. This is not only freedom of time, but also of thoughts, feelings, actions and desires. Freedom for a young man is the personification of happiness and a certain status. In many families with growing children, controversial situations often arise regarding free time. There is no consensus on the issue of freedom for teenagers. Is it worth allowing a child too much, is it worth limiting his freedom and controlling all his actions? Unfortunately, the answer to the questions posed has not been found. Restrictive measures and the question of the degree of permissibility must be decided in each specific case individually. The determining factor in this situation is personal characteristics teenager You cannot manage the free time of different people according to one principle. For flighty teenagers prone to all sorts of adventures, who easily agree to the most thoughtless actions and proposals, it is simply necessary to apply the method of restricting freedom. People of this type often simply cannot stop and find themselves in various unpleasant and difficult situations. They simply need some kind of external limiter, reasonable guidance, which parents can easily act as. Overly energetic, restless, easily excitable teenagers need to be captivated by something (for example, enroll in some sports section). This balance of power is the most favorable in this situation: time is busy - there is no opportunity to come up with adventures, and the teenager develops harmoniously and smoothly.

If the child is lethargic, rarely shows initiative and does not have clear priority directions for moving through life, try talking to him. Surely he wants something very badly, and your interest will help him show all his talent. Just believe in your children! This is the most important and indispensable condition.

Another important point education in adolescence: Do not suppress your child, do not limit his free time only to going to school and staying at home reading books. Give him freedom of action. Do not interfere with his desire to go out with friends. We assure you that not a single unlearned lesson is worth the time that flies by with friends and loved ones. We will repeat ourselves by saying that the child’s development should occur harmoniously, so do not deprive him of this. Harmony implies a balance of entertainment, rest and work. Therefore, allow your child a little freedom; it won’t hurt at all. Youth is given to a person only once, and it is necessary that after many years, looking back, a person remembers not only everyday work, but also the small holidays of life.

There is a very interesting phenomenon in psychology. It was described relatively recently and consists of a person’s constant feeling of lack of something very important and necessary, even though he has the best earthly blessings: a car, an apartment, a family, etc. In fact, it turned out that such wealthy people They just didn't get something they really wanted growing up (like dancing at a disco). They were asked to accomplish something that had not been done before now, as adults. And, oddly enough, after the implementation of their plan, they again experienced the joy of life. This example we have provided this to illustrate our point and perhaps to give some particularly vigilant parents pause. If your son or daughter is a little late from a walk, you should not assume that schoolwork has been abandoned and your head is empty. They are just young and want to get a taste of life. This is not at all a reason for quarrels and showdowns. Smart and understanding parents will never limit their child’s freedom. After all, unfinished, understated, unexperienced impressions will only bring harm. You don't want your adult child to reproach you after many years. excessive care and supervision? Do not restrict teenagers, but subject to availability common sense. You can attend any event, but only with an adequate and sound assessment of the situation.

A very important consequence follows from what was said earlier: the correct behavioral line, an objective and correct assessment of the situation are possible subject to adequate information. The relevance of this issue, in our opinion, is obvious. In our age of modern technology, it is so easy to get confused in all the variety of information offered. Many printed publications, radio, and television offer the consumer such an extensive list of new products that not only a teenager, but also an adult is often simply not able to cover and study everything. This is especially true in the sphere of intimate relationships.

In many families, unfortunately, there is still an opinion that this kind of questions should not be the subject of discussion. This is a fundamentally wrong approach. It is completely unacceptable in the world of modern youth, who begin to try and apply everything so early. In our information age, it is completely unacceptable for teenagers to learn about the rules of sexual behavior and the culture of relationships from their peers, from glossy magazines or from older, experienced friends.

Most often, parents are interested in the school success of their children, but do not pay attention to possible signs the appearance of depression in them. Especially high risk The onset of depressive disorders is observed in girls during adolescence, since during this period of time children are very susceptible to the influence of peers, can experience their first crush, and become very susceptible to comments from others about their appearance.

