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Why are children needed? A complete family. Adopted children. Family and Children

“Why do we need children?” - it's very strange and incredible complex issue, which young spouses sometimes ask each other. Most future parents give birth to children without thinking at all about why this is necessary. However, some couples are driven specific goals, which we will tell you about in our article.

Why do you need to have children?

  1. Most often, spouses, answering the question why they need children, say: “Well, what is a family without children?” Such parents decide to have a child simply because it is necessary so that no one judges, and for other similar reasons. Unfortunately, sometimes young mothers and fathers are not ready for the birth of their continuation, and do not take the birth of a baby seriously enough. Often in such a situation, a child is raised by grandmothers, and parents do not show due attention to their child.
  2. When researching the question of why a man needs children, the most popular answer becomes: “That’s what the wife wants.” Such dads take the birth of a child for granted, do not consider it necessary to care for the baby and completely shift all the care of the baby to their spouse. In the future, such families very often break up due to insufficient
  3. Finally, to the question why a woman needs children, you can get a huge number of different answers. Often a young girl decides to give birth to a child so that she has someone to take care of, someone to help in her old age, and so on. One of the most common and, at the same time, stupid reasons is the desire to save the family and keep the husband. In most cases, families break up regardless of the number of children in them, and the woman subsequently begins to feel burdened by the birth of another child.

This difficult question can be answered in different ways. Every adult decides for himself whether he needs children or not, and if so, why. But does anyone really question the necessity of procreation? No one knows for sure whether there is life after life, so it is very important to leave behind a continuation - your children. After all, any material values- nothing compared to a new life.

And, besides, the child is needed to share with him his own long and happy life. To share small and large joys with him, to show him the world in which he will live. To teach him to walk, talk, read, count, and empathize with his loved ones. And, finally, to hear the cherished: “Mom and Dad, I love you!”, because nothing will ever replace this happiness.

An all-Russian survey conducted by the Research Center of the SuperJob portal commissioned by the Russian Reporter showed that among citizens whose income level is usually designated as “average” and “above average”, a fashion for family life and large families has appeared. It is these people who will shape all-Russian ideas about the “correct” life in the coming years.

It has long been known: the birth rate is falling. It is falling all over the world, it is falling in European countries, it is falling in Russia. And in the near future, demographers and sociologists say, no changes for the better are expected. But it's one thing - general Statistics population decline, the other is the population itself with its personal attitude towards the birth of children, and indeed towards children.

Commissioned by RR, the Research Center of the SuperJob portal conducted an all-Russian survey in which 1,800 adult respondents participated. It turned out that among high-income citizens (with a monthly income of $1,200 or more) the attitude towards large families is quite favorable. To the question “How many children should there be in a normal family?” 40% of respondents answered - three, and 47% - two. We must pay tribute to our respondents: their attitude towards large families was formed not thanks to, but in spite of public opinion. Indeed, in our culture, families with many children are strongly associated not with wealth and prosperity, but with poverty and disadvantage.

In the last two or three decades of the existence of the USSR social norm for townspeople there were one or two children per family. Society as a whole treated large families with contempt. After TV reports about heroine mothers, people in the courtyards on benches were gossiping, they say, here you work and work hard, and these give birth to a carriage - and feed them. The common expression “it’s a simple bad thing” is still a completely benevolent commentary on those who put “seven people on the benches” for themselves. At school, everyone was fed curd cheesecakes for money, but “those with many children” were fed free of charge. During breaks, teachers whispered about children eating free breakfasts, pursing their lips contemptuously. Having many children meant poverty, social instability, and begging for government handouts. Parents with more than two children were considered best case scenario, frivolous and short-sighted, and their children were seen as potential “troubles.” Getting to know parents with many children, officials from social security authorities first of all asked how many “prisons” their children had.

This attitude towards large families, says Elena Kiseleva, Associate Professor of the Department of Family Sociology of the Faculty of Sociology of Moscow State University, arose because, starting from the 50s, that is, immediately after the Second World War, scientists - demographers, sociologists, ecologists - tirelessly said that The earth is on the verge of overpopulation. This point of view was broadcast by the press, and science fiction writers painted pictures of the future apocalypse. Although in reality the birth rate was falling even then. A small and understandable surge occurred in the post-war generation, and then the birth rate curve began to fall again.

But over decades of “fighting overpopulation” the idea of happy family with one, maximum two children - a boy and a girl - has managed to firmly establish itself in Europe. In Muslim countries, no, many children are still born there. But even there, contrary to the general misconception, the birth rate is also falling. In Pakistan, there are 1.9 children per family, says Kiseleva.

Reply to the Chinese

The ice has broken. Publications about the famous and rich mothers of many children and dads began to appear in glossy magazines. Five are with Aton President Evgeny Yuryev, three are with politician Irina Khakamada, and three daughters are with the deputy chairman of the board of Sberbank, Alla Aleshkina.

But the respondents to our survey, convinced that there should be two, or better yet three, children in a family refer - who would have thought! - not on the experience of famous compatriots and not on one’s own ideas about ideal family, but on demographics. For the majority of respondents who agreed to comment on their answers, children are the solution to the demographic problem, the reproduction of the nation and our answer to the Chinese.

“To preserve the genotype and population size,” this is how a manager from St. Petersburg, who voted for two children in the family, explained his position. “Our nation is dying out. All families simply need at least three children to avoid a demographic crisis!” - says a nineteen-year-old PC operator from Norilsk. “Why on earth should we allow the Chinese to populate the earth?!” - exclaims a 22-year-old female designer from Cheboksary, who believes that there should be three children in a normal family. “Two is the minimum so that the population does not decline, but in order to grow, we need three,” says an engineer from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

But they are not entirely right. To stop the decline in the birth rate, even three children are too few. For this, demographers say, the picture should be this: families with two and three children are equally divided, and families with one child should be balanced by the same number of families with four or more children.

But this is all talk, and nothing more. Not every respondent realizes their high patriotic aspirations in practice.

In addition, there are many obstacles on the way to population reproduction. Scientists call this the “interference concept.” It is from this that government officials start, figuring out how to stimulate the birth rate with rubles. But she is not stimulated, because the children themselves are a “disturbance.”

The SuperJob survey shows that, in general, there are slightly fewer people who want to achieve career heights first, and only then have children (35%) than those for whom children come first rather than career (40%). At the same time, it is not women who demonstrate a more decisive attitude toward family, but men. This is understandable: it is much easier for a man to combine career with procreation than a woman. While 45% of women surveyed put career first, only 25% of men put their career first, and the absolute majority - 47% - believe that children should be born first. But only two women among several dozen respondents who left comments on this matter said that a career and children are incomparable things.

The desire to have children increases as income increases. If there is little money - a monthly income of up to $299, then 40% of respondents first want to make a career and only 20% - children. The desire for career achievements noticeably weakens at the level of $900–$1,199 per month: only 33% put career above children, and 45% are ready to put aside work in order to have offspring. The apotheosis comes with a salary of $1,200 per month. Only 25% of respondents with this income put their career first, and 50% believe that they should have children first.

This is understandable: after all, it’s not enough to give birth to children; they need to be provided for and educated. Many respondents talk about this in their comments. “A child should live in abundance,” believes a car sales manager from Moscow with an income of $800. That’s why, by the way, he believes that career comes first. It must be said that respondents practically did not talk about the intrinsic value of a career. It is seen only as a way to achieve financial status that allows one to provide for children. But a career can captivate you once and for all, a respondent from Moscow believes: “When a career is made, a woman has no time for a child; strangers! Women have their own truth in this matter: “Someone must support the child. It’s stupid to rely on a man.”

It's interesting that when talking about a potential mother's career, men and women have different things in mind. Men tend to view a career as a woman’s way of self-realization: “First you need to give birth, and then make a career for yourself” or “This is not necessary for a woman” (career). Women talk about a career as a way to ensure a comfortable future for their child.

The value system certainly changes with age. Thus, for the majority of men and women aged 30–39 years, the priority of children over a career is undeniable. Children come first for 48%, and career - only for 24%.

Age, or, as they say, “ The biological clock”, is perhaps a more powerful regulator of human behavior in the sphere of procreation than considerations regarding demographic policy. Talking about best age for the birth of the first child, the majority of respondents named the period from 19 to 29 years - optimal from the point of view of the health of both the mother and the unborn child, and therefore from the point of view of preserving the gene pool of the nation.

A 49-year-old executive from St. Petersburg with an income of $1,800 a month approaches the issue in a state-like manner: “Due to the fact that the optimal fertile age for a woman is in the range of 19–29 years, it is first necessary to give birth, and then pursue her career. This is relevant for families who think first of all about the health of the nation. Neglecting this factor is the main crime against the country and future generations.” The people, therefore, must take action.