Adolescent depression occurs due to the fact that the child experiences one of crisis periods your life: the transition from childhood to adulthood. Minor problems in a teenager's imagination develop into insurmountable difficulties, as a result of which the child's self-esteem sharply decreases.

Main symptoms of depression in teenage girls

Parents should pay close attention to the appearance the following symptoms, signaling possible depression:

  • desire for loneliness. A girl who used to spend all her free time in the company of her peers suddenly stops inviting her friends to visit, refuses to go out and even stops answering phone calls from her classmates. All this is an alarming symptom, as it indicates possible start age crisis in a child and the presence of conflict with people around him;
  • decline in academic performance. A former excellent student may show indifference to her studies. They begin to appear in the diary bad marks, instead of doing homework, the girl spends hours “hanging out” on the Internet or is openly idle;
  • problems with falling asleep, deterioration in the quality of night sleep. If depression or even ordinary neurosis occurs, a girl may experience insomnia, which manifests itself in difficulty falling asleep or frequent awakenings at night. Sometimes the daily routine can be so disrupted that a schoolgirl falls asleep immediately after classes, and then spends almost half the night without sleep;
  • reluctance to communicate with parents and other family members. A previously friendly and sociable child suddenly begins to avoid conversations with family, tries to retire to his room, shows dissatisfaction even when trying to hug him or ask him about something;
  • too strong attachment to the Internet and social networks. Unfortunately, not only teenage girls who are susceptible to depressive conditions suffer from such addiction. It is quite possible that they will soon begin to create centers to combat Internet addiction not only among teenagers, but also among adults. During depression, a child not only spends a significant part of his time on the Internet, but cannot be distracted even for 10-20 minutes to eat or go to the store. As a rule, teenagers do not allow their parents to view the contents of their pages on in social networks, which further exacerbates the gap of misunderstanding between adults and children;
  • the appearance of excessive irritability in a teenager indicates the presence of a hidden personal conflict. In this way, the child tries to release mental tension, “shout out” to his parents, and inform them in a veiled form about his condition;
  • increased protest towards parents, which is expressed in the girl’s reluctance to help with household chores, clean her room, and in some cases, even neglect of her appearance.

In developed countries, about 5% of adolescent girls suffer from depression, of which 15% are susceptible to bipolar disorder. in which affective states (unreasonable outbursts of aggression and irritability) are periodically replaced by symptoms of depression.

Unfortunately, some teenage girls at this age contemplate suicide. Mostly, such gloomy thoughts occur to children in cases where parents do not pay any attention to them or, on the contrary, show overprotection.

It is advisable for parents of teenage girls to communicate with their children as often as possible, but not in an orderly tone, but from the position of a friend or comrade. You can plan and carry out some actions together: bake a cake according to a new recipe; acquire the desired pet and care for it; ask your child for help in mastering new computer programs.

The father can also play a role in raising a teenage girl: organize a family hiking trip; teach your daughter some important craft; help in mastering new material on some school subjects; Take pictures or video together.

Joint activities will help strengthen trust between parents and children, which, in turn, will significantly reduce the symptoms of depression and speed up the girl’s adaptation to future adult life.

Disclaimer: This article is written for informational purposes and should not be construed as a substitute for professional medical advice.

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IN childhood The incidence of depression in boys and girls is the same. Differences are revealed only during puberty. According to experts, the most “ dangerous age» for girls – 13-15 years old. But we recommend not to be tied to a strict time frame, since already in the pre-pubertal period, from about 8-9 to 11-12 years of age, the risk of depressive disorders increases. During this period, you should be more attentive to your daughter’s behavior.

Causes and consequences of depression in teenage girls

Practicing psychotherapists agree that hormonal changes, which occurs in a girl’s body during puberty, can itself serve as a trigger for the development of a depressive episode. The changes taking place involve the entire neuroendocrine system of the body with its complex connections. Due to unstable hormonal levels, not only somatic disorders occur, but also mental changes.

Both direct and Feedback depression with hormonal changes. Thus, the risk of developing premenstrual dysphoria in girls appears immediately from the first menstrual bleeding. On the other hand, depression itself can cause hormonal imbalances. It has long been a known fact that during global disasters, many women lose the ability to conceive due to the cessation of menstruation.