Respondents who already have three children or those who grew up in large families explain the advantages of having many children differently. Psychologist from Almetyevsk (45-year-old woman): “Because there are three of them in my family. Children must learn to love their neighbors and take care of each other.” “I grew up in a family with three children. This is cool!" - says a security officer from Moscow (36 years old). “Three children are very good. “I have three daughters,” says an accountant from Moscow (44-year-old woman).

Those who believe that there should be many children in a family explain their position by demographic, medical considerations, or personal experience. But for some reason it’s not customary to mention love for children in such a conversation.

Mom is sleeping, she's tired

“We don’t like children; they are perceived as a nuisance,” says Elena Kiseleva. - When sociologists ask the question head-on: “Do you love children?”, no one will ever answer “No.” This is a social taboo. It is customary to love children. But indirect questions aimed at finding out attitudes towards children give a completely different picture.” It turns out that children are associated for parents, potential or real, with expenses, deprivations and dangers.

In her study, Kiseleva analyzes domestic children's literature:

In Chukovsky and Marshak you will not find any mention of children as “ extra people", disturbing their parents. In the classics, children are naughty and play, but their existence is in no way opposed to the world of adults. And then - “Mom is sleeping, she’s tired.” Or mom and dad are at the cinema, and the son is bored at home. Or, from Uspensky, about the girl Vera and the monkey Anfisa. A cheerful monkey appears, and the parents are glad that they do not need a “second girl.” And finally, " bad advice“Grigory Oster: “Stand quietly in a corner until you grow old.”

No demographics

Olga Reznikova has three children: Olesya is nine years old, Polina is five, and Fedor is one year and two months old. She somehow didn’t think about demography and medicine. As, indeed, about a career. “I always wanted to realize myself as a mother,” says Olga.

At first, she and her husband Vitaly planned a “normal” family with two children. We completed the plan and began to think about the third. “But they were afraid,” says Olya. The third one “came on his own.” The fears turned out to be unnecessary.

It is worth recognizing that the current generation of women (like the two previous ones) was raised with an eye on education and career, and not on family and diapers. Olya Reznikova, apparently, was raised somehow differently. Family comes first and for her husband, he is a business analyst in a large company. Olga knows that he will come home from work at half past eight. Because time intended for family is more important to him than career heights. WITH material point From the looks of it, the family is quite prosperous. There is money for a holiday abroad, there is a concierge at the entrance, and there is a guarded parking lot in front of the house.

Olga graduated from college light industry and sometimes, if there is a little time, he takes home orders. She constantly last time She worked in the institute library - even before the birth of her eldest daughter. Then she left for her family.

While Olga is setting out her life concept, two younger children, Fedya and Polina, are crawling in the corridor with a typewriter. Having given birth to her third, Olga did not even think about sending Polina to kindergarten. By the way, I didn’t go there and eldest daughter. All upbringing with hardening is the work of the parents.

My husband is often mistaken for a foreigner,” Olga shares. - He goes everywhere with the children on weekends.

Indeed, since a father with three children means he is a foreigner. In our country, such demonstrative love for children is still not accepted.

When I was carrying a child in a sling, “well-wishers” always came up to me and shared their fears that the child would suffocate, he would have a curvature of the spine, a dislocated hip. Even the appearance of a woman with a stroller on the street provokes people to make some comments. In general, it is customary for us to raise children, especially strangers, to make comments to them, to be afraid for them and the surrounding objects: no matter what happens. For some reason, childhood is treated not as a joy, but as a stage of increased trauma.

Children are scary for many,” Olga summarizes.

It is a very long way from patriotic, medical and demographic considerations to real life choices. Having a baby still comes with a lot of fears. And yet, the belief of many people that two or three children is right and good will certainly have consequences. Among successful compatriots, the idea has become established that children should be large families do not pose any social threat. It is possible that these sentiments active class will be in Russia generally accepted norm. And this will certainly affect official statistics fertility.

Photo: Yuri Kozyrev for RR; VU/Fotolink; Kirill Lagutko for RR

From a psychological point of view, a full-fledged unit of society is a family with at least two children. Every woman, sooner or later, acquires the desire to experience maternal feelings. Happens in life various situations, some strive to have children, and some are immersed in work, forgetting about their true purpose of becoming a mother.
Before getting pregnant and giving birth to a baby, any woman should have a clear idea of ​​why she decided to this step and what goals it pursues.