The same can be said about “personal” disasters. For example, girls who have experienced a depressive episode have the following types of disorders:

  • becoming normal monthly cycle occurs later than among peers - at 15-17 years old instead of 12-14;
  • initially irregular periods (dysmenorrhea);
  • disappearance of menstruation (amenorrhea).

In addition, depression during puberty is a high probability of recurrence of episodes in adult woman. If a girl has a delay in development menstrual cycle, irregular periods or their absence, not related to physiological pathologies and somatic diseases, we recommend paying attention to emotional condition teenager

Signs of depression in teenage girls

According to research, the incidence of depression in teenage girls is 5-20%. This scatter is due to the fact that depressive states at this age they are masked by behavioral disorders and are very often mistaken for “usual manifestations of character for adolescents.” The sheer variety of such manifestations, the lack of “habit” among doctors general practice assessing the very possibility of a neuropsychiatric disorder makes diagnosis even more difficult.

The following signs are typical for teenage depression:

  • asthenic manifestations – increased fatigue, decrease motor activity, headaches, weakness, sleep disturbances;
  • anorexia or bulimia;
  • decreased performance at school, decreased attention, ability to concentrate, expressing ideas about lack of abilities, fear of going to school;
  • passivity, egocentrism, capriciousness, apathy;
  • a sharp reaction to any comments from parents;
  • depressed mood, gloominess, dissatisfaction with one’s appearance, lack of faith in one’s abilities;
  • isolation, anxiety, fears.

Any traumatic factor can serve as an impetus for the development of depression in girls. For example, unhappiness with friends, physical illness, moving to another school, moving, quarrels in the family, and even the inability to express thoughts in words.

Our recommendations: if you see that your daughter has become uncontrollable, her social circle has changed, her character has changed dramatically, do not rush to attribute all these symptoms to adolescence. Contact a competent specialist. Given the reluctance of a teenager to discuss his problems with adults, you should not rely only on your own strengths and try to cope with the situation on your own.

Often, only during puberty do adolescent girls discover any developmental abnormalities that were asymptomatic until that moment. Normally, menstrual function improves between the ages of 9 and 16 years, and within two years from the moment of menarche, physiological disruptions of the cycle are possible. Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation for six or more months. Why does this condition occur? How dangerous is amenorrhea in adolescents and how to treat it?

Read in this article

Types and signs

Puberty is a stepwise process. At the first stage, the girl’s mammary glands begin to change (the areolar area swells and darkens). After this, hair appears in the genital area and armpits, and leucorrhoea begins to discharge from the genital tract. In parallel with this, the child’s psyche, the perception of others, etc. change. The final stage of puberty is the establishment of menstrual function.

Normally, a girl’s first period should begin no earlier than 9, but no later than 16 years. Also, these parameters may shift slightly due to constitutional and national characteristics.

In the case when, upon reaching the age of 16, there are no periods, we should talk about primary. There are many reasons for the development of this condition - from developmental defects to pathology of the central nervous system.

If a girl's period starts in allotted period, but then absent for 6 months or more - this is secondary amenorrhea in adolescents. In most cases, it has a better prognosis and chances of maintaining normal reproductive function subsequently higher compared to the primary.

It is important to know that over the course of two years from the beginning of menstrual function, a girl may experience various irregularities in the menstrual cycle; the frequency of 21 to 35 days and the normal duration of critical days is not always immediately established - up to 3 - 5 days. Both are possible - the body gets used to new conditions. But any such disruptions should not be present after two years from the onset of menarche.

Causes of amenorrhea

Only a specialist can finally determine why a girl has menstrual irregularities after conducting at least a minimal examination. But the earlier the problem is identified, the greater the likelihood of solving it in the most favorable way with the possibility of further birth.

healthy children

  • The following four groups of reasons for amenorrhea can be distinguished:
  • Various types of functional disorders, which are not always easy to cope with. But the main thing is that in this case there are no problems in the structure and basic functioning of the gonads and related structures.
  • Disruption of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus. These can be either acquired or congenital problems. Violation of gonadal development. In this case, the appearance is almost healthy girl
  • with a serious change in its genetic material.

Identification of malformations of the genital organs themselves.

Watch the video about the symptoms and causes of amenorrhea:

Functional disorders Especially in girls during the period of formation of sexual function, the work of all organs depends on her lifestyle and the genetic material received.

  • Amenorrhea can be caused by the following: So, if delayed sexual development was observed in one of the closest relatives, both on the female and male lines, and without impaired reproductive function or any other abnormalities, there is a high probability of the same in the child. During the examination, no abnormalities were observed. In this case, the first menstruation often occurs at the age of 18. Such girls differ from their peers in some infantility, although the genitals are developed in accordance with age. It's always primary amenorrhea in teenagers.
  • Against the background of anorexia. It is known that when there is a shortage of income nutrients the body tries to reduce all its functions, including “fading out” reproductive system, since for gestation and birth healthy baby it takes a lot of strength and energy. It should also be taken into account that adipose tissue participates in the metabolism of estrogen, and its deficiency additionally leads to various disorders. The result is functional amenorrhea.

Disruption of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus

The pituitary gland and hypothalamus secrete a large number of active substances that regulate the functions of many organs. As for the ovaries, these are gonadotropins. The pituitary gland also secretes prolactin, which is responsible for the transformation of the mammary glands during breastfeeding. Disturbances in the formation of these substances and changes in tissue sensitivity lead to:

Reasons for failure Why is this happening
Hyperprolactinemia The pathology is due to the fact that for some reason (functional or tumor of the pituitary gland) there is an increased formation of the hormone. A girl may not feel any symptoms at all, but one day amenorrhea occurs. The condition is associated with the fact that increased level prolactin changes the production of gonadotropins, which affects ovarian function. Hyperprolactinemia can also occur against the background of hypothyroidism (insufficient thyroid function), pathology of the adrenal glands and other diseases.
Kallmann syndrome Characterized by a combination of amenorrhea and lack of smell. The eunuchoid physique is also noticeable ( Long hands, high growth, underdevelopment of sexual characteristics, etc.). Kallmann syndrome is associated with a genetic mutation and is a hereditary disease.
Adipose-genital dystrophy Associated with disruption of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. As a result, due to uncontrolled obesity, timely puberty does not occur. Mental development At the same time, it does not suffer and is age appropriate.
Lawrence-Mounet syndrome It is characterized by delayed sexual development, obesity and decreased intelligence, as well as changes in the fundus of the eye, an increase in the number of fingers and toes, and some other symptoms. Often this pathology is accompanied by other developmental defects. internal organs, which lead to fatal outcome still in puberty.

Changing the genetic material of girls

It is often difficult to notice any abnormalities in the genetic material before the onset of puberty. Teenage amenorrhea becomes a reason for an in-depth examination, and as a result, pathology is determined.

Malformations of the genital organs

Under normal conditions general health and good ovarian function, girls may experience various malformations of the genital organs, and therefore secondary amenorrhea will be observed. The main defects are associated with the following changes:

  • Underdevelopment of the upper part of the vagina and uterus. At the same time, the lower third even allows you to lead a normal sex life. Pregnancy in such cases is possible only with the use of IVF, in particular, surrogacy.
  • Atresia (narrowing and fusion) of the cervical canal, vagina, as well as with an excessively dense hymen. IN similar situations

in a girl, menstrual blood is produced, but cannot leave the uterus or vagina. Monthly accumulations of discharge cause nagging pain in the lower abdomen in girls, sometimes with a very intense character. During examination, including ultrasound, these changes are clearly visible and do not cause any particular difficulties.


It is almost impossible to independently determine why violations occurred.