Without a clear psychological position, without knowing exactly for what purpose baby is born, it can become a reason for irritation due to committed and thoughtless actions.

Having given birth to a baby, it is necessary to remember that, having given life, we are obliged to give care, love and warmth, regardless of what motives were laid. Before deciding to take such a serious step, it is worth answering a number of questions: important issues, weigh the pros and cons so that in the future, parents and child can live a full life.

Due to the fact that men's and female psychology has huge differences, the goal of having a child is radically different. A woman sees in the baby her self-realization of maternal feelings, the creation of a full-fledged family, and with the birth of a long-awaited and planned child, a woman finds meaning in life. A man views a child as an object to continue his family line, to realize his paternal aspirations; the child will inherit the family name.

Betting on parent path, married couple must clearly decide for themselves what force drives their desire to become parents, what goals it pursues. Future parents must remember that, having given birth to a baby, while pursuing certain motives, realizing their ambitions, you can forget about full care of the child, not pay enough attention and training to him, which in the future can lead to violations psychological state baby.

As a rule, children appear in a full-fledged family, which consists of a father and mother. A woman strives to give birth to a child to a man whom she loves and wants to give the most beautiful thing in this world. Love for a man will give rise to the desire to bear children for him, thereby making him happy every time.

Often, due to the prevailing circumstances, a woman who does not have a loved one next to her gives birth to a child for herself, thus she shows the surrounding society her importance and a solution to the problem of avoiding a lonely old age. In this case, the child serves as a solution to personal problems; as a rule, such children will not receive full care and love.

Having assessed their strengths and financial condition, the couple is ready to become parents. The man and woman must remember all the responsibility to the unborn child, they must know exactly what they can give him. As the political system develops, a woman who has a large number of children, is always considered with special approach When applying for a job, single women are subject to public discussion; the lack of material resources leads to the creation of an unfulfilling life for the family and especially the baby. The cost of living is becoming main reason give up the idea of ​​giving birth, because modern society many values ​​have been lost; giving birth and raising one child is considered a very big step and feat.

However, all people cannot be equal, despite all the difficulties and different opinions, people continue to give birth to children. There are many reasons for having a baby. Ideally, they do not occur on their own in society; any adult always has several reasons to give birth. Therefore, we can consider several scenarios for why we need a child:

  • The most important sign to give birth is the “instinct of procreation.” Man gives birth to his own kind, thus completely succumbing to animal instincts. The parent considers the child as a method to continue his family, surname, and leave a memory of himself in society.
  • Despite all the difficulties of life, the lack of material goods, the lack living conditions, people are having a baby. This principle is similar to the “herd instinct”. Everyone is giving birth, and I will give birth! Everyone has two or three children, why am I worse? A woman can be motivated by friend with many children who gives birth every year, experiencing a sense of maternal satisfaction.
  • Children are often seen as a “gift of fate.” This could be a request from parents or husband to give birth to a child for them. At the same time, the woman herself may not experience much happiness and euphoria from the thought of becoming a mother, since in the end all responsibility and care for the baby falls on her shoulders, and she didn’t really want this in the first place. this period life.
  • Very often, a child is seen as an “extension of oneself,” the realization of everything that parents could not realize in their lives, their goals, their creative and scientific inclinations. It is worth considering that a child cannot always be intellectually and psychologically similar to his parents; he is born with his own psychology and temperament, and often simply does not live up to all expectations, which causes disappointment to his parents.
  • Insurance against “lonely old age”. Many people believe that having given birth, they will not be left alone with themselves at the end of their lives, that there will be someone to bring them a glass of water and help them cope with their needs. This approach is not correct, since having such a desire, children are left without special education, they are not given Special attention, love is not given in as much quantity as there really should be. Such people may remain dissatisfied, since they have received less parental attention in childhood, it is unlikely that their child will pay attention to them in their twilight years.
  • Having given birth to a child, a woman or man acquires the status of mother or father of the family. Thus, they prove their importance to the whole society and the people around them. The appearance of a baby changes their psychology, people change their outlook on life, begin to achieve new horizons, as they now consider themselves the main breadwinner and breadwinner in the family.
  • Sometimes a woman gives birth to a child in order to “keep a man”, as a means of manipulation. However, it is worth remembering that male psychology she is quite unshakable; if a man decides to take the true step of leaving a woman, then nothing will keep him near her. A child who has become an object of manipulation is rarely enveloped in maternal care and love.

There are a huge number of such examples; they can be described for a long time. All the tendencies of having a baby are mixed in the parents. A child is always born with some expectation of him in the future, to realize plans and interests. It is important not to forget that a baby is a serious step in the life of every adult, and the desire to give birth must fully mature in everyone’s head. It may also be necessary to consult a psychologist who will help you sort out all the dots and find the true motivation for creating a full-fledged family.

A self-sufficient person will always be glad to have a baby in his life, will experience joy from communicating with him and will not look for solutions to his internal problems in him.

What a wonderful life this young woman has! Do what you want, live how you want... Shops, clothes, fans, parties, travel... Freedom... Is it possible to exchange such pleasant freedom for something? But some people voluntarily give it up, choosing motherhood. But why are children needed? What can motherhood give to a young person? married woman?

Today girls are in no hurry to get married. And even after official marriage They think about having children for a long time. Why? From what?

Why are women afraid of motherhood? The answer is obvious. First, they are afraid of the changes that the birth of a child entails. Secondly, they are afraid financial problems associated with the birth of a baby. After all, from now on only dad will work, and the baby constantly needs new clothes, diapers, toys and care items... Thirdly, they are afraid of ruining their brilliant career...But probably the most main fear, living in the subconscious of a woman - fear that life will lose its brightness. That a woman will have to bury herself under a pile wet diapers, shut yourself up in your stuffy apartment and value every free minute as worth its weight in gold.

Of course, there is some truth in every stereotype. Yes, after the birth of a child, life will change dramatically. Yes, there will be much less free money in the family. Yes, you may have to start your career all over again. Yes, free time will become a real rarity, and all attention will be occupied by the growing baby...

So what? In practice, everything is not as scary as it seems!

You can list for a long time the joys that motherhood gives a woman, talk about why a young family needs children, about what will appear in life real meaning...But I will focus on just one element. A child helps a woman grow up, develop and become a person.

A child is a great training for personal growth. With the advent of the baby, all childless friends begin to seem like teenage girls, regardless of their age. Because you grow, change, learn patience, love and attentiveness every day... More precisely, this a child forces you to constantly improve and work on your qualities.

The child teaches love. Unconditional love. And this includes not only love for your husband and little baby. But also your love for yourself. After all, without self-love, you will quickly burn out. You risk becoming a zombie due to chronic fatigue And sleepless nights. Only by starting to love yourself do you learn to truly enjoy life. Only with the advent of my baby did I understand how important it is to take care of yourself, listen to yourself and give your psyche timely rest. You can read about how to learn to relax in the article “”

A child increases your awareness. You worry less about little things, about financial complications... After all, now you are focused on the most important thing - the health and development of the baby!

The child learns to live here and now. After all, you will no longer live from weekend to weekend... From vacation to vacation... Or from night to night. After all, mom doesn’t have days off (by at least, the first year of life), and the night does not at all promise a long-awaited rest... At first, many mothers try to live in the future, waiting for the baby to be three months, six months, a year... But at a certain moment they understand that it is useless to wait for this. The colic will go away and teething will begin. He will stop sitting on his hands, but will learn to crawl... Each age has its own difficulties and problems. It is useless to expect any improvement. It's better to just learn to enjoy the present moment. After all, every age has its own joys... Why not start appreciating them right now?

Perhaps, after reading this article, someone will think: well, why are children needed? Am I really going to suffer so much in the name of personal development? However, sooner or later you will still decide to have children. And you will still need to go through all this and learn all this. So isn’t it easier to go through all the lessons now, in your youth? They say that after 30 or 35 it becomes much more difficult...

I look forward to your opinion in the comments. Why do we need children and is it worth becoming a mother at the age of 20-25?

The question arose: why have children?

Let's figure out whether every person really need to leave behind offspring.

Why do people need children?

The child is procreation.

It is believed that women have maternal instinct, even if she has not yet become a mother.

Evolution has adapted us in such a way that we strive leave behind offspring.

Unconsciously, we understand that humanity must continue to live, which means that for this it is necessary to give birth to children.

This high goals, which many do not think about, but they are, as it were, sewn into our genes.

In addition to preserving humanity on Earth, there are also personal reasons why people strive to have children.

For a woman - the realization of the instinct of motherhood. If you gave birth to a child, it means you are worth something. For a man, it’s to sow his seed, to leave his genes.

Why and for what purpose do they give birth?

The birth of a child is accompanied by sufficient great difficulties. Starting from the need to take care of health, ending material issue providing for the family.