  • Therefore, only a specialist can finally figure out the problem after a thorough examination of the girl. The research package most often includes the following:
  • Standard examination with determination of weight, height, constitution, presence of secondary sexual characteristics, etc.
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, which can detect abnormalities in the structure of the internal genital organs.
  • Functional study with determination of the level of various hormones in the blood. It is mandatory to determine LH, FSH, testosterone, estradiol, cortisol (produced in the adrenal glands), progesterone, DHEA, prolactin, T3 and T4 (synthesized in the thyroid gland) and some others at the discretion of the pediatric gynecologist or endocrinologist.
  • After complex examinations, various tests with hormones can be carried out to check whether the body responds to them or is intact.
  • In the future, in most cases, it is necessary to perform an X-ray of the skull, CT or MRI of the brain if a microadenoma of the pituitary gland or pathology of the sella turcica is suspected. Fundus examination allows one to suspect some genetic disorders
  • and brain tumors.

The scope of the examination can be expanded depending on the basic test results at the discretion of the attending physician.

Treatment of pathology

Treatment of amenorrhea in adolescents directly depends on the cause that caused it.

Complex therapy in some cases can restore menstrual function and even normalize reproductive potential.

But some variants with genetic changes and impaired development of the genital organs sometimes require serious surgical interventions.

In many cases, subsequent pregnancy is possible only by IVF, sometimes with the use of surrogacy. Main directions conservative treatment

necessary to simulate menstrual function and maintain health in case of ovarian failure or related abnormalities. Amenorrhea in adolescence - serious pathology , to which you must immediately pay attention and try to identify the cause of the violations. The earlier treatment is started, the higher the chances of maximum

From a medical point of view, depression is associated with an imbalance in the brain of neurotransmitters responsible for transmitting impulses between nerve cells. According to scientists, in adolescents such changes can occur as a result of illness or stress caused by the difficulties of adolescence. Depression is more common in girls than in boys because they are more emotional and prone to breakdowns.

Teenage girls place high demands on themselves. They give great importance to his appearance, striving to be ideal in order to attract male attention. Hormonal changes in the body, causing increased greasiness in hair and acne, as well as other factors create a whole complex about imaginary shortcomings. Girls consider an increase in muscle mass and adipose tissue as weight, which is why they exhaust themselves with diets, completely refuse food, induce vomiting, etc. Ultimately, this leads to .

Subjectively assessing your appearance in comparison with other girls can also cause considerable stress. The more beautiful, in the opinion of the girl, friends and classmates, as a rule, have longer and slimmer legs, healthier and more voluminous hair, an ideal figure and correct features faces. To dissatisfaction own appearance comparisons with others are made that are not in her favor, and gradually the teenage girl comes to the conclusion that with her data she will not be able to compete with other girls in the fight for the attention of the opposite sex, which has a destructive effect on the fragile psyche.

Relationships with peers, teachers and other people around them play an equally important role in the occurrence of depression in girls of adolescence. Lack of confidence in oneself and one's abilities, conviction of one's own inferiority, in other words, low self-esteem can create problems in communication, especially with boys, because it is at this age that friendship gives way to falling in love. If the first love turns out to be unrequited or the relationship is unsuccessful, this will increase depressive moods.

Inattention or neglectful attitude of parents to the problems of their teenage daughter, family troubles (divorce, financial difficulties, conflicts between family members, etc.) can lead to the girl withdrawing into herself, withdrawing into her inner world and no longer allowing no one. If her parents do not provide her with adequate support at this stage, the situation can cause severe depression.

Girls with high level intellectual, talented, gifted and academically successful, who read a lot and have a broad outlook are often humiliated and ridiculed in class and find themselves outcasts. Peers have a negative attitude towards smart girls, because they unconsciously regard their successes as betrayal and opposition to the team, although in fact they feel banal envy towards them. As a rule, intellectually developed girls are less adapted to conflicts and cannot defend themselves, so as a result they become depressed.

In any case, girls suffering from depression, regardless of the reasons that caused it, require the attention of parents, friends, as well as the help of a specialist (psychologist, psychotherapist, social teacher). This disease can be successfully treated both with and without medication. It is important to identify depression in time and prevent its worsening, since neglected condition can lead to serious consequences, including alcoholism, drug addiction and suicide.

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