However, even couples who do not have high earnings still decide to have a child.

Main reasons:

Should every woman become a mother?

Is it necessary to have children? Is it really necessary to have a baby? Society, your husband, your parents put pressure on you, but you internally resist and don't want to be a mother.

If you look at the percentage of unwanted children and the attitude of parents towards them, you can see that the occurrence in this case is higher than if the child is wanted.

Not all women have it maternal instinct. Sometimes it does not appear even after the baby is born.

This is neither good nor bad, but simply a personality trait.

So this woman can realize yourself in other activities, and it is absolutely not necessary that she needs to give birth to a child.

Children should be desired, then they...

At what age is it better to have offspring?

Menstruation begins in girls at the age of 12-13, but this does not mean at all that she is ready to conceive. Unfortunately, statistics recent years disappointing, and there are more and more teenage mothers.

There is also the opposite trend - women who decide to give birth after 35 years, when they reach high earnings, have established themselves in their careers.

However, we must remember that the older the woman in labor, the more risk for her and the child. This is especially true for those who are about to give birth for the first time.

A girl who gives birth before the age of 20 must understand what changes will happen in her life, including social. It is likely that you will have to drop out of school or take a leave of absence, go on maternity leave, and take a career break.

At the age of 18, children most often turn out to be unplanned, and not all parents are psychologically ready for the birth of a child.

By the age of 25 a person already quite mature, is able to set goals and implement them.

Time between 20 and 30 years most favorable for the birth of children - the body is still strong, health allows it, and the salary, as is right, is already acceptable to provide for a child.

Is it worth having a child for yourself?

Not every woman marries well. It happens that she is already 30, 35, and family life didn't work out. A woman wants a child, and the question arises: should she give birth for herself?

Here it is important to evaluate your capabilities. No one but you will provide for this child financially.

If you need to leave him with someone, you will have to ask not your husband, but your mother, girlfriend, or hire a nanny.

It’s worth giving birth to yourself if you are completely sure that you can raise and provide for a child. No one will decide for you whether it is necessary or not. If the child’s father refuses to participate in raising him, and you want to leave him, then this is your right.

Is it necessary to give birth to save a marriage, to keep a man?

A big misconception of many women is that, having given birth to a child, they thereby keep the man close to them.

Men have a less developed instinct to provide for offspring.

For them, the very fact of the birth of a child is more important, and not.

A very small percentage of men do so precisely because a child was born. And this does not guarantee that when the baby grows up, the man will still not leave.

Moreover, dysfunctional family atmosphere When parents see each other, it negatively affects the development of children.

Psychology of large families

Why do some people give birth to many children? An interesting fact is that families often give birth to many children. with little income and low social status.

Perhaps this has to do with the ability to competently plan your future and the future of your children.

Every child is large financial costs, but some families don’t think about it; the very fact of his birth is important to them.

Reasons for the emergence of large families:

Good reasons not to have children, according to psychologists

There are reasons why a child It's not worth giving birth:

Who are childfree?

Childfree is an ideology, a movement characterized by a conscious reluctance to have children. Translated, the term means “free from children”; it arose quite recently, around the 70s of the last century.

People of this social movement have the belief that they do not need children, they do not want to have them for certain reasons.

The term was coined to distinguish those who are unable to have children for health reasons from those who voluntarily refuses to give birth to offspring.

Why do people make these choices? Conventionally, childfree can be divided into two types:

Childfree may not have children for a variety of reasons:

  • career— it is more important than the need to spend several years at home, caring for a baby, losing skills and social status;
  • personal freedom- people simply do not want to limit it;
  • , childhood traumas - this category does not want to have a child, fearing that they will not be able to bear responsibility for him, raise him, support him;
  • - undermine your health, give birth to a child with disabilities and health problems;
  • think that modern world too dangerous and unstable to have a child - wars, bad ecology, crime.

In any case, life without children is a person’s personal choice, and no one has the right to condemn him.

Prognosis and consequences for the childless

When choosing whether or not to have a child, you need to understand What are the risks of not having children?

Women have much less time to become a mother than for men to become a father.

A woman's lifespan is limited, while most men are capable of fertilization before old age, and if the husband now says that he does not want a child, this does not mean that he will not have this desire in the future.

To give birth or not - this must be conscious choice, careful planning. A random child can also become loved, but it is still better when he is born in right time and at the request of both parents.

Why have children? Psychologists' opinion:

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